Forum » Sedem umetnosti » Raised by Wolves TV serija (Ridley Scott)
Raised by Wolves TV serija (Ridley Scott)
Temo vidijo: vsi
oo7 ::
Prvi opis prve epizode druge sezone.
Zaenkrat kaže kar dobro
Zaenkrat kaže kar dobro
oo7 ::
BaTeMaN ::
He he he, nisi.. sicer sem začel gledat DARK ampak tole res komaj čakam :) pa trailer mi je hud, sem bil hypan za westworld.. ki so ga ubili tko da zdaj je to to
less then zero
BaTeMaN ::
A westworlda ne bo več?
Bo letos, ampak mi je padla kvaliteta in interes exponentno.
less then zero
Gregor P ::
Meni se je ta serija tako vlekla.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
driver_x ::
BaTeMaN ::
Tud jaz sem bil šokiran... sploh zadnji del RbW je težka zadeva za pogoltnit :)
ampak sem zdaj vmes gledal vele opevane zadeve, k so vsi ultra navdušeni nad njimi in jaz nekako nisem... priznam, da je moj neokus čuden
Tako, da se vračam k seriji z upanjem da bo bolje...
Morda je prva sezona le en velik uvod.
Iskreno do trejlerja sem bil hladen, zdaj pa sem ful veselim (ni za vsakega, westworld je zame iskreno samo Anthony Hopkins - brez njega pa.. je padla naprimer ena čisto preprosta scena pa tako napeta
Aaron Paul in Vincent Cassel nista pripomogla čeprav oba zelo cenim kot igralca drugje. Sploh pa mi primerjava teh dveh zadev ni všeč. Oboje gledam, oboje sem gledal več kot enkrat.
ampak sem zdaj vmes gledal vele opevane zadeve, k so vsi ultra navdušeni nad njimi in jaz nekako nisem... priznam, da je moj neokus čuden
Tako, da se vračam k seriji z upanjem da bo bolje...
Morda je prva sezona le en velik uvod.
Iskreno do trejlerja sem bil hladen, zdaj pa sem ful veselim (ni za vsakega, westworld je zame iskreno samo Anthony Hopkins - brez njega pa.. je padla naprimer ena čisto preprosta scena pa tako napeta
Aaron Paul in Vincent Cassel nista pripomogla čeprav oba zelo cenim kot igralca drugje. Sploh pa mi primerjava teh dveh zadev ni všeč. Oboje gledam, oboje sem gledal več kot enkrat.
less then zero
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BaTeMaN ()
Kurzweil ::
Kako kaže seriji te dni? Namreč težko sem pričakoval sam začetek, tako da sem pogledal 1. sezono... ko pa je stvar začela delovat malce češko in zmedeno, pa me slednja ni ravno posrkala, da bi jo pogledal do konca, pa sem vseeno nekako zdržal... torej sedaj je zunaj že 2. sezona? Kaže seriji kaj bolje?
oo7 ::
Kako kaže seriji te dni? Namreč težko sem pričakoval sam začetek, tako da sem pogledal 1. sezono... ko pa je stvar začela delovat malce češko in zmedeno, pa me slednja ni ravno posrkala, da bi jo pogledal do konca, pa sem vseeno nekako zdržal... torej sedaj je zunaj že 2. sezona? Kaže seriji kaj bolje?
Prva epizoda druge sezone izide 3 februarja 2022 se pravi čez dva dni. Potem pa verjetno vsak teden ena epizoda.
Bo pa imela druga sezona samo 8 epizod prva jih je imela 10.
oo7 ::
Tud jaz sem bil šokiran... sploh zadnji del RbW je težka zadeva za pogoltnit :)
ampak sem zdaj vmes gledal vele opevane zadeve, k so vsi ultra navdušeni nad njimi in jaz nekako nisem... priznam, da je moj neokus čuden
Tako, da se vračam k seriji z upanjem da bo bolje...
Morda je prva sezona le en velik uvod.
Tista kača na koncu ti ni bila ravno všeč če se prav spomnim
BaTeMaN ::
Tud jaz sem bil šokiran... sploh zadnji del RbW je težka zadeva za pogoltnit :)
ampak sem zdaj vmes gledal vele opevane zadeve, k so vsi ultra navdušeni nad njimi in jaz nekako nisem... priznam, da je moj neokus čuden
Tako, da se vračam k seriji z upanjem da bo bolje...
Morda je prva sezona le en velik uvod.
Tista kača na koncu ti ni bila ravno všeč če se prav spomnim![]()
Nice brain :) 10/10
less then zero
BaTeMaN ::
Pravilno se spomniš :)
Velikanske leteče kače so torej neke vrste zmaji GOTa v RbW :) Bo treba sprejet. Šele zdej sem dojel to podobnost.. ko dany postane mother of dragons... in mother postane mamica velikanski kači v istem delu prve sezone LoL :)
Velikanske leteče kače so torej neke vrste zmaji GOTa v RbW :) Bo treba sprejet. Šele zdej sem dojel to podobnost.. ko dany postane mother of dragons... in mother postane mamica velikanski kači v istem delu prve sezone LoL :)
less then zero
oo7 ::
Pravilno se spomniš :)
Velikanske leteče kače so torej neke vrste zmaji GOTa v RbW :) Bo treba sprejet. Šele zdej sem dojel to podobnost.. ko dany postane mother of dragons... in mother postane mamica velikanski kači v istem delu prve sezone LoL :)
Ampak na tistem planet je bilo še pred rojstvom kače polno nekih velikih okostij je tako ?
Moram nujno pogledat poživitveni video preden se začne druga sezona
BaTeMaN ::
Kepler-22b is an extrasolar planet orbiting around the star Kepler-22. It is about 587 light-years (180 pc) from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus. Kepler-22b's radius is roughly 2.4 times that of Earth.[1]
Its mass and surface composition appears to be primarily sand and rock with some trees and vegetation. The local plantlife is very Earth-like, with tuberous, succulent desert plants called as "carbos", and deciduous tree-like plants in the mountains. There are large pits in the ground, the origin of which are unknown, that contain radioactive material and are alarmingly deep. The pits appear to also serve as tunnels in some areas. The land is also covered with serpent-like skeletons of an unknown origin and nature.
The planet is partially hollow: the large, radioactive pits scattered across the surface penetrate all the way to the planet's core, which is a massive cavern containing an enormous, gravitationally suspended sphere of what appears to be magma. Although the heat close to the core is extreme, it is possible to travel from one side of the planet to the other via these pits using a lander.
Soil is fertile and crops can be grown, but the weather conditions are harsh. The mountainous region where the Atheist colony was established had a badlands-like climate that fluctuated between below-freezing temperatures with frequent snow flurries at night, to relatively hot and arid during the day. This region also bordered a large desert. However, the planet also has a "tropical zone" that is said to be significantly milder and easier for humans to live in.
The presence of radioactive pits[3] across Kepler-22b's surface pose great health risks to humans. There is also an an unidentified species of feral creature that are hostile to humans, but these can be hunted and eaten by humans.
Previous civilization
Kepler-22b appears to have been inhabited at some point, as a large stone dodecahedron was discovered by the Mithraics in one of the planet's desert regions. A humanoid entity who was dressed in rags was also encountered by the Mithraics; this entity was intelligent enough to make a crude map of the region surrounding the desert and the Atheist colony, and possessed metal cards that were engraved with symbols and encoded with data that could be read by an android. There were also the remains of an ancient android that was the focus of an unknown ritual held by other humanoids.
Based on the appearance of a humanoid that Mother killed and a chemical analysis of a human neanderthal skull in its possession, Father concluded that humans had previously inhabited Kepler-22b long ago. For unknown reasons these humans had devolved into more primitive forms, including the humanoids and the more numerous feral creatures. It is unclear if the Kepler-22b humans originated on Earth and traveled to Kepler-22b in ancient times, originated on Kepler-22b and colonized Earth, or even originated elsewhere.
Kepler-22b is an extrasolar planet orbiting around the star Kepler-22. It is about 587 light-years (180 pc) from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus. Kepler-22b's radius is roughly 2.4 times that of Earth.[1]
Its mass and surface composition appears to be primarily sand and rock with some trees and vegetation. The local plantlife is very Earth-like, with tuberous, succulent desert plants called as "carbos", and deciduous tree-like plants in the mountains. There are large pits in the ground, the origin of which are unknown, that contain radioactive material and are alarmingly deep. The pits appear to also serve as tunnels in some areas. The land is also covered with serpent-like skeletons of an unknown origin and nature.
The planet is partially hollow: the large, radioactive pits scattered across the surface penetrate all the way to the planet's core, which is a massive cavern containing an enormous, gravitationally suspended sphere of what appears to be magma. Although the heat close to the core is extreme, it is possible to travel from one side of the planet to the other via these pits using a lander.
Soil is fertile and crops can be grown, but the weather conditions are harsh. The mountainous region where the Atheist colony was established had a badlands-like climate that fluctuated between below-freezing temperatures with frequent snow flurries at night, to relatively hot and arid during the day. This region also bordered a large desert. However, the planet also has a "tropical zone" that is said to be significantly milder and easier for humans to live in.
The presence of radioactive pits[3] across Kepler-22b's surface pose great health risks to humans. There is also an an unidentified species of feral creature that are hostile to humans, but these can be hunted and eaten by humans.
Previous civilization
Kepler-22b appears to have been inhabited at some point, as a large stone dodecahedron was discovered by the Mithraics in one of the planet's desert regions. A humanoid entity who was dressed in rags was also encountered by the Mithraics; this entity was intelligent enough to make a crude map of the region surrounding the desert and the Atheist colony, and possessed metal cards that were engraved with symbols and encoded with data that could be read by an android. There were also the remains of an ancient android that was the focus of an unknown ritual held by other humanoids.
Based on the appearance of a humanoid that Mother killed and a chemical analysis of a human neanderthal skull in its possession, Father concluded that humans had previously inhabited Kepler-22b long ago. For unknown reasons these humans had devolved into more primitive forms, including the humanoids and the more numerous feral creatures. It is unclear if the Kepler-22b humans originated on Earth and traveled to Kepler-22b in ancient times, originated on Kepler-22b and colonized Earth, or even originated elsewhere.
less then zero
oo7 ::
Obstaja tudi strip ![:P](
Raised by Wolves on HBO MAX takes place in a world that feels like a mysterious endgame. The comic starts to answer some questions.
Raised by Wolves on HBO MAX takes place in a world that feels like a mysterious endgame. The comic starts to answer some questions.
Kurzweil ::
Outcast ::
donvitoc ::
Vmes zgleda kot bi gameplay iz Red alert 2 vstavili, pa ko s tistim samostrelom sklati letalo, pilot mrtev, se vsede in leti naprej kot da ni nič.
oo7 ::
LeQuack ::
No 2.del mi je bil pa že mal boljši; bo zanimivo kaj bo s tem letečim reptilom...
Kaj je rekla tista androidka, ki je z Markusom, da je treba kačo obvladati ali nekaj takega ?
Ja če si kdaj gledal Neverending story, ko un otrok jaha kačasto žival, tukaj bo podobno. Markus bo jahal to kačo po planetu, dokler se mu ateisti ne pokorijo.
Quack !
oo7 ::
No 2.del mi je bil pa že mal boljši; bo zanimivo kaj bo s tem letečim reptilom...
Kaj je rekla tista androidka, ki je z Markusom, da je treba kačo obvladati ali nekaj takega ?
Ja če si kdaj gledal Neverending story, ko un otrok jaha kačasto žival, tukaj bo podobno. Markus bo jahal to kačo po planetu, dokler se mu ateisti ne pokorijo.
Se pravi se bosta mother in Markus stepla zaradi kače.
Tudi vprašanje ali so imele tiste android oči kakšen vpliv na Markusa razen črt po obrazu.
Gregor P ::
No 2.del mi je bil pa že mal boljši; bo zanimivo kaj bo s tem letečim reptilom...
Kaj je rekla tista androidka, ki je z Markusom, da je treba kačo obvladati ali nekaj takega ?
Ja če si kdaj gledal Neverending story, ko un otrok jaha kačasto žival, tukaj bo podobno. Markus bo jahal to kačo po planetu, dokler se mu ateisti ne pokorijo.
Se pravi se bosta mother in Markus stepla zaradi kače.
Tudi vprašanje ali so imele tiste android oči kakšen vpliv na Markusa razen črt po obrazu.
Markus ima sedaj praktično nadnaravne moči, tako da ...
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
oo7 ::
Se pravi kača ni pobila tistih kolonistov mora biti še nekaj drugega.
Ja zdaj bo bolj enakopraven boj. Po moje je mother tudi brez oči močnejša kot father.
Markus ima sedaj praktično nadnaravne moči, tako da ...
Ja zdaj bo bolj enakopraven boj. Po moje je mother tudi brez oči močnejša kot father.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
Gregor P ::
Saj najbrž lahko tista UI entiteta izdela te oči kadarkoli hoče, če bi bilo res treba.
[SPOILER]Je pa tudi zanimivo, kako oča naivno sestavlja oz. oživlja tistega androida tam; le kaj bi lahko šlo narobe
[SPOILER]Je pa tudi zanimivo, kako oča naivno sestavlja oz. oživlja tistega androida tam; le kaj bi lahko šlo narobe
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
oo7 ::
Saj najbrž lahko tista UI entiteta izdela te oči kadarkoli hoče, če bi bilo res treba.
[SPOILER]Je pa tudi zanimivo, kako oča naivno sestavlja oz. oživlja tistega androida tam; le kaj bi lahko šlo narobe![]()
Tisti UI če se ne motim se kliče Trust. Misliš, da lahko izdela oči ? Ali pa je sam oglas.
Oče in Kampion ta dva bi lahko prepričal lih kar bi hotel
oo7 ::
V s02e04 se je zgodilo kar veliko čudnih stvari ![>:D](
Zdaj se približno ve kdo živi v tisti kislini.
Očetova operacija je bila uspešna. ali je tista svetleča oblika sedaj Sol ?
Mama ima oči nazaj Markus jih bo verjetno hotel nazaj saj drugače ne bo mogel obdržati svoje skupine. Decima že sluti, da je nekaj narobe. Ampak koliko moćnosti pa psloh ima Markus proti Nekromancerju eazen če ji kdo spet ukrade oči.
Trust je mama izklopila.
Mali Paul se spreminja v kuščarja ?
Decima grdo zdelala obraz svoje hčere zaradi svojega preroka. Prerok Markus pa ostal brez moči.
Na you tube sem slišal za eno teorijo, da naj bi androidi ustvarili človeka in ne obratno.
Zdaj se približno ve kdo živi v tisti kislini.
Očetova operacija je bila uspešna. ali je tista svetleča oblika sedaj Sol ?
Mama ima oči nazaj Markus jih bo verjetno hotel nazaj saj drugače ne bo mogel obdržati svoje skupine. Decima že sluti, da je nekaj narobe. Ampak koliko moćnosti pa psloh ima Markus proti Nekromancerju eazen če ji kdo spet ukrade oči.
Trust je mama izklopila.
Mali Paul se spreminja v kuščarja ?
Decima grdo zdelala obraz svoje hčere zaradi svojega preroka. Prerok Markus pa ostal brez moči.
Na you tube sem slišal za eno teorijo, da naj bi androidi ustvarili človeka in ne obratno.
kuall ::
ridley scott zna ustvarit lepe umetniške prizore, podobno kot kubrick, to meni kar veliko pomeni, tak da bom pogledal tole.
buttcrack ::
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Lahko, da jo resetirajo samo večje vprašanje je sedaj koliko bodo še verjeli Markusu. Po moje, ko mu ne bodo preveč verjeli se bo prikazala tista svetleča oblika in vsi bodo mislili, da je tisto Sol pa mu bodo verjeli tudi brez oči v njegovem želodcu
oo7 ::
Ena od teorij je, da so andoroidi ustvarili človeka in ne obratno. Drevo življenja, kača, in vse slike iz biblije (tiste ploščice) tako kot bog Sol naj bi izhajali iz Keplerja.
Keplerjevi roboti naj bi ljudi poslali na zemljo kjer naj bi se razvili nato pa ustvarili nove andoide, da bi se vrnili nazaj na Kepler zakaj ???
Veliko te teorije naj bi podpirale jamske slike iz prve sezone.
Tole kar malo spominja na Inžinerje iz Prometeja
Keplerjevi roboti naj bi ljudi poslali na zemljo kjer naj bi se razvili nato pa ustvarili nove andoide, da bi se vrnili nazaj na Kepler zakaj ???
Tole kar malo spominja na Inžinerje iz Prometeja
Gregor P ::
... to je dejansko zelo logična ideja; da nam prodajo večkrat uporabljeno zadevo
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
kuall ::
pogledal prvi dve epizodi in je gut stuff. zgleda, da bo to prva nadaljevanka poleg curb your enthusiasm v zadbnjih 15 letih, ki jo bom pogledal celo. no to bomo še videli, včeraj sem bil naspan in dobre volje in mi je bilo vse lepše, bomo videli, kako bo danes, ko nisem naspan. zna bit slabše.![:))](
prizori so lepi in če so lepi prizori to samo po sebi naredi stvar bolj realistično, ker je resničnost na momente precej lepa, bolj kot zmore ekran pokazat.
prizori so lepi in če so lepi prizori to samo po sebi naredi stvar bolj realistično, ker je resničnost na momente precej lepa, bolj kot zmore ekran pokazat.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kuall ()
Gregor P ::
... ker pri drugi je recimo CGI zelo opazen v negativnem smislu.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
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