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GeForce2 True Image Quality & Performance?

GeForce2 True Image Quality & Performance?

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Pred kratkim je Senitel objavil link, ki naj bi prikazal superiornost slike GF2 nad Voodoo5.

Ok, pa poglejmo kakšno kvaliteto slike premore GeForce2 v najbolj običajni igri z UT pogonom. Seveda boste nekateri takoj pomislili: "Eh, UT, to še TNT1 poganja brez problema!" No, pa se prepričajte na lastne oči koliko je temu res.
Ladies and gentlemen, GeForce2 GTS 64MB in Deus Ex:

Ja res, Senitel ima prav, samo poglejte te "Pixel Shaderje" v akciji! >:D >:D

Ok, gremo dalje. Performance Dot3 produkta! Ja res, tudi sam moram priznati, link, ki ga je objavil Senitel, me je impresioniral (no joke). Slika GeForca2 je bila resnično lepša od tiste na V5 (no doubt about it). Samo tukaj se človek vpraša: "Kaj pa performance?". No, pa si to poglejmo.
Performance Dot3 v igri Evolva (a must-have za vse pro-rivaše!):

Tako, pa smo prišli do zaključka tega Mini-Super-Duper-GF2-Indepth-Review (hihi). :D

Za pravi celoten Review 'VisionTek 64MB GeForce2 GTS' kartice, pa obiščite tale link! Enjoy. ;)

Senitel ::

Prvi screen shot: Z-buffer aliasing vzrok? 16 bitni back buffer -> 16 bitni z buffer...
Per pixel lighting hitrost:
Multi-pass rendering accounts for the large performance drop when enabling Dot3 in Evolva on a GTS. It remains to be seen what the performance of Dot3 would be like if this were not the case (i.e. multi-pass rendering as is the case specifically with Evolva the way the game was designed). However, the GTS chipset has some functionality that could either alleviate the need for multi-pass rendering altogether, or improve performance during multi-pass operations; unfortunately this functionality will only be exposed through DirectX8. Whether or not these operations will be utilised by developers with DX8 games is another question, enticed and possibly distracted as they might become by full DX8 Pixel Shader functionality. For a breakdown of these operations please see here.
Having said this, 50FPS with these settings is still a very playable speed, and the image quality improvements are undeniably noticeable.

Men en sample z uporabo per pixel lightinga v DX8 nardi čez 60fps na 1920x1200x32 bpp...

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