Forum » Problemi človeštva » NATO in Rusija
NATO in Rusija
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Pac-Man ::
Polonium evidentno raste samo v Rusiji.
Ampak Kovtun se je na poti v VB ustavil še v Nemčiji. In tam vložil prošnjo za stalno prebivališče. Ki ji je priložil fotografijo. Na kateri so sledi polonija.
Most Russians associate a municipal authority with a long wait. That made it even more surprising to Dmitry Kovtun, 41, when, after arriving on Monday, October 30, at the city hall in Hamburg's Altona neighborhood -- a classic structure with a view of the Elbe -- he only had to spend a few minutes submitting his application for a permanent residency permit. He signed a form, and that was it.
But his signature was not the only thing Kovtun left on the form. He also left a passport photo -- one that investigators have confirmed was contaminated with the deadly radioactive rays of Polonium 210.
The contaminated photo from Altona is now playing a central role in the British investigation into the mysterious death of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko. They believe the Kremlin critic was poisoned with Polonium on Nov. 1 in the bar of London's Millennium Hotel. And because Kovtun's application with photo was officially dated, they now know that the Russian from Hamburg already bore traces of radiation two days earlier.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Mr.B ::
Kar ne spremeni dejstva da US in UK na veliko mecejo bombe po mestih, pa nekako vedno zgresijo civiliste. Sorry, samo malo absurdmo se mi zdi vse skupaj.
Američani priznavajo civilne žrtve. Rusi jih ne. Malo si zamešal.
1. priznajo šele ko ne morejo mižati.
2. terorositi niso civilne žrtve, in na to temo v javnih obilih se američani niti ne šparjao
3. asad tolče teroroiste in to na enak način kot Američani..
4. ko boš spodaj navedeno lahko pokazal, da rusi niso nič bolši
Sedja pa nazaj k relanosti ...koliko let je trajalo da so priznali....aja to so "non-combatant"
All Qureshi knows about Obama, he told the Guardian from Islamabad, “is what he has done to me and the people in Waziristan, and that is an act of tyranny. If there is a list of tyrants in the world, to me, Obama will be put on that list by his drone program.”
Last week, the US defense secretary, Ashton Carter, said the US in 2016 will in its north African and south Asian strongholds, with drone strikes likely to take the lead. The latest drone strike in Yemen, on , demonstrated that the strikes can occur despite the chaos of the US-allied Saudi Arabian war on the ruling Houthi faction. Africa is dotted with US launchpads for drones, from Djibouti to Niger to Cameroon. Foreign countries from the UK to Pakistan, following America’s lead, . The drone strikes will outlast the president most associated with normalizing them
Ali pa tale :
This week, a new report from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism gives us the best picture yet of the impact of the CIA's drone war in Pakistan. The CIA claims that there has been not one "non-combatant" killed in the past year. This claim always seemed to be biased advocacy rather than honest fact. Indeed, the Guardian recently published some of the pictures we have obtained of the aftermath of drone strikes. There were photos of a child called Naeem Ullah killed in Datta Khel and two kids in Piranho, both within the timeframe of the CIA's dubious declaration.
Number of U.S. drone strike victims in Pakistan: 2,500–4000. Number of Fair Trials: 0
Aja američani se ne grejo vojne...
June 17, 2004, 9:45 PM. A US drone silently hovers over Wana, in South Waziristan. Missiles are dropped, hitting a domestic building and causing the death of at least six people, including at least two children. Among the victims is the target of the attack: Nek Mohammed, a local Taliban commander. In short, this is the (known) beginning of US covert operations in Pakistan, which frequently assumes the form of targeted killings through drone strikes.
nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets. In Yemen and Somalia, where the U.S. has far more limited intelligence capabilities to confirm the people killed are the intended targets, the equivalent ratios may well be much worse.
pa še polno je tega.
No kaj je že tvoj argument : _____
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Pripet video je kul. Minuta in pol.
Opposition activists in Russia accuse the Kremlin of using the security services and state-controlled TV to attack them. When #BBCPanorama went to investigate their claims, the same tactics were used. Find out more in Taking on Putin, 7.30pm tomorrow on @BBCOne.
Sweeney je šel skozi praktično isto sranje s scientologi. Dvakrat.
Scientology and Me @ Wikipedia
The Secrets of Scientology @ Wikipedia
Tip ima bikova jajca.
Opposition activists in Russia accuse the Kremlin of using the security services and state-controlled TV to attack them. When #BBCPanorama went to investigate their claims, the same tactics were used. Find out more in Taking on Putin, 7.30pm tomorrow on @BBCOne.
Sweeney je šel skozi praktično isto sranje s scientologi. Dvakrat.
Scientology and Me @ Wikipedia
The Secrets of Scientology @ Wikipedia
Tip ima bikova jajca.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Samuel ::
Ne se ti preveč brigat zame.
Jaz sem nepomemben.
Rajši stori kaj zase.
Glej zgoraj.
Ne pametuj drugim, kaj bi morali storiti, če sam nisi sposoben storiti ničesar.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Mr.B ::
Ne se ti preveč brigat zame.
Jaz sem nepomemben.
Rajši stori kaj zase.
Glej zgoraj.
Ne pametuj drugim, kaj bi morali storiti, če sam nisi sposoben storiti ničesar.
Vpraš izrael, on da dekret, öe pa se ne umakneš, pa gremo s plinom nad šolo.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Samuel ::
A že spet tipkaš tukaj v službi?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Smrekar1 ::
Rusija si bo kmalu prislužila častno mesto na seznamu držav sponzorjev terorizma. Verjetno se bo moral zamenjati predsednik v ZDA, ampak to je bolj kot ne vprašanje časa.
Trumpovi kandidati v Trumplandiji, za katere je šel agitirati Trump osebno in ki so v kampanijo zmetali 10x več denarja kot demokratski protikandidati imajo resne, zelo resne težave pri izvolitvah. Za november je obvezna oprema za vsakega republikanca večja posoda vazelina.
Trumpovi kandidati v Trumplandiji, za katere je šel agitirati Trump osebno in ki so v kampanijo zmetali 10x več denarja kot demokratski protikandidati imajo resne, zelo resne težave pri izvolitvah. Za november je obvezna oprema za vsakega republikanca večja posoda vazelina.
zmaugy ::
Smo mislili, da so se ljudje iz Nuremberških procesov kaj naučili, ampak ne. Kandidatka za šefico CIA je sodelovala pri mučenju zapornikov.
Nekateri republikanski gnoji to opravičujejo na način kot so svoja grozodejstva opravičevali nacisti - izpolnjevanje ukazov. V Nurembergu to ni bila uspešna obrambna taktika.
In Oranžni tako osebo predlaga za visok položaj namesto v kazenski postopek?
Nekateri republikanski gnoji to opravičujejo na način kot so svoja grozodejstva opravičevali nacisti - izpolnjevanje ukazov. V Nurembergu to ni bila uspešna obrambna taktika.
In Oranžni tako osebo predlaga za visok položaj namesto v kazenski postopek?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Vazelin ::
Iz MMC članka Putinova Rusija
Zelo poštena tekma ni kaj.
In še:
Volilna kampanja, v kateri Putinovi tekmeci igrajo stranske vloge, je dolgočasna. Putin se ne udeležuje televizijskih in radijskih soočenj, nima volilnega programa. Ob tem pa v zadnjih dveh tednih državne televizije predvajajo filme o Putinu , objavljajo ekskluzivne intervjuje, ki so jih z zdajšnjim predsednikom posneli znani televizijski voditelji. Zelo je odmeval pogovor z novinarjem Solovjovom, v katerem je Putin dejal, da bi Rusija, če bo napadena, lahko uporabila jedrsko orožje. Na spletu si je mogoče ogledati dveurni film novinarja televizije Rusija z naslovom Putin, v katerem prvi mož Kremlja pripoveduje o svoji mladosti, o dedku, ki je kuhal za Lenina in Stalina...
Zelo poštena tekma ni kaj.
In še:
Navalni je zgradil mrežo privržencev po vsej državi. Težko je reči, koliko ljudi bi ga podprlo, če bi na volitvah lahko kandidiral, a očitno Kremelj ni želel tvegati in mu je kandidaturo preprečil. Sistem potencialne Putinove tekmece že v procesu registracije filtrira.
Putinu bi lahko zmagoslavje pokvarila samo nizka volilna udeležba. Na spletu krožijo pisma direktorjev državnih podjetij, visokih uradnikov v različnih ministrstvih, ravnateljev šol, dekanov, da se zaposleni volitev morajo udeležiti. Slišati je tudi, da študentom, ki živijo v študentskih domovih, grozijo, da lahko ostanejo brez sobe, če ne bodo glasovali.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
Poldi112 ::
Smo mislili, da so se ljudje iz Nuremberških procesov kaj naučili, ampak ne. Kandidatka za šefico CIA je sodelovala pri mučenju zapornikov.
Nekateri republikanski gnoji to opravičujejo na način kot so svoja grozodejstva opravičevali nacisti - izpolnjevanje ukazov. V Nurembergu to ni bila uspešna obrambna taktika.
In Oranžni tako osebo predlaga za visok položaj namesto v kazenski postopek?
Heh, če bi po Nurnberških kriterijih sodili zda, bi vsi njihovi predsedniki po 2. sv. vojni viseli...
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
zmaugy ::
Ne verjamem da je kakšen od povojnih ZDA predsednikov osebno sodeloval pri mučenju zapornikov. Bi pa Bushu morali soditi, ker je to prakso javno vzpodbujal.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Poldi112 ::
Zakaj bi moral pa kateri osebno sodelovati? Saj Obama tudi ni osebno pilotiral dronov.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
zmaugy ::
Kandidatka za CIA direktorico je bila zraven osebno. Poleg tega pa sem napisal, da bi morali GW Busha postaviti pred sodišče, ker je vzpodbujal mučenje zapornikov in ne verjamem, da je kakšnega on osebno mučil ali stal zraven.
Pac-Man ::
Okej, kje smo zdaj. Različni avtorji.
BREAKING: 23 (out of 58) Russian diplomats thought to be "undeclared intelligence agents" by UK govt to be expelled from Britain. Given 1 week to leave.
UK will target Russians for human-rights abuses; will freeze Russian assets when it is shown they can be used to threaten UK or citizens
UK will move to adopt Magnitsky law and toughen laws to seize assets.
No attendance by ministers or royal family at world cup in Russia
@OPCW set to undertake independent analysis of nerve agent attack in Salisbury, with PM saying that police will help them to do this
No suggestion from Theresa May about restricting the activities of Russian propaganda outlets
Wow. The Russian Embassy issues a *furious* and rambling press release slamming the @australian for its coverage of the Skripal case and "dirty anti-Russian lampoon" - "Let’s leave on the conscience of Mr Romaniv his russophobic scum"
BREAKING: 23 (out of 58) Russian diplomats thought to be "undeclared intelligence agents" by UK govt to be expelled from Britain. Given 1 week to leave.
UK will target Russians for human-rights abuses; will freeze Russian assets when it is shown they can be used to threaten UK or citizens
UK will move to adopt Magnitsky law and toughen laws to seize assets.
No attendance by ministers or royal family at world cup in Russia
@OPCW set to undertake independent analysis of nerve agent attack in Salisbury, with PM saying that police will help them to do this
No suggestion from Theresa May about restricting the activities of Russian propaganda outlets
Wow. The Russian Embassy issues a *furious* and rambling press release slamming the @australian for its coverage of the Skripal case and "dirty anti-Russian lampoon" - "Let’s leave on the conscience of Mr Romaniv his russophobic scum"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
Itak da bush ni osebno mučil zapornikov. Nihče ne misli, da jih je. Ne vidim pa, kaj je tako pomembno pri tem, da je bila zraven? Razen tega, da so jo nagradili za uspešno opravljeno delo (poslušnost) :).
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Pac-Man ::
Britain must comply with the Chemical Weapons Convention which stipulates joint investigation into the incident, for which Moscow is ready.
in komentar
Interesting legal position. Art IX(2) of the Chemical Weapons Convention imposes an duty on State parties to clarify and resolve, through exchange of information and consultations, any matter which may cause doubt about compliance with the Convention. Russia appears to suggest that the UK is in breach of this duty, having requested an explanation concerning Russia’s involvement in the Skripal poisoning by the end of today. The Russian position seems to be based on a misunderstanding.
First, contrary to what the Embassy’s tweet suggests, Art IX(2) of the Convention does not call for a “joint investigation”. Rather, it calls for an exchange of information and consultation.
Second, the duty to make every effort to clarify and resolve the situation, through the exchange of information and consultation, is not an absolute one. It applies only “whenever possible” and is phrased as a “should” rather than “shall”.
Against this background, it is absurd to suggest that the process set out in Art IX(2) is the exclusive remedy available to a State party that has suffered a chemical weapons attack. Taken to its logical conclusion, it would mean that such a State could not take appropriate measures to defend itself from further chemical attack or that in an armed conflict it would have to cease all operations if its adversary were to use chemical weapons against it. Art XII of the Convention also recognises that serious or particularly grave instances of non-compliance may call for remedies, including enforcement measures, outside the framework of the Convention.
Britain must comply with the Chemical Weapons Convention which stipulates joint investigation into the incident, for which Moscow is ready.
in komentar
Interesting legal position. Art IX(2) of the Chemical Weapons Convention imposes an duty on State parties to clarify and resolve, through exchange of information and consultations, any matter which may cause doubt about compliance with the Convention. Russia appears to suggest that the UK is in breach of this duty, having requested an explanation concerning Russia’s involvement in the Skripal poisoning by the end of today. The Russian position seems to be based on a misunderstanding.
First, contrary to what the Embassy’s tweet suggests, Art IX(2) of the Convention does not call for a “joint investigation”. Rather, it calls for an exchange of information and consultation.
Second, the duty to make every effort to clarify and resolve the situation, through the exchange of information and consultation, is not an absolute one. It applies only “whenever possible” and is phrased as a “should” rather than “shall”.
Against this background, it is absurd to suggest that the process set out in Art IX(2) is the exclusive remedy available to a State party that has suffered a chemical weapons attack. Taken to its logical conclusion, it would mean that such a State could not take appropriate measures to defend itself from further chemical attack or that in an armed conflict it would have to cease all operations if its adversary were to use chemical weapons against it. Art XII of the Convention also recognises that serious or particularly grave instances of non-compliance may call for remedies, including enforcement measures, outside the framework of the Convention.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
zmaugy ::
Za vse mlečnozobe in tudi senilne hujskače - osvežitev poznavanja posledic jedrske vojne:
V primeru omejenega konflikta med Indijo in Pakistanom bi na svetu umrlo 1-2 milijarde ljudi od lakote zaradi onesnažene atmosfere in posledično izpada svetovnega kmetijstva.
V primeru omejenega konflikta med Indijo in Pakistanom bi na svetu umrlo 1-2 milijarde ljudi od lakote zaradi onesnažene atmosfere in posledično izpada svetovnega kmetijstva.
Cervantes ::
May in March?
Mad Cow Desease zahteva nove žrtve v GB.
Ni problem živčni strup.
Kreutzfeld/Jakobs je.
Kje ste zdaj, vojaki?
Ni novih direktiv?
Mad Cow Desease zahteva nove žrtve v GB.
Ni problem živčni strup.
Kreutzfeld/Jakobs je.
Kje ste zdaj, vojaki?
Ni novih direktiv?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
Pac-Man ::
Spet ena iz "Shit happens, especially in Russia"
On Feb 27 (GRU day), a Youtube channel run by an anonymous "Group M" (occasionally posting patriotic/GRU/FSB extolling videos), posted 13 archive videos of arrests of spies by Russian military counter-intelligence. 4 of those videos were of Skripal's arrest All the remaining arrested spies are now serving their sentences in Russian jails. Skripal was the only one who was free. Could well be a coincidence, but should be taken into account in assessing the evidence. He was clearly "top of mind".
On Feb 27 (GRU day), a Youtube channel run by an anonymous "Group M" (occasionally posting patriotic/GRU/FSB extolling videos), posted 13 archive videos of arrests of spies by Russian military counter-intelligence. 4 of those videos were of Skripal's arrest All the remaining arrested spies are now serving their sentences in Russian jails. Skripal was the only one who was free. Could well be a coincidence, but should be taken into account in assessing the evidence. He was clearly "top of mind".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Spet ena iz "Shit happens, especially in Russia"
On Feb 27 (GRU day), a Youtube channel run by an anonymous "Group M" (occasionally posting patriotic/GRU/FSB extolling videos), posted 13 archive videos of arrests of spies by Russian military counter-intelligence. 4 of those videos were of Skripal's arrest All the remaining arrested spies are now serving their sentences in Russian jails. Skripal was the only one who was free. Could well be a coincidence, but should be taken into account in assessing the evidence. He was clearly "top of mind".
Samo namig, men je AV zajamral ob tvojem viru. Verjtno zato ker je ruski, mislim AV.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Cervantes ::
To, da so Rusi prasci, ker so sklatili Malezijca, je jasno.
Ampake tegale škripača so jim pa podvalili. Majkemi.
Majkemi. Majkemi. (prosto po Magnificu)
Ampake tegale škripača so jim pa podvalili. Majkemi.
Majkemi. Majkemi. (prosto po Magnificu)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
Cervantes ::
zmaugy ::
Ker je danes 16. marec, se lahko spomnimo kaj so ameriški psihopati na ta dan leta 1968 počeli v My Laiu v Vietnamu:
"Milosti niso pokazali do nikogar - mame, ki so ščitile svoje otroke, so ustrelili, otroke, ki so skušali zbežati, prav tako, množično so posilili neznano število žensk, njihove domove pa požgali do tal. Znesli so se tudi nad živino, uničili polja in pridelek ter zastrupili vodnjake. Calley je osebno v jarek za vasjo odvlekel več deset vaščanov, vključno z otroki, in jih usmrtil z mitraljezom."
"Milosti niso pokazali do nikogar - mame, ki so ščitile svoje otroke, so ustrelili, otroke, ki so skušali zbežati, prav tako, množično so posilili neznano število žensk, njihove domove pa požgali do tal. Znesli so se tudi nad živino, uničili polja in pridelek ter zastrupili vodnjake. Calley je osebno v jarek za vasjo odvlekel več deset vaščanov, vključno z otroki, in jih usmrtil z mitraljezom."
Mr.B ::
Verjetno nočejo na prvo reagirat, in imajo sedaj posvet pred ogledalom.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Cervantes ::
Mayeva oznanja, da gre za napad na suvereno državo s kemičnim orožjem.
A če bi reveža počili, bi šlo pa za napad na suvereno državo s strelnim orožjem?
Še bolje, ako bi uporabili baseball bet, bi šlo za napad na suvereno državo s športnim rekvizitom?
Se ji je pa menda dvignil rating. Mission accomplished.
Mayeva oznanja, da gre za napad na suvereno državo s kemičnim orožjem.
A če bi reveža počili, bi šlo pa za napad na suvereno državo s strelnim orožjem?
Še bolje, ako bi uporabili baseball bet, bi šlo za napad na suvereno državo s športnim rekvizitom?
Se ji je pa menda dvignil rating. Mission accomplished.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
Mr.B ::
Človek bi misli, da je nekoga, ki se prosto sprehaja po londonu, res težko iz daljave pihniti. Verjetno je nekomu lažje zastrupiti pol gostilne, da je manj sumljivo.
Sicer ima aljazeera en zanimiv članek na "teresino odločitev", ampka to hišo američani bombandirajo, ker trosi laži.
Sicer ima aljazeera en zanimiv članek na "teresino odločitev", ampka to hišo američani bombandirajo, ker trosi laži.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Cervantes ::
Ste že zaužili dnevno dozo putinizma?
Se ti je dvignil?
Žolč, da ne bo pomote.
Ti pa nisi vojak. Prostovoljec?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
Smrekar1 ::
Cervantes :: za ta genocid je bil kaznovan samo en ameriški vojak, še to z smešno kaznijo.
Severni Vietnamci so svoje zločince za umore civilistov v sosednji državi praviloma odlikovali. Nekateri jih potem častijo kot osvoboditelje.
Pa pejmo še nazaj.
V Tonkinški zaliv, recimo.
Vanich :: za ta genocid je bil kaznovan samo en ameriški vojak, še to z smešno kaznijo.
Severni Vietnamci so svoje zločince za umore civilistov v sosednji državi praviloma odlikovali. Nekateri jih potem častijo kot osvoboditelje.
Smrekca primerja primitivne komunistične Vijetnamce z visokorazvitimi demokratičnimi Amerikanci.
Smrekar1 ::
Pa pejmo še nazaj.
V Tonkinški zaliv, recimo.
Lahko gremo še malo nazaj, recimo ko je Severni Vietnam začel "osvobajati" Laos in tam vpeljal komunistično oblast. Od takrat do danes so že imeli tri vojne za osvoboditev, vse so komunistične sile z Vietnamsko oblastjo krvavo zatrle. Stotisoči mrtvih in pregnanih, standard pač.
North Vietnamese invasion of Laos @ Wikipedia
Zanimivo, da nekateri to smejo, drugi ne.
Smrekca primerja primitivne komunistične Vijetnamce z visokorazvitimi demokratičnimi Amerikanci.
Smrekar1 pač ni rasist. Jbg.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Cervantes :: za ta genocid je bil kaznovan samo en ameriški vojak, še to z smešno kaznijo.
Severni Vietnamci so svoje zločince za umore civilistov v sosednji državi praviloma odlikovali. Nekateri jih potem častijo kot osvoboditelje.
Tvoj argument:
"Saj smo barabe. Ampak oni so še hujše."
zmaugy :: za ta genocid je bil kaznovan samo en ameriški vojak, še to z smešno kaznijo.
Severni Vietnamci so svoje zločince za umore civilistov v sosednji državi praviloma odlikovali. Nekateri jih potem častijo kot osvoboditelje.
To ne opravičuje ameriških dejanj. Poleg tega, kaj so Američani sploh delali tam? Saj tam niso ZDA.
zmaugy ::
Da ne bi s prstom kazali samo na Američane:
Je pa oboje precej bližje Rusiji kot je Vietnam ZDA.
Kaj rusi danes (in ne 50 let nazaj) delajo v Ukrajini in Siriji. saj niso tam doma
Je pa oboje precej bližje Rusiji kot je Vietnam ZDA.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Vazelin ::
Je pa oboje precej bližje Rusiji kot je Vietnam ZDA.
Sedaj, ko sem spil 2 deci Putinizma™ se počutim takoj bolje
Poldi112 :: za ta genocid je bil kaznovan samo en ameriški vojak, še to z smešno kaznijo.
Severni Vietnamci so svoje zločince za umore civilistov v sosednji državi praviloma odlikovali. Nekateri jih potem častijo kot osvoboditelje.
Kako to misliš "kot osvoboditelje"? Kako pa ti rečeš narodnoosvobodilnemu boju, ki vrže okupatorja iz svoje zemlje?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Smrekar1 ::
To ne opravičuje ameriških dejanj. Poleg tega, kaj so Američani sploh delali tam? Saj tam niso ZDA.
Isto, kar so leta 1944 delali v Franciji.
Zanimivo, da je bilo tisto v redu, Vietnam pa ne.
Kako pa ti rečeš narodnoosvobodilnemu boju, ki vrže okupatorja iz svoje zemlje?
Tole je bil ene toliko narodnoosvobodilni boj kot je bil narodnoosvobodilni boj invazija v Irak - oziroma kvječemu manj, ker je slednja imela neko podlago v OZN, Severnovietnamske imperialne ambicije so bile solo akcija režima s podporo SZ.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
zmaugy ::
A gremo še nazaj? Kaj so pa leta 1917 Američani delali v Evropi? Mešali drek. Druga svetovna vojna je bila neposredna posledica prve svetovne vojne.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Poldi112 ::
Smeh. USA je enostavno hotela nadzor tam. Zato so finančno sponzorirali francoze, ko so francozi obupali so pa sami vskočili in furali naprej kolonializem.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Smrekar1 ::
A gremo še nazaj? Kaj so pa leta 1917 Američani delali v Evropi? Mešali drek. Druga svetovna vojna je bila neposredna posledica prve svetovne vojne.
Druga svetovna vojna je bila predvsem neposredna posledica ignoriranja ZDA kakšna naj bo povojna ureditev Evrope.
Fourteen Points @ Wikipedia
Grdi Američani, da niso naredili ... česa, točno?
Mr.B ::
Moj ma daljši list, tvoj pa v imenu zahodne demokracije.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Cervantes ::
Prva je imela za posledico nesmiselne reparacije za Nemčijo, ki so v končni fazi naplavile Hitlerja.
Woodrow Wilson je imel priliko narest nekaj pametnega, pa je ni izkoristil.
No, pa vsi ostali tudi.
Smo pa Slovenci zaradi razkosanja nam tako ljube monarhije in na podlagi "samoodločbe narodov" izgubili 2/3 nacionalnega ozemlja.
Samo tako mimo grede.
Woodrow Wilson je imel priliko narest nekaj pametnega, pa je ni izkoristil.
No, pa vsi ostali tudi.
Smo pa Slovenci zaradi razkosanja nam tako ljube monarhije in na podlagi "samoodločbe narodov" izgubili 2/3 nacionalnega ozemlja.
Samo tako mimo grede.
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Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Skripal (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Loža | 31677 (17426) | Pac-Man |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 261656 (221675) | OmegaBlue |