Forum » Problemi človeštva » NATO in Rusija
NATO in Rusija
Temo vidijo: vsi
MadMicka ::
Dej povej Cervantes, glede na to, da že na tej tretjini, ki naj je ostala, smo imeli manjšine, katerih precejšen delež smo izgnali, kje točno sta tisti dve tretjini, ki smo jih izgubili.
zmaugy ::
A gremo še nazaj? Kaj so pa leta 1917 Američani delali v Evropi? Mešali drek. Druga svetovna vojna je bila neposredna posledica prve svetovne vojne.
Druga svetovna vojna je bila predvsem neposredna posledica ignoriranja ZDA kakšna naj bo povojna ureditev Evrope.
Fourteen Points @ Wikipedia
Grdi Američani, da niso naredili ... česa, točno?
Kaj so se imeli Američani sploh za vtikat v Evropo? Zakaj so se pridružili vojni leta 1917?
Kje sem jim očital česa da niso naredili? Halucinacije?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Smrekar1 ::
Kaj so se imeli Američani sploh za vtikat v Evropo? Zakaj so se pridružili vojni leta 1917?
Kje sem jim očital česa da niso naredili? Halucinacije?
Precej pomemben je bil Zimmermanov telegram, kjer so se Nemci dogovarjali z Mehičani o tem, da bi se slednji priključili vojni v zameno za Texas, Novo Mehiko, Arizono in Kalifornijo. Že pred tem sta Posilstvo Belgije (1914) in Lusitania (1915) nemškemu slovesu naredili precej škode, tako so se ZDA vmešale v vojno in zgodovina je šla kot je šla.
Zanimivo, ampak nihče ne kritizira pomoči ZDA Veliki Britaniji in SZ medtem ko je bila država še formalno nevtralna. Zakaj dvojna merila?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
zmaugy ::
Baje da je Tajski kralj Lincolnu ponudil slone v državljanski vojni, še dobro da ni Konfederacija napadla Tajske.
Pa Lusitanija, prosim te! Na njej so švercali orožje in Nemci so objavili oglas, da naj se Američani ne vkrcajo nanjo, ker jo bojo potopili. In so jo. Leta 1915! Alora, je malo dolgo trajalo do 1917, da bi bil to kredibilen razlog.
In zaradi tega so mobilizirali 4 milijone vojakov, od tega jih je umrlo 110000? Pa Zobna Miška tudi obstaja, baje.
Pa Lusitanija, prosim te! Na njej so švercali orožje in Nemci so objavili oglas, da naj se Američani ne vkrcajo nanjo, ker jo bojo potopili. In so jo. Leta 1915! Alora, je malo dolgo trajalo do 1917, da bi bil to kredibilen razlog.
In zaradi tega so mobilizirali 4 milijone vojakov, od tega jih je umrlo 110000? Pa Zobna Miška tudi obstaja, baje.
Smrekar1 ::
Baje da je Tajski kralj Lincolnu ponudil slone v državljanski vojni, še dobro da ni Konfederacija napadla Tajske.
V pomoč:
Dodamo lahko še 50 let tehnološkega napredka, ki je pomen razdalje precej zmanjšal. Seveda bi lahko omenili tudi (ne)uporabnost slonov v vojni v 19. stoletju in debatirali o pomenu besede "baje", ampak se mi ne zdi ravno potrebno.
Pa Lusitanija, prosim te! Na njej so švercali orožje in Nemci so objavili oglas, da naj se Američani ne vkrcajo nanjo, ker jo bojo potopili.
Ne, objavili so oglas, kjer so obvestili potnike, da jo bodo morda potopili. Po incidentu so se z ZDA dogovorili, da bodo od tedaj dalje bistveno bolj pazili na koga streljajo, v zameno so ZDA ostale nevtralne. Zadeva je držala dobro leto dni, nato je Nemčija od dogovora enostransko odstopila. Ti sedaj polemiziraš o tem kako to ne bi smel biti povod za vojno. Heh. Po duši hrček.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
T-h-o-r ::
S čim je že Wilson zmagal na volitvah, dajte me osvežiti
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
zmaugy ::
Baje da je Tajski kralj Lincolnu ponudil slone v državljanski vojni, še dobro da ni Konfederacija napadla Tajske.
V pomoč:
Dodamo lahko še 50 let tehnološkega napredka, ki je pomen razdalje precej zmanjšal. Seveda bi lahko omenili tudi (ne)uporabnost slonov v vojni v 19. stoletju in debatirali o pomenu besede "baje", ampak se mi ne zdi ravno potrebno.
Pa Lusitanija, prosim te! Na njej so švercali orožje in Nemci so objavili oglas, da naj se Američani ne vkrcajo nanjo, ker jo bojo potopili.
Ne, objavili so oglas, kjer so obvestili potnike, da jo bodo morda potopili. Po incidentu so se z ZDA dogovorili, da bodo od tedaj dalje bistveno bolj pazili na koga streljajo, v zameno so ZDA ostale nevtralne. Zadeva je držala dobro leto dni, nato je Nemčija od dogovora enostransko odstopila. Ti sedaj polemiziraš o tem kako to ne bi smel biti povod za vojno. Heh. Po duši hrček.
Daj ne fantaziraj, Američani so šli v vojno v Evropi, ki ni bila njihova stvar in bistveno spremenili potek in posledice vojne. Predtem so eni strani dobavljali orožje.
Nato so intervenirali v vojni, ki je bila posledica njihovega vmešavanja in zdaj se že 70 let tolčejo po prsih za to. Pa seveda je bila v teku tega Evropa dvakrat uničena, drugič tudi fizično.
Hvala ZDA. Pejte pomagat kam drugam.
T-h-o-r ::
Baje da je Tajski kralj Lincolnu ponudil slone v državljanski vojni, še dobro da ni Konfederacija napadla Tajske.
V pomoč:
Dodamo lahko še 50 let tehnološkega napredka, ki je pomen razdalje precej zmanjšal. Seveda bi lahko omenili tudi (ne)uporabnost slonov v vojni v 19. stoletju in debatirali o pomenu besede "baje", ampak se mi ne zdi ravno potrebno.
Pa Lusitanija, prosim te! Na njej so švercali orožje in Nemci so objavili oglas, da naj se Američani ne vkrcajo nanjo, ker jo bojo potopili.
Ne, objavili so oglas, kjer so obvestili potnike, da jo bodo morda potopili. Po incidentu so se z ZDA dogovorili, da bodo od tedaj dalje bistveno bolj pazili na koga streljajo, v zameno so ZDA ostale nevtralne. Zadeva je držala dobro leto dni, nato je Nemčija od dogovora enostransko odstopila. Ti sedaj polemiziraš o tem kako to ne bi smel biti povod za vojno. Heh. Po duši hrček.
Daj ne fantaziraj, Američani so šli v vojno v Evropi, ki ni bila njihova stvar in bistveno spremenili potek in posledice vojne. Predtem so eni strani dobavljali orožje.
Nato so intervenirali v vojni, ki je bila posledica njihovega vmešavanja in zdaj se že 70 let tolčejo po prsih za to. Pa seveda je bila v teku tega Evropa dvakrat uničena, drugič tudi fizično.
Hvala ZDA. Pejte pomagat kam drugam.
Problem je malo globlji - vlada je pač nekako morala zavarovati interese svojih zasebnih bank, ki so dajala velikodušna posojila angliji in franciji; če bi ti dve zgubili vojno, bi bila milijardna luknja, ki je takratno ameriško gospodarstvo ne bi shendlalo
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
Cervantes ::
Cvetka dneva!
BoJo ve, da je kemični napad na Veliko Britanijo ukazal Putin osebno!
Bojo potrebne še kakšne sankcije.
BoJo ve, da je kemični napad na Veliko Britanijo ukazal Putin osebno!
Bojo potrebne še kakšne sankcije.
zmaugy ::
Baje da je Tajski kralj Lincolnu ponudil slone v državljanski vojni, še dobro da ni Konfederacija napadla Tajske.
V pomoč:
Dodamo lahko še 50 let tehnološkega napredka, ki je pomen razdalje precej zmanjšal. Seveda bi lahko omenili tudi (ne)uporabnost slonov v vojni v 19. stoletju in debatirali o pomenu besede "baje", ampak se mi ne zdi ravno potrebno.
Pa Lusitanija, prosim te! Na njej so švercali orožje in Nemci so objavili oglas, da naj se Američani ne vkrcajo nanjo, ker jo bojo potopili.
Ne, objavili so oglas, kjer so obvestili potnike, da jo bodo morda potopili. Po incidentu so se z ZDA dogovorili, da bodo od tedaj dalje bistveno bolj pazili na koga streljajo, v zameno so ZDA ostale nevtralne. Zadeva je držala dobro leto dni, nato je Nemčija od dogovora enostransko odstopila. Ti sedaj polemiziraš o tem kako to ne bi smel biti povod za vojno. Heh. Po duši hrček.
Daj ne fantaziraj, Američani so šli v vojno v Evropi, ki ni bila njihova stvar in bistveno spremenili potek in posledice vojne. Predtem so eni strani dobavljali orožje.
Nato so intervenirali v vojni, ki je bila posledica njihovega vmešavanja in zdaj se že 70 let tolčejo po prsih za to. Pa seveda je bila v teku tega Evropa dvakrat uničena, drugič tudi fizično.
Hvala ZDA. Pejte pomagat kam drugam.
Problem je malo globlji - vlada je pač nekako morala zavarovati interese svojih zasebnih bank, ki so dajala velikodušna posojila angliji in franciji; če bi ti dve zgubili vojno, bi bila milijardna luknja, ki je takratno ameriško gospodarstvo ne bi shendlalo
To je popolnoma jasno. V bistvu so Američani v zadnjih sto letih nekajkrat oropali Evropo. In ti psihopati pričakujejo, da jim bo kdo hvaležen zato, ker stresajo neke boyscout zgodbice. Skrajni čas da se jih otresemo, pijavk.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
MadMicka ::
Ne vem, kaj je z nekaterimi narobe, ampak brez ZDA bi (tedanja) Nemčija verjetno že v prvi svetovni vojni zmagala, v drugi pa zagotovo. Zdej, če kdo rad živi v diktaturi, ki zatira drugače misleče, druge narodnosti, bolne, itd., potem je to njegov problem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: MadMicka ()
zmaugy ::
Ne vem, kaj je z nekaterimi narobe, ampak brez ZDA bi (tedanja) Nemčija verjetno že v prvi svetovni vojni zmagala, v drugi pa zagotovo. Zdej, če kdo rad živi v diktaturi, ki zatira drugače misleče, druge narodnosti, bolne, itd., potem je to njegov problem.
Brez ZDA druge svetovne vojne sploh ne bi bilo. Zakuhali so jo s svojim vmešavanjem v prvo svetovno vojno.
V prvi svetovni vojni pa nimaš razdelitve na klasične good guys in bad guys razen skozi optiko - ZDA, UK, Francije, zmagovalk obeh vojn torej.
Če bi Nemčija zmagala v prvi svetovni vojni, to ne bi bila nobena tragedija za Evropo, bi pa danes ZDA morda ne bile prva violina sveta.
In ker je združena Evropa največja grožnja ZDPA (P je za psihopatske), jo ZDPA na vse načine spodkopavajo še naprej - z destabilizacijo BV, kar je zaradi begunskega vala povzročilo Brexit in val skrajno desnega populizma v EU, spor z Rusijo - da se EU in Rusija odtujita namesto da bi se povezali, vpletanje v lokalne spore (Slovenija/Hrvaška), amaterski poskus državnega udara v Turčiji, zaradi katerega je EU še bolj osamljena, ker se je Erdogan povezal z EU odtujenim Putinom itd.
Še prej pa priprava (skrivanje podatkov) Grčije na članstvo v EMU s strani Goldman Sachsa pred sproženjem finančne krize, ki so jo ZDPA lepo izvozile v EU. Kako jim je uspelo? Ker so po vojni, ki so jo s svojim vmešavanjem v prvo svetovno vojno pomagale narediti, kot edina nerazrušena sila zdiktirali pogoje svetovnega gospodarstva.
Za konec pa kot prst v oko postavijo za predsednika ta destilat psihopatstva in se norca delajo iz vseh.
Američani, spizdite iz EU.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
zmaugy ::
Američani spizdite iz EU - mišljeno naj se poberejo s svojimi umazanimi poskusi vmešavanja v EU notranje zadeve.
Iatromantis ::
Večina pogovorov v tej temi:
In ta "umetnost" se še danes razvija naprej:
Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda. When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union, the Soviet response would be "What about..." followed by an event in the Western world.
Whataboutism @ Wikipedia
In ta "umetnost" se še danes razvija naprej:
Critics say that US President Donald Trump has engaged in whataboutism in response to criticism leveled at him, his policies, or his support of controversial world leaders. National Public Radio (NPR) reported, "President Trump has developed a consistent tactic when he's criticized: say that someone else is worse."
Vanich ::
Cvetka dneva!
BoJo ve, da je kemični napad na Veliko Britanijo ukazal Putin osebno!
Bojo potrebne še kakšne sankcije.
In ne samo BoJo, tudi najnovejši Nizozemec Sakašvili Tiemuncher zasigurno ve, da je ukaz dal Putin osebno! No; če smo imeli še kakšno senco dvoma, te sedaj ni več.
Vazelin ::
Totalno relativizirate Putinizem, ki med drugim pomeni tudi:
- odstranjevanje nezaželjenih ljudi (no man no problems doktrina)
- popolna avtoritarna oblast
- onemogočanje kakršnekoli opozicije
- aneksacija ozemlja suverene države (hitler style)
- vojni zločini v Siriji
- vpletanje v notranje zadeve neodvisnih držav
- ...
Poleg tega naj bi svojim "zaveznikom" npr. Srbiji dražje prodajal nafto kot Nemcem
- odstranjevanje nezaželjenih ljudi (no man no problems doktrina)
- popolna avtoritarna oblast
- onemogočanje kakršnekoli opozicije
- aneksacija ozemlja suverene države (hitler style)
- vojni zločini v Siriji
- vpletanje v notranje zadeve neodvisnih držav
- ...
Poleg tega naj bi svojim "zaveznikom" npr. Srbiji dražje prodajal nafto kot Nemcem
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
Cervantes ::
Nihče tukaj ne "relativizira" Putina. On ima pač svoj "slog".
Osebno me zgolj zabavajo poskusi napada na suvereno državo s kemičnim orožjem.
BTW, zadnji dve točki tvojega "seznama Putinovih grehov" lahko mirno pripišeš tudi stričku Samu.
Jasno, da so eni bolj barabe kot drugi, vedno je bilo tako.
Nihče tukaj ne "relativizira" Putina. On ima pač svoj "slog".
Osebno me zgolj zabavajo poskusi napada na suvereno državo s kemičnim orožjem.
BTW, zadnji dve točki tvojega "seznama Putinovih grehov" lahko mirno pripišeš tudi stričku Samu.
Jasno, da so eni bolj barabe kot drugi, vedno je bilo tako.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
Pac-Man ::
Roman Dobrokhotov, editor of the website The Insider, had this take: "I can already predict that the conspiracy theorists will begin saying that, of course, this is a provocation against Russia; after all, the people in the Kremlin can't be such idiots that they would so stupidly sabotage themselves and right on the eve of the World Cup and that they would, precisely in England, after all the noise around the Litvinenko case, use a substance that can be traced to Russia, plus one that would cause such suffering. But no -- they are exactly idiots like that. And that is the scariest part.”
RT Editor In Chief Margarita Simonyan continued the World Cup theme: "Nothing -- literally nothing -- upsets Moscow as much as the thought of the world championship without England. If the Brits really come through with this threat, then Putin will admit responsibility for the Salisbury affair and promise never to be so naughty again."
Yekaterinburg journalist Aleksei Shaburov noticed a pattern: "MH-17? Not us. U.S. elections? Not us. Poisoning in Britain? Not us. Doping? Not us. Mercenaries in Syria? Not us. Cocaine in the embassy? Not us. Donbas? Not us. Crimea? Not us (later it turned out that was us). The phrase 'Not us' is already worthy of being placed on the official state seal of Russia as our motto."
Roman Dobrokhotov, editor of the website The Insider, had this take: "I can already predict that the conspiracy theorists will begin saying that, of course, this is a provocation against Russia; after all, the people in the Kremlin can't be such idiots that they would so stupidly sabotage themselves and right on the eve of the World Cup and that they would, precisely in England, after all the noise around the Litvinenko case, use a substance that can be traced to Russia, plus one that would cause such suffering. But no -- they are exactly idiots like that. And that is the scariest part.”
RT Editor In Chief Margarita Simonyan continued the World Cup theme: "Nothing -- literally nothing -- upsets Moscow as much as the thought of the world championship without England. If the Brits really come through with this threat, then Putin will admit responsibility for the Salisbury affair and promise never to be so naughty again."
Yekaterinburg journalist Aleksei Shaburov noticed a pattern: "MH-17? Not us. U.S. elections? Not us. Poisoning in Britain? Not us. Doping? Not us. Mercenaries in Syria? Not us. Cocaine in the embassy? Not us. Donbas? Not us. Crimea? Not us (later it turned out that was us). The phrase 'Not us' is already worthy of being placed on the official state seal of Russia as our motto."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Cervantes ::
The Insider.
Da te ni sram.
Kot bi jaz citiral NoraTV24.
Al pa Reporter, no.
Da te ni sram.
Kot bi jaz citiral NoraTV24.
Al pa Reporter, no.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
nsa_ag3nt ::
Če spremljate MSM se ponavlja konec leta 2016, ko nam dnevno prali možgane s svojo pro-Hillary/anti-Trump propagando - sedaj se namreč ponavlja enako, le ga je postal glavni negativec Rusija oz predsednik.
UK, DE, FR, ZDA predstavniki vsi že namreč vse "vedo", čeprav v resnici nimajo pojma.
Obstaja milijon drugih, bolj subtilnih načinov, kako se spravi ex vohune na drugi svet.
Predvidljivo zaostrovanje odnosov z Rusijo zaradi zastrupitve bivšega ruskega vohuna v Veliki Britaniji
UK, DE, FR, ZDA predstavniki vsi že namreč vse "vedo", čeprav v resnici nimajo pojma.
Obstaja milijon drugih, bolj subtilnih načinov, kako se spravi ex vohune na drugi svet.
Predvidljivo zaostrovanje odnosov z Rusijo zaradi zastrupitve bivšega ruskega vohuna v Veliki Britaniji
Pac-Man ::
In zakaj bi nam namenoma prali možgane s pro-Hillary/anti-Trump propagando? Na rezultat volitev nismo imli nobenega vpliva.
Ruski vohuni ne poznajo subtilnosti.
Ruski vohuni ne poznajo subtilnosti.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Vazelin ::
Putin za svojo agendo rabi zunanjega sovražnika. Češ kako smo mi bogi, kako so vsi zoper nas. To mu je s kemičnim orožjem v Angliji dobro uspelo. + odmevnost, da se ne pozabi kdo je gazda. tip je mojster.
Putin ima samo srečo, da ima Rusija jedrsko orožje, drugače jo ne bi noben niti povohal.
Putin ima samo srečo, da ima Rusija jedrsko orožje, drugače jo ne bi noben niti povohal.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
Pac-Man ::
Pojdimo malo off.
I think we are known here for playing it straight and cutting the crap. Well, every terrible thing you've ever heard about Bolton is true.
In to.
Strangely, I don't recall "I promise to recycle all the failed Bushy warmongering neocon lunatics" in the Trump 2016 campaign platform.
OTOH if you think "populism" means letting Goldman Sachs run the economy, perhaps Bolton is a noninterventionist.
Še Trump&Stormy saga. Menda ni edina, ni niti vrh ledene gore, je več žensk in več NDA-jev zgodbe pa gredo tudi v smeri plačil za splave. Par jih je pripravljeno spregovorit, ampak napeto čakajo, kako se bo izšlo s Stormy. Vedelo se je že pred volitvami, samo so republikanci ignorirali.
Apropos of Stormy Daniels, some tweets of mine from 2016.
Paying for *AN* abortion?
Oh, you optimist!
Hey... @LizMair...this seems...FAMILIAR. :)
Answer: "Yes."
When the Cohen system is revealed and the NDA's get busted it's going to make #metoo look like a picnic.
I think @MichaelAvenatti unspoken strategy is to make @RealDonaldTrump snap and start tweeting about @StormyDaniels.
It would be terrible if the Strongest President Ever was so impotent, weak, and scared that he wouldn't fight back.
I think @realDonaldTrump is worried because he has a prenup that he violated and Stormy has pictures, I don't think he cares about the political implications only the financial.
In kot chaser - Wilson na CNN:
Rick Wilson demands Paris Dennard say ‘I love Donald Trump screwing a porn star!’ in off-the-rails segment
I’m not being being hyperbolic but we all going to die if Bolton replaces McMaster.She's not far wrong.
I think we are known here for playing it straight and cutting the crap. Well, every terrible thing you've ever heard about Bolton is true.
In to.
Strangely, I don't recall "I promise to recycle all the failed Bushy warmongering neocon lunatics" in the Trump 2016 campaign platform.
OTOH if you think "populism" means letting Goldman Sachs run the economy, perhaps Bolton is a noninterventionist.
Še Trump&Stormy saga. Menda ni edina, ni niti vrh ledene gore, je več žensk in več NDA-jev zgodbe pa gredo tudi v smeri plačil za splave. Par jih je pripravljeno spregovorit, ampak napeto čakajo, kako se bo izšlo s Stormy. Vedelo se je že pred volitvami, samo so republikanci ignorirali.
Apropos of Stormy Daniels, some tweets of mine from 2016.
Paying for *AN* abortion?
Oh, you optimist!
A serious challenge to @benshapiro's "priced-in" thesis on Trump and Stormy Daniels: Can you come up with anything that might make an evangelical Trump defender blanche? I'm asking you to be serious here, not glib. What if he requested and paid for an abortion, for instance?
Hey... @LizMair...this seems...FAMILIAR. :)
Michael Avenatti, Stormy’s lawyer, confirms to me that "six separate women with similar claims to my client" have approached him, two of whom have NDAs. He and the firm are still investigating their claimsViz Stormy Daniels, Avenatti was asked, "Was she threatened?"
Answer: "Yes."
When the Cohen system is revealed and the NDA's get busted it's going to make #metoo look like a picnic.
I think @MichaelAvenatti unspoken strategy is to make @RealDonaldTrump snap and start tweeting about @StormyDaniels.
It would be terrible if the Strongest President Ever was so impotent, weak, and scared that he wouldn't fight back.
I think @realDonaldTrump is worried because he has a prenup that he violated and Stormy has pictures, I don't think he cares about the political implications only the financial.
In kot chaser - Wilson na CNN:
Rick Wilson demands Paris Dennard say ‘I love Donald Trump screwing a porn star!’ in off-the-rails segment
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
How Semion Mogilevich and Vladimir Putin's rogue strategic gamble has ended Russia as a modern nation - forever.
The current crisis is about international relations - WHAT makes up a country, HOW do they function, HOW do they relate, and WHEN if ever are they in a state of war?
This may sound academic. IT AIN'T. It's the difference between order and chaos, life and death, peace and prosperity versus violence and desolation. In the modern world, that balance is kept via international relations. So what makes up a country? It turns out, there's a pretty specific formula.
BORDERS. You need to have a chunk of land that people agree on, inside and outside of the territory. We all know this one, for example. SHARED HISTORY AND MYTHOLOGY. It doesn't have to all be true, but your people need to agree on how you became a nation in the first place.
CODE OF LAWS. There need to be rules in that territory that govern. This part goes back as far as our man Hammurabi. STATE MONOPOLY ON VIOLENCE. Those laws need to be enforceable by violence if necessary - by the state, and only by the state. Extra-judicial violence must be seen as inherently criminal.
Take ANY of these elements away, and you don't have a country anymore, but a FAILED STATE. And Russia is a failed state. Which is why it can no longer be treated as part of the community of nations. But why is it failed? It doesn't look like Somalia. Got some rich guys running around. Nice cars. Fancy buildings.
How is it failed? Russia has abandoned the rule of law. Inside its borders, and ESPECIALLY outside of them.
To understand how this came to be, we need to go back to the mid-1990s. It wouldn't hurt to get more acquainted with this man: Semion Mogilevich, the most powerful mobster in Russia - and the world. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia fell into chaos. There were really only two institutions left that could get anything done:
- The KGB
- The Russian Mafia
I had a professor at UVM who was over in Russia a lot. He said of the Mafia, "People ask how can you get anything done with the Mob over there? And they say, 'What could we get done without them?'"
Running a restaurant? Need fish delivered? Mob. Only guys that can get a truck through all the pirates and crooks. Only guys violent enough to be reliable as vendors, essentially.
But who else had the esprit de corps to get shit done in the New Russia?
Who else but the KGB? The Chekists weren't going anywhere.
I'm told that the real turning point happened at Davos in 1996. Russian mafiosi met and decided: Yeltsin would be elected, they would strip the rest of the country down for parts - and then they would have one of "their guys" running the place. The guy they picked was an old, but not especially distinguished-hand from the KGB/FSB/Chekists. Pooty-poot. He'd do fine. What has happened in the years since has been historic - a bold geopolitical move that has taken us years to grapple with:
Russia melted down its government, spy services, and criminal networks into one single alloy. And made a weapon from it. Since that moment, every dollar going into Russian organized crime went also to finance its intelligence operations, and provide black market GDP to its government.
Brilliant, actually.
Also, dangerous.
And also, now they can't be a country anymore. So sad.
See, because there's no difference between Russia's diplomats, its spies, its drug dealers, its mob bosses, and its presidents.
So, um - that's no longer a country that has the rule of law. It's loosely organized violent chaos. And the world cannot tolerate it any longer.
Certainly the UK is done tolerating it. It just told Vlad to take his 23 fake diplomats-who-are-really-intel-officers and jam 'em.
Now anybody who knows an embassy or intel tradecraft will tell you that all embassies are potentially spy safe houses for Official Cover (OC) agents.
Like check this bullshit out. It's one thing for the "Junior Science & Tech Attaché" to secretly be running agents and assets - pretty classic.
BUT THE AMBASSADOR HIMSELF? WTF IS THAT, SERGEY? AND WHILE WE'RE ON TOPIC, WHAT THE F**K WERE YOU THINKING WITH THIS BULLSHIT, SERGEY? That's not diplomacy. It's full-scale hybrid warfare. And Kislyak goddamn-well knows it.
Oh, but what else are their "embassies" up to?
What the hell do you think the world is, one big shitty episode of Miami Vice? Out of an embassy? And boy, WE BETTER NOT HEAR THAT RUSSIAN EMBASSIES TRAFFIC IN CHEMICAL WEAPONS.
But let's be real? Does it matter? We know who these people are. ...
And so begins the end for Semion and Vlad's super cool experiment in radical evil globalization.
They dreamed of a giant network of crimes scenes where their yachts were the biggest, they got all the best human trafficked sex slaves, and they'd feel cool!
Fuck that. Fuck your evil plan, fuck your cronies, fuck your Mob bosses, fuck all the weak criminal scumbags in our societies that you flipped.
Fuck. Right. Off. Vlad.
Let me introduce the real leaders of the world - the heads of law-based, decent societies that will strive toward a brighter, more just, more humane future.
Emmanuel Macron is leading France with vigor and decency and fresh ideas. He is part of a great culture that attracts millions as tourists and immigrants and admirers.
De Gaulle fought so hard so Macron could keep it going.
Angela Merkel: PhD Quantum Chemist, tough-as-nails, and a proud leader of a free and fair nation. Congrats on your fourth term, Madam Chancellor!
Justin Trudeau: He needs no introduction. If the ladies had their way, he'd be president of the galaxy. A fine Canadian, and powerful world leader.
And let's not forget: America has great leaders, too. They were merely pushed aside by traitors, and only then for long enough for us to GET EVIDENCE, AND GET READY TO PROSECUTE.
We are emerging from this crucible with stronger alliances, stronger friendships, stronger values.
Stronger nations.
Let's use them to build A More Perfect Future.
We will stumble again. We will fail again.
But after this, I suspect we will never forget again.
And with that, God bless all nations, and all individuals, not one single person left out.
How Semion Mogilevich and Vladimir Putin's rogue strategic gamble has ended Russia as a modern nation - forever.
The current crisis is about international relations - WHAT makes up a country, HOW do they function, HOW do they relate, and WHEN if ever are they in a state of war?
This may sound academic. IT AIN'T. It's the difference between order and chaos, life and death, peace and prosperity versus violence and desolation. In the modern world, that balance is kept via international relations. So what makes up a country? It turns out, there's a pretty specific formula.
BORDERS. You need to have a chunk of land that people agree on, inside and outside of the territory. We all know this one, for example. SHARED HISTORY AND MYTHOLOGY. It doesn't have to all be true, but your people need to agree on how you became a nation in the first place.
CODE OF LAWS. There need to be rules in that territory that govern. This part goes back as far as our man Hammurabi. STATE MONOPOLY ON VIOLENCE. Those laws need to be enforceable by violence if necessary - by the state, and only by the state. Extra-judicial violence must be seen as inherently criminal.
Take ANY of these elements away, and you don't have a country anymore, but a FAILED STATE. And Russia is a failed state. Which is why it can no longer be treated as part of the community of nations. But why is it failed? It doesn't look like Somalia. Got some rich guys running around. Nice cars. Fancy buildings.
How is it failed? Russia has abandoned the rule of law. Inside its borders, and ESPECIALLY outside of them.
To understand how this came to be, we need to go back to the mid-1990s. It wouldn't hurt to get more acquainted with this man: Semion Mogilevich, the most powerful mobster in Russia - and the world. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia fell into chaos. There were really only two institutions left that could get anything done:
- The KGB
- The Russian Mafia
I had a professor at UVM who was over in Russia a lot. He said of the Mafia, "People ask how can you get anything done with the Mob over there? And they say, 'What could we get done without them?'"
Running a restaurant? Need fish delivered? Mob. Only guys that can get a truck through all the pirates and crooks. Only guys violent enough to be reliable as vendors, essentially.
But who else had the esprit de corps to get shit done in the New Russia?
Who else but the KGB? The Chekists weren't going anywhere.
I'm told that the real turning point happened at Davos in 1996. Russian mafiosi met and decided: Yeltsin would be elected, they would strip the rest of the country down for parts - and then they would have one of "their guys" running the place. The guy they picked was an old, but not especially distinguished-hand from the KGB/FSB/Chekists. Pooty-poot. He'd do fine. What has happened in the years since has been historic - a bold geopolitical move that has taken us years to grapple with:
Russia melted down its government, spy services, and criminal networks into one single alloy. And made a weapon from it. Since that moment, every dollar going into Russian organized crime went also to finance its intelligence operations, and provide black market GDP to its government.
Brilliant, actually.
Also, dangerous.
And also, now they can't be a country anymore. So sad.
See, because there's no difference between Russia's diplomats, its spies, its drug dealers, its mob bosses, and its presidents.
So, um - that's no longer a country that has the rule of law. It's loosely organized violent chaos. And the world cannot tolerate it any longer.
Certainly the UK is done tolerating it. It just told Vlad to take his 23 fake diplomats-who-are-really-intel-officers and jam 'em.
Now anybody who knows an embassy or intel tradecraft will tell you that all embassies are potentially spy safe houses for Official Cover (OC) agents.
Like check this bullshit out. It's one thing for the "Junior Science & Tech Attaché" to secretly be running agents and assets - pretty classic.
BUT THE AMBASSADOR HIMSELF? WTF IS THAT, SERGEY? AND WHILE WE'RE ON TOPIC, WHAT THE F**K WERE YOU THINKING WITH THIS BULLSHIT, SERGEY? That's not diplomacy. It's full-scale hybrid warfare. And Kislyak goddamn-well knows it.
Oh, but what else are their "embassies" up to?
What the hell do you think the world is, one big shitty episode of Miami Vice? Out of an embassy? And boy, WE BETTER NOT HEAR THAT RUSSIAN EMBASSIES TRAFFIC IN CHEMICAL WEAPONS.
But let's be real? Does it matter? We know who these people are. ...
And so begins the end for Semion and Vlad's super cool experiment in radical evil globalization.
They dreamed of a giant network of crimes scenes where their yachts were the biggest, they got all the best human trafficked sex slaves, and they'd feel cool!
Fuck that. Fuck your evil plan, fuck your cronies, fuck your Mob bosses, fuck all the weak criminal scumbags in our societies that you flipped.
Fuck. Right. Off. Vlad.
Let me introduce the real leaders of the world - the heads of law-based, decent societies that will strive toward a brighter, more just, more humane future.
Emmanuel Macron is leading France with vigor and decency and fresh ideas. He is part of a great culture that attracts millions as tourists and immigrants and admirers.
De Gaulle fought so hard so Macron could keep it going.
Angela Merkel: PhD Quantum Chemist, tough-as-nails, and a proud leader of a free and fair nation. Congrats on your fourth term, Madam Chancellor!
Justin Trudeau: He needs no introduction. If the ladies had their way, he'd be president of the galaxy. A fine Canadian, and powerful world leader.
And let's not forget: America has great leaders, too. They were merely pushed aside by traitors, and only then for long enough for us to GET EVIDENCE, AND GET READY TO PROSECUTE.
We are emerging from this crucible with stronger alliances, stronger friendships, stronger values.
Stronger nations.
Let's use them to build A More Perfect Future.
We will stumble again. We will fail again.
But after this, I suspect we will never forget again.
And with that, God bless all nations, and all individuals, not one single person left out.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Tole bo še grdo. Everyone fucking (with) everyone, cela kamasutra.
You’re Rex Tillerson. You’re the most powerful man in the world’s most powerful industry.
You decide to leave it all to perform an act of public service.
You are tormented by your new boss and humiliated during your time at State.
And then, on the way out, this is done to you.
Why would Kelly share this knowing the potential for it to further piss off Tillerson and make him an enemy? Had to know it would likely leak.
Tillerson is going to leak like the Exxon Valdez. By the time he’s done, Jared and Ivanka are going to look like two pelicans covered in oil.
Kelly je zelo verjetno na poti ven in je to storil zanalašč.
You’re Rex Tillerson. You’re the most powerful man in the world’s most powerful industry.
You decide to leave it all to perform an act of public service.
You are tormented by your new boss and humiliated during your time at State.
And then, on the way out, this is done to you.
John Kelly actually told reporters that Tillerson was on the toilet when he told him he was gonna be fired
Why would Kelly share this knowing the potential for it to further piss off Tillerson and make him an enemy? Had to know it would likely leak.
Tillerson is going to leak like the Exxon Valdez. By the time he’s done, Jared and Ivanka are going to look like two pelicans covered in oil.
Kelly je zelo verjetno na poti ven in je to storil zanalašč.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Še ni konec s kamasutro.
McCabe se bi lahko v nedeljo upokojil s polno pokojnino. Sessions ga je danes odpustil, na pokojnino bo potrebno počakati kako desetletje in manjša bo.
On his 50th birthday -- this Sunday -- the veteran law enforcement official would become eligible for early retirement benefits, given his 20-plus years of service, according to federal guidelines.
But that's only if he does not get fired first.
McCabe may not be able to draw an annuity until a date ranging just shy of his 57th birthday, and as late as his 62nd. That could put the value of his uncollected pension in the realm of a half-million dollars.
On top of that, McCabe could also lose his law enforcement boost.
"What he would lose -- and this is a lot of money -- he would lose the enhanced benefits that law enforcement officers get," said George Chuzi, an attorney who represents federal employees.
Under the rules of FERS, that means he could be left with the standard multiplier of 1% on top of his years of service, down from the 1.7% enhanced rate for law enforcement.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired the FBI’s former deputy director, Andrew McCabe -- a favorite target for President Donald Trump and Republicans -- on Friday night, two days before he was to retire.
A knight is sacrificed to protect a queen.
If you aren't seeing the echoes of 1974, you're not paying attention.
Don't worry about McCabe's pension. He's going to make more off his book deal than his pension. And he's liberated to speak the truth.
I'd just like to point out the irony of Jeff "I don't recall" Session up on his high horse about McCabe "lacking candor under oath."
I've called Donald Trump a lot of things, but never a vindictive bitch.
But he's a vindictive bitch.
If the rank and file of the FBI wasn’t pissed before, they are now.
Trump and Co. deserve everything coming their way.
Fox News accidentally publishes pre-written draft saying Trump fired Andrew McCabe
What happens when a President up to his neck in dirty Kremlin ties declares open war on the FBI and its employees?
We're about to find out.
Confederate Elf not gonna like it now that McCabe can say what he really thinks.
McCabe se bi lahko v nedeljo upokojil s polno pokojnino. Sessions ga je danes odpustil, na pokojnino bo potrebno počakati kako desetletje in manjša bo.
On his 50th birthday -- this Sunday -- the veteran law enforcement official would become eligible for early retirement benefits, given his 20-plus years of service, according to federal guidelines.
But that's only if he does not get fired first.
McCabe may not be able to draw an annuity until a date ranging just shy of his 57th birthday, and as late as his 62nd. That could put the value of his uncollected pension in the realm of a half-million dollars.
On top of that, McCabe could also lose his law enforcement boost.
"What he would lose -- and this is a lot of money -- he would lose the enhanced benefits that law enforcement officers get," said George Chuzi, an attorney who represents federal employees.
Under the rules of FERS, that means he could be left with the standard multiplier of 1% on top of his years of service, down from the 1.7% enhanced rate for law enforcement.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired the FBI’s former deputy director, Andrew McCabe -- a favorite target for President Donald Trump and Republicans -- on Friday night, two days before he was to retire.
A knight is sacrificed to protect a queen.
If you aren't seeing the echoes of 1974, you're not paying attention.
Don't worry about McCabe's pension. He's going to make more off his book deal than his pension. And he's liberated to speak the truth.
I'd just like to point out the irony of Jeff "I don't recall" Session up on his high horse about McCabe "lacking candor under oath."
I've called Donald Trump a lot of things, but never a vindictive bitch.
But he's a vindictive bitch.
If the rank and file of the FBI wasn’t pissed before, they are now.
Trump and Co. deserve everything coming their way.
Fox News accidentally publishes pre-written draft saying Trump fired Andrew McCabe
What happens when a President up to his neck in dirty Kremlin ties declares open war on the FBI and its employees?
We're about to find out.
Confederate Elf not gonna like it now that McCabe can say what he really thinks.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Cervantes ::
Sicer se imam za osebo z visokim pragom tolerance.
Ampak priznam.
Tele Pacolitanije mi grejo na kozlanje.
Pa daj, človek, omisli si že svoj blog!
Mogoče ga bo celo kdo bral.
V kar sicer dvomim.
Benti, pa zakaj imamo moderatorje?!?
Naziv dobiš že za kakšno malo nespodobnost, takole veličastno smetenje po forumu se pa mirno tolerira.
Ampak priznam.
Tele Pacolitanije mi grejo na kozlanje.
Pa daj, človek, omisli si že svoj blog!
Mogoče ga bo celo kdo bral.
V kar sicer dvomim.
Sicer se imam za osebo z visokim pragom tolerance.
Ampak priznam.
Tele Pacolitanije mi grejo na kozlanje.
Pa daj, človek, omisli si že svoj blog!
Mogoče ga bo celo kdo bral.
V kar sicer dvomim.
Benti, pa zakaj imamo moderatorje?!?
Naziv dobiš že za kakšno malo nespodobnost, takole veličastno smetenje po forumu se pa mirno tolerira.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
zmaugy ::
Bo kar držalo kar je Pac Man prilepil o McCabeu:
Hmm, FBI bi zdaj lahko resno skočil na oranžnega kmetavzarja.
Hmm, FBI bi zdaj lahko resno skočil na oranžnega kmetavzarja.
Mr.B ::
Verjetno profesionalna odpoved srca.
Adrian Lamo, a computer hacker best known for passing on information that led to the arrest of Chelsea Manning, has died aged 37.
si kdaj razmislil, da je to zgolj za izgovor, da lahko vzdržujejo sankcije proti Rusiji. Ker je res žalostno da pri tem budgetu, ne najdejo direktne povezave, ej tudu jaz sem bil v rusiji, verjetno je tu povezava, ane.
Adrian Lamo, a computer hacker best known for passing on information that led to the arrest of Chelsea Manning, has died aged 37.
si kdaj razmislil, da je to zgolj za izgovor, da lahko vzdržujejo sankcije proti Rusiji. Ker je res žalostno da pri tem budgetu, ne najdejo direktne povezave, ej tudu jaz sem bil v rusiji, verjetno je tu povezava, ane.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Samuel ::
Benti, pa zakaj imamo moderatorje?!?
Naziv dobiš že za kakšno malo nespodobnost, takole veličastno smetenje po forumu se pa mirno tolerira.
Saj tvoji melanholični enajsterci tudi niso za nikamor.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Cervantes ::
Benti, pa zakaj imamo moderatorje?!?
Naziv dobiš že za kakšno malo nespodobnost, takole veličastno smetenje po forumu se pa mirno tolerira.
Saj tvoji melanholični enajsterci tudi niso za nikamor.
Jaz sem vsaj avtor svojih melanholinčnih enajstercevTM.
Paco pa lima, kar pobere z enih X sajtov, kar mu paše, jasno.
Z veseljem bi prebral, kako in o čem model razmišlja, ampak ne.
Pač, lastnega mnenja nima.
Njegovo mnenje so vsebine, ki jih lima.
Tuje, ne lastne.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
nsa_ag3nt ::
Tole preprosto moram prilepiti:
Rtvslo kot kaže vodi direktno ZDA ambasada, novinarji so možgansko mrtvi osebki (lobotomija ?).
btw, Angela Dorothea Kasner vlada 15 let zapored.
Prav grozno je brati RTV SLO te dni. Človek bi si mislil, da so določeni zasebni mediji pri nas, ki so financirani iz tujine, grozni in strašno pristranski pri poročanju o Rusiji, ampak naš nacionalni portal prekaša vse. Dnevna doza člankov, ki blatijo Putina je neverjetna. A vsi kritiki ne povedo najpomembnejšega zaključka, ki ostane vedno zamolčan v vseh teh člankih - Rusi si takega vodje želijo in izbirajo. Uživa 70 % podporo, pa ne mi reči, da je ljudstvo v Rusiji neizobraženo in neinformirano, kajti Rusi imajo dostop do interneta, v Rusiji še vedno delujejo javni mediji, ki jih financirajo Nemci in ZDA, zato mi ne reči, da v Rusiji vlada medijska blokada. To enostavno ni res in gre za čisto navadno laž zahodnjaških (tudi naših) novinarjev. Rusi imajo dostop do novic, lahko berejo kritike vseh ljudi, ki pluvajo po Putinu, a ironično - še vedno ga volijo. Le zakaj ga volijo, če je največja groza, ki se zgodila Rusiji, kot to predstavljajo vsi zahodni mediji? Vključno z RTV SLO.
Rtvslo kot kaže vodi direktno ZDA ambasada, novinarji so možgansko mrtvi osebki (lobotomija ?).
btw, Angela Dorothea Kasner vlada 15 let zapored.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
Cervantes ::
Če bi Putin bil slabič, kot je bil npr. Jelcin, bi ga verjetno vsi hvalili. Malo preveč vodke, ampak OK.
Ker pa zna včasih tudi "analizirati" prstek, je pa za globalnega žandarja (borca za demokracijo) seveda moteč.
RTV pa paše pod MainstremMedia, orienticija jasna.
Money talks, BS walks.
Tvoje nepoznavanje literarne teorije je vnebovpijoče.
Ne gre za melanholične enajsterce. To so epski heksametri!
V precej primerih tudi preroške tercine.
Ker pa zna včasih tudi "analizirati" prstek, je pa za globalnega žandarja (borca za demokracijo) seveda moteč.
RTV pa paše pod MainstremMedia, orienticija jasna.
Money talks, BS walks.
Benti, pa zakaj imamo moderatorje?!?
Naziv dobiš že za kakšno malo nespodobnost, takole veličastno smetenje po forumu se pa mirno tolerira.
Saj tvoji melanholični enajsterci tudi niso za nikamor.
Tvoje nepoznavanje literarne teorije je vnebovpijoče.
Ne gre za melanholične enajsterce. To so epski heksametri!
V precej primerih tudi preroške tercine.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
Pac-Man ::
Verjetno profesionalna odpoved srca.
Če gre za odpoved srca je verjeten razlog precej jasen.
Adrian Lamo @ Wikipedia
During this period, in 2001, he overdosed on prescription amphetamines.[8][75]
For a period of time circa March 2011, Lamo was allegedly "in hiding," claiming that his "life was under threat" after turning in Manning. During this time, he struggled with substance abuse but later claimed that he was in recovery and that his security situation had improved as well.
Ko smo že pri literarnih žandrih - meni je všeč "pomembni ljudje se v 280 znakih zgražajo nad Trumpom". Bivši direktor CIA:
When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
btw, Angela Dorothea Kasner vlada 15 let zapored.
Angela Dorothea Kasner se udeležuje predvolilnih debat in vsega spremljajočega protokola.
Putka je prevelik čikn.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
PAC man,
Ok, rusi so ka koknili. koza sita.
Ok, rusi so ka koknili. koza sita.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Cervantes ::
Mr.B ::
Madona, nemci so rekli ne F35. Upam da ni zaradi Ameriških Sankcij...
Chief of the Luftwaffe is to leave his position in large part due to his support for a German procurement of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), Jane's has learned.
Chief of the Luftwaffe is to leave his position in large part due to his support for a German procurement of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), Jane's has learned.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Hja, namiguje se, da bo kmalu odpuščen Mueller.
President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, John Dowd, told The Daily Beast on Saturday morning that he hopes Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will shut down Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russia’s election interference.
When The Daily Beast initially asked Dowd if he was speaking on behalf of the president, he answered, “Yes as his counsel.” After publication of this story, however, Dowd emailed to say he was actually speaking in his personal capacity, and not on the president’s behalf.
Če se to zgodi, bo zgodba preklopila na warp speed.
If President Donald Trump fired special counsel Robert Mueller the first visible response would appear within hours, in the streets.
More than 500 demonstrations are already planned — outside the White House and the Capitol, in blue states and red states, in big cities, and in smaller places with names like Ketchum, Kankakee, and the pertinently monikered Truth or Consequences.
An even greater threat than those protests, however, is the risk firing Mueller, or limiting him, would shift the battle to the home state of the president, the site of his corporate offices, and of his campaign headquarters: Democrat-controlled New York.
New York’s attorney general hasn’t denied reports his office has been co-ordinating with Mueller. Eric Schneiderman even hinted a few days ago, to The New York Times, that if Mueller gets fired, he might step in.
“If that happens, we’ll do … whatever we can do to see that justice is done,” Schneiderman said.
Numerous federal laws relevant to the Russia probe do have replicas at the state level — money-laundering, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and trafficking in stolen materials, like emails.
Jens Ohlin, vice-dean of New York’s Cornell University law school, concurred: “I would imagine (Mueller’s) already shared some (material) with the (state) attorney general’s office.”
He said Mueller, if fired, could potentially share boxes of evidence, and say, “‘Do whatever you want with these before I shut off the lights.'”
President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, John Dowd, told The Daily Beast on Saturday morning that he hopes Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will shut down Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russia’s election interference.
When The Daily Beast initially asked Dowd if he was speaking on behalf of the president, he answered, “Yes as his counsel.” After publication of this story, however, Dowd emailed to say he was actually speaking in his personal capacity, and not on the president’s behalf.
Če se to zgodi, bo zgodba preklopila na warp speed.
If President Donald Trump fired special counsel Robert Mueller the first visible response would appear within hours, in the streets.
More than 500 demonstrations are already planned — outside the White House and the Capitol, in blue states and red states, in big cities, and in smaller places with names like Ketchum, Kankakee, and the pertinently monikered Truth or Consequences.
An even greater threat than those protests, however, is the risk firing Mueller, or limiting him, would shift the battle to the home state of the president, the site of his corporate offices, and of his campaign headquarters: Democrat-controlled New York.
New York’s attorney general hasn’t denied reports his office has been co-ordinating with Mueller. Eric Schneiderman even hinted a few days ago, to The New York Times, that if Mueller gets fired, he might step in.
“If that happens, we’ll do … whatever we can do to see that justice is done,” Schneiderman said.
Numerous federal laws relevant to the Russia probe do have replicas at the state level — money-laundering, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and trafficking in stolen materials, like emails.
Jens Ohlin, vice-dean of New York’s Cornell University law school, concurred: “I would imagine (Mueller’s) already shared some (material) with the (state) attorney general’s office.”
He said Mueller, if fired, could potentially share boxes of evidence, and say, “‘Do whatever you want with these before I shut off the lights.'”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
zmaugy ::
A se ti zdi, da Rusija ne bo izkoristila kaosa, ki bi nastal ob tem? Če se to zgodi, pričakuj dogodke na svetovni sceni, ki bojo imeli trajne posledice za cel svet.
zmaugy ::
Če se to zgodi, to ne bo slučajnost, na katero bo Rusija odreagirala. Njihov mandžurijski kandidat dela po tajmingu in navodilih iz Moskve in ni izključeno, da bojo letele rakete, če Trumpu ob tem ne bi uspelo zrušiti ureditve ZDPA in postati diktator.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Poldi112 ::
Nehaj sanjat. Nobenih raket ne bo. Kaos pa itak vsi izkoriščajo. Vsakič, ko se USA zaplete v večjo vojno, se po svetu vidi odziv, ko ostali vedo, da so zdaj 10 let več ali manj varni. Kitajci so lepo izkoristili Iraško pravljico in dlje ko je USA v Iraku in Afganistanu, bolj so veseli, ker prehitevajo usa. Rusi pa, kot je Merklca rekla, nimajo pravega stika z realnostjo. Nabutali so zahod v Siriji, jim je pa to tudi kar dobro pobralo sapo.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
zmaugy ::
Če se v ZDA zgodi kaos na notranje političnem področju, je to edina in sanjska priložnost za Putina, da skine ZDA. Glede na to da je Putin dosegel že vse ostalo kar je možno doseči, se ne bi niti najmanj čudil, če bi tempiral dogodke tako, da bi lahko z enim dobro odmerjenim udarcem šokiral ZDA v kapitulacijo ali izbiro o tem, da mu prepustijo kaj strateško tako pomembnega, da bi to zanje pomenilo konec dominance na svetovni sceni v nekem predvidljivem času in zagotovilo Rusiji svetovno prevlado.
Nesposobnih klovnov na čelu države se ne tolerira brez razlogov in Rusija že ve zakaj je pomagala Trumpu na čelo ZDA.
Nesposobnih klovnov na čelu države se ne tolerira brez razlogov in Rusija že ve zakaj je pomagala Trumpu na čelo ZDA.
nsa_ag3nt ::
btw, Angela Dorothea Kasner vlada 15 let zapored.
Angela Dorothea Kasner se udeležuje predvolilnih debat in vsega spremljajočega protokola.
Putka je prevelik čikn.
Toliko o piščancih.
V DE velja, da CDU == Angela Dorothea Kasner.
Tudi če reče da bodo letno uvozili 2 milijona alahovih astrofizikov, bo cdu še vedno dobila 30%.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
Vazelin ::
Če se v ZDA zgodi kaos na notranje političnem področju, je to edina in sanjska priložnost za Putina, da skine ZDA. Glede na to da je Putin dosegel že vse ostalo kar je možno doseči, se ne bi niti najmanj čudil, če bi tempiral dogodke tako, da bi lahko z enim dobro odmerjenim udarcem šokiral ZDA v kapitulacijo ali izbiro o tem, da mu prepustijo kaj strateško tako pomembnega, da bi to zanje pomenilo konec dominance na svetovni sceni v nekem predvidljivem času in zagotovilo Rusiji svetovno prevlado.
Nesposobnih klovnov na čelu države se ne tolerira brez razlogov in Rusija že ve zakaj je pomagala Trumpu na čelo ZDA.
dominanca rusije ja. Država z bdpjem italije bi dominirala v svetu.
Nekateri hudo precenjujete putina
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
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