Forum » Problemi človeštva » NATO in Rusija
NATO in Rusija
Temo vidijo: vsi

mtosev ::
trdim, da če ne bi bilo wmdjev, da nikoli ne bi napadli irak. bush se mi ni zdel tak nor, nor je trump. bush je bil average republican president
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()

Poldi112 ::
In koliko časa si dejansko investiral v raziskovanje področja, da upaš takole trditi, da brez wmd-jev nikoli ne bi napadli Irak-a. Več kot 5 minut?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

nevone ::
In koliko časa si dejansko investiral v raziskovanje področja, da upaš takole trditi, da brez wmd-jev nikoli ne bi napadli Irak-a. Več kot 5 minut?
Spet eden, ki obravnava mtoseva, potem bo pa mtosev kriv, če bo tema eskalirala, ker se bo branil.
o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.

Poldi112 ::
Res je, se oproščam.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Pac-Man ::
Navalnega so spet z zeljonko, tokrat je lepo količino dobil v desno oko, kar ima lahko za posledico trajne poškodbe vida.
Russia: Alexey @Navalny attacked & doused with green dye as he was leaving his office for a speaking event. A daily menace for Putin critics
Brilliant Green (dye) @ Wikipedia
Soviet medical doctrine deemed it "not for use on mucosa" and cautions that it can cause eye damage and ophthalmic chemical burns, at least in the typical formulations produced for medical use (...) The compound may lead to serious injuries if it comes to contact with the eye, even result in bilateral blindness due to corneal opacification.
Russia: Alexey @Navalny attacked & doused with green dye as he was leaving his office for a speaking event. A daily menace for Putin critics
Brilliant Green (dye) @ Wikipedia
Soviet medical doctrine deemed it "not for use on mucosa" and cautions that it can cause eye damage and ophthalmic chemical burns, at least in the typical formulations produced for medical use (...) The compound may lead to serious injuries if it comes to contact with the eye, even result in bilateral blindness due to corneal opacification.

D3m ::
In koliko časa si dejansko investiral v raziskovanje področja, da upaš takole trditi, da brez wmd-jev nikoli ne bi napadli Irak-a. Več kot 5 minut?
Spet eden, ki obravnava mtoseva, potem bo pa mtosev kriv, če bo tema eskalirala, ker se bo branil.
o+ nevone
Toše ima varuha. Lol
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::
Krim je zgolj odgovor na širitev nata na vzhod (nekaj, kar so Gorbachevu obljubili, da ne bodo delali, pa so mu potem gladko pokazali sredinca).
Omenimo zgolj osnovne težave s to 'teorijo':
1. Obljuba je bila, da NATO v državah bivšega Varšavskega pakta ne bo postavljal novih vojaških baz zavezništva, uperjenih proti SZ. Težavi tu sta dve, prva je že ta, da NATO dejansko ni postavljal novih vojaških baz v teh državah. Druga je ta, da se je SZ samoukinila, kar spremeni situacijo do te mere, da je bila obljuba brezpredmetna.
2. Širitev NATO na vzhod se je zgodila v letih 1999-2004. Rusija je napadla Ukrajino in okupirala Krim leta 2014. Za odgovor je to odločno prepozno.
3. V času širitve NATO Rusija novim članicam ni nasprotovala in je razširila sodelovanje z zavezništvom, kar so malo kasneje ukinili zaradi notranjepolitičnih razlogov.
4. Ukrajina ni članica NATO in nikakor ne nosi odgovornosti za politiko NATO, kakršnakoli ta je. Kaznovati Ukrajino za dejanja zavezništva, s katerim nima nobenih omembe vrednih povezav, je skregano z vso logiko.
Samo toliko, da ne bo kakšne dileme kakšne neumnosti kvasiš.

Poldi112 ::
Dejstvo je da je USSR pustila Nemčiji, da gre na zahod, v zameno pa dobila prst v rit. In ti to opravičuješ s tem, da USSR ne obstaja več.
Pa še kar čakam, da ni nekdo razloži, v čem je US okupacija Kube drugačna od Ruske okupacije Ukrajine? Obe sta slabi, samo Kuba kao ni okupacija, ker so podpisali in jim kao plačujejo... Zakaj točno je US skoraj doživela infarkt, ko je zvedela za ruske rakete pred svojim pragom, rusi pa zgolj paničarijo, ko jih NATO taktično obkroža?
A je jasno? Ne pravim da je katerakoli od okupacij ok. Pravim, da smo zahodnjaki hinavci, ki od Rusov glede varnosti zahtevamo čisto drugačno obnašanje, kot ga izvajamo sami.
Pa še kar čakam, da ni nekdo razloži, v čem je US okupacija Kube drugačna od Ruske okupacije Ukrajine? Obe sta slabi, samo Kuba kao ni okupacija, ker so podpisali in jim kao plačujejo... Zakaj točno je US skoraj doživela infarkt, ko je zvedela za ruske rakete pred svojim pragom, rusi pa zgolj paničarijo, ko jih NATO taktično obkroža?
A je jasno? Ne pravim da je katerakoli od okupacij ok. Pravim, da smo zahodnjaki hinavci, ki od Rusov glede varnosti zahtevamo čisto drugačno obnašanje, kot ga izvajamo sami.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Smrekar1 ::
Dejstvo je da je USSR pustila Nemčiji, da gre na zahod, v zameno pa dobila prst v rit.
Dejstvo je, da SZ nikoli ni imela pravice vsiljevati Nemčiji s kom naj se druži in kakšno vlado ima. Kljub temu je to počela 45 let. Dejstvo je še, da leta 1989 SZ ni bila v stanju še naprej furati okupacije vzhodne Nemčije.
Pa še kar čakam, da ni nekdo razloži, v čem je US okupacija Kube drugačna od Ruske okupacije Ukrajine? Obe sta slabi, samo Kuba kao ni okupacija, ker so podpisali in jim kao plačujejo...
Status ameriškega oporišča na Kubi je primerljiv s statusom, ki so ga imele ruske baze na Krimu pred okupacijo. Razlika med tem in okupacijo je tako očitna, da bi morala biti kristalno jasna tudi tebi.
A je jasno?
Jasno je samo to, da ne razumeš razlike med vojaško okupacijo in mirnim sodelovanjem z državami. Rusi tudi ne. Od tu izvira večina težav, ki jih ta država povzroča.

Poldi112 ::
Kakšnim mirnim sodelovanjem? US okupira Guantanamo že več kot 100 let. Ko so rusi montirali rakete gor so naredili pa še invazijo. A je to zate mirno sodelovanje z državami?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Smrekar1 ::
Kakšnim mirnim sodelovanjem?
Takim, denimo:
Enlargement of NATO @ Wikipedia
Ruski pristop, ko pripelješ nekaj tisoč tankov in postreliš tiste, ki se ti upirajo, je precej slabši in traja manj časa.

Poldi112 ::
Še kar nisi povedal, kaj opravičuje invazijo ter okupacijo Kube. Če suverena država lahko sodeluje s komurkoli, potem mora to veljati tudi za Kubo, ne zgolj za Ukrajino. Dokler se glede tega ne razjasniš, se nimava kaj pogovarjati.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Smrekar1 ::
Še kar nisi povedal, kaj opravičuje invazijo ter okupacijo Kube.
Kolikor mi je znano je bila edina invazije Kube, ki so jo izvedle ZDA, leta 1898, v podporo samostojnosti Kube od Španije. Prosim, razjasni ali si mnenja, da bi morala Kuba ostati španska kolonija?
Če suverena država lahko sodeluje s komurkoli, potem mora to veljati tudi za Kubo, ne zgolj za Ukrajino.
Saj lahko sodeluje s komurkoli. Jim to kdo preprečuje?

Poldi112 ::
Seveda ne, sem za Kubansko neodvisnost. Samo USA jim tega ni omogočila in jih že 100 let okupira. A bot ti tudi, tako kot mtosev trdil, da ni okupacija, ker so dobrih 100 let nazaj (pod prisilo) podpisali, da se strinjajo z oddajo guantanama? In da jim USA plačuje, kljub temu, da že več kot pol stoletja ne sprejemajo denarja od US?
Pa ne vem zakaj mene sprašuješ, če sem za samostojnost, če si ti tisti, ki zagovarja oz. vsaj ni sposoben obsoditi okupatorja.
Pa ker očitno ne veš, bila je tudi tale invazija:
Bay of Pigs Invasion @ Wikipedia
Pa ne vem zakaj mene sprašuješ, če sem za samostojnost, če si ti tisti, ki zagovarja oz. vsaj ni sposoben obsoditi okupatorja.
Pa ker očitno ne veš, bila je tudi tale invazija:
Bay of Pigs Invasion @ Wikipedia
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Smrekar1 ::
Seveda ne, sem za Kubansko neodvisnost. Samo USA jim tega ni omogočila in jih že 100 let okupira.
Kako jih okupira, če ima vendar Kuba močno antiamerško nastrojeno vlado že desetletja?
Pa ker očitno ne veš, bila je tudi tale invazija:
Bay of Pigs Invasion @ Wikipedia
To ni bila invazija ZDA, temveč sklepno dejanje kubanske državljanske vojne. To ti tudi piše v povezavi. Je pa res, da so ZDA pomagale borcem za staro pravdo na Kubi, ker se je nova oblast na Kubi spečala z Imperijem zla in nagnala približno 1,5 nezaželjenih iz države.
Cuban exile @ Wikipedia
Invazija ZDA na Castrovo Kubo bi se bržkone končala precej drugače.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Poldi112 ::
>Kako jih okupira, če ima vendar Kuba močno antiamerško nastrojeno vlado že desetletja?
A imajo gor bazo, ki je kubanci nočejo, ali ne? Kaj je zasedba ozemlja suverene države brez njene privolitve drugega kot okupacija?
>To ni bila invazija ZDA, temveč sklepno dejanje kubanske državljanske vojne
Na povezavi piše:
Over 1,400 paramilitaries, divided into five infantry battalions and one paratrooper battalion, assembled in Guatemala before setting out for Cuba by boat on 13 April 1961. Two days later, on 15 April, eight CIA-supplied B-26 bombers attacked Cuban airfields and then returned to the US. On the night of 16 April, the main invasion landed at a beach named Playa Girón in the Bay of Pigs.
Ali mogoče ni invazija, ker niso svojih vojakov poslali v boj ampak kontrarevolucionarje, ki so jih šolali in podpirali?
A imajo gor bazo, ki je kubanci nočejo, ali ne? Kaj je zasedba ozemlja suverene države brez njene privolitve drugega kot okupacija?
>To ni bila invazija ZDA, temveč sklepno dejanje kubanske državljanske vojne
Na povezavi piše:
Over 1,400 paramilitaries, divided into five infantry battalions and one paratrooper battalion, assembled in Guatemala before setting out for Cuba by boat on 13 April 1961. Two days later, on 15 April, eight CIA-supplied B-26 bombers attacked Cuban airfields and then returned to the US. On the night of 16 April, the main invasion landed at a beach named Playa Girón in the Bay of Pigs.
Ali mogoče ni invazija, ker niso svojih vojakov poslali v boj ampak kontrarevolucionarje, ki so jih šolali in podpirali?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

fikus_ ::
Poldi112, tole v Pig Bayu je začetek USA taktike, ki jo še sedaj izvajajo po svetu.
V vsaki državi lahko najdeš nezadovoljne ljudi. Jih dodatno naspidiraš proti obstoječi oblasti, podpreš z orožjem in financami, raja gre na cesto, če uspe, je to "demokratizacija", če ne je pa zatiranje človekovih pravic.
V vsakem primeru Win-Win situacija za "demokratizacijo" sveta po USA principu.
V vsaki državi lahko najdeš nezadovoljne ljudi. Jih dodatno naspidiraš proti obstoječi oblasti, podpreš z orožjem in financami, raja gre na cesto, če uspe, je to "demokratizacija", če ne je pa zatiranje človekovih pravic.
V vsakem primeru Win-Win situacija za "demokratizacijo" sveta po USA principu.

Samuel ::
fikus_, zelo dobro si opisal delovanje Sovjetske Zveze v hladni vojni ter širjenja komunizma! Izjemno.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

fikus_ ::
Samuel, SZ se je širila proti koncu WW2 z "revolucijami" po zasedenih državah, Usa to delajo po WW2.
Tako da pojdi nazaj v OŠ, boš kaj novega izvedel.
Pardon, za USA ti bodo povedali, da širi "demokracijo".
Tako da pojdi nazaj v OŠ, boš kaj novega izvedel.
Pardon, za USA ti bodo povedali, da širi "demokracijo".
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()

Smrekar1 ::
A imajo gor bazo, ki je kubanci nočejo, ali ne? Kaj je zasedba ozemlja suverene države brez njene privolitve drugega kot okupacija?
Ameriška vojaška baza na Kubi ustreza mednarodnim pravnim standardom za legalno bazo na tujem in ne za okupacijo.
Ali mogoče ni invazija, ker niso svojih vojakov poslali v boj ampak kontrarevolucionarje, ki so jih šolali in podpirali?
Invazija lahko rečeš, ampak res težko pa invaziji Kubancev na Kubo rečeš invazija ZDA.
Logično, kajne?

fikus_ ::
Invazija kubancev na Kubo ne bi bila možna brez podpore USA, oz. se tega nezadovoljni kubanci sploh ne bi šli!

Smrekar1 ::
Invazija kubancev na Kubo ne bi bila možna brez podpore USA, oz. se tega nezadovoljni kubanci sploh ne bi šli!
Invazija kubancev na Kubo brez nasilnega in nedemokratičnega prevzema oblasti na Kubi tudi ne, če smo že ravno pri tem.
Saj veste, tistega, kar naj bi Rusi v Ukrajini preprečevali?

Poldi112 ::
Mislim, da nihče tu ne zagovarja Rusov. Zgolj kažemo na dvojna merila - ko US naredi invazijo na Kubo, ker rusi gor montirajo rakete, temu niti invazija niste sposobni reči, medtem ko Ruse, ko nekaj podobnega delajo v Ukrajini, označujete za neuravnotežene podpihovalce nasilja.
Oboji so isti, samo eni se še niste uspeli prebiti čez zahodno propagando. Potem pa verjamete pravljicam Busha, da nas sovražijo, ker smo svobodni.
Oboji so isti, samo eni se še niste uspeli prebiti čez zahodno propagando. Potem pa verjamete pravljicam Busha, da nas sovražijo, ker smo svobodni.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Smrekar1 ::
Mislim, da nihče tu ne zagovarja Rusov. Zgolj kažemo na dvojna merila - ko US naredi invazijo na Kubo, ker rusi gor montirajo rakete,
Če že invaziji Kubancev na Kubo rečeš invazija ZDA vsaj poglej datume.
Bay of Pigs Invasion @ Wikipedia
Cuban Missile Crisis @ Wikipedia
Je bilo leto 1962 prej ali po 1961? Po tvoji 'logiki' je bilo očitno prej. Heh
Oboji so isti,
Ne, niso.
Potem pa verjamete pravljicam Busha, da nas sovražijo, ker smo svobodni.
Konkretno ISIS med drugim meni, da morajo uničiti Zahod, ker svoboda govora uničuje njihovo religijo.
Povedano drugače, Bush je imel še kako prav.
Toliko o tem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Poldi112 ::
Bush je enak debil kot predhodniki. Vsi so vedeli, da bo destabilizacija bližnjega vzhoda povzročila razmah terorizma, pa so vseeno šli v invazijo Iraka, ker so bile finančne koristi prevelike.
Še vedno pa čakam odgovor, v čem se invazija in okupacija Kube temeljno razlikuje od okupacije Krima?
Pa kako si, v tvojem demokratičnem balončku, predstavljaš rešitev spora glede Guantanama? Ker kubanci nikoli niso hoteli baze in imajo po moje kar dober argument:
Since 1959, Castro's government has based their argument on article 52, section 2 of the Vienna Conventions on the Laws of Treaties, which states: "a treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations."
problem je edino:
However, article 4 of the Vienna Convention states that its provisions shall not be applied retroactively.
Tako da v praksi so USA dobrih 100 let nazaj prisilile Kubo v oddajo baze, v nasprotju z modernimi mednarodnimi zakoni. A ker zakon ne velja za nazaj, ima po tvoje US nekako pravico do uporabe baze v nedogled?
Drugače pa bravo, dobil si me na tehnikaliji. Ki v ničemer ne spremeni dejstva, da ima USA že od zarodkov države apetite po Kubi in da je povezava k rusiji sprožila invazijo (ki po tvoje to ni, ampak ti slediš demokratičnim načelom...).
Še vedno pa čakam odgovor, v čem se invazija in okupacija Kube temeljno razlikuje od okupacije Krima?
Pa kako si, v tvojem demokratičnem balončku, predstavljaš rešitev spora glede Guantanama? Ker kubanci nikoli niso hoteli baze in imajo po moje kar dober argument:
Since 1959, Castro's government has based their argument on article 52, section 2 of the Vienna Conventions on the Laws of Treaties, which states: "a treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations."
problem je edino:
However, article 4 of the Vienna Convention states that its provisions shall not be applied retroactively.
Tako da v praksi so USA dobrih 100 let nazaj prisilile Kubo v oddajo baze, v nasprotju z modernimi mednarodnimi zakoni. A ker zakon ne velja za nazaj, ima po tvoje US nekako pravico do uporabe baze v nedogled?
Drugače pa bravo, dobil si me na tehnikaliji. Ki v ničemer ne spremeni dejstva, da ima USA že od zarodkov države apetite po Kubi in da je povezava k rusiji sprožila invazijo (ki po tvoje to ni, ampak ti slediš demokratičnim načelom...).
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Smrekar1 ::
Bush je enak debil kot predhodniki. Vsi so vedeli, da bo destabilizacija bližnjega vzhoda povzročila razmah terorizma, pa so vseeno šli v invazijo Iraka, ker so bile finančne koristi prevelike.
Terorizem je bil na divjem vzhodu že takrat obilno prisoten, Saddam jih je celo uril.
Še vedno pa čakam odgovor, v čem se invazija in okupacija Kube temeljno razlikuje od okupacije Krima?
Sem ti že povedal cca 3x.
Pa kako si, v tvojem demokratičnem balončku, predstavljaš rešitev spora glede Guantanama?
Kuba naj razpusti komunistično partijo in organizira svobodne volitve in težave ne bo več. Kako pa drugače?
Tako da v praksi so USA dobrih 100 let nazaj prisilile Kubo v oddajo baze, v nasprotju z modernimi mednarodnimi zakoni. A ker zakon ne velja za nazaj, ima po tvoje US nekako pravico do uporabe baze v nedogled?
Seveda, to je eno izmed najbolj temelnjih pravil prava. Zakoni veljajo od takrat ko so sprejeti in ne veljajo za nazaj.
Drugače pa bravo, dobil si me na tehnikaliji. Ki v ničemer ne spremeni dejstva, da ima USA že od zarodkov države apetite po Kubi in da je povezava k rusiji sprožila invazijo (ki po tvoje to ni, ampak ti slediš demokratičnim načelom...).
Prašičji zaliv je točno toliko invazija ZDA na Kubo kot je bilo izkrcanje 82 teroristov v Playa Las Coloradas invazija SZ na Kubo. Je to po tvoje točen opis dogodkov leta 1956?

Poldi112 ::
Če so Rusi bombali Kubo in trenirali Castra, potem ja. Ampak tega do sedaj nisem zasledil. Pa tudi če mi to dokažeš, prideva na točno to, kar trdim - da so enaki.
Ampak ti se še kar strinjaš, da je demokracija, ko USA okupira Kubo po "demokratičnem" zakonu močnejšega, medtem ko je Rusija čisto ena druga liga, nekje blizu satana?
>Kuba naj razpusti komunistično partijo in organizira svobodne volitve in težave ne bo več. Kako pa drugače?
Tipična imperialistična drža - izvolite vlado, ki podpira USA firme, pa boste lahko normalno živeli. Kje je tu suverenost in demokratičnost?
Ampak hej, povedal sem vse, kar sem ti mislil. Tako da veselo tišči glavo v pesek še naprej če hočeš.
Ampak ti se še kar strinjaš, da je demokracija, ko USA okupira Kubo po "demokratičnem" zakonu močnejšega, medtem ko je Rusija čisto ena druga liga, nekje blizu satana?
>Kuba naj razpusti komunistično partijo in organizira svobodne volitve in težave ne bo več. Kako pa drugače?
Tipična imperialistična drža - izvolite vlado, ki podpira USA firme, pa boste lahko normalno živeli. Kje je tu suverenost in demokratičnost?
Ampak hej, povedal sem vse, kar sem ti mislil. Tako da veselo tišči glavo v pesek še naprej če hočeš.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Smrekar1 ::
Če so Rusi bombali Kubo in trenirali Castra, potem ja. Ampak tega do sedaj nisem zasledil. Pa tudi če mi to dokažeš, prideva na točno to, kar trdim - da so enaki.
V najslabšem primeru za ZDA, da. Potem so tu še neprijetna dejstva v stilu 1,5 milijona beguncev v nekaj letih, kar je bilo za sovjetske podrepniške države nekaj normalnega, za zaveznike ZDA pa nikakor.
Tipična imperialistična drža - izvolite vlado, ki podpira USA firme, pa boste lahko normalno živeli. Kje je tu suverenost in demokratičnost?
Očitno so zate demokratične volitve samo tisto, kjer zmagajo tvoji. K sreči se civilizirani svet s tabo ne strinja. To še vedno ne pomeni, da smo enaki.

Pac-Man ::
Navalnemu gre zgleda kar okej.
Party Membership:
United #Russia: ~2 mln
Communists ~150K
LDPR ~180K
Just Russia ~410K
Yabloko: ~50K
Registered @navalny volunteers: ~95K
Party Membership:
United #Russia: ~2 mln
Communists ~150K
LDPR ~180K
Just Russia ~410K
Yabloko: ~50K
Registered @navalny volunteers: ~95K

Pac-Man ::
cela saga o napadih s kemičnim orožjem
Two Russian opposition activists have partially lost their sight after unidentified assailants hurled liquid chemicals in their eyes. In both cases, the activists and their doctors are concerned that the damage may be irreparable.
On April 27, an attacker hurled a caustic green antiseptic known as zelyonka in opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s face as he was leaving the office of his Anti-Corruption Foundation.
Doctors subsequently diagnosed Navalny with a “chemical burn in his right eye.” Navalny later stated that there was a risk his vision would not recover.
The next day, Natalya Fyodorova, a Moscow-based activist from the Yabloko opposition party, was hospitalized after an attacker hurled a “chemical solution” in her eyes. Several days later, she can still only see out of one eye and “feels poorly,” says Sergei Mitrokhin, head of the Moscow branch of Yabloko.
In both cases, activists allege that police investigations have been languid or deceitful.
After the attack on Navalny, police declined to confiscate security camera footage that could have identified the assailant. Security guards in the Anti-Corruption Foundation’s office building also told one of Navalny’s colleagues that none of the security cameras were working that day, the site reported.
Later, however, an employee of the Anti-Corruption Foundation released a photo of the attacker taken from security camera footage.
Meanwhile, according to Yabloko branch leader Mitrokhin, police suggested the motivation for Fyodorova’s attack was not political: After leaving a shop, Fyodorova was chatting with her attacker as they walked down the street — until they got into an argument, and he hurled the chemical solution in her face.
//ker v Rusiji je klasika, da se z nekom na ulici naključno spreš in mu vržeš kemikalije v fris?
“Except she wasn't leaving a shop, and she didn’t talk with anyone,” Mitrokhin wrote on Facebook. He has accused the police of creating a “consciously false account” of the incident.
But that same day, a video of the attack on Navalny appeared on the website of REN TV, a pro-government television channel with ties to the security services. The video appeared to have been shot by a bystander who may have known about the attack in advance. The face of the attacker, who is shown running from the scene, was blurred by the TV channel.
As Moscow police have dawdled over their investigation into a chemical attack on April 27 against opposition leader Alexei Navalny, ordinary Internet users have already unmasked two of the men apparently involved.
This Monday, Navalny supporter Eugene Bryzgalin revealed that Ren-TV’s website actually contained another three versions of the same video clip, including one version that revealed the face of the second man in the footage.
Bloggers later identified the second man as Alexei Kulakov, a member of the radical pro-Kremlin movement “SERB.” The newspaper Novaya Gazeta contacted Kulakov, who first denied but soon admitted to being present at the attack, though he says he didn’t know what would happen, and now condemns the act.
The actual attacker, however, appears to have a history of assault against Navalny.
In a widely shared blog post, Twitter user “Mr. Radmir” speculated that the man who attacked Navalny is most likely Alexander Petrunko, the SERB activist who infamously splashed a bottle of urine at photographs by Jock Sturges at a controversial exhibition in Moscow last September.
Months earlier, in February 2016, Petrunko smashed a pie into Navalny’s face outside the Moscow office of the Anti-Corruption Foundation — the same place Navalny was attacked with antiseptic last week.
The SERB movement, which activists suspected of attacking with green paint on Alexei Navalny is not the first known in Russia similar actions. On account of his attacks on ideological opponents with faeces and urine, while activists are regularly photographed with representatives of the Russian elite and the President’s environment and are in the State Duma.
History very few of the movement began in Ukraine in 2014: then, in March, the “Serbs” led by gosh Tarasevich (alias little-known actor Igor Beketov, who starred in Moscow in “COP” television series) participated in the riots in Kharkov, in an attempt to create HNR – the Kharkov people’s Republic. In those events participated and Alexander Petrunko, who is now a suspect in a direct attack on the Bulk.
Soon, however, the activity of “the Serbs” lost contact with Ukrainian politics and switched to the Russian agenda. So, the first striking action was the defeat of the memorial of Boris Nemtsov, “Nemtsov bridge.” He Tarasevich told me that initially his supporters just tied St. George ribbons there, and after their removal looted memorial, and then photographed the scene.
The Russian liberation movement SERB (formerly known as the "Southeast Block" SERB (South East Radical Block) ) is a Russian-Ukrainian political movement that has been in force since 2014.
The first mention of the "South-Eastern block" in social networks arose in March 2014, the founders announced his participation in the assault of the Kharkov regional administration [1] . The movement adhered to the anti- Maidan ideology (the demand for elements of federalization , the support of the Crimean referendum [5] , the negative attitude towards Euromaydan and its participants, protests against the use of the army in the east of Ukraine , the call to boycott the May presidential elections and create the " Southeast Ukrainian Republic " 8] ).
At that time, the movement had 300 supporters and so many sympathizers in Dnepropetrovsk , Zaporozhye and Krivoy Rog , the leading role in it was occupied by the actor Igor Beketov (pseudonym Gosha Tarasevich [8] ).
At the end of the summer of 2014, SERB activists moved from Ukraine to Russia, arguing with fears for their safety and instigating the SBU of the criminal case against Tarasevich (according to him, the movement continues to operate in Ukraine [3] ). In the winter of 2014-2015, the movement switched to domestic political life, fighting against Russian oppositionists under the slogan of preventing the Russian Maidan [5] .
A number of activists of the movement were detained by the police without instituting criminal proceedings [2]
njihov jutub
Two Russian opposition activists have partially lost their sight after unidentified assailants hurled liquid chemicals in their eyes. In both cases, the activists and their doctors are concerned that the damage may be irreparable.
On April 27, an attacker hurled a caustic green antiseptic known as zelyonka in opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s face as he was leaving the office of his Anti-Corruption Foundation.
Doctors subsequently diagnosed Navalny with a “chemical burn in his right eye.” Navalny later stated that there was a risk his vision would not recover.
The next day, Natalya Fyodorova, a Moscow-based activist from the Yabloko opposition party, was hospitalized after an attacker hurled a “chemical solution” in her eyes. Several days later, she can still only see out of one eye and “feels poorly,” says Sergei Mitrokhin, head of the Moscow branch of Yabloko.
In both cases, activists allege that police investigations have been languid or deceitful.
After the attack on Navalny, police declined to confiscate security camera footage that could have identified the assailant. Security guards in the Anti-Corruption Foundation’s office building also told one of Navalny’s colleagues that none of the security cameras were working that day, the site reported.
Later, however, an employee of the Anti-Corruption Foundation released a photo of the attacker taken from security camera footage.
Meanwhile, according to Yabloko branch leader Mitrokhin, police suggested the motivation for Fyodorova’s attack was not political: After leaving a shop, Fyodorova was chatting with her attacker as they walked down the street — until they got into an argument, and he hurled the chemical solution in her face.
//ker v Rusiji je klasika, da se z nekom na ulici naključno spreš in mu vržeš kemikalije v fris?
“Except she wasn't leaving a shop, and she didn’t talk with anyone,” Mitrokhin wrote on Facebook. He has accused the police of creating a “consciously false account” of the incident.
But that same day, a video of the attack on Navalny appeared on the website of REN TV, a pro-government television channel with ties to the security services. The video appeared to have been shot by a bystander who may have known about the attack in advance. The face of the attacker, who is shown running from the scene, was blurred by the TV channel.
As Moscow police have dawdled over their investigation into a chemical attack on April 27 against opposition leader Alexei Navalny, ordinary Internet users have already unmasked two of the men apparently involved.
This Monday, Navalny supporter Eugene Bryzgalin revealed that Ren-TV’s website actually contained another three versions of the same video clip, including one version that revealed the face of the second man in the footage.
Bloggers later identified the second man as Alexei Kulakov, a member of the radical pro-Kremlin movement “SERB.” The newspaper Novaya Gazeta contacted Kulakov, who first denied but soon admitted to being present at the attack, though he says he didn’t know what would happen, and now condemns the act.
The actual attacker, however, appears to have a history of assault against Navalny.
In a widely shared blog post, Twitter user “Mr. Radmir” speculated that the man who attacked Navalny is most likely Alexander Petrunko, the SERB activist who infamously splashed a bottle of urine at photographs by Jock Sturges at a controversial exhibition in Moscow last September.
Months earlier, in February 2016, Petrunko smashed a pie into Navalny’s face outside the Moscow office of the Anti-Corruption Foundation — the same place Navalny was attacked with antiseptic last week.
The SERB movement, which activists suspected of attacking with green paint on Alexei Navalny is not the first known in Russia similar actions. On account of his attacks on ideological opponents with faeces and urine, while activists are regularly photographed with representatives of the Russian elite and the President’s environment and are in the State Duma.
History very few of the movement began in Ukraine in 2014: then, in March, the “Serbs” led by gosh Tarasevich (alias little-known actor Igor Beketov, who starred in Moscow in “COP” television series) participated in the riots in Kharkov, in an attempt to create HNR – the Kharkov people’s Republic. In those events participated and Alexander Petrunko, who is now a suspect in a direct attack on the Bulk.
Soon, however, the activity of “the Serbs” lost contact with Ukrainian politics and switched to the Russian agenda. So, the first striking action was the defeat of the memorial of Boris Nemtsov, “Nemtsov bridge.” He Tarasevich told me that initially his supporters just tied St. George ribbons there, and after their removal looted memorial, and then photographed the scene.
The Russian liberation movement SERB (formerly known as the "Southeast Block" SERB (South East Radical Block) ) is a Russian-Ukrainian political movement that has been in force since 2014.
The first mention of the "South-Eastern block" in social networks arose in March 2014, the founders announced his participation in the assault of the Kharkov regional administration [1] . The movement adhered to the anti- Maidan ideology (the demand for elements of federalization , the support of the Crimean referendum [5] , the negative attitude towards Euromaydan and its participants, protests against the use of the army in the east of Ukraine , the call to boycott the May presidential elections and create the " Southeast Ukrainian Republic " 8] ).
At that time, the movement had 300 supporters and so many sympathizers in Dnepropetrovsk , Zaporozhye and Krivoy Rog , the leading role in it was occupied by the actor Igor Beketov (pseudonym Gosha Tarasevich [8] ).
At the end of the summer of 2014, SERB activists moved from Ukraine to Russia, arguing with fears for their safety and instigating the SBU of the criminal case against Tarasevich (according to him, the movement continues to operate in Ukraine [3] ). In the winter of 2014-2015, the movement switched to domestic political life, fighting against Russian oppositionists under the slogan of preventing the Russian Maidan [5] .
A number of activists of the movement were detained by the police without instituting criminal proceedings [2]
njihov jutub

Pac-Man ::
Ker Rusija.
Russian television will not air the latest The Simpsons episode after Russian Orthodox Church clergy complained that the episode offends the religious feelings of Christian believers, according to media reports. In the episode that aired on April 30, the main character Homer Simpson appears to re-enact a real-life incident in Russia where a 23-year-old blogger, Ruslan Sokolovsky, filmed himself playing Pokemon Go inside a Russian Orthodox cathedral in Yekaterinburg.
Sokolovsky was arrested in September, placed under house arrest and later confined to pre-trial detention for five months. Last week the prosecutor demanded a three-and-a-half year sentence for the 23-year-old for the Pokemon video and several other videos from the Sokolovsky’s “atheist” blog, saying that otherwise other young people will feel a sense of impunity.
Russian television will not air the latest The Simpsons episode after Russian Orthodox Church clergy complained that the episode offends the religious feelings of Christian believers, according to media reports. In the episode that aired on April 30, the main character Homer Simpson appears to re-enact a real-life incident in Russia where a 23-year-old blogger, Ruslan Sokolovsky, filmed himself playing Pokemon Go inside a Russian Orthodox cathedral in Yekaterinburg.
Sokolovsky was arrested in September, placed under house arrest and later confined to pre-trial detention for five months. Last week the prosecutor demanded a three-and-a-half year sentence for the 23-year-old for the Pokemon video and several other videos from the Sokolovsky’s “atheist” blog, saying that otherwise other young people will feel a sense of impunity.

mtosev ::
Ker Rusija.Putinland je bolan.
Russian television will not air the latest The Simpsons episode after Russian Orthodox Church clergy complained that the episode offends the religious feelings of Christian believers, according to media reports. In the episode that aired on April 30, the main character Homer Simpson appears to re-enact a real-life incident in Russia where a 23-year-old blogger, Ruslan Sokolovsky, filmed himself playing Pokemon Go inside a Russian Orthodox cathedral in Yekaterinburg.
Sokolovsky was arrested in September, placed under house arrest and later confined to pre-trial detention for five months. Last week the prosecutor demanded a three-and-a-half year sentence for the 23-year-old for the Pokemon video and several other videos from the Sokolovsky’s “atheist” blog, saying that otherwise other young people will feel a sense of impunity.
upam, da se čimprej rešijo putina.
D3m pa je putin lover.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()

mtosev ::
First on CNN: Rice declines Senate request to testify on Russian hacking
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Pac-Man ::
Ja in?
Si trenutno v Rusiji in zaradi tega prikrajšan?
Si prebral drugi del? Ta video je rezultiral v petih mesecih pripora,
zdaj pa tožilstvo zahteva tri leta in pol zapora. Proces še poteka.
V cerkvi ni nihče nič opazil/rekel, halo je nastal po objavi na internetu.
Še malo in bo SA za Rusijo model osebne svobode.

mtosev ::
rusija je tak diktatura. pametni rusi, ki imajo kaj denarja so se že odselili.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Pac-Man ::
Cosplay ni nekaj, kar so izumili s "prostovoljci" v Donbasu, ampak ima dolgo tradicijo.
Almost all WWII veterans are dead but the RU victory cult requires lots of travesty veterans. Meet an aviation-navy-KGB WWII young veteran
Among other funny things the Order of Victory looks the funniest. It was awarded to 20 persons, and he dosn't look like Brezhnev or Tito.
Almost all WWII veterans are dead but the RU victory cult requires lots of travesty veterans. Meet an aviation-navy-KGB WWII young veteran
Among other funny things the Order of Victory looks the funniest. It was awarded to 20 persons, and he dosn't look like Brezhnev or Tito.

Pac-Man ::
Extraordinary to see how many scholars and pundits still can't cope with the thought that the Kremlin can make idiotic mistakes. So many are invested in the idea that Putin is a master strategist they can't cope with situations where he might be doing something stupid.
The Macron emails are dross. He's been hit by so much disinfo already yet he's kept charging ahead. They won't tip National Assembly vote. The Kremlin as well as its deepest critics have succumbed to hype over hacks. Yet they were only one of many factors that won it for Trump. And France is not the United States. The French public sphere has its own rules and dynamics.
So much overwrought punditry makes grand claims about Putin's successes without counting the costs of his actions for him and Russia. If Putin was really such a strategic genius Yanukovych would still be President of Ukraine and Russian troops wouldn't be dying in Syria.
Events in Ukraine are held up as a win for Putin. He turned a benign neighbour into a heavily armed bitter enemy of Russia.
Syria is held up as a win for Putin. Russia is expending massive resources to keep Bashar in power with no end in sight.
Trump is held up as a win for Putin. Russia is now considered enemy Nr. 1 by a large swathe of the US population and establishment.
Finally the French email hack is counted as a win for Putin. It turns a Russia-friendly state into a hard line backer of Merkel's stance.
Vladimir Putin's tactical machismo is having devastating effects on the long term interests of Russia and the stability of his regime. On that note, has no one been paying attention to the trajectory of oil prices lately?
Extraordinary to see how many scholars and pundits still can't cope with the thought that the Kremlin can make idiotic mistakes. So many are invested in the idea that Putin is a master strategist they can't cope with situations where he might be doing something stupid.
The Macron emails are dross. He's been hit by so much disinfo already yet he's kept charging ahead. They won't tip National Assembly vote. The Kremlin as well as its deepest critics have succumbed to hype over hacks. Yet they were only one of many factors that won it for Trump. And France is not the United States. The French public sphere has its own rules and dynamics.
So much overwrought punditry makes grand claims about Putin's successes without counting the costs of his actions for him and Russia. If Putin was really such a strategic genius Yanukovych would still be President of Ukraine and Russian troops wouldn't be dying in Syria.
Events in Ukraine are held up as a win for Putin. He turned a benign neighbour into a heavily armed bitter enemy of Russia.
Syria is held up as a win for Putin. Russia is expending massive resources to keep Bashar in power with no end in sight.
Trump is held up as a win for Putin. Russia is now considered enemy Nr. 1 by a large swathe of the US population and establishment.
Finally the French email hack is counted as a win for Putin. It turns a Russia-friendly state into a hard line backer of Merkel's stance.
Vladimir Putin's tactical machismo is having devastating effects on the long term interests of Russia and the stability of his regime. On that note, has no one been paying attention to the trajectory of oil prices lately?

Smrekar1 ::
Ker Rusija.
Russian television will not air the latest The Simpsons episode after Russian Orthodox Church clergy complained that the episode offends the religious feelings of Christian believers, according to media reports. In the episode that aired on April 30, the main character Homer Simpson appears to re-enact a real-life incident in Russia where a 23-year-old blogger, Ruslan Sokolovsky, filmed himself playing Pokemon Go inside a Russian Orthodox cathedral in Yekaterinburg.
Sokolovsky was arrested in September, placed under house arrest and later confined to pre-trial detention for five months. Last week the prosecutor demanded a three-and-a-half year sentence for the 23-year-old for the Pokemon video and several other videos from the Sokolovsky’s “atheist” blog, saying that otherwise other young people will feel a sense of impunity.
Pomnimo: Rusija brani zahodno civilizacijo pred grožnjo verskih esktremistov.

Pac-Man ::
KGB je svoje najbolj perspektivne kadre pošiljala v Dresden. Vohunska hladna vojna v vzhodnonemških provincah je morala biti vroča.
Putin and some former colleagues visit their old Dresden KGB boss to celebrate his 90th bday.
While not quite as successful as Putin his colleagues haven't don't so bad either: Nikolai Tokarev (Transneft) & Sergei Chemezov (Rostech)
Putin and some former colleagues visit their old Dresden KGB boss to celebrate his 90th bday.
While not quite as successful as Putin his colleagues haven't don't so bad either: Nikolai Tokarev (Transneft) & Sergei Chemezov (Rostech)

r3dkv1c4 ::
v afg ni nobene nafte
MTOSEV si ti kdaj slišal za opij?
Malo si preberi kakšen je bil izvoz pred okupacijo in po njej.
Eh, niti ti ni potrebno brskat, ti bo kar Smrekar iz rokava stresel podatke.
Vsaka stvar ima svojo mejo.
You can ban me, but you can't shut me down!
You can ban me, but you can't shut me down!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: r3dkv1c4 ()

Smrekar1 ::
v afg ni nobene nafte
MTOSEV si ti kdaj slišal za opij?
Malo si preberi kakšen je bil izvoz pred okupacijo in po njej.
Eh, niti ti ni potrebno brskat, ti bo kar Smrekar iz rokava stresel podatke.
Ja in pazi, da boš upošteval samo anomalno leto 2001 in ne let pred njim, ko je bila proizvodnja primerljiva s tisto po vojni (in ne slučajno okupaciji). Tako boš prišel do pravih številk, da je proizvodnja skokovito narasla za faktor 10 in več in ne do lažnih, ki kažejo na neko neorganizirano nihanje.

Starodavni ::
mogoče še več tudi zakaj je prišlo do takega padca v proizvodnji opija leta 2001?
Nekako težko kupim, da je bilo to zgolj zaradi prepovedi talibanov, da v borem 1 letu pade za 90 %, pol pa drugo leto spet hitro skoči, čeprav so prišli američani.
mogoče še več tudi zakaj je prišlo do takega padca v proizvodnji opija leta 2001?
Nekako težko kupim, da je bilo to zgolj zaradi prepovedi talibanov, da v borem 1 letu pade za 90 %, pol pa drugo leto spet hitro skoči, čeprav so prišli američani.

Smrekar1 ::
Starodavni je izjavil:
mogoče še več tudi zakaj je prišlo do takega padca v proizvodnji opija leta 2001?
Nekako težko kupim, da je bilo to zgolj zaradi prepovedi talibanov, da v borem 1 letu pade za 90 %, pol pa drugo leto spet hitro skoči, čeprav so prišli američani.
Dejansko je šlo za prepoved Talibov, ti so radi ustrelili vsakega, ki se jim ni uklonil, zato padec.
Če greš poročilo brat hitro ugotoviš, da skok nazaj ni bil povezan z osvoboditvijo države izpod Talibskega jarma, temveč posledica tega, da drugače v državi ni bilo mogoče preživeti.
Impact of Drought and Shortage of Agricultural Inputs:
Growing conditions throughout the season were similar to last year. In those areas that still cultivate poppy, 91% of farmers interviewed reported that drought was the main cause of damage to their crop. Drought has caused the failure of new wheat, fruit and vegetable crops in many areas. The water requirements for these crops are generally higher than opium poppy. In many areas, farmers complained of a lack of seed and fertiliser, further hampering the transition to licit crops.
A kaj, ko je Resnica močnejša od dejstev in bomo še naprej poslušali kako za vsem skupaj stoji CIA.

Starodavni ::
Se mi je zdelo, da je večji dejavnik za to tudi suša in slabše možnosti za kmetijstvo pridelkov za prehrano.
Kmetje so potem raje tvegali in posadili opij ter ga prodali talibanom ali komu drugemu in ptoem s temi prihodki kupili hrano za svoje preživetje.
če bi imeli boljše pogoje kot so gnojila in boljša semena bi raje sadili pridelke za prehrano. Ni čudnega, da se je povečala proizvodnja opija.
Cenejši je in boljša možnost. Američanom lahko samo očitamo to, da niso naredili boljšega programa, ki bi povzročil lažji prehod iz opijskega gospodarstva na tistega brez opija.
Pa talibani so tudi velik problem, ko s prodajo opija financirajo svoje aktivnosti in je tudi zaradi njih še večje povečanje.
Ja, samo lažje je uporabiti to "Resnico", kot pa združiti več informacij in iz tega sestaviti širšo sliko, ki vsebuje kmetijstvo, talibane, pridelke, vreme, vpliv američanov, tržni mehanizmi, politika in tako dalje.
lažje je narediti zgodbico za 5 letne otroke. Torej da je za vse kriva CIA in Američani, ker hočejo s tem dobiti mastne dobičke in pri tem gre marsikaj v celi kup protislovij, ampak lažje je furati tako zgodbico, kot pa se poglobiti v nešteta poročila in velik kup podatkov ter spremljanje razvoja dogodkov.
Kmetje so potem raje tvegali in posadili opij ter ga prodali talibanom ali komu drugemu in ptoem s temi prihodki kupili hrano za svoje preživetje.
če bi imeli boljše pogoje kot so gnojila in boljša semena bi raje sadili pridelke za prehrano. Ni čudnega, da se je povečala proizvodnja opija.
Cenejši je in boljša možnost. Američanom lahko samo očitamo to, da niso naredili boljšega programa, ki bi povzročil lažji prehod iz opijskega gospodarstva na tistega brez opija.
Pa talibani so tudi velik problem, ko s prodajo opija financirajo svoje aktivnosti in je tudi zaradi njih še večje povečanje.
Ja, samo lažje je uporabiti to "Resnico", kot pa združiti več informacij in iz tega sestaviti širšo sliko, ki vsebuje kmetijstvo, talibane, pridelke, vreme, vpliv američanov, tržni mehanizmi, politika in tako dalje.
lažje je narediti zgodbico za 5 letne otroke. Torej da je za vse kriva CIA in Američani, ker hočejo s tem dobiti mastne dobičke in pri tem gre marsikaj v celi kup protislovij, ampak lažje je furati tako zgodbico, kot pa se poglobiti v nešteta poročila in velik kup podatkov ter spremljanje razvoja dogodkov.

Pac-Man ::
Janda je car. Putin nima za boršč.
4 Things Western Democracies Need to Understand to Stop Hostile Kremlin Meddling
In 2015, I started the Kremlin Watch Program at a think-tank in Prague. My team analyzes Russian influence and disinformation operations, and we have helped the Czech government tailor a national strategy.
1. Putin’s regime wants to call itself a superpower and to be respected as such.
Apart from having nuclear weapons and large territory, Russia has nothing that makes it anything more than a regional dictatorship with living standards of a developing country. Freedom of speech in Russia is worse than in Zimbabwe, political opponents are shot or poisoned, journalists are assassinated, history is systematically falsified, and most major media outlets are controlled by the regime. Putin suppresses domestic opposition—from both political groups and independent media—because he has failed to deliver solid living standards for ordinary Russians over the course of the 17 years he has ruled. Russia has a lower GDP than Italy, and its average wages are lower than Romania’s.
Western leftists need to wake up from their naïve dream of Russia being a champion of socialist ideals, and Western rightists should recognize that Russia is not a champion of conservative values; it suppresses individual freedoms and has the highest abortion rate in the world. Putin’s regime kills and bullies to get respected. Democracies need to denounce this paradigm. It worked at the end of 1980s, and it will work again if we stop buying into the Soviet dictatorship’s fear game.
2. Moscow is still dangerous.
Knowing it is militarily inferior to NATO, Russia uses cowards’ weapons: disinformation operations and political subversion. There are countries that had no problem selling parts of their sovereignty to Moscow. For example, the Kremlin practically owns a majority of the Serbian national energy supply. Or it openly pays Marine Le Pen for her presidency bid.
Then, there are politicians who turned a blind eye to the Kremlin’s activities—and now they are surprised. Democrats in the United States have long ignored Kremlin influence operations, until it hit them hard in the fall of 2016—a fate similar to the French left’s. Conservatives in the U.K. have held hawkish positions on Russia’s aggressive steps in Eastern Europe, but they basically tolerated harboring Russian dirty money in London.
3. Disinformation operations are a real and urgent threat to democracies worldwide.
Once the political leadership recognizes this, the security apparatus gets the green light to develop detailed policy measures to protect the country. That’s what’s happening now in Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden and Finland, but the Baltic states have known this for decades.
This auto-immune response needs to be launched by the government. Otherwise, only several isolated think tanks and patriotic journalists will dig into the subject, as is currently the case Slovakia, Hungary and France.
4. We need to be resolute in defending our own countries.
The word “sovereignty” has been hijacked by the far-right to kick against the EU. We need to take it back. What else is an assault on your sovereignty then Russia orchestrating an assassination attempt on a prime minister, as it did in Montenegro? How many thousands of Ukrainians need to die while defending their own territory from Kremlin-commanded terrorists, before the U. S. provides them with Javelins to make Ukraine a Russian-tank-free zone?
What else must Russia do before Germans understand that voluntarily increasing dependence on Kremlin energies by Nord Stream 2 is not a rational thing, no matter how many former chancellors can Putin buy to work on his behalf? What else is sovereignty than citizens having the right to decide their leaders in fair elections free of hostile foreign interference, including hacks of candidates that Moscow doesn’t like?
4 Things Western Democracies Need to Understand to Stop Hostile Kremlin Meddling
In 2015, I started the Kremlin Watch Program at a think-tank in Prague. My team analyzes Russian influence and disinformation operations, and we have helped the Czech government tailor a national strategy.
1. Putin’s regime wants to call itself a superpower and to be respected as such.
Apart from having nuclear weapons and large territory, Russia has nothing that makes it anything more than a regional dictatorship with living standards of a developing country. Freedom of speech in Russia is worse than in Zimbabwe, political opponents are shot or poisoned, journalists are assassinated, history is systematically falsified, and most major media outlets are controlled by the regime. Putin suppresses domestic opposition—from both political groups and independent media—because he has failed to deliver solid living standards for ordinary Russians over the course of the 17 years he has ruled. Russia has a lower GDP than Italy, and its average wages are lower than Romania’s.
Western leftists need to wake up from their naïve dream of Russia being a champion of socialist ideals, and Western rightists should recognize that Russia is not a champion of conservative values; it suppresses individual freedoms and has the highest abortion rate in the world. Putin’s regime kills and bullies to get respected. Democracies need to denounce this paradigm. It worked at the end of 1980s, and it will work again if we stop buying into the Soviet dictatorship’s fear game.
2. Moscow is still dangerous.
Knowing it is militarily inferior to NATO, Russia uses cowards’ weapons: disinformation operations and political subversion. There are countries that had no problem selling parts of their sovereignty to Moscow. For example, the Kremlin practically owns a majority of the Serbian national energy supply. Or it openly pays Marine Le Pen for her presidency bid.
Then, there are politicians who turned a blind eye to the Kremlin’s activities—and now they are surprised. Democrats in the United States have long ignored Kremlin influence operations, until it hit them hard in the fall of 2016—a fate similar to the French left’s. Conservatives in the U.K. have held hawkish positions on Russia’s aggressive steps in Eastern Europe, but they basically tolerated harboring Russian dirty money in London.
3. Disinformation operations are a real and urgent threat to democracies worldwide.
Once the political leadership recognizes this, the security apparatus gets the green light to develop detailed policy measures to protect the country. That’s what’s happening now in Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden and Finland, but the Baltic states have known this for decades.
This auto-immune response needs to be launched by the government. Otherwise, only several isolated think tanks and patriotic journalists will dig into the subject, as is currently the case Slovakia, Hungary and France.
4. We need to be resolute in defending our own countries.
The word “sovereignty” has been hijacked by the far-right to kick against the EU. We need to take it back. What else is an assault on your sovereignty then Russia orchestrating an assassination attempt on a prime minister, as it did in Montenegro? How many thousands of Ukrainians need to die while defending their own territory from Kremlin-commanded terrorists, before the U. S. provides them with Javelins to make Ukraine a Russian-tank-free zone?
What else must Russia do before Germans understand that voluntarily increasing dependence on Kremlin energies by Nord Stream 2 is not a rational thing, no matter how many former chancellors can Putin buy to work on his behalf? What else is sovereignty than citizens having the right to decide their leaders in fair elections free of hostile foreign interference, including hacks of candidates that Moscow doesn’t like?
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