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Izkoriscanje otrok kot cloveski scit

Izkoriscanje otrok kot cloveski scit

tikitoki ::

Uporaba ljudi, se posebaj otrok za clovestki scit je res poden in seveda vojni zlocin.

Ste vedeli, da Izrael uporablja palestince za cloveski scit? Tudi sam sem presenecen kako nizko gredo Izraelci, tu jih pa veliko ljudi se podpira.

  • zaklenil: bluefish ()

tikitoki ::


o Children of the Gaza Strip have suffered from the consequences of the Israeli military aggression that targeted their homes and infrastructures, such as water, electricity and sewerage networks as well as telephone lines and roads. Moreover, some children were used by the invading Israeli forces as human shields.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: kow ()

Matheus ::

Bluefish zaklep?

Sicer pa ironično, da to prihaja s strani podpornika teroristov iz Palestine, ki dejansko uporabljajo vse civiliste (ne zgolj otroke) kot človeški ščit.

kow ::

Zaklep, da.

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