Forum » Igre » S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl
oo7 ::
Nagi Bator je izjavil:
Niti ni tezava v tem, da utegnem imeti prav. Problem bo, ko bo moja napoved postala optimisticna![]()
Kako misliš optimistična ? Da niti 2024 ne bo ?
oo7 ::
Odziv avtorjev GSC na govorice, da bo igra spet prestavljena.
McCulkin, GSC Game World official on Discord:
"To be honest, it's generally strange that someone still believes in this. And if tomorrow some other "respectable channel with 100 subscribers" says that there will be dinosaur races in Stalker, and the game is still being made by one person, and at the same time he is working in parallel on the game on space planes, which, together with the Cossacks, move to other planets, will this also need to be commented on?
Obviously, this looks like just the most inverted newsbreak for clickbaits
"A mess in the studio?, expendable material?" I would recommend not paying attention to this kind of "information", there is nothing in it that even theoretically could correspond to the truth
I can understand why people believe this, but do not believe - do not believe in something that is not supported in any way and is just "another insider", of which there have already been not a dozen. Every 2 days, "insiders" appear on the forums who tomorrow will show the merged build / tell about the main mechanics / plot / dismissal of employees / moving the company to the moon, but time shows that this "news" is not true.
McCulkin, GSC Game World official on Discord:
"To be honest, it's generally strange that someone still believes in this. And if tomorrow some other "respectable channel with 100 subscribers" says that there will be dinosaur races in Stalker, and the game is still being made by one person, and at the same time he is working in parallel on the game on space planes, which, together with the Cossacks, move to other planets, will this also need to be commented on?
Obviously, this looks like just the most inverted newsbreak for clickbaits
"A mess in the studio?, expendable material?" I would recommend not paying attention to this kind of "information", there is nothing in it that even theoretically could correspond to the truth
I can understand why people believe this, but do not believe - do not believe in something that is not supported in any way and is just "another insider", of which there have already been not a dozen. Every 2 days, "insiders" appear on the forums who tomorrow will show the merged build / tell about the main mechanics / plot / dismissal of employees / moving the company to the moon, but time shows that this "news" is not true.
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
V zoni se bo pojavila nova skupina po imenu Noon.
A group of followers of the so-called Tramp is now ready to assist our mission and has been reorganized into the Noon group, aimed at cleaning up especially dangerous and polluted areas. It would be irresponsible on our part to guarantee their loyalty and subordination, but in the short term we have reached an agreement in the common interest.
A group of followers of the so-called Tramp is now ready to assist our mission and has been reorganized into the Noon group, aimed at cleaning up especially dangerous and polluted areas. It would be irresponsible on our part to guarantee their loyalty and subordination, but in the short term we have reached an agreement in the common interest.
oo7 ::
The authors of STALKER 2 explained why the gameplay of the project has not yet been shown
Game development is a complex thing, where everything is tied to everything. Even if you have some thing / feature / model / location, etc. are completely ready, then a minimal bug or underpolished other thing can ruin the impressions of the pieces from the previous listing. That is why we do not disclose such technical details and details, because they do not make sense until the whole game works fully and comprehensively. Such a moment is commonly referred to as a "gold run".
Game development is a complex thing, where everything is tied to everything. Even if you have some thing / feature / model / location, etc. are completely ready, then a minimal bug or underpolished other thing can ruin the impressions of the pieces from the previous listing. That is why we do not disclose such technical details and details, because they do not make sense until the whole game works fully and comprehensively. Such a moment is commonly referred to as a "gold run".
Gagatronix ::
Isto nakladanje, kot smo ga bili delezni ze pri STALKER SoC. Vsak mesec smo dobili "koledar", to je bilo pa to. Pa ce smo imeli sreco, enkrat na vsake kvatre kak screenshot.
oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Isto nakladanje, kot smo ga bili delezni ze pri STALKER SoC. Vsak mesec smo dobili "koledar", to je bilo pa to. Pa ce smo imeli sreco, enkrat na vsake kvatre kak screenshot.
In kaj ste imeli napisano na koledarju ?
oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Pac koledarski list za tekoci mesec pa en mali screenshot v vogalu.
Pa imaš še kaj stikov z razvijalci GSC ?
oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Ze dolgo ne vec.
Verjetno je bilo konec stikov leta 2011, ko so rekli, da zapirajo GSC?
Na srečo je 2014 prišla dobra novica.
oo7 ::
"The poppy field is an arch-anomaly": STALKER 2 PR manager on the impact of the canceled 2011 game on the "updated" sequel
According to Zakhar Bocharov, the new project is completely created from scratch, although he does not deny that some ideas survived to the "new" STALKER 2, since they are "logical".
Kaj je to arch-anomaly ?
According to Zakhar Bocharov, the new project is completely created from scratch, although he does not deny that some ideas survived to the "new" STALKER 2, since they are "logical".
Kaj je to arch-anomaly ?
Gagatronix ::
Ja, Franci. Pa to nima nobene logike. Ampak GSC tako ali tako nikoli niso bili pretirano znani po logiki.
matobeli ::
Glavna anomalija potem ?
V tem primeru verjetno ne ravno glavna (ker anomalije nimajo hiearhije), ampak kot najzahtevnejša, ali pa zgolj najobsežnejša, skratka superlativna v več pomenih kot ostale.
Nisem pa prepričan zakaj je to skregano z logiko, men se zdi popolnoma logično da ena izmed anomalij pač more bit najbolj badass glede na to da naj bi se razvile po nekih pseudo fizikalnih zakonih v različnih okoliščinah.
Verjetno prideš ven ves našmrkan, k drugač mak res nima neke logike, razen random lokacije.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: matobeli ()
Motion ::
Glavna anomalija potem ?
V tem primeru verjetno ne ravno glavna (ker anomalije nimajo hiearhije), ampak kot najzahtevnejša, ali pa zgolj najobsežnejša, skratka superlativna v več pomenih kot ostale.
Nisem pa prepričan zakaj je to skregano z logiko, men se zdi popolnoma logično da ena izmed anomalij pač more bit najbolj badass glede na to da naj bi se razvile po nekih pseudo fizikalnih zakonih v različnih okoliščinah.
Verjetno prideš ven ves našmrkan, k drugač mak res nima neke logike, razen random lokacije.
Morda ma vezo z opijem
matobeli ::
Na opioide sem mislil ja, našmrkan bi bolj iz anomalije, ki se rasprostira čez nasad koke, prišel.
oo7 ::
Ja saj vsi ti listi, ki na sliki lebdijo bi lahko bili posledica vetra ampak so verjetna anomalije.
Mogoče bo podoben efekt kot v SOC kjer si videl duhove zaradi tiste možganske naprave.
Mogoče bo podoben efekt kot v SOC kjer si videl duhove zaradi tiste možganske naprave.
oo7 ::
There are new details about STALKER 2
PR-manager of STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl Zakhar Bocharov gave an extensive interview
Na igri dela več kot 300 ljudi.
Igro Stalker 2 so začeli delati leta 2018.
PR-manager of STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl Zakhar Bocharov gave an extensive interview
Na igri dela več kot 300 ljudi.
Igro Stalker 2 so začeli delati leta 2018.
Nagi Bator ::
Gagatronix ::
There are new details about STALKER 2
PR-manager of STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl Zakhar Bocharov gave an extensive interview
Na igri dela več kot 300 ljudi.
Igro Stalker 2 so začeli delati leta 2018.
In to je relevantno ... zakaj ze ? Tipicen ruski bullshit. "OH GLEJ KDAJ SMO ZACEL NA TEM DELAT PA OD KDAJ ZE NA TEM DELAMO!"
Pol pa dajte kaj vec od sebe kot pa neke artsy fartsy concept arte, govnara.
oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
There are new details about STALKER 2
PR-manager of STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl Zakhar Bocharov gave an extensive interview
Na igri dela več kot 300 ljudi.
Igro Stalker 2 so začeli delati leta 2018.
In to je relevantno ... zakaj ze ? Tipicen ruski bullshit. "OH GLEJ KDAJ SMO ZACEL NA TEM DELAT PA OD KDAJ ZE NA TEM DELAMO!"
Pol pa dajte kaj vec od sebe kot pa neke artsy fartsy concept arte, govnara.
A niso Ukrajinci ?
oo7 ::
New Info on STALKER 2; Prequel May Get a Remake
A PR manager at GSC Game World suggested in an interview that a remake of the original STALKER may be in the making. Moreover, his statement indicates that the upcoming STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl seems to have more in common with the cancelled sequel than originally thought.
Stalker SOC remake ?
To pomeni, da bi zamenjali pogon iz Xray v Unreal po vsej verjetnosti.
A PR manager at GSC Game World suggested in an interview that a remake of the original STALKER may be in the making. Moreover, his statement indicates that the upcoming STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl seems to have more in common with the cancelled sequel than originally thought.
Stalker SOC remake ?
oo7 ::
Gabe Newell šef Valve je igral prvo Stalker igro in se veseli nadaljevanja.
Fan: "Hi Mr. Newell! I'm interested in your opinion on the acclaimed video game STALKER 2 developed by GSC Game World. Do you think it has any future? Do you like the STALKER series as a whole?"
Gabe Newell: "I've played STALKER and its expansions a few times and can't wait for the new game to come out."
Fan: "Hi Mr. Newell! I'm interested in your opinion on the acclaimed video game STALKER 2 developed by GSC Game World. Do you think it has any future? Do you like the STALKER series as a whole?"
Gabe Newell: "I've played STALKER and its expansions a few times and can't wait for the new game to come out."
oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Yawn. Naj rajsi delijo screenshote. Aja jih nimajo. Prav.
Zadnji screenshoti so bili mislim, da decembra v reviji PCGamer.
oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Leta 2022 se vedno vztrajati pri revijah je za dinozavre.
Men pa prav paše brati revijo Jazbina
Nagi Bator ::
Se pravi enkrat po naslednji zimski oplimpijadi torej...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Nagi Bator ()
oo7 ::
Nagi Bator je izjavil:
Se pravi enkrat po naslednji zimski oplimpijadi torej...![]()
Tiste slike naj bi ible iz UE4. Na UE5 so šli nekaj časa nazaj.
oo7 ::
V kratkem razvijalci mislijo pokazati nov video mogoče celo gameplay kdo ve. Ugiba se o datumu 20 marec 2022 to bo obletnica 15 let od izida igre Stalker shadow of Chernobyl.
15 let je že
15 let je že
Gagatronix ::
Saj pustimo ob strani dejstvo, da se je SoC vlekel vec kot desetletje, prvi demoti so bili leta 2001, takrat je bila se storija cisto druga.
Zivi bili pa videli, bom rekel. Ce pride spil ven v naslednjih desetih letih bo cudez. Spilal ga pa itak ne bom.
Zivi bili pa videli, bom rekel. Ce pride spil ven v naslednjih desetih letih bo cudez. Spilal ga pa itak ne bom.
oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Saj pustimo ob strani dejstvo, da se je SoC vlekel vec kot desetletje, prvi demoti so bili leta 2001, takrat je bila se storija cisto druga.
Zivi bili pa videli, bom rekel. Ce pride spil ven v naslednjih desetih letih bo cudez. Spilal ga pa itak ne bom.
Zakaj ga pa ne boš igral ?
oo7 ::
Vodja skupnosti GSC Game World zagotavlja, da bo STALKER 2 izšel 8. decembra
No zdaj jim pa še jaz ne verjamem več, da igra ne bi bila prestavljena v leto 2023 :)
No zdaj jim pa še jaz ne verjamem več, da igra ne bi bila prestavljena v leto 2023 :)
oo7 ::
Pojavile so se govorice znanega lekerja, da bo igra prestavljena v leto 2023, ker naj bi imeli težave pri razvoju igre predvsem z pogonom Unreal 5.
Zato so ta teden pri GSC game world najavili, da nove prestavitve kao ne bo.
Zato so ta teden pri GSC game world najavili, da nove prestavitve kao ne bo.
oo7 ::
Russia-Ukraine Crisis: STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl Could Be Delayed or Even Cancelled as the Developer Is Based in Kyiv
oo7 ::
Defiant STALKER 2 Developer Says Game Development Will Continue 'After the Victory' in Ukraine
GSC Game World says development has been sidelined as it helps "our employees and their families to survive."
GSC Game World says development has been sidelined as it helps "our employees and their families to survive."
oo7 ::
The STALKER series has become another victim of review bombing on Steam. This is a consequence of GSC's games being pulled from sale in Russia.
oo7 ::
Ruski hekerji so vdrli na spletno stran GSC Game World in objavili novico o preklicu izdaje STALKER 2
Pod krinko skupine Anonymous.
Pod krinko skupine Anonymous.
oo7 ::
Spremenili so naslov igre iz Heart of Chernobyl v Heart of Chornobyl
STALKER 2 devs change game title to Ukrainian spelling
It appears that STALKER 2, formerly subtitled 'Heart of Chernobyl', will now be called STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl, adopting the Ukrainian spelling of the game's principal setting.
STALKER 2 devs change game title to Ukrainian spelling
It appears that STALKER 2, formerly subtitled 'Heart of Chernobyl', will now be called STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl, adopting the Ukrainian spelling of the game's principal setting.
oo7 ::
Češki internetni medij piše, da se del ekipe GSC Game world seli na Češko v Prago kjer naj bi nadaljevali z delom igre Stalker 2. - -
oo7 ::
Mreža M.Video je poročala , da so prednaročila in prihodnje dobave fizičnih kopij STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl v Rusijo preklicane. To je bilo storjeno v ozadju prejšnje odločitve GSC Game World, da igre ne izda v državi. M.Video je obljubil, da bo kupcem vrnil denar in po možnosti sam preklical prednaročila.