Forum » Problemi človeštva » Žitije Donalda Trampa
Žitije Donalda Trampa
Temo vidijo: vsi

Pac-Man ::
Kdo laže? Kje je Valdo?
BREAKING: Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman denies reports that Trump revealed classified information to senior officials.
Nauk: Ne it v ogenj za Donija. Ko postane vroče, te bo zaklal in iz kože naredil zaščitno obleko.
BREAKING: Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman denies reports that Trump revealed classified information to senior officials.
Nauk: Ne it v ogenj za Donija. Ko postane vroče, te bo zaklal in iz kože naredil zaščitno obleko.

janex ::
^WUT? Rusi zanikajo da jim je Donald dal zaupne podatke?
Donald je dobesedno Hannibal Lecter! Čaki mal a ni Voldemort?
Kako šokantno.
Donald je dobesedno Hannibal Lecter! Čaki mal a ni Voldemort?
Kako šokantno.

janex ::
LOL, 6 goriljard govorov, ziher najdeš enega kjer se kaj pokrije.
Ali je tvoja objava plagiat, ker je že nekdo drug isto napisal pred tabo?
Ali je tvoja objava plagiat, ker je že nekdo drug isto napisal pred tabo?

Poldi112 ::
Izgleda da še ni odpustil človeka, ki je napisal govor Melaniji. :)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Cervantes ::

jype ::
janex> LOL, 6 goriljard govorov, ziher najdeš enega kjer se kaj pokrije.
Trump je na nivoju Alenke Bratušek, drži.
Trump je na nivoju Alenke Bratušek, drži.

mtosev ::
me zanima, če bo Trumpu uspelo zdržati celi mandat.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

dice7 ::
U.S. officials said that the National Security Council continues to prepare multi-page briefings for Trump to guide him through conversations with foreign leaders, but that he has insisted that the guidance be distilled to a single page of bullet points — and often ignores those.
Tale citat ga pa res zmaga

zmaugy ::

Pac-Man ::
New PPP poll: For 1st time, more voters (48%) support of impeaching Trump than are (41%) opposed to the idea.
New PPP poll: For 1st time, more voters (48%) support of impeaching Trump than are (41%) opposed to the idea.

Zagor_tenay ::
Ta včerajšnja (((Washington Post))) fake news zgodba o Trumpu in Rusih je samo cover up, da se prikrije umor, ki ga je zagrešila Demokratska stranka.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zagor_tenay ()

Pac-Man ::
Še en iz društva naivnežev.
Seth Rich family spokesperson: "no evidence," "no emails" suggesting Wikileaks links. Comes day after story claiming family PI found links
Lawyers following us: Please offer your services to the Rich family to sue @FoxNews & @seanhannity for spreading this BS. Evil thugs!
Here: @FoxNews lying that their contributor Rod Wheeler was hired by the Rich family. Family says they never paid him, did not hire him.
Seth Rich "Investigator" never hired by family, works for @FoxNews. Fox pushing story. Story produced in time to shift bad Trump news cycle?
•Investigator works for Fox.
•Was paid by Third party.
•Pretended to speak for family yesterday.
•Family statement is refuting Fox report.
@FoxNews has turned into InfoWars, they just have more $ and can do more to cook up story and make it look & sound legit. This is CRAZY
This PizzaGate promoter has White House credentials & is covering conspiracies.
Seth Rich family spokesperson: "no evidence," "no emails" suggesting Wikileaks links. Comes day after story claiming family PI found links
Lawyers following us: Please offer your services to the Rich family to sue @FoxNews & @seanhannity for spreading this BS. Evil thugs!
Here: @FoxNews lying that their contributor Rod Wheeler was hired by the Rich family. Family says they never paid him, did not hire him.
Seth Rich "Investigator" never hired by family, works for @FoxNews. Fox pushing story. Story produced in time to shift bad Trump news cycle?
•Investigator works for Fox.
•Was paid by Third party.
•Pretended to speak for family yesterday.
•Family statement is refuting Fox report.
@FoxNews has turned into InfoWars, they just have more $ and can do more to cook up story and make it look & sound legit. This is CRAZY
This PizzaGate promoter has White House credentials & is covering conspiracies.

papasmrk ::
V USA se je očitno ta golazenska elita tako dobro zasidrala, da bi Trump rabil štiri mandate, da spuca vso to nesnago, ki se je tekom desetletij nabirala v vseh možnih birojih. Njihova demokracija je samo navidezna, ker bilo kateri predsednik mora ustrezat absolutističnem establishmentu. Vsakemu predsedniku želijo vtupit v možgane naslednje: Russia bad, Iran very bad, China communists, Saudi Arabia friends, itd...
Trump želi postopoma z nekaterimi državami na novo vzpostavit boljše odnose,ampak je preveč golazni proti katerimi se lahko bori. Razlika med Rusijo in USA je v tem, da rusi imajo enega Vladkota, v USA pa vse od bankirjev pa do vojaške industrije.
Trump želi postopoma z nekaterimi državami na novo vzpostavit boljše odnose,ampak je preveč golazni proti katerimi se lahko bori. Razlika med Rusijo in USA je v tem, da rusi imajo enega Vladkota, v USA pa vse od bankirjev pa do vojaške industrije.

jype ::
papasmrk> V USA se je očitno ta golazenska elita tako dobro zasidrala, da bi Trump rabil štiri mandate, da spuca vso to nesnago, ki
jo je spravil v svojo administracijo?
Eh, ne skrbi, en temeljit požar, tako kot 1812, pa bo vse zrihtano.
papasmrk> Trump želi postopoma z nekaterimi državami na novo vzpostavit boljše odnose
Ne. Trump želi ogromno zaslužit z zlorabo države z najmočnejšo vojsko na svetu. To je popolnoma jasno in samo popolni idioti verjamejo, da je Trump tako pošten, da se mu ni treba odpovedat lastnim poslovnim interesom z mehanizmi, ki so jih uporabili še vsi kandidati v preteklosti.
papasmrk> Razlika med Rusijo in USA je v tem, da rusi imajo enega Vladkota, v USA pa vse od bankirjev pa do vojaške industrije.
Razlika med Rusijo in ZDA je predvsem v tem, da v Rusiji nimajo demokracije.
jo je spravil v svojo administracijo?
Eh, ne skrbi, en temeljit požar, tako kot 1812, pa bo vse zrihtano.
papasmrk> Trump želi postopoma z nekaterimi državami na novo vzpostavit boljše odnose
Ne. Trump želi ogromno zaslužit z zlorabo države z najmočnejšo vojsko na svetu. To je popolnoma jasno in samo popolni idioti verjamejo, da je Trump tako pošten, da se mu ni treba odpovedat lastnim poslovnim interesom z mehanizmi, ki so jih uporabili še vsi kandidati v preteklosti.
papasmrk> Razlika med Rusijo in USA je v tem, da rusi imajo enega Vladkota, v USA pa vse od bankirjev pa do vojaške industrije.
Razlika med Rusijo in ZDA je predvsem v tem, da v Rusiji nimajo demokracije.

PaX_MaN ::
Razlika med Rusijo in ZDA je predvsem v tem, da v Rusiji nimajo demokracije.
“[T]here is no right to — just by virtue of making a donation, to enforce the parties’ internal rules,” said DNC attorney Bruce Spiva. “And there’s no right to not have your candidate disadvantaged or have another candidate advantaged. There’s no contractual obligation here.”
Kakšna sreča da ni zmagal kandidat te fašistične stranke, ker potem pa res ne bi bilo niti d od demokracije več!

jype ::
PaX_MaN> Kakšna sreča da ni zmagal kandidat te fašistične stranke, ker potem pa res ne bi bilo niti d od demokracije več!
Torej zdaj je vsaj n? Kul, imel sem prav, hvala za potrditev, ampak res ne bi bilo treba, ker itak že vsi vedo, da če jype nekaj reče, potem to drži.
Torej zdaj je vsaj n? Kul, imel sem prav, hvala za potrditev, ampak res ne bi bilo treba, ker itak že vsi vedo, da če jype nekaj reče, potem to drži.

Pac-Man ::
Fajk njuz, pravite? Pravljice, pravite?
Sem mislil, da sem C&P tudi to, ampak ne najdem. 12. maj
One thing I learned at DOJ about Comey: he leaves a protective paper trail whenever he deems something inappropriate happened. Stay tuned.
For example, see the emails he wrote to his chief of staff fingering others for torture in the Bush DOJ.
President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.
Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo. The memo was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.
Mr. Comey shared the existence of the memo with senior F.B.I. officials and close associates. The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of the memo to a Times reporter.
“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”
Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey that Mr. Flynn had done nothing wrong, according to the memo.
Mr. Comey did not say anything to Mr. Trump about curtailing the investigation, only replying: “I agree he is a good guy.”
In a statement, the White House denied the version of events in the memo.
Fact: Comey was prepared for this. It's called a dead man switch and, he detonated a bomb.
Sem mislil, da sem C&P tudi to, ampak ne najdem. 12. maj
One thing I learned at DOJ about Comey: he leaves a protective paper trail whenever he deems something inappropriate happened. Stay tuned.
For example, see the emails he wrote to his chief of staff fingering others for torture in the Bush DOJ.
President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.
Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo. The memo was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.
Mr. Comey shared the existence of the memo with senior F.B.I. officials and close associates. The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of the memo to a Times reporter.
“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”
Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey that Mr. Flynn had done nothing wrong, according to the memo.
Mr. Comey did not say anything to Mr. Trump about curtailing the investigation, only replying: “I agree he is a good guy.”
In a statement, the White House denied the version of events in the memo.

PaX_MaN ::

jype ::
PaX_MaN> Zdaj je demokracija in še celotna abeceda zraven: kar so volili, to so tudi dobili.
Mhm, če bodo ukrepali hitro, se bodo tudi znebili:
PaX_MaN> Nikoli.
PaX_MaN> Nikdar.
Mhm, če bodo ukrepali hitro, se bodo tudi znebili:
PaX_MaN> Nikoli.
PaX_MaN> Nikdar.

Pac-Man ::
Nauk: Ne it v ogenj za Donija. Ko postane vroče, te bo zaklal in iz kože naredil zaščitno obleko.
FoxNews reporting on the air now that they can't get a Republican member on the air right now to defend Trump.
Nauk registriran. Republikanci niso tako butasti kot zgledajo ;)
Še en primer, ko je Comey pustil obilno papirnato sled.
The former FBI director has a long history of maintaining extensive notes on his interactions. He rose to public prominence in 2004, when he served as acting attorney general in the Bush administration. In March of that year, Comey had a showdown with Bush White House aides when he refused to sign off on a National Security Agency surveillance program that he and Justice Department officials believed broke the law.
Comey took extensive notes during that meeting, which took place in the hospital room of former attorney general John Ashcroft.
From 2004, these give you a sense of the kind of notes former FBI Director James Comey kept.Notes taken by officials are referred to as MFRs, or memoranda for the record, Philip Mudd, a CNN counterterrorism analyst, told host Wolf Blitzer on CNN Tuesday evening. He added that maintaining notes of sensitive meetings are "common across Washington" and that Comey is "not the only one who does this."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

jype ::
Izrael pravi, da je njihov agent v ISIS življensko ogrožen, ker je Trump nesposoben butelj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

D3m ::
papasmrk> V USA se je očitno ta golazenska elita tako dobro zasidrala, da bi Trump rabil štiri mandate, da spuca vso to nesnago, ki
jo je spravil v svojo administracijo?
Eh, ne skrbi, en temeljit požar, tako kot 1812, pa bo vse zrihtano.
papasmrk> Trump želi postopoma z nekaterimi državami na novo vzpostavit boljše odnose
Ne. Trump želi ogromno zaslužit z zlorabo države z najmočnejšo vojsko na svetu. To je popolnoma jasno in samo popolni idioti verjamejo, da je Trump tako pošten, da se mu ni treba odpovedat lastnim poslovnim interesom z mehanizmi, ki so jih uporabili še vsi kandidati v preteklosti.
papasmrk> Razlika med Rusijo in USA je v tem, da rusi imajo enega Vladkota, v USA pa vse od bankirjev pa do vojaške industrije.
Razlika med Rusijo in ZDA je predvsem v tem, da v Rusiji nimajo demokracije.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

ZaphodBB ::
Baghdad jype strikes again! Izrael pravi, da je Trump čisto upravičen do deljenje informacij z Rusi. Btw - daj razloži na kakšen način je Izraelski vohun ogrožen, če so informacijo dobili Rusi? Da ga niste v nevarnost spravili fašisti, ki te informacije trobite naokrog? Razen, če si mnenja, da za ISIS stoji Rusija?
Nadalje, pomojem je Trump zmeden, ker ne ve al naj bi ga nadzorovali Rusi al Izrael - dajte se že zmenit kdo je Trumpov šef.
Unproven allegations of Russian collusion with Trump campaign.
Trump claims he invented the phrase "prime the pump."
Trump tweeted a warning that Comey better be careful what he says because he might have been taped in the White House. But such recordings haven't been confirmed. Or denied.
Critics say Trump is crazy.
Trump claimed his campaign had been "wiretapped" by Obama, but it might have been only incidental surveillance. Or not. We'll probably never know.
Critics say Trump is a loose cannon.
Critics say "words matter" and Trump is careless with words.
Trump's approval rating is abysmal.
There is "chaos" in the White House
Trump doesn't study topics in detail.
Trump might fire people on his staff for various reasons.
There is in-fighting with Trump's staff.
Trump got two scoops of ice cream when others got one.
Trump threatened to end press briefings but probably didn't mean it.
Trump is influenced by whoever gives him the latest article that is sometimes fake news.
Trump calls the mainstream media fake news.
Trump has criticized the courts, judges, and anyone else you are not supposed to criticize as a president.
Health care didn't get passed on the first try. And still needs work.
Trump will be impeached or jailed any day now for whatever.
Trump keeps relying on trusted family advisors such as Jared Kushner and Ivanka.
Trump fired Comey as both sides wanted, but his timing raised suspicions, and he talked about it wrong in an interview. Also didn't coordinate with his communication staff.
Trump says things that do not pass the fact-checking.
Trump doesn't realize that his business skills don't translate into government. (This was the same reason people said he couldn't win the election.)
Izrael pravi, da je njihov agent v ISIS življensko ogrožen, ker je Trump nesposoben butelj.
Baghdad jype strikes again! Izrael pravi, da je Trump čisto upravičen do deljenje informacij z Rusi. Btw - daj razloži na kakšen način je Izraelski vohun ogrožen, če so informacijo dobili Rusi? Da ga niste v nevarnost spravili fašisti, ki te informacije trobite naokrog? Razen, če si mnenja, da za ISIS stoji Rusija?
Nadalje, pomojem je Trump zmeden, ker ne ve al naj bi ga nadzorovali Rusi al Izrael - dajte se že zmenit kdo je Trumpov šef.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

janex ::
^Hilarij ne bi smeli zapreti, ker ni namenoma likala informacij s svojega strežnika z WCja, ampak je samo betežna babica ki se ne spozna na računalnike, FPSje in hekanje!

RedDrake ::

Zagor_tenay ::
Razlika med Rusijo in ZDA je predvsem v tem, da v Rusiji nimajo demokracije.
v Ruski dumi so štiri stranke, v ameriškem kongresu pa samo dve, kje je več demokracije? V Rusiji ima oblast izvoljeni predsednik, v ameriki ima pa oblast deep state in peščica bogatih židov, ki vlečejo niti iz ozadja in rušijo demokratično izvoljenega predsednika.
Danes je rusija veliko bolj demokratična kot amerika. Rusija nima več komunizma, na oblasti ima pravoslavnega kristjana, Amerika je pa postala svetovni center kulturnega marksizma.

dice7 ::
Zagor_tenay je izjavil:
Danes je rusija veliko bolj demokratična kot amerika.
Drzi da je 'nivo demokraticnosti' v zadnjem letu v ZDA padel (trenutno nekje na nivoju slovenije) ampak tvoja trditev je enostavno bedarija
Vredno ogleda ...
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Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
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