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Romunske cerkve rastejo kot gobe po dežju

Romunske cerkve rastejo kot gobe po dežju


Romania is in the middle of a church-building boom, with some 10 new places of worship completed every month, and one vast cathedral slowly taking shape. But some Romanians take issue with the expense, in one of Europe's poorest countries - and particularly the use of funds from the public purse.

To travel across the north of Romania from Suceava to Maramures is to be bamboozled by exquisite religious eye candy.

Everywhere you look there are churches - big, small, medieval, brand new, tin-roofed, wooden, painted - each has its own appeal.

What is particularly striking as you bump along the potholed roads that link them, are their sheer numbers. Since the 1989 revolution the Orthodox Church has been going great guns in Romania.

The vast majority of the population - nearly 90% - are Orthodox, and in the wake of Ceausescu's downfall the Church has capitalised on its pre-eminent position in the country, building new churches at a rate of one every three days, including an enormous cathedral currently under construction in the centre of Bucharest.

BBC News
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."


Sj to je problem, razne cerkve so zavohale investicijo, zdaj so v EU, gradi se na črno še par let, potem bodo pa takoj višje dajatve in bognedaj davek na posvečene nepremičnine.
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."

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