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Baldur's Gate 3
oo7 ::
Divinity: Original Sin devs are making Baldur’s Gate 3, according to a teaser’s source files
This morning, Larian Studios added a big old roman numeral three to its official website. We – along with everyone else – assumed that this was probably going to be Divinity: Original Sin 3, but it looks like the announcement might be even bigger than that. Source files in the teaser suggest that this new game is in fact the Baldur’s Gate 3 that Larian was rumoured to be working on last year.
Če lahko nekdo popravi naslov v Baldur Gate 3. Hvala
This morning, Larian Studios added a big old roman numeral three to its official website. We – along with everyone else – assumed that this was probably going to be Divinity: Original Sin 3, but it looks like the announcement might be even bigger than that. Source files in the teaser suggest that this new game is in fact the Baldur’s Gate 3 that Larian was rumoured to be working on last year.
Če lahko nekdo popravi naslov v Baldur Gate 3. Hvala
- spremenil: ahac ()
tikitoki ::
Baldurs gate je bila meni ena najljubsih iger. Verjetno pa je bolje, da ne pricakujem prevec.
oo7 ::
Baldur's Gate 3 - Announcement Teaser
The teaser trailer shows a return of a malevolent presence to Baldur's Gate, intent on devouring it from the inside out, corrupting everything that remains in the Forgotten Realms. The fate of the Forgotten Realms lies in your hands.
The teaser trailer shows a return of a malevolent presence to Baldur's Gate, intent on devouring it from the inside out, corrupting everything that remains in the Forgotten Realms. The fate of the Forgotten Realms lies in your hands.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
Izi ::
Larian Studios:
"Baldur’s Gate III will push the boundaries of the RPG genre and offer a rich narrative with unparalleled player freedom, high-stakes decisions, unique companion characters and memorable combat. It is Larian Studios’ biggest production ever and will be playable together with friends or as a single-player adventure.
Baldur’s Gate means so much to so many people. It’s a great responsibility but I think we’re ready for it,” said Swen Vincke, Creative Director at Larian Studios. “We’re all about creating reactive, systemic worlds that respect player agency and having a chance to apply our team’s skillset in a universe as rich as Dungeons & Dragons is a lot of fun. We’re working very closely with Wizards to bring an unprecedented level of immersion to the realm of Faerun and I can’t wait to show the world what our team cooked up."
Se pravi bo single-player in co-op. In Larian ima spet namen premikati meje v RPG žanru![8-)](
Glede na dosedanje Larianove igre se nimamo kaj bati. Divine Divinity (2002), Beyond Divinity (2004), Divinity II (2009), Divinity: Dragon Commander (2013), Divinity: Original Sin (2014), Divinity: Original Sin II (2017). Same legende, ki sem jih vsako preigral po trikrat.
"Baldur’s Gate III will push the boundaries of the RPG genre and offer a rich narrative with unparalleled player freedom, high-stakes decisions, unique companion characters and memorable combat. It is Larian Studios’ biggest production ever and will be playable together with friends or as a single-player adventure.
Baldur’s Gate means so much to so many people. It’s a great responsibility but I think we’re ready for it,” said Swen Vincke, Creative Director at Larian Studios. “We’re all about creating reactive, systemic worlds that respect player agency and having a chance to apply our team’s skillset in a universe as rich as Dungeons & Dragons is a lot of fun. We’re working very closely with Wizards to bring an unprecedented level of immersion to the realm of Faerun and I can’t wait to show the world what our team cooked up."
Se pravi bo single-player in co-op. In Larian ima spet namen premikati meje v RPG žanru
Glede na dosedanje Larianove igre se nimamo kaj bati. Divine Divinity (2002), Beyond Divinity (2004), Divinity II (2009), Divinity: Dragon Commander (2013), Divinity: Original Sin (2014), Divinity: Original Sin II (2017). Same legende, ki sem jih vsako preigral po trikrat.
oo7 ::
According to Vincke, Larian has tripled in size to make the game, which will have "very, very, very high" production values.
Stara serija dvojka je izšla leta 2000 in enka 1998.
Stara serija dvojka je izšla leta 2000 in enka 1998.
PH03N1X ::
Sicer nisem igral 1. in 2. dela main line serije, sta se mi pa fejst kul zdela Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1 in 2. Upam, da bo tudi ta mainline špil kul.
St235 ::
mgermo ::
BG2 je najboljša igra vseh casoyv. Če bodo cca 20 let po njenem izidu zmožni narediti 80% kvalitete te igre sem hyped.
PH03N1X ::
oo7 ::
Zakaj pa je Bioware izgubil pravice, do te franšize ?
Saj je bolje tako glede na to v kakšnem stanju je Bioware.
Saj je bolje tako glede na to v kakšnem stanju je Bioware.
St235 ::
Sicer nisem igral 1. in 2. dela main line serije, sta se mi pa fejst kul zdela Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1 in 2. Upam, da bo tudi ta mainline špil kul.
Primerjaš hruške in jabolka.
Zakaj točno?
Ker razen imena in fantazijske tematike igre nimajo kaj dosti skupnega.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: St235 ()
Zmajc ::
Zakaj pa je Bioware izgubil pravice, do te franšize ?
Saj je bolje tako glede na to v kakšnem stanju je Bioware.
Zato ker Baldur's Gate nikoli ni bila njihova frašiza. Bioware so od Wizards of the Coast licencirali pravico da naredijo igro postavljeno v svet Dungeons & Dragons. Verjetno imajo avtorsko pravico do grafičnih elementov in delov zgodbe, svet, osebe in kraji pa so last Wizards of the Coast.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()
Alamar ::
Bioware ni nikoli imel licence za Forgotten Realms, ampak jo je imel Interplay, ki je videl potencial v implementaciji njihovega pogona Infinity v izometrični RPG in studio najel za izdelavo igre.
oo7 ::
Baldur's Gate 3 Wants To Do What No Other RPG Has
Igra naj bi bila daljša od 100 ur.
Igra naj bi bila daljša od 100 ur.
oo7 ::
Larian Studios Interview: 'With Baldur's Gate 3 We Want to Innovate within the RPG Genre'
opeter ::
Vauuu, kaj je tisti zmaj na koncu?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
T-h-o-r ::
sam da ne bo combat stila pillars of eternity
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
XsenO ::
Vauuu, kaj je tisti zmaj na koncu?![]()
A v prejšnjih delih ni bilo zmajev ?
So bli sam večina jih je umrla na Time Stop -> Lower resistance -> lower resistance -> time stop -> lower resistance -> finger of death
1 + 1 = 1
oo7 ::
Vauuu, kaj je tisti zmaj na koncu?![]()
A v prejšnjih delih ni bilo zmajev ?
So bli sam večina jih je umrla na Time Stop -> Lower resistance -> lower resistance -> time stop -> lower resistance -> finger of death
Se pravi so bili :) ker drugače nimam pojma kaj si napisal ,ker nisem še igral te serije
Zmajc ::
haha Xeno, legenda
Ja zmaji so bili vedno najtežji bossi v BG 1 in 2 ... samo se jih je dalo cheezat z Time stop / lower resistances / finger of death combojem
Ja zmaji so bili vedno najtežji bossi v BG 1 in 2 ... samo se jih je dalo cheezat z Time stop / lower resistances / finger of death combojem
oo7 ::
Baldur's Gate 3 is coming to Steam Early Access in 2020 according to Hasbro
Divinity: Original Sin igri sta bili tudi Early Access ?
Divinity: Original Sin igri sta bili tudi Early Access ?
Izi ::
vilicarist ::
Vauuu, kaj je tisti zmaj na koncu?![]()
A v prejšnjih delih ni bilo zmajev ?
So bli sam večina jih je umrla na Time Stop -> Lower resistance -> lower resistance -> time stop -> lower resistance -> finger of death
projected image -> wizard eye -> staff of the magi v roke (rataš neviden) -> sprehodiš se do zmaja -> time stop -> improved alacrity -> lower resistance, abi dalzim's horrid wilting, finger of death, magic missile, vsake tok časa spet time stop in improved alacrity pol pa spet lower resistance, abi dalzim's horrid wilting, ... ko ti zmanjka spellov je zmaj mrtev oziroma mrtvo je vse na zaslonu, spellov ti pa ubistvu ni zmanjkal ker jih je zmanjkal projected imagu
pa na seb imaš robe of vecna in te fore, k ti dajo čim nižji casting time, da ti rata spustit prvi time stop preden te prekine in da pol v en time stop/improved alacrity spraviš čim več spellov
bmw = brings me women
Izi ::
Sem pogledal tisto igranje v živo in po moje bo Baldur's Gate 3 super igra.
Deluje kot izboljšani Divinity Original Sin 2, kar je odlično, saj le ta trenutno velja za drugi najboljši RPG vseh časov takoj za Witcherjem 3.
Deluje kot izboljšani Divinity Original Sin 2, kar je odlično, saj le ta trenutno velja za drugi najboljši RPG vseh časov takoj za Witcherjem 3.
Izi ::
Bi pa rekel, da bo marsikateri stari Baldur's Gate fan razočaran. BG3 bo kot kaže imel bore malo skupnega s prejšnjima deloma.
Jaz bi rekel, da Larian Studios v resnici izdeluje Divinity Original Sin 3, samo ime so spremenili v Baldur's Gate 3![:P](
Kakorkoli že, vsi ljubitelji Divinity Original Sin 2 imamo razlog za veselje
Jaz bi rekel, da Larian Studios v resnici izdeluje Divinity Original Sin 3, samo ime so spremenili v Baldur's Gate 3
Kakorkoli že, vsi ljubitelji Divinity Original Sin 2 imamo razlog za veselje
Sam kot stari ljubitel vseh rpg iger z infinity pogonom se že veselim BG3 in verjamem, da bo super igra. Seveda pa mi je jasno, da pri meni ne more biti boljša od BG2, ki je že dolga leta nenako zacementirana kot najbolša RPG igra. BG2 se v dodatku Throne of Bhaal tudi zaključi tako kot se in je takrat jasno, da tukaj ni nadaljevanja zgodbe.
mgermo ::
Zakaj zavraga so dialogi opisni. To me čist potegne iz igre, se ne morem vživet. Kaj je narobe z 1. osebo?
hunter01 ::
Pisni so samo tisti, ki jih izbereš. Ker bi vsakič najprej prebral - se odločil za neko opcijo, potem bi pa še ta isti odgovor poslušal, ki si ga že prebral in izbral, preden bi dobil nazaj odgovor od sogovornika. Moje mnenje je, da bi to enostavno še podaljšalo dialoge, ki že tako niso kratki oz. predstavljajo kar konkreten delež same igre.
mgermo ::
Verjetno sem manjšina, ampak raje preberem dober dialog kjer se nasmeješ in ga celo 2x prebereš kot ta opcija - i suggested, i admired, i wished etc. Napiši faking konkretno. Pa tudi če je voicano 1/10 napisanega. Kje so dialogi BG2, Planescape Torment, Fallout 1&2?
oo7 ::
Baldur s gate 3 je next gen igra. Razvijalec igre pravi, da trenutna generacija konzol PS4 in Xbox one ne bi mogla poganjati igre BG3
" I don't think that current-gen consoles would be able to run it. There's a lot of technical upgrades and updates that we did to our engine. I don't know if it would be capable of being able to actually run on those things.
Maybe it could run, but then we would have to tone down the textures and this and that and it wouldn't look as cool anymore."
" I don't think that current-gen consoles would be able to run it. There's a lot of technical upgrades and updates that we did to our engine. I don't know if it would be capable of being able to actually run on those things.
Maybe it could run, but then we would have to tone down the textures and this and that and it wouldn't look as cool anymore."
yoco ::
Nisem nikoli igral BG1&2, na tole pa komi čakam. ![:)](
Do takrat bom moral še enkrat odšpilat DOS2
Do takrat bom moral še enkrat odšpilat DOS2
opeter ::
Pri starih BG-jih je najboljše to, da deluje tudi na krompirju ![:D](
Skratka, ne rabiš bogve kako strojno opremo.
Na GOG je ravno akcija (sicer trenutno samo -50%):
Skratka, ne rabiš bogve kako strojno opremo.
Na GOG je ravno akcija (sicer trenutno samo -50%):
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Izi ::
"I don't think that current-gen consoles would be able to run it. There's a lot of technical upgrades and updates that we did to our engine. I don't know if it would be capable of being able to actually run on those things.
A lahko to vzamemo kot uradno izjavo, da BG3 sploh ne bo prišel na trenutne konzole PS4 in Xbox One?
vostok_1 ::
Skratka, igra ki je zaslovela zaradi vsega drugega namesto grafike, sedaj postavlja grafiko na prvo mesto?
Yes. That is going to end well.
Yes. That is going to end well.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
jocoj ::
Tale predstavitev deluje obupno zanic in genericno v kontekstu baldurs gate serije in nasploh izgubljenih kraljestev dungeons&dragons. Kot neka neposrecena mesanica dragon age, ki je bil soliden in original sin 2, ki je meni osebno celokupno neprivlacna igra. Dvomim, da jim bo uspelo s tem pogonom ujeti car infinity serije. Dalec najboljsa njihova igra mi je se vedno Divine Divinity.
Nic, cakam na novi pathfinder, ki zelo obeta.
Nic, cakam na novi pathfinder, ki zelo obeta.
oo7 ::
"I don't think that current-gen consoles would be able to run it. There's a lot of technical upgrades and updates that we did to our engine. I don't know if it would be capable of being able to actually run on those things.
A lahko to vzamemo kot uradno izjavo, da BG3 sploh ne bo prišel na trenutne konzole PS4 in Xbox One?
Mislim, da je trenutno igra najavljena samo za PC. Tako, da če pride na konzole bo potem na PS5 in Xbox serija X.
oo7 ::
Baldur's Gate 3 Will Push The Limits of Every Theme To Allow Complete Freedom
oo7 ::
Baldur's Gate 3 is Split into Multiple Huge Regions, Custom Characters are Fully Developed
Jaz bom mogoče probal ampak to potezno bojevanje mi ne odgovarja preveč.
Jaz bom mogoče probal ampak to potezno bojevanje mi ne odgovarja preveč.
Vredno ogleda ...
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