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Red Dead Redemption 2
Temo vidijo: vsi
mahone ::
V glavnem Rockstar-u kapo dol naredil so špil desetletja. A MP-ja pa ta špil ne podpira?
Rockstar has shared the first details regarding Red Dead Redemption 2's online mode, named simply Red Dead Online. As was the case with Grand Theft Auto V's online component, GTA Online, Red Dead Online will not launch alongside the game itself; instead, it will debut sometime in November 2018--one month after Redemption 2 itself releases--and will start as a public beta.
chucki ::
Pravi gamer ima oboje
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
grandioso74 ::
Spil sicer kupil bolj na zeljo sina, a mislim, da ga bom tudi jaz preigral, sicer mi taki gejmi ne lezijo najbolj.
Človek je sam svoj največji sovražnik.
Vazelin ::
Kakor jaz berem je samo zacetek na snegu bolj počasen potem pa rata igra top.
Se že veselim obracati to mojstrovino
Se že veselim obracati to mojstrovino
kitl76 ::
Res je ko prideš v dolino se zadeva začne hitreje odvijati. Čas pa leti ko hudič še dobro, da imam ta teden dopust
Gr8t ::
A je možno da igra ne shranjuje med misijami?
Sem šel drugo v kampu kjer greš lovit medveda, vmes sem šel prodat konja, dobil enega komaj vrednega tega imena (ne vem zakaj ne bi sedaj obdržal kar tistega črnega, zgleda močan, verjetno ne najbolj hiter, bolj delovni konj, ampak vseeno bolje kot tisto kljuse za $15), ulovil zajca, postavil tabor, ga spekel na ognju, šel spat. V igri sem bil pa že 2 uri, lov na medveda bi se verjetno zavlekel za pol ure, tako da sem pustil za jutri. Potem sem šel še enkrat v igro, da vidim procente in sem videl da sem spet nazaj v kampu pred to misijo. Tako da bom moral danes vse to ponavljati.
Sem šel drugo v kampu kjer greš lovit medveda, vmes sem šel prodat konja, dobil enega komaj vrednega tega imena (ne vem zakaj ne bi sedaj obdržal kar tistega črnega, zgleda močan, verjetno ne najbolj hiter, bolj delovni konj, ampak vseeno bolje kot tisto kljuse za $15), ulovil zajca, postavil tabor, ga spekel na ognju, šel spat. V igri sem bil pa že 2 uri, lov na medveda bi se verjetno zavlekel za pol ure, tako da sem pustil za jutri. Potem sem šel še enkrat v igro, da vidim procente in sem videl da sem spet nazaj v kampu pred to misijo. Tako da bom moral danes vse to ponavljati.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Gr8t ()
Tr0n ::
So checkpointi med glavnimi misijami, ce to mislis. Ampak jih moras dokoncat, da lahko gres spet delat "open world" stuff. :)
Gr8t ::
To vem da so checkpointi. Ko si v igri ni problem ponavljati iz checkpointa. Ko sem šel ven iz igre sredi misije, pa ne začneš iz checkpointa, ampak pred misijo.
Machete ::
Se kaj ve kdaj bo za PC? :D
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
Gogyto ::
Tr0n ::
Malo me sicer cudi, da te je igra pustila it izven glavne misije. Verjetno bug. :)
Zakaj? Saj če med špilom stisneš PS knof in na ta način zapreš špil, je možno..
Aja, prav quital si game. Ja, ne shrani med checkpointi, ce direktno quitas.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()
oo7 ::
Red Dead Redemption 2 horse riding fails are tragically funny
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
tikitoki ::
Zmajc ::
m0f0x ::
Evo, tudi jaz sem kupil PS4 samo zaradi tega špila in mi ni žal :D
Pri misiji z legendary medvedom, me je le ta ubil in nisem restartal checkpointa. Zdaj pa mi ga nikakor ne rata ulovit. Sem nastavil nekje bait, ampak ga samo slišim, pride pa ne, niti volkovi, ki so bili blizu. Kaki namig, lahko tudi nasplošno za legendary živali.
Pri misiji z legendary medvedom, me je le ta ubil in nisem restartal checkpointa. Zdaj pa mi ga nikakor ne rata ulovit. Sem nastavil nekje bait, ampak ga samo slišim, pride pa ne, niti volkovi, ki so bili blizu. Kaki namig, lahko tudi nasplošno za legendary živali.
Tr0n ::
Z eagle eye pogledom ne najdes sledi v predelu, kjer se bi naj nahajal medved?
Lahko, da se ni ponovno spawnal ali kaj takega. Mogoce naredis save/load in probas se 1x ali prespis kako noc v campu. Lahko uporabis tudi scent masking mazilo, ki zakrije tvoj vonj, ce bo kaj pomagalo.
Lahko, da se ni ponovno spawnal ali kaj takega. Mogoce naredis save/load in probas se 1x ali prespis kako noc v campu. Lahko uporabis tudi scent masking mazilo, ki zakrije tvoj vonj, ce bo kaj pomagalo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()
Gr8t ::
Malo me sicer cudi, da te je igra pustila it izven glavne misije. Verjetno bug. :)
Zakaj? Saj če med špilom stisneš PS knof in na ta način zapreš špil, je možno..
Aja, prav quital si game. Ja, ne shrani med checkpointi, ce direktno quitas.
OK, drugačno vprašanje, ali se da igro zapreti na drugačen način kot s PS gumbom? Oz. če obstaja manual save, ki bi shranil med misijo? Ker lahko da bo kakšna dolga celo uro.
Seveda nisem šel kar takoj ven, sem si vzel kakšni 2 minuti da najdem drugo opcijo, ampak v glavnem meniju ni opcije Quit kot pri PC igrah. Vem da sem se s tem že lovil pri prejšnjih igrah, pri nekaterih se je pomoje dalo iti ven na lepši način.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Gr8t ()
Tr0n ::
Je quit in sicer pod Options / Story / Exit Game.
Je pa pametno najprej manualno shranit igro (Options / Story / Save Game) in potem lahko quitas s PS gumbom. Seveda med story misijo ne bos mogel shranit manualno, tako da moras ta tip misije najprej koncat in potem shranit. Potem ti bo tudi autosave shranil in ne bo problema.
Je pa pametno najprej manualno shranit igro (Options / Story / Save Game) in potem lahko quitas s PS gumbom. Seveda med story misijo ne bos mogel shranit manualno, tako da moras ta tip misije najprej koncat in potem shranit. Potem ti bo tudi autosave shranil in ne bo problema.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()
ahac ::
Sigurno pride na PC, ampak Rockstar pač obravnava svoje fane enako slabo kot svoje zaposljene in zato to še skrivajo.
Slo-Tech Discord -
oo7 ::
'Red Dead Redemption 2' Earns Record-Breaking $725 Million Opening Weekend
"Red Dead Redemption 2" broke records in its first three days on sale, pulling in more than $725 million in worldwide retail sales and achieving the biggest opening weekend in the history of entertainment, developer Rockstar Games announced.
Kot kaže se igra prodaja kot vroče žemljice :)
"Red Dead Redemption 2" broke records in its first three days on sale, pulling in more than $725 million in worldwide retail sales and achieving the biggest opening weekend in the history of entertainment, developer Rockstar Games announced.
Kot kaže se igra prodaja kot vroče žemljice :)
Alien123 ::
springfield je izjavil:
PC master race otroci so uzaljeni
imam pc in ps4, pa xbox da se mi prah nabira. Sem kar užaljen, da ni prišla igra na pc. V mestih se kar lepo vidi padec framedropov, da ne omenimo low/medium nastavitev.. Zdaj pa si predstavli tale špil na ultra pri 1440p resoluciji, al pa na 4k hdr 60+ fpsjih.. bolano
oo7 ::
Here's how long it usually takes Rockstar games to come to PC
- GTA 4 took about seven months to make the jump to PC.
- LA Noire took about six months to arrive on PC.
- Max Payne 3 launched just two weeks after console versions in 2012, but then it's fair to say this was historically considered a PC series.
- GTA 5 arrived 17 months after the PS3/Xbox 360 versions, and five months after the more comparable Xbox One and PS4 versions. It was originally meant to launch about three months earlier, however, in January 2015, and was originally announced alongside the 2014 console versions at E3 2014.
If we were to make an informed guess on when Red Dead Redemption 2 does come to PC, then, history tells us it'll probably be a wait of about five-to-seven months.
A decision on whether to bring Red Dead Redemption 2 to PC has probably already been made. When we spoke to Rockstar North about GTA 5's PC release back in 2015, they said they planned for it from day one. "We were always going to bring GTA 5 to PC."
Why did Red Dead Redemption never come to PC?
Red Dead Redemption never came to PC after its original release in 2010, and Rockstar answered (vaguely) as to why that was the case back in 2011. "All we can say is that whenever it is viable (technically, developmentally and business-wise) for us to release a game for PC (or any other particular platform)--we will and we usually do; unfortunately, that is just not the case 100% of the time for all platforms." That was a long time ago, though, and even at the time the company was bringing LA Noire, GTA and Max Payne 3 to PC.
GTA 5 sold a bucketload on PC, so it's unlikely Red Dead Redemption 2 would skip our platform
GTA 5 has sold over 90 million copies in total, which is an incredible feat. On Steam, it's sold 12,604,123 copies according to recent data released about player counts on Valve's platform. This doesn't include copies sold in physical form or through third-party resellers, however, where the game redeems through Rockstar Social Club, so the actual player count is likely to be a bit higher than that. This makes a pretty good case for Red Dead Redemption 2 to come to PC.
- GTA 4 took about seven months to make the jump to PC.
- LA Noire took about six months to arrive on PC.
- Max Payne 3 launched just two weeks after console versions in 2012, but then it's fair to say this was historically considered a PC series.
- GTA 5 arrived 17 months after the PS3/Xbox 360 versions, and five months after the more comparable Xbox One and PS4 versions. It was originally meant to launch about three months earlier, however, in January 2015, and was originally announced alongside the 2014 console versions at E3 2014.
If we were to make an informed guess on when Red Dead Redemption 2 does come to PC, then, history tells us it'll probably be a wait of about five-to-seven months.
A decision on whether to bring Red Dead Redemption 2 to PC has probably already been made. When we spoke to Rockstar North about GTA 5's PC release back in 2015, they said they planned for it from day one. "We were always going to bring GTA 5 to PC."
Why did Red Dead Redemption never come to PC?
Red Dead Redemption never came to PC after its original release in 2010, and Rockstar answered (vaguely) as to why that was the case back in 2011. "All we can say is that whenever it is viable (technically, developmentally and business-wise) for us to release a game for PC (or any other particular platform)--we will and we usually do; unfortunately, that is just not the case 100% of the time for all platforms." That was a long time ago, though, and even at the time the company was bringing LA Noire, GTA and Max Payne 3 to PC.
GTA 5 sold a bucketload on PC, so it's unlikely Red Dead Redemption 2 would skip our platform
GTA 5 has sold over 90 million copies in total, which is an incredible feat. On Steam, it's sold 12,604,123 copies according to recent data released about player counts on Valve's platform. This doesn't include copies sold in physical form or through third-party resellers, however, where the game redeems through Rockstar Social Club, so the actual player count is likely to be a bit higher than that. This makes a pretty good case for Red Dead Redemption 2 to come to PC.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
mahone ::
Nevem zakaj folk se vedno primerja GTA V console to pc release z RDR2, ker je primerjava kot apples to oranges. GTA je ze od GTA 3 naprej najprej bila releasana za konzole potem pa mesece/leto kasneje se za PC. Red Dead serija je pa vedno bila console exclusive. Upam, da res pride za PC vendar mocno dvomim.
springfield ::
springfield je izjavil:
PC master race otroci so uzaljeni
imam pc in ps4, pa xbox da se mi prah nabira. Sem kar užaljen, da ni prišla igra na pc. V mestih se kar lepo vidi padec framedropov, da ne omenimo low/medium nastavitev.. Zdaj pa si predstavli tale špil na ultra pri 1440p resoluciji, al pa na 4k hdr 60+ fpsjih.. bolano
Bilo bi povsem enako, vsaj meni, ker mi framedropi ne unicijo igralne izkusnje. Low/medium nastavitve? Kolikor vem je to trenutno ultra za RDR2. Lahko mi pa seveda pokazes ultra nastavitve.
Zakaj sploh imas konzoli, ce sta ti grafika in 60+ fps tako zelo pomembna?
oo7 ::
Jaz imam PS4 že od samega začetka ampak bom počakal na PC verzijo. GTA V sem igral na PS3 potem še na PC tokrat bom počakal na PC verzijo. Če je pa slučajno ne bo bom pa kupil čez kako leto.
shadeX ::
Pač za ta špil se splača konzulo kupit verjemite mi pa nisem edini, ki sem to storil.
Prodaja konzol bo logično v tem obdobju narastla. Ne bi se čudil, da ima Rockstar kakšno pogodbo s Sonijem, da dobi % od prodaje konzol (oni pa v zameno ne smejo izdat verzije za PC v določenem obdobju).
mahone ::
Red Dead Redemption 2 vs. GTA V: Which is Better?
ze 1. RDR je bil boljsi od gta v
yoco ::
Sem rano končal del na gorah. Malo me moti, da moram vedno drzat X da se lik hitreje premika. A imate vi AIM assist off al on?
Tr0n ::
Nevem zakaj folk se vedno primerja GTA V console to pc release z RDR2, ker je primerjava kot apples to oranges. GTA je ze od GTA 3 naprej najprej bila releasana za konzole potem pa mesece/leto kasneje se za PC. Red Dead serija je pa vedno bila console exclusive. Upam, da res pride za PC vendar mocno dvomim.
Jp, ne bo RDR2 za PCja.
You heard it here first. :)
oo7 ::
Alien123 ::
springfield je izjavil:
springfield je izjavil:
PC master race otroci so uzaljeni
imam pc in ps4, pa xbox da se mi prah nabira. Sem kar užaljen, da ni prišla igra na pc. V mestih se kar lepo vidi padec framedropov, da ne omenimo low/medium nastavitev.. Zdaj pa si predstavli tale špil na ultra pri 1440p resoluciji, al pa na 4k hdr 60+ fpsjih.. bolano
Bilo bi povsem enako, vsaj meni, ker mi framedropi ne unicijo igralne izkusnje. Low/medium nastavitve? Kolikor vem je to trenutno ultra za RDR2. Lahko mi pa seveda pokazes ultra nastavitve.
Zakaj sploh imas konzoli, ce sta ti grafika in 60+ fps tako zelo pomembna?
A ti mislis da so to ultra nastavitve? :D
Grafika mi ni tak pomembna kot fpsji, ceprav 60 je premalo. Xbox sem kupil preden so zaceli ekskluzive delat na win10, ps4 pa zaradi kolegov.
ahac ::
Tr0n mal trolla pa bad mu je, ker zaradi neučakanosti in nasedanja na hype trenutno igra slabšo verzijo igre.
Jp, ne bo RDR2 za PCja.
You heard it here first. :)
Tale komentar si bom pa zapomnil in ga citiral takoj, ko napovejo še za PC
Slo-Tech Discord -
_njc ::
Še kdo v kampu pogreša Sadie, Abigail, John-a in Jack-a? Baje je to known bug.
springfield ::
oo7 ::
Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Might Launch In April 2019
According to Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, the answer is yes. Speaking to GamingBolt in an exclusive interview, he said that the PC launch is likely right around the corner, and that the next generation consoles will get the game when they are out.
"PC for sure, most likely by April," he said. "I'm not sure why they take so long. Next generation consoles are likely as well, whenever those come out."
According to Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, the answer is yes. Speaking to GamingBolt in an exclusive interview, he said that the PC launch is likely right around the corner, and that the next generation consoles will get the game when they are out.
"PC for sure, most likely by April," he said. "I'm not sure why they take so long. Next generation consoles are likely as well, whenever those come out."
Mato989 ::
Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Might Launch In April 2019
According to Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, the answer is yes. Speaking to GamingBolt in an exclusive interview, he said that the PC launch is likely right around the corner, and that the next generation consoles will get the game when they are out.
"PC for sure, most likely by April," he said. "I'm not sure why they take so long. Next generation consoles are likely as well, whenever those come out."
Konec hvalisanja console peasantov :P
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
Alien123 ::
springfield je izjavil:
A ti mislis da so to ultra nastavitve? :D
Ne da mislim, so. Dokler ne bodo izdali verzije z boljso grafiko, so to ultra nastavitve za to igro.
ti si kar govori to :D
springfield ::
springfield je izjavil:
A ti mislis da so to ultra nastavitve? :D
Ne da mislim, so. Dokler ne bodo izdali verzije z boljso grafiko, so to ultra nastavitve za to igro.
ti si kar govori to :D
Potem pa te prosim za screenshot ali se bolje video, kjer so ultra nastavitve. Aja, nimas? Kak to, ce pa si trdno preprican, da obstaja?
Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Might Launch In April 2019
According to Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, the answer is yes. Speaking to GamingBolt in an exclusive interview, he said that the PC launch is likely right around the corner, and that the next generation consoles will get the game when they are out.
"PC for sure, most likely by April," he said. "I'm not sure why they take so long. Next generation consoles are likely as well, whenever those come out."
Konec hvalisanja console peasantov :P
Analitik, ki nima nobene veze z Rockstarom, je to rekel? Potem bo pa ze drzalo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: springfield ()
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