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Star Trek - Excalibur

Star Trek - Excalibur

Aramis ::

Ker sem velik fan star treka, sem vedno iskal igre ki so vsaj malo na nivoju.

Daleč najboljša mi je seveda bil Bridge Commander, pa za silo tudi Armada. Star Trek Legacy pa je žalost. ST online pa odpade zaradi online igranja.
Včeraj pa sem iskal, če se kaj dogaja na kakšnem nadaljevanju BC in ugotovil, da activision in totally games nimajo več licence za ST franšizo :(

Našel pa sem fan project, Star Trek - Excalibur
The game will run on the Evolved engine, one of the components of the engine is the NanoFX renderer. The game will be amazingly detailed with a wide variety of ships to use from different races spanning the TMP, TNG, DS9, VOY and post Nemesis era's. You will be able to control your ship in multiple camera views including the classic 3rd person views, an "in captain's chair" bridge view (like Bridge Commander) as well as having the ability to literally walk around parts of your ship and even beam down to planets on away missions, and much more.
The game will be so detailed that it should top efforts by even the most acclaimed professional game design companies

Zgleda zelo obetavno, nekakšen duhovni naslednik Bridge Commanderja.

Project Progress and miscellaneous myth-busting

During my time working on Excalibur I have heard certain questions and comments repeated, this article aims to answer some questions about how we are getting on as well as dispelling some common myths.

1) What is the release date?

Right now it is impossible to determine for various reasons, but as we progress the narrower the release window will become. Probably the biggest problem we face with this is that we are relying 100% on volunteer work to get things done and while this is a wonderful thing in many ways none of us can be sure just what time we will be able to offer from month to month.

In addition this project is as ambitious as any other game you might find on the shelf with its own custom game engine and some really innovative features, at this time it is still important that we don't limit the potential features that we could develop into the game. Bridge Commander is an excellent example of a game which was originally intended to be so much more (walking around and interacting with the bridge, none linear story line etc.) but was ultimately cut short because a deadline was looming.

With these reasons in mind our planned deadline (we do have one) could be some way off the mark and given how understanding members of the public can be (a good example) we want to avoid disappointing anybody.

2) Is the project still going strong?

We've been working on this for a fair while now and people often expect that things should be slowing down as Excalibur gets older. I'm glad to say that the opposite is true as we have continued to gain more talented team members and we are generally hitting the deadlines we set ourselves for project milestones. The team has a very professional attitude to the work and while there may be quiet times our passion for the project is continually rejuvenated as the game grows and takes shape.

3) What is the team working on at the moment?

The team is currently a-buzz as we now have a fully featured version of the Evolved engine to get to grips with, artists are busy converting all of our ships across to the new texture standards and the technical team are beginning to flesh out the high-level features like Decals, Hardpoints, AI, Mission Handling etc. At the same time Johannes is making progress with the Music for the game and the search for a lead Screenplay Writer to take on our plot is nearly at an end.

4) Fan projects never see the light of day. What if you all get bored? What if you're deported? What if you're hit by a car?

Even if every member of the team spontaneously combusted today we are already in a position where we could release an amazing amount of content (forty ships completed in comparison to Bridge Commander's fifteen) and in the Evolved engine, a piece of software which replicates the core functions of Bridge Commander's Quick Battle feature which, given the advanced visuals from the NanoFX Renderer, could also be used by fans to create their own Star Trek machinima.

If you are reading this and know of someone who doesn't think this is for real, grab them by the shoulders and tell them, ITS REAL! :D

Res upam da bo kaj iz tega :) zgleda obetavno
  • zavaroval slike: Mavrik ()

Highlag ::

Nekaj takšnega kot Black Mesa?;((

Fani si zastavijo prevelike projekte, potem jim pa zmanjka entuziazma in zadeva obtiči nekje v tej fazi kot je prikazano.
Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window

dolenc ::

Sam star trek fani so mal drgač kot half-life, to so rojeni geeki, mogoče jim pa kej rata

Aramis ::

Sem mislil, da nebo nič iz tega. Malo se premika:)

What is QBUI and how will it be used in the game?
QBUI is short for QuickBattle User Interface which is the internal codename for quick battle mode. What you can see here is the main interface for users wanting to set up scenarios and locations. QBUI features a level of detail never before seen in a Star Trek game (check STO); quite literally you won't have played with anything like this before.

Not only will you see star charts, be able to browse the galaxy, and zoom into solar systems as easily as you zoom into a google map, you will also be able to interactively edit the universe as you go. If you want to re-create the battle of Wolf 359 then you can drag and drop all the relevant ships onto the map exactly where you want them. Then if you need to edit their particular properties, no problem, just open them up in the HPE and you are good to go!

Why is it important to the project?
This really is the first "gameplay" interface we have been able to work on. Quick Battle functionality is what keeps many people playing space games for years and by going one further we hope to get more people involved in generating content that the whole community can enjoy. It is also the foundation from which the team can put the finishing touches on many of the things we have been working on.

It will be a set of clear goalposts (well, at least a set of goalposts whos movement we can predict!) --- and this lets us begin the process of balancing and developing the immersion and beauty we are striving for.

What are your favorite features?
As a player, the live editing of the solar system is great fun to play around with. It also acts as a strategic overview of the whole galaxy too - which is pretty nice when you are in game. But I think my favorite feature has to be the star charts mode since it really gives the game a sense of scale, and cements its roots firmly in the Star Trek universe.

As a programmer, it has to be the integration. For the first time, we have an in-game interface which ties together all the components used in the game object model. The fantastic thing about this is that it is fully modular. If you want to write a plugin for a procedural trade route, you write the script which defines that type of object and the QBUI will automatically detect it and go!

What have the biggest challenges been?
The biggest challenge building the QBUI has been managing the sheer scale of the thing. Normally, you would have say, 100 playable systems in a game, but for Excalibur this is not the case - that does mean we had to develop the functionality to do partial-pre-loads of star system data amongst other complex mechanisms.
I would also say that building the first real game interface has been demanding. Aric, JD and Tony have done a fantastic job on the UI elements which have really made this whole endeavour possible and from here we will start to add panels that unlock more and more of our gameplay.

What's next for Excalibur?

In terms of updates, you can expect to see star chars, solar system editing, saving and loading universes, ship animations, HPE integration, weapons, particles and hopefully some AI and damage within the first few months of 2013.

How would you characterise the changes we are going to see this year?
There has been a shift in development from engine and tool work into gameplay. This is very exciting for us for a number of reasons. Firstly it means we start to actually get a game we can play with. Secondly it means we can start paralleling parts of development which were previously serialised. We will be testing the GOM and modularity of Excalibur to its limits, and also be starting to put together a system for managing the mods.

When will we see a release of Excalibur?

Quick Battle will be the first opportunity for fans to get their hands on the game and we are aiming to make that happen in 2013, so keep you eyes peeled for more news and videos in the new year.

black ice ::

Kako imajo urejene licence?

Bolf3nk ::


BorutK-73 ::

Še vseeno Star Trek online boljši

Zgodovina sprememb…

Bolf3nk ::

STO je fail. space COD

[D]emon ::

STO niti ni tako slab.
Mavrik ta forum uporablja za daljsanje e-penisa. Ker si ne upa iz hise.

Bolf3nk ::

niti ni ja. Ko bi vsaj dodali vse rase. EVE je masterpiece proti temu.

Kako dolgo je špil držal z naročnino?

BorutK-73 ::

Bolf3nk je izjavil:

Ko bi vsaj dodali vse rase

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