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Rony-e ::

Moje osebno mnenje je, da ga bodo predelali za PC po izdaji za konzole. Kot je že nekdo rekel so osebni računlniki velik trg, GTAji pa povsem do izraza pridejo šele na računalnikih zaradi boljšega nadzora ter kod in seveda modanja. Problem je seveda, ker se današnji računalniki ne morejo mereti z next-gen konzolami, toda to je samo trenutno stanje, počakajte par let in PCji bodo spet v prednoti glede strojne opreme. Upoštevati pa je treba prav tako, da so konzole namenjene samo igranju, računalniki pa so univerzalni ter je igra samo ena od aplikacij, ki zajema delež porabe procesorja, ne pa vsega kakršen je princip pri konzolah.

Meni se poraja še eno vprašanje: zdaj ko so dogajanje premaknili iz ZDA, kaj se bo zgodilo iz norčevanjem iz njihovega načina življenja, kar je bil ena glavnih stvari, ki so ustvarjale vzdušje. Mogoče ne bo noben opazil, toda jaz bom pogrešal zafrkancije na temo kapitalizma in sprevržene družbe.

Vsekakor se novega GTAja vsi veselimo in upam, da Rockstar Nord ne bo razočaral.

destroyer2k ::


In kje si ti živel do zdej v jami slučajno. Da je konzola bol napredna od pc-ja to si čist mimo kiksnal. Za ta primer ti lahko dam unreal tournament 3 ta igra bo za pc dobesedno okleščena zaradi ps3 da bosta si v grafiki podobna da bojo lak imeli ps3 mode od pc-ja ali mape pa kaj takega. Pa še neki tržni delež tukaj konzola prevladuje in to zato ker na pc-ju večino ljudi raje dol potegne z kakega torrenta raje kot pa da bi kupili igro, kar pri konzolah pa veliko več ih kupuje igre. Pa drugače bi lahko govoril v čem je pc naprednejši od konzol sam zakaj večina tako in tako ve to.

Kar se pa tiče gta4 bo pa po mojem mnenju vsekakor prišel na pc samo letos pa tešk verjetno.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Rony-e ::

Alo na Ps so bolj drage igre kot na Pc-je

bluefish ::

to še nič ne pove.

destroyer2k ::

Ja in če so dražje veš zakaj so sploh dražje igre na konzolah?
Ker ti daš veliko majn denarja za recimo ps3 kot za pc in zato na pc-ju ne smejo biti toliko drage ker potem pa nobeden ih nebi kupoval če bi toliko koštale recimo za ps3 daš pa majn denarja in zato so lahko dražje igre. Pač narod misli ka je cenejše če imaš konzolo kot pa high-end pc. Sam tist ko je pro gamer ve da to ni res ker na ps3 ti daš veliko več denarja potem v igre in se potem se kr približa dosti ceni pc-ja.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Rony-e ::

sja maša prav po neni strani glej tole leto izide za PS3 in za XBOX 360 2 leto pa bi lahko prišla na PC

Tr0n ::

Jebes GTA. Isti sandbox princip ze od prvega dela.

SmeskoSnezak ::

Je že kdo sploh od vas pogledal že drugi trailer? Več informacij pa imate v previewu.
@ Pusti soncu v srce... @

neres ::

zdaj ko so dogajanje premaknili iz ZDA



SmeskoSnezak ::

Glede na prejšne izdaje, bomo dočakali PC-jaši igro na začetku naslednjega poletja. Torej še celo leto čakanja. :D
@ Pusti soncu v srce... @

Rony-e ::

Sem že pogledal trailer 2

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • polepsal: Tilen ()

Rony-e ::

Col bo na compu igrat

bi0s ::

še eno leto drkanja san andreas-a, vsaj pri meni bo tak. :)

profii ::

jap komi čakam GTA IV. še dobr d sm kupu xbox d mi ne bo treba za pc čakat.

Rony-e ::

kupic si ibox pa boš videl kje je boljše igrat

Jst ::

Po videnih trailerjih imam dober izgovor za nakup hd tvja ter ene izmed konzol (xbox, ps3).
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Rony-e ::

Saj grafika je res boljša na PS3 in Xbox 360 samo mora pri za comp saj bo bolj prodalna igra

Rony-e ::

Pegaz ::

Nekaj nepreverjenih informacij iz forumov:


-Your character will be a Russian man, named Niko Bellic, who has came to Liberty City after his cousin told him how great it was. Turns out that his cousin is a big fat liar.

-You will have the abilty to use the "boot" (Trunk to Americans). Who knows what we might be able to do here. Stash bombs, weapons or even people in there?

-The release date for North America is 16th October, 2007, and for Europe it is 19th October, 2007.

-You can access the [ingame] internet via any PC

-You will have a cellphone of which you can recieve and send text messages, and arrange things with people. You may also take pictures with it.

-No Staton Island [SP?]


The main character's name is Niko Bellic - he is an Eastern European immigrant
Bellic arrives in Liberty City as he has been receiving emails from his cousin, Roman. At the start of the game, he is the only person you know.
Roman lies to get Niko to come to Liberty City, by telling him he has women, cars and money...he is actually in huge debt. Niko thinks he will live the "American Dream".
The Statue of Liberty is now called the Statue of Happiness, while DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is known as BOABO (Beneath the Offramp of the Algoquin Bridge Overpass).
Liberty City's similarities to New York are as follows, with 4 of the 5 boroughs being recreated: Brooklyn = Broker; Manhattan = Algonquin; Queens = Dukes; Bronx = Bohan; New Jersey = Alderney
The scale of Liberty City is slightly smaller than San Andreas, except now there are no wasted parts (with countryside for example), it is a lot more detailed.
Multiplayer modes in GTA 4 are still to be announced, however, Rockstar have said it won't be a massively multiplayer online game. They are making something interesting, fun and progressive, and which ties in with single player gameplay.
Since it's only New York, there will be no planes in the game which you can pilot. Rockstar want the game to seem realistic, i.e. you won't be needing planes. Helicopters, however, have been confirmed as being in the game.
Pedestrians are a lot more realistic than previous GTA games, and do things such as smoke, sit on benches, read, go shopping, eat, and more...
Rockstar have been working very hard on the targeting system - expect it to be a big improvement from previous games.
After the initial loading sequence, there will be no more loading screens to sit through, not even when transitioning between interior and exterior environments
While making the game, Rockstar consulted crime experts and ex-policemen and found that being a criminal is much more difficult now than it was during previous decades, so they have tried to reflect this in the game. Expect to see people getting arrested as the police are a heavy presence.
Rockstar North are approaching the recruitment of voice actors in a different way. We probably won't hear and recognisable voices in 'GTA 4' because they are looking for voices that suit the attitude of the characters - This approach is also being carried over to the soundtrack, where Rockstar are looking for music which works well with the modern day Liberty City.
You will use a cell phone to call contacts
The visual effects of the game will be massively enhanced - the rising and setting sun will reflect off glass and light up details on buildings; the streets will have potholes and rubble.
Variations in terrain are reflected in the way people walk over it.
A big part of the game is delivering story in new ways and allowing the player to plot their own destiny

The Trailer
'Life is complicated' says a man in an eastern European accent. The video shows what appears to be a New York subway train, and then a few images of familiar buildings. What is almost certainly a homage to the Statue of Liberty comes on the screen, and then a skyscraper pretty much identical to the Chrysler Building. Yellow cabs on the streets below provide further evidence of the game's setting, but with a Rockstar-isms such as a building saying 'Getalife' reminiscent of the Metalife tower in Downlown NYC, the trailer seems to suggest some sort of glorious metropolis hybrid of New York's Manhattan, and GTA's very own Liberty City, famous from previous games. For now, lets just agree one thing – the city looks incredible, whether it's supposed to be Manhattan, Liberty City, or somewhere in between. From what the trailer shows, this is one of the most realistic worlds ever seen in a game, and if previous installations of the series are anything to go by, the level of exploration will be massive. Graphically, GTA IV looks set to be a next-gen title of the highest order.
And so to the man with the Russian-esque accent who speaks in the trailer. He suggests that he's some kind of murderous people smuggler, and doesn't look like a particularly nice fellow either. Where as C.J. from San Andreas looked like the kind of guy you'd want to be your Boy in Da Hood, this guy sounds like someone who's own mother is no doubt afraid of.
The trailer is accompanied by an ominous Phillip Glass soundtrack, offering darker, more clandestine undertones of a far less facetious GTA to what we've gotten used to.

We almost wish we hadn't seen the GTA IV trailer. With a 7 month wait ahead of us until the game's release, it feels a bit like being given winning lottery numbers for a draw that's going to be taking place in 5 years time. Certainly, the game looks incredible, and if whispers from the Rockstar camp are to be believed, what's seen in the trailer is only the very tip of the iceberg.
Having analyzed the video frame-by-frame, we're delighted to see references to brands like Sprunk, Kronos and Burger Shot, fictitious franchises, some of which have been featured in GTA games for almost a decade. We also spotted a poster for a film called 'I Slept With Your Mom', which sounds like something that could only be seen in a Rockstar game. It seems that GTA's almost callous approach to humour will shine through in GTA IV, and that can only be a good thing.
GTA IV is out in October, meaning we're in for a long summer. But when the time comes, it looks like we'll be roaming around with some nasty looking Russian, using people as currency, and shooting anyone who stands in our way. If GTA's themes of mindless violence, indiscriminate killing and a brutal struggle to the top of a crime world are to dominate GTA IV, we're in for an exhilarating, bloddy ride. And in a weird way, we can't wait.


# McReary, the character we learned about in GamesTM, is a corrupt cop. He has "dirt on Niko's past." The mission they previewed is called "Call and Collect."
Little Jacob (a caribbean arms dealer) is a good friend of Niko's cousin. When you buy weapons from him (which are kept in his trunk) you can scroll through them like you did in Ammu-Nation in the previous GTA games.
# Rotterdam Hill (the place where Niko agrees to meet Jacob) is in Alderney - the GTA IV equivalent of New Jersey.
# Niko kills Goldberg (the shady lawyer) because he owes a favour to somebody.
# Rockstar showed the sequence where he kills Goldberg twice. The first time he fell out of the window, the second time he merely crumpled on the floor.
# When purchasing clothes, you have to choose the items from the shelf individually.
# Determining which figures you need to kill requires perception - there are no arrowheads to direct you like in the previous games.
# Once you gain a wanted-level, the map flashes with circles of blue and red, with each circle representing the line of sight of the police chase. The circles differ in size depending on your wanted-level.
# The default camera view when driving rests around the left-hand side of the car above the road.
# Multiplayer is accessed via your mobile phone.
# The combat rests somewhere between Resident Evil 4 and Gears of War in terms of style, allowing you to roll, find protection and blind-fire from behind cover.
# Shooting different parts of the body has different impacts (e.g shoot a security guard in the foot at the top of the stairs, and he'll come tumbling down.)
# In GTA IV you have to develop relationships with other characters. Your relationship with Little Jacob, for example, is maintained through phone calls and loyalty. Developing good relationships with different characters can provide different rewards.

Rony-e ::

ej pegaz ti misliš da bi GTa IV prišel na PC

Rony-e ::

Nwe information Tvoj »ludek«
- Kot se je že dosti kje govorilo, boste tudi tukaj igrali črnca z imenom Chaz Talbot , kateri bo hotel »zradirati« mini-cab firmo. Začelo se bo z napadom tolpe, vi pa boste lahko uporabljali star bambus (kake ideje ne?)

- Tako kot v San Andreasu, boste tudi tukaj morali paziti na težo, katero boste kontroliral z telovadbo in rekreacijo. Če boste šibek te bodo člani tolpe oz. tvoji prijatelji klicali girly wanker.
- Tako kot v San Andreas bodo tudi tukaj tolpe, pri tem boste uporabljali (vsaj pri PS3) daljinec z vgrajenim mikrofonom. Premierno bo tudi neke vrste Respect meter, ki bo kazal tudi kako rad imaste svojo staro mamo.
- Zdaj boste lahko z pomočjo gibalnega senzorja na PS3 slikali mimoidočega ter sliko shranili na spominsko kartico.
- Ko se boste usedli v avto, boste lahko poklicali prostitutko, od katere dobiste; številko z kartice ali pa imenika. Potem določiste čas in kraj srečanja in hopsala. Nekajkrat boste oropani od kakega ruskega mafijca ali pa od koga drugega, tako kot v resničnem življenju pač je.
- Ko vas bodo policisti dobili, ne bo kot v starejših delih ko si lahko plačal varščino in si bil izpuščen iz zapor. Tukaj boš moral posebej podkupit paznike ali koga drugega, ali pa na kak drugačen način pobegniti.
- Nekatere majhne igre bodo izbrisane kot so ko čebela pikne kraljičin tam neke spodaj Razz in so mogel posrkati strup ven.

- Za prvih 15 misij greste v avtomobilsko tovarno, seveda lahko ostale ukradete, bodo pa tudi kolesa. Pozneje pa boste lahko uporabljal veliko in mislim res VELIKO avtomobilov, koles, ladij, čolnov in ostalih transportnih vozil.

- GTA IV bo uporabljal grafiko ki so jo uporabljale igre pri Table Tennis, Actua-Pong. Oblačila bodo odvisna od skina, pa tudi predmeti bodo lepše oblike in bolj dodelani.
- V mestu boste lahko našli ptičji »drek« in morda bo celo dim od cigaretov.

- Tukaj bo 10 radijskih postaj, katerih signal bo oslabljen v tunelu ali zraven visokih zgradb, pravijo pa tudi, da bo zvok "ubijalski"

Rony-e ::

Pa še ena nova postaja

Rony-e ::

sam nikjer ne piše da bi prišla na PC

SmeskoSnezak ::

Idi na wikipedio, zgoraj nekje je link nekdo dal. Spodaj pod člankom imaš povezave do prejšnjih verzij GTA. In si ob strani poglej datume izidov. Mogoče boš uvidel, zakaj sn reko, da pride naslednje leto.
@ Pusti soncu v srce... @

Rony-e ::

smesko snezak mi poveš stran

SmeskoSnezak ::

Joj, ti nesrečnik...

klik1 klik2 klik3
Glej na desni strani "Release date(s)".
@ Pusti soncu v srce... @

Rony-e ::

Kdaj pa pride GTa IV

SmeskoSnezak ::

Pride , ko pride. Do zdaj so še vedno naredli za PC. Ne se bat. ;)
@ Pusti soncu v srce... @

Rony-e ::

:) dobto te če takl praviš

Rony-e ::

Ej kaj gta liberty city in voce city stories prideta tut na PC

Rony-e ::

Samo se rs da čakat do 2 leta GTA IV

Rony-e ::

GTA IV pride 19.10.2007 za PS3 in XBOX360 in valda bo okoli junija 2008 prisu se za PC.

Rony-e ::

Če ima kdo kakšne informacije o tej igri naj prosim napiše... mene najbolj zanima če bo igra narejena za PC ker sem na enem forumu zasledil da naj nebi bila... pa nekako ne vrjamem....

Tilen ::

Rony-e, po objavljenem postu imaš zgoraj desno tudi možnost "Popravi". Začni jo uporabljat.

Rony-e ::

So že nove slike za gta Iv?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Tilen ()

Rony-e ::

gta iv pride naslednjo leto za pc

OldSkul ::

Najbrž ne, če so zamaknili izzid na leto 2008 za konzole. Verjetno bo l. 2009 šele na pcju>:D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: OldSkul ()

belowZero ::

Kar se igralnosti tiče bo vrjetn ful dobr sam grafika me skrbi, ker me je san andreas tut čist razočaru zarad grafike.:(

destroyer2k ::

Ja grafika pa en more biti neki zlo napredna ker je razdeljeno na več delov in imajo na voljo malo memorije tako da ne morejo dati detalje zelo dobre. Za primer lahko je gow ko so pa mali placi pa je zelo dobra grafika.

TokioGangsta ::

komi čakam tale špil ej upam da bom kmal za pc
Asus P5K ~ Q6600 ~ 8800GTS 320MB~ Crucial 2GB 800MHZ ~
Enermax 500W ~ Antec Nine Hundred ~ Tarantula & Lachesis

Rony-e ::

GTa IV stane 69,90 Euros

tx-z ::

Js upam da bo ql! Heh, stari dobri Liberty city ;)

aron ::

Ja se strinjam da stane 69,90eur.Samo kaj je sploh toliko zanimivega v tej igri saj ni nič posebnega edino je da je dobro delati misije:D


en kolega mi je povedo, da baje ne bo za pc, ampak samo za konzole. koliko od tega je res?

bi0s ::

Nevem zakaj nebi, saj so skoraj vse bile za pc od gta1 do gta:sa razen Liberty city stories, ki pa ni nevem kaj pomembna, tak da pomoje bo za pc, itak.

jeanmike ::

Grand Theft Auto video game franchise, announced for release by Rockstar Games within February–April of 2008 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360



keri kreteni so tile iz rockstar games;((

Horsechoker ::

Pač gledajo $/€ in kaj je najbolje za njih. So pa kljub temu cipe, to pa ja...
But I don't want to be dead. I want to be alive. Or a cowboy.

SmeskoSnezak ::

Nekaj novega. Poglejte video. ;)
@ Pusti soncu v srce... @

profii ::

tale trailer mi ni prov nč ušeč. kaj bo tale gta IV film al igrca? vrjetn bo izgubil na igralnosti. vendar močno upam da se motim.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Grand Theft Auto VI (strani: 1 2 3 48 9 10 11 )

Oddelek: Igre
507111085 (820) oo7

Grand Theft Auto V (strani: 1 2 3 445 46 47 48 )

Oddelek: Igre
2390464425 (31041) Kayzon

GTA 4 PC (strani: 1 2 3 429 30 31 32 )

Oddelek: Igre
1590146404 (15611) mahone

GTA IV (strani: 1 2 3 4 )

Oddelek: Igre
17418608 (9981) laught

GTA IV (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Igre
567404 (5847) cloud

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