Forum » Problemi človeštva » Patenti programske opreme ?
Patenti programske opreme ?

BigWhale ::
Da obudim staro temo in ne odpiram nove.
Se en izmed patentov, ki je naravnost bizaren.
Microsoft je patentiral IsNot operater, ki primerja dve spremenljivki in pove ali kazeta na isti naslov v pomnilniku.
Se en izmed patentov, ki je naravnost bizaren.
Microsoft je patentiral IsNot operater, ki primerja dve spremenljivki in pove ali kazeta na isti naslov v pomnilniku.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kuglvinkl ()

slovencl ::
Mene pa zanima, če bodo sprejeli patentiranje programske opreme, a bodo potem ameriški patenti veljali tudi v evropi (a veljajo že zdaj), ali bodo potem morali vse njihove patente prijavit tudi tukaj?

gpg ::
Evropski patentni urad je podelil 30 000 programskih patentov brez ustrezne zakonske podlage (2/3 podjetjem v ZDA in na Japonskem). Patenti prijavljeni v ZDA ne bodo veljali v EU.
Odgovore na tovrstna vprašanja lahko dobiš na forumu
Odgovore na tovrstna vprašanja lahko dobiš na forumu

Thomas ::
Če je šerif pobesil vse klošarje in pretepel vso mularijo na poti v šolo, potem je ta šerif sam zrel za obesit. Tudi, če se je tako obnašalo 1000 šerifov. Pošlješ nanje pač vojsko, če drugače ne gre.
NI pa to argument za ukinitev šerifovih uradov po celi državi.
NI pa to argument za ukinitev šerifovih uradov po celi državi.

MrStein ::
Kaj pa če je 99% šerifov takšnih ?
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

Thomas ::
Če so vsi šerifi taki, je pač potrebno vse te šerife dvigniti na prvo vejo. Ne pa tudi požgati šerifskih pisarn.
Samo v resnici NISO vsi šerifi taki. Morda bi bili med grivastimi pavijani pa res. Med ljudmi niso.
Samo v resnici NISO vsi šerifi taki. Morda bi bili med grivastimi pavijani pa res. Med ljudmi niso.

jype ::
Problem ni v šerifu. Problem je v zakonodaji.
Zakonodaja pravi, da imaš take in take pravice do svojega avtorskega dela. Druga zakonodaja pravi, da te pravice lahko nekomu odvzameš, če plačaš ustrezen znesek državi.
Zakonodaja pravi, da imaš take in take pravice do svojega avtorskega dela. Druga zakonodaja pravi, da te pravice lahko nekomu odvzameš, če plačaš ustrezen znesek državi.

JerKoJ ::
Veliki kit glede MS isNot operatorja se ni treba bat - velja sam za BASIC
So pa zmagal, ker glupane je to pustu patentirat, takoj bi ga k Vilfanu poslov na izpit iz prevajalnikov.
Ce stvar ni leksikalno pravilno vrzi ven error, ce stvar ni sintakticno pravilna vrz ven error in tudi
ce stvar ni semanticno pravilno vrz ven error. Ce je pa vse ok pa genereri kodo. Ampak to se ni vse
pol pejt se naprej po kodi gledat, ce mogoce se zmer kaksen isNot operator not nastopa.
jest tole predlagam za patent meseca (nov. 2004)

So pa zmagal, ker glupane je to pustu patentirat, takoj bi ga k Vilfanu poslov na izpit iz prevajalnikov.
Ce stvar ni leksikalno pravilno vrzi ven error, ce stvar ni sintakticno pravilna vrz ven error in tudi
ce stvar ni semanticno pravilno vrz ven error. Ce je pa vse ok pa genereri kodo. Ampak to se ni vse
pol pejt se naprej po kodi gledat, ce mogoce se zmer kaksen isNot operator not nastopa.
jest tole predlagam za patent meseca (nov. 2004)


MrStein ::
... ki v originalu zveni čist drugače : European CEOs back software patents
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

_sem_ ::
Direktiva zavrnjena...

Gandalfar ::
European Parliament says no to software patents, yes to innovation
Strasbourg, 6 July 2005 -- The European Parliament today decided by a large
majority to reject the software patents directive. This rejection was the
logical answer to the Commission's refusal to restart the legislative process
in February and the Council's unwillingness to engage in any kind of dialogue
with the Parliament. The FFII congratulates the European Parliament on its
clear "no" to bad legislative proposals and procedures.
This is a great victory for those who have campaigned to ensure that European
innovation and competitiveness is protected from the threat of software and
business process patents. It marks the end of this attempt by the European
Commission to codify into law the US-style practice of the European Patent
Office. We believe that the Parliament's work, in particular the 21 compromise
amendments, provides a good basis on which future legislative projects can
Rejection provides breathing space for new initiatives based on all the
gained during the last five years. All institutions are now fully aware of the
concerns of all stakeholders. However, the fact that the Council Common
Position needs 21 amendments in order to be transformed into a coherent piece
of legislation indicates that the text is simply not ready to enter the
Conciliation between Parliament, Commission and Council. We hope the Commission
and Council will at least respond to the concerns raised by Parliament the next
time, in order to avoid this sort of backlash in the future.
Jonas Maebe, FFII Board Member, comments on the outcome of today's vote:
"This result clearly shows that thorough analysis, genuinely concerned citizens
and factual information have more impact than free ice-cream, boatloads of
hired lobbyists and outsourcing threats. I hope this turn of events can give
people new faith in the European decision making process. I also hope that it
will encourage the Council and Commission to model after the European
Parliament in terms of transparency and the ability of stakeholders to
participate in the decision-making process irrespective of their size."
The FFII wishes to thank all those people who have taken the time to contact
their representatives. We also thank the numerous volunteers who have so
generously given their time and energy. This is your victory as well as the
Background Information
Free ice-cream for patentability
Software patent lobbyists add boats to their arsenal
Pictures of the boating
Permanent link to this press release
Contact Information
Hartmut Pilch and Holger Blasum
FFII Munich Office
Rufus Pollock
Jonas Maebe
Dieter Van Uytvanck
About FFII --
The Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) is a
non-profit association registered in several European countries, which
is dedicated to the spread of data processing literacy. The FFII
supports the development of public information goods based on
copyright, free competition, open standards. More than 600 members,
3,000 companies and 90,000 supporters have entrusted the FFII to act
as their voice in public policy questions concerning exclusion rights
(intellectual property) in data processing. The FFII maintains offices
in Munich and Brussels and national supporter groups in most European
European Parliament says no to software patents, yes to innovation
Strasbourg, 6 July 2005 -- The European Parliament today decided by a large
majority to reject the software patents directive. This rejection was the
logical answer to the Commission's refusal to restart the legislative process
in February and the Council's unwillingness to engage in any kind of dialogue
with the Parliament. The FFII congratulates the European Parliament on its
clear "no" to bad legislative proposals and procedures.
This is a great victory for those who have campaigned to ensure that European
innovation and competitiveness is protected from the threat of software and
business process patents. It marks the end of this attempt by the European
Commission to codify into law the US-style practice of the European Patent
Office. We believe that the Parliament's work, in particular the 21 compromise
amendments, provides a good basis on which future legislative projects can
Rejection provides breathing space for new initiatives based on all the
gained during the last five years. All institutions are now fully aware of the
concerns of all stakeholders. However, the fact that the Council Common
Position needs 21 amendments in order to be transformed into a coherent piece
of legislation indicates that the text is simply not ready to enter the
Conciliation between Parliament, Commission and Council. We hope the Commission
and Council will at least respond to the concerns raised by Parliament the next
time, in order to avoid this sort of backlash in the future.
Jonas Maebe, FFII Board Member, comments on the outcome of today's vote:
"This result clearly shows that thorough analysis, genuinely concerned citizens
and factual information have more impact than free ice-cream, boatloads of
hired lobbyists and outsourcing threats. I hope this turn of events can give
people new faith in the European decision making process. I also hope that it
will encourage the Council and Commission to model after the European
Parliament in terms of transparency and the ability of stakeholders to
participate in the decision-making process irrespective of their size."
The FFII wishes to thank all those people who have taken the time to contact
their representatives. We also thank the numerous volunteers who have so
generously given their time and energy. This is your victory as well as the
Background Information
Free ice-cream for patentability
Software patent lobbyists add boats to their arsenal
Pictures of the boating
Permanent link to this press release
Contact Information
Hartmut Pilch and Holger Blasum
FFII Munich Office
Rufus Pollock
Jonas Maebe
Dieter Van Uytvanck
About FFII --
The Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) is a
non-profit association registered in several European countries, which
is dedicated to the spread of data processing literacy. The FFII
supports the development of public information goods based on
copyright, free competition, open standards. More than 600 members,
3,000 companies and 90,000 supporters have entrusted the FFII to act
as their voice in public policy questions concerning exclusion rights
(intellectual property) in data processing. The FFII maintains offices
in Munich and Brussels and national supporter groups in most European

krho ::
In močno upam, da je tole doknočno.
In močno upam, da je tole doknočno.
si.Mail odprto-kodni odjemalec elektronske pošte. -
Uredite si svojo zbirko filmov, serij in iger -
Uredite si svojo zbirko filmov, serij in iger -

Gandalfar ::
ce bos dobro prebral bos videl, da smo sicer dobili bitko, ampak vojne se zdalec ni konec..

Gandalfar ::
Direktiva zavrnjena! (6. julij)
Evropski parlament je v sredo 6. julija na plenarni seji v drugem branju z velikansko večino glasov zavrnil direktivo kakršno je predlagala evropska komisija in, ki bi legalizirala programske patente v EU.
Za pokončno držo in nedvoumno glasovanje želimo evropskim poslancem izreči iskreno zahvalo. Takšne odločitve vračajo upanje v transparentnost in legitimnost evropskega demokratičnega procesa, katerega odločilni del mora tudi v prihodnosti ostati parlament!
Posebno bi se radi zahvalili tudi vsem sedmim slovenskim poslankam in poslancem: Mihu Brejcu, Mojci Drčar Murko, Romani Jordan Cizelj, Jelku Kacinu, Ljudmili Novak, Borutu Pahorju in Alojzu Peterletu. Kljub pomanjkanju časa so bili pripravljeni poslušati argumente vseh strani in se na koncu odločiti preudarno.
vec: stran na
Evropski parlament je v sredo 6. julija na plenarni seji v drugem branju z velikansko večino glasov zavrnil direktivo kakršno je predlagala evropska komisija in, ki bi legalizirala programske patente v EU.
Za pokončno držo in nedvoumno glasovanje želimo evropskim poslancem izreči iskreno zahvalo. Takšne odločitve vračajo upanje v transparentnost in legitimnost evropskega demokratičnega procesa, katerega odločilni del mora tudi v prihodnosti ostati parlament!
Posebno bi se radi zahvalili tudi vsem sedmim slovenskim poslankam in poslancem: Mihu Brejcu, Mojci Drčar Murko, Romani Jordan Cizelj, Jelku Kacinu, Ljudmili Novak, Borutu Pahorju in Alojzu Peterletu. Kljub pomanjkanju časa so bili pripravljeni poslušati argumente vseh strani in se na koncu odločiti preudarno.
vec: stran na

MrStein ::
A se da kje videt, kako so naši predstavniki glasovali ?
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Padec direktive o patentiranju softwara (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 )Oddelek: Novice / Industrijska lastnina | 22542 (18418) | |ucko |
» | Predstavitev in razprava o programskih patentihOddelek: Novice / Industrijska lastnina | 5854 (4474) | _sem_ |
» | Programski patentiOddelek: Novice / Industrijska lastnina | 3831 (3831) | MrStein |
» | Alarm: nam bo vstop v EU prinesel programske patente? (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Industrijska lastnina | 10927 (10927) | krho |