Forum » Problemi človeštva » Zakaj so največkrat muslimani teroristi?
Zakaj so največkrat muslimani teroristi?

VelikiTun ::
Bi rad podoben link za Slovenijo in druge evropske države? Morda za ZDA, ki uči kvazi demokracijo, hkrati pa krati novinarsko svobodo?

amigo_no1 ::
Najdi še za Kitajsko, Sirijo, Somalijo, Savdsko Arabijo in Uzbekistan ter se odloči katera država je na vrhu seznama.
Vir ?
really. 60-70% sveta se ne strinja, da bi iran imel jedersko orožje. edini prijatelji irancev so rusi in kitajci
Vir ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: amigo_no1 ()

mtosev ::
Bi rad podoben link za Slovenijo in druge evropske države? Morda za ZDA, ki uči kvazi demokracijo, hkrati pa krati novinarsko svobodo?
The government of Iran is criticized both for restrictions and punishments that follow the Islamic Republic's constitution and law, and for actions that do not, such as the torture, rape, and killing of political prisoners, and the beatings and killings of dissidents and other civilians.
Tega ni v evropi razen mogoče v belorusiji
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

mtosev ::
tam so večinoma teroristi in njihovi podporniki. so pa tudi nedolžni ljudje, večina ljudi tam pa je teroristov ali pa so njihovih simpatizerji
drugače je Bagram dosti večji od Gitmota
drugače je Bagram dosti večji od Gitmota

Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()

VelikiTun ::
Oh, točno. Ker so tam domnevni teroristi, je teptanje osnovnih človekovih pravic, ki so zajete tako v ameriški ustavi kot v Ženevski konvenciji, sprejemljivo.

Invictus ::
really. 60-70% sveta se ne strinja, da bi iran imel jedersko orožje. edini prijatelji irancev so rusi in kitajci
Poleg Pakistancev in praktično vseh Arabcev.
ne, terorizem je takrat, ko v 90% ciljaš civilne tarče in civiliste
Ti si tukaj 70 let prepozen.
Že v 2. svetovni vojni je bilo 90% mrtvih civilistov. A je bila 2. svetovna vojna terorizem?
Oh, točno. Ker so tam domnevni teroristi, je teptanje osnovnih človekovih pravic, ki so zajete tako v ameriški ustavi kot v Ženevski konvenciji, sprejemljivo.
Seveda ZDA so pa pravi vzor spoštovanje človekovih pravic. Mislim dajmo iti tja na izobraževanje.
vse te države ne grozijo eni državi, da jo želijo izbrisati iz obličja zemlje. v tem je razlika. malo daj v google pa boš vido o čem se gre
pozabil si še na pakistance in indijce
Ti si pozabil tudi na Izraelce, Južnoafričani in Brazilce. Seveda nismo omenili Kitajcev.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Invictus ()

mtosev ::
tele teroriste in domnevne teroriste zdržujejo še drugje po svetu s privoljenjem tujih vlad. google black site prison CIA black sites
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()

VelikiTun ::
Eto, še en dokaz za izjemno spoštovanje človekovih pravic s strani kavbojev in "zaveznikov".
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: VelikiTun ()

mtosev ::
An estimated 50 prisons have been used to hold detainees in 28 countries, in addition to at least 25 more prisons in Afghanistan and 20 in Iraq. It is estimated that the U.S. has also used 17 ships as floating prisons since 2001, bringing the total estimated number of prisons operated by the U.S. and/or its allies to house alleged terrorist suspects since 2001 to more than 100.
Countries that held suspects on behalf of the U.S. include Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Libya, Lithuania, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Somalia, South Africa, Thailand, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and Zambia.
Countries that held suspects on behalf of the U.S. include Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Libya, Lithuania, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Somalia, South Africa, Thailand, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and Zambia.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()

T-h-o-r ::
invictus, ne si izmišljat podatkov
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

mtosev ::
Eto, še en dokaz za izjemno spoštovanje človekovih pravic s strani kavbojev in "zaveznikov".
večina "teh" držav je demokratičnih držav. kaj pa za iran in podobne države ne moremo trditi
Democracy Index @ Wikipedia
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

VelikiTun ::
Itak, ker so demokratične, pa je vse dovoljeno. Daj, ozri se kdaj skozi okno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: VelikiTun ()

mtosev ::
rajše bi živel v ZDA, Nemčiji, Izraelu, Poljskem, VB,...kot v kakšnem Iranu
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()

Gladi ::
marijancek je izjavil:
tradicija. zakaj je pa največ židov genijev? tudi tradicija. pa še geni malo.
V poprečju so Japonci pametnejši od židov tako da ta tvoja teorija ne drži. Je na internetih študija o tem, mal pogooglej, ker men se trenutno ne da.

kunigunda ::
marijancek je izjavil:
tradicija. zakaj je pa največ židov genijev? tudi tradicija. pa še geni malo.
V poprečju so Japonci pametnejši od židov tako da ta tvoja teorija ne drži. Je na internetih študija o tem, mal pogooglej, ker men se trenutno ne da.
Glih v povprecju niso, njih je 127 mio izraelcev pa 8, pol bi kvecjemu rekl da so Indijci :P
Med top 100 je drugace mnogo americanov in britancov, ne vem pa ce obstaja kje statistika povprecja glede na populacijo drzave.

Mipe ::
marijancek je izjavil:
tradicija. zakaj je pa največ židov genijev? tudi tradicija. pa še geni malo.
V poprečju so Japonci pametnejši od židov tako da ta tvoja teorija ne drži. Je na internetih študija o tem, mal pogooglej, ker men se trenutno ne da.
Predvsem gre za to, da zgodovinsko gledano so bili Židje premožnejši, zato so si lahko privoščili napredno izobraževanje. Premožnejši > boljša izobrazba. Sedaj, ko imamo dostopnejše izobraževanje, pa Židje nimajo več intelektualne premoči.
Kar pa zadeva muslimanov, Islam je najbolj konservativna religija. Vsi vemo, kako lahko je manipulirati konservativno rajo; poglejte samo krščansko Evropo med srednjim vekom, verno rajo se je dalo prepričati v marsikaj, dokler niso imeli vsega poln kufer in se spuntali.
Zdaj se muslimani puntajo. Arabska pomlad. Sledi dostopnejša izobrazba in vse več ljudi bo začelo razmišljati z lastno glavo, namesto da bi poslušali raznim imamom in mulam. Ergo, vse manj kandidatov za teroriste.

jype ::
mtosev> edini prijatelji irancev so rusi in kitajci
To očitno ne drži, glede na to da se polovica evrope vozi in greje na iransko nafto.
Prav tako ne drži, da bi Iran rad napadel ali okupiral Izrael (je pa Ahmadinedžad obseden s tem, ampak očitno ne bo več dolgo).
Tako kot Iranci si tudi mi želimo, da bi Iran še vedno bil demokratična država, pa so ZDA poskrbele za umor šefa demokratično izvoljene vlade, namesto njega pa so nastavili idiota (če bi vsaj _to_ naredili prav in bi bil Iran danes bolj podoben Japonski kot Severni Koreji, bi se pacifisti precej manj vsajali).
To očitno ne drži, glede na to da se polovica evrope vozi in greje na iransko nafto.
Prav tako ne drži, da bi Iran rad napadel ali okupiral Izrael (je pa Ahmadinedžad obseden s tem, ampak očitno ne bo več dolgo).
Tako kot Iranci si tudi mi želimo, da bi Iran še vedno bil demokratična država, pa so ZDA poskrbele za umor šefa demokratično izvoljene vlade, namesto njega pa so nastavili idiota (če bi vsaj _to_ naredili prav in bi bil Iran danes bolj podoben Japonski kot Severni Koreji, bi se pacifisti precej manj vsajali).

DragonHeart ::
A mi zna kdo to razložiti?
že nakaj časa me zanima zakaj je ravno največ teroristov muslimanov in še nisem uspel priti do razlage. v koranu namreč ne piše nič o takšem ali drugačnem nasilju na drugače misleče, različne rase, veroizpovedi,..
oglej si te filmčke:
Moje problem v koranu ampak v tem da so ljudje ovce. Tako kot se da kristjane prepričati da je prava le krščanska vera, ostalo pa je manjvredno, tako se da muslimane prepričati da svojo vero lahko izkažejo le tako, da poizkusijo iztrebiti vse ki verujejo v karkoli drugega.
ovce. Le pastirja rabijo, ki njihovo neumno glavo izkoristi za svojo korist.
Sicer pa bi se lahko pvosem isto zgodilo s katerimkoli drugim človekom....muslimane le izkoriščajo s tem da si koran razlagajo tako da opravičijo teroristične napade...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DragonHeart ()

detroit ::
No neki sm najdu, ce je to to:
@Mipe, kr kul si napisu
tolk zmanipuliranga lista jst še nism v življenju vidu

Iatromantis ::
Mipe-a za precednika!
Kogar zanima vzpon radikalne interpretacije Islama, ki uporablja terorizmom, naj si ogleda odličen dokumentarec Adama Curtisa z naslovom "The Power of Nightmares". V njem predstavi razvoj te ideologije, vzporedna tema pa je podobne razvoj interpretacije sveta s strani fundamentalnih evangeličanov v Ameriki, kar ima za posledico vojno proti terorizmu, ki je zgolj surogat nove svetovne nevarnosti po propadu komunizma.
Kogar zanima vzpon radikalne interpretacije Islama, ki uporablja terorizmom, naj si ogleda odličen dokumentarec Adama Curtisa z naslovom "The Power of Nightmares". V njem predstavi razvoj te ideologije, vzporedna tema pa je podobne razvoj interpretacije sveta s strani fundamentalnih evangeličanov v Ameriki, kar ima za posledico vojno proti terorizmu, ki je zgolj surogat nove svetovne nevarnosti po propadu komunizma.

kunigunda ::
No neki sm najdu, ce je to to:
@Mipe, kr kul si napisu
tolk zmanipuliranga lista jst še nism v življenju vidu
Torej bos prilimal bolj verodostojnega, jest sm iskal zgolj 10 minut nism si prevec cajta vzel, so bli pa kar podobni na prvih dveh straneh googlovih zadetkov.

JanK ::
Biblija naj bi (spet je nisem prebral) vsebovala ogromno nasilja in obstaja kar nekaj zanimivih youtube filmčkov, kjer razlagajo kaj vse naj bi bog dovolil in zahteval in podobno. In ker naj bi bila biblija tako zelo krvava, to, da ima koran "precej manj" nasilja, pravzaprav ni več zelo relavantno.
Se pa zavedam, da youtube filmčki, takšni in drugačni, niso lih zanesljivi. Gledal sem npr. Sama Harrisa, Hitchensa, Dawkinsa in podobne, pa youtube userje nonstampcollector.
Priporocam branje "The Skeptic's Annotated Bible", kjer so linki do "seksi" koncev v bibliji, naprimer
Under God's direction, Moses' army defeats the Midianites. They kill all the adult males, but take the women and children captive. When Moses learns that they left some live, he angrily says: "Have you saved all the women alive? Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." So they went back and did as Moses (and presumably God) instructed, killing everyone except for the virgins. In this way they got 32,000 virgins -- Wow! (Even God gets some of the booty -- including the virgins.)
An angel drops by to rebuke the Israelites for being too tolerant of the religious beliefs of the people they have been massacring. He tells them that since they didn't complete their job (of killing everyone), God will not completely drive them out (like he promised to do). Instead he'll keep some of them around so that the Israelites will be ensnared by their false gods. 2:1-3
Lot and his daughters camp out in a cave for a while. The daughters get their "just and righteous" father drunk, and have sexual intercourse with him, and each conceives and bears a son (wouldn't you know it!). Just another wholesome family values Bible story.
Handicapped people cannot approach the altar of God. They would "profane" it. Gensis 21:16-23
Podobni linki so tudi za korana.
"Think about how stupid the average person is,
then realize that 50% are stupider than that"
-George Carlin
then realize that 50% are stupider than that"
-George Carlin

Poldi112 ::
čudno, da zavračajo neodvisen dostop do jederskih objektov in požvižgajo razne UN resolucije.
naj se iranci uprejo in izpeljejo revolucijo in ne bo potrebe po kakršnikoli vojni
Za razliko od USA, ki dovolijo ogled svojih objektov? Mimogrede, katera država je že bila, ki je uporabila jedrsko orožje v vojni?
Glede revolucije, a bi rad, da spet pride USA in jim jo sesuje, ker se bo ljudstvo narobe odločilo?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()

nuclear ::
V bistvu je tko. Poglej kateri teritorij je najbolj naseljen z muslimani. Puščave in podobno. Res je da imajo nafto, ampak to je potem bogatih le nekaj ljudi v državi.
Terorizem, ubijanje je posledica revščine in neizobraženosti.
Revščina, ker nimajo kaj drugega delati, se gredo terorizma, in dobijo imo tudi kaj.
Neizobraženost pa pač pripomore, da jih "najebejo" da v imenu boga ubijajo, in da so Američani slabi(seveda so, samo ne vsi Američani, tako kot vsaka država ima slabosti).
Terorizem, ubijanje je posledica revščine in neizobraženosti.
Revščina, ker nimajo kaj drugega delati, se gredo terorizma, in dobijo imo tudi kaj.
Neizobraženost pa pač pripomore, da jih "najebejo" da v imenu boga ubijajo, in da so Američani slabi(seveda so, samo ne vsi Američani, tako kot vsaka država ima slabosti).
Asus G14 2023 - Ryzen 7940HS - 32GB DDR5 - GeForce RTX 4080 - 990 PRO 4TB

nuclear ::
Puščava - reven predel. To sem mislil.
Asus G14 2023 - Ryzen 7940HS - 32GB DDR5 - GeForce RTX 4080 - 990 PRO 4TB

kunigunda ::
Vej vem kaj si mislu, sam pol bi blo 3/4 afrike pa kitajske tud teroristov, pa temu ni tko. Igra palestina pa religija vecjo vlogo.
Puscave so namrec zlo redko naseljene pa se to bolj beduini ki za terorizem niti ne vedo :P
Puscave so namrec zlo redko naseljene pa se to bolj beduini ki za terorizem niti ne vedo :P
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kunigunda ()

Karaya 52 ::
Indonezija niti priblizo ni puscava in je prva najvecja muslimanska drzava na svetu.
Dobro, te teme se vedno sprevrzejo v neke otrocje, visoko vnetljive debate, pomesane s smrdecim ideoloskim drekom, tako da jih ponavadi sploh ne odpiram. Ampak nekaj je zanimivo... medtem ko bi naj bil Mohamed Merah samo zblazneli osamljeni jezdec... mu moramo priznati, da ima veliko somisljenikov v Franciji. Takole protestirajo (vecinoma mlade gospodicne, kje so tipi?) v cast Merahu, medtem ko je nek profesor ta teden zgubil sluzbo, ker je v razredu zahteval minuto tisine v spomin na klavca iz Toulousa. Baaah, zanimivi so ti primeri, ko imas v razredu Turka in Amrenca in vprasanje genocida prvih nad slednjimi. Kaksno je realna napetos med zidovskimi in arabskimi cetrtmi nisem uspel ugotoviti. Tli tam nek...
Dobro, te teme se vedno sprevrzejo v neke otrocje, visoko vnetljive debate, pomesane s smrdecim ideoloskim drekom, tako da jih ponavadi sploh ne odpiram. Ampak nekaj je zanimivo... medtem ko bi naj bil Mohamed Merah samo zblazneli osamljeni jezdec... mu moramo priznati, da ima veliko somisljenikov v Franciji. Takole protestirajo (vecinoma mlade gospodicne, kje so tipi?) v cast Merahu, medtem ko je nek profesor ta teden zgubil sluzbo, ker je v razredu zahteval minuto tisine v spomin na klavca iz Toulousa. Baaah, zanimivi so ti primeri, ko imas v razredu Turka in Amrenca in vprasanje genocida prvih nad slednjimi. Kaksno je realna napetos med zidovskimi in arabskimi cetrtmi nisem uspel ugotoviti. Tli tam nek...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Karaya 52 ()

nuclear ::
Vej vem kaj si mislu, sam pol bi blo 3/4 afrike pa kitajske tud teroristov, pa temu ni tko. Igra palestina pa religija vecjo vlogo.
Puscave so namrec zlo redko naseljene pa se to bolj beduini ki za terorizem niti ne vedo :P
V bistvu je vsak terorist, ki ubija zame.. Poglej, kjerkoli je revščina je terorizem... Muslimani so pač naseljeni na revnih področjih.
Pač ko si rekel, da je polovica sveta teroristov... so:
Asus G14 2023 - Ryzen 7940HS - 32GB DDR5 - GeForce RTX 4080 - 990 PRO 4TB

nuclear ::
No, bi te rad vidu, ko ne bi mel kej za jest.
Asus G14 2023 - Ryzen 7940HS - 32GB DDR5 - GeForce RTX 4080 - 990 PRO 4TB

IceIceBaby ::
ne, terorizem je takrat, ko v 90% ciljaš civilne tarče in civiliste
Včeraj sem gledal modern marvels. Po tej definiciji bi bič velik del 2. svetovne vojne terorizem.
Bombing of Dresden in World War II @ Wikipedia
Bombing of Tokyo @ Wikipedia
Tarče so bili vedno civilisti. Američani so pobili cca 200k ljudi v enem napadu (preden so sploh uporabili nuke).

mtosev ::
Saj je bil tudi bombing of London. vojna je pač vojna, terorizem pa je drugo. 9/11 je bil terorizem, tisti napad alžirca v franciji je bil tudi terorizem, napadi v Mardidu 2004, London 2005, Rusija napadi seperatistov,...
mater so nekateri ljudje kreteni Beslan school hostage crisis @ Wikipedia
mater so nekateri ljudje kreteni Beslan school hostage crisis @ Wikipedia
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()

jype ::
IceIceBaby> Po tej definiciji bi bič velik del 2. svetovne vojne terorizem.
A tebi se ni zdel? Saj v Vietnamu so celo rekli temu (bombardiranju prebivališč civilnega prebivalstva in obdelovalnih površin) Terror bombing.
mtosev> Saj je bil tudi bombing of London.
Bil je tudi Breivik.
A tebi se ni zdel? Saj v Vietnamu so celo rekli temu (bombardiranju prebivališč civilnega prebivalstva in obdelovalnih površin) Terror bombing.
mtosev> Saj je bil tudi bombing of London.
Bil je tudi Breivik.

mtosev ::
tudi on je bil terorist, ja
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

kunigunda ::
Skratka, ce povzamemo samo ameriko, potem naslov teme ne drzi:
Chronological Summary of Terrorist Incidents in the United States 1980-2005
Date Location Incident Type
Perpetrator Killed Injured
1/7/1980 San Juan, PR Pipe Bombing Anti-Communist Alliance
1/13/1980 New York, NY Bombing Omega 7 4
1/13/1980 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
1/19/1980 San Juan, PR Bombing Omega 7
3/12/1980 Hato Rey, PR Armed Assault Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
3/15/1980 Chicago, IL Hostile Takeovers (2) Armed Forces of National Liberation
3/17/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters 3
3/25/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing Omega 7
4/19/1980 Chattanooga, TN Shooting Justice Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 4
4/30/1980 New York, NY Assault Revolutionary Communist Party
6/3/1980 Washington, DC Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
6/3/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
7/14/1980 Dorato, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
San Juan, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
7/14/1980 Ponce, PR Multiple Arsons (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
Mayaguez, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
7/22/1980 Hato Rey, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Revolutionary Commandos of the People,
Santurce, PR Ready and at War
Rio Piedras, PR
8/20/1980 Berkeley, CA Pipe Bombing Iranian Free Army 2
9/11/1980 New York, NY Shooting Omega 7 1
10/7/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing International Committee Against Nazism
10/12/1980 New York, NY Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 4
10/12/1980 Hollywood, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 1
10/14/1980 Fort Collins, CO Shooting Libyan Revolutionary Committee 1
12/21/1980 New York, NY Pipe Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
12/30/1980 Hialeah, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
1/8/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple IncendiaryBombings (3) People's Revolutionary Commandos
Ponce, PR
Rio Piedras, PR
1/12/1981 San Juan, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
1/23/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
1/26/1981 San Francisco, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League/American Revenge
2/2/1981 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Bombing 3-Oct
2/9/1981 Eugene, OR Assault Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
2/22/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation
of Armenia
3/15/1981 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
4/21/1981 Santurce, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
4/27/1981 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Iranian Patriotic Army
5/16-18/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Puerto Rican Armed Resistance 1
6/25/1981 Torrance, CA Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defenders
6/26/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
7/30/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Libyan Students
8/7/1981 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover People's Mujahedin Organization of Iran 3
8/20/1981 Washington, DC Arson Black Brigade
8/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
8/27/1981 Carolina, PR Bombing Grupo Estrella
8/31/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Jewish Defense League
9/3-4/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
9/9/1981 Washington, DC Assault Concerned Sierra Leone Nationals
9/11/1981 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
9/12/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Omega 7
9/22/1981 Schenectady, NY Bombing Communist Workers Party
9/24/1981 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
10/1/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia
10/25/1981 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
11/11/1981 Santurce, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
11/14/1981 Glen Cove, NY Shooting Unaffiliated Extremists
11/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide
11/27/1981 Fort Buchanan, PR Shooting National Liberation Movement 1
11/27/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
Condado, PR
12/24/1981 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Jewish Defense League
1/28/1982 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
2/19/1982 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
2/19/1982 Washington, DC Bombing Jewish Defense League
2/21/1982 Rio Piedras, PR Pipe Bombing Antonia Martinez Student Commandos
2/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (4) Armed Forces of National Liberation
3/22/1982 Cambridge, MA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
4/5/1982 Brooklyn, NY Arson Jewish Defense League 1 7
4/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
Bayamon, PR Labor Self-Defense Group
4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
Labor Self-Defense Group
5/4/1982 Somerville, MA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
5/16/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/ 1 3
Group for the Liberation of Vieques
5/17/1982 Union City, NJ Incendiary Bombing Omega 7
5/19/1982 Villa Sin Miedo, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1 12
5/20/1982 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
5/25/1982 San German, PR Kidnapping Grupo Estrella 1
5/30/1982 Van Nuys, CA Attempted Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of
6/10/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Bombings (3) Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
7/4/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Croatian Freedom Fighters
Astoria, NY Bombings (2)
7/5/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Jewish Defense League
Bombings (2)
8/20/1982 Old San Juan, PR Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
9/1/1982 Naranjito, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
9/2/1982 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
9/8/1982 Chicago, IL Bombing Omega 7
9/20/1982 New York City, NY Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
9/25/1982 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
10/15/1982 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover Islamic Extremists
10/22/1982 Philadelphia, PA Attempted Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
11/4/1982 New York City, NY Smoke Bombing Jewish Defense League
11/16/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Robberies (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
12/8/1982 Washington, DC Attempted Bombing Norman David Mayer 1
12/16/1982 Elmont, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
12/21/1982 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
12/22/1982 McLean, VA Hostile Takeover People of Omar
12/31/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Armed Forces of National Liberation 3
1/11-12/83 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (3) Omega 7
1/28/1983 New York City, NY Bombing Revolutionary Fighting Group
2/13/1983 Medina, ND Shooting Sheriff's Posse Comitatus 2 4
2/15/1983 Killeen, TX Hijacking Hossein Olya
2/19/1983 Washington, DC Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
3/20/1983 San Antonio, TX Bombing Republic of Revolutionary
4/26/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
4/27/1983 Miami, FL Attempted Bombings (4) Haitian Extremists
4/29/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Hostile Takeover Ejercito Popluar Boricua Macheteros
5/12/1983 Uniondale, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
5/13/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
5/27/1983 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
7/8/1983 Miami, FL Kidnapping Ejercito Revolucionario Del Pueblo
7/15/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Attempted Incendiary Bombing Fuqra
8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Shooting Fuqra 1
8/9/1983 Detroit, MI Arson Fuqra 2
8/16/1983 Los Angeles, CA Hostile Takeover Carlos Martinez
8/18/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
8/21/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
8/27/1983 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Unknown
10/12/1983 Miami, FL Pipe Bombing Omega 7
10/30/1983 Hato Rey, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
11/7/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
12/13-14/83 East Meadow, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
New York City, NY
1/29/1984 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
2/23/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Jewish Direct Action
3/19/1984 Harrison, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
4/5/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
4/20/1984 Washington, DC Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
5/9/1984 New York City, NY Attempted Assassination Bashir Baesho
8/22/1984 Melville, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
9/26/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
9/26/1984 Mount Pleasant, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
12/10/1984 Levittown, PR Multiple Bombings (5) Organization of Volunteers for the
Rio Piedras, PR Puerto Rican Revolution
Ponce, PR
Mayaguez, PR
Cayey, PR
1/25/1985 Old San Juan, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution
2/23/1985 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
5/15/1985 Northridge, CA Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
8/15/1985 Paterson, NJ Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 1
9/6/1985 Brentwood, NY Bombing Jewish Defense League 1
10/11/1985 Santa Ana, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 7
11/6/1985 Bayamon, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1
1/6/1986 Cidra, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Ejercito Revolucionario Clandestino/ National Revolutionary Front of Puerto Rico
Toa Baja, PR
Guanica, PR
Santurce, PR
3/17/1986 Ponce, PR Attempted Bombing Commando Rojo
4/14/1986 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution
4/29/1986 San Juan, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1 1
5/14/1986 Phoenix, AZ Sabotage Earth First Organization
9/2/1986 New York City, NY Tear Gas Bombing Jewish Defense League 17
9/15/1986 Coeur d'Alene, ID Pipe Bombing Aryan Nations
9/29/1986 Coeur d'Alene, ID Multiple Bombings (4) Aryan Nations
10/20/1986 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
10/28/1986 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
Fajardo, PR
Mayaguez, PR
Aguadilla, PR
Santurce, PR
Fort Buchanan, PR
11/4/1986 Puerta De Tierra, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
12/28/1986 Yauco, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
Guayama, PR
4/16/1987 Davis, CA Arson Animal Liberation Front
5/25/1987 Caguas, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Guerrilla Forces of Liberation
Carolina, PR
Mayaguez, PR
Cidra, PR
Aibonita, PR
Ponce, PR
11/9/1987 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist
International Conspiracy
1/12/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Incendiary Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
Bombings (2)
5/26/1988 Coral Gables, FL Bombing Organization Alliance of Cuban
7/22/1988 Caguas, PR Pipe Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
9/19/1988 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
9/25/1988 Grand Canyon, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
10/25/1988 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
11/1/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
4/3/1989 Tucson, AZ Arson Animal Liberation Front
6/19/1989 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
7/3-4/89 Lubbock, TX Malicious Destruction of Property
Animal Liberation Front
1/12/1990 Santurce, PR Multiple Pipe Bombings (2) Eugenio Maria de Hostos International Brigade of the Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
Carolina, PR
2/22/1990 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
4/22/1990 Santa Cruz County, CA Malicious Destruction of Property Earth Night Action Group
5/27/1990 Mayaguez, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
9/17/1990 Arecibo, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Group Revolutionary Forces
Vega Baja, PR
2/3/1991 Mayaguez, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
2/18/1991 Sabana Grande, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
3/17/1991 Carolina, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
4/1/1991 Fresno, CA Bombing Popular Liberation Army
7/6/1991 Punta Borinquen, PR Bombing Popular Liberation Army
4/5/1992 New York, NY Hostile Takeover Mujahedin-E-Khalq
11/19/1992 Urbana, IL Attempted Firebombing Mexican Revolutionary Movement
12/10/1992 Chicago, IL Car Fire and Attempted Boricua Revolutionary Front
Firebombing (2)
2/26/1993 New York, NY Car Bombing International Islamist Extremists 6 1042
7/20-22/93 Tacoma, WA Multiple Bombings (2) American Front Skinheads
11/27-28/93 Chicago, IL Firebombings (9) Animal Liberation Front
3/1/1994 New York, NY Shooting Rashid Najib Baz 1 3
4/19/1995 Oklahoma City, OK Truck Bombing Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols 168 754
(Michael Fortier found guilty of failing to alert authorities of plot)
4/1/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
Spokane Bank Robbers
7/12/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
Spokane Bank Robbers
7/27/1996 Atlanta, GA Pipe Bombing Eric Robert Rudolph 2 112
1/2/1997 Washington, DC Letter Bombing Unknown
Leavenworth, KS (Counted as 1 incident)
1/16/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Abortion Clinic
Eric Robert Rudolph 8
2/21/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Alternative Lifestyle Nightclub
Eric Robert Rudolph 5
1/29/1998 Birmingham, AL Bombing of Reproductive Services Clinic
Eric Robert Rudolph 1 1
3/31/1998 Arecibo, PR Bombing of Superaqueduct Construction Project
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
6/9/1998 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
6/25/1998 Santa Isabel, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros suspected
6/27/1998 Espanola, NM Arson Raymond Anthony Sandoval
10/19/1998 Vail, CO Arson Fire at Ski Resort
Earth Liberation Front
3/19/1999 Santa Fe, NM Attempted Bombing Raymond Anthony Sandoval
3/27/1999 Franklin Township, NJ
Bombing of Circus Vehicles
Animal Liberation Front
4/5/1999 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Malicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
5/9/1999 Eugene, OR Bombing Animal Liberation Front
7/2-4/99 Chicago, IL Multiple Shootings Benjamin Nathaniel Smith 2 8
Skokie, IL
Northbrook, IL
Bloomington, IN
8/10/1999 Granada Hills, CA Multiple Shootings Buford O'Neal Furrow 1 5
8/28-29/99 Orange, CA Malicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
10/24/1999 Bellingham, WA Malicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
11/20/1999 Puyallup, WA Malicious Destruction Animal Liberation Front
12/25/1999 Monmouth, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
12/31/1999 East Lansing, MI Arson Earth Liberation Front
1/3/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
1/15/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
1/22/2000 Bloomington, IN Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/7/2000 Olympia, WA Arson Revenge of the Trees
7/2/2000 North Vernon, IN Arson Animal Liberation Front
7/20/2000 Rhinelander, WI Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
12/1/2000 Phoenix, AZ Multiple Arsons Mark Warren Sands
12/9-30/00 Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
Multiple Arsons Earth Liberation Front
1/2/2001 Glendale, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
2/20/2001 Visalia, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
3/9/2001 Culpeper, VA Tree Spiking Earth Liberation Front
3/30/2001 Eugene, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
4/15/2001 Portland, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/17/2001 Harrisburg, PA Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
5/21/2001 Seattle, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/21/2001 Clatskanie, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
7/24/2001 Stateline, NV Destruction of Property Earth Liberation Front
9/9/2001 Morgantown, WV Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
9/11/2001 New York, NY Aircraft Attack Al-Qa'ida 2972 est. 12000
Washington, DC
New Cumberland, PA
9/01-11/01 New York, NY Bacillus anthracis Unknown 5 17
Washington, DC Mailings
Lantana, FL
10/14/2001 Litchfield, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
11/12/2001 San Diego, CA Burglary and Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
3/18/2002 Erie, PA Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
3/24/2002 Erie, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/11-12/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front
7/4/2002 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Hesham Mohamed Ali Hedayat 2
8/02-10/02 Henrico and Goochland Counties, VA
Vandalism and Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front
8/11/2002 Warren, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
9/15-16/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front
11/26/2002 Harborcreek, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front
1/1/2003 Girard, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
3/3/2003 Chico, CA Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
8/03-9/03 San Diego, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
8/22/2003 West Covina, CA Vandalism and Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front
8/28/2003 Emeryville, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected
9/26/2003 Pleasanton, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected
1/19/2004 Henrico County, VA
Arson Earth Liberation Front Suspected
4/1/2004 Oklahoma City, OK Arson Sean Michael Gillespie/Aryan Nations
4/20/2004 Redmond, WA Vandalism and Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/04-7/04 Provo, UT Vandalism and Arson Animal Liberation Front
12/27/2004 Lincoln, CA Attempted Arson Earth Liberation Front
1/05-2/05 Auburn, CA Attempted Arson and Arson
Earth Liberation Front
Sutter Creek, CA
4/13/2005 Sammanish, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
7/7/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal rights extremists Suspected
9/16/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal Liberation Front
11/20/2005 Hagerstown, MD Arson Earth Liberation Front
Chronological Summary of Terrorist Incidents in the United States 1980-2005
Date Location Incident Type
Perpetrator Killed Injured
1/7/1980 San Juan, PR Pipe Bombing Anti-Communist Alliance
1/13/1980 New York, NY Bombing Omega 7 4
1/13/1980 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
1/19/1980 San Juan, PR Bombing Omega 7
3/12/1980 Hato Rey, PR Armed Assault Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
3/15/1980 Chicago, IL Hostile Takeovers (2) Armed Forces of National Liberation
3/17/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters 3
3/25/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing Omega 7
4/19/1980 Chattanooga, TN Shooting Justice Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 4
4/30/1980 New York, NY Assault Revolutionary Communist Party
6/3/1980 Washington, DC Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
6/3/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
7/14/1980 Dorato, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
San Juan, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
7/14/1980 Ponce, PR Multiple Arsons (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
Mayaguez, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
7/22/1980 Hato Rey, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Revolutionary Commandos of the People,
Santurce, PR Ready and at War
Rio Piedras, PR
8/20/1980 Berkeley, CA Pipe Bombing Iranian Free Army 2
9/11/1980 New York, NY Shooting Omega 7 1
10/7/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing International Committee Against Nazism
10/12/1980 New York, NY Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 4
10/12/1980 Hollywood, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 1
10/14/1980 Fort Collins, CO Shooting Libyan Revolutionary Committee 1
12/21/1980 New York, NY Pipe Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
12/30/1980 Hialeah, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
1/8/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple IncendiaryBombings (3) People's Revolutionary Commandos
Ponce, PR
Rio Piedras, PR
1/12/1981 San Juan, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
1/23/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
1/26/1981 San Francisco, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League/American Revenge
2/2/1981 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Bombing 3-Oct
2/9/1981 Eugene, OR Assault Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
2/22/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation
of Armenia
3/15/1981 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
4/21/1981 Santurce, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
4/27/1981 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Iranian Patriotic Army
5/16-18/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Puerto Rican Armed Resistance 1
6/25/1981 Torrance, CA Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defenders
6/26/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
7/30/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Libyan Students
8/7/1981 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover People's Mujahedin Organization of Iran 3
8/20/1981 Washington, DC Arson Black Brigade
8/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
8/27/1981 Carolina, PR Bombing Grupo Estrella
8/31/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Jewish Defense League
9/3-4/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
9/9/1981 Washington, DC Assault Concerned Sierra Leone Nationals
9/11/1981 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
9/12/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Omega 7
9/22/1981 Schenectady, NY Bombing Communist Workers Party
9/24/1981 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
10/1/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia
10/25/1981 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
11/11/1981 Santurce, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
11/14/1981 Glen Cove, NY Shooting Unaffiliated Extremists
11/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide
11/27/1981 Fort Buchanan, PR Shooting National Liberation Movement 1
11/27/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
Condado, PR
12/24/1981 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Jewish Defense League
1/28/1982 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
2/19/1982 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
2/19/1982 Washington, DC Bombing Jewish Defense League
2/21/1982 Rio Piedras, PR Pipe Bombing Antonia Martinez Student Commandos
2/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (4) Armed Forces of National Liberation
3/22/1982 Cambridge, MA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
4/5/1982 Brooklyn, NY Arson Jewish Defense League 1 7
4/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
Bayamon, PR Labor Self-Defense Group
4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
Labor Self-Defense Group
5/4/1982 Somerville, MA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
5/16/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/ 1 3
Group for the Liberation of Vieques
5/17/1982 Union City, NJ Incendiary Bombing Omega 7
5/19/1982 Villa Sin Miedo, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1 12
5/20/1982 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
5/25/1982 San German, PR Kidnapping Grupo Estrella 1
5/30/1982 Van Nuys, CA Attempted Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of
6/10/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Bombings (3) Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
7/4/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Croatian Freedom Fighters
Astoria, NY Bombings (2)
7/5/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Jewish Defense League
Bombings (2)
8/20/1982 Old San Juan, PR Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
9/1/1982 Naranjito, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
9/2/1982 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
9/8/1982 Chicago, IL Bombing Omega 7
9/20/1982 New York City, NY Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
9/25/1982 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
10/15/1982 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover Islamic Extremists
10/22/1982 Philadelphia, PA Attempted Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
11/4/1982 New York City, NY Smoke Bombing Jewish Defense League
11/16/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Robberies (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
12/8/1982 Washington, DC Attempted Bombing Norman David Mayer 1
12/16/1982 Elmont, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
12/21/1982 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
12/22/1982 McLean, VA Hostile Takeover People of Omar
12/31/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Armed Forces of National Liberation 3
1/11-12/83 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (3) Omega 7
1/28/1983 New York City, NY Bombing Revolutionary Fighting Group
2/13/1983 Medina, ND Shooting Sheriff's Posse Comitatus 2 4
2/15/1983 Killeen, TX Hijacking Hossein Olya
2/19/1983 Washington, DC Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
3/20/1983 San Antonio, TX Bombing Republic of Revolutionary
4/26/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
4/27/1983 Miami, FL Attempted Bombings (4) Haitian Extremists
4/29/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Hostile Takeover Ejercito Popluar Boricua Macheteros
5/12/1983 Uniondale, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
5/13/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
5/27/1983 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
7/8/1983 Miami, FL Kidnapping Ejercito Revolucionario Del Pueblo
7/15/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Attempted Incendiary Bombing Fuqra
8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Shooting Fuqra 1
8/9/1983 Detroit, MI Arson Fuqra 2
8/16/1983 Los Angeles, CA Hostile Takeover Carlos Martinez
8/18/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
8/21/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
8/27/1983 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Unknown
10/12/1983 Miami, FL Pipe Bombing Omega 7
10/30/1983 Hato Rey, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
11/7/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
12/13-14/83 East Meadow, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
New York City, NY
1/29/1984 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
2/23/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Jewish Direct Action
3/19/1984 Harrison, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
4/5/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
4/20/1984 Washington, DC Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
5/9/1984 New York City, NY Attempted Assassination Bashir Baesho
8/22/1984 Melville, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
9/26/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
9/26/1984 Mount Pleasant, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
12/10/1984 Levittown, PR Multiple Bombings (5) Organization of Volunteers for the
Rio Piedras, PR Puerto Rican Revolution
Ponce, PR
Mayaguez, PR
Cayey, PR
1/25/1985 Old San Juan, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution
2/23/1985 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
5/15/1985 Northridge, CA Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
8/15/1985 Paterson, NJ Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 1
9/6/1985 Brentwood, NY Bombing Jewish Defense League 1
10/11/1985 Santa Ana, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 7
11/6/1985 Bayamon, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1
1/6/1986 Cidra, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Ejercito Revolucionario Clandestino/ National Revolutionary Front of Puerto Rico
Toa Baja, PR
Guanica, PR
Santurce, PR
3/17/1986 Ponce, PR Attempted Bombing Commando Rojo
4/14/1986 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution
4/29/1986 San Juan, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1 1
5/14/1986 Phoenix, AZ Sabotage Earth First Organization
9/2/1986 New York City, NY Tear Gas Bombing Jewish Defense League 17
9/15/1986 Coeur d'Alene, ID Pipe Bombing Aryan Nations
9/29/1986 Coeur d'Alene, ID Multiple Bombings (4) Aryan Nations
10/20/1986 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
10/28/1986 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
Fajardo, PR
Mayaguez, PR
Aguadilla, PR
Santurce, PR
Fort Buchanan, PR
11/4/1986 Puerta De Tierra, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
12/28/1986 Yauco, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
Guayama, PR
4/16/1987 Davis, CA Arson Animal Liberation Front
5/25/1987 Caguas, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Guerrilla Forces of Liberation
Carolina, PR
Mayaguez, PR
Cidra, PR
Aibonita, PR
Ponce, PR
11/9/1987 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist
International Conspiracy
1/12/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Incendiary Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
Bombings (2)
5/26/1988 Coral Gables, FL Bombing Organization Alliance of Cuban
7/22/1988 Caguas, PR Pipe Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
9/19/1988 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
9/25/1988 Grand Canyon, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
10/25/1988 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
11/1/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
4/3/1989 Tucson, AZ Arson Animal Liberation Front
6/19/1989 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
7/3-4/89 Lubbock, TX Malicious Destruction of Property
Animal Liberation Front
1/12/1990 Santurce, PR Multiple Pipe Bombings (2) Eugenio Maria de Hostos International Brigade of the Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
Carolina, PR
2/22/1990 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
4/22/1990 Santa Cruz County, CA Malicious Destruction of Property Earth Night Action Group
5/27/1990 Mayaguez, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
9/17/1990 Arecibo, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Group Revolutionary Forces
Vega Baja, PR
2/3/1991 Mayaguez, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
2/18/1991 Sabana Grande, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
3/17/1991 Carolina, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
4/1/1991 Fresno, CA Bombing Popular Liberation Army
7/6/1991 Punta Borinquen, PR Bombing Popular Liberation Army
4/5/1992 New York, NY Hostile Takeover Mujahedin-E-Khalq
11/19/1992 Urbana, IL Attempted Firebombing Mexican Revolutionary Movement
12/10/1992 Chicago, IL Car Fire and Attempted Boricua Revolutionary Front
Firebombing (2)
2/26/1993 New York, NY Car Bombing International Islamist Extremists 6 1042
7/20-22/93 Tacoma, WA Multiple Bombings (2) American Front Skinheads
11/27-28/93 Chicago, IL Firebombings (9) Animal Liberation Front
3/1/1994 New York, NY Shooting Rashid Najib Baz 1 3
4/19/1995 Oklahoma City, OK Truck Bombing Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols 168 754
(Michael Fortier found guilty of failing to alert authorities of plot)
4/1/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
Spokane Bank Robbers
7/12/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
Spokane Bank Robbers
7/27/1996 Atlanta, GA Pipe Bombing Eric Robert Rudolph 2 112
1/2/1997 Washington, DC Letter Bombing Unknown
Leavenworth, KS (Counted as 1 incident)
1/16/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Abortion Clinic
Eric Robert Rudolph 8
2/21/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Alternative Lifestyle Nightclub
Eric Robert Rudolph 5
1/29/1998 Birmingham, AL Bombing of Reproductive Services Clinic
Eric Robert Rudolph 1 1
3/31/1998 Arecibo, PR Bombing of Superaqueduct Construction Project
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
6/9/1998 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
6/25/1998 Santa Isabel, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros suspected
6/27/1998 Espanola, NM Arson Raymond Anthony Sandoval
10/19/1998 Vail, CO Arson Fire at Ski Resort
Earth Liberation Front
3/19/1999 Santa Fe, NM Attempted Bombing Raymond Anthony Sandoval
3/27/1999 Franklin Township, NJ
Bombing of Circus Vehicles
Animal Liberation Front
4/5/1999 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Malicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
5/9/1999 Eugene, OR Bombing Animal Liberation Front
7/2-4/99 Chicago, IL Multiple Shootings Benjamin Nathaniel Smith 2 8
Skokie, IL
Northbrook, IL
Bloomington, IN
8/10/1999 Granada Hills, CA Multiple Shootings Buford O'Neal Furrow 1 5
8/28-29/99 Orange, CA Malicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
10/24/1999 Bellingham, WA Malicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
11/20/1999 Puyallup, WA Malicious Destruction Animal Liberation Front
12/25/1999 Monmouth, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
12/31/1999 East Lansing, MI Arson Earth Liberation Front
1/3/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
1/15/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
1/22/2000 Bloomington, IN Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/7/2000 Olympia, WA Arson Revenge of the Trees
7/2/2000 North Vernon, IN Arson Animal Liberation Front
7/20/2000 Rhinelander, WI Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
12/1/2000 Phoenix, AZ Multiple Arsons Mark Warren Sands
12/9-30/00 Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
Multiple Arsons Earth Liberation Front
1/2/2001 Glendale, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
2/20/2001 Visalia, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
3/9/2001 Culpeper, VA Tree Spiking Earth Liberation Front
3/30/2001 Eugene, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
4/15/2001 Portland, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/17/2001 Harrisburg, PA Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
5/21/2001 Seattle, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/21/2001 Clatskanie, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
7/24/2001 Stateline, NV Destruction of Property Earth Liberation Front
9/9/2001 Morgantown, WV Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
9/11/2001 New York, NY Aircraft Attack Al-Qa'ida 2972 est. 12000
Washington, DC
New Cumberland, PA
9/01-11/01 New York, NY Bacillus anthracis Unknown 5 17
Washington, DC Mailings
Lantana, FL
10/14/2001 Litchfield, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
11/12/2001 San Diego, CA Burglary and Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
3/18/2002 Erie, PA Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
3/24/2002 Erie, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/11-12/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front
7/4/2002 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Hesham Mohamed Ali Hedayat 2
8/02-10/02 Henrico and Goochland Counties, VA
Vandalism and Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front
8/11/2002 Warren, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
9/15-16/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front
11/26/2002 Harborcreek, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front
1/1/2003 Girard, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
3/3/2003 Chico, CA Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
8/03-9/03 San Diego, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
8/22/2003 West Covina, CA Vandalism and Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front
8/28/2003 Emeryville, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected
9/26/2003 Pleasanton, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected
1/19/2004 Henrico County, VA
Arson Earth Liberation Front Suspected
4/1/2004 Oklahoma City, OK Arson Sean Michael Gillespie/Aryan Nations
4/20/2004 Redmond, WA Vandalism and Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/04-7/04 Provo, UT Vandalism and Arson Animal Liberation Front
12/27/2004 Lincoln, CA Attempted Arson Earth Liberation Front
1/05-2/05 Auburn, CA Attempted Arson and Arson
Earth Liberation Front
Sutter Creek, CA
4/13/2005 Sammanish, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
7/7/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal rights extremists Suspected
9/16/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal Liberation Front
11/20/2005 Hagerstown, MD Arson Earth Liberation Front

marko181914 ::

Pithlit ::
marko181914 je izjavil:
V bistvu glih to piše.
Ja dobro jutro no!
Kolk cajta si pa kopal da si to truplo izkopal?
Life is as complicated as we make it...

jype ::
marko181914> V bistvu glih to piše.
Ja, res piše. Verske knjige niso inženirski priročniki, da ne bi smele same sebi nasprotovati. Ker ne moreš hkrati pobijat nevernikov in biti dober z njimi, se torej lahko odločiš, kaj od tega boš. Koran vsekakor oboje daje na izbiro, ampak je tudi jasen glede tega, da vsak vero izbere sam in da je to med posameznikom in bogom in da nikogar ne moreš prisilit v pravo vero (Koran 28:56, na primer, govori točno o tem).
Koran je sicer tudi smotan, ker ateistov ne omenja. Verjetno predvsem zato, ker med pisanjem knjige niso imeli nobenega.
Ja, res piše. Verske knjige niso inženirski priročniki, da ne bi smele same sebi nasprotovati. Ker ne moreš hkrati pobijat nevernikov in biti dober z njimi, se torej lahko odločiš, kaj od tega boš. Koran vsekakor oboje daje na izbiro, ampak je tudi jasen glede tega, da vsak vero izbere sam in da je to med posameznikom in bogom in da nikogar ne moreš prisilit v pravo vero (Koran 28:56, na primer, govori točno o tem).
Koran je sicer tudi smotan, ker ateistov ne omenja. Verjetno predvsem zato, ker med pisanjem knjige niso imeli nobenega.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

nokkj ::
A mi zna kdo to razložiti?
že nakaj časa me zanima zakaj je ravno največ teroristov muslimanov in še nisem uspel priti do razlage. v koranu namreč ne piše nič o takšem ali drugačnem nasilju na drugače misleče, različne rase, veroizpovedi,..
Zakaj postavljaš vprašanja, ki podrazumevajo očitne laži?
Vsak odgovor na to je neumnost, iz neresnice lahko impliciraš karkoli.

ahac ::
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