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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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37 / 67

Samuel ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Seveda jaz ne zagovarjam smrt naroda svoboda fasizma.

Ti preko Putina podpiraš nacizem/fašizem.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Pac-Man ::

L. 2015 je stranka, katere ustanovitelj ima trenutno čez vso rusko vojaško in vesoljsko industrijo (Rodina, Rogozin), gostila celotno evropsko skrajno desno elito, od Atake do Zlate zore.

Aretirali so protestnike namesto fašistov.

Stormfrontovci znajo brati med vrsticami, ti na žalost ne.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Seveda jaz ne zagovarjam smrt naroda svoboda fasizma.

Ti preko Putina podpiraš nacizem/fašizem.

Ti ze ves, ko podpiras fašizem. Ko pa v isti kos mesaš še nacizem, je pa potem isto komunizem, kapitalizem, socializem.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

nsa_ag3nt ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Seveda jaz ne zagovarjam smrt naroda svoboda fasizma.

Ti preko Putina podpiraš nacizem/fašizem.

Eu podpira naciste v Kijevu, kjer lahko mašisarjo z SS oznakami.

Zahodni demokrat Navalny je težak nacionalist in desničar, ob njem izgleda Afd kot otroški vrtec.
Samo zato ker ga zahodni msm mediji predstavljajo kot alternativo ne pomeni da je temu res tako.

Nawalny is known to be funded by the American Endowment for Democracy and propagated as Yale World Leader.

Torej se ZDA vmešavajo v Ru volitve.

Samuel ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Seveda jaz ne zagovarjam smrt naroda svoboda fasizma.

Ti preko Putina podpiraš nacizem/fašizem.

Ti ze ves, ko podpiras fašizem. Ko pa v isti kos mesaš še nacizem, je pa potem isto komunizem, kapitalizem, socializem.

Ne blebeči. Fašizem in nacizem sta zelo podobna in sorodna izraza. Komunizem in kapitalizem pa ravno nasprotna. Sploh ne vem, kaj to omenjaš. Putin PODPIRA skrajne desničarske stranke v Evropi. Ti pa Putina.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Seveda jaz ne zagovarjam smrt naroda svoboda fasizma.

Ti preko Putina podpiraš nacizem/fašizem.

Ti ze ves, ko podpiras fašizem. Ko pa v isti kos mesaš še nacizem, je pa potem isto komunizem, kapitalizem, socializem.

Ne blebeči. Fašizem in nacizem sta zelo podobna in sorodna izraza. Komunizem in kapitalizem pa ravno nasprotna. Sploh ne vem, kaj to omenjaš. Putin PODPIRA skrajne desničarske stranke v Evropi. Ti pa Putina.

i challenge you, da mi brez wikija z lastnimi besedami razlozis, zakaj o izraelu lahko precej blizu govorimo o fašizmu in ne nacizmu. Ce je to pretezko pa mi z lastnimi besedami razlozi razliko teh dveh pojmov... pozneje zelooo pozneje pa se lahko razpises o kapitalizmu in komunizmu ter ostalih zgodbah.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Seveda jaz ne zagovarjam smrt naroda svoboda fasizma.

Ti preko Putina podpiraš nacizem/fašizem.

Ti ze ves, ko podpiras fašizem. Ko pa v isti kos mesaš še nacizem, je pa potem isto komunizem, kapitalizem, socializem.

Ne blebeči. Fašizem in nacizem sta zelo podobna in sorodna izraza. Komunizem in kapitalizem pa ravno nasprotna. Sploh ne vem, kaj to omenjaš. Putin PODPIRA skrajne desničarske stranke v Evropi. Ti pa Putina.

i challenge you, da mi brez wikija z lastnimi besedami razlozis, zakaj o izraelu lahko precej blizu govorimo o fašizmu in ne nacizmu. Ce je to pretezko pa mi z lastnimi besedami razlozi razliko teh dveh pojmov... pozneje zelooo pozneje pa se lahko razpises o kapitalizmu in komunizmu ter ostalih zgodbah.

Zaleti se ti v najbližji zid. Gor ti napišem, da sta izraza podobna, ti pa meni o tem, kakšne so razlike. Fašisti so bili Italjani, Nacisti pa Nemci. Oboje je pa Mr.B.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Seveda jaz ne zagovarjam smrt naroda svoboda fasizma.

Ti preko Putina podpiraš nacizem/fašizem.

Ti ze ves, ko podpiras fašizem. Ko pa v isti kos mesaš še nacizem, je pa potem isto komunizem, kapitalizem, socializem.

Ne blebeči. Fašizem in nacizem sta zelo podobna in sorodna izraza. Komunizem in kapitalizem pa ravno nasprotna. Sploh ne vem, kaj to omenjaš. Putin PODPIRA skrajne desničarske stranke v Evropi. Ti pa Putina.

i challenge you, da mi brez wikija z lastnimi besedami razlozis, zakaj o izraelu lahko precej blizu govorimo o fašizmu in ne nacizmu. Ce je to pretezko pa mi z lastnimi besedami razlozi razliko teh dveh pojmov... pozneje zelooo pozneje pa se lahko razpises o kapitalizmu in komunizmu ter ostalih zgodbah.

Zaleti se ti v najbližji zid. Gor ti napišem, da sta izraza podobna, ti pa meni o tem, kakšne so razlike. Fašisti so bili Italjani, Nacisti pa Nemci. Oboje je pa Mr.B.

Ok ne ves.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::



Anyone who might help geolocate this "Le Petit Bar"? Seems to be a Black Sea resort cafe.

25 minut kasneje:


Belgrade. Tablecloth, floor tiles and tables 3 feet seems to match
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Deripaskina punca zdaj želi dejt s putko, zaupat mu ima važne reči. Video:

Nato se je razvila ta debata.

Za začetek bi bilo dobro vedet, da je Putin FSBjev kader, pred vstopom v politiko na nacionalnem nivoju je bil kratek čas celo njihov direktor. Pri prehodu so mu zelo verjetno pomagali z eksplozijami v par blokih po Rusiji, da je lahko prakticiral mačo pozo in postal vsem znano ime. Ostalo bomo razpakirali pozneje.

Sam sicer še vedno mislim, da je Nastja samo ena tistih o katerih je pred leti rapal Klemen Klemen, ampak vsaj Christo ima v mezincu tretje noge zbranega toliko znanja in informacij o Rusiji, kot vsi mi skupaj. Tole je važno vsaj prebrat.


(1) Christo Grozev
(2) lennutrajektoor
(3) Andrew C Laufer, Esq
(4) chevette

(1) To preclude questions, *Nastya* is GRU's asset.

(2) Mu-Mu 2.0?

(1) exactly. why change something that ain't broken. Just escalate it from meaningless oppo figures to you real adversaries.

(2) Well, Mu-Mu was a silent obedient asset. This perky miss doesn't seem to let her rule by anyone. I don't buy this claim so easily. But she is boring with her "smart games"

(1) you are too naive to believe there's room for that much unrestrained perkiness in Russia.

(2) Maybe. This is way off my chart. Of course unless some other tower of Siloviki from GRU want to have Deripaska and Co. balls deep.

(1) I think Deripaska is just the proof of concept. The teaser.

(2) What is then that Alexy bla bla guru. He lives quite vibrant life. He's the middleman?

(1) I can only guess so. My GRU contact had told me (4-5 months ago) they had a lady that was "girlfriend to quite a few oligarchs". It meant nothing to me then. You can imagine now it does.

(2) Do we talk about mutiny? This, if true, is pure precursor for upcoming change of ruler. The other tower must have a firm leader who runs this game.

(1) An ultimatum. Either FSB is literally closed (and a new entity built in its place), or ....all options are option for the "or" scenario.

(2) Ultimatum by whom? Who's the challenger?

(1) It's the GRU structure as a whole. I don't know if they have a substitute candidate. They would be quite happy if VVP can dissolve FSB but they think his hands are tied. Bottomline is, I don't know who they have as backup candidate.

(2) Aaaa. One step at a time. I see. One follows the other. Just needed to be taken. Good old Politbyro days.

(3) Would love to see an FSB v GRU v SVR Death Match. Grind each other into a bloody pulp.

(1) SVR seems to still be ideological; FSB & GRU are totally self-interested/corrupt/empire-building. So SVR would lose out pitifully in a death match.

(4) Red Sparrow?

(1) That more precisely matched Volochkova (at the time)

(4) Was she an actual asset?

(1) About 15 yrs ago when I met her..I believe she was.

Zdaj pa še ostalo.



She calls herself Mumu, and she's a 21-year-old part-time model with green eyes and brown hair. But while she's a pretty student and model by day, she spends her nights seducing critics of the Russian government.


Over the past month, half a dozen of Russia's leading opposition figures, journalists and commentators have found themselves Mumu's unwilling co-stars in a series of films posted on Russian websites.

In one, opposition activist Ilya Yashin is shown cavorting with two girls. In another, Mikhail Fishman, editor of Russian Newsweek, apparently snorts cocaine off a coffee table as a naked Mumu prances in the background.

And perhaps most bizarrely, extreme nationalist politicians Alexander Potkin and Eduard Limonov are shown naked in bed together with Mumu.

According to another victim, comedian and satirist Viktor Shenderovich, 52, who was filmed in bed with Mumu naked except for a black trilby hat, 'the filming was done professionally - federal forces were clearly involved in it.

Aleksij - Nastjin prijatelj/tip/guru/pimp/GRU handler, pick those that fit, s katerim glede na njen instagram preživi blazno veliko časa po obalah JV Azije.

Red Sparrow:



Russia's Bolshoi Ballet has suffered another blow to its reputation, as a former prima ballerina claimed that its director general had turned it into a 'giant brothel'.

Anastasia Volochkova claimed that female dancers were forced to have sex with wealthy men or face losing their jobs at the theatre.


'It mainly happened with the corps du ballet but also with the soloists,' she claimed in a talkshow on Sunday, later repeating the claims in a radio interview

She added: 'Ten years ago when I was dancing at the theatre, I repeatedly received propositions to share the beds of oligarchs.

'The girls were forced to go along to grand dinners and given advance warning that afterwards they would be expected to have sex.

'When the girls asked: 'What happens if we refuse?', they were told that they would not go on tour or even perform at the Bolshoi theatre. Can you imagine?'
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Navalni ima nov video z angleškimi podnapisi o tej zadnji sagi. 5 minut.

Ruskemu sistemu se lahko reče oligarhizem.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Cervantes ::

Paco spet gate trga!

Pac-Man ::

Hvala, da si nit dvignil na vrh.

Se priporočam.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ruskemu sistemu se lahko reče oligarhizem.

Kaj je narobe s klasičnim imenom?

Gre za navaden fevdalizem. Poglavar podeli lojalnim plemičem (včasih je bil to genetski pedigre, zdaj je to članstvo v KGB/FSB) način kako zaslužiti (tradicionalno zemljo, sedaj večinoma podjetja) in ti mu v zameno nudijo lojalno podporo (tradicionalno vojsko, sedaj glasove na volitvah in denar). Tlačani imajo približno toliko pravic kot so jih imeli pred 1000 leti, samo predstavljene so na drugačen način.

Mogoče bi lahko rekli neofevdalizem, ampak tu potegnem črto. Oligarhizem je preveč splošna zadeva in situacije ne opiše primerno.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Francija uvaja nabor.


Po pisanju sodeč bolj kot ne uvajajo nov tip obveznega šolanja, ki ga izvaja vojska in se ga opravlja po dopolnjenem 18. letu starosti.

Nekaj podobnega so hoteli uvesti tudi pri nas. Spremembo podpiram samo v primeru, da se vodi v okviru ministrstva za šolstvo.

Pac-Man ::

Vse je že znano s twitterja, zdaj še (pol)uradna potrditev. NRA je potencialno v težkem sranju.


The FBI is investigating whether a top Russian banker with ties to the Kremlin illegally funneled money to the National Rifle Association to help Donald Trump win the presidency, two sources familiar with the matter have told McClatchy.

FBI counterintelligence investigators have focused on the activities of Alexander Torshin, the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank who is known for his close relationships with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and the NRA, the sources said.

It is illegal to use foreign money to influence federal elections.


The extent to which the FBI has evidence of money flowing from Torshin to the NRA, or of the NRA’s participation in the transfer of funds, could not be learned.

However, the NRA reported spending a record $55 million on the 2016 elections, including $30 million to support Trump – triple what the group devoted to backing Republican Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential race. Most of that was money was spent by an arm of the NRA that is not required to disclose its donors.

Two people with close connections to the powerful gun lobby said its total election spending actually approached or exceeded $70 million.


Torshin, a leading figure in Putin’s party, has been implicated in money laundering by judicial authorities in Spain, as Bloomberg News first revealed in 2016.


A summary obtained by McClatchy of the still-secret report links Torshin to Russian money laundering and describes him as a godfather in a major Russian criminal organization called Taganskaya.

Investigators for three congressional committees probing Russia’s 2016 operations also have shown interest in Torshin, a lifetime NRA member who has attended several of its annual conventions.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Aleksij - Nastjin prijatelj/tip/guru/pimp/GRU handler, pick those that fit, s katerim glede na njen instagram preživi blazno veliko časa po obalah JV Azije.

Malo več je jasno. Morda.


Can't make this shit up. Self-styled sex guru Alex Lesley (of Deripaska kompromat fame) turned out to be owner of "Innovation system for advance anticipation of emergency situations in distance learning" start-up at RU government sponsored start-up incubator Skolkovo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

karl ::

LOL. Pol cene slotek serverjev gre samo na račun pacmanovih kopij pejstov. Upam da si tiskaš kopije in delaš arhiv, da ne bo heker Putin kakšen bleač "po nesreči" zlil v svoj ethernet kabel :D

Portret pacmana 30 let nazaj:

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

PNGjan v treh tednih, Karlo.

To mora biti kak rekord.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Od kadar jih nosijo vse tvoje multiple osebnosti.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::


Special counsel Mueller has indicted 13 Russians for defrauding the United States for their work at the Internet Research Agency. These are the people behind the infamous "Russian bots and trolls."

Here's the indictment of the 13 Russian individuals/organizations affiliated wth the Internet Research Agency. It's a 37-page indictment.
Indictment of 13 Russians associated with Internet Research Agency says their work included "supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald Trump ("Trump Campaign") and disparaging Hillary Clinton."
"Defendants and their co-conspirators used the false US persona joshmilton204@gmail[.]com to send an email to Campaign Official 2 at that donaldtrump[.]com email account."
So the Russians working at the Internet Research Agency definitely had help from Americans at a "Texas-based grassroots organization", which led them to start targeting purple states. Now the question is: Was it witting or unwitting?
The indictment of the 13 Russians associated with the Internet Research Agency discusses the rallies promoted by Russia, which included paying money to Americans who assisted their efforts (unwittingly or wittingly).

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Cervantes ::

Tole je že več kot ultra komično.
13 Rusov gre in zyebe US volitve... kjer potem izvolijo napačnega...
Upam, da jim je vsaj mal nerodn...
Fact or fiction?

Zgodovina sprememb…

Samuel ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Tole je že več kot ultra komično.
13 Rusov gre in zyebe US volitve... kjer potem izvolijo napačnega...
Upam, da jim je vsaj mal nerodn...
Fact or fiction?

V Srbiji so imeli samo enega, pa je zjebal državo za 20 let nazaj in naprej.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Cervantes je izjavil:

Tole je že več kot ultra komično.
13 Rusov gre in zyebe US volitve... kjer potem izvolijo napačnega...
Upam, da jim je vsaj mal nerodn...
Fact or fiction?

V Srbiji so imeli samo enega, pa je zjebal državo za 20 let nazaj in naprej.

Sedaj vemo zakaj gre ruski ekonomiji tako slabo. Pravijo da je stala kampanija 6.5 mijard. Potem pa podkupitev vseh medijev in socialnih medijev, da pisejo bedarije, zagotovo ene 10 mijard.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

D3m ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Tole je že več kot ultra komično.
13 Rusov gre in zyebe US volitve... kjer potem izvolijo napačnega...
Upam, da jim je vsaj mal nerodn...
Fact or fiction?

Bodo posneli film o njih?

Veličastnih 13? :D
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Samuel ::

Veličasten dokumentarec v tem smislu:
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Pa samule, glede na delovno mesto so to zate poučne teme.
Kaj ko bi dal kaj v zvezi volitvami, in ne tvojimi mokrimi sanjami.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Mr Bebec:

1. ruska vojska v Ukrajini??? NEEEEEE, to pa neeee.
2. rusko vpletanje v volitve v ZDA?? NEEEEEE, to pa neeee.

Idi spat.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: Poldi112 ()

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr Bebec:

1. ruska vojska v Ukrajini??? NEEEEEE, to pa neeee.
2. rusko vpletanje v volitve v ZDA?? NEEEEEE, to pa neeee.

Idi spat.

če maš konec nočne pojdi spat.

Po drugi strani pa "Israel is not a 'place of refuge'" == USA
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Bellingcatov ruski stručko o obtožnici.


Someone with SPARK access should go wild on some of these legal entities and individuals (doubt there will be much new info to find, but who knows)

Some of the names in the new Justice Department indictment come from an @ru_rbc investigation from a few months back.

If you're interested in seeing how big and effective the Florida rallies organized by the Petersburg Troll Factory were, check out my @bellingcat article from a few months ago where I found videos from the protests:

By the way, the payroll of the Internet Research Agency was leaked in 2014 by @b0ltai. Anyone who has researched them has known about this for years. The employees who came (simultaneously!) to the US to conduct research on the elections were on this list.
Anyone saying it's shocking and they can't believe that the IRA has a graphics department, SEO, etc. hasn't been paying the slightest bit of attention. The payroll is there, and @LawrenceA_UK & I profiled their SEO man back in 2015:

Some of the extremely organic, natural political slogans used by the Petersburg troll factory. The last one especially swung the election for Trump, IMO.
My rundown with @GrahamBrookie on Mueller's indictment, specifically regarding how heavily it relied on open source info, including excellent Russian reporting (hi @Soshnikoff) and even, probably, some leaked documents form @b0ltai.

Better phrased on the indictment / open source: Mueller, like all of us, benefitted from the amazing investigative reporting and some fortuitous leaks on the IRA. Without that initial terrific work, who knows if we would know anything at all about them now. Also, huge shout-out to Prigozhin and the IRA's absolutely horrific and draconian HR policy, which paved the way to a ton of disgruntled 22-year-olds who are more than happy to leak a ton of documents, including the literal weekly talking points on how to craft their troll posts.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Veš kje tebe boli pax man, da rednek volilci trumpa tako ne berjeo twixicev, ampak zgolj visokoizobraženi, kot na primer v sloveniji. Potem je to tako kot poslušanje Slopvenskih levičarjev.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Ne morem pomagat, če se samoidentificiraš kot rednek.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ne morem pomagat, če se samoidentificiraš kot rednek.

Ne boš verjel, ne berem twixicev. Morda imaš zato ti občutek, da imajo objave tak velik pomen. Po drugi strani pa je hekan javni časopis objavil članek, ki je skoraj zanetil vojno, posledice pa še vedno čutijo. Prepričana sem, da noben od teh udeležencev ni bral twixicev.
Sedaj se pa zamisli, koliko dejansko volilnega telesa, ki bere twixice se tudi udeleži volitev in koliko ima to teže.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Cervantes ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Cervantes je izjavil:

Tole je že več kot ultra komično.
13 Rusov gre in zyebe US volitve... kjer potem izvolijo napačnega...
Upam, da jim je vsaj mal nerodn...
Fact or fiction?

V Srbiji so imeli samo enega, pa je zjebal državo za 20 let nazaj in naprej.

Domnevam, da imaš v mislih Kraljvića Marka.
Pa še ta menda ni bil Rus.
True or false?

Zgodovina sprememb…

Mr.B ::

si nesramen.
Tole bo za Pac Man-a : Loneliness has been called a modern epidemic.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

#ICYMI je projekt RT.


En njihovih umotvorov.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

nekega leta 2014so investirali nekaj mijonov v twixi troll, da so uspeli izteriti nekaj miljardno volilno kampanijo.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Berem o Litvinenku in najdem tole

Paul Joyal @ Wikipedia

Paul M. Joyal (born 1954) is an American security analyst and media commentator who frequently comments on political and security matters concerning Russia and former Soviet countries. A critic of the administration of Russian president Vladimir Putin, in late February 2007 Joyal told Dateline NBC that the murder of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko served as a warning to all critics of the Putin government.

A few days later, on March 1, Joyal was shot and wounded outside his home in Adelphi, Maryland. The Washington Post reports that the attack is under investigation by the FBI.[2][3] Earlier that evening, Joyal had dined with former KGB general Oleg Kalugin.


In November 2012, over five years after the shooting, his attackers had not been found.

Shiz happens.


Among the “Dateline NBC” guests who accused Putin was Paul Joyal, a former government official and an expert on Russian affairs. On a rainy night, four days later, Joyal pulled up to his house, in Adelphi, Maryland, and was attacked by two men. As he wrestled one of the men to the ground, he heard him say to his partner, “Shoot him.” The second man pulled the trigger on a 9-mm. pistol and hit Joyal in the abdomen, then pointed the gun at Joyal’s head and pulled the trigger. The pistol misfired, and then Joyal’s dog, inside his house, began to bark. His wife, also inside, turned on the lights. The two men ran off.


After months of treatment, Joyal recovered, but the crime has never been solved. The F.B.I. investigated Joyal’s attack, but he declined to share details of what it reported about its findings. Joyal told me that he believes one of Putin’s friends—“an oligarch”— arranged the shooting.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Trump je tvitnil
in so šli ljudje brskat, za polpismene - glejte datume



Filing Date 2012-11-19

in še bombonček

Alferova je bila del organizacije Agalarovih, ki so organizirali zdaj neslavni sestanek odvetnice z Donaldom Jr., trenutno je svetovalka ministra za ekonomski razvoj. Svet je majhen.


Yulya Alferova, a businesswoman and blogger who was hired by Crocus Group to help with their social media presence at that time, arrived at the hotel that morning and met Trump shortly after the filming had finished. After a brief conversation, Trump took a shine to her, and Emin invited her to join a small group for lunch.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::




Then there’s highly classified intelligence demonstrating that Donald Trump was planning on running for the presidency—with Kremlin backing—years before the 2016 election. Back in the spring of 2014, a European intelligence service, a NATO ally of the United States, received a top-secret report that the Russians would back Donald Trump for the White House in the next election. The source was a mid-level Russian intelligence official who had plausible access to secret Kremlin plans.

Moreover, this source had a track record of providing accurate information, so his Trump bombshell merited examination. However, our partners determined that the notion was so absurd—after all, Trump was a reality TV star, a mere carnival barker, not a serious person—that the report had to be Russian disinformation. The source was put “on ice” for several months and his information was not shared with the Americans, since our friends didn’t want to appear so foolish as to suggest Donald Trump would run for president with secret Russian help.

However, American intelligence was hearing similar whispers back in early 2014. The National Security Agency’s global signals intelligence apparatus picked up conversations about a coming Trump presidential run with Kremlin backing. These were what the SIGINT world calls “reflections”—that is, Russians talking to other Russians, without Americans (much less Team Trump members) involved. These intercepted conversations included discussions of Trump’s coming White House run and how Moscow planned to boost him; the SIGINT involved, while not detailed, left the indelible impression that this secret effort had approval from “the top” in the Kremlin. Some of NSA’s foreign spy partners intercepted similar conversations in 2014.

Of greatest interest, NSA and its partners noted a spike in Kremlin conversations about Trump and the presidency in mid-November 2013, which was when Donald Trump was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant. While that visit has been the source of considerable salacious gossip—both in the notorious Steele dossier and in subsequent Kremlin efforts to fool American intelligence—for its alleged sexual shenanigans, its real purpose may have been more serious and sinister, according to several U.S. and Allied intelligence officials I’ve discussed the matter with.

Based on SIGINT reflections back in November 2013, it appeared likely that Trump had discussions with Kremlin officials when he was visiting Moscow, in preparation for his coming run for the White House. “It’s one hell of a coincidence,” an NSA official told me, “that high-ranking Russians suddenly start talking about getting Trump in the White House right after he’s in Moscow.” It’s unclear what intelligence, if any, was shared with the Obama White House about these SIGINT reflections, since its conclusions were tentative; there was no top-secret “smoking gun.” We can hope that Bob Mueller and his prosecutors will now get to the bottom of this murky intelligence puzzle.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Svetovno prvenstvo v flipingu se nadaljuje.


BREAKING: LA Times: Former top aide to Trump's presidential campaign, Rick Gates, will plead guilty to fraud-related charges w/in days – & has made clear to prosecutors that he would testify against Paul Manafort, who once managed the campaign.


Gates essentially ensures that Manafort will die in prison if he does not agree to a plea deal. All the more pressure for Manafort to flip and avoid spending the rest of his years in a cell.
Manafort is facing up to 80 years in prison if convicted of all charges:
Gates is 45 with four kids. His options were limited. LA Times says he's willing to spend 18 months in prison.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zheegec ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Tole je že več kot ultra komično.
13 Rusov gre in zyebe US volitve... kjer potem izvolijo napačnega...
Upam, da jim je vsaj mal nerodn...
Fact or fiction?

Proračun teh 13 Rusov je bil okoli $1mio za ~3 leta. CTR (Super-PAC od Hillary Clinton) je za online trollanje in astroturfanje proti Sandersu porabil $1mio samo v nekaj mesecih, pa potem še ~$3mio do konca 2016.


Vse skupaj je Hillary porabila okoli $1400mio za 2016 kampanijo. Če so jo "zjebali" Rusi z $1mio proračuna s postanjem na Twitter in Facebook -> je bila to najbolj učinkovita operacija odkar planet Zemlja obstaja.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zheegec ()

karl ::

Še slabih 7 let teh pravljic :D

Cervantes ::

Da ne boste psovali da citiram samo RT, evo ena s CNNa:

Trump: 'They are laughing their asses off in Moscow' over how US handled Russia investigations
Anchor Muted Background
By Maegan Vazquez, CNN


"If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their asses off in Moscow. Get smart America!"

God help America!
UPS. Kot zgleda sem se okužil s sevom Pacovirusa.
Prvi simptom: nekontrolirano pastanje.
Terapija: ne obstaja.
Priporočajo pitje večjih količin piva ali špricerja.

Zgodovina sprememb…

D3m ::

Zheegec je izjavil:

Cervantes je izjavil:

Tole je že več kot ultra komično.
13 Rusov gre in zyebe US volitve... kjer potem izvolijo napačnega...
Upam, da jim je vsaj mal nerodn...
Fact or fiction?

Proračun teh 13 Rusov je bil okoli $1mio za ~3 leta. CTR (Super-PAC od Hillary Clinton) je za online trollanje in astroturfanje proti Sandersu porabil $1mio samo v nekaj mesecih, pa potem še ~$3mio do konca 2016.


Vse skupaj je Hillary porabila okoli $1400mio za 2016 kampanijo. Če so jo "zjebali" Rusi z $1mio proračuna s postanjem na Twitter in Facebook -> je bila to najbolj učinkovita operacija odkar planet Zemlja obstaja.

Kdaj bodo posneli film o njih?

Vse skupaj spominja na kemični vs. svinčnik v vesoljski tekmi.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

dice7 ::

Svincnik je na koncu s srapneli poskodoval instrumente in zadusil astronaute

D3m ::

Nekaj za Michael Bay režiserja.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::

D3m je izjavil:

Vse skupaj spominja na kemični vs. svinčnik v vesoljski tekmi.

Jup. Samo ne v smislu mema, ki je okoli tega nastal.


Cervantes ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

Vse skupaj spominja na kemični vs. svinčnik v vesoljski tekmi.

Jup. Samo ne v smislu mema, ki je okoli tega nastal.


S svinčniki ni noben porabnik javnih naročil zaslužil čisto nič.
What a shame!
37 / 67

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