The Register - Po mnogih ne-podaljšanjih pogodb z Microsoftom je to storila še norveška vlada. Motivi za tako (ne)dejanje pa naj bi bila predvsem želja po kvalitetnejših storitvah. Klik!
Željo po senzacionalističnosti na stran -- izgleda, da Microsoft izgublja velike odjemalce ter se mu tržni delež manjša. Koliko je pa to dejansko res, bomo pa videli verjetno šele čez nekaj let [>:D].
Novice » Brskalniki » Norveška: don't cry for me, Microsoft

royt ::
vsega so si sami krivi! ne gates in ne glavni štab, ampak te pofu***e microsoftove podružnice, kot je recimo slovenska. tu vladajo totalni beboti, ki hočejo zaslužit na vsak način. in tako se bo zgodilo tudi s slovensko vlado... --> slab odnos slovenskega microsofta. bilo bi potrebno ukrepati iz strani vodilnih!
zakaj slab odnos:
pišem, da bi rad popravek za office xp professional, mimogrede- je originalen, pa mi rečejo, da bo prišlo 5 jurjev. ka si fu**en... ??? pišem, da tolk pa ne dam, ker če ne morejo za jurja tisto svinjarijo zapečt in poslat, naj jih bo sram... potem pa pišejo... jah, trebo on naredit, treba plačat inženirja... kaj še... jim bom plačeval malico al kaj???
zakaj slab odnos:
pišem, da bi rad popravek za office xp professional, mimogrede- je originalen, pa mi rečejo, da bo prišlo 5 jurjev. ka si fu**en... ??? pišem, da tolk pa ne dam, ker če ne morejo za jurja tisto svinjarijo zapečt in poslat, naj jih bo sram... potem pa pišejo... jah, trebo on naredit, treba plačat inženirja... kaj še... jim bom plačeval malico al kaj???

royt ::
aja... vsak programer si "želi" delati pri microsoftu, na to upam tudi jaz... ampak... če mi bo kdaj uspelo priti do sloveskega microsofta... naj se kukavica skrije, ker je potrebno narediti ekrat kakšen red!

andrej ::
hm, ljudje pri Slovenskem MS-ju so cisto ql in niso nobeni bebci!
btw: tehnicno podporo dela eno drugo podjetje za MS slo
O kaksnem popravku ti govoris? A mogoce o SP1?
btw: tehnicno podporo dela eno drugo podjetje za MS slo

O kaksnem popravku ti govoris? A mogoce o SP1?

royt ::
o sp1 ja...
mogoče sem se narobe izrazil... se opravičujem...
imel sem v mislih njihovo tehnično pomoč, ki je katastrofalna... je reproMS??? po dolgih mukah, sem si zdownloadal popravek, ki pa ga ne morem namestit ( mi javi neko napako).. pišem... potem pa tisti lajnasti odgovor... "pokličite na ..."
jaz bi vsakem na dom poslal popravek in to zastonj in še z opravičilom, ne pa da bi mi plačevali 5 jurjev... ka si normalen ???
mogoče sem se narobe izrazil... se opravičujem...
imel sem v mislih njihovo tehnično pomoč, ki je katastrofalna... je reproMS??? po dolgih mukah, sem si zdownloadal popravek, ki pa ga ne morem namestit ( mi javi neko napako).. pišem... potem pa tisti lajnasti odgovor... "pokličite na ..."

jaz bi vsakem na dom poslal popravek in to zastonj in še z opravičilom, ne pa da bi mi plačevali 5 jurjev... ka si normalen ???

Boeing ::
itak. linux all the way

Ko segaš po zvezdah ne skrbi, če kakšno zgrešiš... Morebiti ujameš Luno...
R50e AS355n, T-Rex600FBL, T-Rex500FBL, T-Rex450FBL, Futura + JetCat 200SX
R50e AS355n, T-Rex600FBL, T-Rex500FBL, T-Rex450FBL, Futura + JetCat 200SX

ToniT ::
Jaz pa jih imam. V četrtek sem poskusil namestiti SP1 in dobil naslednje sporočilo:

Dobil sem naslednji odgovor od MS podpore:
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Office XP Web Components
Thank You for Your Help!:
Microsoft thanks you for taking the time to send us information
about the Setup error that you just experienced. After investigating
error reports provided by users like you, our engineers devised
a workaround for this problem. This article contains information
that may help you avoid encountering this problem
again in the future.
This article addresses a crash problem that can have the
following error signatures:
ProdCode: {90260409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9}
ProdVer: 10.0.2623.0
Action: OHotfixApplying
ErrNum: 1642
Err0: NormalProductToPatch.cpp
Err1: 141
Err2: x
When you attempt to install the Microsoft Office XP Web Components August 2001
Update or the Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 1 (SP-1), you receive the
following error message:
The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service
because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may
update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be
upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch.
This error message can occur if all of the following are true:
- You downloaded and installed an earlier version of Microsoft Office XP Web
Components from the Microsoft Office Download Center before August 9, 2001.
- You attempted to apply the Microsoft Office XP Web Components Update that was
released August 16, 2001.
- You attempted to apply the Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 1 (SP-1) that was
released December 13, 2001.
To work around this problem, uninstall Microsoft Office XP Web Components and
then install the new complete version of Microsoft Office XP Web Components from
the Microsoft Office Download Center. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
3. Click Microsoft Office XP Web Components.
4. If your operating system is Microsoft Windows 2000, click Change. For all
other operating systems, click Add/Remove.
5. Click Uninstall Office Web Components, and then click Next.
6. Click Yes to confirm the uninstall.
7. Using your Web browser, browse to the following Microsoft Web site:
Follow the instructions on the Web page to download and install the Microsoft
Office XP Web Components.
8. Using your Web browser, browse to one of the following Microsoft Web sites:
Office XP Web Components Update: August 16, 2001
Office XP Service Pack 1: December 13, 2001
Follow the instructions on the Web page to download and install the approprate
Additional query words: OFFXP patch kbofficexpsp1iss Error 1642
Keywords : kbdta kbProd2Web kbgrpMOSE
Technology : kbOfficeXPSearch kbWebCompSearch kbOfficeXPWebComp
Version : :
Issue type : kbbug
Solution Type : kbfix
Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.
Problem pa je v tem, da je Office Web components ni več na voljo.
Razmišljam o formatiranju diska in instalaciji officea na novo.

Dobil sem naslednji odgovor od MS podpore:
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Office XP Web Components
Thank You for Your Help!:
Microsoft thanks you for taking the time to send us information
about the Setup error that you just experienced. After investigating
error reports provided by users like you, our engineers devised
a workaround for this problem. This article contains information
that may help you avoid encountering this problem
again in the future.
This article addresses a crash problem that can have the
following error signatures:
ProdCode: {90260409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9}
ProdVer: 10.0.2623.0
Action: OHotfixApplying
ErrNum: 1642
Err0: NormalProductToPatch.cpp
Err1: 141
Err2: x
When you attempt to install the Microsoft Office XP Web Components August 2001
Update or the Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 1 (SP-1), you receive the
following error message:
The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service
because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may
update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be
upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch.
This error message can occur if all of the following are true:
- You downloaded and installed an earlier version of Microsoft Office XP Web
Components from the Microsoft Office Download Center before August 9, 2001.
- You attempted to apply the Microsoft Office XP Web Components Update that was
released August 16, 2001.
- You attempted to apply the Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 1 (SP-1) that was
released December 13, 2001.
To work around this problem, uninstall Microsoft Office XP Web Components and
then install the new complete version of Microsoft Office XP Web Components from
the Microsoft Office Download Center. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
3. Click Microsoft Office XP Web Components.
4. If your operating system is Microsoft Windows 2000, click Change. For all
other operating systems, click Add/Remove.
5. Click Uninstall Office Web Components, and then click Next.
6. Click Yes to confirm the uninstall.
7. Using your Web browser, browse to the following Microsoft Web site:
Follow the instructions on the Web page to download and install the Microsoft
Office XP Web Components.
8. Using your Web browser, browse to one of the following Microsoft Web sites:
Office XP Web Components Update: August 16, 2001
Office XP Service Pack 1: December 13, 2001
Follow the instructions on the Web page to download and install the approprate
Additional query words: OFFXP patch kbofficexpsp1iss Error 1642
Keywords : kbdta kbProd2Web kbgrpMOSE
Technology : kbOfficeXPSearch kbWebCompSearch kbOfficeXPWebComp
Version : :
Issue type : kbbug
Solution Type : kbfix
Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.
Problem pa je v tem, da je Office Web components ni več na voljo.
Razmišljam o formatiranju diska in instalaciji officea na novo.

royt ::
najprej vpraša, če želim nadaljevati (normalno), potem kaže licenco, kliknem se strinjam in napiše; extracting file failed. it is most likely caused by low memory (low disk space for swapping) or sorrupted Cabinet. Potem pa preostane samo klik na OK in adijo...
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