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Funny and cool links

Funny and cool links

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Ziga Dolhar ::

Yey. Še ena The Register reklama. Se jim ne morem upret :-).


Dr_M ::

sicer nevem ce je tole ze blo....ampak ne da se mi 4 strani pregledovat...
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

blabla ::

Subject: LeQuotes

"France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country.
France has usually been governed by prostitutes."
---Mark Twain

"I just love the French. They taste like chicken!"
---- Hannibal Lecter

While speaking to the Hoover Institution today, Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was asked this question:

"Could you tell us why to date at least the Administration doesn't favor direct talks with the North Korean government? After all, we're talking with the French."

The Secretary smiled and replied:

"I'm not going there!"

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me."
--- General George S. Patton

"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion."
--Norman Schwartzkopf

"We can stand here like the French, or we can do something about it."
---- Marge Simpson

"As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure"
---Jacques Chirac, President of France

"As far as France is concerned, you're right."
---Rush Limbaugh,

"The only time France wants us to go to war is when the German Army is sitting in Paris sipping coffee."
--- Regis Philbin

"The French are a smallish, monkey-looking bunch and not dressed any better, on average, than the citizens of Baltimore. True, you can sit outside in Paris and drink little cups of coffee, but why this is more stylish than sitting inside and drinking large glasses of whiskey I don't know."
--- P.J O'Rourke (1989)

Next time there's a war in Europe, the loser has to keep France.

An old saying:
Raise your right hand if you like the French....
Raise both hands if you are French.

"You know, the French remind me a little bit of an aging actress of the 1940s who was still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn't have the face for it."
---John McCain, U.S. Senator from Arizona

"You know why the French don't want to bomb Saddam Hussein? Because he hates America, he loves mistresses and wears a beret. He is French, people."
--Conan O'Brien

"I don't know why people are surprised that France won't
help us get Saddam out of Iraq. After all, France wouldn't help us get the Germans out of France!"
---Jay Leno

"The last time the French asked for 'more proof' it came marching into Paris under a German flag."
--David Letterman

"Runaway" by Del Shannon,
"Walk Right In" by the Rooftop Singers,
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool " by Connie Francis,
"Running Scared" by Roy Orbison,
"I Really Don't Want to Know" by Tommy Edwards,
"Surrender" by Elvis Presley,
"Save It For Me" by The Four Seasons,
"Live and Let Die" by Wings,
"I'm Leaving It All Up To You" by Donny and Marie Osmond,
"What a Fool Believes" by the Doobie Brothers,
"Don't Worry, Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin
"Raise Your Hands" by Jon Bon Jovi

How many Frenchmen does it take to change a light bulb?
One. He holds the bulb and all of Europe revolves around him.


CaqKa ::

topic na našem kanalu:)
današnjim časom primeren :)

undefined ::

CaqKa, ROFLOL!!! :D :D

Samo zadnja alineja je malo zgrešena... UN ne bi nikoli kenslal Busha. :)

Gandalfar ::

||_^_|| ::

CaqKa: ne dela

Predator ::

možno da mu je isp canclal sliko zarad prometa; click here ce zgornji link ne bo več delal

undefined ::

CaqKa ::

Prodam disk Seagate 8.4 GB SCSI ultra dma66

em kaj zaj scsi al uata66? >:D

zile ::

||_^_|| ::

zile: tale je pa huda:)))

zile ::

R0K ::

zile LOOOL

Veš kk sm cviknu! Damn! Mam slušalke gor, pa nism ču, da se mi je cd odpru, matr pa me neki rukne u nogo..pol pa še enkrat (prov dvd, pol pa še cd-rw :)..jao, sm skor s stola padu :))

zile ::

LOL, jest sem mel pa chiefteka zaprtega, pa tud začne neki ropotat. Sem si reku WTF :D Odprli so se mi vsi 3 cdromi 8-) in zadeli ob pokrov ohišja.

||_^_|| ::

Tero ::

Ha? Meni se noben cd-rom ne odpre...
Samo neki error pokaze:\
Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.

undefined ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: undefined ()

||_^_|| ::



pa še en vic:)

Takole bo pa izgledalo, ko bo Slovenija v NATU:

Nekega dne sta se sestala Bush in Drnovšek.
Nekaj se pogovarjata, potem pa se skregata.
Vsak gre v svojo državo.
Ko pride Drnovšek v Slovenijo naroči slovenski vojski naj napade New

Letala odletijo in ga zbombardirajo.
Drnovšek čaka, da bo Bush kaj rekel..
Čaka tri dni, a ni odgovora.
Pošlje se enkrat letala, tokrat na Chicago.
Letala zbombardirajo, pridejo nazaj, a Bushovega odgovora ni.
Pošlje se enkrat letala, tokrat na Washington.
Spet nič odgovora. Drnovšek se razjezi, pokliče Busha in ga vpraša zakaj
nič ne
napade, saj mu je on sesul tri glavna mesta.

Ta mu odgovori: 'A je pri vas na Slovaškem sploh še kdo živ?

undefined ::

Se pravi je tisti homosexualec, ki je zmontiral skup ta dva filma? :D

undefined ::

Tr0n ::

OmegaBlue ::

TrOn tole je pa prov debilno
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

MrX ::

undefined ::

> Vnesite tukaj

To je pa več kot retardirano. :)

Zoidberg ::

Happy tree friends rox. Tista k je na vrtiljaku je najbolša.
Just keep on trying, keep on flying. I will be the light.

Gandalfar ::

IceMan: no, no.. pac se mu ni dalo tipkat.. don't be so hard on him ..

undefined ::

Gandalf, mislil sem na samo animacijo. Nisem komentiral njega, pač pa tisto stran. :)

Gandalfar ::

Ah, ok.. se oproscam 8-)

undefined ::

Ni panike. :)

P.S. Naj bo to za vzgled ostalim moderatorjem, kako se rešujejo stvari na miren in dostojen način, brez nasilnega brisanja ali popravljanja postov.

||_^_|| ::


1.) Letalonosilka - Letalonosilka
2.) Bombnik - Letalonosilka
3.) Bombnik - Peš

Čas trajanja: 3 dni ( od 28.3.2003 do 30.3.2003 )

Potek izleta:

Odhod iz Piranskega zaliva, kjer nas bo čakala najnovejša letalonosilka
Harry S.Truman in nas popeljala neposredno do Perzijskega zaliva. Po kratkem
počitku se bomo odpravili na nekajurno hojo do glavnega mesta Bagdad, kjer
bo ob zvokih siren sledila nastanitev v svetovno priznanih podzemnih
zakloniščih (pet zvezdic). Dan se bo končal ob branju iraškega best
sellerja - Korana, seveda v domači izvedbi.

Že ob zgodnjih jutranjih urah se bomo pod vodstvom inšpektorjev združenih
odpravili na ogled Hussainove palače ter tovarn za proizvodnjo orožja za
uničenje, kjer bo sledilo tudi skupinsko slikanje z Sadamom Hussainom. V
času si bomo ogledali tradicionalno ulično sežiganje ameriške zastave in se
ob vonju gorečih naftnih polj podali v noč.

Ta bo nekaj posebnega saj bomo, pod sponzorstvom ameriških zračnih in
pomorskih sil,
deležni veličastnega ognjemeta, ki bo trajalo vse do jutra.

Odhod iz Bagdada ter ogled svetovno znanih mest kot so Ar Rutbah, Karbala,
An Najaf
ter Al Kut. Pod spremstvom, sedaj že lokalne domačinke, Ksenije Horvat se
bomo usmerili proti sosednji državi in hkrati velikemu iraškemu prijatelju
Kuvajtu, kjer bomo preživeli (upam) še zadnje trenutke verjetno nepozabnega
izleta. V poznih večernih urah se bomo žalostnega srca a polni spominov
odpravili proti domu po načelu " znajdi se sam ".

Cena paketa: 2500 SIT (plačljivo zaenkrat tudi v Iraškem dinarju, kasneje le
v USD)
Doplačila: Plinska maska - 1000 SIT (priporočljivo predvsem za čas bivanja v
Zaradi velikega povpraševanja pobiramo prijave tudi preko spletne strani

R33D3M33R ::

Ja, happy tree friends so cool. Meni je najboljša ona Happy Trails.
Moja domača stran: http://andrej.mernik.eu
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:

Uporabnik ::

Tero ::

Še nekaj zanimivih slikic:


Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Tero ()

MrX ::

pingec ::

rece tank ficotu: haha, ti imas pa mozgane v riti!
fico mu odvrne: haha, ti mas pa kurac na glavi!:D
Normalnost je povprečje nenormalnih ljudi.

Tr0n ::

iration ::

Tudi jaz bi imel kakšno pravico rad v življenju. Npr. pravico do tega, da delam
12 ur na dan in sem za to nagrajen s strani delujočega ekonomskega prostora, ne
pa kaznovan s strani Salmoneličevih gremlinov. - NavadniNimda

krho ::

si.Mail odprto-kodni odjemalec elektronske pošte. - http://www.simail.si
Uredite si svojo zbirko filmov, serij in iger - http://xcollect.sf.net

krneki0001 ::

"War continues in Iraq. They're calling it Operation Iraqi Freedom. They were
going to call it Operation Iraqi Liberation until they realized that spells 'OIL.'"
... Jay Leno

"Yesterday, the president met with a group he calls the coalition of the
willing. Or, as the rest of the world calls them, Britain and Spain."
... Jon Stewart

"CNN said that after the war, there is a plan to divide Iraq into three
parts ... regular, premium and unleaded."
... Jay Leno

"Turkey has voted not to allow U.S. troops into their country and Saddam
Hussein said 'You can do that?'"
... Jay Leno

"According to the New York Times, Saddam Hussein has mined all his oil
fields, planted bombs in all his major cities, he's got bombs in the military
installations, in the airports, and he's mined all the government buildings.
There's not much left for us to do, really."
...Jay Leno

"Good news for Iraq. There's a 50 percent chance that President Bush
will confuse it with Iran."
... Craig Kilborn

"President Bush spent last night calling world leaders to support the
war with Iraq and it is sad when the most powerful man on earth is yelling,
... Jay Leno

"President Bush spent the day calling names he couldn't pronounce in
countries he never knew existed."
... Jay Leno

"President Bush found out something this week. Between the countries of
Camaroone, Chile, Angola and Syria, Angola plays the best music when
they put you on hold."
... Craig Kilborn

A lot of students around the country protested the war today. The National
Youth and Student Peace Coalition sponsored an anti-war organization called
'Books Not Bombs.' President Bush said, 'Why do you want to drop books
on them?'"
... Jay Leno

"Experts say that if we go to war with Iraq, oil could reach as much as
$80 a barrel. Of course, after the war it will be free."
... Jay Leno

"Saddam Hussein also challenged President Bush to a debate. The Butcher
of Baghdad vs. the Butcher of the English language."
... Jay Leno

"President Bush announced tonight that he believes in democracy and that
democracy can exist in Iraq. They can have a strong economy, they can
have a good health care plan, and they can have a free and fair voting.
We can't even get this in Florida."
... Jay Leno

"In an interview with Dan Rather, Saddam has challenged President Bush
to a live, televised debate. I think this would be fair, since English is a
second language to both of them."
... Jay Leno

"President Bush has said that he does not need approval from the UN to
wage war, and I'm thinking, well, hell, he didn't need the approval of the
American voters to become president, either."
... David Letterman

"In a speech earlier today President Bush said if Iraq gets rid of Saddam
Hussein, he will help the Iraqi people with food, medicine, supplies,
housing, education ... anything that's needed. Isn't that amazing? He
finally comes up with a domestic agenda . and it's for Iraq. Maybe we could
bring that here if it works out."
... Jay Leno

"You know why the French don't want to bomb Saddam Hussein? Because he
hates America, he loves mistresses and wears a beret. He is French, people."
...Conan O'Brien

"I read today that the president was interrupted 73 times by applause
and 75 times by really big words."
... Jay Leno

"This week officials from France, Russia and Germany accused President Bush
of having a fondness for war. Yeah, when asked about it, a spokesman for
Bush said, 'It's a one syllable word, of course he's fond of it.'"
..Conan O'Brien

iration ::

Tudi jaz bi imel kakšno pravico rad v življenju. Npr. pravico do tega, da delam
12 ur na dan in sem za to nagrajen s strani delujočega ekonomskega prostora, ne
pa kaznovan s strani Salmoneličevih gremlinov. - NavadniNimda

Brane2 ::

Tole sem ravnokar dobil po mailu...

Disfunctional family

Brane2 ::

The latest from IRAQ today.
Bush got a coded message from Saddam.

It read: 370HSSV-0773H

Bush was stumped and sent for the CIA.
The CIA was stumped too, so it went to the NSA.
The NSA couldn't solve it either, so they asked Bill Clinton.

He suggested turning it upside down ...


krho ::

si.Mail odprto-kodni odjemalec elektronske pošte. - http://www.simail.si
Uredite si svojo zbirko filmov, serij in iger - http://xcollect.sf.net

Binji ::

Kdor ne navija ni Slovenc, hej, hej, hej!

fictionel ::

ljte to pesmco :D
jz sm skor umru zravn od smeha :D :D


McHusch ::

Skor me je pobral. Ne to odpirat, če nimate dobrih živcev. :)

MrX ::


undefined ::

Stara fora, nov bedak. ;)

Tero ::

Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
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