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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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Pac-Man ::

Glej ga zlomka, Weissov članek na isto temo.


I'm not quite sure what it is about the American-born Browder family that has made its fate for nearly a century quite so dependent on the dark machinations of the Kremlin.

But by odd coincidence, Earl Browder's grandson Bill, a Red diaper baby turned capitalist, addressed a US congressional committee Thursday on a wholly different question about Russia: how, in Browder's view, Vladimir Putin and his cronies stole billions in order to enrich themselves, with the regime allegedly engaging in crimes including money laundering and assassination to get away with it. All accusations the Russian president vehemently denies, of course.


As he noted in his testimony Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Browder's enemies in Russia -- the oligarchs defrauding their shareholders and the Russian taxpayer -- were for a time Putin's enemies, too. But alliances of convenience have a relatively short life in this part of the world.

As he tells it, in 2005, for reasons of "national security," Browder was deported from Moscow. Eighteen months later, he said, Hermitage Capital, along with the offices of its law firm Firestone Duncan, were raided by officers of the Russian Interior Ministry. He said they confiscated corporate documents tied to various Hermitage subsidiaries on a spurious tax evasion pretext .

(...) Browder hired a 35-year-old tax attorney back in Moscow, Sergei Magnitsky, to investigate why he and his holdings were being targeted. What Magnitsky uncovered was what the US government has alleged was a shockingly vast criminal conspiracy to defraud not Browder and Hermitage, but the Russian public, of $230 million using the purloined Hermitage corporate documents.


Even more remarkable than the nine-figure haul was the Tolstoyan cast of characters behind it: the same Interior Ministry policemen who organized the raids on the hedge fund and law firm; an officer of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the successor organ of the Soviet KGB; and tax ministry officials. All moonlighted as payrolled gangsters of a "dangerous transnational criminal organization," as Sen. John McCain has described it, known as the Klyuev Group. Airline records, whose authenticity was confirmed by a US government source, would later show that the cops and robbers even vacationed together before and after the Hermitage heist, and purchased, either in their own names or the names of their immediate relatives, properties and cars that enormously exceeded their declared annual incomes.

More recently, the leaked personal emails of the Klyuev Group's alleged consigliere make a persuasive case that he colluded with an ex-official from the Interior Ministry to retroactively tamper with evidence in the case. That lawyer, by the way, confirmed the authenticity of the emails, but says their contents only prove "that a lawyer and an investigator do know each other and discuss criminal cases," but there was no wrongdoing.

//Kje smo že slišali podoben izgovor?


Like a good number of Soviet dissidents, Magnitsky documented his own politicized travails: he kept a diary in real time of his ordeal behind bars and his vain attempts to overturn his scapegoating, or at least get medical treatment for gallstones and acute pancreatitis.


All of this might have made for a tragic but minor footnote in the annals of contemporary Russian history but for what Browder has done over the past seven and a half years to tend to Magnitsky's flame -- and how furious he has made Russian officialdom in the process.


Since state-indulged mobsters cannot be brought to book credibly in Russia, this legislation at least strips them of the ability to spend their ill-gotten gains in the West, which is arguably a harsher punishment.
As such, it has prompted a raft of hysterical countermeasures from the Kremlin, and obstreperous commentary from everyone from Russia's Prosecutor General to the spokesman of the President. Possibly this owes to the fact that one of Putin's closest confidants may have profited personally from the Magnitsky affair, as disclosures in the Panama Papers suggest.


The cruelest of countermeasures is a ban on Americans seeking to adopt Russian orphans -- a number of them stricken with HIV or Spina Bifida who might otherwise find loving families in America and are now destined to languish in substandard institutions as wards of the Russian state. This is the price society's most vulnerable must pay so that the elite can steal with impunity.


A good rule of thumb: whenever you read that "adoption" has been discussed in any US-Russian bilateral meeting, what you're actually reading is a cynical quid pro quo on offer from Moscow for ending US sanctions on criminals.

've known Bill Browder for about six years. We met when I was living and working in London and he was beginning what would become a tireless activist campaign to exonerate and vindicate Magnitsky, for whose death he feels a personal responsibility. He has been monomaniacal in this regard. Never have I had an interview subject in journalism so immune to pleasantries and so reluctant to discuss anything outside of the news item of the day on which he was discoursing.

Does Browder have an agenda? Of course he does, as he'll be the first to admit. But the facts, I've come to believe in the last half decade, are solidly on his side. I have been reporting on these events for six years, examining court records and Russian government documents and interviewing people investigating the Magnitsky affair, including and especially Browder himself.

What impresses me the most about him is that he does not ask you to take him on faith. Rare for those of us who toil in international affairs, hoping to shine a light on the occluded parts of the unfree world, Browder substantiates almost all his allegations with documentation, much of it produced by the Russian government itself or by whistleblowers involved in the $230 million expropriation.

One of the latter, Alexander Perepilichnyy, another exile in Britain, who identified himself as the former money launderer for the Klyuev Group before becoming a whistleblower, was almost certainly also the victim of foul play in an as-yet unsolved death, mostly likely by poison.


About $40 million of the stolen $230 million has been located and seized in multiple countries since 2009, according to Browder. In May, the US Justice Department settled a case in New York in which it alleged that Prevezon Holdings, Ltd., a Cyprus-registered company, had laundered several million from the tax fraud into Manhattan real estate. Prevezon paid nearly $6 million but admitted no wrongdoing.

The lawyer for that company was Natalia Veselnitskaya, the "Russian government lawyer" who met with Donald Trump, Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner in June 2016, ostensibly to peddle dirt on Hillary Clinton.


Browder has been labeled an enemy of the Russian state, which has resorted to a number of crude propaganda campaigns to portray him as a British or American spy


He has been found guilty in absentia in Russia for tax fraud, and sued (unsuccessfully) in British civil court for defamation by one of the Interior Ministry cops allegedly behind the Magnitsky affair. In spite of earning a state salary of no more than $1,000 per month, the cop managed to retain the counsel of a white-shoe UK law-firm for these purposes.


He has had innumerable death threats leveled against him, and the former placeholder President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev said to journalists at Davos, "It's a shame that Sergei Magnitsky died and Bill Browder is still running free and alive," according to what Browder said he was told by people who were there.

Cervantes ::

Paco lahko včasih preseže celo samega sebe.

Brane22 ::

Pri čemer pa velika večina teh strelov konča v njegovih kolenih.

Sem probal brat njegove zadeve, a so prebavljive ko telefonski imenik.
In ko se prebiješ skoznje, sledi ogromen "so effing what"...
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

papasmrk ::

Ne vem kdo plačuje Pacota za te spise, mi jih objavlja ampak jaz mu ne bi dal minimalca za te klobase...mah ajde vsak ojro je za v žep
Za komentiranje se moraš prijaviti

Pac-Man ::

Fmr FBI Special Agent, Counterintelligence Division


In light of Russia sanctions bill, want to flashback to something that has bothered me since Dec. Interestd n other IC ppl thoughts.

Remember that in Dec Obama confiscated compounds, named Russian entities/ppl involved in hacking, and expelled 35 diplomats. This is BFD. It is *not* easy or common to PNG diplomats (I know bc I tried several times with my targets and never happened). Also when it's done it's usually done quietly, here it was super public. Big slap in the face to Putin. The reason PNG is hard is bc lots of equities at stake bw State and CIA. For latter, we can expect immediate retaliation on our officers.

Super weird to me that not only did Putin not retaliate immediately, but DJT seemed to be on the loop on his thinking right after, in Dec. Of course, DJT had won by then, so maybe Putin willing to wait and see since he knew new admin would be friendlier.

But Putin is a lot like DJT: He would be expected to go all Donkey Kong at such a public smackdown by Obama admin. He didn't. I just find it strange and unlikely that he would exercise so much restraint, just on the wait-and-see chance that new admin wld lift san.

Seems like he has more *certainty* that new admin would not keep sanctions in place. Didn't retaliate in serious way for over 6 mos. Now, in last month in time leading up to bill: threats against out officers, taking away diplomats' "retreat," going to expel 700 diplos-

I dunno, I would have expected something like this back in Dec/Jan: DJT tweet in Dec weird and Russia seemed unconcerned. Also just going to put this out there: Think it's also weird that DJT's schedule is COMPLETELY CLEAR on weekend that he is signing bill. Maybe he's got a lot of 'splainin to do with Pooty? The whole thing is just hinky.

Pac-Man ::

Uradno - finska vodka je tanartaboljša ;)

 This is on @reddit as Putin's plane leaving Finland after state visit - wasn't Putin's plane, but his accompanying staff.

This is on @reddit as Putin's plane leaving Finland after state visit - wasn't Putin's plane, but his accompanying staff.

-What are the other boxes? Looks like a bit of a smuggling operation to generate some 💰

-French Cognac

Pac-Man ::

Wikileaks je čisti looney tunes.


Special Prosecutor Robert Muelller flew to Moscow and gave the FSB 10 grams of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) in 2009.

Iz depeše, pozabili citirat:

(S/NF) Background: Over two years ago Russia requested a ten-gram sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) seized in early 2006 in Georgia during a nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices. The seized HEU was transferred to U.S. custody and is being held at a secure DOE facility. In response to the Russian request, the Georgian Government authorized the United States to share a sample of the material with the Russians for forensic analysis.


(S/Rel Russia) Post is requested to deliver the following talking points:

--We wish to inform you that FBI Director Mueller plans to arrive in Moscow on the evening of September 21 with a ten-gram sample of seized HEU, which you requested for nuclear forensics analysis

Pac-Man ::

@sankcije, zadeva je šarf, udarjalo se bo tudi po tujih (beri zahodnih) ustanovah, ki poslujejo z Rusijo, ampak kolikor razumem ima predsednik ogromno diskrecijsko pravico.


za okus:

SEC. 231. Imposition of sanctions with respect to persons engaging in transactions with the intelligence or defense sectors of the Government of the Russian Federation.

the President shall impose five or more of the sanctions described in section 235 with respect to a person the President determines knowingly, (..) engages in a significant transaction with a person that is part of, or operates for or on behalf of, the defense or intelligence sectors of the Government of the Russian Federation

SEC. 232. Sanctions with respect to the development of pipelines in the Russian Federation.

The President, in coordination with allies of the United States, may impose five or more of the sanctions described in section 235 with respect to a person if the President determines that the person knowingly, (...) makes an investment described in subsection (b) or sells, leases, or provides to the Russian Federation, for the construction of Russian energy export pipelines, goods, services, technology, information, or support described in subsection (c)

SEC. 233. Sanctions with respect to investment in or facilitation of privatization of state-owned assets by the Russian Federation.

The President shall impose five or more of the sanctions described in section 235 if the President determines that a person, with actual knowledge, (...) makes an investment (...) or facilitates such an investment, if the investment directly and significantly contributes to the ability of the Russian Federation to privatize state-owned assets in a manner that unjustly benefits

(1) officials of the Government of the Russian Federation; or

(2) close associates or family members of those officials.

in še same palice, sekcija 235:

//nič dostopa do finančnih trgov v ZDA

The President may direct the Export-Import Bank of the United States not to give approval to the issuance of any guarantee, insurance, extension of credit, or participation in the extension of credit in connection with the export of any goods or services to the sanctioned person.

//nič izvoznih licenc iz ZDA

The President may order the United States Government not to issue any specific license and not to grant any other specific permission or authority to export any goods or technology to the sanctioned person

//nič ameriških posojil

The President may prohibit any United States financial institution from making loans or providing credits to the sanctioned person totaling more than $10,000,000 in any 12-month period unless the person is engaged in activities to relieve human suffering and the loans or credits are provided for such activities.

//nič mednarodnih posojil, kjer imajo ZDA vpliv

The President may direct the United States executive director to each international financial institution to use the voice and vote of the United States to oppose any loan from the international financial institution that would benefit the sanctioned person.

//nič poslovanja z ameriškimi obveznicami za finančne ustanove, ki bi kršile sankcije

Neither the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System nor the Federal Reserve Bank of New York may designate, or permit the continuation of any prior designation of, the financial institution as a primary dealer in United States Government debt instruments.

The financial institution may not serve as agent of the United States Government or serve as repository for United States Government funds.

//nič poslovanja z zveznimi ustanovami za subjekte, ki bi kršili sankcije

The United States Government may not procure, or enter into any contract for the procurement of, any goods or services from the sanctioned person.

//nič menjave valut v ZDA

The President may, pursuant to such regulations as the President may prescribe, prohibit any transactions in foreign exchange that are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and in which the sanctioned person has any interest.

//nič medbančnega poslovanja v ZDA

The President may, pursuant to such regulations as the President may prescribe, prohibit any transfers of credit or payments between financial institutions or by, through, or to any financial institution, to the extent that such transfers or payments are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and involve any interest of the sanctioned person.

//nič imovine v ZDA

The President may, pursuant to such regulations as the President may prescribe, prohibit any person from—

(A) acquiring, holding, withholding, using, transferring, withdrawing, transporting, importing, or exporting any property that is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and with respect to which the sanctioned person has any interest;

//nič vlaganja iz ZDA

The President may, pursuant to such regulations or guidelines as the President may prescribe, prohibit any United States person from investing in or purchasing significant amounts of equity or debt instruments of the sanctioned person.

//nič viz za ZDA

The President may direct the Secretary of State to deny a visa to, and the Secretary of Homeland Security to exclude from the United States, any alien that the President determines is a corporate officer or principal of, or a shareholder with a controlling interest in, the sanctioned person.

//vse možno tudi za odgovorne osebe privat

The President may impose on the principal executive officer or officers of the sanctioned person, or on persons performing similar functions and with similar authorities as such officer or officers, any of the sanctions under this subsection.

Brane22 ::

So what ?

Sankcije gor ali dol, Trump gor ali dol.

Mislim, kaj od tega bi moralo biti v posebnem fokusu 24/7, sploh pa komurkoli izven USA, ki ni neposredno vpleten ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Poldi112 ::

Vsem, ki so posredno?

Čisto kakšno vezo ima oni vzorec urana, ki so ga dali rusom na analizo, s to temo?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Brane22 ::

Glej House Of Cards torej.

Spacey je bistveno boljši president, pa več resnice je not.
Pa HBO ti dostavi vse skupaj.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Cervantes ::

Pa teli so nori, godhelpus!
Paco, tokrat hvala za paste.
Prvič ful prebral.;)

Brane22 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Uradno - finska vodka je tanartaboljša ;)

 This is on @reddit as Putin's plane leaving Finland after state visit - wasn't Putin's plane, but his accompanying staff.

This is on @reddit as Putin's plane leaving Finland after state visit - wasn't Putin's plane, but his accompanying staff.

-What are the other boxes? Looks like a bit of a smuggling operation to generate some 💰

-French Cognac

Dobro. Finska vodka je nekomu iz njegovega staffa všeč.
What's is the big deal ?

Da Rusi prebijajo blokado s par flašami vodke ?

In BTW, kaj naj bi bila frka okrog tistega uranskega vzorca ?

Si ziher, da ni šlo za urinski vzorec ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Pac-Man ::

V Rusiji je dan VDV, po novem se tepe že režimske novinarje. Video:


Brane22 ::

Ampak klasika so sočni ruski izrazi.

Ne rabiš poznat ruščine da ti je jasno kaj pomeni raspljeskaja. :D

Čaki mal.

Tipa je udaril pijanec.

To ne bi bila novica kjerkoli drugje.

Ampak v Rusiji, kjer je votka že po defaultu v zraku, kao je.

In sedaj ta komaj stoječi pijanec ni to kar se zdi, ampak Putinov agent.
Na tajni nalogi, ki jo je opravil nezavesten pred kamero.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Pac-Man ::

Brane, tale ti bo všeč. Vseobsegajoča zarotniška verzija TrumpRusije objavljena aprila letos. Vse se začne pri kazinojih na Macau in konča z novim svetovnim redom. Vmes pa kak $ konča v pravih žepih.


Nastopajo: James Packer (ex od Mariah Carrey), Sheldon Adelson, FBI, CIA, Oleg Drozdov, Agalarovi, Benjamin Netanyahu, Mossad, Roman Abramovich, Murdoch, Dmitry Rybolovlev, Wikileaks, Izrael, Turčija, Iran in Sirija.

Brane22 ::

1. On je reku da je tale reku da je un sliša kaj si je onele mislu o nekom.
Strap on, kids, now it gets really crazy:

Un je poznal tega, ki je imel Casino. V tem Casinu je imela kitajska murija racijo in govori se da...


Kaj je novica ? Da je povprečen politik svinja, ki zkoristi vsako priložnost in da ameriške svinje izkoriščajo priložnosti, ki jim jih daje vojaško industrijski kompleks ?
Da je v primeru podkupnine vedno kriv Putin, pa kdorkoli je že kupil koggrkoli ?

Mislim, če te zgodbe vsebujejo kaj bistvenega, kar sem spregledal, kaj ko bi to povzel v nekaj stavkih, da se vfolkui ni treba prebijat skozi 17 strani teksta ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Brane22 ::

BTW, I see your assholes and raise with new Ukraine story:

INTERVJU: Dejan Vujić - Srpski dobrovoljci su bili na prvim linijama fronta u Donjecku! (02.08.2017)

Pričevanje novega prostovoljca, ki je dal skozi Donetsk itd in po nekem času odšel na dopust, ki ga je podaljšal za nedoločen čas. Zakaj, je razložil sam.

Na žalost YT materialov ne morem enostavno povzemati ampak saj lahko dolgočasne dele preskočiš.

Par vzorcev:

DNR in LNR sta v bistvu bolj nagnjena k razvoju v nekakšno Republiko Srpsko prej kot del rusije.
EProstovoljci v eni in drugi so izven vpliva Rusije. Njim ne pade na pamet,d a bi se s komerkoli združevali, radi bi obdržali svojo "Črno Goro" - semidržavo, kjer so overlordi.

Tudi znani junaki, kot so "Motorola", niso umrli v bojju ampak medsebojnih obračunavanjih za plen.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Smrekar1 ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

DNR in LNR sta v bistvu bolj nagnjena k razvoju v nekakšno Republiko Srpsko prej kot del rusije.

Jup. Ruska vizija demokracije so fašistične enklave, ki jih podpirajo tujci. Obenem kritizirajo kakršnokoli vmešavanje v notranje zadeve drugih držav. Eni jih pri tem brezpogojno podpirate.

Brane22 ::

Rusi so samo dovolili Zahodu, da se z "vpeljevanjem demokracije" totalka zakolje.

Osnovo vsega na drugi strani predstavlja ne regularna vojska temveč nacistične frakcije, ki bodo Ukrajino požrle, zahod jih pa obravnava kot pod črto koristen element.

Rusi tu igrajo vlogo v svojih okvirih in možnostih. Ne bodo se "demokratizatorjem" pustili zajebavat, ampak ko prelistajo svoje realne možnosti in želje, se končni obračun ustavi nekje tu. Par "republik" s svojimi overlordi in naci del preostanka Ukrajine.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Smrekar1 ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Rusi so samo dovolili Zahodu, da se z "vpeljevanjem demokracije" totalka zakolje.

Osnovo vsega na drugi strani predstavlja ne regularna vojska temveč nacistične frakcije, ki bodo Ukrajino požrle, zahod jih pa obravnava kot pod črto koristen element.

Tule si malo zamešal. Zahod je dovolil Rusiji, da vpeljujejo svojo vrsto 'demokracije' v Ukrajini. Res je, da največjo težavo v Ukrajini predstavljajo nacistične frakcije, ampak kot koristne elemente jih obravnava Rusija, ne Zahod. Zahod oborožuje Ukrajino za boj proti njim.

Brane22 ::

Kako to, če mnogo zahodnega orožja in denarja konča pri njih ?

Kako bi bile sicer dominanten element Kijeva ?

Naciji ti sredi Kijeva vdrejo v parlament, kadarkoli se jim sprdne in za to je kao kriv Putin ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Smrekar1 ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Kako to, če mnogo zahodnega orožja in denarja konča pri njih ?

Kako bi bile sicer dominanten element Kijeva ?

Dominanten element Kijeva so demokratične sile. V okupiranih območjih Luganska in Donetska, kjer prevladujejo nacisti, prevladuje rusko orožje, ki se je že najbolj izkazalo, ko je bilo potrebno pobiti nekaj sto nedolžnih nizozemcev.

Naciji ti sredi Kijeva vdrejo v parlament, kadarkoli se jim sprdne in za to je kao kriv Putin ?

Ker jih financira je, ja.

Brane22 ::

Putin financira Desni Sektor ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

D3m ::

A ne veš?

Azov bataljon Tudi financira Putin.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Putin financira Desni Sektor ?

Desni Sektor ni noben faktor. V parlamentu imajo 1 sedež od 450, v regiojah imajo 2 predstavnika od več kot 150 000 predstavnikov.
Right Sector @ Wikipedia

Za primerjavo, ruski 'liberalni demokrati' (ki so sicer stranka ruskega nacional-socializma) ima 39/450 sedežev v Dumi. Združena Rusija, ki je neka bolj zmerno fašistična stranka (a la General Franko), ima tam skoraj 2/3 parlamenta.

In tebi se zdi, da je Desni sektor problem? :)) Komedija zmešnjav.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Brane22 ::

"En sedež v parlamentu."

Ki jim omogoča, da _kadarkoli_ vkorakajo vanj z noži in strelnim orožjem in "demokratično" pozovejo pred kamerami kogarkoli, ki ima kaj reči proti, naj to stori takrat in tam, da "potegnejo črto".

Na kolk načinov se še lahko delaš butast ?

In BTW, zanimivo, da je bil natanko ta en "sedež v parlamentu" tudi argument Šekija na sojenju v Hagu.

Ena od točk obtožnice se je nanašala tudi na to, da je s svojo populitsično politiko sovražnega govora postal dominantna sila v SR.

Nakar je genijalca vprašal:

Pa dobro, SR skupščina ima 250 sedežev. Koliko jih je zasedala moja stranka ?
Po parih minutah jecljanja je sam odgovoril: ENEGA.

Ampak tam to "demokratom" ni bilo pomembno.
S tem da Šeki nikoli ni bil znan po čemerkoli tudi približno podobnem temu, kar se je dogajalo v Kijevu.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Pac-Man ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Tipa je udaril pijanec.

To ne bi bila novica kjerkoli drugje.

Ampak v Rusiji, kjer je votka že po defaultu v zraku, kao je.

In sedaj ta komaj stoječi pijanec ni to kar se zdi, ampak Putinov agent.
Na tajni nalogi, ki jo je opravil nezavesten pred kamero.

Okej, razložimo.

Najprej pijanec.

Tip se med deljenjem batin dere, kako bodo zasedli Ukrajino. Tule je verzija z angleškimi podnapisi:

Nosi tudi majico z napisom Oplot. Skoraj zagotovo gre za pro-ruski pretepaški klub iz Karkiva, ki je zelo pogosto prispeval tituške. Ko jim je rusifikacija domačega mesta spodletela, so člani zbežali v Donetsk in v Rusijo.

How an MMA promotion harboured an anti-Maidan militia in Ukraine

V Donetsku je iz njih nastala paravojaška enota, ki ji je poveljeval Zakarčenko, trenutni predsednik DNR.

Alexander Zakharchenko @ Wikipedia
He rose to prominence in April 2014 as commander of a militia, formed from members of the civic and martial arts group Oplot, that led the separatist takeover of the 11-story government headquarters in central Donetsk.

In še novinar, dela za NTV (Russia) @ Wikipedia. Svoje čase je bil to fin nedvisen TV, ampak so l. 2000 naredili 2 smrtna greha.

1) V satirični oddaji Kukly @ Wikipedia so se norčevali iz Putina. Vklopi podnapise:

Rusija je imela obilo potenciala, če bi se civilna družba le uprla...

2) malo preveč pozornosti so posvetili eksplozijam po blokih.

Zato je lastnik dobil nespodobno ponudbo - prodaj po naših pogojih in zgini iz države ali pa sledi polni penzion v Sibiriji. Iz wikipedije:
In a surprisingly informal deal, the charges against Gusinsky were lifted after he signed an agreement with Mikhail Lesin, Minister of Media, on 20 July. Under the "shares for freedom" transaction or Protocol No.6 (Протокол N.6. Доля свободы) agreement, Gusinsky would discharge his debts by selling Media-Most to Gazprom-Media, which had held a 30% share of NTV since 1996, for the price imposed by the latter, and was given a guarantee that he would not be prosecuted.

Od takrat je lastnik Gazprom, TV pa je postal eno od večjih kremeljskih trobil. Npr. iz wikipedije:
In August 2014, NTV aired a documentary titled 13 Friends of the Junta, which described critics of Russia's policies in Ukraine as "traitors" and supporters of "fascists".

In tu pridemo na začetek, do pijanca ki se dere, kako bodo okupirali Ukrajino.

Kremeljska mišica je pretepla kremeljskega propagandista. Vidiš ironijo?

Brane22 ::

Če je to kremeljska mišica, potem je za celo Rusijo zadosti že Scaramucci.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Brane22 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

In še novinar, dela za NTV (Russia) @ Wikipedia. Svoje čase je bil to fin nedvisen TV, ampak so l. 2000 naredili 2 smrtna greha.

1) V satirični oddaji Kukly @ Wikipedia so se norčevali iz Putina. Vklopi podnapise:

Ma nije valjda. Leta 200o je vsak Rus lahko svoji koži čutil kao to zgleda, ko te obišče "demokracija", za njo pa hodijo banke in multinacionalke. Putin je bil edini faktor, ki je tem interesom lahko stopil na prste in večina ga je videla kot rešitelja.
NOrmalno je, da je bil "konstruktiven" folk mnogokrat in mnogim videti kot izdajalec.

Ampak postavimo stvari v neko perspektivo. Evo, kakšna je bila situacija takrat recimo pri nas ?
Če bi takrat recimo jaz izbrskal kaj bistvenega proti "osvoboditeljem", koliko časa bi bil še novinar ?
Kje bi bilo to sploh objavljeno ?

In, glede na stvari, ki si pozneje prišle na plan, koliko časa bi minilo, preden bi me "obiskali" kar na dom ?
In kje bi bil ta "obisk" objavljen ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Pac-Man ::

Kamerman, ki je vse skupaj posnel, zdaj trdi, da se je pretepač drl "Rusija je okupirala mojo državo!!!" 1984.

Video: https://twitter.com/loogunda/status/893...
The operator filming the beating NTVshnika - he shouted: "Russia seized my country" and struck a colleague. The next lesson of lies from GoebbelsTV.

Nasilnež je Aleksandr Orlov, Moskovčan, CSKAjev ultraš, ampak februarja 2014 je bil v Kijevu. Res se ne spomnim, kaj bi mu bilo takrat tam zanimivo...



The man who attacked the NTV journalist turned out to be a football fan. His page on the network was found by Twitter users. Judging by his page "VKontakte", he is 32 years old and lives in Moscow. Judging by the photos posted, he is sick for CSKA, and the videos say that he previously took part in the football match-ups.

In the network, the new "star" YouTube is signed as "Kolobok Yaroslavkin." On the wall, he has many "outposts" from groups that sympathize with the so-called "New Russia" and public views with monarchical views.

Also there is one photo with the Ukrainian flag on which "Georopa" is written. About any direct involvement in the organization "Bulwark", does not say anything. Later on the network drew attention to a photo from Kiev, dated February 2014.

Prijazen pobič

Brane22 je izjavil:

Ma nije valjda. Leta 200o je vsak Rus lahko svoji koži čutil kao to zgleda, ko te obišče "demokracija", za njo pa hodijo banke in multinacionalke. Putin je bil edini faktor, ki je tem interesom lahko stopil na prste in večina ga je videla kot rešitelja.

Poglej video. Imaš celo zasedbo, od Berezovskega naprej.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Brane22 ::

So what ? A zdej že vsak vaški pretepač globalna novica ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Pac-Man ::

Če knokavtira novinarja med živim prenosom, da. CBS:

Pomaga tudi zanimiva zgodovina:


 z Gubarevom

z Gubarevom

Pavel Gubarev @ Wikipedia

Brane22 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Če knokavtira novinarja med živim prenosom, da. CBS:

Ampak ne, če ga recimo granata v času premirja raznese in razkosa po bližnji okolici ?

Skupaj z ekipo.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Brane22 ::

Nego, kar se demokracije na demorkatični strani tiče, res dober intervju:

Joe Rogan Experience #993 - Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro je znan po svojih odmerjenih, desno usmerjenih stališčih.

Od leta 2016 ne more na noben dogodek brez dveh varnostnikov.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

D3m ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

So what ? A zdej že vsak vaški pretepač globalna novica ?

O naših dolenčkih tudi nič ne poročajo globalno.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Občasno so dovolj zanimivi.

Smrekar1 ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Ki jim omogoča, da _kadarkoli_ vkorakajo vanj z noži in strelnim orožjem in "demokratično" pozovejo pred kamerami kogarkoli, ki ima kaj reči proti, naj to stori takrat in tam, da "potegnejo črto".

Stalno mešaš Ukrajino in Rusijo. Je to res tako težko?

Brane22 ::

Bilo je sredi Kijeva.
Ukrajina, right ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Smrekar1 ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Bilo je sredi Kijeva.

Bil je en incident. Ko je Putin rabil izgovor za vojno v Čečeniji je razstrelil nekaj stanovanjskih blokov. To je bilo preden je preden je dobil absolutno oblast.

Toliko da vemo o kakšni razliki je govora.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Brane22 ::

Torej Ukrajina ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Cervantes ::

Ukrajina je itak ruska vojna krajina. Kar beseda tudi pomeni.
Kateri idiot ji je dal samostojnost in zakaj.
In Kiev je bil kar en cajt prestolnica -ne boste verjeli- Rusije.:))

RedDrake ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Ukrajina je itak ruska vojna krajina. Kar beseda tudi pomeni.
Kateri idiot ji je dal samostojnost in zakaj.
In Kiev je bil kar en cajt prestolnica -ne boste verjeli- Rusije.:))

Celovec je bil tudi nekaj časa nazaj "naša" prestolnica. In?
Šteje danes, ne 1000 let nazaj.

Brane22 ::

Ne gre za to kaj šteje ampak za vse napore plačane elite, ki išče vse možne načine, kako bi pokazala, da so oni in Rusi dve povsem različni življenjski obliki.

Jasno, morajo se razlikovati in morajo imeti neko podlago, ki jo mora elita braniti, zakaj bi jo folk sicer rabil ?

Izuimljajo se jezikovne posebnosti, nato se te potencirajo v nebo, ločujejo se vere itd itd.

In tam, kjer prikriti, predvsem zunanji interesi najdejo interes v tem, ti pojavi ekslodirajo.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Pac-Man ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Ne gre za to kaj šteje ampak za vse napore plačane elite, ki išče vse možne načine, kako bi pokazala, da so oni in Rusi dve povsem različni življenjski obliki.

Problem je, da si lahko z Rusi prijateljski samo, če sprejmeš status hlapca. Sicer avtomatsko dobiš status fašistične izdajice, karkoli jim že to pomeni.

D3m ::


Torej bi bil moj suženj?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Brane22 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Brane22 je izjavil:

Ne gre za to kaj šteje ampak za vse napore plačane elite, ki išče vse možne načine, kako bi pokazala, da so oni in Rusi dve povsem različni življenjski obliki.

Problem je, da si lahko z Rusi prijateljski samo, če sprejmeš status hlapca. Sicer avtomatsko dobiš status fašistične izdajice, karkoli jim že to pomeni.

Glavnina ruskih prihodkov prihaja od energentov in orožja, verjhetno je sedaj nekje tudi pšenica itd.

NIso ravno znani kot tipi, ki vnovčujejo delo hlapcev.
Prej je ta način najti drugje.
Kdo se stalno ukvarja na eni strani z uvozom poceni, "gostujoče" delovne sile, po drugi pa sanja o stenah, pregradah itd ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Pac-Man ::

D3m ::

Kaj zdaj?

Par let ste trdili, da bodo propadli zaradi sankcij sedaj pa že skoraj, da raj na zemlji.

Dajte se že odločiti.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Standard v hlapčevskih protektoratih, ki jo obdajajo, je še slabši. Kar potrjuje mojo tezo.
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