Forum » Problemi človeštva » Žitije Donalda Trampa
Žitije Donalda Trampa
Temo vidijo: vsi

Pac-Man ::
2900 ogledov v treh dnevih in pol. Nekdo že, profila ne poznam. Naredi anketo ali vprašaj NSA.

nagobčnik ::
Pacman kdo sploh bere to? Kaj točno me to zanima v Sloveniji? Še o Pahorju in Cerarju ni tolk postov in tem, pa bi te moralo njuno delo bolj zanimat.
Jaz berem. Prilep še ti kakšnega Pepeja, da bo uravnoteženo in ti bo bolj toplo pri srcu, jaz bom zihr triggered, Pac-Man bo pa mogoče začel z Breitbarta limat od sile.

Massacra ::
sago ->
Je za odtenek boljši od sociopatke...
Haha, zgodovina predsednikov USA še ni postregla s toliko idiotizmi v prvih 100 dnevih vladanja.
Seveda ne samo z idiotizmi, ampak tudi s prav konkretnimi in hudimi kršitvami prava in temeljnih svoboščin.
Zdi se, da si ti sociopat.
Je za odtenek boljši od sociopatke...
Haha, zgodovina predsednikov USA še ni postregla s toliko idiotizmi v prvih 100 dnevih vladanja.
Seveda ne samo z idiotizmi, ampak tudi s prav konkretnimi in hudimi kršitvami prava in temeljnih svoboščin.
Zdi se, da si ti sociopat.

c3p0 ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
WOW, holiwudska fantazija je za komije realni svet :D
Tudi ta je preveč verjela holivudskim pravljicam. Namesto s stotimi skalpi je končala v solzah.
Sicer wannabe hairy fetiš pornografska "zvezda". Trenutno zbira denar za "hospital bill", čeprav je čez dva dni že veselo dajala TV intervjuje, brez vidnih posledic. Na posnetku se vidi tudi, da je ravno hotela vreči steklenico, ko jo je napadel nazi, tisti tapravi. Instant karma.

c3p0 ::
Seveda ne samo z idiotizmi, ampak tudi s prav konkretnimi in hudimi kršitvami prava in temeljnih svoboščin.
Zdi se, da si ti sociopat.![]()
Nothing new in the west torej? Saj ne rabim naštevat kje vse ZDA kršijo temeljne svoboščine že desetletja?
Mogoče sem sociopat, mogoče si ti. Definitivno pa se tega ne da razločit iz par postov na nekem forumu. Da nekdo to diagnozira tako na daljavo, pa najprej kaj pove o njem samem. "We came, we saw, he died, hahaha". V tem primeru izjave dobre stare Killary, sem naredil izjemo. :)
Ne mislim se dalje prepucavat, ker nima smisla. Le tu in tam napišem, ko fantazija nekaterih le malo preveč zaide. Torej, pričakujem, (sicer s kokicami v omari, da ne bodo prej plesnive) impeachment Trumpa, potem pa verjetno kar zaporno kazen... Ta teden?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: c3p0 ()

Pac-Man ::
Abraham Lincoln, avgust 1855
I am not a Know-Nothing. That is certain. How could I be? How can any one who abhors the oppression of negroes, be in favor of degrading classes of white people? Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid. As a nation, we begin by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes." When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty-to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy.
Nič kaj veliko se ni spremenilo v 160ih letih.
I am not a Know-Nothing. That is certain. How could I be? How can any one who abhors the oppression of negroes, be in favor of degrading classes of white people? Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid. As a nation, we begin by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes." When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty-to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy.
Nič kaj veliko se ni spremenilo v 160ih letih.

mtosev ::
gleda kdo snl? predcej smešno je bilo
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Pac-Man ::
Baseline za kdaj bo "puko šrauf"
August 2-5, 1974, DAYS before Nixon quits. Should he resign? Among Republicans: 31% YES 59% NO 10% DK
One year after Watergate break-in, one month after Senate hearings begin—Nixon at 76% approval w/ Rs (Trump last week: 84%). Resigned at 50%
Taylor&Menscheva trdita, da za Trumpa obstaja zapečatena obtožnica na osnovi katere mislijo zgradit impičment, ko pride čas. Vsak ima svoje vire, ki so jima potrdili.
By Louise Mensch and Claude Taylor
Separate sources with links to the intelligence and justice communities have stated that a sealed indictment has been granted against Donald Trump.
While it is understood that the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution means that, until Mr. Trump is impeached, he cannot be prosecuted, sources say that the indictment is intended by the FBI and prosecutors in the Justice Department to form the basis of Mr. Trump’s impeachment. The indictment is, perhaps uniquely, not intended or expected to be used for prosecution, sources say, because of the constitutional position of the President.
Sealed indictments out of Eastern District of Virginia-under Dana Boente. Trump, Manafort and Flynn-among others under sealed indictment.
That comports with previous impeachment proceedings and parliamentary rules of the Senate Sgt at Arms. It's actually a genius strategy. So part of the SAA duty is, he/she are the chief law enforcement officer of the Senate. They are also a member of the Capital Police Board meaning the SAA has the legal authority to arrest/detain anyone. But with regard to POTUS only the SAA has the authority to arrest him. One could construe, that SAA does have that power. A little unknown fact, if its FISA related Sens Burr/Warner can give SAA temp clearance.
EDVA under Boente = Federal criminal court. Indictment = probable cause (low bar). Sealed = targets haven't been officially notified yet.
Next steps for Manafort/Flynn would be arrest and federal prosecution. Need majority in House to impeach. Impeachment hearings held by Senate. Need 2/3 in Senate to convict. Unknowns = Plea deals, resignations, Presidential Pardons, etc. Big unknown = Republicans
Rather, there is nothing in our JOINT story that BOTH sets of sources did not agree on PRECISELY. Which is why it's so short.
I want to clarify a couple of points. First, I'm not an attorney, when I get terms or details wrong-I'll own it. I reported indictments based on 2 sources. One detail I got wrong was who issues indictments-that's Grand Jury out of EDVA. I stand by story that sealed indictments have been issued. I apologize for any confusion.
Tale je zgejmal celo zgodbo.
August 2-5, 1974, DAYS before Nixon quits. Should he resign? Among Republicans: 31% YES 59% NO 10% DK
One year after Watergate break-in, one month after Senate hearings begin—Nixon at 76% approval w/ Rs (Trump last week: 84%). Resigned at 50%
Taylor&Menscheva trdita, da za Trumpa obstaja zapečatena obtožnica na osnovi katere mislijo zgradit impičment, ko pride čas. Vsak ima svoje vire, ki so jima potrdili.
By Louise Mensch and Claude Taylor
Separate sources with links to the intelligence and justice communities have stated that a sealed indictment has been granted against Donald Trump.
While it is understood that the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution means that, until Mr. Trump is impeached, he cannot be prosecuted, sources say that the indictment is intended by the FBI and prosecutors in the Justice Department to form the basis of Mr. Trump’s impeachment. The indictment is, perhaps uniquely, not intended or expected to be used for prosecution, sources say, because of the constitutional position of the President.
Sealed indictments out of Eastern District of Virginia-under Dana Boente. Trump, Manafort and Flynn-among others under sealed indictment.
That comports with previous impeachment proceedings and parliamentary rules of the Senate Sgt at Arms. It's actually a genius strategy. So part of the SAA duty is, he/she are the chief law enforcement officer of the Senate. They are also a member of the Capital Police Board meaning the SAA has the legal authority to arrest/detain anyone. But with regard to POTUS only the SAA has the authority to arrest him. One could construe, that SAA does have that power. A little unknown fact, if its FISA related Sens Burr/Warner can give SAA temp clearance.
EDVA under Boente = Federal criminal court. Indictment = probable cause (low bar). Sealed = targets haven't been officially notified yet.
Next steps for Manafort/Flynn would be arrest and federal prosecution. Need majority in House to impeach. Impeachment hearings held by Senate. Need 2/3 in Senate to convict. Unknowns = Plea deals, resignations, Presidential Pardons, etc. Big unknown = Republicans
Rather, there is nothing in our JOINT story that BOTH sets of sources did not agree on PRECISELY. Which is why it's so short.
I want to clarify a couple of points. First, I'm not an attorney, when I get terms or details wrong-I'll own it. I reported indictments based on 2 sources. One detail I got wrong was who issues indictments-that's Grand Jury out of EDVA. I stand by story that sealed indictments have been issued. I apologize for any confusion.
Tale je zgejmal celo zgodbo.

Jst ::
Kaj pa kakšni FAKTI? To je "MSM Russia, Russia, Russia" narrative.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Smrekar1 ::
Nisem bral vsega.
1. Za DNC ne vemo ali so bili shakani ali je nekdo leakal. Comey je pod prisego povedal, da so trkali na vrata DNC dvakrat, a so jih obakrat zavrnili. (?!?) Tako FBI ni sam pregledal računalnikov, ampak so se zanašali na Crowdstrike poročilo. (Kaj niso mogli dobiti naloga od sodnika ali kaj??)
Če bi kdo stvari "leakal" bi ta oseba morala imeti dostope do številnih e-poštnih računov. Takih oseb v DNC najbrž ni veliko, številka je najverjetneje identično enaka nič (sicer bi izdajalca že javno razčetverili).
Torej imajo ali celo armado notranjih sovražnikov, katerih remek delo je objava bolj ali manj nepomembnih e-poštnih sporočil na spletu in nič dolgoročno koristnega ali so udarili hekerji.
Ni ti treba biti Hercule Poriot da bi ugotovil katera različica je bolj verjetna.
3. Če bi bili DNC shakani, bi za to vedela NSA.
Prosim pokaži, da ne obstaja scenarij, ko katerem so jih shekali brez vednosti NSA. Za začetek bi bilo dovolj če samo pokažeš kaj bi morala NSA nadzorovati, da bi tak poskus zanesljivo zaznala. Veliko sreče.
4. Mainstream media že skoraj leto dni: "Russia, Russia, Russia".
Vse kaže, da je Rusija aktivno pomagala trenutnemu ameriškemu predsedniku na položaj. Vse kaže, da je bilo sodelovanje koordinirano s kampanijo. Karkoli drugega bi bila izdaja poklica.
Trump ekipa je morala vedeti, da bo blow up in their faces. What were they thinking??
Verjetno ne prav dosti, ker niso neki dobri strategi.

Pac-Man ::
Kaj pa kakšni FAKTI? To je "MSM Russia, Russia, Russia" narrative.
En rando je vrgel karte na mizo. Tega sledim šele par dni in kolikor vem ni še ničesar napovedal, samo dajal barvni komentar. Bomo videli.
I can confirm in the next 48-72 hrs arrest warrants will be drawn for 6 individuals related to this fuckery we currently call government. 4 will result from grand juries from SDNY, 2 from EDVA. I cannot reveal any names so DONT ASK. #OPSEC my childrens. They are prominent names. It's not a matter of IF but when. It's a bit of a logistical issue for those involved, and continuity. There are others in the pipeline. Many others, in the teens. Anyone who's been a Fed will tell you we snatch the smallest of fishies first, flip them if we can & work up the chain. Think asymmetrical warfare AGAIN.
POTUS Fat Kid goes wheels up tomorrow. Divide, isolate his cabal. Wreak havoc from within. Contact, close with, & destroy the enemy. It's going to be a rough couple of weeks for these cats as reality starts to set in. Just like anything in government things MOVE SLOWLY. Red tape is a motherfucker at times. The brakes have come off, wheels of justice are in motion, and on the move. ALSO the NYS AG is now starting to wrap up its GJ proceedings. Schneiderman is currently piloting an A-10 and circling above Trump Tower ready to come in fast & low with that 30 mike mike for a gun run #BRRRRRRRRRT. Depleted uranium bullets with enterprise corruption tips. #FRAUD. Just like the Gunny Walgren said in the vid "What the fuck are they gonna do now?" Another tid bit. My source tells me Priebus is gonna pop smoke soon to try and save himself. Dont run homie, you'll only die tired. There is also an investigation underway addressing the GOP as a party & has to do with campaing money & get ready.....The raid conducted at Strategic Campaign Group this week. It is a 3 pronged attack. All roads are leading to MONEY, Manafort, GOP leadership, Trump. The GOP will be going through a death rattle in the coming months. It will be of epic proportions. I will have more on insight and what to expect later tonight.
Here we go. Let's talk criminal procedure from an LE POV & a little intel strategy too.
Some things I need to stress & you need to take to heart and fully understand. We as a society are utterly dependent on instant gratification. What's beginning to happen is the exact opposite of that. This isn't gonna go down like Goodfella's where one guy rats & a bunch of Ji-Beeps get whacked, and the rest go to the can for the rest of their lives, mass perp walks or anything like that. The scope and breadth of this investigation is so large, involves so many diff agencies, targets, communities it's impossible for you the citizenry to really understand. I dont say that out of disrespect, or suggest you cant but rather to try and inform you just a little bit of how people who are running this operation are thinking. This is both a full blown criminal investigation. Its a domestic counter intelligence investigation, & an an overseas intel investigation. Sometimes all these groups play well together, sometimes they don't.
The things that will eventually with time be told to the American public will shock you to your core. The press keeps saying things about this being like Watergate, & Nixonian. Watergate was a 3rd rate burglary. The fucking idiots got caught. Nixon was 100 IQ points smarter than Trump can ever hope to be. This is way bigger than Watergate, and goes way deeper. Nixon's inner circle largely abandoned him when they knew it was a fatal injury. Trump's people aren't there yet. I'm not sure all of them will even do that.
I am sure of 2 things. The evidence is SOLID. There's no defense other than to point fingers at each other. PERIOD. I'm also certain Trump isn't going to resign. He never quit at anything even when he knew he was defeated.
Do yourselves a favor and if you haven't already really read about him and his ventures. He's never been a successful businessman. His biggest ventures have failed miserably. So to recover his faux image he hocks shit like Cheap vodka, steaks, water and whatever the fuck else. He robs Peter to pay Paul. That's the con game he plays. Unfortunately lots of people have shitty edumacations or are just ignorant & stupid.
Now lets talk FBI. Just because warrants come down doesn't mean the SWAT team is gonna show up and go Hats & Bats on everyone. They take down who they want to take down at their time of choosing. They have the complete and total tactical advantage. They are purposely leaking info and making nuances in order to create stress and divide within. The ranks of Team Trump. They want to invoke paranoia and discomfort. That's how you get people to flip and play for Team USA.
//kot sem napisal pred par dnevi - tresejo kletko. Ves point lekanja nekim rando twiterašem je povzročanje panike v trumpovi ekipi. Panični ljudje delajo napake. I know what you did last summer scena (upam, da z referenco nisem zgrešil, nisem videl filma ;))
I cant stress enough be patient, and play close attention. Lots of different terms being used on the roundtable of the notable Sunday news shows today from last week. Yoi have to play close attention. Think like a cop or a spy. We're starting to not hear things like investiation, and starting to hear people use the word prosecution. That's a tell. The right intel people are dropping leaks to the right reporters on the major networks. That's how these stories keep showing up. It's being done for a reason. They want the public to have some semblance of reason that all of this is being handled, and they invoking that fear, and paranoia in the Trump admin.
This is a non-linear war being conducted right in front of your eyes. All of the disinformation put out done the campaign season is being given thrown right back in Trump's face. Its a spy's way of saying FUCK YOU BITCH without actually saying it. Get me?
Trump isn't going to be arrested yet. The sealed indictment against him will be used as a failsafe tool to begin impeachment proceedings. After that the criminal charges will be addresses. To quote @20committee "He dies in jail."
In the meantime DOJ will attack and dismantle his network & they wil scramble to make deals & avoid going to the can while turning on their co-conspirators. Thats how this goes down. It will be slow and painful for them & for us. But the process cannot be stopped. The wheels are turning and cannot be stopped.Every time Trump goes on TV, Twitter he puts another nail in his coffin. His own ignorance & words will be part of what kills him.
Dont worry about any FBI directors He's not gonna get who he wants, & its irrelivant anyways. Don't worry about war or nukes. The DOD is fully aware at the highest levels and will not carry out any illegal or irrational order he tries to give them. It's not how this works.
He will however continue to lash out at the media and his politcal opponents publicly and visciously just like the cornered animal he is. Ignore that. It's all for his own bluster, and self worth. Remember he thinks hes a showman. If you really want to see what I mean I would highly suggest you watch the Lester Holt interview. Turn off all distractions and really pay close attention. He's telling all of you in that vid, he knows he's completely fucked. He's throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
Be patient, remain focused. Ignore the bullshit. Stay frosty....

RedDrake ::
Lots of gibberish ...
Torej, če do četrtka ob 12:00 ne bo 4-6 arretacij na visokem nivoju, potem, dragi Paco, odmisli ta vir, in to tu javno napiši.
Tvoji viri obljubjajo, da je Donny "fucked" že od januarja. Pa bo kmalu junij, pa še kar ni nič.
Aja, preiskave trajajo, baje. Samo, nekateri ti viri so obljubljali, da je vse že spisano, da se bodo aretacije odvile zdaj-zdaj, ipd ...
Nothing happens, btw ...
Be patient, remain focused. Ignore the bullshit. Stay frosty.... - tole je pa tak blatant poziv k ignoriranju vsega, kar se ne sklada z njegovo "zgodbo". Tako očiten bubble, da bolj ne more bit.
Še malo, pa boste začeli s kakšnimi teorijami zarote, kako je Donny lastnoročno že 10x preprečil aretacije svojih kolegov in uničil obtožbe proti sebi, ipd ...
Pa še to.
Za Obamo, so tudi republikanci kako leto ali morda celo dve, _ZELO_ močno forsirali zgodbo o tem, kako ni rojen američan, in kako je stvar samo še par potez stran od odstavitve. Lots of hot air, and not much of anything else ...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: RedDrake ()

Massacra ::
RedBrake -> Aja, preiskave trajajo, baje. Samo, nekateri ti viri so obljubljali, da je vse že spisano, da se bodo aretacije odvile zdaj-zdaj, ipd. Nothing happens, btw ...
A lot of things going on at the moment!
Senate Republicans, increasingly unnerved by President Trump's volatility and unpopularity, are starting to show signs of breaking away from him as they try to forge a more traditional Republican agenda and protect their political fortunes.
A lot of things going on at the moment!
Senate Republicans, increasingly unnerved by President Trump's volatility and unpopularity, are starting to show signs of breaking away from him as they try to forge a more traditional Republican agenda and protect their political fortunes.

mtosev ::
RedBrake -> Aja, preiskave trajajo, baje. Samo, nekateri ti viri so obljubljali, da je vse že spisano, da se bodo aretacije odvile zdaj-zdaj, ipd. Nothing happens, btw ...good. naj pustijo trolla, da se potopi
A lot of things going on at the moment!
Senate Republicans, increasingly unnerved by President Trump's volatility and unpopularity, are starting to show signs of breaking away from him as they try to forge a more traditional Republican agenda and protect their political fortunes.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

RedDrake ::
A lot of things going on at the moment!
Senate Republicans, increasingly unnerved by President Trump's volatility and unpopularity, are starting to show signs of breaking away from him as they try to forge a more traditional Republican agenda and protect their political fortunes.
Mhm. Govorili so aretacijah, obtožnicah, odstavitvi, nekdo je celo trdil, da bo Donny gnil v zaporu do konca življenja.
To, da nekateri republikanci ne podpirajo Trumpa, in iščejo svojo pot, je par velikostnih razredov nižje na "happening" skali.
Zbudite me, ko bodo Donnya vklenjenega peljali iz Bele hiše ...

dice7 ::

RedDrake ::
Samo upamo lahko da pride do tega preden do konca ne vzpostavi lastne diktature
Nisi več daleč stran od raznoranih trutherjev.
S čim ti postrežemo dalje. UFO-ti, Fluor, ... ?
O tem namreč govorim.
Ljudje, živite v konkretnem balonu, ki ima namesto prosojne gume za stene kar par metrov svinca, da slučajno ne pride not kakšen EM val ali dva z neposvečeno informacijo.
Za vas je tipo kriv, če se ne bo nič zgodilo, bo to samo posledica njegove železne diktature, pred katero se skrije sam Kim Jong Un.
Sicer bo po 4/8 letih zamenjan, ampak diktatura je bila!!!111!!oneOneUno
Ne morte, dejansko tega vrjet, ali pač?
Tako, kot jaz nisem mogel dejansko verjeti, da bi Obama bil ne-američan, in nekako čudežno prišel do predsedniškega položaja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: RedDrake ()

ZaphodBB ::
Pa so le tud levičarji dobil svoje fašiste iz ozadja. Bwahahahahaha!
p.s.: Diceja nič ne moti, širjenje policijskih pooblasti v Sloveniji. Ipak to delajo "naši", hej sej se ne more zgodit, da bi jih jutri v roke dobil kak Janša. Kali?
Hkrati ga pa na smrt skrbi, da bo Trump skozi odvzemanje pooblastil federalnim agencijam vzpostavil diktaturo. Vse je narobe v pomolandu.
p.s.: Diceja nič ne moti, širjenje policijskih pooblasti v Sloveniji. Ipak to delajo "naši", hej sej se ne more zgodit, da bi jih jutri v roke dobil kak Janša. Kali?
Hkrati ga pa na smrt skrbi, da bo Trump skozi odvzemanje pooblastil federalnim agencijam vzpostavil diktaturo. Vse je narobe v pomolandu.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ZaphodBB ()

Berserker ::
Zbudite me, ko bodo Donnya vklenjenega peljali iz Bele hiše ...Samo upamo lahko da pride do tega preden do konca ne vzpostavi lastne diktature
Diktatura je že, sam ne tako amaterska kot v kakšni best Koreji in SA.

dice7 ::
Samo upamo lahko da pride do tega preden do konca ne vzpostavi lastne diktature
Nisi več daleč stran od raznoranih trutherjev.
S čim ti postrežemo dalje. UFO-ti, Fluor, ... ?
O tem namreč govorim.
Ljudje, živite v konkretnem balonu, ki ima namesto prosojne gume za stene kar par metrov svinca, da slučajno ne pride not kakšen EM val ali dva z neposvečeno informacijo.
Za vas je tipo kriv, če se ne bo nič zgodilo, bo to samo posledica njegove železne diktature, pred katero se skrije sam Kim Jong Un.
Sicer bo po 4/8 letih zamenjan, ampak diktatura je bila!!!111!!oneOneUno
Ne morte, dejansko tega vrjet, ali pač?
Tako, kot jaz nisem mogel dejansko verjeti, da bi Obama bil ne-američan, in nekako čudežno prišel do predsedniškega položaja.
Oranzni seveda ne more biti diktator v pravem pomenu besede zaradi sistema kateri ga trenutno drzi za jajca, konstantno sprenevedanje glede njegovih dejanj pa tudi ne pripomore k nicemer. Ce samo primerjas njegove vzorce obnasanja ti sovpadajo z ostalimi 'mocnimi vodji' tipa Putin/Erdogan v tem da mu je do zdaj ratalo ze (veckrat) napasti svobodni tisk, sodstvo, kongres, senat, verjetno ze vse obvescevalne organizacije in na koncu se FBI. V mislih je ze tudi imel spreminjanje ali pa kar direkt izbris prvega amandmaja, ki zagotavlja svobodo govora, rad bi natrpal svojo politicno opozicijo v zapore, ce pa to ne gre pa kar javni poziv tujim diktaturam da izvajajo dejanja vohunstva. Kot vsi trdoroki je seveda moral na visoke polozaje spraviti se druzinske clane, pa malce je pozabil lociti osebne interese od javnih oz drzavnih.
p.s.: Diceja nič ne moti, širjenje policijskih pooblasti v SlovenijiImas prav, ignorantia juris non excusat. Sicer sem pa kasneje videl, da so moji kolegi imeli tisto novico cez
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()

RedDrake ::
Oranzni seveda ne more biti diktator v pravem pomenu besede zaradi sistema kateri ga trenutno drzi za jajca, konstantno sprenevedanje glede njegovih dejanj pa tudi ne pripomore k nicemer. Ce samo primerjas njegove vzorce obnasanja ti sovpadajo z ostalimi 'mocnimi vodji' tipa Putin/Erdogan v tem da mu je do zdaj ratalo ze (veckrat) napasti svobodni tisk, sodstvo, kongres, senat, verjetno ze vse obvescevalne organizacije in na koncu se FBI. V mislih je ze tudi imel spreminjanje ali pa kar direkt izbris prvega amandmaja, ki zagotavlja svobodo govora, rad bi natrpal svojo politicno opozicijo v zapore, ce pa to ne gre pa kar javni poziv tujim diktaturam da izvajajo dejanja vohunstva. Kot vsi trdoroki je seveda moral na visoke polozaje spraviti se druzinske clane, pa malce je pozabil lociti osebne interese od javnih oz drzavnih.
Ok, gremo po vrsti.
1) Napadi na svobodni tisk
Ali je, Donny, a) prepovedal svobodo tiska, b) finančno uničil medije ki mu niso po godu, c) sprejel zakone, ki omejuejo "izražanje" novinarjev, d) se prerekal z mediji preko medijev. Odloči se sam, kaj počne on, in kaj počno Erdo/Putka/Kim.
2) sodstvo
Napadi so po novem izražanje nestrinjanja s sodniškimi odločitvami? Sem mislil, da to deluje drugače, recimo tako, da menjaš sodnike, ki ne sodijo kot ti hočeš, spreminjaš njihove pristojnosti, uvedeš "ljudska sodišča", ipd ... (ok, to se morda še lahko zgodi, a se najverjetneje ne bo)
3) kongres/senat
Url pls, kak napad? A jim bo odvzel pristojnost, a jih bo postrelil, a jih bo dal zapreti, ... ?
Ali se samo ne strinja s tem kar nekdo drug reče?
4) obvescevalci in FBI
Tole sta imho dve ločeni točki, je pa jasno ko beli dan, da morajo obveščevalne agencije delovati, kot predsednik hoče, ker je to končno gledano volja ljudstva. Ali si ti morda predstavljaš, da je obveščevalnim službam dovoljeno delovati proti volji izvoljenega predstavnika ljudstva? Ker, kaj, potem oni odločajo kaj je prav? Najbolje, da kar CIA lastnoročno fojbira vse, ki niso bili z njo, očitno je takšno tvoje mnenje?
FBI, je točka, kjer ti dam deloma prav, ampak imho je šlo za taktično potezo, kar se je lepo videlo na šovu Colberta. Demsi so šefu FBI zamerili, da je potopil Clintonovo par dni pred volitvami, in so takrat zahtevali njegovo glavo. Sedaj jo je Trump dostavil, in kar naenkrat to ni več prav. Confused much? Imho je šlo predvsem za to, v drugem planu pa seveda za to, da dobi notri človeka, ki mu lahko brezkompromisno zaupa. Če so na krožniku kakšni veliki zločini, tega direktor ne bo prikril, morda bi to še šlo čez v 90-ih, pred internetom, danes pač ne.
5) trpanje opozicije v zapore
Mhm, kakšni dokazi za to, razen da je naglas izrekel, to kar si večina misli, da Clintonca sodi v zapor?
Če bi njo zaprli, bi to kvečjemu naredilo Dem opcijo boljšo, ne slabšo, čeprav v tvojem balonu velja da je H. Clinton === opozicija (skoraj tako kot je JJ, in samo on in edini, opozicija).
6) Družinski člani
Evo, tu ti dam pa 100% prav, tega se ne dela, in to je nekaj kar sovražim tudi sam. Ampak žal, to počno skoraj vsi, ki jih poznam, verjetno je moj moralni kompas pač preveč obrnjen v poštenje, nimam niti srca, da bi nekoga nategnil pri prodaji rabljenih stvari, kaj šele, da bi počel kaj slabšega. Vseeno, to so minus točke za Donny-a.

ZaphodBB ::
Ker, kaj, potem oni odločajo kaj je prav? Najbolje, da kar CIA lastnoročno fojbira vse, ki niso bili z njo, očitno je takšno tvoje mnenje?
Njegovo mnenje je, da vse kar povečuje verjetnost "revolucije" je dobro. Torej kadar so levi na oblasti - širjenje mandata države, sodniški aktivizem, vzpodbujanje terorističnih organizacij (err... "civilne družbe"), policijska represija nad politično opozicijo, utrjevanje pozicije v javnih inštitiucijah (menjave vodilnih kadrov, sindikalizem,...).
Kadar niso na oblasti - spodkopavanje države, spodkopavanje izvršilne oblasti, nadzor "civilne družbe" nad delom sodstva,... Če je slučajno kakšna od inštitucij pod vplivom levice med tem, ko je izvršilna oblast pod nadzorom desnice - je povsem upravičen tudi upor inštitucije proti izvršilni oblasti (FBI, CIA, pozivi k državnemu udaru,...).
Aja pa seveda, vse svoje grehe očitat konzervativcem. Because
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Pac-Man ::
Še en nonejm
Word to the wise: start reading NY newspapers this week. Local pages. Links with March 27 arrest of 10 russian mafia boys. Let's just say that certain low level clerks working for a "real estate mogul" will be "invited" to police station against their will.
Sightseeing in Albany NY today... Can't wait! ...Nothing like the smell of OCTF in the morning!
Met an old friend of 15 years who now works in Albany on Friday. We had worked together in business dealings' legal aspects. Story:
A zealous auditor asked the right questions to the wrong people. Analyzing bank reports, he decided he needed additional info for audit. Bank accounts were used for rent deposit for the org. He asked, for clarity, to match the leases to the deposited revenues. Found this: The amounts deposited didn't match the amounts on the leases. Way short. He asked why. Was told some paid rent in cash.This was deposited in another account. Asked to review the account. Turns out, what was deposited equalled 500% of what should have been the balance. So he asked for clarification.Why would $150,000 turn to $750,000 every month?The answer: we don't know for sure. The person in charge is from top office. Requested answers from top office. Waited 30 days to finally get an irrational reply. "It's from other businesses." Puzzled, he put this to the side and tried the same thing with other properties. Same result. Turned and went to his supervisor.
That's how it all started. And that's all I've been told. Won't add my opinion as it is not of any relevance to what was said. Only this: This company is known to be run like a mom and pop shop. Not extremely professional and sloppy as hell. Things just caught up to them. All this because of an auditor who started digging... doing his job right. 👍🏼 incredible, isn't it?
Sliši se kot nekaj, kar ima čez NY AG.
Word to the wise: start reading NY newspapers this week. Local pages. Links with March 27 arrest of 10 russian mafia boys. Let's just say that certain low level clerks working for a "real estate mogul" will be "invited" to police station against their will.
Sightseeing in Albany NY today... Can't wait! ...Nothing like the smell of OCTF in the morning!
Met an old friend of 15 years who now works in Albany on Friday. We had worked together in business dealings' legal aspects. Story:
A zealous auditor asked the right questions to the wrong people. Analyzing bank reports, he decided he needed additional info for audit. Bank accounts were used for rent deposit for the org. He asked, for clarity, to match the leases to the deposited revenues. Found this: The amounts deposited didn't match the amounts on the leases. Way short. He asked why. Was told some paid rent in cash.This was deposited in another account. Asked to review the account. Turns out, what was deposited equalled 500% of what should have been the balance. So he asked for clarification.Why would $150,000 turn to $750,000 every month?The answer: we don't know for sure. The person in charge is from top office. Requested answers from top office. Waited 30 days to finally get an irrational reply. "It's from other businesses." Puzzled, he put this to the side and tried the same thing with other properties. Same result. Turned and went to his supervisor.
That's how it all started. And that's all I've been told. Won't add my opinion as it is not of any relevance to what was said. Only this: This company is known to be run like a mom and pop shop. Not extremely professional and sloppy as hell. Things just caught up to them. All this because of an auditor who started digging... doing his job right. 👍🏼 incredible, isn't it?
Sliši se kot nekaj, kar ima čez NY AG.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

dice7 ::
Ok, gremo po vrsti.
1) Napadi na svobodni tisk
Ali je, Donny, a) prepovedal svobodo tiska, b) finančno uničil medije ki mu niso po godu, c) sprejel zakone, ki omejuejo "izražanje" novinarjev, d) se prerekal z mediji preko medijev. Odloči se sam, kaj počne on, in kaj počno Erdo/Putka/Kim.
Delno a ( - vstop dovoljen samo medijem pozegnanim s strani ministrstva za resnico), d je pa ze tako stalna praksa. Manjka se opcija e)obtozbe medijev laznega porocanja, kljub temu da so porocali empiricno resnico
2) sodstvo
Napadi so po novem izražanje nestrinjanja s sodniškimi odločitvami? Sem mislil, da to deluje drugače, recimo tako, da menjaš sodnike, ki ne sodijo kot ti hočeš, spreminjaš njihove pristojnosti, uvedeš "ljudska sodišča", ipd ... (ok, to se morda še lahko zgodi, a se najverjetneje ne bo)
Kar si nastel je v juristikciji pravosodne in ne izvrsilne oblasti, ergo sistem ga drzi za jajca. Tako, da se je moral zadovoljiti z raznimi napadi na osebnost preko twitterja ("so-called judges"). Kaj cmo, ustava je zajebana rec
3) kongres/senat
Url pls, kak napad? A jim bo odvzel pristojnost, a jih bo postrelil, a jih bo dal zapreti, ... ?
Ali se samo ne strinja s tem kar nekdo drug reče?
Lahko bi ze rekel, da je grozil clanom kongresa, s tem se celo ZaphodPress strinja
Tudi senatorji mu niso prevec pri srcu
4) obvescevalci in FBITole sta imho dve ločeni točki, je pa jasno ko beli dan, da morajo obveščevalne agencije delovati, kot predsednik hoče, ker je to končno gledano volja ljudstva. Ali si ti morda predstavljaš, da je obveščevalnim službam dovoljeno delovati proti volji izvoljenega predstavnika ljudstva? Ker, kaj, potem oni odločajo kaj je prav? Najbolje, da kar CIA lastnoročno fojbira vse, ki niso bili z njo, očitno je takšno tvoje mnenje?Glede na approval ratinge Trump ocitno ne dela po volji ljudstva (kar tudi ni tako presenetljivo glede na to, da je ljudstvo izvolilo Clintonovo). Pri tej tocki sem imel v mislih predvsem izpodbijanje trditev obvescevalnih organizacij o njenih izsledkih
FBI, je točka, kjer ti dam deloma prav, ampak imho je šlo za taktično potezo, kar se je lepo videlo na šovu Colberta. Demsi so šefu FBI zamerili, da je potopil Clintonovo par dni pred volitvami, in so takrat zahtevali njegovo glavo. Sedaj jo je Trump dostavil, in kar naenkrat to ni več prav. Confused much? Imho je šlo predvsem za to, v drugem planu pa seveda za to, da dobi notri človeka, ki mu lahko brezkompromisno zaupa. Če so na krožniku kakšni veliki zločini, tega direktor ne bo prikril, morda bi to še šlo čez v 90-ih, pred internetom, danes pač ne.
Zakaj je Comey letel vsi vemo ( ). Zakaj zeli Comey izrecno samo javno zaslisanje tudi vsi vemo
5) trpanje opozicije v zaporeNe glede na to v katerem balonu ti zivis, ce se ze tako balonckamo vsepovprek, H.C. je politicna opozicija. To da so Demsi dali slabo opcijo je njihova napaka, nekateri so (oz ste?) pa zgleda mnenja da se sme ljudi natrprati v zapore, ker pac predstavljajo groznjo tvojem rezimu. Na sreco je tukaj ponovno sistem oz pravosodna oblast
Mhm, kakšni dokazi za to, razen da je naglas izrekel, to kar si večina misli, da Clintonca sodi v zapor?
Če bi njo zaprli, bi to kvečjemu naredilo Dem opcijo boljšo, ne slabšo, čeprav v tvojem balonu velja da je H. Clinton === opozicija (skoraj tako kot je JJ, in samo on in edini, opozicija).
Njegovo mnenje jeTo je mnenje tvojga slamnatega mozicelja

ZaphodBB ::
To je mnenje tvojga slamnatega mozicelja
Cool story bro! A dans nisi za revolucijo?
Evo, da vam malo pomagam.
Diktator Trump je že začel zaplinjat svoje volivce:
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ZaphodBB ()

dice7 ::
To je mnenje tvojga slamnatega mozicelja
Cool story bro! A dans nisi za revolucijo?
Evo, da vam malo pomagam.
Diktator Trump je že začel zaplinjat svoje volivce:
Hura za odpravo teh presnetih regulacij?

ZaphodBB ::
To je mnenje tvojga slamnatega mozicelja
Cool story bro! A dans nisi za revolucijo?
Evo, da vam malo pomagam.
Diktator Trump je že začel zaplinjat svoje volivce:
Hura za odpravo teh presnetih regulacij?
Hura za revolucijo!
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

ZaphodBB ::
It's happening!
The House of Representatives is set to begin the impeachment process of current president Donald Trump. A spokesperson from the house said the decision was based on sufficient findings by the FBI of collusion with Russia during the campaign.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

jype ::
Kako kul, ZaphodBB podpira ameriškega Gašpar Gašparja in njegov model ljudskega kapitalizma.

ZaphodBB ::
Kako kul, ZaphodBB podpira ameriškega Gašpar Gašparja in njegov model ljudskega kapitalizma.
Wow, še mal pa boš tud ti pripravljen volit zanj.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Pac-Man ::
It's happening!Ha-ha.
No tole ni nonejm na twitterju, ampak Scarborough, MSM :)
Scarborough said he’s heard from FBI sources that the investigation had gathered steam in recent weeks, and he said Comey was fired in response to that development.
“They have already found the string and they are pulling on it, based on my contacts inside the FBI and they are starting to tug on that string, and they are going to keep tugging, keeping going, and it’s accelerated because of the way he fired Comey, and he knows it,” Scarborough said.

c3p0 ::

mtosev ::
a bo Trump zdržal 4leta? gremo upati, da ne
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Pac-Man ::
FBI just informed me it is no longer Glomar-ing our FOIA litigation request for @LouiseMensch re investigations into leaks to Rudy Giuliani. Glomar = "refusal to confirm or deny the existence or non-existence of information"
IDK FBI's decision process but I will say likely reason FBI backed off is Comey testified about pending investigations into the leaks.
Glomar response @ Wikipedia
Odličen članek, priporočam branje celote
Every word of this @ShaneGoldmacher piece is a) true b) a service c) belies the notion of some grand plan by Trump
How Trump gets his fake news
White House chief of staff Reince Priebus issued a stern warning at a recent senior staff meeting: Quit trying to secretly slip stuff to President Donald Trump.
Just days earlier, K.T. McFarland, the deputy national security adviser, had given Trump a printout of two Time magazine covers. One, supposedly from the 1970s, warned of a coming ice age; the other, from 2008, about surviving global warming, according to four White House officials familiar with the matter.
Trump quickly got lathered up about the media’s hypocrisy. But there was a problem. The 1970s cover was fake, part of an internet hoax that’s circulated for years. Staff chased down the truth and intervened before Trump tweeted or talked publicly about it.
The consequences can be tremendous, according to a half-dozen White House officials and others with direct interactions with the president. A news story tucked into Trump’s hands at the right moment can torpedo an appointment or redirect the president’s entire agenda. Current and former Trump officials say Trump can react volcanically to negative press clips, especially those with damaging leaks, becoming engrossed in finding out where they originated.
When Trump bellows about this or that story, his aides often scramble in a game of cat-and-mouse to figure out who alerted the president to the piece in the first place given that he rarely browses the internet on his own. Some in the White House describe getting angry calls from the president and then hustling over to Trump’s personal secretary, Madeleine Westerhout, to ferret who exactly had just paid a visit to the Oval Office and possibly set Trump off.
Trump may not be a fan of briefing books, but he does devour the news. Most mornings, current and former aides say, Trump reads through a handful of newspapers in print, including The New York Times, New York Post, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal — all while watching cable news shows in the background.
He uses the internet minimally, other than tweeting and tracking his mentions, so what other news stories he sees can be more haphazard. Trump does receive a daily binder of news clippings put together by his communications team, but White House officials disagreed about how much he reads those. White House and former campaign aides have tried to make sure Trump’s media diet includes regular doses of praise and positive stories to keep his mood up — a tactic honed by staff during the campaign to keep him from tweeting angrily.
When Secretary of State Rex Tillerson wanted to appoint Elliott Abrams, a veteran of the Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush White Houses, as his No. 2, someone in the president’s orbit made sure Trump was freshly aware of Abrams' anti-Trump comments from 2016, such as a Weekly Standard op-ed in which Abrams wrote, “The party has nominated someone who cannot win and should not be president.”
Trump personally intervened to block Abrams’ appointment.
More recently, when four economists who advised Trump during the campaign — Steve Forbes, Larry Kudlow, Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore — wrote in a New York Times op-ed that “now is the time to move [tax reform] forward with urgency,” someone in the White House flagged the piece for the president.
Trump summoned staff to talk about it. His message: Make this the tax plan, according to one White House official present.
The op-ed came out on a Wednesday. By Friday, Trump was telling The Associated Press, “I shouldn’t tell you this, but we’re going to be announcing, probably on Wednesday, tax reform,” startling his aides, who had not yet prepared such a plan. Sure enough, the next Wednesday, Trump’s economic team was rolling out a tax plan that echoed the op-ed.
Moore was at the White House that day. “Several of the White House folks came up to us and said, ‘It’s your op-ed that got Trump moving on this,’” Moore said. “I’ve probably written 1,000 op-eds in my life, but that might have been the most impactful.”
//Trump je katastrofalen šef. Za katastrofalnega šefa se je malokdo pripravljen vreči na nož. Ko postane vroče, bo cel sistem razpadel ekstremno hitro.
enako kot zgoraj, o gospodu, ki precej trumpovim sodelavcem povzroča nočne more
The evening that Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey, plunging Washington into chaos and possibly propelling the nation toward a constitutional crisis, the president’s most persistent legal antagonist was flying high above America. On a cross-country JetBlue flight, Eric Schneiderman, the attorney general of New York State, was watching a seat-back TV when he learned the news the way almost everyone else — including Comey — did, with a shocking flash. “There was a group of lawyers on the plane who recognized me,” Schneiderman said the next day. As the news spread through the cabin, he began to feel glances directed his way. The usual decorum fell away, and one passenger leaned over to Schneiderman. “I bet you can’t wait for the plane to land,” he said.
Long before the Russians — or really anyone — dreamed of a President Trump, Schneiderman was investigating him, pursuing the allegedly fraudulent marketing of his for-profit university. And long before Trump was attacking federal judges, the leaky intelligence community, or law-enforcement officials with a reputation for stubborn probity, he was ridiculing New York’s AG as a “lightweight.” The idea that Schneiderman, a compact, tightly wound Upper West Side liberal whose office is accustomed to pursuing consumer scams or busting upstate heroin rings (as he did last week), might be a last line of defense for what he calls “bedrock principles of the United States” — it’s frankly a little preposterous. But the framers of our Constitution designed our system to have hidden pockets of resiliency, and the power of the states is one of them.
Even before Comey’s firing, some well-placed congressional Democrats had been urging Schneiderman to probe the Trump campaign’s suspected Kremlin connection, as far afield as that might seem for a state officeholder. But New York, of course, is home to the Trump Organization and its bank accounts. “We have jurisdiction over everything because we’re New York, and every check clears New York,” said former state attorney general (and governor) Eliot Spitzer, whose high-profile prosecutions on Wall Street demonstrated the office’s national reach.
Schneiderman, however, said he is hoping that Comey’s firing will spur Republicans to back a bipartisan probe. “It is tremendously important that the FBI not be run as a political operation,” he said. “And it’s very important to Americans on both sides of the aisle.” He said he talked with contacts who were with the FBI director in L.A. when he was canned who told him they were outraged by the “sense of total disrespect” conveyed by the abrupt move, with its strong-arm theatrics, like the firing letter delivered by Trump’s loyal bodyguard. “It’s not the way you treat the director of the FBI,” Schneiderman said, “whatever your disagreements with him may be.”
“The states are able to serve as a backup,” he said. Particularly New York, whose attorney general’s office is perhaps the most powerful in the country, aided by the Martin Act, a state law that gives sweeping powers to investigate financial fraud. Past occupants of the office have used that power to raise their political profiles — both of Schneiderman’s immediate predecessors, Spitzer and Andrew Cuomo, ended up as governor. It’s no secret that Schneiderman would like to follow that example, and his confrontational stance toward Trump has made him a popular figure on the left.
Schneiderman has experienced his vindictive streak firsthand, during his investigations of Trump University and, last year, of the Trump Foundation’s fund-raising practices. Trump filed an ethics complaint against him (it was dismissed) and set up a website to attack him. The New York Observer — Jared Kushner’s newspaper — published a memorably savage hit piece. “The front page of the Observer was my picture as the Malcolm McDowell character in A Clockwork Orange,” he recalled. “So before there was ‘Lyin’ Ted’ and ‘Little Marco,’ there was ‘Clockwork Eric.’ I’ve seen the scorched-earth approach for years.”
Trump may have the power to squelch federal investigators, but Schneiderman’s office has a staff of some 650 attorneys and formidable resources. In what was widely viewed as a preparatory move for cases to come, he recently hired a public-corruption prosecutor who worked for Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for New York controversially ousted by Trump. (The Trump Foundation investigation, for one, is ongoing.)
FBI just informed me it is no longer Glomar-ing our FOIA litigation request for @LouiseMensch re investigations into leaks to Rudy Giuliani. Glomar = "refusal to confirm or deny the existence or non-existence of information"
IDK FBI's decision process but I will say likely reason FBI backed off is Comey testified about pending investigations into the leaks.
Glomar response @ Wikipedia
Odličen članek, priporočam branje celote
Every word of this @ShaneGoldmacher piece is a) true b) a service c) belies the notion of some grand plan by Trump
How Trump gets his fake news
White House chief of staff Reince Priebus issued a stern warning at a recent senior staff meeting: Quit trying to secretly slip stuff to President Donald Trump.
Just days earlier, K.T. McFarland, the deputy national security adviser, had given Trump a printout of two Time magazine covers. One, supposedly from the 1970s, warned of a coming ice age; the other, from 2008, about surviving global warming, according to four White House officials familiar with the matter.
Trump quickly got lathered up about the media’s hypocrisy. But there was a problem. The 1970s cover was fake, part of an internet hoax that’s circulated for years. Staff chased down the truth and intervened before Trump tweeted or talked publicly about it.
The consequences can be tremendous, according to a half-dozen White House officials and others with direct interactions with the president. A news story tucked into Trump’s hands at the right moment can torpedo an appointment or redirect the president’s entire agenda. Current and former Trump officials say Trump can react volcanically to negative press clips, especially those with damaging leaks, becoming engrossed in finding out where they originated.
When Trump bellows about this or that story, his aides often scramble in a game of cat-and-mouse to figure out who alerted the president to the piece in the first place given that he rarely browses the internet on his own. Some in the White House describe getting angry calls from the president and then hustling over to Trump’s personal secretary, Madeleine Westerhout, to ferret who exactly had just paid a visit to the Oval Office and possibly set Trump off.
Trump may not be a fan of briefing books, but he does devour the news. Most mornings, current and former aides say, Trump reads through a handful of newspapers in print, including The New York Times, New York Post, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal — all while watching cable news shows in the background.
He uses the internet minimally, other than tweeting and tracking his mentions, so what other news stories he sees can be more haphazard. Trump does receive a daily binder of news clippings put together by his communications team, but White House officials disagreed about how much he reads those. White House and former campaign aides have tried to make sure Trump’s media diet includes regular doses of praise and positive stories to keep his mood up — a tactic honed by staff during the campaign to keep him from tweeting angrily.
When Secretary of State Rex Tillerson wanted to appoint Elliott Abrams, a veteran of the Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush White Houses, as his No. 2, someone in the president’s orbit made sure Trump was freshly aware of Abrams' anti-Trump comments from 2016, such as a Weekly Standard op-ed in which Abrams wrote, “The party has nominated someone who cannot win and should not be president.”
Trump personally intervened to block Abrams’ appointment.
More recently, when four economists who advised Trump during the campaign — Steve Forbes, Larry Kudlow, Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore — wrote in a New York Times op-ed that “now is the time to move [tax reform] forward with urgency,” someone in the White House flagged the piece for the president.
Trump summoned staff to talk about it. His message: Make this the tax plan, according to one White House official present.
The op-ed came out on a Wednesday. By Friday, Trump was telling The Associated Press, “I shouldn’t tell you this, but we’re going to be announcing, probably on Wednesday, tax reform,” startling his aides, who had not yet prepared such a plan. Sure enough, the next Wednesday, Trump’s economic team was rolling out a tax plan that echoed the op-ed.
Moore was at the White House that day. “Several of the White House folks came up to us and said, ‘It’s your op-ed that got Trump moving on this,’” Moore said. “I’ve probably written 1,000 op-eds in my life, but that might have been the most impactful.”
//Trump je katastrofalen šef. Za katastrofalnega šefa se je malokdo pripravljen vreči na nož. Ko postane vroče, bo cel sistem razpadel ekstremno hitro.
enako kot zgoraj, o gospodu, ki precej trumpovim sodelavcem povzroča nočne more
The evening that Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey, plunging Washington into chaos and possibly propelling the nation toward a constitutional crisis, the president’s most persistent legal antagonist was flying high above America. On a cross-country JetBlue flight, Eric Schneiderman, the attorney general of New York State, was watching a seat-back TV when he learned the news the way almost everyone else — including Comey — did, with a shocking flash. “There was a group of lawyers on the plane who recognized me,” Schneiderman said the next day. As the news spread through the cabin, he began to feel glances directed his way. The usual decorum fell away, and one passenger leaned over to Schneiderman. “I bet you can’t wait for the plane to land,” he said.
Long before the Russians — or really anyone — dreamed of a President Trump, Schneiderman was investigating him, pursuing the allegedly fraudulent marketing of his for-profit university. And long before Trump was attacking federal judges, the leaky intelligence community, or law-enforcement officials with a reputation for stubborn probity, he was ridiculing New York’s AG as a “lightweight.” The idea that Schneiderman, a compact, tightly wound Upper West Side liberal whose office is accustomed to pursuing consumer scams or busting upstate heroin rings (as he did last week), might be a last line of defense for what he calls “bedrock principles of the United States” — it’s frankly a little preposterous. But the framers of our Constitution designed our system to have hidden pockets of resiliency, and the power of the states is one of them.
Even before Comey’s firing, some well-placed congressional Democrats had been urging Schneiderman to probe the Trump campaign’s suspected Kremlin connection, as far afield as that might seem for a state officeholder. But New York, of course, is home to the Trump Organization and its bank accounts. “We have jurisdiction over everything because we’re New York, and every check clears New York,” said former state attorney general (and governor) Eliot Spitzer, whose high-profile prosecutions on Wall Street demonstrated the office’s national reach.
Schneiderman, however, said he is hoping that Comey’s firing will spur Republicans to back a bipartisan probe. “It is tremendously important that the FBI not be run as a political operation,” he said. “And it’s very important to Americans on both sides of the aisle.” He said he talked with contacts who were with the FBI director in L.A. when he was canned who told him they were outraged by the “sense of total disrespect” conveyed by the abrupt move, with its strong-arm theatrics, like the firing letter delivered by Trump’s loyal bodyguard. “It’s not the way you treat the director of the FBI,” Schneiderman said, “whatever your disagreements with him may be.”
“The states are able to serve as a backup,” he said. Particularly New York, whose attorney general’s office is perhaps the most powerful in the country, aided by the Martin Act, a state law that gives sweeping powers to investigate financial fraud. Past occupants of the office have used that power to raise their political profiles — both of Schneiderman’s immediate predecessors, Spitzer and Andrew Cuomo, ended up as governor. It’s no secret that Schneiderman would like to follow that example, and his confrontational stance toward Trump has made him a popular figure on the left.
Schneiderman has experienced his vindictive streak firsthand, during his investigations of Trump University and, last year, of the Trump Foundation’s fund-raising practices. Trump filed an ethics complaint against him (it was dismissed) and set up a website to attack him. The New York Observer — Jared Kushner’s newspaper — published a memorably savage hit piece. “The front page of the Observer was my picture as the Malcolm McDowell character in A Clockwork Orange,” he recalled. “So before there was ‘Lyin’ Ted’ and ‘Little Marco,’ there was ‘Clockwork Eric.’ I’ve seen the scorched-earth approach for years.”
Trump may have the power to squelch federal investigators, but Schneiderman’s office has a staff of some 650 attorneys and formidable resources. In what was widely viewed as a preparatory move for cases to come, he recently hired a public-corruption prosecutor who worked for Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for New York controversially ousted by Trump. (The Trump Foundation investigation, for one, is ongoing.)

Pac-Man ::
Za nestrpne:
I've been saying 12-18 months. But things seem to be accelerating.
Kot rečeno, material za impičment bo pis of kejk, Trumpy bo mojstrsko poskrbel za vse. Čakamo samo politično voljo. Po temle morda še ta mesec? Od "hillarynin server" konzervativcev bi bilo malo hinavsko, če bi bili tole propravljeni spregledat.
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.
The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency.
For almost anyone in government, discussing such matters with an adversary would be illegal. As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.
In his meeting with Lavrov, Trump seemed to be boasting about his inside knowledge of the looming threat. “I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day,” the president said, according to an official with knowledge of the exchange.
Trump went on to discuss aspects of the threat that the United States learned only through the espionage capabilities of a key partner. He did not reveal the specific intelligence-gathering method, but he described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat.
The Washington Post is withholding most plot details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities.
mr. NSA
Unbelievable. Just unbelievable.
Impeachment, anyone?
We're beyond mere unfitness for office with this one. This is treasonous.
Trump passed TS/SI(?)/NF/SAP intel to the Kremlin. Words fail.
POTUS can declassify anything he wants. Releasing to HoIS (Hostile Intelligence Service) is another matter, however.
Dear USG & Allies: POTUS will throw you under the bus, maybe killing you, because he wants to impress top Russians.
I've been saying 12-18 months. But things seem to be accelerating.
Claude how long until we're rid of this guy?
Kot rečeno, material za impičment bo pis of kejk, Trumpy bo mojstrsko poskrbel za vse. Čakamo samo politično voljo. Po temle morda še ta mesec? Od "hillarynin server" konzervativcev bi bilo malo hinavsko, če bi bili tole propravljeni spregledat.
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.
The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency.
For almost anyone in government, discussing such matters with an adversary would be illegal. As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.
In his meeting with Lavrov, Trump seemed to be boasting about his inside knowledge of the looming threat. “I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day,” the president said, according to an official with knowledge of the exchange.
Trump went on to discuss aspects of the threat that the United States learned only through the espionage capabilities of a key partner. He did not reveal the specific intelligence-gathering method, but he described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat.
The Washington Post is withholding most plot details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities.
mr. NSA
Unbelievable. Just unbelievable.
Basically, Trump can be goaded into bragging about confidential information like a 6-year-old
Impeachment, anyone?
We're beyond mere unfitness for office with this one. This is treasonous.
Trump passed TS/SI(?)/NF/SAP intel to the Kremlin. Words fail.
POTUS can declassify anything he wants. Releasing to HoIS (Hostile Intelligence Service) is another matter, however.
Dear USG & Allies: POTUS will throw you under the bus, maybe killing you, because he wants to impress top Russians.

jype ::
A kdo verjame tem ljudem? It didn't happen, but birth certificate and bigger crowds? Nobody respects women more than he does?
A kdo verjame tem ljudem? It didn't happen, but birth certificate and bigger crowds? Nobody respects women more than he does?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

jype ::
O, lej, celo ameriški fake media poroča o teh rečeh, to bo Trump zihr tožu:

Pac-Man ::
Claude, ki je bil v preteklosti že točen.
Followers know I've tried to avoid an exact timeline as to when to expect arrests. I'm now receiving word that it may be soon. Here's why in order to avoid any possible misinterpretation, I'm going to give exact word for word quote of what I was told.
"Rumor has it the AUSA (Assistant United States Attorney) has signed off on the tactical & logistical plan to take numerous subjects into custody". That's it. Word for word.
Also this: I'm told that hearings at the Eastern District of Virginia (EDVA) unrelated to TrumpRussia are being postponed or rescheduled...
Še zakaj je bilo precej ljudi, ki se s tajnimi informacijami ukvarjajo po službeni dolžnosti jeznih zaradi clintonovega serverja, verjetno tudi Comey - zato tiskovke in zakaj bodo pasji tudi okrog Trumpa.
True story about me and classified information - off news today re: POTUS and the Russians. When I was on Navy Staff at the Pentagon I was handed a FOIA request to respond to. Can't remember the exact topic, but off I went, trying to figure out what was okay to release and what was properly classified and not subject to release. Went line by line on what, if memory serves, was a set of instructions about CVN docking/port call instructions. (CVN = nuclear powered aircraft carrier.) Did all the redacting etc, sent it up the chain and forgot about it. Couple weeks later I get hauled before the most proximate flag officer in my chain of command and had my head handed to me. Seems I'd failed to redact a line -- one line -- about minimum required water depth for the aforementioned CVN docking protocols. Entire division -- 35-ish people -- spent a day in a security stand-down reviewing classification protocols. I'm not sure folks ever forgave me. All of which is to say that, yes, I know POTUS is the classification authority, but had I - or anyone else - done what WaPo is reporting, losing our jobs would've been the best that would happen. Oh, one more thing. The line I left unredacted was classified Confidential - that is, several very big steps below what's reported today.
Followers know I've tried to avoid an exact timeline as to when to expect arrests. I'm now receiving word that it may be soon. Here's why in order to avoid any possible misinterpretation, I'm going to give exact word for word quote of what I was told.
"Rumor has it the AUSA (Assistant United States Attorney) has signed off on the tactical & logistical plan to take numerous subjects into custody". That's it. Word for word.
Also this: I'm told that hearings at the Eastern District of Virginia (EDVA) unrelated to TrumpRussia are being postponed or rescheduled...
Še zakaj je bilo precej ljudi, ki se s tajnimi informacijami ukvarjajo po službeni dolžnosti jeznih zaradi clintonovega serverja, verjetno tudi Comey - zato tiskovke in zakaj bodo pasji tudi okrog Trumpa.
True story about me and classified information - off news today re: POTUS and the Russians. When I was on Navy Staff at the Pentagon I was handed a FOIA request to respond to. Can't remember the exact topic, but off I went, trying to figure out what was okay to release and what was properly classified and not subject to release. Went line by line on what, if memory serves, was a set of instructions about CVN docking/port call instructions. (CVN = nuclear powered aircraft carrier.) Did all the redacting etc, sent it up the chain and forgot about it. Couple weeks later I get hauled before the most proximate flag officer in my chain of command and had my head handed to me. Seems I'd failed to redact a line -- one line -- about minimum required water depth for the aforementioned CVN docking protocols. Entire division -- 35-ish people -- spent a day in a security stand-down reviewing classification protocols. I'm not sure folks ever forgave me. All of which is to say that, yes, I know POTUS is the classification authority, but had I - or anyone else - done what WaPo is reporting, losing our jobs would've been the best that would happen. Oh, one more thing. The line I left unredacted was classified Confidential - that is, several very big steps below what's reported today.

Pac-Man ::
So, this is going well ...
Confirmation that intel Trump gave to RIS was TS/SAP information obtained from a US ally re #ISIS terrorist plans.
Oh. "this may well be a violation of the President’s oath of office"
Nobody in intel circles is taking McMaster's "denial" seriously. He's a good soldier following orders. Price you pay for working for Trump. FYI, McMaster didn't deny the Intel was passed to RIS -- only that it didn't contain TS+ S&M. Wake up, stop lying. If McMaster had listened to @TheRickWilson he'd know that everything Trump touches dies. Everything. SAD!
Still over in Europe. Currently preparing for a long day of "OMG -- WTF is going on in DC?!?!" questions. Such fun, our Supreme Leader.
L'Affaire Russe is the perfect Trump story. It's got rampant narcissism, an inability 2 shut up, 0 regard 4 laws+norms + profound stupidity.
Reminder: Our NATO allies were terrified of Trump's Russia ties even before he passed TS+ to the Kremlin in the WH.
I told you 3 months ago #NSA was withholding some very sensitive intel from the Trump WH. Now you understand why.
So, this is going well ...
Confirmation that intel Trump gave to RIS was TS/SAP information obtained from a US ally re #ISIS terrorist plans.
Oh. "this may well be a violation of the President’s oath of office"
Nobody in intel circles is taking McMaster's "denial" seriously. He's a good soldier following orders. Price you pay for working for Trump. FYI, McMaster didn't deny the Intel was passed to RIS -- only that it didn't contain TS+ S&M. Wake up, stop lying. If McMaster had listened to @TheRickWilson he'd know that everything Trump touches dies. Everything. SAD!
Still over in Europe. Currently preparing for a long day of "OMG -- WTF is going on in DC?!?!" questions. Such fun, our Supreme Leader.
L'Affaire Russe is the perfect Trump story. It's got rampant narcissism, an inability 2 shut up, 0 regard 4 laws+norms + profound stupidity.
Reminder: Our NATO allies were terrified of Trump's Russia ties even before he passed TS+ to the Kremlin in the WH.
I told you 3 months ago #NSA was withholding some very sensitive intel from the Trump WH. Now you understand why.

VaeVictis ::
IMHO vse to so larifari pravljice za razočarane demokrate in bo Trump še vsaj do konca mandata predsednik!
Je celo velika možnost, da bo dobil še en mandat!
Je celo velika možnost, da bo dobil še en mandat!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VaeVictis ()

Pac-Man ::
Schindler (@20committee) je republikanec in konzervativec. Kukzervativec.
Imperial and Royal @ Wikipedia
Del #neverhillary gibanja.
Dear Hillbots: Suck it. #EmailGate #NeverHillary
Imperial and Royal @ Wikipedia
Del #neverhillary gibanja.
Dear Hillbots: Suck it. #EmailGate #NeverHillary
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Cervantes ::
Poleg rabidnih CNN komentarjev je včasih dobro kaj prebrati tudi na FOX NEWS:
Slain dnc staffer had contact with wikileaks investigator says.
Slain dnc staffer had contact with wikileaks investigator says.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()

RedDrake ::
Poleg rabidnih CNN komentarjev je včasih dobro kaj prebrati tudi na FOX NEWS:
Slain dnc staffer had contact with wikileaks investigator says.
Dajmo stave na mizo, koga bodo zaprli prej:
A) Donnya oz. nekoga iz njegovega notranjega kroga
B) Klintonco oz. nekoga iz njenega notranjega kroga
Se mi zdi, da je oboje možno, hkrati pa oboje ni ravno verjetno ...

Pac-Man ::

dice7 ::
Azurni fox je skoraj leto dni v zaostanku z novicami.
Zgleda ni nc novga glede klintonce in je treba stare fekalije prebavlat. Sicer je v njihovi verziji vir anonimni preiskovalec in ne kar wikileaks itself tako da dajem credit where its due
Zgleda ni nc novga glede klintonce in je treba stare fekalije prebavlat. Sicer je v njihovi verziji vir anonimni preiskovalec in ne kar wikileaks itself tako da dajem credit where its due

VaeVictis ::
Jaz še zmeraj čakam tisti audio posnetek, kjer se sliši kako Dhanald reče nigger.
Trump si prepeva Clawfingerje in iztega mediji naredijo novico...


RedDrake ::
Azurni fox je skoraj leto dni v zaostanku z novicami.
Zgleda ni nc novga glede klintonce in je treba stare fekalije prebavlat. Sicer je v njihovi verziji vir anonimni preiskovalec in ne kar wikileaks itself tako da dajem credit where its due
Ne ne, stvar je bila navaden conspiracy theory, do včeraj, ko je zasebni detektvi, bivši policist (pa še črn'c, kako boš underminal njega, ti CIS WHITE MAAAALE!), izjavil tole cvetko:
I have a source inside the police department that has looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘Rod, we were told to stand down on this case and I can’t share any information with you.’ Now, that is highly unusual for a murder investigation, especially from a police department. Again, I don’t think it comes from the chief’s office, but I do believe there is a correlation between the mayor's office and the DNC and that is the information that will come out [Tuesday]
No, bomo videli, kaj bo danes.
On ima tudi vire, isto kot muh russia zgodba.
Je pa zanimivo to, da precej verjetno velja ali eno ali drugo. Če je Rich dal podatke DNC-ja wikileaksu, potem niso bili rusi, in obratno.
Kako prikladno, da je ta človek sedaj mrtev, ne?
Seveda, boste sedaj ugotovili, da so ga najprej nanovačili Rusi, potem je on leaknil del podaktov wikileaksu, potem so ga "odstranili", potem pa so sami leaknili tiste ta bolj sočne stvari wikileaksu.
A ne, Paco, da je bilo tako?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: RedDrake ()

Cervantes ::
Seveda, boste sedaj ugotovili, da so ga najprej nanovačili Rusi, potem je on leaknil del podaktov wikileaksu, potem so ga "odstranili", potem pa so sami leaknili tiste ta bolj sočne stvari wikileaksu.
Jasna stvar, vsem na ST.

(razen redkih izjem seveda)
BTW. A to, da je investigator ostal anonimen, koga preseneča?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
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