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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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Vazelin ::

A ni Deripaska un, s katerim sta ss Putinom delala fake news v uni tovarni, kjer je zahteval kao njegov podpis:)):)) V resnici pa totalna bestiča.

nsa_ag3nt ::

Povzetek UK Skripal afere:
ex Ru vohuna in hčerko so bojda zastrupili z najbolj hudim živčnim strupom, oba kot kaže preživela (in preden sta omedlela sta še več ur hodila po mestu).
UK zelo hitro začne za krivca označevati Ruse, ostale države Eu se pridružijo UK kot brainless zombiji, začno se izgoni diplomatov in vroča retorika.

In to taista demokratična Eu, v kateri bojda velja nedolžen dokler ni dokazano nasprotno 8-).

Anger is growing in the UK over the government's handling of the Skripal case

google translate prevod

To be more specific, where does this feeling come from? Here are 20 of the many reasons for the growing anger:

It is, therefore, that they are asked to honestly believe outrageous claims, such as those that are central to the whole incident: that the scriptwriters, once again, have been poisoned with a military nerve agent, the 5-8 times more toxic than VX should be.

Hence, as our government ruthlessly accuses another country, a nuclear-armed country, of committing a crime even before investigations into the incident have identified the most basic facts.

It is because of this that the British Government has influenced and politicized the investigation, with allegations of no fact, its judgment without proof, its verdict without trial.

It follows from the fact that the British Government refused to comply with international protocols on such matters. For example, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was not informed until 14 March - the same day Theresa May stood in Parliament and formally charged the Russian government with the act.

It follows from the fact that the British Government, which repeatedly speaks of the so-called "British values", has abandoned some of the most basic legal concepts that have been part of the real "British values" for centuries, such as due process and Concept "innocent until proof of guilt".

It is, therefore, how the British government refused to present the alleged evidence to the accused and instead spread false and circular nonsense, such as "the arsonist should not investigate his own fire."

It follows from the fact that the government has tried to make the public believe that the scripts were poisoned by a substance that must have come from Russia, because apparently only the Russians were able to produce them - one Claim that is proven to be wrong.

It comes from the knowledge that Boris Johnson was willing to lie in public. And instead of confessing and resigning like a man to his misdeeds, instead he behaves like the great, supine, protoplasmic and invertebrate jelly that he is - to quote his own phrase - he meanders through his own actions by acting as if nothing had happened, and anyone asking questions about his suitability for the ministry works for the enemy.

It is because those who question the increasingly ridiculous claims are called "useful idiots" or "henchmen of the Kremlin," or even as traitors, even if they ask only for the correction of the most fundamental points.

So it comes down to how the media marches in lockstep with the government and refuses to ask the most obvious and basic questions, such as those I have asked:




It therefore comes in what miraculous way events seem to "happen" when other events compel them, such as the announcement of Sergei Skripal's wondrous recovery from the coma, which came one day after the leaked phone call between Yulia and Viktoria Skripal, in which Yulia says he's fine.

So it comes down to trying to adapt the "facts" to the narrative, such as the theory that circulated for the first time three weeks after the incident that the scripts had been poisoned by a military nerve agent on their doorstep - an explanation which seems to have been put together to explain the curious anomaly that Detective Sergeant Nick Baley allegedly got sick after visiting the Skripers' house.

It follows from the fact that the government and the media refused to report in any meaningful way on the connection between Mr. Skripal and Pablo Miller, his MI6 caretaker and roommate from Salisbury, and Mr. Miller's connection to Christopher Steele - the author of the Trump dossier. The connection may ultimately be irrelevant to the case, but it is certainly of interest at the present time.

It comes from the illegal and frankly immoral way in which the British Government has repeatedly denied consular access to the Skripals, according to Articles 36 and 37 of the Vienna Convention of 1963 and Article 35 (1) of the Consular Convention of 1965 is committed.

This is because Viktoria Skripal, who obviously likes to see her uncle and cousin, is denied visas under some obscure pretext that her application would not comply with British immigration rules.

It is because the scripals appear to be denied consular access, access to their relatives and, as far as I could tell, access to legal representation. In other words, it increasingly looks like they are denied basic legal and family rights, and Yulia's remarks in the April 5 phone call do not indicate that this is not the case.

The reason for this is that the existence of Mr. Skripal's pets was not mentioned by the media until April 6th, and only after Maria Sakharova in her briefing on April 5th asked specific questions about her whereabouts.

It emerges from the fact that the condition of the pets - a cat and two guinea pigs - was reported cheerfully by the media, despite the obvious fact that they died of neglect when Mr. Skripal's house was under the care of the Metropolitan Police, who oversees the investigation - have not even gone in to see ?!

It follows from the fact that, although the debt has been distributed after a few days, it is clear that the investigation has still not established the most basic facts, no suspect is mentioned or considered. Instead, the public is steadily fed a diet of increasingly insane and threadbare claims about the place of poisoning - the park bench, the restaurant, the car, the suitcase, the flowers, the doorknob, the buckwheat.

But most of all, it just stems from the feeling that we want to get screwed and we're treated like complete idiots by a government that thinks it can make extraordinary accusations and expect the public to "trust" it.

Sunday Times: Za Sergeja in Julijo Skripal nova identiteta in selitev v ZDA
Kako priročno...

Tereza in Boris bi morala biti pravljičarja.

btw UK, vaš nivo laganja je padel na raven 5 letnih otrok.Včasih ste bili bolj sofisticirani.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Poglejmo biografije. Potanin smrdi do neba, ostala dva sta pa relativno legitimna, z izjemo klasično ruskega scenarija - mafija na dohvatu ruke.

Vladimir Potanin @ Wikipedia

Potanin was born in Moscow, in the former USSR, into a high-ranking communist family. In 1978, he attended the faculty of the International economic relations at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), which groomed students for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Upon graduating MGIMO in 1983, he followed in his father's footsteps and went to work for the FTO "Soyuzpromexport" with the Ministry of Foreign trade of the Soviet Union.


In 1995, Potanin was instrumental in the creation of the “loans for shares” auctions that became a fundamental pillar of Russia’s post-Soviet economic reform. The auctions allowed the selling-off of Russian firms’ assets at below market prices and are regarded as the founding moment of Russia’s oligarchy. According to the New York Times, the auctions plan is “Regarded today almost universally as an act of colossal criminality.”


Potanin and his long-term business partner Mikhail Prokhorov acquired Norilsk Nickel in the early 1990s under the “loans for shares” scheme, owning between them 54% of the firm. They streamlined operations and turned Norilsk Nickel into a modern corporation.


Throughout Potanin’s tenure as CEO, Norilsk Nickel has been consistently criticized for its environmental record. The company was named as one of the biggest polluters in the Russian Arctic, and the city of Norilsk was named among the most polluted places on Earth. According to a 2013 report, Norilsk Nickel’s operations “discharge some 500 tons of copper and nickel oxides per year and release another 2 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere annually”, accounting for a life expectancy of local residents 10 years below the Russian national average. According to reports from journalists who visited the city, Norilsk is surrounded by “1.2 million acres of dead forest”, or that “nature in a radius almost the size of Germany is dead from severe air pollution”, depending on the source.


Potanin was inspired to develop the Rosa Khutor ski resort in the Mzymta valley near Sochi after skiing with Putin in Austria in 2003. He invested more than $2 billion into the resort after Sochi was picked for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in 2007.

Oleg Deripaska @ Wikipedia

Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska (Russian: Оле́г Влади́мирович Дерипа́ска; born January 2, 1968) is a Russian oligarch, aluminium magnate and philanthropist. He is the founder and owner of one of the largest Russian industrial groups Basic Element. He was the president of En+ Group and United Company Rusal, the second largest aluminium company in the world, until 2018.

After graduating from Moscow State University with a degree in physics, Deripaska became a metals broker specialized in trading aluminium before expanding into energy, machinery, financial services and agribusiness. In 2000, Deripaska founded Rusal, the result of a partnership between Sibirsky Aluminium and Roman Abramovich's Millhouse Capital.


Deripaska is also known for his close ties to Russian president Vladimir Putin, as well as his connection to American political consultant Paul Manafort, whom Deripaska employed from at least 2005 to 2009.


He is married to Polina Yumasheva, step-granddaughter of former Russian President Boris Yeltsin and daughter of Valentin Yumashev, Yeltsin's son-in-law and close advisor.

Deripaska was also granted Cypriot citizenship in 2017.


At the age of 25, teaming up with fellow physicists, engineers and rocket scientists, Deripaska set up his first metal trading company, VTK. He adopted a systematic, scientific approach to commodity trading. "I represented companies that were buying and selling raw materials", Deripaska said. Deripaska undertook export arbitrage, buying metal at low Russian prices and selling it abroad at significantly higher international market prices. Deripaska traded primarily through the Baltic state of Estonia as the Russian system of export licenses was in disarray.


Between 1993 and 1994, Deripaska bought vouchers and shares in Sayanogorsk, and accumulated a 20% stake in the factory, becoming the biggest individual shareholder after the Russian State — to the annoyance of the plant's Communist-era bosses.

In 1994, Deripaska became director general of the plant at the age of 26.


Basic Element built several Olympic facilities for 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, including the Coastal Olympic Village, Imeretisnkiy sea port, Doubler of Kurortny Avenue in Sochi, renovation of the Sochi International Airport. The total investments account for over $1.4 billion.


Deripaska himself has been an active supporter Japanese production efficiencies made popular by the "Toyota Way." RUSAL smelters have adopted the concept of kaizen, which means continuous improvement and involves training workers in standardized production techniques. "It's important to change both the company’s mind set and reporting lines," Deripaska said. "Instead of top-down management, you should understand everything is in the hands of your operator and empower that operator to drive efficiencies and improvements directly on the factory floor."


According to an article in El Mundo, Deripaska and Iskander Makhmudov (head of UGMK) were asked by Spanish police to answer questions in relation to a money-laundering enquiry. The Spanish state prosecutor's office subsequently confirmed Deripaska's interrogation.

While Deripaska has been interrogated previously as a witness in Spain and England and by the FBI in cases of money laundering, he has never been charged with any crimes in those probes.

On 25 January 2010, the Financial Times published a story "Rusal: A lingering heat" exploring Deripaska's business relations with Sergei Popov and Anton Malevsky, alleged heads of Russian organized crime groups. Deripaska has accused Michael Chernoy of using Malevsky and the Izmailovskaya syndicate to extort US$250 million from him as part of a protection racket. However, Deripaska has himself been accused of having similar links to Malevsky, who, with his brother Andrei, owned a 10% stake in Deripaska's company. Deripaska denies the claims.

In November 2011, Spain's High Court sent the criminal cases against Deripaska to the Russian General Prosecutor's office because the root of the cases is Russian.


Deripaska is noted for his close ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Their relationship was visibly strained amidst Deripaska's financial struggles in 2009, but in a widely broadcast incident on Russian television, Putin visited a stalled cement factory owned by Deripaska and berated its management. He forced Deripaska to sign a contract promising to pay nearly $1 million in unpaid wages. Their relationship recovered, however, and Deripaska has been described as "Putin's favorite industrialist". Leaked U.S. diplomatic cables from 2006 described Deripaska as "among the 2-3 oligarchs Putin turns to on a regular basis" and "a more-or-less permanent fixture on Putin's trips abroad". In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Tye Burt, who knows Deripaska and is the CEO of Kinross Gold said that, "I believe Russia recognizes Oleg's major role in building a renewed economic base in a broad range of domestic businesses and rejuvenating ailing companies and infrastructure."

Deripaska is a friend of Nathaniel Rothschild, a major investor in both Glencore and United Company RUSAL. Together Deripaska and Rothschild hosted George Osborne and Peter Mandelson on Deripaska's yacht in Corfu in the summer of 2008. Osborne was then Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom and a friend of Rothschild from school and university. It was reported that Peter Mandelson have maintained private contacts over several years with Oleg Deripaska.

Suleyman Kerimov @ Wikipedia

Suleyman Abusaidovich Kerimov (born March 12, 1966) is a Russian businessman, investor, philanthropist and politician. In 2007, Kerimov established the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation as a vehicle to focus his philanthropic efforts. Since 2008, Kerimov has represented the Republic of Dagestan in the Federation Council of Russia.

On 20 November 2017 Kerimov was arrested by French police at Nice airport in connection with a tax evasion case concerning his alleged purchase of several luxury residences on the French Riviera via shell companies. Kerimov has thus far denied any wrongdoing.


Kerimov graduated from high school in 1983, and following this enrolled in the Civil Engineering Department at Dagestan Polytechnic Institute in 1984.


Kerimov continued his studies at Dagestan State University, where he graduated with a degree in financial accounting and economics in 1989.


Soon after his university graduation in 1989, Kerimov took a job as an economist at the Eltav electrical plant in Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan. The state-controlled plant supplied transistors and semi-conductors to television-makers, while also producing diodes, microchips and halogen lamps.


In 1993, Kerimov was put in charge of handling relations between Eltav and Fedprombank, a Moscow bank established by the electrical company. Fedprombank financed lagging industries and Kerimov and his associates soon becames creditors to large utility companies, allowing them to continue to provide key services. Once the Russian economy stabilized, the debts were repaid with hefty returns for Fedprombank and, consequently, Kerimov.


In late 1999, Kerimov bought a 55% stake in the oil trading company Nafta Moskva, the successor to the Soviet monopoly firm Soyuznefteexport, for $50 million.[18] By 2000, he had increased his stake of Nafta Moskva to 100%. Kerimov undertook a mass restructuring of the company, selling off all of the oil-related aspects and creating an investment and holding company.


In 2003, Kerimov managed to secure a $43 million loan from the state-owned Vnesheconombank, which he invested in the oil and gas company Gazprom. Within the next year, share prices for the Russian gas company doubled and Kerimov was able to pay off the entirety of the loan within four months.


In November 2005, Kerimov’s Nafta Moskva acquired JSC Polymetal, one of Russia’s largest gold and silver mining companies.


As markets around the world began to tighten in 2007, Kerimov and his associates expected that Russia would suffer more than the West from the impending economic crisis. A concerted effort was thus made to build closer ties with Western banks. Kerimov decreased his stakes in Gazprom and other Russian blue chips and approached Wall Street, proposing to invest the vast majority of his fortune to defend the institutions from short-sellers. In return, it was expected that Kerimov would receive favorable lending terms for future loans.

In 2007, Kerimov invested billions in Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and other financial institutions. Though neither Kerimov nor the Western banks have disclosed the exact size of his investment, it was sizeable enough for Kerimov to receive a call from the United States Treasury during the darkest days of the economic crisis imploring the Russian oligarch not to sell his stakes.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Trump je scared shittless zaradi racije pri Michaelu Cohenu. Najbližji približek bi bil Putinova prva tiskovka po MH17.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Trump je scared shittless zaradi racije pri Michaelu Cohenu. Najbližji približek bi bil Putinova prva tiskovka po MH17.


Glej, ce ne naredis trumpi kot smo rekli, bomo ..... a ni enostavno, cee tudi zrtvujes fb... ps za otroke se gre
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Tolaži se, Trump je pripravljen na bombardiranje povsem neodvisno.


Trump, asked whether Russian President Vladimir Putin bore any responsibility, responded, “He may, yeah, he may. And if he does it’s going to be very tough, very tough.” He added, “Everybody’s gonna pay a price. He will. Everybody will.”


However, Trump said there was little question that Syria was responsible for the apparent weekend attack, although the government of President Bashar Assad denied it. “To me there’s not much of a doubt, but the generals will figure it out,” Trump said.

He promised a decision on a possible military response within 24 to 48 hours, “probably by the end of today.”

Emphatic in his condemnation of the apparent gas attack, Trump noted graphic pictures of the dead and sickened, calling the assault “heinous,” ”atrocious,” ”horrible” and “barbaric.”


Trump was to meet late in the day with senior national security aides, and no action was “off the table,” the president said.


Trump said, “If it’s Russia, if it’s Syria, if it’s Iran, if it’s all of them together, we’ll figure it out.”

Mikey C. in še kdo gre vseeno dol.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Smrekar1 ::

windigo je izjavil:

Ok. Name the facts. Cite the sources. Don't wiggle.

Za storitev dejanja praviloma potrebuješ tri stvari - motiv, zmožnost in priložnost.

Zmožnost sta imela samo Rusija in Iran, ker sta to edini dve entiteti, ki kdaj v zgodovini sintetizirala Novičok (Iran l.2016, Rusija pred letom 1989), motiv od teh dveh je imela samo Rusija.
Tako smo izločili vse ostale osumljence in ostala nam je samo Rusija. Ruska krivda je torej dokazana izven razumnega dvoma.


windigo ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Zmožnost sta imela samo Rusija in Iran, ker sta to edini dve entiteti, ki kdaj v zgodovini sintetizirala Novičok (Iran l.2016, Rusija pred letom 1989)

Tole je seveda lažna dilema. Kdo vse je sintetiziral Novičoke ne vemo. Vemo le, da jih je gotovo Rusija, ki jih je iznašla in menda tudi Iran, ki je s tem verjetno strašil nasprotnike. Znajo jih gotovo tudi v ZDA, ki gostijo nekatere od avtorjev prvih tovrstnih strupov. Dve komponenti, ki sta manj strupeni, to omogočata tudi brez tistih najzahtevnejših in najdražjih varnostnih ukrepov. Tako bi jih lahko še marsikdo, strah nas bi moralo biti tudi agentov, ki niso države, sploh ker so bili med cilji tudi sinteza iz nenadzorovanih prekurzorjev.

Smrekar1 ::

windigo je izjavil:

Tole je seveda lažna dilema. Kdo vse je sintetiziral Novičoke ne vemo.

Če si našel dokaze, da ga je sintetiziral še kdo, na dan z njimi. Dokler ne narediš tega ostajamo pri dveh osumljencih, ki sta imela tehnične možnosti izvesti omenjeni napad.
Seveda je to brez pomena, če ne najdeš možnega motiva in ga ne utemeljiš. Tega do sedaj nisi niti omenil, kar praviloma pomeni, da si pri tej točki priznal poraz.

Izločili smo vse ostale osumljence in ostala nam je samo Rusija.

peburuchug ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Zmožnost sta imela samo Rusija in Iran

Kaj pa izrael? Aja, oni imajo najbolj moralno vojsko na svetu in hkrati slogan "by the way of deception you shall wage war".
Ups, moram it. Na vratih mam policeja, morda sem narobe parkiral.

Isotropic ::

rusi so ze na polno pripravljeni v siriji. vsi avioni so v zraku, ASW avion patruljira obalo...

Pac-Man ::

peburuchug je izjavil:

Kaj pa izrael? Aja, oni imajo najbolj moralno vojsko na svetu in hkrati slogan "by the way of deception you shall wage war".
Ups, moram it. Na vratih mam policeja, morda sem narobe parkiral.

Kaj želi povedati smrekar?

Pri ruski krivdi po vašem ne sme biti nič predpostavljanja in neznank. Javno objavljen hard data ali pa govorimo o rusofobiji.

Ko se obtožuje druge - speculate away.

Kajneda, antisemit?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

c3p0 ::

Kam pripeljejo lažne obtožbe smo že videli, WMD in Iraq pa to. Da so razne tajne službe že pred leti prišle do vsaj vzorca novičoka, se mi ne zdi tako hudo far fetched. Če so ga želeli le spraviti stran, je ogromno boljših rešitev. Trenutna vpije samo o setupu.

windigo ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Tega do sedaj nisi niti omenil, kar praviloma pomeni, da si pri tej točki priznal poraz.

windigo je izjavil:

Don't wiggle.

Pac-Man ::

c3p0 je izjavil:

Kam pripeljejo lažne obtožbe smo že videli, WMD in Iraq pa to. Da so razne tajne službe že pred leti prišle do vsaj vzorca novičoka, se mi ne zdi tako hudo far fetched. Če so ga želeli le spraviti stran, je ogromno boljših rešitev. Trenutna vpije samo o setupu.

Tako kot polonij, ki je dokumentirano prišel iz Rusije?


Mafija se rada podpiše.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

stjan ::

Zakaj dobi človek občutek da Angleži želijo zanetiti še 3 svetovno vojno?
Dvakrat so že bili uspešni, jim bo še v tretje uspelo?

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

peburuchug je izjavil:

Kaj pa izrael? Aja, oni imajo najbolj moralno vojsko na svetu in hkrati slogan "by the way of deception you shall wage war".
Ups, moram it. Na vratih mam policeja, morda sem narobe parkiral.

Kaj želi povedati smrekar?

Pri ruski krivdi po vašem ne sme biti nič predpostavljanja in neznank. Javno objavljen hard data ali pa govorimo o rusofobiji.

Ko se obtožuje druge - speculate away.

Kajneda, antisemit?

Ne Smreki je povedal, če ni podpisano in črno na papirju, potem Američani niso sposobni. Glede na propračun za te zadeve, bi rekel, da se smešite sami, če znajo to narediti iranc.
Smeh dalje. Boggi američani rabijo dodatno triljon, da bodo znali kaj sintetizirat. Lol...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

peburuchug ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Kajneda, antisemit?

Israel Strikes Iran in Syria and Loses a Jet

Najbolj moralna vojska na svetu očitno ni najbolj sposobna :)
Rabjo še par miljard od USA. Ali pa še par zaplinjenih sirijskih otrok s strani "brutalnega" Asada, da bo Trump poslal svojo vojsko.
So meli res srečo da je "klavec" Asad začel pliniti otroke takoj po temu ko je Trump rekel da gre USA ven.

Več kot očitno da so od Boga izbrano ljudstvo.

windigo ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Pri ruski krivdi po vašem ne sme biti nič predpostavljanja in neznank. Javno objavljen hard data ali pa govorimo o rusofobiji.

Nope, še najverjetneje so Skripala poskusili fentati Rusi. Smo pa še vedno rahlo alergični, ko se poskuša na bolj ali pa tudi manj verjetnih špekulacijah zakuhati kakšen večji konflikt. Tam najkasneje od iraških WMD naprej. Za katere so imeli Angleži jasne dokaze. Le pokazati nam jih niso smeli, ker so bili top secret.

Kar nam Smrekar poskuša dopovedat, da je logika zagovednega angleškega policijskega narednika absolutna resnica, ki se ji moramo brez rezerve prikloniti. Ker bo sicer zagotovo ogrožena naša blaginja in tudi demokracija.

stjan ::

Zakaj bi Rusi uporabljali strup?
Ali klasična pištola, ali pa nož nebi bila cenejša in bolj preprosta?
Če bi pa kaj skušali dokazati, bu pa škripala lahko ugrabili in jima v Rusiji sodili.
Zakaj bi se mučili s strupom, če se da zadevo izvesti ceneje in bolj zanesljivo?

Vazelin ::

Zato ker bi nekem nožu ni publicitete.
Zakaj misliš da so se na litvinenka sprvili z nekim radioaktivnem arzenalom?:))

peburuchug ::

stjan je izjavil:

Zakaj bi Rusi uporabljali strup?
Ali klasična pištola, ali pa nož nebi bila cenejša in bolj preprosta?
Če bi pa kaj skušali dokazati, bu pa škripala lahko ugrabili in jima v Rusiji sodili.
Zakaj bi se mučili s strupom, če se da zadevo izvesti ceneje in bolj zanesljivo?

Zato ker je Putin dobesedno Hitler. Kaj ti ni jasno. Tako je zloben da se ne more zadržati ko vidi kakšno priliko koga zastrupiti, ne glede na posledice. Doh.

Smrekar1 ::

peburuchug je izjavil:

Kaj pa izrael?

Ne vem. Imaš kakšne dokaze, da so Izraelci imeli potrebno tehnologijo, ali moram temu verjeti na besedo?

windigo ::

stjan je izjavil:

Zakaj bi Rusi uporabljali strup?

Zakaj pa so uporabili Plutonij pri Litvinenku, ki ga je nevarno transportirati? Zakaj so Rimljani križali Jezusa iz Nazareta in 3000 sužnjev iz Spartakove vojske?

Ker so hoteli, da se o tem govori in piše. Da bo vsakdo vedel, kaj ga čaka, če se jim upre. Zaradi zastraševanja.

Pac-Man ::

stjan je izjavil:

Zakaj bi Rusi uporabljali strup?
Ali klasična pištola, ali pa nož nebi bila cenejša in bolj preprosta?

Ker imajo fetiš na strupe še iz časov čeke.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Smrekar1 ::

windigo je izjavil:

Zakaj pa so uporabili Plutonij pri Litvinenku, ki ga je nevarno transportirati?

Niso uporabili 94Pu, temveč 84Po, Polonij.

Bržkone zato, ker so menili, da se ga ne bo dalo zaznati. Imeli so skoraj prav, po 6 tednih tavanja v temi so Britanci ugotovili točno kaj je problem in na osnovi tega tudi ugotovili kdaj, s katerim letom in s kom je zadeva prišla v VB.

Polonij je sicer varen, če si ga ne vtiraš v kožo ali vtikaš v kakšno odprtino. Celo slednje bi šlo, če bi bil v zaprti posodici.

peburuchug je izjavil:

Kaj pa izrael?

Ne vem, imaš kakšne dokaze, da je Izrael že kdaj naredil Novičok? Za Rusijo in Iran je to znano, za druge kolikor vem ni.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

peburuchug ::

Za izrael je vojna ključnega pomena. Destabilizacija Asada in vseh zaveznikov, vključno s tem da migrante pošiljajo v evropo (oni jih ne morejo imet ker so etno država) in pobijanjem palestincev. Zakaj amerika ne napove vojne izraelu ko odkrito koljejo palestince, nekdo pa se spomni da je Putin zastrupil vohuna s strupom ki menda obstaja samo v rusiji, ker je hkrati tako prefrigan da nimajo nobenih dokazov, razen seveda "dejstva" da ta strup obstaja samo v rusiji?

LOL, eni nasedate intelektualcem ki ne morejo ugotoviti zakaj je v londonu povprečno več umorov kot v new yorku, vrhunski vohunski posli so jim pa mala malica :D

windigo ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Bržkone zato, ker so menili, da se ga ne bo dalo zaznati. Imeli so skoraj prav, po 6 tednih tavanja v temi so Britanci ugotovili točno kaj je problem in na osnovi tega tudi ugotovili kdaj, s katerim letom in s kom je zadeva prišla v VB.

So pa zato, glede na to, kar se je do sedaj dalo prebrati o Novičokih, Angleži s Skripalovima naredili en tak majhen zdravstveni čudež.

Smrekar1 ::

peburuchug je izjavil:

nekdo pa se spomni da je Putin zastrupil vohuna s strupom ki menda obstaja samo v rusiji, ker je hkrati tako prefrigan da nimajo nobenih dokazov, razen seveda "dejstva" da ta strup obstaja samo v rusiji?

Če govoriš o Litvinentku je tudi dokazano iz kje, kdaj in s katerim letalom in letom je strup prišel iz Rusije. Problem Rusov je pač v tem, da so tehnološko ostali v petdesetih in menijo, da je z ostalimi enako.

peburuchug ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Problem Rusov je pač v tem, da so tehnološko ostali v petdesetih in menijo, da je z ostalimi enako.

LOL, ja sinko. Kaj si ti vohun da imaš kakšne insajderske informacije? Na tvojem mestu bi me bilo strah, vsakič ko bi smrknil, prvi znaki zastrupitve s cezijem :D

Smrekar1 ::

windigo je izjavil:

So pa zato, glede na to, kar se je do sedaj dalo prebrati o Novičokih, Angleži s Skripalovima naredili en tak majhen zdravstveni čudež.

NHS obvlada, ja. Imela sta tudi srečo, da so ju relativno hitro oskrbeli in da sta strup dobila skozi kožo. Kim Jong Nam ga je dobil v sluznice, kjer se precej hitreje absorbira. Skozi kožo hodi zadeva nekaj ur in se počasi sprošča, zato imaš več časa da dodaš dovolj protistrupa - atropina.

Atropine @ Wikipedia

Kot vidiš gre za izjemno noviteto ter redko in drago zadevo, ki jo imajo samo najbolj specializirani centri. Not.

peburuchug ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Kim Jong Nam

Aja to je bil un bratranc od Kima, ki ga je moral umoriti v tujini in ga ni zmogel doma v svoji diktaturi, kjer ima 100% nadzor nad vsem kar se tam zgodi?

Bedni ste s temi svojimi pravljicami.

Vazelin ::

peburuchug je izjavil:

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Kim Jong Nam

Aja to je bil un bratranc od Kima, ki ga je moral umoriti v tujini in ga ni zmogel doma v svoji diktaturi, kjer ima 100% nadzor nad vsem kar se tam zgodi?

Bedni ste s temi svojimi pravljicami.

Tipa ni bilo v S. Koreji X let.:))

Smrekar1 ::

peburuchug je izjavil:

Aja to je bil un bratranc od Kima, ki ga je moral umoriti v tujini in ga ni zmogel doma v svoji diktaturi, kjer ima 100% nadzor nad vsem kar se tam zgodi?


Bratranec je bil namreč toliko pameten, da ni šel v Severno Korejo.

Zanimivo kako to deluje, kajne?

peburuchug ::

Vazelin je izjavil:

Tipa ni bilo v S. Koreji X let.:))

Seveda, razen ko je bil. Aja, CNN ima fakt čekerje in oni pravijo da ni bil. OK.

dice7 ::

100% nadzor nad vsemi kar se zgodi ima samo tista trocrkovna organizacija, mislim, da FBI al CIA al kak je ze... al NSA?

Ne, tocno, bankirji z Wall Streeta! Oz cakaj malo, vceraj sem bral nekaj o židih

zdej pa nisem ziher

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dice7 ()


peburuchug je izjavil:

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Problem Rusov je pač v tem, da so tehnološko ostali v petdesetih in menijo, da je z ostalimi enako.

LOL, ja sinko. Kaj si ti vohun da imaš kakšne insajderske informacije? Na tvojem mestu bi me bilo strah, vsakič ko bi smrknil, prvi znaki zastrupitve s cezijem :D

Revež se ne more sprijaznit, da Russija lahko upepeli Ameriko :D pa , da imajo Američani 70/ zastarele letalske flote ostalih 30% pa ne deluje kot bi morala + problem z debelimi vojaki + helikopterjim bi morali zamenjati vse motorje + število vojakov se vstrajno manjša... :D

dice7 je izjavil:

100% nadzor nad vsemi kar se zgodi ima samo tista trocrkovna organizacija, mislim, da FBI al CIA al kak je ze... al NSA?

Ne, tocno, bankirji z Wall Streeta! Oz cakaj malo, vceraj sem bral nekaj o židih

zdej pa nisem ziher

Saj ne moreš biti ziher če ne veš kaj si sploh prebral potem pa pišeš traparije :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: ADIJOOO1 ()

peburuchug ::

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

problem z debelimi vojaki + helikopterjim bi morali zamenjati vse motorje + število vojakov se vstrajno manjša... :D

Gonzalesi in Tyroni pa Katylin Jennerji so najboljši borci ki jih premore ta planet. Zato jih je Burger vojska polna.


peburuchug je izjavil:

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

problem z debelimi vojaki + helikopterjim bi morali zamenjati vse motorje + število vojakov se vstrajno manjša... :D

Gonzalesi in Tyroni pa Katylin Jennerji so najboljši borci ki jih premore ta planet. Zato jih je Burger vojska polna.

Točno tako.
Saj se vidi kako je amerom odleglo zdaj, ko se je Kimči malo umiril. Saj bi Ameri posredovali ampak vedo, da niso zmožni premagati Severne Koreje.

The U.S. military has a huge problem with obesity and it's only getting worse


U.S. Troops Too Fat to Fight?


America's military is losing its technology edge
The U.S. military's once-unrivaled technology edge is disappearing. The warning signs are everywhere.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: ADIJOOO1 ()

Pac-Man ::

Priporočam v celoti, ker je spet vrhunsko pisanje.


FBI Raid on Michael Cohen Is the Most Dangerous Day of Donald Trump’s Life

Monday’s FBI raids on Michael Cohen’s Trump Tower office, his hotel room, and his home all provided a proper dose of comeuppance to a man more accustomed to screaming threats, shit-tier legal theorizing, and putting his strip-mall law degree to work in service of Donald Trump.

Cohen, far from being the superlawyer to a billionaire real-estate tycoon, really only has one important job: covering up Trump’s alleged dalliances. It was Cohen batting cleanup, dealing with an army of models, escorts, Mistresses (large “M” and small “m”), actresses, porn stars, models, Real Dolls, fangirls, groupies, and random topiary at Mar-a-Delicto with a wall of nondisclosure agreements. Master of the NDA, Cohen thought attorney-client privilege would protect him.

He forgot he had a fool for a client. Trump couldn’t shut his mouth on Air Force One last week.


Then the FBI came knocking. Imagine that moment, when he realized that they were going to raid his office, home, and hotel room. It was one thing for Cohen to pay Stormy’s $135,000 hush-money payment from his home-equity loan. “Happens all the time!” “Common practice!” “Trump never even met her, I’m just really generous!” (For you Trump readers, that’s called sarcasm.)

It’s quite another when the most experienced and determined federal prosecutors are giving you an investigative colonoscopy. If you think for one moment there’s nothing dodgy and damaging against Trump in the files of Cohen, think again.

Suddenly, Michael Cohen, the bag-walking, dick-swinging swagger-monkey wannabe thug attorney and consigliere for Donald Trump’s far-flung penile enterprises is scared. If Cohen had a lump of coal in his ass the moment those search warrants arrived, he could have popped out a diamond.


Trump must know this may be one of the most dangerous moments in his entire life, not just his presidency. The likelihood is that Mueller and the FBI are now in possession of the Black Books of Trump, NDAs from enough of Trump’s various affairs that you can staff a 12-pole strip club with plenty of girls left for the Champagne rooms. It’s only speculation at this point, but it’s quite likely that Cohen was the keeper of many of Trump’s lending documents, contracts, business arrangements, and the Kryptonite of Trump’s fragile self-worth: the long-sought tax returns.

It’s an open secret and has been for quite a while, but Trump isn’t worth $10 billion. As one of my hedge-fund friends (an actual billionaire) said of Trump in 2015, “He’s a clown living on credit.”


Cohen was one of Trump’s most vulnerable and dangerous keepers of secrets. If Trump had a brain, he would have been terrified this moment would come. Cohen simply lived in a state of idiot hubris that it wouldn’t.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Priporočam v celoti, ker je spet vrhunsko pisanje.


FBI Raid on Michael Cohen Is the Most Dangerous Day of Donald Trump’s Life

Monday’s FBI raids on Michael Cohen’s Trump Tower office, his hotel room, and his home all provided a proper dose of comeuppance to a man more accustomed to screaming threats, shit-tier legal theorizing, and putting his strip-mall law degree to work in service of Donald Trump.

Cohen, far from being the superlawyer to a billionaire real-estate tycoon, really only has one important job: covering up Trump’s alleged dalliances. It was Cohen batting cleanup, dealing with an army of models, escorts, Mistresses (large “M” and small “m”), actresses, porn stars, models, Real Dolls, fangirls, groupies, and random topiary at Mar-a-Delicto with a wall of nondisclosure agreements. Master of the NDA, Cohen thought attorney-client privilege would protect him.

He forgot he had a fool for a client. Trump couldn’t shut his mouth on Air Force One last week.


Then the FBI came knocking. Imagine that moment, when he realized that they were going to raid his office, home, and hotel room. It was one thing for Cohen to pay Stormy’s $135,000 hush-money payment from his home-equity loan. “Happens all the time!” “Common practice!” “Trump never even met her, I’m just really generous!” (For you Trump readers, that’s called sarcasm.)

It’s quite another when the most experienced and determined federal prosecutors are giving you an investigative colonoscopy. If you think for one moment there’s nothing dodgy and damaging against Trump in the files of Cohen, think again.

Suddenly, Michael Cohen, the bag-walking, dick-swinging swagger-monkey wannabe thug attorney and consigliere for Donald Trump’s far-flung penile enterprises is scared. If Cohen had a lump of coal in his ass the moment those search warrants arrived, he could have popped out a diamond.


Trump must know this may be one of the most dangerous moments in his entire life, not just his presidency. The likelihood is that Mueller and the FBI are now in possession of the Black Books of Trump, NDAs from enough of Trump’s various affairs that you can staff a 12-pole strip club with plenty of girls left for the Champagne rooms. It’s only speculation at this point, but it’s quite likely that Cohen was the keeper of many of Trump’s lending documents, contracts, business arrangements, and the Kryptonite of Trump’s fragile self-worth: the long-sought tax returns.

It’s an open secret and has been for quite a while, but Trump isn’t worth $10 billion. As one of my hedge-fund friends (an actual billionaire) said of Trump in 2015, “He’s a clown living on credit.”


Cohen was one of Trump’s most vulnerable and dangerous keepers of secrets. If Trump had a brain, he would have been terrified this moment would come. Cohen simply lived in a state of idiot hubris that it wouldn’t.

Ce je pa fb uporabljal.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

Točno tako.
Saj se vidi kako je amerom odleglo zdaj, ko se je Kimči malo umiril. Saj bi Ameri posredovali ampak vedo, da niso zmožni premagati Severne Koreje.

The U.S. military has a huge problem with obesity and it's only getting worse

U.S. Troops Too Fat to Fight?
America's military is losing its technology edge
The U.S. military's once-unrivaled technology edge is disappearing. The warning signs are everywhere.

Adijo, ko bi ti sploh prebral kar linkaš (pravzaprav nič novega za rusofilčiče), bi videl na primer videl tole:

"About 7.8 percent of the military — roughly one in every 13 troops — is clinically overweight, defined by a body mass-index greater than 25."

To je pri višini 180cm cca 80kg (kar je zame osebno normalno, če si vsaj malo nabildan). Zakaj ta pisec članka meni, da je to klinično overweight, pač ne vem.

Malo se oladi. Rusi so vsi po vrsti klinično mrtvi od vodke, pa še nimamo tretje svetovne vojne.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

Točno tako.
Saj se vidi kako je amerom odleglo zdaj, ko se je Kimči malo umiril. Saj bi Ameri posredovali ampak vedo, da niso zmožni premagati Severne Koreje.

The U.S. military has a huge problem with obesity and it's only getting worse

U.S. Troops Too Fat to Fight?
America's military is losing its technology edge
The U.S. military's once-unrivaled technology edge is disappearing. The warning signs are everywhere.

Adijo, ko bi ti sploh prebral kar linkaš (pravzaprav nič novega za rusofilčiče), bi videl na primer videl tole:

"About 7.8 percent of the military — roughly one in every 13 troops — is clinically overweight, defined by a body mass-index greater than 25."

To je pri višini 180cm cca 80kg (kar je zame osebno normalno, če si vsaj malo nabildan). Zakaj ta pisec članka meni, da je to klinično overweight, pač ne vem.

Malo se oladi. Rusi so vsi po vrsti klinično mrtvi od vodke, pa še nimamo tretje svetovne vojne.

Boš našel tudi une 4 of 13 is overweigh.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::


Merkel says no Nord Stream 2 pipeline without transit role for Ukraine

Merkel says plans for a second underwater pipeline to bring gas from Russia -- the so-called #NordStream2 project -- cannot go ahead without Ukrainian involvement in overland transit

Russia's Gazprom says could maintain gas transit via Ukraine after German Chancellor Merkel said this was essential for planned Russian-German pipeline to go ahead
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::



The crisis is upon us. Right now, Ryan and McConnell are convinced this is another Trump bluff, an exercise in his game of media baiting.

They. are. wrong.

They're both worried that their caucus won't push to protect Mueller, and they're right...unless both men choose the answer the call of history and *lead*.

They likely will decline to do so because they fear Trump's tweets more than the judgment of history. I can't *make* them see that this is the Watergate moment, the permanent scar, the brand that never fades.

The to-do list is short, and simple.

- Act like you're the leaders of a COEQUAL branch of government.
- Pass legislation protecting the special counsel and dare him to veto it.
- Ryan and McConnell need to sit privately with Trump and lay down the law.
- Make clear that firing Mueller without cause means impeachment, now or in the new year.
- Work with WH staff, the legislative liaison (Short is smart), and Trump's outside friends to make it clear this is the existential choice.
- Get Rupert, James, and Lachlan on the phone and make it very clear that stoking Trump's rage for their ratings a problem. Better angels first, hammer next.
- Flood the zone with single-subject, small-ball bills. Have an agenda that isn't set by his tweets. Distract him.

Will they? No. Not likely.

Should they?

Why bother? It's only the rule of law and the Republic at stake.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:



The crisis is upon us. Right now, Ryan and McConnell are convinced this is another Trump bluff, an exercise in his game of media baiting.

They. are. wrong.

They're both worried that their caucus won't push to protect Mueller, and they're right...unless both men choose the answer the call of history and *lead*.

They likely will decline to do so because they fear Trump's tweets more than the judgment of history. I can't *make* them see that this is the Watergate moment, the permanent scar, the brand that never fades.

The to-do list is short, and simple.

- Act like you're the leaders of a COEQUAL branch of government.
- Pass legislation protecting the special counsel and dare him to veto it.
- Ryan and McConnell need to sit privately with Trump and lay down the law.
- Make clear that firing Mueller without cause means impeachment, now or in the new year.
- Work with WH staff, the legislative liaison (Short is smart), and Trump's outside friends to make it clear this is the existential choice.
- Get Rupert, James, and Lachlan on the phone and make it very clear that stoking Trump's rage for their ratings a problem. Better angels first, hammer next.
- Flood the zone with single-subject, small-ball bills. Have an agenda that isn't set by his tweets. Distract him.

Will they? No. Not likely.

Should they?

Why bother? It's only the rule of law and the Republic at stake.

Öe ni na Fox newsu ne verjamem.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Zgodovina sprememb…

peburuchug ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Če ni na dejlistormerju ne verjamem. Ima več kredibilnosti kot pa en albanski kopijpašta intelektualec.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Öe ni na Fox newsu ne verjamem.

Tole se je danes odvrtelo na Fox&Friends v D.C.-ju

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Ampak Killary.


Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and "smart!" You shouldn't be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!

Feeling stupid yet, punk?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ampak Killary.


Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and "smart!" You shouldn't be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!

Feeling stupid yet, punk?

In kaj potem.
Zmetal boš naslednjih 100 raket na kao kemične tovarne. Delal se frajerja na Fox news, IN POTEM ?
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
54 / 67

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