Forum » Problemi človeštva » NATO in Rusija
NATO in Rusija
Temo vidijo: vsi
BigBong ::
zmaugy ::
Hillary je dolgocajtna prepotentna pokvarjena koza. V primerjavi s Trumpom je poosebljena dobrota, skromnost in dobrosrčnost.
O pameti ne bi, Trump je enostavno pač "stable genius"...
O pameti ne bi, Trump je enostavno pač "stable genius"...
Samuel ::
Hillary je dolgocajtna prepotentna pokvarjena koza. V primerjavi s Trumpom je poosebljena dobrota, skromnost in dobrosrčnost.
O pameti ne bi, Trump je enostavno pač "stable genius"...![]()
Skromnost se kaže v tem, da samo 90% od svoje fundacije pokasira v svoj žep. Dobrota in skromnost z roko v roki.
Samo plačat si ji moral nekaj miljončkov, pa si dobil kar si hotel.
The Obama Administration’s Uranium One Scandal
The Facebook-ad buy, which started in June 2015 — before Donald Trump entered the race — was more left-wing agitprop (ads pushing hysteria on racism, immigration, guns, etc.) than electioneering. The Clintons’ own long-time political strategist Mark Penn estimates that just $6,500 went to actual electioneering. (You read that right: 65 hundred dollars.) By contrast, the staggering $500,000 payday from a Kremlin-tied Russian bank for a single speech was part of a multi-million-dollar influence-peddling scheme to enrich the former president and his wife, then–secretary of state Hillary Clinton. At the time, Russia was plotting — successfully — to secure U.S. government approval for its acquisition of Uranium One, and with it, tens of billions of dollars in U.S. uranium reserves.
Cvilijo vsi po vrsti... vejo dobro kaj jih čaka.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
zmaugy ::
ZTE v težavah. Prenehanje firme neizogibno zaradi sankcij ZDA.
Trump pritisne na administracijo (in o tem tudi WC twittne) naj se sankcije ne izvedejo.
Trump organization dobi 500 milijonov kredita od Kitajske. Ivanka dobi pravico do uporabe precejšnjega števila blagovnih znamk na Kitajskem.
Vse na očeh javnosti, nobenih reptilov, chemtrailsov. "Fake news", ni druge razlage... Zdej če bi imeli vsaj kakšno angleško kraljico zraven in reptile, potem bi bilo že bolj verodostojno...
Trump pritisne na administracijo (in o tem tudi WC twittne) naj se sankcije ne izvedejo.
Trump organization dobi 500 milijonov kredita od Kitajske. Ivanka dobi pravico do uporabe precejšnjega števila blagovnih znamk na Kitajskem.
Vse na očeh javnosti, nobenih reptilov, chemtrailsov. "Fake news", ni druge razlage... Zdej če bi imeli vsaj kakšno angleško kraljico zraven in reptile, potem bi bilo že bolj verodostojno...
Samuel ::
ZTE v težavah. Prenehanje firme neizogibno zaradi sankcij ZDA.
Trump pritisne na administracijo (in o tem tudi WC twittne) naj se sankcije ne izvedejo.
Trump organization dobi 500 milijonov kredita od Kitajske. Ivanka dobi pravico do uporabe precejšnjega števila blagovnih znamk na Kitajskem.
Trump organization dobi kaj? Kje je že kakšen KONKRETEN dokaz? Nema.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
zmaugy ::
Trenutno so vetrovi premočni in takoj razpihajo chemtrailse, tako da iz gledanja v nebo ne morem razbrati nobenega dokaza.
Se bom na poti domov ustavil pri skali in se posvetoval z martinčki, če imajo v svetu reptilov kakšne informacije.
Se bom na poti domov ustavil pri skali in se posvetoval z martinčki, če imajo v svetu reptilov kakšne informacije.
Samuel ::
Trenutno so vetrovi premočni in takoj razpihajo chemtrailse, tako da iz gledanja v nebo ne morem razbrati nobenega dokaza.
Se bom na poti domov ustavil pri skali in se posvetoval z martinčki, če imajo v svetu reptilov kakšne informacije.
Ne pozabi še vzet vseh potrebnih tablet, ki jih rabiš. Dvomim, da ti bodo martinčki kaj dobrega svetovali. Se vidi, da ti do sedaj niso.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
zmaugy ::
Pazi se chemtrailsov in reptilov in ne pozabi kape iz aluminija.
Drugače pa linki na brez dvoma fake news o temi sodelovanja Trump organizacije in Kitajske na prej omenjenem projektu:
Drugače pa linki na brez dvoma fake news o temi sodelovanja Trump organizacije in Kitajske na prej omenjenem projektu:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Samuel ::
Pazi se chemtrailsov in reptilov in ne pozabi kape iz aluminija.
Drugače pa linki na brez dvoma fake news o temi sodelovanja Trump organizacije in Kitajske na prej omenjenem projektu:
Tole je majski fakenews bullcrap. Trumpova organizacija ni dobila NIČESAR.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
c3p0 ::
"Theorists claimed John and Tony Podesta kidnapped Madeleine McCann using police sketches that were, in fact, two sketches of the same suspect taken from the descriptions of two eyewitnesses. The claim that the brothers were in Portugal at the time of the kidnapping was sourced only to the conspiracy website Victurus Libertas, notable for, among other things, suggesting that Queen Elizabeth II was a reptilian alien.[2]"
Kaj je že bil tisti republikance Roy Moore, ki ga je Trump podpiral, kljub vsemu, kar je bilo znanega o njemu (pa ne kr neki iz chemtrailsov)?
Torej nekaj takega kot Clintons & Epstein, obsojeni pedofil?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: c3p0 ()
zmaugy ::
A ti bi resno razpravljal o teorijah zarote? Kaj sledi, razprava o chemtrailsih in reptilih?
zmaugy ::
Ooohhh, littvle Dvonny made a tvinny littvle evrovr, mistake. See, 'told you so, Dvonny a good boy:
Pac-Man ::
Ajs. Anna Chapman wannabe.
![... and this one. It seems overwhelmingly likely to me that they're trying to arrest Erickson (US Person 1), if they haven't done it already.](
A federal magistrate judge ordered Wednesday that a Russian woman charged with being a Russian agent in the United States must be jailed ahead of her trial after prosecutors said she was a flight risk.
The woman, Maria Butina, has been in regular contact with Russian intelligence, the Justice Department says, and she attempted to offer sex in exchange for a position with an organization she targeted.
FBI agents discovered March 2017 messages between Butina and Alexander Torshin, the Russian government official whom they've described as her main point of contact in Russia, in which he allegedly wrote: "You have upstaged Anna Chapman. She poses with toy pistols while you are being published with real ones."
Dodatno, maj 2018. Toršin je butinin heffe.
The FBI has obtained secret wiretaps collected by Spanish police of conversations involving Alexander Torshin, a deputy governor of Russia’s Central Bank who has forged close ties with U.S. lawmakers and the National Rifle Association, that led to a meeting with Donald Trump Jr. during the gun lobby’s annual convention in Louisville, Ky., in May 2016, a top Spanish prosecutor said Friday.
José Grinda, who has spearheaded investigations into Spanish organized crime, said that bureau officials in recent months requested and were provided transcripts of wiretapped conversations between Torshin and Alexander Romanov, a convicted Russian money launderer. On the wiretaps, Romanov refers to Torshin as “El Padrino,” the godfather.
“Just a few months ago, the wiretaps of these telephone conversations were given to the FBI,” Grinda said in response to a question from Yahoo News during a talk he gave at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington. Asked if he was concerned about Torshin’s meetings with Donald Trump Jr. and other American political figures, Grinda replied: “Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.”
![... and this one. It seems overwhelmingly likely to me that they're trying to arrest Erickson (US Person 1), if they haven't done it already.](
... and this one. It seems overwhelmingly likely to me that they're trying to arrest Erickson (US Person 1), if they haven't done it already.
A federal magistrate judge ordered Wednesday that a Russian woman charged with being a Russian agent in the United States must be jailed ahead of her trial after prosecutors said she was a flight risk.
The woman, Maria Butina, has been in regular contact with Russian intelligence, the Justice Department says, and she attempted to offer sex in exchange for a position with an organization she targeted.
FBI agents discovered March 2017 messages between Butina and Alexander Torshin, the Russian government official whom they've described as her main point of contact in Russia, in which he allegedly wrote: "You have upstaged Anna Chapman. She poses with toy pistols while you are being published with real ones."
Dodatno, maj 2018. Toršin je butinin heffe.
The FBI has obtained secret wiretaps collected by Spanish police of conversations involving Alexander Torshin, a deputy governor of Russia’s Central Bank who has forged close ties with U.S. lawmakers and the National Rifle Association, that led to a meeting with Donald Trump Jr. during the gun lobby’s annual convention in Louisville, Ky., in May 2016, a top Spanish prosecutor said Friday.
José Grinda, who has spearheaded investigations into Spanish organized crime, said that bureau officials in recent months requested and were provided transcripts of wiretapped conversations between Torshin and Alexander Romanov, a convicted Russian money launderer. On the wiretaps, Romanov refers to Torshin as “El Padrino,” the godfather.
“Just a few months ago, the wiretaps of these telephone conversations were given to the FBI,” Grinda said in response to a question from Yahoo News during a talk he gave at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington. Asked if he was concerned about Torshin’s meetings with Donald Trump Jr. and other American political figures, Grinda replied: “Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
zmaugy ::
Zanimivo, "amerikanci" so čedalje bolj tiho, v korist Trumpa se oglašajo vse bolj samo še skrajni desničarji. Skrajne desničarje po Evropi podpira Putin, ane?
7tom1ja ::
Kaj gledamo?
Zadeva je zbrisana namreč.
twitter ban deluje hitro očitno
upam, da bo tole delovalo, še enkrat opozorilo; ljubitelji živali naj tole preskočijo
Danes so v ZDA aretirali rusko državljanko Marijo Butino. Obtožena je vohunjenja za Rusijo. Njen angle je bil vpliv na GOP via NRA.
Glede na obtožnico bo marsikomu še precej vroče.
Februar 2017
ja sploh tvojemo kolegu navalnemu, ki jo podpira
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()
zmaugy ::
Ljubljeni Vodja planira parado za 10. November v Wshington DC. Cena? Sitnica, 12 milijonov $.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
BigBong ::
Ljubljeni Vodja planira parado za 10. November v Wshington DC. Cena? Sitnica, 12 milijonov $.
Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers nearly $750 billion over lifetime: Report
Steven A. Camarota, research director at the Center for Immigration Studies, crunched the numbers and found that the current population of illegal immigrants will drain nearly $750 billion from taxpayers over their lifetimes — amounting to six times the deportation costs.
Ne vem kaj se cmizdijo za ta drobiž. Ko bojo ilegalce zbrcali nazaj v meksiko, jim bo ostalo dosti za parado vsak vikend.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Poldi112 ()
7tom1ja ::
Še malo o Iraku, poljedelstvu ter "demokratičnih"imperialistih
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
zmaugy ::
Ljubljeni Vodja planira parado za 10. November v Wshington DC. Cena? Sitnica, 12 milijonov $.
Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers nearly $750 billion over lifetime: Report
Steven A. Camarota, research director at the Center for Immigration Studies, crunched the numbers and found that the current population of illegal immigrants will drain nearly $750 billion from taxpayers over their lifetimes — amounting to six times the deportation costs.
Ne vem kaj se cmizdijo za ta drobiž. Ko bojo ilegalce zbrcali nazaj v meksiko, jim bo ostalo dosti za parado vsak vikend.
Zanimiva cifra - over their lifetimes. Ne vem če drži, ane, ker kakor vem, delajo dela, ki jih Američani nočejo.
Vem pa da tole drži, krivci pa sami arijci:
PS: Da ne omenjam koliko stane, ko se najmočnejša ekonomija na svetu spremeni v diktatorsko vukojebino z vojaškimi paradami in dinastično junto, ki je vazal Rusije...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Pac-Man ::
My GOP DC Friends:
If you (and it's plural, quite plural) stuck your d*ck in Comrade Butina call your lawyer now, this morning, to set up a chat with the FBI. You are in deep trouble. This will not look good when it comes out.
And it will.
You know who you are....
GOP reklamar:
Especially if you're a certain prominent conservative thought leader. Lawyer up!
Womp Womp.
My GOP DC Friends:
If you (and it's plural, quite plural) stuck your d*ck in Comrade Butina call your lawyer now, this morning, to set up a chat with the FBI. You are in deep trouble. This will not look good when it comes out.
And it will.
You know who you are....
GOP reklamar:
Especially if you're a certain prominent conservative thought leader. Lawyer up!
Womp Womp.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
BigBong ::
Zanimiva cifra - over their lifetimes. Ne vem če drži, ane, ker kakor vem, delajo dela, ki jih Američani nočejo.
Ja podporniki korporacij in njihovih režimov konstantno trobite kako so avtohtonci leni, nesposobni in neumni. Ko korporacije zaposlijo ilegalce ki jih ni treba plačati po zakonih, nič za penzion, nič za zdravstvo... morate biti res ponosni na svoj uspeh v širjenju komunizma :D Za delavce se borite.
Truga ::
Truga ::
LOL tistle steven camarota dela za right wing think tank, kjer si zmisljujejo takele "studije", kjer posameznike zreducirajo na stevilke in se pretvarjajo da so neutralni.
"Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has deemed an anti-immigrant hate group"
"Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has deemed an anti-immigrant hate group"
zmaugy ::
Zanimiva cifra - over their lifetimes. Ne vem če drži, ane, ker kakor vem, delajo dela, ki jih Američani nočejo.
Ja podporniki korporacij in njihovih režimov konstantno trobite kako so avtohtonci leni, nesposobni in neumni. Ko korporacije zaposlijo ilegalce ki jih ni treba plačati po zakonih, nič za penzion, nič za zdravstvo... morate biti res ponosni na svoj uspeh v širjenju komunizma :D Za delavce se borite.
Kakšno zvezo ima to s Poli salamo?
Pac-Man ::
The Sun ima članek o tem, kako se je 63-letna playboyeva zajčica šla sexting z Gucciferjem 2.0.
En način, da prideš do svežih fotografij, ki so skorajda nujne za ribarjenje ;)
Spotoma so jo psihirali še z balado o Sethu Richu.
En način, da prideš do svežih fotografij, ki so skorajda nujne za ribarjenje ;)
Spotoma so jo psihirali še z balado o Sethu Richu.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
zmaugy ::
Glede na dogajanje v tem tednu in z osvežitvijo spomina za nazaj, je treba priznati, da je Putinu uspelo narediti nemogoče - premagati ZDA kljub temu, da je BDP Rusije cca 10 krat manjši od BDP ZDA.
vostok_1 ::
To pravim.
Sovražniki ZDA so uspeli razdvojit državo z internimi konflikti. Ni potreba invazija.
A mislite, da ta SJW kuga je kr sama od sebe prišla?
No ajde, milenijci so res nagnjeni na to, ampak brez skrbi, da zunanje sile vse to pomagajo financirat.
ZDA je na beginning of the end. Which sucks. Prepuščeni bomo na nemilost bistveno slabših sil.
Sovražniki ZDA so uspeli razdvojit državo z internimi konflikti. Ni potreba invazija.
A mislite, da ta SJW kuga je kr sama od sebe prišla?
No ajde, milenijci so res nagnjeni na to, ampak brez skrbi, da zunanje sile vse to pomagajo financirat.
ZDA je na beginning of the end. Which sucks. Prepuščeni bomo na nemilost bistveno slabših sil.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
zmaugy ::
Treba je povedat, da so si ZDA to same skuhale - z brezobzirnim širjenjem NATO proti mejam Rusije so spravile Putina v obrambno pozicijo in v protinapad.
Putinov horizont je dolgoročen, horizont ameriških predsednikov je največ 8 let. Mislim, da je Putin kot mojster te igre odigral maksimalno dobro glede na karte, ki jih je imel v rokah in da po poneumljenem (ShitFace) vrhuncu obdobja Pax Americana sledi nekaj novega.
Putinov horizont je dolgoročen, horizont ameriških predsednikov je največ 8 let. Mislim, da je Putin kot mojster te igre odigral maksimalno dobro glede na karte, ki jih je imel v rokah in da po poneumljenem (ShitFace) vrhuncu obdobja Pax Americana sledi nekaj novega.
vostok_1 ::
Ok šure. Kakšno alternativo pa si želiš?
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
7tom1ja ::
Ok šure. Kakšno alternativo pa si želiš?
Večpolarni svet, z globalnimi igralci podobne moči
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
vostok_1 ::
Russia...rather not
China...rather not
USA...of course
Pol počasi zmanjka za naslednjih 50-100 let.
Ko je power vacuum običajno zmaga tisti najbolj vstrajen. V tem primeru bo vrjetno kitajska.
Najbrž ni coincidence, da Japonska je pred kratkim sprejela nov odlok, ki ji dovoljuje oboroževanje. Mislim, da počasi vsi vidijo koliko je ura.
Razmišljam, če je možna svetovna vojna brez uporabe nuklearnega orožja.
IMO, je. Naslednja svetovna vojna lahko da bo zelo podobna prvi svetovni vojni. Torej imperialistična vojna za borbo nad resusri.
Pomojem dokler ne bo napadeno domače ozemlje, bodo silosi na standby. Proxy vojne in skirmiši tipa korea/vietnam pa so povsem možni.
Bojevalo pa se bo predvidevam za afriko, centralno azijo, S/J pol in kakšna bogata morska nahajališča.
China...rather not
USA...of course
Pol počasi zmanjka za naslednjih 50-100 let.
Ko je power vacuum običajno zmaga tisti najbolj vstrajen. V tem primeru bo vrjetno kitajska.
Najbrž ni coincidence, da Japonska je pred kratkim sprejela nov odlok, ki ji dovoljuje oboroževanje. Mislim, da počasi vsi vidijo koliko je ura.
Razmišljam, če je možna svetovna vojna brez uporabe nuklearnega orožja.
IMO, je. Naslednja svetovna vojna lahko da bo zelo podobna prvi svetovni vojni. Torej imperialistična vojna za borbo nad resusri.
Pomojem dokler ne bo napadeno domače ozemlje, bodo silosi na standby. Proxy vojne in skirmiši tipa korea/vietnam pa so povsem možni.
Bojevalo pa se bo predvidevam za afriko, centralno azijo, S/J pol in kakšna bogata morska nahajališča.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
7tom1ja ::
USA...of course
20 miljonov pobitih ljudi po ww2.... rather not
Dokler imaš monopol v svetu kot so ga imele US zadnjih 30 let, ti je dovoljeno vse, brez strahu za povračilnimi ukrepi.
Z ostalim se pa strinjam
20 miljonov pobitih ljudi po ww2.... rather not
Dokler imaš monopol v svetu kot so ga imele US zadnjih 30 let, ti je dovoljeno vse, brez strahu za povračilnimi ukrepi.
Z ostalim se pa strinjam
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
Mr.B ::
Japonska je na defaultu... zato vemo kako to gre...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
vostok_1 ::
USA...of course
20 miljonov pobitih ljudi po ww2.... rather not
Dokler imaš monopol v svetu kot so ga imele US zadnjih 30 let, ti je dovoljeno vse, brez strahu za povračilnimi ukrepi.
Z ostalim se pa strinjam
Ne seri daj.
To cifro si kar iz riti potegnil oz. je zmes različnih fekalij.
V iraku naj bi bilo nekih miljon in toliko žrtev med civilisti, katere so večji del zakrivili iračani sami. So zgolj čakali nekoga da jih pokne.
ZDA niso sicer pomagale preveč, ampak pobijali v takem številu niso. Nikjer.
Tud v vietnamu so VC in NVA počeli večino pobijanja med civilisti.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Mr.B ::
USA...of course
20 miljonov pobitih ljudi po ww2.... rather not
Dokler imaš monopol v svetu kot so ga imele US zadnjih 30 let, ti je dovoljeno vse, brez strahu za povračilnimi ukrepi.
Z ostalim se pa strinjam
Ne seri daj.
To cifro si kar iz riti potegnil oz. je zmes različnih fekalij.
V iraku naj bi bilo nekih miljon in toliko žrtev med civilisti, katere so večji del zakrivili iračani sami. So zgolj čakali nekoga da jih pokne.
ZDA niso sicer pomagale preveč, ampak pobijali v takem številu niso. Nikjer.
Tud v vietnamu so VC in NVA počeli večino pobijanja med civilisti.
Pa ne pozabi sk.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Wikileaks je agent vpliva za ruske tajne službe.
Today, I'm releasing a searchable transcript of over 285,000 #Manafort text messages that #WikiLeaks wouldn't publish.
This cache of Manafort texts (links at the bottom) is made up of more than 285,000 SMS messages and iMessages (over 7,200 pages) sent and received by one of Paul Manafort’s daughters. Several years ago, the phone was hacked and a database of the messages became available in certain circles.
The public haven’t had access to the messages, and the press haven’t had access to an easily searchable version – instead only to an unwieldy database.
This was nearly not the case, however – WikiLeaks had a copy of the database, but ultimately didn’t publish it, despite its newsworthiness and their willingness to publish unredacted information on the Democrats.
Today, I'm releasing a searchable transcript of over 285,000 #Manafort text messages that #WikiLeaks wouldn't publish.
This cache of Manafort texts (links at the bottom) is made up of more than 285,000 SMS messages and iMessages (over 7,200 pages) sent and received by one of Paul Manafort’s daughters. Several years ago, the phone was hacked and a database of the messages became available in certain circles.
The public haven’t had access to the messages, and the press haven’t had access to an easily searchable version – instead only to an unwieldy database.
This was nearly not the case, however – WikiLeaks had a copy of the database, but ultimately didn’t publish it, despite its newsworthiness and their willingness to publish unredacted information on the Democrats.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Ex-NSA z doktoratom iz zgodovine. Sicer z malo rožnatimi očali, Iran-kontra je šla kar lepo čez rob.
Time for a tweetstorm on the realities of covert action and influence ops in elections. Since Trumpers are now citing the "Everybody does it" line regarding what Russia and its friends did to the USA in 2016 to help put Trump in the WH. So, here's some espionage #realtalk...
First, everybody who can, which means all developed countries, does SIGINT, which today means much cyber collection. So, NSA has collected ("hacked" in amateur parlance) emails and whatnot from foreign dignitaries and VIPs. Yes, it's illegal, but, really, everyone does it. Western countries do this for intelligence purposes, ie informing statecraft, broadly. While small bits of SIGINT may be used for narrowly defined covert action, USG/IC does NOT use this intel to broad-brush shift elections and subvert governments, as Russia did in 2016.
RIS in 2016 executed an incredibly aggressive clandestine destabilization campaign against the US election encompassing #deza, Active Measures, moles/agents placed all over DC, and classic Chekist spy methods. One truly for the record books, an epic Kremlin SpyWar success. NOBODY else does that. Probably only a matter of time before PRC does (they've gotten awfully far in Australia), but the Russians are in an intel class by themselves. Yes, US IC tries to covertly influence foreign governments; we do NOT do anything like what RIS did in 2016.
People who try to equate US IC with RIS inevitably bring up Italy 1947, Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954. Examples not just from the Cold War, but from its early years. IC got out of this seamy business in the 1970s, when the IC got raked over Congressional coals post-Watergate. For the last 40 years, IC covert action requires a POTUS "finding" + there's Congressional (HPSCI/SSCI) oversight. This prevents one-offs and kooky ideas from getting executed. Sorry, it's nothing like the movies, folks. It's a bureaucratic process like everything else in DC.
So, if you think Lajes Boy as HPSCI chair -- or Trump as POTUS -- signed off on aggressive IC CA against Putin just like the Russians did (and keep doing) to us....there's a really nice bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. Special price, today only -- just for you! USG does try to influence, especially the peaceful booting-out of repulsive dictators through democratic means, but since the 1970s it's really pretty overt. The IC assists, but point is walked by DoS and related NGOs. "Color revolutions" as the Kremlin calls them venomously. It's not hiding in plain sight, because it's not even hidden. That the USG, often led by Congress, supports democracy abroad isn't a secret. That's stated US policy. We fund NGOs that push democracy, press freedom, etc. Putin naturally hates this, especially in Russia .
This was where some of Putin's venom against Hillary came from, that as SECSTATE she supported pro-democracy efforts in Russia. Nothing secret there. So Vova retaliated with the Chekist toolkit he knows and loves, which is very secret & very nasty. Not equivalent to US MO.
Bottom line, folks, is that there's NO equivalency between Western and Russian CA methods. Everybody spies, everybody "hacks" -- but US/NATO do NOT strategically weaponize intel to overthrow governments like Putin does. Saying we do is simply a lie which needs to be exposed.
Time for a tweetstorm on the realities of covert action and influence ops in elections. Since Trumpers are now citing the "Everybody does it" line regarding what Russia and its friends did to the USA in 2016 to help put Trump in the WH. So, here's some espionage #realtalk...
First, everybody who can, which means all developed countries, does SIGINT, which today means much cyber collection. So, NSA has collected ("hacked" in amateur parlance) emails and whatnot from foreign dignitaries and VIPs. Yes, it's illegal, but, really, everyone does it. Western countries do this for intelligence purposes, ie informing statecraft, broadly. While small bits of SIGINT may be used for narrowly defined covert action, USG/IC does NOT use this intel to broad-brush shift elections and subvert governments, as Russia did in 2016.
RIS in 2016 executed an incredibly aggressive clandestine destabilization campaign against the US election encompassing #deza, Active Measures, moles/agents placed all over DC, and classic Chekist spy methods. One truly for the record books, an epic Kremlin SpyWar success. NOBODY else does that. Probably only a matter of time before PRC does (they've gotten awfully far in Australia), but the Russians are in an intel class by themselves. Yes, US IC tries to covertly influence foreign governments; we do NOT do anything like what RIS did in 2016.
People who try to equate US IC with RIS inevitably bring up Italy 1947, Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954. Examples not just from the Cold War, but from its early years. IC got out of this seamy business in the 1970s, when the IC got raked over Congressional coals post-Watergate. For the last 40 years, IC covert action requires a POTUS "finding" + there's Congressional (HPSCI/SSCI) oversight. This prevents one-offs and kooky ideas from getting executed. Sorry, it's nothing like the movies, folks. It's a bureaucratic process like everything else in DC.
So, if you think Lajes Boy as HPSCI chair -- or Trump as POTUS -- signed off on aggressive IC CA against Putin just like the Russians did (and keep doing) to us....there's a really nice bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. Special price, today only -- just for you! USG does try to influence, especially the peaceful booting-out of repulsive dictators through democratic means, but since the 1970s it's really pretty overt. The IC assists, but point is walked by DoS and related NGOs. "Color revolutions" as the Kremlin calls them venomously. It's not hiding in plain sight, because it's not even hidden. That the USG, often led by Congress, supports democracy abroad isn't a secret. That's stated US policy. We fund NGOs that push democracy, press freedom, etc. Putin naturally hates this, especially in Russia .
This was where some of Putin's venom against Hillary came from, that as SECSTATE she supported pro-democracy efforts in Russia. Nothing secret there. So Vova retaliated with the Chekist toolkit he knows and loves, which is very secret & very nasty. Not equivalent to US MO.
Bottom line, folks, is that there's NO equivalency between Western and Russian CA methods. Everybody spies, everybody "hacks" -- but US/NATO do NOT strategically weaponize intel to overthrow governments like Putin does. Saying we do is simply a lie which needs to be exposed.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
Tud v vietnamu so VC in NVA počeli večino pobijanja med civilisti.
Tole pa tudi slučajno ne bo držalo.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Pac-Man ::
Treba je povedat, da so si ZDA to same skuhale - z brezobzirnim širjenjem NATO proti mejam Rusije so spravile Putina v obrambno pozicijo in v protinapad.
Putinov horizont je dolgoročen, horizont ameriških predsednikov je največ 8 let. Mislim, da je Putin kot mojster te igre odigral maksimalno dobro glede na karte, ki jih je imel v rokah in da po poneumljenem (ShitFace) vrhuncu obdobja Pax Americana sledi nekaj novega.
Em, kaj je Rusiji pravzaprav uspelo? Krim ni priznan, Donbas je stalemate, sankcije stojijo, NATO se resni, ekonomija jim škripa.
V ZDA imajo (kratkoročni) kaos, ampak dolgoročno bi znala operacija rezultirati v ruski verziji iraških WMD. Torej sledi izguba legitimnosti in razpizden lep del sveta. Če spremljaš in si pripravljen zaupati neuradnim informacijam, je vse skupaj že dolgo precej jasno, ampak pravi detajli šele prihajajo na dan.
Glaven problem v ZDA je bil, da so se praktično vsi "in the know", tako v medijih, kot v politiki in organih pregona, na trumpovo kandidaturo odzvali nekako tako
ter zaradi šova ($$$ za medije) in Trumpovega & republikanskega konstantnega jamra o krivicah reagirali zelo previdno. Saj ne more zmagat. Ampak volilno pravico imajo tudi tisti "not in the know" in se je zgodilo, kar se pač je.
Trump je še vedno samo bumbling idiot, senat pa mu je včeraj z 98-0 pokazal sredinec.
Demokratska baza in neodvisni volivci so aktivirani, za spremembe na desnici pa čakamo na praktične posledice trgovinskih vojn in kako afero s splavom.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
vostok_1 ::
Tud v vietnamu so VC in NVA počeli večino pobijanja med civilisti.
Tole pa tudi slučajno ne bo držalo.
Pozabil sem še na južno vietnamsko armijo, ki je sicer bila manjša in bolj nesposobna, ampak prav tako brutalna.
Američani nekih masovnih pokolov civilistov niso počeli.
Bilo je nekaj incidentov sicer, ampak so hitro končali v medije.
Ampak kakorkoli že, ne vem od kje ta cifra 20 miljonov.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Pac-Man ::
Julija 2014 registrirani Jimmy je pred eno uro končno začel tvitati. Precej aktivno.
Omiljeni hashtagi?
#QANON #HRCVideo #MAGA #freemariabutina
Omiljeni hashtagi?
#QANON #HRCVideo #MAGA #freemariabutina
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
zmaugy ::
Treba je povedat, da so si ZDA to same skuhale - z brezobzirnim širjenjem NATO proti mejam Rusije so spravile Putina v obrambno pozicijo in v protinapad.
Putinov horizont je dolgoročen, horizont ameriških predsednikov je največ 8 let. Mislim, da je Putin kot mojster te igre odigral maksimalno dobro glede na karte, ki jih je imel v rokah in da po poneumljenem (ShitFace) vrhuncu obdobja Pax Americana sledi nekaj novega.
Em, kaj je Rusiji pravzaprav uspelo? Krim ni priznan, Donbas je stalemate, sankcije stojijo, NATO se resni, ekonomija jim škripa.
V ZDA imajo (kratkoročni) kaos, ampak dolgoročno bi znala operacija rezultirati v ruski verziji iraških WMD. Torej sledi izguba legitimnosti in razpizden lep del sveta. Če spremljaš in si pripravljen zaupati neuradnim informacijam, je vse skupaj že dolgo precej jasno, ampak pravi detajli šele prihajajo na dan.
Glaven problem v ZDA je bil, da so se praktično vsi "in the know", tako v medijih, kot v politiki in organih pregona, na trumpovo kandidaturo odzvali nekako tako
ter zaradi šova ($$$ za medije) in Trumpovega & republikanskega konstantnega jamra o krivicah reagirali zelo previdno. Saj ne more zmagat. Ampak volilno pravico imajo tudi tisti "not in the know" in se je zgodilo, kar se pač je.
Trump je še vedno samo bumbling idiot, senat pa mu je včeraj z 98-0 pokazal sredinec.
Demokratska baza in neodvisni volivci so aktivirani, za spremembe na desnici pa čakamo na praktične posledice trgovinskih vojn in kako afero s splavom.
Rusija ima v svoji pesti ameriškega predsednika. ZDA se pod udarci Rusije opotekajo kot pijanec, ki jih sredi noči na poti domov faše po glavi in ne ve od kod pada, koliko je ura, kdo je in kje se nahaja.
Republikanci se ne zmigajo, ker si nočejo zasrati volitev novembra, ne zavedajo pa se, da do novembra ne bojo več imeli svoje države, če ne bojo ukrepali takoj.
Seveda bojo ZDA novembra še vedno obstajale, ampak “nič več ne bo tako, kot je bilo”...
Bolj kot gledaš to dogajanje in ozadje vsega, bolj lahko rečeš, da jih je Putin nadigral kot najbolj butaste bebce.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
gruntfürmich ::
Vsak halucinira po svoje...
Za ene ima putin trumpa v malem prstu, za druge bodo zda jutri propadle, za tretje bo rusija kolapsirala... Scenarijev obilo, še več struj ki te niti vlečejo... Se mi zares smilite
Za ene ima putin trumpa v malem prstu, za druge bodo zda jutri propadle, za tretje bo rusija kolapsirala... Scenarijev obilo, še več struj ki te niti vlečejo... Se mi zares smilite
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
c3p0 ::
Julija 2014 registrirani Jimmy je pred eno uro končno začel tvitati. Precej aktivno.
Omiljeni hashtagi?
#QANON #HRCVideo #MAGA #freemariabutina
Si obvestil Reuters? Ker to je major news. Jimmy twitta...
SimplyMiha ::
Followers: 6
Nekako sumim pacota da je lastnik tega obskurnega čivk računa.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SimplyMiha ()
Poldi112 ::
Tud v vietnamu so VC in NVA počeli večino pobijanja med civilisti.
Tole pa tudi slučajno ne bo držalo.
Pozabil sem še na južno vietnamsko armijo, ki je sicer bila manjša in bolj nesposobna, ampak prav tako brutalna.
Američani nekih masovnih pokolov civilistov niso počeli.
Bilo je nekaj incidentov sicer, ampak so hitro končali v medije.
Seveda so jih. Cela podeželja so zradirali. Mediji pa o teh stvareh niso poročali, vsaj ne tekom prvih par administracij. My Lai je bil zgolj business as usual, ne pa izjema, kot zmotno misliš. Lokalne podpore itak nikoli niso imeli - kako naj bi jo, če niso pustili osvoboditve, ampak so vsilili svojega diktatorja.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
SimplyMiha ::
Ameriški vojaki nastopijo dolžnost v zmotnem prepričanju, da so "good boys". Domov se vračajo zlomljeni - ali psihično ali moralno. Dejstvo je, da toliko veteranov s PTSD-jem nimajo nikjer drugje kot v ZDA. V ZDA imajo celo industrijo okrog tega.
Septembra 2014 so našteli 2.7 milijona veteranov iraške in afganistanske vojne. Od teh so vsaj 20%-im diagnosticirali PTSD - to so samo znani primeri.
Veterans PTSD Statistics
Mimogrede, tretjina vseh množičnih morilcev v ZDA je veteranov.
Septembra 2014 so našteli 2.7 milijona veteranov iraške in afganistanske vojne. Od teh so vsaj 20%-im diagnosticirali PTSD - to so samo znani primeri.
Veterans PTSD Statistics
Mimogrede, tretjina vseh množičnih morilcev v ZDA je veteranov.
gruntfürmich ::
mislim da vsaka vojna pusti ogromno folka z ptsd, samo američani se povsod na veliko pretepajo in mediji pišejo o tem.
po mojem imajo na kakšnem hrvaškem in v srbiji celo generacijo fuč zaradi tega. naši se še vedno prepirajo o 2. svetovni vojni... skratka to ni samo v ameriki problem; morda je tam še najmanjši...
po mojem imajo na kakšnem hrvaškem in v srbiji celo generacijo fuč zaradi tega. naši se še vedno prepirajo o 2. svetovni vojni... skratka to ni samo v ameriki problem; morda je tam še najmanjši...
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
Pac-Man ::
SimplyMiha je izjavil:
Ameriški vojaki nastopijo dolžnost v zmotnem prepričanju, da so "good boys". Domov se vračajo zlomljeni - ali psihično ali moralno. Dejstvo je, da toliko veteranov s PTSD-jem nimajo nikjer drugje kot v ZDA. V ZDA imajo celo industrijo okrog tega.
Septembra 2014 so našteli 2.7 milijona veteranov iraške in afganistanske vojne. Od teh so vsaj 20%-im diagnosticirali PTSD - to so samo znani primeri.
Veterans PTSD Statistics
Mimogrede, tretjina vseh množičnih morilcev v ZDA je veteranov.
Na 1:17:45 imaš izsek iz sovjetskega filma/serije, ki ti bi znal bit zanimiv.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
vostok_1 ::
Tud v vietnamu so VC in NVA počeli večino pobijanja med civilisti.
Tole pa tudi slučajno ne bo držalo.
Pozabil sem še na južno vietnamsko armijo, ki je sicer bila manjša in bolj nesposobna, ampak prav tako brutalna.
Američani nekih masovnih pokolov civilistov niso počeli.
Bilo je nekaj incidentov sicer, ampak so hitro končali v medije.
Seveda so jih. Cela podeželja so zradirali. Mediji pa o teh stvareh niso poročali, vsaj ne tekom prvih par administracij. My Lai je bil zgolj business as usual, ne pa izjema, kot zmotno misliš. Lokalne podpore itak nikoli niso imeli - kako naj bi jo, če niso pustili osvoboditve, ampak so vsilili svojega diktatorja.
My Lai je bil incident.
Vietnam War casualties @ Wikipedia
Granted ima US precej umazane roke, ampak zmagovalci v pobijanju so SVN, VC in ARVN.
Od kje teh 20 miljonov, i'm all ears.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Skripal (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Loža | 32758 (18507) | Pac-Man |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 268240 (228259) | OmegaBlue |