Aramis ::
Zadevo smo imeli na voljo za poskusit :D.... Videl in "ovohal" sem že veliko smrdečih zadev - jedi... ampak tole....
Bližje kot do 30 cm od konzerve ni smo prišli - bruhanje.
Kako je lahko dejansko ta zadeva JED? Imajo Švedi res tako močne želodce?
Je kdo od vas imel možnost to poskusit-mnenje?
Bližje kot do 30 cm od konzerve ni smo prišli - bruhanje.
Kako je lahko dejansko ta zadeva JED? Imajo Švedi res tako močne želodce?
Je kdo od vas imel možnost to poskusit-mnenje?
Brane22 ::
Očitno. ALi pa ga znajo jesti.
AFAIK se stvar najprej izpere pod tekočo vodo.
AFAIK se stvar najprej izpere pod tekočo vodo.
Smurf ::
Ne pomaga.
Trik je v tem, da veckrat kot tole jes, bolj si navajen, manj je nagravzno. Ce si iz tistega dela Svedske, ker je to tradicionalna jed in si bil v stiku ze od ranih let, potem nekako prebavis. Za nas, navadne smrtnike, pa to ravno ni ;).
Trik je v tem, da veckrat kot tole jes, bolj si navajen, manj je nagravzno. Ce si iz tistega dela Svedske, ker je to tradicionalna jed in si bil v stiku ze od ranih let, potem nekako prebavis. Za nas, navadne smrtnike, pa to ravno ni ;).
vostok_1 ::
Nasploh zame severne države imajo ogabne okuse.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
The Player ::
Težava te jedi je, da jo moraš znati jesti, da ti je lahko "všeč".
Švedski "stream-er" Joel (Vinesauce) je imel nekajkrat debato na svojih stream-ih, kjer je razlagal o bizarni švedski kuhinji.
Na žalost celotnega ali odlomka stream-a ne najdem (zato ne jemat vsega 100%), se mi zdi da je fora te jedi, da jo moraš znati jesti. Se pravi ne smeš jesti brez vsega, temveč v kombinaciji s kruhom ipd.
ene izmed bizarne jedi so tudi npr. solata s pese in sladke smetane, sadna solata z majonezo, namaz iz "trgane" perutnine (nekaj takega kot tatarski biftek po postopku izdelave) itd.
tudi njihov božič je drugačen od ostalih![;)](
Švedski "stream-er" Joel (Vinesauce) je imel nekajkrat debato na svojih stream-ih, kjer je razlagal o bizarni švedski kuhinji.
Na žalost celotnega ali odlomka stream-a ne najdem (zato ne jemat vsega 100%), se mi zdi da je fora te jedi, da jo moraš znati jesti. Se pravi ne smeš jesti brez vsega, temveč v kombinaciji s kruhom ipd.
ene izmed bizarne jedi so tudi npr. solata s pese in sladke smetane, sadna solata z majonezo, namaz iz "trgane" perutnine (nekaj takega kot tatarski biftek po postopku izdelave) itd.
tudi njihov božič je drugačen od ostalih
The Player ::
evo sem našel posnetek
tam okoli 40 minute govori o švedski (božični) kuhinji
ne vem koliko gre v detajle o sami hrani, toda bolje kot nič
tam okoli 40 minute govori o švedski (božični) kuhinji
ne vem koliko gre v detajle o sami hrani, toda bolje kot nič
Brane22 ::
globoko grlo ::
najprej to prebrat!
Chris Sprucefield
This isn't actually food.
This is Swedens response to circumventing international treaties on possession of weapons of mass destruction, by posing it as food. Some people just dont get it, and actually eat it, and eat it so often, in incraesing doses, that they develop a tolerance to it.
In military use, it is used by cannon launch, or tossing by specially trained armed forces (the guys that actually eat this stuff) at any enemy, and the can will burst, instantly incapacitating anyone within a minimum of a mile radius, usually two, causing blackouts, severe vomiting, dizziness and allsorts of other acute symptoms, apart from the instant urge of fleeing once you see one of the cans incoming (it is well-known among the neighbouring forces). It is so bad, that the fear factor alone of getting subjected to this military weapons-grade "fish", makes most enemy military personnel defect even before the attack.
The long-term effect of exposure are unknown, but is assumed to have serious side-effects.
Therefore, on purely humanitarian grounds, this needs to be banned specifically, under the geneva convention.
Chris Sprucefield
This isn't actually food.
This is Swedens response to circumventing international treaties on possession of weapons of mass destruction, by posing it as food. Some people just dont get it, and actually eat it, and eat it so often, in incraesing doses, that they develop a tolerance to it.
In military use, it is used by cannon launch, or tossing by specially trained armed forces (the guys that actually eat this stuff) at any enemy, and the can will burst, instantly incapacitating anyone within a minimum of a mile radius, usually two, causing blackouts, severe vomiting, dizziness and allsorts of other acute symptoms, apart from the instant urge of fleeing once you see one of the cans incoming (it is well-known among the neighbouring forces). It is so bad, that the fear factor alone of getting subjected to this military weapons-grade "fish", makes most enemy military personnel defect even before the attack.
The long-term effect of exposure are unknown, but is assumed to have serious side-effects.
Therefore, on purely humanitarian grounds, this needs to be banned specifically, under the geneva convention.
Gigabyte B460M DS3H | I5 - 10400F | 16GB | 6700XT | P2 m.2 500GB
janezvalva ::
ah, skandinavska kuhinja
muesli lahko ješ le s hladnim mlekom ali jogurtom.
muesli s toplim mlekom je za njih zločin
smrdljivi sir.
vsi njihovi siri fajn smrdijo. je pa res, da se hitro privadiš
muesli lahko ješ le s hladnim mlekom ali jogurtom.
muesli s toplim mlekom je za njih zločin
smrdljivi sir.
vsi njihovi siri fajn smrdijo. je pa res, da se hitro privadiš
IQ test: v enem vedru imaš 2l vode, v drugem 1l vode. koliko veder imaš?
AnotherMe ::
janezvalva je izjavil:
ah, skandinavska kuhinja
muesli lahko ješ le s hladnim mlekom ali jogurtom.
muesli s toplim mlekom je za njih zločin
To je normalno - drugač se musli čist preveč razspaca :D
toma168 ::
Kje se pa da to kupit? :)
Tudi mene zanima kje bi lahko to dobil, da bi poskusili za zajebancijo. Na ebayu se da dobit iz Norveške, ampak ne mislim dat 35EUR za konzervo gnilih rib :D
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