Forum » Igre » Stellaris Grand strategy
Stellaris Grand strategy
cebelar123 ::
Torej ta vikend se bom spet vrnil in poizkušal naštudirati Stellarisa. Če kdo to igra naj kaj napiše kako sem mu kaj zdi in če ima kakšen predlog.
Za orginal je v bljižni prihodnosti napovedan DLC in potem bo vse skupaj v kratkem še implementirano v Star trek mod.
in pa kaj bo novega link:
Star trek mod. Končno lahko zavladaš galaksiji kot GRON![:)](
Tukaj je link za dol potegnit verzijo 0.8.5
in pa link do strani kjer ustvarjajo mod tako, da zmeraj vidiš kateri je zdanji.
Sam še nisem sprobal moda in niti še nevem kako ga nastaviš. Najprej se je treba orginal vsaj malo naučit.
Za orginal je v bljižni prihodnosti napovedan DLC in potem bo vse skupaj v kratkem še implementirano v Star trek mod.
in pa kaj bo novega link:
Star trek mod. Končno lahko zavladaš galaksiji kot GRON
Tukaj je link za dol potegnit verzijo 0.8.5
in pa link do strani kjer ustvarjajo mod tako, da zmeraj vidiš kateri je zdanji.
Sam še nisem sprobal moda in niti še nevem kako ga nastaviš. Najprej se je treba orginal vsaj malo naučit.
opeter ::
Eh, jaz Paradoxovih iger ne pipam
Imam svoje vzroke. Tebi pa vse pohvale, da vztrajaš (tudi na Hearts of Iron 4).
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
cebelar123 ::
Prvi problem kot totalni noob je kako slediti vsem popupom in kaj raziskovati.
Torej raziskovati tehnologije katere so ti dane na izbiro po naključju, katere izbrati ali mogoče prekiniti raziskovanje teh tehnologij in raziskati anomalije ali razbitine
En kup ras te kontaktira in vsaka bi rada nekaj, potem je tukaj še pri moji igri problem ker je v bližini bil samo en planet za kolonizirat in sem moral zgraditi outpost station posledično sem imel probleme z influence pointsi
Zaradi raziširitve imperija sem tudi prehitro šel v vojno s sosedom in izgubil kup ladij. Pa mislim da sem napadel takega kateri je živel na planetih katere nisem bil sposoben kolonizirati zaradi podnebja ![:|](
Skratka mislim da bom moral začeti od začetka in upati na boljši položaj v galaksiji![:)](
Dugače pa je tutorial celo koristen glede na to da je to paradox igra.
Torej raziskovati tehnologije katere so ti dane na izbiro po naključju, katere izbrati ali mogoče prekiniti raziskovanje teh tehnologij in raziskati anomalije ali razbitine
En kup ras te kontaktira in vsaka bi rada nekaj, potem je tukaj še pri moji igri problem ker je v bližini bil samo en planet za kolonizirat in sem moral zgraditi outpost station posledično sem imel probleme z influence pointsi
Skratka mislim da bom moral začeti od začetka in upati na boljši položaj v galaksiji
Dugače pa je tutorial celo koristen glede na to da je to paradox igra.
Napajalc ::
Je par pristopov, klasika vedno dela ko se pomeniš s sosedi čez nišan, če hočeš igrat polno igro je potrebno malo umirit svoje sosede, za začetek reskirat malo influence za dobre odnose, okupirat kak planet zgolj da ga rezerviraš...treba mal občutka dobit kako se zmazat. Lahko ti pa ena čist brezvezna poteza uniči igro, sem hotu osvobodit zasužnjene veverice ki so hotele živet izolirano v democratic utopia državi..sem sprožu endgame krizo, patetic army, konc igre.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Napajalc ()
cebelar123 ::
Napajalc ::
General zna malo znižat stroške vojske. Glede na influenceo bi jaz prvo izkoristu vse možnosti "free" planetov, če je vojska dovolj velika te ne bo noben napadel. Prvi planet je vedno focus štrom, ponavadi tudi sector. Domačini imajo včasih krasne planete, to se splača osnažit.
cebelar123 ::
Sicer sem zmagal ampak bolj taktično, ker sem zahteval že na začetku samo dva planeta "majhen warscore". Čeprav sem imel recimo po številu enako ladij in približno enake tipe me je nasprotik praktično zmeraj zdesetkal. Pa ladje tudi mu ni bilo težko delati , čeprav je bil ob 3 sončne sisteme. Pišem o nasprotniku levo od mene "mandate od bigaras" Od laserjev imam samo rdeče, drugače pa same neke rakete.
cebelar123 ::
Kako to misliš delno? Planet ni bil popolnoma poseljen če to misliš potem ja.
Vzel sem mu dva planeta z njegovo populacijo. Nisem upal iti na kaj več ker kot sem ugotovil nebi mogel zmagati. A mogoče veš če se lahko warscore kje sproti vidi, da lahko oceniš približno kaj še moraš narediti za zmago.
Vzel sem mu dva planeta z njegovo populacijo. Nisem upal iti na kaj več ker kot sem ugotovil nebi mogel zmagati. A mogoče veš če se lahko warscore kje sproti vidi, da lahko oceniš približno kaj še moraš narediti za zmago.
Napajalc ::
Ponavadi napadam na koncu, ko ni druge možnosti za širjenje, tako da vojsko posplitam in pošljem v sisteme z več planeti, nikoli nisem iskal tega "slajderja". Včasih se res predolgo upira, mu vse pobereš pol treba pa še mal počakat da se preda.
cebelar123 ::
Ma jaz sem ga iz preventive napado. Že od začetka me ni maral in še lepo se je razširil. Potem pa je bila pika na i da je šel v vojno z imperijem s katerim sem hotel v bodoče iti v zavezništvo. Enostavno nisem hotel predolgo čakati sploh, ker se na mapi vidi levo zgoraj vidi veliki imperij kateri me tudi ne mara. Nočem imeti na dveh straneh močne sovražnike.
Napajalc ::
Enga kapitalca je fino met za zaveznika, drugač bi znala bit tole zanimiva taktika na malih mapah, prednost parih planetov še preden se razširjo..
cebelar123 ::
Enga kapitalca je fino met za zaveznika, drugač bi znala bit tole zanimiva taktika na malih mapah, prednost parih planetov še preden se razširjo..
Mogoče veš katero verzijo Stellarisa igraš? Jaz sem recimo celi čas študiral kje za vraga je gumb za ambasade, nakar ugotovim da so ga po patchu 1.2 umaknili
Embassies & Trust
A significant change in 1.2 is the removal of embassies and the passive opinion increase they provided. In the “Asimov” update, players will have to gain trust by cooperating with the AI. Trust is gained over time by having some sort of treaty with the AI.
XsenO ::
Trenutno čakam na novo verzijo, da začnem novo igro. Moja taktika je ponavadi tehnološka prevlada
1 + 1 = 1
cebelar123 ::
Trenutno čakam na novo verzijo, da začnem novo igro. Moja taktika je ponavadi tehnološka prevlada
Torej zelo nadgrajuješ zgradbe za tehnologijo? Pa je sploh možno dosti pobegnit drugim rasam z tehnološkega vidika?
Imam še vprašanje glede planetov kateri niso gostoljubni za raso s katero igram. Ali jih naj zasedem in na njih gradim robote? Predvidevam da roboti tako delujejo ali si narobe razlagam?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cebelar123 ()
Napajalc ::
cebelar123 je izjavil:
Enga kapitalca je fino met za zaveznika, drugač bi znala bit tole zanimiva taktika na malih mapah, prednost parih planetov še preden se razširjo..
Mogoče veš katero verzijo Stellarisa igraš? Jaz sem recimo celi čas študiral kje za vraga je gumb za ambasade, nakar ugotovim da so ga po patchu 1.2 umakniliPri paradox igrah je res jeba se učiti iz youtuba , če ni najnovejša verzija igre posneta
Embassies & Trust
A significant change in 1.2 is the removal of embassies and the passive opinion increase they provided. In the “Asimov” update, players will have to gain trust by cooperating with the AI. Trust is gained over time by having some sort of treaty with the AI.
Verzijo imam zadnjo kar naloži steam. Bah YT pri strategijah, 99% nubi, res da treba pogledat kaj sproži endgame krizo če hočeš imet igro garantirano pod kontrolo, seveda ko enkrat to pogledaš te avtomatsko še k robotom potegne. Drugo je del igre/dogodivščine/učne krivulje...
XsenO ::
cebelar123 je izjavil:
Trenutno čakam na novo verzijo, da začnem novo igro. Moja taktika je ponavadi tehnološka prevlada
Torej zelo nadgrajuješ zgradbe za tehnologijo? Pa je sploh možno dosti pobegnit drugim rasam z tehnološkega vidika?
Imam še vprašanje glede planetov kateri niso gostoljubni za raso s katero igram. Ali jih naj zasedem in na njih gradim robote? Predvidevam da roboti tako delujejo ali si narobe razlagam?
Nevem meni je nekako uspelo v zadnji igri, ki sem igral (sicer bila pol zapuščena zaradi drugih obveznosti
Od srečanih ras je par, ki so mi infirior v tehnologiji večina je na pathetic
Še slika stanja v galaksiji
1 + 1 = 1
cebelar123 ::
Moram še jaz pogledat kako je pri meni s tehnologijo ampak mislim, da ni tako kot pri tebi.
Nad mano se je pojavil Fallen empire, ker si nisem dobro prebral kaj so sem v bližini koloniziral planet kar je bila usodna napaka, še dobro da se igra redno shranjuje. Druga najbrž usodna napak v moji igri celi čas sem čakal, da bi ustvaril zavezništvo s kom, ampak v igri je bila na izbiro samo federacija. Nakar ugotovim da so umaknili skenitev zavezništev in sedaj obstaja samo federacija
. Zdaj pa imam problem sklenit federacijo, ker morejo vsi ki hočejo v federacijo biti v miru
Zdaj bo šele zanimivo ker bom moral nekako iti v vojno po načelu "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Imam še problem z fractions v zavzetih sistemih"sektorjih" in kot human ne moram umoriti voditeljev niti jih podkupiti "šment"
Upam da ni več dosti presenečenj kar se sprememb tiče iz enega patcha v drugega. Ker ta razlika med zavezništvom in federacijo se mi je zdela zelo posrečena.
Nad mano se je pojavil Fallen empire, ker si nisem dobro prebral kaj so sem v bližini koloniziral planet kar je bila usodna napaka, še dobro da se igra redno shranjuje. Druga najbrž usodna napak v moji igri celi čas sem čakal, da bi ustvaril zavezništvo s kom, ampak v igri je bila na izbiro samo federacija. Nakar ugotovim da so umaknili skenitev zavezništev in sedaj obstaja samo federacija
Upam da ni več dosti presenečenj kar se sprememb tiče iz enega patcha v drugega. Ker ta razlika med zavezništvom in federacijo se mi je zdela zelo posrečena.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cebelar123 ()
cebelar123 ::
Je imel še kdo problem z AIem in njegovo land assault armado. Jaz sem doživel v moji igri, da sem napadel soseda,ker sem hotel zasesti njegov matični planet in ko sem prišel tja sem videl, da nad njihovim matičnim planetom kroži že druga armada katera je ground defence že spravila na 0 in imela pripravljeno land assault armado v orbiti. Ampak nič od njihovega napada tako sem jaz samo sputil svojo na planet in ga zavzel. WTF je to za ena fora. Ker če bi bilo vse po pravilih jaz nebi smel dobiti tega planeta.
AI bug?
AI bug?
kr?en ::
cebelar123 je izjavil:
Moram še jaz pogledat kako je pri meni s tehnologijo ampak mislim, da ni tako kot pri tebi.
Nad mano se je pojavil Fallen empire, ker si nisem dobro prebral kaj so sem v bližini koloniziral planet kar je bila usodna napaka, še dobro da se igra redno shranjuje. Druga najbrž usodna napak v moji igri celi čas sem čakal, da bi ustvaril zavezništvo s kom, ampak v igri je bila na izbiro samo federacija. Nakar ugotovim da so umaknili skenitev zavezništev in sedaj obstaja samo federacija. Zdaj pa imam problem sklenit federacijo, ker morejo vsi ki hočejo v federacijo biti v miru
Zdaj bo šele zanimivo ker bom moral nekako iti v vojno po načelu "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Imam še problem z fractions v zavzetih sistemih"sektorjih" in kot human ne moram umoriti voditeljev niti jih podkupiti "šment"
Upam da ni več dosti presenečenj kar se sprememb tiče iz enega patcha v drugega. Ker ta razlika med zavezništvom in federacijo se mi je zdela zelo posrečena.
Zaveznistev ni vec, imas pa pakt o nenapadanju in obrambni pakt. Pa v federacijo te lahko povabijo kot "associate" (ne postanes polnopravni clan) in si lahko zbuildas trust do 100 (drugace je max 50).
cebelar123 ::
Koncno mala zmaga nad močnejšim sovragom. Do konca sem hotel uničiti svojega soseda tako da se ga hotel narediti za vazala. Ampak je imel pakt z mojim zgornjim sosedom kateri je imel močenejšo vojsko. Nekje 15k napada proti mojim 11k. Na koncu sem se odločo za hitro premikanje in zasednaje njegovih planetov saj 1:1 nisem imel šans. Najbrž zato ker moje orožje bazira samo na raketah in nekaj malega imajo korvete laserje. Skratka 2 dneva bitk s premori ![:)](
XsenO ::
Mi deljue, da imaš full nizke outpute (minerela in tehnologije) glede na to, da si že 120+ let
1 + 1 = 1
cebelar123 ::
To je moja prva igra in ne igram na drugi najmanjši galaksiji. Mogoče ima to kako vezo. Ker če rase pogledam kako so razvite jih ni dosti pred mano.
XsenO ::
Koliko planetov in skupne populacije pa imaš?
1 + 1 = 1
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: XsenO ()
cebelar123 ::
Koliko planetov in skupne populacije pa imaš?
Nevem bom moral pogledat, ko bom doma. Ampak nekje od oke bi reko da imam jaz 5 planetov in v treh sektorjih še mogoče 10 planetov. Sektorji so bili nastavljeni, da mi proizvajajo energijo zaradi vojnega stanja in povečane armade.
Tukaj pa sem našel še sliko kako se tehnologije razvijajo. Bi najbrž še moralo držati.
cebelar123 ::
Za tiste. ki imate probleme kako obrožiti ladje sem izbrskal nekaj na netu. Moram še sprobati, če deluje kaj bolje od moje bedne razporeditve orožja.
Oznake orožja iz wikipedije:
The Theoretical Loadout
So, with the explanations out of the way, how should you actually be composing your fleet? It's clear that 100 battleships with large missiles is a mistake, no matter how cool it looks, but what should you be using instead?
Before I get too deep into it, remember that this is a theoretical, catch-all loadout, and that once you understand how ships work you may want to consider designing your fleets to counter your closest neighbors. If everyone around you is using laser weaponry and shields, then you should definitely specialize to punish them. However, if you're just getting started, here's what I would suggest.
1 battleship, 2-3 cruisers, 7-10 destroyers, 12-15 corvettes
For every Battleship in your fleet, build around 2-3 cruisers, 7-10 destroyers and 12-15 corvettes. This gives you a few larger ships to deal with bigger threats, both in terms of damage and accuracy, with a screen of smaller ships to take out whatever the larger ships can't, and to take the brunt of the damage. corvettes will be destroyed regularly, but they're cheap and quick to replace, so it's worth sacrificing them to protect your larger Battleships. Battleships are great at dealing with stations, and will also provide passive bonuses that help your entire fleet out, so a battleship for every dozen corvettes lets you spread the love around.
You want to make sure that the core of your fleet is able to do plenty of damage, while keeping specialized ships around for specific purposes. You want at least half of your fleet to be pure damage dealers, perhaps even up to two thirds, with the remainder being specialist ships. Specialist ships should deal with whatever your core ships can't deal with, with a strong emphasis on point defenses to protect you from missiles. Treat your missile carriers as 'specialist' due to how hard their counter is. Consider these basic ship loadouts:
Corvettes: 3 small weapons, 3 generators, 2 shields
Your Corvettes will mostly want to deal with other corvettes and perform double duty as ablative armor for the rest of your fleet. Their main advantage is small size and high evasion, while low starting HP makes armor pretty useless for them. So load them up with shields to absorb as much damage as possible. 3 small weapons will give them the greatest amount of firepower to deal with their enemies, or to protect your own fleet in the case of point defenses.
Destroyers: 2 medium weapons, 2 small weapons, 3 medium generators, 4 small shields
Destroyers are your mid-range ship, and you should be confident in using them to deal with basically anything. They have enough HP and room for defenses to be somewhat survivable, and can also carry everything from small to large weapons. Your main damage dealing destroyers can be fitted with 2 small and 2 medium weapons to keep up firepower and deal with other destroyers.
You probably want to keep some destroyers as point defense ships to outlast your corvettes, in which case use 2-3 point defenses, and fill the rest with small or medium weapons of your main type. Later in the game you might also want to consider mixing in a couple of large weapons destroyers, to give you a bit of extra damage against top-heavy fleets and stations. Like corvettes, you want plenty of shields on destroyers, and armor only to fill in the gaps (i.e. when generators and shields balance out, but you have 1 spare slot).
Cruisers: 2 medium weapons, 2 large weapons, 2 large generators, 1 medium shield, 1 small shield, 1 large armor, 2 medium armor, 1 small armor
A cruiser with the above build should have high damage output and defense against everything but corvettes. I recommend taking 2 of these, and if you want a third cruiser, that can be your specialist ship. A specialist cruiser can be built either as an anti-corvette ship (6 small weapons, 1 medium weapon, 1 hangar) or a missile ship (4 medium missiles, 1 large missile). Cruisers are a hefty damage dealing ship that should provide strong backup for destroyers to deal with larger threats.
Battleship: 6 large weapons, 7 large generators, 2 medium generators, 1 small generator, 1 medium shield, 1 medium armor, 3 small armor, nanobot cloud
With 6 large weapons, your battleship is specialized against cruisers, other battleships and stations. With high damage it should make short work of anything it can hit. Eventually you should unlock special, large-only weapons, which are ideal for battleships, and what this build is based on. The large amount of armor provides damage reduction, and the nanobot cloud will heal hull damage dealt to all of your ships. As long as the battleship doesn't die it can self repair, and repair other ships around it. The shield provides a few extra hp before damage starts hitting the hull, and some defense against lasers.
Oznake orožja iz wikipedije:
The Theoretical Loadout
So, with the explanations out of the way, how should you actually be composing your fleet? It's clear that 100 battleships with large missiles is a mistake, no matter how cool it looks, but what should you be using instead?
Before I get too deep into it, remember that this is a theoretical, catch-all loadout, and that once you understand how ships work you may want to consider designing your fleets to counter your closest neighbors. If everyone around you is using laser weaponry and shields, then you should definitely specialize to punish them. However, if you're just getting started, here's what I would suggest.
1 battleship, 2-3 cruisers, 7-10 destroyers, 12-15 corvettes
For every Battleship in your fleet, build around 2-3 cruisers, 7-10 destroyers and 12-15 corvettes. This gives you a few larger ships to deal with bigger threats, both in terms of damage and accuracy, with a screen of smaller ships to take out whatever the larger ships can't, and to take the brunt of the damage. corvettes will be destroyed regularly, but they're cheap and quick to replace, so it's worth sacrificing them to protect your larger Battleships. Battleships are great at dealing with stations, and will also provide passive bonuses that help your entire fleet out, so a battleship for every dozen corvettes lets you spread the love around.
You want to make sure that the core of your fleet is able to do plenty of damage, while keeping specialized ships around for specific purposes. You want at least half of your fleet to be pure damage dealers, perhaps even up to two thirds, with the remainder being specialist ships. Specialist ships should deal with whatever your core ships can't deal with, with a strong emphasis on point defenses to protect you from missiles. Treat your missile carriers as 'specialist' due to how hard their counter is. Consider these basic ship loadouts:
Corvettes: 3 small weapons, 3 generators, 2 shields
Your Corvettes will mostly want to deal with other corvettes and perform double duty as ablative armor for the rest of your fleet. Their main advantage is small size and high evasion, while low starting HP makes armor pretty useless for them. So load them up with shields to absorb as much damage as possible. 3 small weapons will give them the greatest amount of firepower to deal with their enemies, or to protect your own fleet in the case of point defenses.
Destroyers: 2 medium weapons, 2 small weapons, 3 medium generators, 4 small shields
Destroyers are your mid-range ship, and you should be confident in using them to deal with basically anything. They have enough HP and room for defenses to be somewhat survivable, and can also carry everything from small to large weapons. Your main damage dealing destroyers can be fitted with 2 small and 2 medium weapons to keep up firepower and deal with other destroyers.
You probably want to keep some destroyers as point defense ships to outlast your corvettes, in which case use 2-3 point defenses, and fill the rest with small or medium weapons of your main type. Later in the game you might also want to consider mixing in a couple of large weapons destroyers, to give you a bit of extra damage against top-heavy fleets and stations. Like corvettes, you want plenty of shields on destroyers, and armor only to fill in the gaps (i.e. when generators and shields balance out, but you have 1 spare slot).
Cruisers: 2 medium weapons, 2 large weapons, 2 large generators, 1 medium shield, 1 small shield, 1 large armor, 2 medium armor, 1 small armor
A cruiser with the above build should have high damage output and defense against everything but corvettes. I recommend taking 2 of these, and if you want a third cruiser, that can be your specialist ship. A specialist cruiser can be built either as an anti-corvette ship (6 small weapons, 1 medium weapon, 1 hangar) or a missile ship (4 medium missiles, 1 large missile). Cruisers are a hefty damage dealing ship that should provide strong backup for destroyers to deal with larger threats.
Battleship: 6 large weapons, 7 large generators, 2 medium generators, 1 small generator, 1 medium shield, 1 medium armor, 3 small armor, nanobot cloud
With 6 large weapons, your battleship is specialized against cruisers, other battleships and stations. With high damage it should make short work of anything it can hit. Eventually you should unlock special, large-only weapons, which are ideal for battleships, and what this build is based on. The large amount of armor provides damage reduction, and the nanobot cloud will heal hull damage dealt to all of your ships. As long as the battleship doesn't die it can self repair, and repair other ships around it. The shield provides a few extra hp before damage starts hitting the hull, and some defense against lasers.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cebelar123 ()
cebelar123 ::
Prišel sem do endgame krize. Kako sploh lahko to zmagaš
Moja armada šteje nekje 40k pa še to sem v rdečih številkah z energijo, ko grem v bitko.
Medtem ko The Unbidden ima po 4x 60k ali več velike flote. Moj master the fallen empire pa tudi ne ukrepa pa čeprav so se The Unbidden praktično pred njegovo mejo pojavili.
Mogoče je prišel trenutek ko neham igrat in počakam na DLC Utopio in patch kateri pride zraven.
Medtem ko The Unbidden ima po 4x 60k ali več velike flote. Moj master the fallen empire pa tudi ne ukrepa pa čeprav so se The Unbidden praktično pred njegovo mejo pojavili.
Mogoče je prišel trenutek ko neham igrat in počakam na DLC Utopio in patch kateri pride zraven.
cebelar123 ::
Nop Unbidden je premagan. Sicer ne toliko po moji krivdi ampak vseeno. Njegova napaka je bila daje začel prehitro napadati Fallen empire. Jaz sem samo pomagal najti od Unbiddena outposte in jih uničiti. Saj šele ko so vsi ouzposti uničeni lahko napadeš portal.
Tako zdaj pa se začne kovati načrt kako uničiti sovjega gospodarja
Za začetek vsem napadel moje sovražnike ki imajo osnovano federacijo in ijm iztrgal 4 planete. Tako da imam zdaj mir pred njimi 10 let.
Tako zdaj pa se začne kovati načrt kako uničiti sovjega gospodarja
AgiZ ::
Cestitke! :)
Sam sem ze parkat zacel, pa se nobene ne dokoncal. Vedno imam tezave z upornimi rasami, za katere rabim veliko influenca da jih suppresam. Bom trenutno igro poskusil odigrati do konca, pa da vidim kako bo slo.
Mi je pa igra zelo vsec. Spet ena po dolgem casu.
Sam sem ze parkat zacel, pa se nobene ne dokoncal. Vedno imam tezave z upornimi rasami, za katere rabim veliko influenca da jih suppresam. Bom trenutno igro poskusil odigrati do konca, pa da vidim kako bo slo.
Mi je pa igra zelo vsec. Spet ena po dolgem casu.
cebelar123 ::
Tudi jaz sem imel nekaj težav s frakcijami, pač moreš redno prerazporejati in odstranjevati tiste kljukice, kako in kdaj kaj zatirati. Pomaga tudi da na planetih na katerih imaš težave z nezadovoljstvom gradiš recimo Ethos specific buildings zasrečo in podobno.
Pa 6.aprila pride nov DLC tako, da bo spet zanimivo. Po novem bodo frakcije kr spremenili.
Tukaj si lahko pogledaš:
od 6:40min naprej
V kratko lahko boš pogledal kaj frakcija zahteva tiste pike zraven in če jim boš ugodil bo dobro da je frakcija velika saj ti bo dala influence pointse. Tako se boš še bolj moral odločati kako boš vodil svoj imerij.
Skratka zanimivo.
Pa 6.aprila pride nov DLC tako, da bo spet zanimivo. Po novem bodo frakcije kr spremenili.
Tukaj si lahko pogledaš:
od 6:40min naprej
V kratko lahko boš pogledal kaj frakcija zahteva tiste pike zraven in če jim boš ugodil bo dobro da je frakcija velika saj ti bo dala influence pointse. Tako se boš še bolj moral odločati kako boš vodil svoj imerij.
Skratka zanimivo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cebelar123 ()
cebelar123 ::
Spremembe v patchu 1.5
Upam da bo to špilalo tak kot mora in boš resninčno lahko pozneje v igri zavzel malo več planetov.
War Demand Costs
A frequent complaint about the mid and late game in Stellaris is that the warscore costs for taking planets simply do not scale well to the size of lategame wars. You can have a gigantic conflict involving dozens or hundreds of planets that results in only a few planets exchanging hands at the end. To address this, we've rebalanced war demands to still be quite expensive in the early game (when conquering a handful of planets is a significant increase in power) but added numerous ways to reduce the cost as the game progresses in the form of traditions and technologies, allowing for vast swathes of territory to change hands in late-game wars.
Link do celega dev diary:
Upam da bo to špilalo tak kot mora in boš resninčno lahko pozneje v igri zavzel malo več planetov.
War Demand Costs
A frequent complaint about the mid and late game in Stellaris is that the warscore costs for taking planets simply do not scale well to the size of lategame wars. You can have a gigantic conflict involving dozens or hundreds of planets that results in only a few planets exchanging hands at the end. To address this, we've rebalanced war demands to still be quite expensive in the early game (when conquering a handful of planets is a significant increase in power) but added numerous ways to reduce the cost as the game progresses in the form of traditions and technologies, allowing for vast swathes of territory to change hands in late-game wars.
Link do celega dev diary:
SimplyMiha ::
Je zunaj, odigral eno. Bolj fajn se igra kot pred 1.5.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SimplyMiha ()
cebelar123 ::
Me bolj zanima kako se igra proti koncu igre. Začetek je bil že prej cool, meni tudi sredina igre ni bila problematična. Konec pa je bil bolj kot ne čakanje, da pač vse nabiješ kaj se ti zazdi.
Res upam da so warscore proti koncu igre popravili.
Res upam da so warscore proti koncu igre popravili.
cebelar123 ::
cebelar123 ::
Nekaj novega
You, Robot: Play Stellaris as a customized robotic civilization, complete with a series of robotic portraits for science robots, worker robots, and more
AI, eh? Aye!: Follow new event chains and story features to lead your robot race to greatness as an intergalactic AI empire; pursue mechanical perfection in the stars
Rise of the Machines: Oppressed synths may rebel against their masters and form new empires -- or you may even discover a fallen synthetic civilization deep in space
Digital Enhancements: New synthetic race portraits, and expanded voice packs for VIR
You, Robot: Play Stellaris as a customized robotic civilization, complete with a series of robotic portraits for science robots, worker robots, and more
AI, eh? Aye!: Follow new event chains and story features to lead your robot race to greatness as an intergalactic AI empire; pursue mechanical perfection in the stars
Rise of the Machines: Oppressed synths may rebel against their masters and form new empires -- or you may even discover a fallen synthetic civilization deep in space
Digital Enhancements: New synthetic race portraits, and expanded voice packs for VIR
cebelar123 ::
cebelar123 ::
SimplyMiha ::
Jaz zavarujem samo chokepointe. Najprej identificiram chokepointe, določim območje z čim manj chokepointi in ga čimprej zapolnim, nato pa na teh chokepointih zgradim bastione (military starbases) in jih do vrha napolnim s temi defense platformami. Ni šans, da pirati pridejo skozi, pomaga tudi proti marauderjem (vsaj zadrži jih toliko, da lahko pošlješ svojo floto not). Skratka, zaprta meja z čim manj dostopi.
Vsekakor pa morebitnim sosedom da dvakrat mislit, preden se gredo nuklearnega Gandhija.
Je pa obvezen FTL inhibitor tech, sicer lahko gredo kar mimo trdnjave kot Nemci mimo Maginota.
Mimogrede, tudi lokalen "hazard" lahko upoštevaš kot free defence. Kot npr. naletel sem na Old Guard pirate stack, 15k+ strength, ki je sedel na pomembnem chokepointu. Pustil sem jih pri miru ter starbase gradil drugje.
Enkrat so uleteli marauderji s svojim 8k stackom, na katerega še nisem bil pripravljen (imel sem največ 1k floto in 1k starbase)... Tile dobri stari pirati so jih zmeli v zvezdni prah.
Vsekakor pa morebitnim sosedom da dvakrat mislit, preden se gredo nuklearnega Gandhija.
Je pa obvezen FTL inhibitor tech, sicer lahko gredo kar mimo trdnjave kot Nemci mimo Maginota.
Mimogrede, tudi lokalen "hazard" lahko upoštevaš kot free defence. Kot npr. naletel sem na Old Guard pirate stack, 15k+ strength, ki je sedel na pomembnem chokepointu. Pustil sem jih pri miru ter starbase gradil drugje.
Enkrat so uleteli marauderji s svojim 8k stackom, na katerega še nisem bil pripravljen (imel sem največ 1k floto in 1k starbase)... Tile dobri stari pirati so jih zmeli v zvezdni prah.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SimplyMiha ()
jype ::
Lej ga, konzervativc. Izven območja udobja osebnostno rastemo. Bodi pogumen in izberi eliptično!
cebelar123 ::
Očitno več neznam igrati. Zmeraj me povozijo neki pirati, ali pa neki "plačanci", ki imajo flote po 12k medtem ko imam jaz 3k.
Tako da ves čas samo popravljam svoje sisteme. Nato pa še za finale ko se prileti horda z 23k floto jaz pa sem nekje na 6k.
Tako da ves čas samo popravljam svoje sisteme. Nato pa še za finale ko se prileti horda z 23k floto jaz pa sem nekje na 6k.
SimplyMiha ::
Očitno mejiš na rivale, ki tem marauderjem plačujejo, da te raidajo. Lahko umakneš floto in pustiš marauderjem, da oplenijo enega tvojih planetov, nato se bo njihov plenilski pohod ustavil. Zgodaj jih ni mogoče ustaviti, lahko pa zagotoviš, da ne deliš meje s kakšnim sosedom, ki te ne mara preveč. Pač kazen za prehitro ekspanzijo vse do sosedovega pragu.
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