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Dungeons and Dragons Online -free

Engineer_SLO ::
zanima me a kdo igra,da lahko malo opiše zadevo,jaz jo sedaj preizkušam,nadzor je malo smotan,sam se počas privajam...
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link za dolpoteg :
ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero, I9 9900K, NZXT Kraken X62
32GB DDR4 3200 CL16, 512MB + 1024GB GB NVME SSD+ 2x2TB 7200rpm
32GB DDR4 3200 CL16, 512MB + 1024GB GB NVME SSD+ 2x2TB 7200rpm

paco ::
Guts: use them or lose them in Dungeons & Dragons Online®: Eberron Unlimited™. Get a good grip on your sword and get ready to swing--if you think your heart can take it. So bring your slay game, but leave your wallet at home, 'cause this game is totally free.
Yeah, that's the sound of rotting bones crunching under your feet. And that's a flesh-shredding blade trap, and past that is a mind-blowing puzzle that you have to solve if you want go deeper. But right over there is a big, bad ogre looking to smash you down with a tree-sized club and stomp your brains out through your ears--just for kicks.
You're in charge of all the action here. When a gang of now-you-see-me, now-you-don't, now-you-have-your-soul-sucked-out undead creeps come after you, this fight isn't going to operate on remote control. Block, swing, throw, trip, cast, dodge, tumble, and cleave, and if you can avoid being torn into human confetti by their clawed hands or having the life force sucked out of you to feed their unholy lust, then it's time to show these freaks that undead is nowhere near as dead as they can get. Pick the best weapon in your arsenal and get in there.
Deal out the hurt and feel every blow of battle with DDO's unique action control system. Every move is your move, whether you smash a creep's face monk-style with your bare fists, or split his skull like a rotten melon with your battleaxe. Dodge the poison arrows that come at you from all angles and get ready to get your questing on--or if all this action is too much for you, retreat to the caves to plan another attack. There's always something glad to welcome you back to the dungeon, unless you welcome it first.
Danger is alive in the dark. These killer dungeons are bursting with ferocious monsters like fire-breathing dragons that like their heroes well-done. And if you get past that, then get ready for deadly traps, perplexing puzzles, and secret hatches and hidden doors that lead to even deadlier regions of darkness and danger.
Every monster's crazy for a sharp-dressed man. So sharpen up, and choose from a myriad of options to develop one-of-a-kind characters by customizing everything from class roles and special abilities to the color of your eyes, the length of your hair, and the size of your nose. Whether you want to be a dwarf cleric who can bring the ruckus and heal his own wounds at the same time, or an icy blue-eyed ranger who keeps his hands clean by killing only from a distance, you bring to life the hero you want--and then send him into the meat grinder. Even under the gore, ichor, and boiling black blood of your foes, you'll know you look good.
Play and slay the way you want by battling solo or with hirelings or by joining a group, guild, or raid. Go toe-to-toe with a fellow DDOer in player-versus-player mode if you've got a personal score to settle and the skills to back it up. Or take the cage out of the cage match by starting an all-out brawl in one of the seedy, seething taverns of Stormreach.
There's so much action in this game that we're giving it away. Play for free as long as you want without a subscription, a credit card, or fees of any kind--EVER! Killing things and taking their stuff has never been more rewarding because while adventuring you can earn Turbine Points that are good for gearing up in our new DDO Store.
The gear is here. Get to the in-game DDO Store, and gear up with anything from healing potions for where it hurts, to massive cans of kick-ass to deal some hurt of your own. Cash in the Turbine Points you've earned while playing or buy them outright. Get the gear you've got to have to bring every creepy, crawly, and loathsome beast to its knees, tentacles, or trailing wisps of ectoplasm. Because you don't want to go down in the dungeon without protection.
Getting scared of the dark? Emerge from the dank and dangerous dungeons between adventures. Stormreach is full of adventure and adventurers, the gathering place for thousands of DDO players from around the world any time of day or night. Soak in the laughter, singing, and dancing, hit the local bars to make real-world friends in-game and out, head to the forge to expand your arsenal, and gear up at the auction halls until you're tough enough for your next raid. Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you're going back in.
Free digital upgrade [s]raises the level cap to the natural D&D limit and[/s] introduces an in-game store where players can buy content and convenience items for real money. Explore new adventures and raid, enjoy major combat improvements, and much more.
Igra je praktično zastonj, za plačniške stvari se zbira/kupi "Action pointe", katere lahko zamenjamo za premium iteme, adventure packe, nove razrede, rase, ipd. Za vsako uspešno dokončano misijo dobimo neko število "favor pointov" (višja kot je zahtevnost (Casual, Normal, Hard, Elite, Epic), več točk dobimo), ko zberemo določeno število teh točk, pa dobimo za nagrado "action pointe" (prvih 75 favor pointov nam da 100 action pointov, vseh naslednjih 75 pa 25). Za določeno število favor pointov, dobimo tudi premium nagrade(400 - drow race, 1000 - veteran status, ipd.). Način igranja je podoben kakšnemu Gothic-u, pravila igre pa temeljijo na D&D3.5. Efekti so lepi (sploh če vaš mlin podpira DX10), grafika pa nekako v stilu NWN serij.
Če je kdo zainteresiran, igram na serverju Sarlona, z vzdevkoma Dznj oz. Dznjf.
Lahko pa mi naredite uslugo in se registrirate prek mojega refferal linka:
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