Forum » Igre » Elden Ring [Great Rune] (FromSoftware)
Elden Ring [Great Rune] (FromSoftware)

yoco ::
A igra kdo z AMD grafično? Danes sem posodobil driverje in vsakič ko sem zagnal igro mi je resetiralo pc. Sem moral zbrisat driverje in naložit stare!

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yoco ()

Lonsarg ::
@oo7, glede na wiki, in tudi jaz nisem drugace zaznal, je za light load prednosti nasteto zgolj daljsi roll distance ter hitrejsi recovery po backstepu.
Skratka edina vecja prednost je daljsi roll, sam je kar precej opazno, pac opazno veckrat kot pri medium se ti zgodi da odrolas dovolj dalec stran v enem rolu, da kljub temu da falis timing si dovolj dalec stran da kak hit ne zadane. Al pa distance naredis z 3 roli za en flask hitreje kot pri medium.
Ampak ja razlika je sicer opazna, ni pa kot noc in dan in res treba precej zrtvovat da to dobis.
Skratka edina vecja prednost je daljsi roll, sam je kar precej opazno, pac opazno veckrat kot pri medium se ti zgodi da odrolas dovolj dalec stran v enem rolu, da kljub temu da falis timing si dovolj dalec stran da kak hit ne zadane. Al pa distance naredis z 3 roli za en flask hitreje kot pri medium.
Ampak ja razlika je sicer opazna, ni pa kot noc in dan in res treba precej zrtvovat da to dobis.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lonsarg ()

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
@oo7, glede na wiki, in tudi jaz nisem drugace zaznal, je za light load prednosti nasteto zgolj daljsi roll distance ter hitrejsi recovery po backstepu.
Skratka edina vecja prednost je daljsi roll, sam je kar precej opazno, pac opazno veckrat kot pri medium se ti zgodi da odrolas dovolj dalec stran v enem rolu, da kljub temu da falis timing si dovolj dalec stran da kak hit ne zadane. Al pa distance naredis z 3 roli za en flask hitreje kot pri medium.
Ampak ja razlika je sicer opazna, ni pa kot noc in dan in res treba precej zrtvovat da to dobis.
Kaj pa blokiranje je kaj razlike med light in med ?
Npr če uporabim ščit kateri bllokira 100% v physical mi Radhan s tremi udarci porabi celotno stamino s četrtim jih pa že na polno kasiram. Mogoče bi z light loadom s stamino prenesel 4 udarce in imel še toliko, da bi udaril nazaj ?

jijetelu ::
Določene udarce je precej lazje dodge rollat na light loadu, recimo od Gaiusa Charge, pri light lahko brez problema skozi njega, pri medium moreš pa rollat cross smer

Lonsarg ::
Za blocking ni razlik v stamina usage med light/medium. Torej light je misljen za to, da ga izkoristih z rolanjem.
Za bose pride meni zelo prav. Vidis tudi precej veliko light roll v PvP, lazje se izognes rollcatch, lazje naredis rollcatch :)
Za bose pride meni zelo prav. Vidis tudi precej veliko light roll v PvP, lazje se izognes rollcatch, lazje naredis rollcatch :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lonsarg ()

oo7 ::
Potem pa oram sprobati en zelo lahek oklep,da vidim ta roll. Mislim, da nisem še nikoli igral,da ne bi imel med load.

oo7 ::
Evo pa je tudi Radhan padel
Sem pa malo razočaran nad koncem samo en kratek cutscen in to je to.

Sem pa malo razočaran nad koncem samo en kratek cutscen in to je to.

oo7 ::
A je možno začeti samo DLC NG+ ali je treba iti še v glavno igro ?
Bom še enkrat preletel DLC,da pobijem še enkrat šefe sem si na mapi označil vsakega šefa katerega sem razbil.
Bom še enkrat preletel DLC,da pobijem še enkrat šefe sem si na mapi označil vsakega šefa katerega sem razbil.

Lonsarg ::
Ne gre direkt, se pa da speedrun naredit pa čimhitreje v main game Radahn in Mogh (tadva sta pogoj) ubit da se odpre DLC.

oo7 ::

jijetelu ::

oo7 ::

jijetelu ::
Njeno runo se odklene skozi portal, ki je na tistem towerju, kamor te v Leydell teleportira past iz liurnije, tower of return.

oo7 ::
Njeno runo se odklene skozi portal, ki je na tistem towerju, kamor te v Leydell teleportira past iz liurnije, tower of return.
Tega pa res nisem vedel.
Pot, do Melanije je zoprna sploh v tisti zimski vasi kjer moraš prižigati ali vgašati ogenj se ne spomnim točno, na tistih stolpih. Lovi te pa nek assassin.

oo7 ::
Kot kaže je rešitev za zadnjega šefa fat roll
Elden Ring players are using the clunky "fat roll" to dodge Shadow of the Erdtree's notorious final boss, and at this point I'm convinced it's genius

Elden Ring players are using the clunky "fat roll" to dodge Shadow of the Erdtree's notorious final boss, and at this point I'm convinced it's genius

jijetelu ::
Pa ja, sicer po svoje žalost, ker kukr gledam majo praktično vsi DLC bossi tako butaste exploite oz. cheese, da zgleda so pri FromSoftu pri deaignu bosov pozornost posvečal zgolj kako cimbolj kaznovat ustaljen nacin igranja, neke vrste intuicijo, kar je men cista bedarija.

Lonsarg ::
Eh, zaenkrat sem sel par basov skozi na NG+ no summons izziv in se da cisto lepo nastudirat patteren in nekaj casa umiras in nato zmagas, torej lep klasicen souls experiance.
Lahko tudi nagooglas kake taktike ja, lahko pa ne, lastna izbira.
Lahko tudi nagooglas kake taktike ja, lahko pa ne, lastna izbira.

oo7 ::
Fire goleme je pa tudi z lahko ubiti samo če si nekje dovolj visoko, da mu glavo mečeš ognjene lonce.

oo7 ::
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Gets Little Easier. New Update Brings Long-Awaited Change After More Than 2 Years
However, the fans' hearts were won by the change in the "cancel" / "ok" buttons that appear in the pop-up window when we try to summon a dead Torrent. So far, "cancel" was automatically highlighted, which forced the player to perform an additional action. There is probably no need to mention that during intense fighting, this was extremely annoying. From now on, the "ok" option will be selected by default. It's surprising that FromSoftware studio made us wait for this for over 2 years.
However, the fans' hearts were won by the change in the "cancel" / "ok" buttons that appear in the pop-up window when we try to summon a dead Torrent. So far, "cancel" was automatically highlighted, which forced the player to perform an additional action. There is probably no need to mention that during intense fighting, this was extremely annoying. From now on, the "ok" option will be selected by default. It's surprising that FromSoftware studio made us wait for this for over 2 years.

oo7 ::
Zunaj novi patch
Elden Ring Patch 1.13.2 Release Notes
Fixed a bug which caused the Death status ailment from the Skill "Death Flare" to be applied to the Skill "Deadly Poison Spray".
Fixed a bug that caused the power of some attacks used by the NPC "Red Bear" to be higher than intended.
Fixed a bug that prevented players from invading other players' worlds in some areas of Scadu Altus under certain circumstances.
Fixed a bug that allowed Cooperative multiplayer in some areas of Scadu Altus with no area bosses present.
Fixes to adjustments regarding Revered Spirit Ash Blessing and some spirits introduced in App Ver. 1.13 App Ver. 1.13/Regulation Ver. 1.13.1
Fixed a bug where summoned spirits were not correctly receiving the attack power and damage negation increase effect from Revered Spirit Ash Blessing.
Fixed a bug in which the amount of status increase in the following spirits was different than expected.
Elden Ring Patch 1.13.2 Release Notes
Fixed a bug which caused the Death status ailment from the Skill "Death Flare" to be applied to the Skill "Deadly Poison Spray".
Fixed a bug that caused the power of some attacks used by the NPC "Red Bear" to be higher than intended.
Fixed a bug that prevented players from invading other players' worlds in some areas of Scadu Altus under certain circumstances.
Fixed a bug that allowed Cooperative multiplayer in some areas of Scadu Altus with no area bosses present.
Fixes to adjustments regarding Revered Spirit Ash Blessing and some spirits introduced in App Ver. 1.13 App Ver. 1.13/Regulation Ver. 1.13.1
Fixed a bug where summoned spirits were not correctly receiving the attack power and damage negation increase effect from Revered Spirit Ash Blessing.
Fixed a bug in which the amount of status increase in the following spirits was different than expected.

Magic1 ::
Počasi sem prišel do consorta Radahna. Do sedaj nisem imel pretiranih težav s nobenim bosom. Ta mi je pa kar spršil rit. Bo treba mal lik prilagodit, naštudirat move in opremit mal rot in poison pot-e. Bogi mimic dobi hitro okoli kepe.

Magic1 ::
Hehe, sploh ni bilo panike. Rogier's rapier s bleedom in fingerprint shield pa je šlo zelo hitro. V drugi fazi sem mimica poklical in je na koncu ostal s 3/4 healtha.

oo7 ::
Fixed a bug where the cutscene that plays when entering the Shadow Keep Church District would play again when re-entering the area.
Fixed a bug where some of the Golem Fist weapon attacks would not deal damage when the player was affected by certain special effects.
Fixed a bug where the Golem Fist weapon one-handed heavy attack power was lower than expected.
Fixed a bug that prevented the Aspects of the Crucible: Thorns incantation from being cast when used in quick succession.
Fixed a bug where the Smithing Talisman effect did not apply to some weapons' throwing attacks.
Fixed a bug that prevented the use of ashes in some areas of the Scadutree Avatar battle arena.
Fixed a bug where Rellana, Twin Moon Knight would sometimes perform unexpected actions when interacting with objects in the battle area.
Fixed a bug that allowed Skills to be used in incorrect combinations with Weapons under certain circumstances.
Fixed a bug that caused unexpected rendering and behavior of some enemies under certain circumstances.
Fixed a bug where some sound effects did not play correctly.
Several performance improvements and other bug fixes.
Further fixes were added to the game's end credits.

oo7 ::
Elden Ring director Hidetaka Miyazaki says FromSoftware isn't "really considering" Elden Ring 2 right now, but he's still not ruling out more of the Lands Between in the future
FromSoftware has multiple projects in the works right now, but Elden Ring 2 isn't one of them
Dark Souls 4 ne bi bilo slabo :)
FromSoftware has multiple projects in the works right now, but Elden Ring 2 isn't one of them
Dark Souls 4 ne bi bilo slabo :)

oo7 ::
NIGHTREIGN is a standalone adventure within the ELDEN RING universe, crafted to bring a new gaming experience.
RISE TOGETHER Join forces with other players to take on the creeping night and the dangers within featuring 3-player co-op.
BECOME A HERO Take command of uniquely skilled heroes, each possessing their own abilities and distinct flair. While individually powerful, their skills grow even more formidable when united as a team.
TAKE ON THE NIGHT Overcome a relentless environmental threat that sweeps through a land that changes between each game session and defeat the magnificent boss of that night!
NIGHTREIGN is a standalone adventure within the ELDEN RING universe, crafted to bring a new gaming experience.
RISE TOGETHER Join forces with other players to take on the creeping night and the dangers within featuring 3-player co-op.
BECOME A HERO Take command of uniquely skilled heroes, each possessing their own abilities and distinct flair. While individually powerful, their skills grow even more formidable when united as a team.
TAKE ON THE NIGHT Overcome a relentless environmental threat that sweeps through a land that changes between each game session and defeat the magnificent boss of that night!

Enaplusdva ::
Je to nov DLC ? Bo imel novo zgodbo ali je to samo co-op mode ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Enaplusdva ()

Lonsarg ::
Glede na tale post bo to nov locen fight-focused game v Elden Ring Universe, brez neke zgodbe
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lonsarg ()

oo7 ::
Se pravi boš moral ustvariti nov lik ne boš mogel imeti tistega obstoječega iz igre Elden Ring.

Lonsarg ::
Jaz sem iz posta na reditu zastopil da bo to ene vrste Moba-style game, torej vsako rundo posebaj startas iz lvl1.

oo7 ::
Jaz sem iz posta na reditu zastopil da bo to ene vrste Moba-style game, torej vsako rundo posebaj startas iz lvl1.
Kaj to pomeni, da imajo vsi igralci enako sposoben lik, ko pa začneš pa si poiščeš čim boljši meč in opremo in potem v boj ?
Nisem nikoli igral MOBA iger raze PUBG če je kaj podobno temu ?

Lonsarg ::
Moba-style zadeve so narejene kot e-sport. Vsako rundo posebaj se levlas in fightas in je levlanje del taktike (recimo pri Dota/Lol moras velikokrat izbirat med tem ali bos levlal v gozdu ali bos branil tower in tam levlal ali bos sel ubijat sovraznika da se on prevec ne nalevla...).
Ni nujno da bo ta zadeva tocno taka, zna biti da bo kaj bolj unikatnega, ker je omenjeno da bo mozen tudi single player (in tega Moba nimajo), ampak glede na opis gredo priblizno v to smer.
Ni nujno da bo ta zadeva tocno taka, zna biti da bo kaj bolj unikatnega, ker je omenjeno da bo mozen tudi single player (in tega Moba nimajo), ampak glede na opis gredo priblizno v to smer.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lonsarg ()

oo7 ::
V trailerju za Elden Ring Nightreign če je kdo spregledal je kar nekaj šefov iz iger Dark Souls.

oo7 ::
Miyazaki se verjetno posveča kateri SP igri. Ta bo MP če sem prav razumel.
Men je bila Dark Souls 2 igra čisto dobra.
Men je bila Dark Souls 2 igra čisto dobra.

oo7 ::

Gregor459 ::

oo7 ::
Elden Ring Nightreign Rated in Singapore, Revealing New Story and Gameplay Details

jijetelu ::

Gregor459 ::
Eden redkih spilov, ki deluje obratujoče v 2025.
A se jih najde nekaj.
hehe, sej nekaj je lohk tud sam 2
bolj žalost ja, mogoče pa kakšni Indi naslovi presenetijo
Doom Dark Ages
Death stranding 2
Outher world 2
Crimson desert
Gta 6 mogoče

jijetelu ::
Eden redkih spilov, ki deluje obratujoče v 2025.
A se jih najde nekaj.
hehe, sej nekaj je lohk tud sam 2
bolj žalost ja, mogoče pa kakšni Indi naslovi presenetijo
Doom Dark Ages
Death stranding 2
Outher world 2
Crimson desert
Gta 6 mogoče
Od vseh naštetih mogoče edin Death Strand. 2., drugi četudi bodo dobro narejeni me ne vleče sploh. Potencial ima se Tsushima 2 kao (uradni naslov je tako Yotei al neki), ce bodo opustili klasično open world spamanje, pa ce bo dodanega kej v stilu Legends. To je pa zame tud vse skoraj, od najavljenega.