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ram za amd64

ram za amd64

DrSulcDJ ::

Koliko se bi mi poznalo pri navijanju na amd 64 nf4 sistemu z:

-razne Value verzije ?

proc bo 3000 venice, plata dfi lp nf4, grafa pa ali 6600gt ali 6800@gt

Mogoče se kak drug predlog ?
p.s.: kaj je bolje: manj rama(1gb-xl,c2,..) in bolj navit ali vec rama(value,..) in manj navit ?
lp sulc

eDDi ::

kkšen cenovni rang je to?

DrSulcDJ ::

hum... nisem točno odločen. recimo max 50k.
lp sulc

eDDi ::

mal preko 50 so geil one bh5, okol 40 so pa geil ultrax.

DrSulcDJ ::

Koliko se pozna pri performancah amd64 nf4 sistema ? Nekje sem zasledil, da bistveno manj, kot recimo na intelih.
lp sulc

itak37 ::

Test pravi, da bos pridobil bore malo...

The biggest deal for many people will be the results using standard PC-3200 RAM and higher memory dividers. While you won't be able to match the performance of a system that uses better quality RAM, the largest margin of victory was still under 10% (not counting instances where 2T command rates were used). The average was closer to 5%, and realistically, you won't notice a 5% performance loss. Outside of games, the performance losses attributed to value RAM are even less, with video encoding only losing a few percentages in speed. What it really comes down to is cost. We used a $190 CPU with $85 and $150 RAM. Going with a 3000+ and the value RAM saves almost $125 and should get you about 90 to 95% of the performance of the more expensive setup. That $125 could then be put towards a faster GPU, which will have a far greater impact on games than a 200 or even 400 MHz CPU upgrade.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: itak37 ()

DrSulcDJ ::

koliko se potem navijejo - za razliko od njihovih hitrejsih bratov - razni Value modeli ramov ?
lp sulc

itak37 ::

Navijejo se sicer manj, zato pa imas memory divider na NF4.
AMD64 so zaradi vgrajenega memory kontrolerja manj obcutljivi na hitrost RAM-a.
V glavnem, pridobis povprecno 3-5% performansa, placas pa 25K SIT vec.
Jest bi tistih 25K SIT-ov dal raje kam drugam, npr. se en HDD pa RAID 0 al pa hitrejsa graficna.
Po drugi strani pa nekaterim ful pomaga pri samozavesti, ce imajo hitre rame v podpisu8-)
Preberi si celoten clanek, je kar zanimiv...

DrSulcDJ ::

V nasprotnem primeru se razmisljal o dvojni kolicini rama. Samo ne vem, ce je value dobra izbira - navaden ram, brez hladilnih ploscic ? koliko pridobim z navitjem cpu in gpu ? koliko se da pri zracnem hlajenju, da je se stabilno ? trenutno imam thoroughbreda A, pa se mi ne pusti kaj dosti navijat, kljub odlicni nf2 epox rda plosci...
lp sulc

itak37 ::

Tukaj je en test o vplivu CPU-ja pri igrah. Bottom line - AMD64 3000 nenavit je prav dovolj za vse igre trenutno. Ce so ti igre glavne, si kupi 3000 Venice in daj vec denarja v GPU. Glede value RAM-a, pa itak ne pridobis skoraj nic z navijanjem RAM-a, tako da lahko preprosto dvignes delilnik RAM-a in ti bo deloval pri nizji frekvenci.

Everything we said in our previous article called Contemporary CPUs and New Games: No Way to Delusions! was absolutely right. It is true: you don’t need a high-end processor for real gaming with realistic settings and high image quality. The gaming performance will still be limited by the graphics card. The recommended system requirements mentioned by all the game developers are absolutely correct. Do not be surprised that the game developers mention Pentium 4 3GHz+ and Athlon 64 2GHz+ processors as the minimum suitable CPUs for comfortable gameplay, even though today we can get 3.8GHz Intel CPUs and 2.8GHz AMD CPUs easily. It is true that faster CPUs than those mentioned in the minimum system requirements do not really stimulate and significant fps rate increase. So, the slower processors models from the Pentium 4 and Athlon 64 processor families can cope easily with the latest generation 3D shooters. So, if you already have one of those CPUs in your home system, then you shouldn’t worry about upgrading them for your gaming needs.
So, the best gaming system configuration from the price-to-performance point of view should definitely include a powerful graphics card, which will determine not only the image quality, but the gaming comfort in general. As for the CPU, you shouldn’t spend tons of money for a high-end model. You will be able to get almost the same performance from a CPU like Athlon 64 3200+ or Pentium 4 650.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: itak37 ()

DrSulcDJ ::

Tako ali tako imam namen kupiti venice 3000. koliko se ga da naviti z zalmanom 7000cu na min obratih ?
se gf 6800le pcie dajo odklepat ? ali samo agp ? oz. katera firma gf 6600gt se najbolje navija ?
lp sulc

Dr_M ::

pri a64 so zelo pomembni timingi ramov. je kr nuja.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

DrSulcDJ ::

zaradi cesa ? kje se to pozna ? koliko je razlike ?
lp sulc

Jan987 ::

al je pol boljš če navijaš kupt 2giga navadnega rama, kot pa 1 giga hudega pa uporabljat delilnik?

Fizikalko ::

Dr_M spet klobasa.... Ja, CL2 je pa res nuja... lepo te prosm.

Dr_M ::

Fizikalko: no ko bos pa mel a64, bos pa povedu, do takrat pa ne laji...
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Fizikalko ::

Ga mam, btw. Podpis spremenim v kratkem,, se mi še ne da.

Vredno ogleda ...

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