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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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Iatromantis ::

An automated #Kremlin troll network reacts to certain terms on @twitter with propaganda replies.


First results of the bot fishing: bots just search keywords ????, ???, ???? and post spam replies, no matter what's source tweet's language


Pac-Man ::


German press now reporting on the Russian links of Poland's allegedly "anti-Russian" defense minister.
This story has been in the Polish press for some time. Tomasz Piatek has just published a book about it.
There is no smoking gun, just a lot of links, over a long time. Best explanation: Russian secret services identified Macierewicz as a conspiratorial-minded nationalist who might compromise Poland, and offered him assistance. As DefMin, he has weakened the military, firing experienced generals, creating a "territorial army" which may turn out to be loyal to his party, not the country. So if they helped him, it was a good investment.

Pac-Man ::

Aleksej je malo jezen. V tisto o kadrih dvomim, vsaj data dumpi via wikileaks, Guccifer 2.0 in D.C. leaks so bili realizirani. Poskrbeli so tudi, da je vse skupaj dobilo čimbolj zlovešč prizvok.


Americans, please explain how people like this end up on the highest levels of your social hierarchy all the while being fatally incompetent
Donald Trump Jr. tells Sean Hannity: 'In retrospect I probably would have done things a little differently'

Same is true of Russia, of course, where presidential intel=basic Google search, click 1st link

To reiterate: Jr thought it was a good idea to meet a lawyer whose job is to make life easier for some of the most corrupt people in Russia. In fact, both parties come as incredibly dumb, greedy & naive. It's clear that neither side can deliver what the other is hoping for:
Trumps can't lift bipartisan sanctions so that a bunch of corrupt Kremlin loyalists can again travel & do business in US;
Don Jr hoped that his Russian connection would provide some info on "improper funding of Dems" - it's clear she has nothing of the sort.

Not every billionaire would publish ad defending gen prosec's amid corruption scandal. Agalarov did it for Chaika -

Also promoted by... Russian state propaganda! Namely, one guy who's desperate to have sanctions against him lifted.

To the surprise of no one, 'Trump supporters' again end up in the same boat with some of the most corrupt & immoral people in Russia.

Oh no. Their goals are condos in Miami, skiing in Aspen and kids in Ivy League schools. Which is why personal sanctions hurt so much.
If their goal was to weaken the US, they certainly achieved that. Trump is setting us back 70 years

Russian official response to mini-Trump's fiasco predictable: "It's all fake". Sure, Don Jr faked his own emails to incriminate himself.

New lows plumbed by Russian TV propaganda: members of the opposition are promoting suicide among youth. Navalny=Blue Whale. No, seriously. Because of course any politician running for office wants to exterminate as many of his own prospective voters and constituents as possible.

And this just in, on Rossiya 24 state TV channel: opposition promotes fidget spinners, an American invention:

Fidget spinners are used by opposition to pacify followers and distract them from real issues. Because that's what opposition usually does.

This is what Russian propaganda is like. This is the best it can do. And, supposedly the same people (there are no others) swayed US elex.

And of course here's a radical leftie on @RT_com whitewashing the billionaire president's corrupt son's collusion with a hostile state.

Hey @RT_com folks, do you realize you're doing Trumps a disservice by repeating their every idiotic excuse? Or are you doing it on purpose?

And of course @RT_com's laughable Trump spin wouldn't be complete without a "legal and media analyst" who goes by first name only.

Fearsome Putin propaganda heavyweights deployed to prop up Trump Jr:
1) Dude who runs around NYC with a hammer&sickle flag;

2) "Lionel".

Some Kremlin propaganda is so bad that one cannot determine whether it is the product of gross incompetence or intentional sabotage. Aka Kovpak's law:

Remember, we're dealing with people so incompetent they're unable to comprehend their own incompetence. Someone thought it was a good idea.
Shouldn't they be spinning *against* Trump at this point? As a CYA?

Because Trump Jr has nothing to do with Russia, several Russian state TV networks rush to his defense, repeating every nonsense argument. All carefully ignore that line in Jr's self-released email where he eagerly welcomes the possibility of using Russia's help to hurt Hillary.

Wonder why Putin never deploys "sophisticated voter targeting" in Russia. I guess we just don't matter enough.

Yes, this is how Putin rigs elections in Russia: rent-a-crowds voting multiple times.
Related note: "carousel voting" might be the most adorable name for voter fraud.

(Rus) In which @vassgatov pours tons of extremely cold water on @mattyglesias's headline
@vassgatov makes a devastatingly convincing case that Russia simply doesn't have the kind of cadres needed to pull off ops like Trumpgate.

Surprisingly accurate report on Trump Jr fiasco on Russian state TV evening news - with caveats like "so-called Russian interference" ofc

Zhirinovsky (plays the part of insane anti-US clown on TV but enjoys 4th July parties): Russia should seize Spaso House (US ambo residence).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Cervantes ::

Ti boš s svojimi mega (kaj mega, tera) pasti še zrušil S-T server.
Pa res misliš, da kdo to bere?
Zelo nerad za nekoga rečem, da je idiot.
In tudi v tem primeru tega ne bom storil.
Me pa ima, priznam.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Samuel ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Ti boš s svojimi mega (kaj mega, tera) pasti še zrušil S-T server.
Pa res misliš, da kdo to bere?
Zelo nerad za nekoga rečem, da je idiot.
In tudi v tem primeru tega ne bom storil.
Me pa ima, priznam.

Kaj če bi ti po dolgem času napisal kaj on-topic?? Samo smetiš s svojimi na pol dementnimi opazkami.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

D3m ::

Temo je zajel, kot talca s svojimi soap-opera posti. Se mi zdi, da je Esmeralda v tem pogledu boljša.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

V Rusiji so obsodili Nemtsove morilce. 5 Čečenov, 11-20 let zapora, solidne povezave do Kadirova.

Khamzat Bakhayev, Temirlan Eskerkhanov, Shadid and Anzor Gubashev and Zaur Dadayev had all been found guilty of organising and carrying out the contract killing.

Assassination of Boris Nemtsov @ Wikipedia
Zaur Dadaev, a former second-in-command to the leader of battalion Sever, Alibek Delimkhanov (the brother of Adam Delimkhanov and cousin of Ramzan Kadyrov), confessed that he had decided to kill Nemtsov because of his criticism of Islam and Ramzan Kadyrov, according to Russian media.
Motiv? Po mnenju sodišča 240 000 $ nagrade.
The men were allegedly offered 15 million rubles ($240,000) to murder the politician.
Kdo, kako in zakaj je obljubil nagrado sodišča ne zanima.

Zagotovo zato, ker gre za zahodni false flag, mislim komu bi koristil mrtev Nemtsov, uporabi svojo glavo, tralali, tralala...

Pac-Man ::


"Nemtsov's killer got the same sentence as film director Sentsov, who didn't kill anyone. That's all you need to know about Russian justice"

Oleg Sentsov @ Wikipedia

Oleg Gennadyevich Sentsov (Ukrainian: Олег Геннадійович Сенцов, Oleh Hennadiovych Sentsov) is a Ukrainian filmmaker and writer, best known for his 2011 film Gamer. He was arrested in Crimea and convicted to 20 years in jail by Russian court on charges of plotting terrorism acts.[1] The conviction was widely described as fabricated.

Cervantes ::

"Widely described", == "Pravijo".

Pac-Man ::

Prilepim "preveč" - jokaš, kako te to preobremenjuje.

Prilepim "premalo" - se delaš norca, brez da bi se vsaj malo informiral.

Si ti ena zlatolaska.


Oleg Sentsov @ Wikipedia

After the November 2013 breakout of the Euromaidan protests Sentsov became an activist of "AutoMaidan" and during the 2014 Crimean crisis he helped deliver food and supplies to Ukrainian servicemen trapped in their Crimean bases.[1] Sentsov stated that he did not recognize the Russian annexation of Crimea.


According to Sentsov's lawyers, investigators refused to open a case on his allegations of torture, suggesting that his bruises were self-inflicted and that he was keen on sado-masochism.


On 26 June 2014 Russia's presidential council for human rights appealed to Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor Grin to review the circumstances surrounding the arrests of Sentsov and Kolchenko.[1] A reply, posted on the council's website, stated prosecutors found "no grounds" for altering the detention of either suspect.


Ukrainian authorities were banned by their Russian counterparts to contact or help Sentsov.[16] According to Sentsov he has been deprived of his citizenship of Ukraine.


On 21 July 2015, Sentsov went on trial for terrorism in Russia among international outcry and an open letter by prominent European film directors Pedro Almodóvar, Ken Loach, Béla Tarr, and Wim Wenders.[17]

The main witness for the prosecution, Gennady Afanasyev, retracted his testimony in court on 31 July, saying it was given under duress.


In October 2016 Russia refused to extradite Sentsov to Ukraine, claiming that he is a Russian citizen.

//Tip noče bit Rus, ampak Rusija pravi, da je Rus. Inverzni izbrisani.


The European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini stated that "the EU considers the case to be in breach of international law and elementary standards of justice."[29]

Western governments, Amnesty International, and European Film Academy deputy chairman Mike Downey described the proceedings as a show trial.

Berserker ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Cervantes je izjavil:

Ti boš s svojimi mega (kaj mega, tera) pasti še zrušil S-T server.
Pa res misliš, da kdo to bere?
Zelo nerad za nekoga rečem, da je idiot.
In tudi v tem primeru tega ne bom storil.
Me pa ima, priznam.

Kaj če bi ti po dolgem času napisal kaj on-topic?? Samo smetiš s svojimi na pol dementnimi opazkami.

Ja kopiranje random twittov pa ni smetenje?

Pac-Man ::

Ko bo vse končano, bo ruska propagandna mašinerija razgaljena in v kosih. Operacija je bila preveč uspešna.


Background to my theory that Don Jr was tested with forged docs–first Russia has increasingly been using old KGB tactic of forged docs. Russia has been caught using forged docs+fake news in Sweden as part of "active measures" aimed at steering Sweden away from joining NATO.

In the midst of the 2016 primary season, a fake Russian doc targeting Clinton was fed to Comey.

Putin, "ex"-KGB, lacks the deep pockets to compete military with NATO, so has resuscitated active measures, weaponized disinformation.

Cervantes ::

Ja in potem se bo Rusija sesula, Putin pa napravil množični kolektivni samomor s trinjstimi streli v glavo in drenovim kolcem v srce.
Res mi ni jasno, od kod ljudje črpajo takšne neomejene količine fluida idiotske naivnosti. Neprecenljivo. In hkrati veličastno.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Uničenih bo par dobrih imen, razkrinkanih precej sodelujočih v verigi. Potem pričakujem to

Vsaka ruska trditev bo v najboljšem primeru sprejeta z obilico dvoma, tudi od normijev. Učinkovitost prihodnjih operacij bo močno zmanjšana, na žalost bo "to so Rusi" postal tudi legitimen izgovor.

Verjetno kaka dodatna runda sankcij, zaseženega precej premoženja.

In mogoče, če na zahodu končno najdemo pogum in moralo, bomo presekali celotno verigo pranja denarja. Ker za to se tu gre - pranje ruskim davkoplačevalcem & ekonomiji pokradenega kapitala. Kar je kul za naše ekonomije in bad za navadne Ruse, čeprav kaže, da je navdušenost nekako inverzna.

Tu pa se lahko zgodi marsikaj. Odvisno od opranosti ruskega naroda.

Cervantes ::

Predvsem so sankcije totalna oslarija, ki še nikoli in nikjer ni dala rezultatov.
Primer: S.Koreja.
Tistim na vrhu se gladko y*be, saj jim ni problem z gulfstreamom pripeljat jagode iz Capetowna, uni spodaj so pa itak vsega hudega vajeni in si morda ne bi mogli privoščit jagod tudi brez sankcij.
Še noben režim se ni zrušil zaradi sankcij. Bo že modal ata Soroš seči v žep in plačat par tisoč komadom pivo i sendviće, pa razne three-letter dobrodelne ustanove pomagat pri organizaciji demonstracij.
Se pa v Rusiji "borcem za demokracijo" slabo piše, sa te lahko dajo v arest do ohladitve, ala Navalny.
Putin Rules! Hahaha.

Pac-Man ::

Well, no f-ing shit.


One important detail: the "Prevezon" criminal organisation that Veselnitskaya represents is not some private criminal gang. It's one of the "investment vehicles" of a cash pool ("obshag") which, an ex GRU guy told me, is informally called "The stability fund". Money to be used primarily for perpetuating the regime...which makes her by definition a "Kremlin lawyer" as she was correctly described. Same as that cellist's stash of cash. Funnily, the guy told me this to convince me Putin is not corrupt; he just "allocates to the fund." Which is the only way "getting 230m tax rebate 24h after presenting falsified accounts" can ever make sense. The state is the criminal which makes that "settlement" on May 15 all the more treacherous. USG didn't just exculpate and return 10s of millions to some gansgters. It returned it to the "stability fund". Bypassing sanctions. Perpetuating the regime in the spirit of collaboration.

Lahko dobimo kaj dobrih novinarjev na tale beat? Pa kakega RU prevajalca?

Cervantes ::

Dream on!
Fake news, itak.8-)

Pac-Man ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Tistim na vrhu se gladko y*be, saj jim ni problem z gulfstreamom pripeljat jagode iz Capetowna, uni spodaj so pa itak vsega hudega vajeni in si morda ne bi mogli privoščit jagod tudi brez sankcij.

Zato se uporabi sankcije ciljane na posameznike. Kiselyov je precej pasji da ne sme na zahod.

Razširimo to še na mlajšo generacijo. Če foter ne bi bil skorumpiran prasec, Liza Peskova ne bi živela v Parizu. Plača putinovega tiskovnega predstavnika tega ne zdrži.


Kaj ti bodo milijoni, če jih lahko zapraviš samo v Moskvi?

Cervantes ::

Res ne vem, zakaj bi K. rinil na zahod.
On si lahko zahod pripelje v Rusijo.

Pac-Man ::

Ker ima stanovanje v Londonu?

Ker tam živi njegov sin?

Knjiga iz l. 2005


Brane22 ::

Stari, po tem istem Londonu ima stanovanje ali kaj več mnogo ruskih in drugih kriminalcev, ki pa niso v medijih, ker so pač koristni.

Sploh pa, če imaš denar, zakaj točno bi hodil ven iz Moskve ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Samuel ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Stari, po tem istem Londonu ima stanovanje ali kaj več mnogo ruskih in drugih kriminalcev, ki pa niso v medijih, ker so pač koristni.

Sploh pa, če imaš denar, zakaj točno bi hodil ven iz Moskve ?

Ej, mogoce pa zaradi tega, ker Moskva nima tropskega podnebja. ;((
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Berserker ::

Pacman na novo odkriva geopolitiko.:)

A resno verjamete da je vodstvo svetovne velesile zmanipulirano s strani države, ki je gospodarsko na nivoju Italije ali še manj.

Samuel ::

Berserker je izjavil:

Pacman na novo odkriva geopolitiko.:)

A resno verjamete da je vodstvo svetovne velesile zmanipulirano s strani države, ki je gospodarsko na nivoju Italije ali še manj.

Oh brez skrbi, da je Rusija v vrhu glede medijskega manipuliranja ter vohunjenja. Imajo 100-letno tradicijo exporta komunajzerske revolucije.
Sicer pa.. vecini rusofilov in NWO paranoikov je za vse na tem svetu kriv Izrael.. oziroma zidi. Kaksen BDP pa ima sele Izrael?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

SimplyMiha ::

BDP ni toliko pomemben kot delež pogače, ki ga lahko na skrivaj odrežejo.

Brane22 ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Berserker je izjavil:

Pacman na novo odkriva geopolitiko.:)

A resno verjamete da je vodstvo svetovne velesile zmanipulirano s strani države, ki je gospodarsko na nivoju Italije ali še manj.

Oh brez skrbi, da je Rusija v vrhu glede medijskega manipuliranja ter vohunjenja. Imajo 100-letno tradicijo exporta komunajzerske revolucije.
Sicer pa.. vecini rusofilov in NWO paranoikov je za vse na tem svetu kriv Izrael.. oziroma zidi. Kaksen BDP pa ima sele Izrael?

Vštej še vse "elemente" izven Izraela in tega ne bo malo.

Samuel je izjavil:

Brane22 je izjavil:

Stari, po tem istem Londonu ima stanovanje ali kaj več mnogo ruskih in drugih kriminalcev, ki pa niso v medijih, ker so pač koristni.

Sploh pa, če imaš denar, zakaj točno bi hodil ven iz Moskve ?

Ej, mogoce pa zaradi tega, ker Moskva nima tropskega podnebja. ;((

In ga hodijo iskat v London ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Pac-Man ::

Nekdo se je šel spet hack&dump.


On Tuesday morning, a hacker going by the name Johnnie Walker sent a group email to an unknown number of recipients claiming to have a trove of emails from the private account of a U.S. intelligence official.


The sender said the archive included exchanges between the official and “CIA officers and other intelligence agencies, mainstream media, NGOs, and international funds” that would “give you evidence of who is responsible for agenda formation in many countries worldwide, especially where the situation is insecure.”

The official involved is in a senior position in the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, according to a 2017 department directory.


But the official’s expertise in Russian politics and organized crime makes him a significant target.

“He’s probably the top intelligence guy in the entire U.S. government on Russia. He knows more than anybody about what’s going on there,” said one source whose correspondence with the official was revealed in the hack.

Christo je šel skozi dump.


Hacked state department emails were first posted by Antiimperialistische Aktion, a pro-Russian communist org w/ frequent airtime on @RT_com. The lawyer who published the hack on behalf of this group, wanted to broker "relationship" b/n Neo-Nazis and Jews.

 It's funny 'cause both of the footnoted sources of confirmations of Russian military presence in Donbass are actual DNR officials.

It's funny 'cause both of the footnoted sources of confirmations of Russian military presence in Donbass are actual DNR officials.

 Local East Ukraine separatist leaders complained to Crisis Group they had lost control of their own military units as Russia took over

Local East Ukraine separatist leaders complained to Crisis Group they had lost control of their own military units as Russia took over

 Read the extremely insightful description of Putin's non-strategy, even if you are not interested in the Ukraine topic. Equally valid for US

Read the extremely insightful description of Putin's non-strategy, even if you are not interested in the Ukraine topic. Equally valid for US

Some simple thoughts on hhy the Robert Otto hack is Russian (and not "an aspiring 400 pound hacker, as RU media now allude):
The mail dumps were first posted on pastebin July 10. No one noticed them and no media picked them up. 3 days later, it was published on only 2 sites: on the English version of News-Front.info, and in German as press release by German pro-Russian/Extreme left lawyer. As soon as @ForeignPolicy got email and published story, NewsFront deleted story. However, FP redacted name of hacked target. This necessitated NewsFront to once again post the story (1 day later, 14th), to make sure media pick up name and link to dumps. Independently, RU @kommersant were able out to guess name and track dumps. Immediately after, NewsFront re-carried story in 6 languages. No other hypothesis than active operation explains NewsFront's on/off/on/off/on fluctuation. News-Front is GRU-backed, per its ex editor.

Pac-Man ::

Ruski spin:


In leaked emails, Robert Otto who is specialized in former Soviet countries exchange information with his colleagues, CIA officials and other US special services’ representatives as well as with editors from mainstream media and heads of various NGO, international foundations and expert community. They share their assessments, intelligence from the ground, confidential materials, various documents and reports. A portion of emails focuses on a U.S.-born businessman William Browder who has been confronting the Russian government for a long time.
 Ofkors je Browder prvi in glavni problem.

Ofkors je Browder prvi in glavni problem.

 Talkin' shit on Kerry

Talkin' shit on Kerry

 Talkin' shit on Iran and Syria

Talkin' shit on Iran and Syria

 Par jih želi bit prijateljskih z RU

Par jih želi bit prijateljskih z RU

 s švedskimi obveščevalci so se pogovarjali o ruskih vojaških zmogljivostih

s švedskimi obveščevalci so se pogovarjali o ruskih vojaških zmogljivostih

 imamo putinveršteherja

imamo putinveršteherja

 Suprajs, McCainov inštitut ne mara Kremlja

Suprajs, McCainov inštitut ne mara Kremlja

Samuel ::

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

BDP ni toliko pomemben kot delež pogače, ki ga lahko na skrivaj odrežejo.

Itak, pride Miha in napiše klobasarijo. Kot vedno.

5% od 1000 ali 20% od 100
Kaj je več??
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Pac-Man ::

Kovalev & prijatelji se hitro dvigajo na trebaprebrat lestvici


"No one tells us what to say or write": every RT/Sputnik employee. Dispute any Putin's statement on air then please.
Current RT/Sputnik editors speaking publicly, that is. Former employees/insiders tell a very different story:

I get the punny headline urge, @TIME, yet Putin's Russia is not "red", but run by an oligarchic capitalist regime waging imperialist wars.

Yet another hyperpatriotic Russian politician "not ashamed" of his daughter who of course lives in US and loves it.
Earlier, the daughter of the deputy chairman of the State Duma, the leading program "Politics" on the "First Channel" of Peter Tolstoy, Alexander criticized Russian universities on her page in Ask.fm. According to her, "journalism at the Moscow State University is very spoiled." Asked by the network users whether she plans to enter the Higher School of Economics, Alexandra Tolstaya replied "no, God forbid." At the same time, she praised Yale University, noting that she had never planned to study in the US: "I've never been here before, but now I'm at Yale university and he's very cool."
As long as this pragmatic cynicism dominates among Russia's elites - bash the West publicly but quietly enjoy its perks & privileges, squirrel your wives, kids&money where they'll be safe - the West is safe too. And this is why personal sanctions hurt so much.

Looks like Pete Tolstoy's daughter is spending her summer right here in New Haven. While at Yale, she has some nasty comments about Russia.
// Pyotr Olegovich Tolstoy @ Wikipedia

Debate moderator at anti-Magnitsky film screening at Newseum lobbied by Veselnitskaya was Seymour Hersh.

Veselnitskaya wrote about this on her FB. She claimed to be an acquaintance of Hersh:

Same Hersh who's in the biz of whitewashing Putin's pet dictator Assad - promoted in Putin fanzine The Nation.

Why do Western celebrity leftists always cling to the world's worst, most immoral & corrupt dictators as long as they're 'anti-West'? In the end, these leftists end up in bed with the epitome of capitalism's worst excesses and failures, aka President Trump. Go figure. I only have one explanation: irresponsible contrarianism just for the sake of being contrarian. Teenage 'rebels', some well into their 70s.

Meanwhile, pro-Kremlin tabloid columnists who regretted not making lampshades out of liberals' ancestors & funded violent neo-Nazis, weren't
Vlogger Sokolovsky, who was prosecuted for playing Pokemon Go in a church, has now been put on terrorist watch list
Defend this, Western leftie Putin fanboys: your hero holds Russia's most vulnerable citizens (whom he's failed to protect) hostage.
Who knew the Russian adoption issue was so complicated?
I've pointed out to Western pro-Putin lefties that they're siding with actual sieg-heiling Nazis welcomed in Russia but they don't care.
Russian military-industrial complex, presided by the former leader of a neo-Nazi party, profiteering from Syria - you knew that didn't you?
Not wanting war with Russia and regime change in Syria, does not make one a "Putin fanboy." Also, I am unfollowing you. You are unhinged.
Okay, Shadilay/Kekistan/redpilled crowd, what was your PLAN? At least Russians stuffing ballot boxes with fake ballots for Putin had one! I asked Americans how people so incompetent & irresponsible end up ruling them, but then again, our president falls for fakes on his own TV.

Because there's no better way to prove that "there are no gays in our country" than an anal rape reference.
In an interview with @RealSportsHBO one of Putin's biggest allies [Kadyrov] says "we will put the world on its knees and screw it from behind." Video:
Russia AG hits back, says it tried to pass info to DoJ about shady hedge fund buying Gazprom shares and funding Dems:
 Here's Rep Rohrabacher being interviewed by Andrei Nekrasov, director of anti-Magnitski film screened at Newseum at Veselnitskaya's request.

Here's Rep Rohrabacher being interviewed by Andrei Nekrasov, director of anti-Magnitski film screened at Newseum at Veselnitskaya's request.

Account of said screening by a Russian journo and a thorough takedown of Nekrasov wildly unethical smear flick:

Okay so 'damaging info' was 'Bill Browder funds Hilary' (in Russia Soros=Satan & Browder is Beelzebub). That's the best Natalia could do.
Russian Gave Trump's Son Folder With Information Damaging To Clinton: Report
Real estate moguls are criminally clueless: Emin Agalarov hyped about "Manhattan in [grim northern suburb of Moscow]" - aka worst idea ever.

He also seems to honestly think that Moscow needs more malls selling brands which most people even in Moscow won't ever be able to afford. What Emin Agalarov thinks people need instead of affordable bars in downtown Moscow: another megamall with "new brands and tropical climate"

If you want to take a peek inside the Trumps' Russian pal's mind, here's his interview (in Russian) from 2013

And that is "Russian lobbying" in a nutshell: holding orphans hostage & character assassination of a long dead man
Thanks @juliaioffe for this. I don't know why more people like Veselnitskaya and her clients get sanctioned by the US every day. That "Russian adoption issue" isn't some obscure problem: it's caused a world of suffering:

Samuel ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

di tega, ker Moskva nima tropskega podnebja. ;((

In ga hodijo iskat v London ?

Napisal si tole:
"Sploh pa, če imaš denar, zakaj točno bi hodil ven iz Moskve ?"

Ali na tem svetu obstajata samo Moskva in London?? ;((
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Berserker ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Berserker je izjavil:

Pacman na novo odkriva geopolitiko.:)

A resno verjamete da je vodstvo svetovne velesile zmanipulirano s strani države, ki je gospodarsko na nivoju Italije ali še manj.

Oh brez skrbi, da je Rusija v vrhu glede medijskega manipuliranja ter vohunjenja. Imajo 100-letno tradicijo exporta komunajzerske revolucije.
Sicer pa.. vecini rusofilov in NWO paranoikov je za vse na tem svetu kriv Izrael.. oziroma zidi. Kaksen BDP pa ima sele Izrael?

Neuki ne znajo razlikovat med zionisti in liberalnimi židi, med katerimi poteka tiha vojna. Trenutna administracija je precej naklonjena Izraelu, Obama je bil pripravljen Izrael islamizirat.

Pac-Man ::


How Putin Played the Far Left

The Kremlin didn’t just rely on the alt-right to help Trump win. Bernie Bros, Greens, and ‘anti-imperialists’ got had, too.


Part of its campaign to vilify Hillary Clinton involved catering to her rivals on the far-left and pushing any number of crankish conspiracy theories that appeal as much to “anti-imperialists” as to neo-Nazis.

There’s nothing new in that, really.

Moscow’s attempts to cultivate America’s far-left long predate the presidency of Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin, according to available evidence, donated more funds per capita to the U.S. Communist Party than any other communist claque during the Soviet period


But the past 18 months have seen a noted spike in information warfare aimed at gulling the Bernie Bros and Occupy-besotted alternative-media set, which saw Clinton as more of a political danger than it did Trump.

Perhaps the starkest case in point is Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and her constituency.


Stein presents herself as a champion of the underclass and the environment, and an opponent of the surveillance state and corporate media, and yet she seemed to take pleasure in her marriage of true minds with a kleptocratic intelligence officer who levels forests and arrests or kills critical journalists and invades foreign countries.


Stein joined the Russian president and Kazakhstani dictator Nursultan Nazarbayev in describing Ukraine’s 2014 EuroMaidan revolution as a “coup,” and claimed, bizarrely, that NATO is currently “fighting… enemies we invent to give the weapons industry a reason to sell more stuff.”

For good measure, she also asserted in September that “Russia used to own Ukraine,” by way of defending its colonization. She even selected a vice-presidential candidate who, when asked whether the downing of Flight MH17—a massacre almost certainly caused by Russian-supplied separatists in eastern Ukraine—was a false flag, responded, “[T]hat’s exactly what has happened.”

Green Party officials across Europe slammed a “delusional” Stein for her views, with leading Russian environmental activists saying they were “deeply shocked” by her comments during her Moscow trip.


As I helped catalog at the Columbia Journalism School, RT, rather than focus solely on puffing up GOP candidates, expends more effort in targeting America’s far-left fellow-travelers.


Consider one of the flagship magazines of the American left, which, for all its support of gay rights, government transparency, and voting rights as they pertain to U.S. society, has developed a notoriously soft spot for a regime that violently opposes all of the above.

The Nation’s coverage of Russian affairs is a national embarrassment.
RT is a website that hosts neo-Nazis as “expert” commentators. Yet that does not stop The Nation from publishing whataboutist articles in defense of the propaganda channel; articles pushing the same argument, with the exact same headlines, as those found in white-nationalist publications.


The Nation’s crop of Russia watchers have lately busied themselves by lending credence to the “autonomy referendums” in eastern Ukraine, thus legitimizing illegal and neo-imperialist land-grabs, or notions that the entire Ukrainian crisis was “instigated by the West’s attempt… to smuggle [Ukraine] into NATO.”

That these views bizarrely mesh with those of Trump and his Breitbart-friendly advisers is perhaps another oddity of an age of ideological psychosis. Stephen Cohen, The Nation’s lead Russia analyst (and husband of the magazine’s editor in chief and publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel), has even been endorsed by David Duke and the wife of white-nationalist Richard Spencer, the intellectual godfather of the pro-Trump “alt-right,” as a rare voice of sanity when it comes to U.S.-Russian relations.


In years of researching Kremlin influence-peddling, I’ve discovered first-hand just how eerily similar far-left and far-right Putinists are to each other.

When I pointed out that one of The Nation’s contributing writers, former J.P. Morgan banker James Carden, now executive editor of the American Committee for East-West Accord—an organization partly funded by vanden Heuvel’s family—continues to contribute to Kremlin-funded Russia Direct, what I received was nothing short of a deranged ad hominem. Carden, who appeared on RT a few weeks ago to claim that The Washington Post is pursuing a “project of promoting a new Cold War with the Russian Federation,” sent me a note on LinkedIn calling me a “sniveling shit,” and vaguely (if unintentionally hilariously) threatening me with physical violence, demanding to see if I was “brave as BATMAN [sic]” in person. He later apologized.


WikiLeaks is clearly the online epicenter of the 21st-century’s red-brown convergence.


American left has just as much reason to take stock. Ideologically promiscuous and unbound by the orthodoxies of a single party or historical narrative, Putin has cultivated dupes, fellow travelers, and purblind fools among plenty of American progressives who, whether by accident or design, have facilitated the rise of the most extremist and reactionary president this country has ever elected.

Pac-Man ::

Povezano z


Iskanje za "military unit 55002"


How to waste public money for festivities and gifts

Russiangate has studied how much of public money are spent for the corporate presents for the public servants.


The unit 55002 spent 2 mln rubles (30k EUR) for confectionary items.


Artist Peter Pavensky found guilty and sentenced to a fine of 500 thousand rubles on the case of arson of the doors of the building of FSB on Lubyanka. Pavlenkova the verdict announced on 8 June Meshchansky court of Moscow, reports “Medusa”.


The court also decided to charge Pavlensky damages in a civil lawsuit filed by military unit 55002 (FSB of Russia), in the amount of 481 thousand 461 of the ruble 83 kopecks. In this amount, the FSB has estimated the material damage from the arson of the doors.


maj 2005:


Smuggled consumer goods for millions of dollars came from China to the port of Vostochny (Nakhodka), and further by rail to the station Bekasovo-Sortirovochnaya (Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region). In the road lists, the payer and the consignee of the cargo indicated the military unit No. 54729. This w / h (temporary storage warehouse of a closed type), according to the long teletype schedule of the State Customs Committee (TF-1028), took goods for the Logistics Administration of the FSB of the Russian Federation (in / H No. 55002). In addition, she, this military unit, according to the materials on the holding of various tenders for commodity deliveries, was also the customer for the same administration located in house 12 on Bolshaya Lubyanka Street.


We contacted Oleg Kolesnik, first deputy head of the logistics department of the FSB (military unit No. 55002), but he declined to comment on the situation. In the management of their own security, the FSB of the Russian Federation also avoided an answer.

//zgleda logistika za FSB

Ogromno imajo opravit s privatizacijo neprimičnin?


Proizvajajo lesene zaboje?


FGKU military unit 55002 - an organization with a small statutory fund, was established on 01.05.1998, with the registration details assigned: INN - 7702005066, OGRN - 1027739283109. The company is registered at 101000 Moscow, ul. The Big Lubyanka, 12/1 . Commander of the military unit: Nushtaev IV The company has 1 founder . The main activity is the production of wooden packaging. According to the assessment of reliability, calculated by our scoring model, the organization is most likely created for statutory purposes and is trustworthy.


The company participated in 82 processes, of which 19 acted as a plaintiff , in 41 - in the role of the defendant . Won 25 contracts as a supplier , 1127 contracts as a customer . Most often contracts were concluded with the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for Moscow (the main customer) and JSC Mosvodokanal (the main supplier).

maj 2013


decided to run a little on the site of public procurement. Searched for the word Benz \ Benz In the promising on this word, a lot of goodies. Here's to you,

" the provision of services for the maintenance and repair of motor transport-Benz brand the Mercedes " Price: 8.1 million Russian ruble, and even a bonus - spare parts for the Benz: 23491514 . Customer: FGKU military unit 55002

"provision of services in 2012 for the maintenance and repair of Mercedes-Benz vehicles" price: 5,900,000 Russian rubles, and another bonus - spare parts: 19,173,275 . Customer: FGKU military unit 55002

" And more bonus spare parts: 14 639 342. Customer: FGKU military unit 55002 " Maintenance and repair of Mercedes-Benz vehicles " price: 2 900 000 Russian ruble plus bonus spare parts: 19 173 275 . Customer: FGKU military unit 55002

" maintenance and repair of Mercedes-Benz vehicles " price: 2 800 000 Russian rubles, plus bonus - spare parts: 23 491 514 . Customer: FGKU military unit 55002 " 19 173 275 . Customer: FGKU military unit 55002

" Maintenance and repair of Mercedes-Benz vehicles " price: 2 500 000 Russian rubles, and another bonus - spare parts: 7 861 326 . Customer: FGKU military unit 55002

" Rendering services in 2011 for the maintenance and repair of Mercedes-Benz vehicles " price: 2 430 000 Russian rubles, and another bonus - spare parts: 8 783 605 . Customer: FGKU military unit 55002 "

" Maintenance and repair of Mercedes-Benz vehicles " price: 2 000 000 Russian rubles, and another bonus - spare parts: 23 491 514 . Customer: FGKU military unit 55002

" maintenance and repair of Mercedes-Benz vehicles " price: 1 850 000 , plus bonus - spare parts: 19 173 275 . Customer: FGKU military unit 55002

" Performance of routine maintenance and current repair of Mercedes-Benz S500 4M " car : price: 1 500 000 , and another bonus - spare parts: 30 288 181 .

" Providing maintenance and repair services for Mercedes-Benz vehicles " price: 1 500 000 Russian rubles, and another bonus - spare parts: 19 173 275 . Customer: FGKU military unit 55002

Buying a benze price: 5 500 000,00 Russian ruble. Customer: Committee of the Government of the Chechen Republic on state order

"Maintenance and repair of Mercedes-Benz S500 4M vehicles" price: 3 000 000 Russian ruble. Customer: Administration of the Istra municipal district of the Moscow region

"Maintenance and repair of Mercedes S 500 cars" price: 3 000 000 Russian ruble. Customer: The Karachaevo-Cherkess Republic's Office for the placement of republican state orders

"Maintenance and repair of a Mercedes S 500 brand car" price: 3 000 000 Russian ruble. Customer: Karachay-Cherkess Republic's Office for the placement of republican government orders

" An open auction in electronic form for the right to conclude a state contract for the provision of repair, tin welding, painting, maintenance of a Mercedes GL 500 (RIDA) car with special protection. " The price is 1 449 744 , and another bonus is spare Parts: 5,510,958 . Customer: GU MOI of Russia for Moscow (for reference - the new + the most expensive GL 500 costs 7,991,408 and the total cost of "repair" for this auction is 6,960,702) It

The most active customer Mercedes - some military part 55002. I was wondering - who it is and why they Mercedes.
В \ Ч 55002:
Address: Russian Federation, 101000, Moscow, ul. B. Lubyanka, d.12
Something familiar ..
On the site of the new newspaper there is a mention of this part: the Logistics Administration of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (military unit 55002)

Now it is more or less clear who this is and why they Mercedes.
In total I managed to find orders for 516 303 674 rubles. I will write this number in letters so that it is more understandable: five hundred and sixteen million three hundred and three thousand six hundred and seventy four rubles . Of them - 494 842 972 - only on the FSB (96%) .

Okej, logistika. Ampak precej široko definirana.


Federal state institution "Military unit 55002"
Abbreviated name:
FGKU military unit 55002


Types of activity (OKVED)
43.2 Manufacture7746822010865
59.14 Activities in the field of demonstration of motion pictures
68.32.2 Management of operation of uninhabited fund for a fee or on a contractual basis
81.29.9 Cleaning and tidying up activities, not included in other groups
95.29 Repair of other personal and household goods

fikus_ ::

Pacman, prosim umiri se, kdo bo bral tvoje "romane"! Ti copy-paste so hujše kot vojna in mir.

Pac-Man ::

Shekan ali samo butast?


I have just been giving the children a Geography class and found a country in Europe I have NEVER even heard of......Kaliningrad Oblast

So it's an annexed part of Russia landlocked between Poland and Lithuania. Who knew

In ne, ni nek rando.

Ben Fogle @ Wikipedia

Benjamin Myer Fogle, FRGS (born 3 November 1973 in Westminster, London[3]) is an English author, broadcaster and writer, best known for his presenting roles with Channel 5, BBC and ITV.


He was educated at two independent schools: The Hall School in Hampstead in London, and Bryanston School in Blandford Forum, Dorset, followed by the University of Portsmouth and the University of Costa Rica. Fogle became a Midshipman in the Royal Naval Reserve, serving as an URNU officer on HMS Blazer.


Fogle is a television presenter working for the BBC, ITV, Channel 5, Sky, Discovery and National Geographic. He has hosted Crufts, One Man and His Dog, Countryfile, Country Tracks, Extreme Dreams With Ben Fogle, Animal Park, Wild on the West Coast, Wild in Africa, "Ben Fogle – African Migration" and Ben Fogle's Escape in Time.


Fogle has produced films about naval history and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) for the History Channel and followed Princes William and Harry on their first joint Royal Tour in Botswana and made an exclusive documentary called Prince William's Africa. He marked the centenary of Captain Scott's expedition to the South Pole with The Secrets of Scott's Hut.


Fogle has written six books; The Teatime Islands in search of the remaining islands in the British Empire in which he travels to Saint Helena, Ascension Island, the Falkland Islands, the British Indian Ocean Territories and Tristan da Cunha.

He also tried to visit Pitcairn Island by private yacht, but when the inhabitants learned that he was a journalist they refused to let him land.


Fogle is the President of the Campaign for National Parks,.[18] Fogle is also: an ambassador for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Tusk; a supporter of the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. He is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

Cervantes ::


thed0g195 ::

No zaradi teh delusional retardov kot osebek zgoraj, je Trump zmagal.

In po vec ko pol leta jim to se vedno ni jasno.

Pac-Man ::

Čakam val zgražanja. Je pa res, da eksperimentirajo na lastnih državljanih.


The news agency RBC refused to publish an investigative story by journalist Ilya Rozhdestvensky about a “secret prison” allegedly operated outside Moscow by Russia’s Federal Security Service


Responding to criticisms that the news agency is censoring its reporting, Golikova stated in a Facebook post that RBC “doesn’t just reprint anyone’s complaints in full,” explaining that all published stories need to stand up to “professional analysis.” Golikova says RBC’s editorial board rejected Rozhdestvensky’s investigative report because it relied too heavily on the “opinions of one side.”


When RBC said it would only publish his investigation as a news brief, Rozhdestvensky submitted his resignation, effective on August 4.


Rozhdestvensky later published his story on the news website Republic. According to his report, five men accused of terrorism and murder say Russian federal agents tortured them in a “secret prison” outside Moscow before they were ever formally detained. One suspect says he was electrocuted and waterboarded.

Brane22 ::

Kaj je čudnega v tem ?

A "few man said" ni baš neka osnova za članek, ki bi ga morali vsi objaviti.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Pac-Man ::


Some may remember this hilarious Kremlin active measure: claiming @Billbrowder was CIA and he recruited @navalny. In one of history's finest comedic forgeries, Kremlin produced a secret CIA doc written in Kremlish...and a couple more gems
 ROFL...The program will be carried under the control agent of Freedom (there is no of in Russian, so confusing)

ROFL...The program will be carried under the control agent of Freedom (there is no of in Russian, so confusing)

This was April 2016. Flash back to July 3rd 2015.
In interview with paid Russian "PR" blogger, someone says they have hired detectives to hack @Billbrowder's emails, and received evidence Bowder instructed FBK" [Navalny's anti-corruption fund] to discredit Prevezon. That someone was Natalia Veselnitskaya. She "showed" said hacked emails to blogger, he said then.


Interesting. We know that one of the key "proxies" Kremlin used for Ukraine war was K. Malofeev who sponsored the initial stage of invasion. We also know that at time of his engagement in Ukraine, he was subject of a criminal investigation in Russia; thus he was easy to "activate". But it appears to have been a pattern. Another early sponsor of "DNR/LNR" was Konstantin Ponamerov (key Kremlin witness in Magnitsky case). Ponameryov was key sponsor of LNR, and funded creation of anti-Ukrainian/pro-Russian/pro-separatist online media. Now I find out he was already under (lingering) indictment in 2013 for tax evasion. Thus another convenient billionaire to outsource to.

Interestingly, he was just arrested in July. Did his credit of proxy services run out? Or is Putin clearing his tracks? Is Malofeev next?

Pac-Man ::

"LAŽEJO!!!" razlaga diši po X-fajlih, ampak uradno podan vzrok smrti je prav tako "out there".


Vladimir Putin’s former media czar was murdered in Washington, DC on the eve of a planned meeting with the U.S. Justice Department, according to two FBI agents whose assertions cast new doubts on the US government’s official explanation of his death.


After an almost year-long "comprehensive investigation," a federal prosecutor announced last October that Lesin died alone in his room due to a series of drunken falls “after days of excessive consumption of alcohol.” His death was ruled an "accident," and prosecutors closed the case.

But the two FBI agents — as well as a third agent and a serving US intelligence officer — said Lesin was actually bludgeoned to death. None of these officials were directly involved in the government’s investigation, but they said they learned about it from colleagues who were.

“Lesin was beaten to death,” one of the FBI agents said. “I would implore you to say as much. There seems to be an effort here to cover up that fact for reasons I can't get into.”

He continued: “What I can tell you is that there isn’t a single person inside the bureau who believes this guy got drunk, fell down, and died. Everyone thinks he was whacked and that Putin or the Kremlin were behind it.”


The FBI, which assisted with the investigation, and the Department of Justice declined to comment. The US Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia said it had nothing to add beyond its statement last year calling Lesin’s death an accident. The DC medical examiner’s office said it is barred by law from releasing details of the autopsy so would not comment beyond the US Attorney’s statement and a brief summary of its own findings that it released in March. A spokesperson for the DC Metropolitan Police — which led the investigation, deploying homicide detectives — told BuzzFeed News that “we have no evidence to suggest this death involved foul play. However, we will certainly reinvestigate should additional evidence be brought to light."

Urgent questions remain about Lesin’s death. The government is withholding the FBI’s investigative file, which includes critical evidence ranging from surveillance tapes to witness interviews. So today, BuzzFeed News filed a lawsuit to pry that information loose.


property records show that companies he’s associated with spent at least $28 million on luxury real estate, purchasing sprawling estates in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Brentwood for himself; his daughter, Ekaterina Lesina; an RT bureau chief; and his son, Anton Lessine, an up-and-coming Hollywood producer. Multiple sources said Lesin helped finance his son’s films, such as Dirty Grandpa starring Robert De Niro, and Fury starring Brad Pitt.

Neither Lessine nor Lesina, who are based in the US, returned multiple calls and emails seeking comment.


Lesin abruptly resigned from Gazprom in December 2014.

At that point, his activities became more murky. Intelligence and law enforcement sources said Lesin had a falling out with Putin’s close confidants and then went into hiding abroad. But five sources told BuzzFeed News he was forced out of Gazprom after US Senator Roger Wicker got wind of Lesin’s US spending spree and wrote to the Department of Justice demanding it investigate.


Lesin “was feeling good until that letter came out,” said the US intelligence officer. But “Putin decided to cut him loose as a potential liability. Once Putin ditched him, once he lost his protection, Lesin’s partners and competitors started going after him.”


Lesin “was running out of options of where to live and hide,” the second intelligence official said. “At this point he was a defector. He contacted the Justice Department and the FBI through a third party. He was worried about his kids and their safety so he wanted to cooperate.”


Two of agents said they were told that the FBI has obtained evidence and conducted witness interviews that indicate Lesin was murdered. Neither agent would describe the evidence or give details about who the witnesses were or what exactly they said. The third said that a colleague working the case told him in January that Lesin was beaten to death.

The intelligence officer would not say how he knew Lesin was bludgeoned but said the weapon was a baseball bat. Another source — someone with direct knowledge of the autopsy performed by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Washington, DC — offered new information about Lesin’s injuries: He had fractured ribs, a detail that has not been previously reported.


Lesin, he was told, “was going to talk about the inner workings of RT — basically, how the propaganda machine works. DOJ was investigating RT. These are the types of meetings we have with people when we want to recruit them as informants.”

Pac-Man ::


Judge in Russia declared 2,6 mln roubles (44k $) income in 2016. She spend on her daughter's wedding 2 mln USD.

The judge who spend $2mln on her daughter's wedding is actual capo of the region regarding agriculture properties.

Zhirinovsky party LDPR works on law fining bloggers 5 mln roubles (EUR72K / $84K) for reporting weddings of judges.

Remember judge in Russia who spend $2mln on daughter's wedding? She has long cosy relations with thieves-in-law.
 Another photo of Judge Khakhaleva. There are already other worthy people around. Immediately two crowned thief in law: G.Uglava (Tahi) and S.Volkov (Volchok)

Another photo of Judge Khakhaleva. There are already other worthy people around. Immediately two crowned thief in law: G.Uglava (Tahi) and S.Volkov (Volchok)

"thief in law"=vor v zakone

Thief in law @ Wikipedia

A thief in law in the Soviet Union, the post-Soviet states and respective diasporas abroad is a specifically granted formal status of a professional criminal who enjoys an elite position within the organized crime environment and employs informal authority over its lower-status members. Each new Vor is vetted (literally "crowned", with respective rituals and tattoos) by consensus of several Vors. Vor culture is inseparable from prison organized crime: only repeatedly jailed convicts are eligible for Vor status.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Brane22 ::

So what ?

TO, da je korupcija v državah v vzponu na tej stopnji je novica v katerem smislu ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Brane22 ::

Ampak zanimivo da ne govoriš o korupciji "demokratiziranih" kolonij.

NIti besede. Evo ta sodnik v 140-milijonski Rusiji je totalen pičkin dim za nekega uradnika v Srbiji ali Črni Gori- držav, za katere mnogi še slišali niso. Ali Hrvaški recimo.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Brane22 ::

Evo ti recimo ena "demokratična" zgodba.

VOjvodina je skozi leta sistematsko izropana. Praktično vsi so izgubili prihodke in se tem zemljo.

Ta zemlja bo predmet "demokratične prodaje" - tujcem. Za džabe., mnogokrat celo dobesedno.

Med mnogimi stvarmi, ki jih je vlada "demokratično prodala" bodo sedaj naravne dobrine. Začelo se bo zemljo ( 1. septembra je planiran "novi" zakon, ki bo omogočil to !!!), takoj za tem se bo nadaljevalo z vodo in drugimi viri itd.

Prej je bil omenjena prva homo predsednica na Balkanu, za katero sem reku, da je samo ščit.

Ena prvih nalog je bila, da se gre v Brisel zmenit glede organizacije parkign zone za begunce.

Ta plac od koder so v Vojvodini in drugje poradirali toliko folka, je treba z nečim zapolnit.
S čem ? PAr milijoni beguncev, ki naj bi dobili stalno prebivališče.

Who the fuck cares about russian wedding ?
Upam, da so vsaj plačali muzikante in s tem poskrbeli za kulturo na nivoju, ki ga SAZAS in podobni nikoli niso dosegli.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Brane22 ::

No, poglejmo še na drugo stran - "demokratično" igranje z DNKjem prebivalcev "problematičnih" držav:

Zašto je američkoj avijaciji potrebna ruska pomoć
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Samuel ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

So what ?

TO, da je korupcija v državah v vzponu na tej stopnji je novica v katerem smislu ?

Vzponu?? lol.. v zatonu.. v zatonu človek.

Brane22 je izjavil:

No, poglejmo še na drugo stran - "demokratično" igranje z DNKjem prebivalcev "problematičnih" držav:
Zašto je američkoj avijaciji potrebna ruska pomoć

Niti ne.. preveč Rusov je zbežalo iz njihove rajnke države v zatonu, zato pa je tako.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Brane22 ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Brane22 je izjavil:

So what ?

TO, da je korupcija v državah v vzponu na tej stopnji je novica v katerem smislu ?

Vzponu?? lol.. v zatonu.. v zatonu človek.

Dobro. Glede na to, da je vsepolno tovrstnih sranj tudi v recimo Kitajski, gre torej za države v vzponu in zatonu.
Happy now?

Niti ne.. preveč Rusov je zbežalo iz njihove rajnke države v zatonu, zato pa je tako.

Your point being, igranje z DNK določenih skupin v vojne namene je dovoljeno, če je preveč pripadnikov že na teritoriju "demokracije" ?

Če je to, zakaj se po EU ne igramo z DNKjem prišlekov na ta način ?
Ali se to že počne, samo še ni objavljeno ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Pac-Man ::

Dajmo razpakirat verigo Browder->Hermitage Capital->Magnitsky.

Torej Bill Browder.

Bill Browder @ Wikipedia

Američan iz Chicaga, šolan ekonomist, ki je delal na vzhodnoevropskih trgih. Kot zanimivost - njegov stari oče je bil predsednik KP ZDA, za katere je tudi 2x kandidiral na predsedniških volitvah, pod McCarthy-em je končal v zaporu. L. 1998 je mlajši Browder prevzel državljanstvo VB, še prej pa je l. 1996 šel na svoje in z 25mio $ v Rusiji ustanovil sklad Hermitage Capital. Da takoj razčistimo - tip zagotovo ni tabornik, sredi 90ih nisi investiral par mio $ v Rusijo in hkrati pričakoval, da boš igral po pravilih. Vsaj tam kakih 5 let je bil tudi velik putinov zagovornik.

In s tem pridemo do Hermitage Capital Management @ Wikipedia

Zelo uspešen kapitalski sklad, v obdobju 1996-2007 mu je vrednost poskočila za 2697%. Delovali so kot aktivistični vlagatelj - izpostavljali so korporativno korupcijo in pričakovali, da bo pravosodje opravilo svoje, kar bi rezultiralo v večji vrednosti vrednostnih papirjev, profitu za njih in konec koncev bolje delujoči ruski družbi.

Tu zgodba začenja postajat zanimiva. Precej jasno tovrstne aktivnosti niso bile ravno ljube vsem, ki so želeli umazane mio in mrd investirat v jahte, šolnine in nepremičnine na zahodu.

En tak v medijih dobro dokumentiran primer je bil Eural Trans Gas/RosUkrEnergo.

RosUkrEnergo @ Wikipedia

V zgornjem wikiju se najde precej znanih likov, priporočam branje. Na kratko - Gazprom je proti zahodu (večinoma v Ukrajino in na Poljsko) prodajal turkmenistanski plin, namesto, da bi dobiček razdelili med (vse) delničarje, pa so ustanovili posrednika, kjer je izpuhtelo par 100 mio $ letno.

===================================kup c&p-jev na to temo, nestrpni lahko izpustite===================================

februar 2002


Gazprom: Russia's Enron?


PwC has been signing off on Gazprom's books since 1996, and fed-up shareholders say it is high time to give the job to someone else. Together, Gazprom and PwC are at the center of a tempest whose resolution could determine whether corporate governance can ever take root in Russia.


"PwC missed egregious transactions that were obvious to everybody else and hurt shareholders," says Moscow fund manager William F. Browder, a 37-year-old former Salomon Brothers investment banker whose Russian investment fund, Hermitage Capital Management, has been buying Gazprom shares since 1996.

maj 2002


Minority investors in state-owned gas monopoly Gazprom are suing PricewaterhouseCoopers, the company's auditor, for what they claim are "misleading" reports that PwC prepared for Gazprom's management.

Hermitage Capital Management is Russia's leading private-equity fund with more than $650 million under management and one of the biggest foreign investors in Gazprom. Its chairman, Bill Browder, is unhappy with PwC, which he claims has whitewashed relations between the gas giant and private gas trading company Itera. Browder has brought two lawsuits against PwC and has asked the Russian finance ministry to pull PwC's audit licence. He says he intends to follow up with legal action in the US and will ask the US Securities&Exchange Commission to launch an investigation if he wins in Russia.

junij 2004


WHAT is $2 billion nowadays? A report this week from Hermitage Capital, an investment fund, accusing Gazprom, Russia's state-run gas monopoly and the world's biggest gas producer, of losing $2.1 billion last year due to inefficiency and suspect accounting, has caused barely a ripple in Russia's markets.


The real issue now is what other reforms will come along, and when. Russia's domestic gas demand is slowly rising, and its exports to Europe could double in the next decade. But Gazprom cannot keep up. The decline of its three main fields is barely offset by a new one that began pumping three years ago. Opening up big new fields on the northern Yamal peninsula and in the Barents Sea will be costly. The International Energy Agency reckons Gazprom should invest around $11 billion a year until 2030. A 25-year gas-import contract with Turkmenistan will help cover its gas deficit, but at twice the price of Russian gas.


That would be good news, if it weren't for persistent worries that Gazprom minority investors are getting a raw deal. Hermitage alleges that the company underreported income from joint ventures with foreign partners by more than $ 500 mm over the past three years. It also says that Gazprom's operating expenses rose by more than 23 % last year, and it is not clear why.
What worries hermitage most is a controversial deal to transport gas from Turkmenistan to Ukraine. Hermitage alleges that last year Gazprom gave away $ 767 mm in profits by contracting out these gas supply operations on highly favourable terms to the Eural Trans Gas trading company.

Eural Trans Gas enjoys an exclusive contract with Gazprom to send gas from Turkmenistan to Ukraine through pipelines 100 % owned and maintained by Gazprom.
"I can't understand why Gazprom wouldn't be maximizing its own interests," says William F. Browder, Hermitage's CEO. "Giving three-quarters of a billion dollars to another company just doesn't make sense."
Gazprom rejects Hermitage's charges.

junij 2005


SBU has launched probes into alleged violations by gas trading firms that allegedly siphoned more than a billion dollars from state coffers when they worked as intermediaries handling Turkmen gas supplies to Ukraine.

SBU chief Oleksandr Turchinov told the Post on June 17 that an investigation has been launched into the activities of Swiss-registered RosUkrenergo and intermediaries that handled Turkmen gas supplies to Ukraine in previous years.

julij 2005


Hermitage Capital Management, an investment fund in Russia that campaigns for minority shareholder rights, published its report on Eural Trans Gas and Gazprom in 2003. This forced Gazprom and Naftohaz to take steps to distance themselves from Eural, a company they helped create. Eural was sold in 2004 to a group of investors and came to be headed by Cedric Brown, the former head of British Gas.


The total fee paid to RUE by the Ukrainian state for transporting gas from Turkmenistan, in Gazprom's pipeline, to Ukraine is reputed to be close to $1 billion per year, paid to RUE in the form of 13 billion cubic meters of gas, which it then sells in the West through a variety of agents. This is the same fee that Ukraine paid Eural Trans Gas, according to a contract signed in Moscow in December 2002 that has been made available to RFE/RL.


Gazprom has not come under any official scrutiny in Moscow for its role in the RUE or Eural Trans Gas gas schemes. The lone critical voice was that of Hermitage Capital Management, whose spokesman told "The Moscow Times" on 16 June that Gazprom is losing out on $478 million in annual revenues from the RosUkrEnergo deal and that this money is going to unknown beneficiaries participating in RosUkrEnergo via Raiffeisen Investment.

avgust 2005


A report released in June by the Moscow-based Hermitage Capital Management describes Gazprom's opaque financial practices and makes serious charges of mismanagement on the part of the company's CEO, Aleksei Miller, and his management team, which many Kremlin watchers believe is very closely allied to Putin.

The report, titled "How Should Gazprom Be Managed In Russia's National Interests And The Interests Of Its Shareholders?" was written by analyst Vadim Kleiner. It alleges that Gazprom has been mismanaged for more than a decade, has engaged in dubious practices, and that enormous amounts of money are unaccounted for and have been misspent.


Beginning in November 2002, three firms of unknown origin were registered in Russia to act as middlemen for the purchase of Ukrainian pipes for Gazprom. These firms increased the price charged to Gazprom by 35 percent, although the price charged by Ukrainian pipe manufacturers had only increased by 1 percent, according to the Hermitage report.

The report also describes the use of the Switzerland-registered company RosUkrEnergo, which was set up as an intermediary between Gazprom and the Ukrainian state oil and gas company Naftohaz, in the alleged sale of Turkmen gas to Ukraine. Kleiner claims that RosUkrEnergo earns a profit of $478 million annually for what he sees as its unjustified and murky role.

januar 2006


Under the deal, RosUkrEnergo will this year handle gas supplies to Ukraine from Russia and Central Asia, to be sold at an average $95 per 1,000 cubic meters - up from around $50 now.

But the venture will buy from Gazprom at $230 per 1,000 cubic meters, meaning that part of its business will lose money. Sources said the company would market gas to Hungary and Romania independently to make good the shortfall.

"In general we believe this is positive for Gazprom because the prices are higher. But at the end of the day it would be better if Gazprom did this business itself," said Vadim Kleiner at Hermitage Capital Management in Moscow.

Officials at Gazprom and in the Russian government say Russia's side of the bargain is sufficiently transparent, but they cannot influence the way the Ukrainians choose to operate.


Hermitage capital je bil precej jasna podrepna muha kriminalcem z belimi ovratniki, zato so sledile reprekusije. Ko so Browderja l. 2005 PnG-jali, je ta še vedno upal, da bo politika rešila "nesporazum".

marec 2006


Bill Browder arrived at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Two airport on 13 November last year. It was roughly the 20th time he had taken an Aeroflot flight from London in 2005, and he did not expect it to be any different from the other 19.


On this occasion, after a 45-minute wait, he became so desperate that he summoned his Russian driver, who was getting agitated waiting outside, to ask the staff the problem. A row developed. Then the officials told Browder his visa had been revoked. He should get straight back on the plane that took him, and head back to Heathrow.


'The British government takes this extremely seriously,' says Browder. US politicians in the departments of State and Treasury are also lobbying on his behalf.

And Browder's lobbyists in Russia are banging at Vladimir Putin's door. They expect a fair hearing, as Browder has long espoused Putin's cause, arguing that the two men share the desire to root out administrative and corporate abuse. They also share a dislike for the imprisoned oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

'Khodorkovsky was doing an enormous amount of asset stripping and transfer pricing,' says Browder. 'We found him to be our toughest opponent. That is one of the reasons I am so sympathetic with President Putin. Khodorkovsky had pretended he had reformed, but in fact was trying to do the same kinds of dirty tricks politically that he was doing in business.'

Junija 2007 je sledila racija na sedežu podjetja. Menda so zasegli tudi žige ipd.


julij 2007


Hermitage Capital Management, the $4 billion (2 billion pound) activist investment fund focused on Russia, has no plans to pull out of the country even after authorities raided its Moscow offices last month and carted away computers and files, its founder told Reuters.

The raid, which authorities said was part of criminal tax evasion investigation, came nearly two years after its U.S.-born founder William Browder was declared a threat to national security and abruptly denied a visa to Russia, where Hermitage had been operating since 1996.

Oktobra 2007 je nekdo prenesel lastništvo več firm v lasti Hemritage Capitala, decembra 2007 je Hermitage najel Magnitskega iz odvetniške pisarne Firestone Duncan, da razišče primer.

24. decembra 2007 so podjetja vložila zahtevo za vračilo 230 mio $ davkov, menda gre za največjo tovrstno zahtevo v zgodovini Rusije. Moskovska davčna uprava jo je odobrila še isti dan. Vsaj malo sumljivo?

Magnitsky je praskal in praskal, dokler ni novembra 2008 končal v zaporu, uradno zaradi sodelovanja pri davčni utaji. Leto kasneje je tam umrl, 8 dni preden bi ga morali izpustiti ali obtožiti. Uradno zaradi srčne kapi, ampak glede na mrliške liste ga je nekdo grdo pretepel.

Sergei Magnitsky @ Wikipedia

The official death certificate stated "closed cerebral cranial injury" as the cause of death (in addition to the other conditions mentioned above) and the post-mortem examination showed numerous bruises and wounds on legs and hands. Another post-mortem from 2011 summarized the death as being caused by "traumatic application of the blunt hard object (objects)" as confirmed by "abrasions, ecchymomas, blood effusions into the soft tissues".


According to [Magnitsky's] heartbreaking prison diary, investigators repeatedly tried to persuade him to give testimony against Hermitage and drop the accusations against the police and tax authorities. When Magnitsky refused, he was moved to more and more horrible sections of the prison, and ultimately denied the medical treatment which could have saved his life.

Ostalo je zgodovina.

Ljudje, ki so aktivno lobirali okrog Magnitskega so se vrteli tudi okrog Trumpa. In zato pričakujem, da bo TrumpRusija na svetlo spravila precej svinjarije.
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