Forum » Igre » S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl
Meizu ::
Ti pa priporočam da si potegneš dol kakšen dober FPS optimizator iz nexusa za stalker 2, inštalacija je res simpl, prednost modov je pa v tem, da nekateri tudi popravijo določene težave z memory leakom, ki se trenutno še dogaja ponekod v igri in je to mogoče tudi razlog, da ti Rostok tako zelo zmrzuje.
Tale dva sta najbolj konkretna:
Tale dva sta najbolj konkretna:
Predsednik11 ::
ne, 4D games (Metro franšiza) sta ustanovila dva programerja, ki sta pri GSC ustvarjala Shadow Of Chernobyl. GSC ju je celo tožil, neuspešno, da sta ukradla XRay engine na katerem so tekle vse tri Stalker igre. Modderji (če se prav spomnim) pa pravijo, da gre dejansko za isti engine, le malce predelan. Zanimivost: Šefa 4D Games sta po izidu prve Metro igre ponudila službo CEOta Deanu Sharpu, američanu, ki je najbolj zaslužen za to, da je prvi Stalker sploh izšel. To pa zato, ker sta želela človeka izkušenega v zahodnem biznisu za krmilom. Ko so razmere v Ukrajini začele postajati nemogoče za delo ekipe je Sharpe predlagal, da bi jo preselili v Slovenijo, zaradi dobre pokritosti z internetom, relativne cenenosti in zaradi geografskega položaja. Potem pa je srečal nekoga, ki mu je povedal, da Malta nudi zelo ugodne pogoje z namenom, da bi privabila software firme na otok. In sedaj so na Malti.
Razlog za odpust celotne ekipe po Call Of Pripyat je bil ta, da se Grigorovich, ki je lastnik firme ni uspel zdilati za izid igre na konzolah, oziroma je ekipa ni bila sposobna portati na XBox, ali nekaj takega. Pa razvijanje iger ga ni več zanimalo. Kot premožen ukrajinec je raje tekmoval na amaterskih dirkah po Evropi s svojim ferrarijem. In zanimivo, GSC je ustanovil pri šestnajstih letih. Očitno mu ostali podjetniški podvigi niso ravno uspeli, če se je vrnil k videoigram.
Zelo zanimivo.
So se odločili za Malto namesto Slovenije zaradi birokracije ?
Če sem malo žleht me veseli, da mu podjetniški podvigi niso uspeli in se je vrnil k igram.
Če se ne motim ima tudi GSC nekega outsiderja kot ga ima 4A games tistega Američana ?
oo7 ::
Z MODi že malo v Fallout vode :)
Skill Magazines -
Add depth to your adventure in the Zone with a unique series of over 30 magazines, each with its own unique effect. Learn the secrets of survival, trading, and upgrading your gear to gain advantages such as improved protection, reduced weapon wear, or discounts from traders. The effect of a magazine is activated after the first reading, but due to the harsh conditions of the Zone, the magazines are quite fragile and fall apart immediately after use. Extra copies can be sold to get the most out of them. Become a master of survival using the wisdom preserved on the pages of these publications!
Pa ni slabo so kar vredu zmerni bonusi. Pa še naslovnice zgledajo zanimivo.
Skill Magazines -
Add depth to your adventure in the Zone with a unique series of over 30 magazines, each with its own unique effect. Learn the secrets of survival, trading, and upgrading your gear to gain advantages such as improved protection, reduced weapon wear, or discounts from traders. The effect of a magazine is activated after the first reading, but due to the harsh conditions of the Zone, the magazines are quite fragile and fall apart immediately after use. Extra copies can be sold to get the most out of them. Become a master of survival using the wisdom preserved on the pages of these publications!
Pa ni slabo so kar vredu zmerni bonusi. Pa še naslovnice zgledajo zanimivo.
yayo ::
Predsednik11 je izjavil:
Zelo zanimivo.
So se odločili za Malto namesto Slovenije zaradi birokracije ?
Če sem malo žleht me veseli, da mu podjetniški podvigi niso uspeli in se je vrnil k igram.
Če se ne motim ima tudi GSC nekega outsiderja kot ga ima 4A games tistega Američana ?
Ne zaradi birokracije ampak, ker Malta ponuja spodbude tipa znižanih davkov in odloga. Mi ne ponujamo ničesar. Žal nikjer ne morem najti intervjuja kjer Sharpe govori o temu, sem pa prepričan, da sem ga že linkal v tej temi. Mislim, da je bil UK reviji Edge, pa ga je nekdo objavil na netu, potem pa so ga dol dali zaradi copyrighta.
Tukaj je članek o Sharpovi vlogi v splovitvi originalnega Stalkerja.
In še video kjer iz Malte govori o problemih s corono.
Kolikor se spomnim je govoril, da so ga v Kijevu tako sovražili, ko jim je prišel komandirat kako je potrebno odvreči vse nedelujoče elemente v Stalkerju SoC, da je fasal grožnje s pretepom ali celo ubojem. Na koncu pa je igra izšla izključno zahvaljujoč njegovim "škarjam".
EDIT aja, XRay engine ni poganjal Metro 2033 temveč zgodnje delovne demote. Potem so prešli na drug motor igre.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()
oo7 ::
Predsednik11 je izjavil:
Če se ne motim ima tudi GSC nekega outsiderja kot ga ima 4A games tistega Američana ?
Mogoče misliš na lastnika GSC Game World Maksym Krippa ?
oo7 ::
Stara novica
24 novembra se pravi 4 dni po izidu je bilo prodanih 1,4 miljona kopij igre Stalker 2.
Od tega najbolj prodajano
ZDA 22%
Ukrajina 16 %.
Nemčija 7%.
Kitajska 7%.
Bi bila pa slika sigurno veliko durgačna če igra izšla tudi v Rusiji in seveda če igra ne bi izšla na gamepass.
Trenutno ni podatka koliko kopij so prodali v slabih 2 mesecih. Je pa lastnik GSC rekel enrkat v sredini decembra, da so pokrili vse stroške igre in, da gre od takrat naprej samo še v dobiček.
24 novembra se pravi 4 dni po izidu je bilo prodanih 1,4 miljona kopij igre Stalker 2.
Od tega najbolj prodajano
ZDA 22%
Ukrajina 16 %.
Nemčija 7%.
Kitajska 7%.
Bi bila pa slika sigurno veliko durgačna če igra izšla tudi v Rusiji in seveda če igra ne bi izšla na gamepass.
Trenutno ni podatka koliko kopij so prodali v slabih 2 mesecih. Je pa lastnik GSC rekel enrkat v sredini decembra, da so pokrili vse stroške igre in, da gre od takrat naprej samo še v dobiček.
Gregor459 ::
yayo ::
Dela. monitor firmware sicer ni imel zveze z igro. Le malce anksiozen sem bil, da mi bo elektrika zginila medtem, ko sem ga nadgrajeval (po DP kablu), ker cel proces traja okoli 10 minut. Kar se Rostoka tiče sledim Izy-evim nasvetom. Sejvam pred zgradbo, tečem not, nardeim kar lahko v minuti in spet tečem ven sejvat. Sem pogledal linkane mode za framerate ampak še nisem ničesar inštaliral.
lonewolf_ ::
Dela. monitor firmware sicer ni imel zveze z igro. Le malce anksiozen sem bil, da mi bo elektrika zginila medtem, ko sem ga nadgrajeval (po DP kablu), ker cel proces traja okoli 10 minut. Kar se Rostoka tiče sledim Izy-evim nasvetom. Sejvam pred zgradbo, tečem not, nardeim kar lahko v minuti in spet tečem ven sejvat. Sem pogledal linkane mode za framerate ampak še nisem ničesar inštaliral.
Jaz sem lahko zdaj tam na Ultra ko prej nisem z Medium prišel skozi. Imam pa laptop z 3060.
R7 5700G + NH-U12P SE2 | Ballistix 2x8Gb 3000MHz
Mortar Titanium | P1 500GB | Exos 3TB | SSD MX500 1TB
beQuiet 700W Gold | Fractal Design Define S
Mortar Titanium | P1 500GB | Exos 3TB | SSD MX500 1TB
beQuiet 700W Gold | Fractal Design Define S
yayo ::
ha! Bom todi jaz poskusil. Drugače, sem se vrnil iz Red Forest kjer sem opravil tisto nalogo v bolnišnici Monolitov. Stealth je šel kmalu k vragu pa sem samo tekel po lokaciji in se sproti zdravil, ker sem želel nalogo opraviti po Doktorjevem priporočilu, ne, da bi kogarkoli ubil. Naknadno pogledam skozihod in ugotovim, da se realno da celo nalogo opraviti v stealthu in, da sem pozabil pobrati Rat Killer Zubr. Tako, da sem naredil še enkrat. Potem grem k Doktorju, tja pod njegovo kupolo in, ko se enkrat zgodi kar se mora zgoditi najdem v kleti en dokument, ki pa mi se mi ne prikaže ne v Journalu in niti v inventoriju. Poskusim parkrat od sejva pa ni uspeha. Potem sem šel nazaj v Rostok in se vrnil naslednji dan. Presenečenje: pod kupolo ni več Doktorjeve hiše ampak en velik PSI field. Potem sem malce stashe pobiral po Red Forest in imel srečanje z zadnjim mutantom z ogrlico. Med spopadom je prišla emisija in sem se moral skriti. Ko sem spet prišel ven iz zaklonišča najdem mutanta med kontejnerji, ki bulji v enega kot tele. Pa sem izkoristil glitch in ga sesul z nekaj granatami in par deset strelov iz Rhinota. Res ne vem kako bi ga v poštenem fajtu ugonobil glede na to, da je tak bullet sponge.
Še zadnja anekdota: potem, ko sem onemu papku od znanstvenika odnesel zadnjo ogrlico sem skočil do Malachita odložit silno kramo. In vidi vraga, sedaj bazo stražijo meni sovražni vardovci, ki me one shotajo s snajperjem. Pa sem šel spet malce Reddit gledat kako in kaj. In našel način skozi skrivni vhod v kanalizaciji. Prideš v bazo in so vsi: "dobrodošel! Imaš kaj za prodat ali popravit?"
Pa tisti del zgodbe, ko so Malachite vardovci napadli mi sploh ni jasen. Kaj so znanstvenika, ki je vodil bazo ubili ali je zbežal? Ga je ona znanstvenica, ki kramo prodaja izdala glede na to, da pravi, da je ona sedaj glavna? No zdaj pri Sidorovichu iščem Streloka, oziroma po novem Strijelca.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()
oo7 ::
Tista stealht misija kjer naj ne bi ubil nobenega Monolitha je največja bedarija v igri, ker stealth sploh ni možen.
yayo ::
jaz sem ugotovil, da je možen šele, ko sem vodič pogledal. In je potem šlo kot po maslu. Če bi od začetka stealth fural bi na 30 sekund sejval in se še šel trial and error, kar bi zelo dolgo trajalo. Cela finta je bila v temu, da ko si prišel v zadnje območje si moral počakati, da se je stražar umaknil in potem crouch levo v poševnoo viseč porušen zračnik. Na prvi pogled mi sploh ni bilo jasno da lahko vanj odplaziš. V taki igri je to bilo popolnoma nepričakovano, pa Dpoktor bi lahko predlagal, da greš stealth. Bi vsaj vedel kaj se od mene pričakuje. Jaz pa sem kar šofiral med monolithi in se sproti zdravil.
yayo ::
Kje je točka kjer je dobro sejvati, če želiš poskusiti vse štiri konce?
Pa še to. Te igra po nalogi kjer iščeš Clear Sky bazo še kdaj popelje v Swamps? Ker imam tisti konec kjer je chimera še dokaj neraziskan.
Kje je točka kjer je dobro sejvati, če želiš poskusiti vse štiri konce?
Pa še to. Te igra po nalogi kjer iščeš Clear Sky bazo še kdaj popelje v Swamps? Ker imam tisti konec kjer je chimera še dokaj neraziskan.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()
Predsednik11 ::
Kje je točka kjer je dobro sejvati, če želiš poskusiti vse štiri konce?
Pa še to. Te igra po nalogi kjer iščeš Clear Sky bazo še kdaj popelje v Swamps? Ker imam tisti konec kjer je chimera še dokaj neraziskan.
Prva odločitev katera vpliva na konec je, ko greš prvič v komoro.
Ne z Swampom si zaključil kar se tiče nalog.
yayo ::
Hvala. Ko končam z X3 laboratorijem v Cordonu grem potamanit tisto chimero v močvirja, ker me še peče kako sem prednjo bežal, ko sem iskal CS bazo. Revenge will be sweet.
(seveda, če ne respawna na petnajst minut)
Izi ::
Kje je točka kjer je dobro sejvati, če želiš poskusiti vse štiri konce?
Za hitro končanje vseh 4 koncev rabiš 3 save pozicije:
1. Quest "Subtle Matter" - Shrani preden stopiš v kapsulo.
Izbira "Eternal spring" = Spark konec
Izbira "Life is for the living" = ostali 3 konci
2. Quest "Dangerous Liaisons" - Shrani proti koncu questa preden stopiš skozi vrata za katerimi te napadejo wardi.
Izbira "I'm not your enemy" = Ward konec
Izbira "[Escape]" = ostala 2 konca
3. Quest "The Last Wish" - Shrani pri Doktorjevi hiši preden govoriš z njim.
Izbira "[Lover the gun]" = Kaymanov konec
Izbira "[Fire]" = Strelokov konec
Te igra po nalogi kjer iščeš Clear Sky bazo še kdaj popelje v Swamps? Ker imam tisti konec kjer je chimera še dokaj neraziskan.Ne.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Izi ()
aerie ::
Meizu ::
Meizu ::
Jeba s kuponi je, ker vse trgovine vodijo Slovenci, ki prodajajo po trojni ceni ;)
Igram zdaj playthrough z nekaj modi čez in modular hard mode modom skupaj z mutant loot - fentam pseudogianta po pol ure bojevanja in od njega dobim pelt - v vrednosti 120.000 kuponov.
Wawaw, grem do zelenega trejderja, da mu tole prodam - mi izplača 8900 kuponov
yayo ::
Jeba s kuponi je, ker vse trgovine vodijo Slovenci, ki prodajajo po trojni ceni ;)
Sumim, da je ta Fleekazoid kakih srbskih korenin. Glede na to, da gre že za stereotip.
oo7 ::
Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl has almost single-handedly saved 2024 from being an absolutely rubbish year for gaming
Se strinjam. Stalker 2 in elden Ring DLC.
Se strinjam. Stalker 2 in elden Ring DLC.
Gregor459 ::
yayo ::
Na veteran sem dobil 22500. Se spomnim, ker sem že nekje bral, da 30000 pa sem se malce začudil, da sem kaj narobe naredil. V X3 laboratoriju v Cordonu, tam kjer sem se lovil s Pseudogiantom, so v sobici ob dvorani (pod balkonom od kod je Dark streljal na mutanta) ena zaklenjena vrata. Ključa nisem našel pa me firbec matra, če je kaj zanimivega notri. Google ne da rezulatov. Sem mislil, da za vsaka vrata kjer pokaže da so zaključana obstaja tudi ključ. Morda v varda skozihodu?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()
Meizu ::
Ja Veteran tezavnost med drugim tudi zniza donos questov, kao strozja ekonomija v zoni.
Kajsvem, jaz sem se vedno v neki tocki imel 800k kuponov v denarnici, je pa res da velika vecina tega pride od prodaje orozja ter artefaktov.
Pa se nisem kaj prevec trudil hoardat denar, pa tudi 1million coupons spent achievement sem kar tako nekje vmes polozil skoraj nevede :)
Kajsvem, jaz sem se vedno v neki tocki imel 800k kuponov v denarnici, je pa res da velika vecina tega pride od prodaje orozja ter artefaktov.
Pa se nisem kaj prevec trudil hoardat denar, pa tudi 1million coupons spent achievement sem kar tako nekje vmes polozil skoraj nevede :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Meizu ()
Predsednik11 ::
Od tistih weak artefaktov itak nimaš skoraj nič in so samo za prodat. Obdržis tistih 10 najboljših ostalo v prodajo.
yayo ::
Včeraj zvečer sem se vrnil v močvirje - swamps na jugovzhodu. To je najbolj nadležno območje v celi igri, ker je nepregledno in se, ko si v vodi, zelo počasi napreduje. Nekaj stashev sem nabral in se zajebaval z enim, ki je v enem hlevu sredi Star anomalij. Srečal sem nekaj bloodsuckerjev, chimere pa hvalabogu ne, čeprav je mogoče, da nisem hodil po njenem teritoriju. Glede na nadležnost bi v močvirju morale biti posebne nagrade pa jih ni. Pa ko udari blowout/emission zna biti veselo, če si ravno na nekem otočku od koder bredeš zelo počasi skozi visoko vodo. Aja, pred tem sem zaključil X3 laboratorij. Ko greš naprej od srečanja s Strelokom skozi tisti, kako naj mu rečem, silos?, prostor v obliki visokega valja kjer so vse okoli kapsule v nadstropjih - Matrix style - in na vrhu velik zračnik z ventilatorjem. Ko si visoko gor in prečiš "catwalk" mostiček (obstaja slovenska beseda?) lahko skočiš na tramove pod mostom od tam pa pazljivo na pokrove kapsul, in potem še bolj pazljivo na dva balkončka, ki sta nižje in kjer so komandne konzole. Prav škoda, da niso ničesar položili v prostor za konzolami, ker bi po vsem skakanju bilo res vredno nagrade. Je pa res, da ko si enkrat tam je bolj težko, če ne povsem nemogoče priti živ spet v pritličje.
oo7 ::
Jaz sem imel še nekaj stashov v močvirju pa sem se vrnil. Prehodil celo močvirje, do tistega mosta kjer potem skočiš pa tiste Chimere ni bilo več tam.
Gregor459 ::
Na Redditu sem zasledil, ko je odgovarjal eden od Gsc, da ta mesec hotfix drug mesec pa nov večji patch.
oo7 ::
Včeraj zvečer sem se vrnil v močvirje - swamps na jugovzhodu. To je najbolj nadležno območje v celi igri, ker je nepregledno in se, ko si v vodi, zelo počasi napreduje. Nekaj stashev sem nabral in se zajebaval z enim, ki je v enem hlevu sredi Star anomalij. Srečal sem nekaj bloodsuckerjev, chimere pa hvalabogu ne, čeprav je mogoče, da nisem hodil po njenem teritoriju. Glede na nadležnost bi v močvirju morale biti posebne nagrade pa jih ni. Pa ko udari blowout/emission zna biti veselo, če si ravno na nekem otočku od koder bredeš zelo počasi skozi visoko vodo. Aja, pred tem sem zaključil X3 laboratorij. Ko greš naprej od srečanja s Strelokom skozi tisti, kako naj mu rečem, silos?, prostor v obliki visokega valja kjer so vse okoli kapsule v nadstropjih - Matrix style - in na vrhu velik zračnik z ventilatorjem. Ko si visoko gor in prečiš "catwalk" mostiček (obstaja slovenska beseda?) lahko skočiš na tramove pod mostom od tam pa pazljivo na pokrove kapsul, in potem še bolj pazljivo na dva balkončka, ki sta nižje in kjer so komandne konzole. Prav škoda, da niso ničesar položili v prostor za konzolami, ker bi po vsem skakanju bilo res vredno nagrade. Je pa res, da ko si enkrat tam je bolj težko, če ne povsem nemogoče priti živ spet v pritličje.
To govoriš o prvem srečanju z Strelokom ? Zdaj mi pa res ni jasno kateri prostor to misliš :)
oo7 ::
Night vision MOD -
Druga rešitev za temo pa je daljši dnevi - 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24x
Even Longer Days -
Druga rešitev za temo pa je daljši dnevi - 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24x
Even Longer Days -
oo7 ::
Tole bi znal biti zanimiv MOD :)
Desolation MOD -
Desolation is a global overhaul mod, focusing on realism, survival, and emergent storytelling. It introduces punishing mechanics, changes, new and expanded systems, and a dynamic, evolving Zone to challenge you while rewarding ingenuity and adaptability.
Desolation is a Global Hardcore Overhaul mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl. The main focus of the mod is to expand the game via in-depth mechanics, content additions and overall fluid blending of gameplay, world and lore. Though focusing a lot on "realism", the main focus of it is to generate stories for the player, put them into tense situations in a punishing environment, while overall keeping the goal of it feeling like an even playing field for both the player chatacter and other non-playable characters.
Aside from the hardcore survival mechanics Desolation will introduce a lot of new features, approaches to usual things as the mod evolves. My goal is to create an overhaul where the Zone will be a being that will punish everyone inside of it mercilessly for their mistakes, bend and break them at every chance they give it, yet reward the curious and smart stalkers in moment's of it's grace. And the playing field will become even for both player and other chatacters.
Overhauled NPC Weapon and Grenade Profficiency
NPCs used to have their own separate weapon properties, now they are mostly identical to the player which should even the field out, making the game harder and at the same time getting rid of aimbotting shotgun dudes that hit you with 100% of the pellets.
NPCs grenade usage was reworked, with newbies, experienced and veteran stalker all using grenades with different frequency.
Overhauled NPC Gear Progression
A sophisticated and in-depth gear generation system is injected in place of the vanilla loot tables, featuring over 190+ items to loot from stalkers, stashes and buy from traders for variety and sell value.
The Zone will now evolve with you and as you increase your rank, the stalkers around you will also advance, getting their hands on better gear while keeping diversity of the different Zone population mix in place. No more exoskeleton-only users in late-game, no single rank will overshadow others completely whiel still keeping the sense of world progression.
Overhauled Medical System
Bleeding now drains your health faster and the medicine costs much more.
The existing medical items were overhauled while additional items to fill out the gaps were added.
The bandages are now used to combat bleeding only, providing no health regen. The vanilla medkits are more suited for a calm environment and slow and steady health recovery. Injectors were introduced in their place to fill out a role of a crude, effective and quick way to heal in combat.
The ways to combat radiation have expanded in terms of available items, which are also tiered and have their own drawbacks at lowest quality.
Overhauled Traders
The traders have had their available stock redisigned taking into account their location, how hard it is for supplies to get to them, their roles and lore.
Traders now progress from a rich stock of some items in the areas near the border to borderline on the brink of collapse in the harshest places where not many dare to journey.
Not every trader is interested in everything you're selling, so now you got to take into account how much their offer and their demand when selling your spoils.
At the same time, the traders are now much more oriented towards offering a certain stock based on their background. So don't expect to find a lot of medicine and/or food at your local weapon trader, or be ready to fork out bigger amounts of Koupons if you happen to find some in their stock.
Supply and demand could potentially be useful, if you want to risk getting some items at safer places and delivering them to those that are in dire need of them.
Artifacts are now your universal go-to currency when looking for something that everyone and their mother will fork out Koupons for, no matter the location, unlike more specific equipment.
Trader restock time is changed, also based on the logic of how far away they are from the nearest supply line and how specific their goods are.
Mechanics are now also able to buy up your busted gear, though your ordinary technician won't pay a lot, much less then you were to find someone who just buys junk in bulk, infact.
New Gear, Items and Gear Mechanics
New sleeping bags with varying quality, properties and benefits provided after sleep.
New outfits, headwear are now available to aquire from looting or vendor stock. These are designed to fit into the game world visualy and logically.
Weapon and armor field repair system is added. It features new pistol, rifle and armor repair kits, as well as smaller versatile items to patch up the damage.
More than 200 new and unique items to loot from npcs, buy from traders and find in stashes. Some are just for selling and flavour, others are useable with their own mechanics.
Mutant Looting Overhaul
Mutant looting system has been added back in, with a lot of new parts you can take as trophies from the fallen monstrosities, including mutant-specific meats, general trophies and hard to come by very expensive samples.
Stash Loot Overhaul
The stashes are now much more diverse, offering a lot of potential spoils to those lucky enough to get to them.
The stashes are designed in a way to offer a rollercoaster of reward and dissapointment range, which is intentional. Though you still can stumble upon a stash with half a bread, a bottle of water or even less, there are good odds of finding yourself some nice gear from these, including artifacts stashed away by their paranoid owners.
Sometimes, apart from good condition gear, you'll stumble upon some little inventory-storytelling, based on the items you find in one of the chests.
Mod Compatability
Desolation comes prepackaged with a Mod Loader ini that it also uses, configured to support all the mods that require it to my knowledge. This only includes the Mod Loader support and will not patch the mods between themselves on its own!
Desolation will include the latest available Community Localization Project content integrated into its localization files. This only includes localization files and will do nothing on its own!
Both of these files will keep getting updated with relevant versions and tweaks along with the main mod update.
The only directly overwritten file in Desolation that may cause conflicts is CombatSynchronization.cfg
General Changes
The ammo should now be more scarce than in the base game.
Sleep is now a much more prominent player in the overall gameplay loop, though with the scarcity of beds available, some ways to combat it in the field still remain, while new ones were added.
Desolation MOD -
Desolation is a global overhaul mod, focusing on realism, survival, and emergent storytelling. It introduces punishing mechanics, changes, new and expanded systems, and a dynamic, evolving Zone to challenge you while rewarding ingenuity and adaptability.
Desolation is a Global Hardcore Overhaul mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl. The main focus of the mod is to expand the game via in-depth mechanics, content additions and overall fluid blending of gameplay, world and lore. Though focusing a lot on "realism", the main focus of it is to generate stories for the player, put them into tense situations in a punishing environment, while overall keeping the goal of it feeling like an even playing field for both the player chatacter and other non-playable characters.
Aside from the hardcore survival mechanics Desolation will introduce a lot of new features, approaches to usual things as the mod evolves. My goal is to create an overhaul where the Zone will be a being that will punish everyone inside of it mercilessly for their mistakes, bend and break them at every chance they give it, yet reward the curious and smart stalkers in moment's of it's grace. And the playing field will become even for both player and other chatacters.
Overhauled NPC Weapon and Grenade Profficiency
NPCs used to have their own separate weapon properties, now they are mostly identical to the player which should even the field out, making the game harder and at the same time getting rid of aimbotting shotgun dudes that hit you with 100% of the pellets.
NPCs grenade usage was reworked, with newbies, experienced and veteran stalker all using grenades with different frequency.
Overhauled NPC Gear Progression
A sophisticated and in-depth gear generation system is injected in place of the vanilla loot tables, featuring over 190+ items to loot from stalkers, stashes and buy from traders for variety and sell value.
The Zone will now evolve with you and as you increase your rank, the stalkers around you will also advance, getting their hands on better gear while keeping diversity of the different Zone population mix in place. No more exoskeleton-only users in late-game, no single rank will overshadow others completely whiel still keeping the sense of world progression.
Overhauled Medical System
Bleeding now drains your health faster and the medicine costs much more.
The existing medical items were overhauled while additional items to fill out the gaps were added.
The bandages are now used to combat bleeding only, providing no health regen. The vanilla medkits are more suited for a calm environment and slow and steady health recovery. Injectors were introduced in their place to fill out a role of a crude, effective and quick way to heal in combat.
The ways to combat radiation have expanded in terms of available items, which are also tiered and have their own drawbacks at lowest quality.
Overhauled Traders
The traders have had their available stock redisigned taking into account their location, how hard it is for supplies to get to them, their roles and lore.
Traders now progress from a rich stock of some items in the areas near the border to borderline on the brink of collapse in the harshest places where not many dare to journey.
Not every trader is interested in everything you're selling, so now you got to take into account how much their offer and their demand when selling your spoils.
At the same time, the traders are now much more oriented towards offering a certain stock based on their background. So don't expect to find a lot of medicine and/or food at your local weapon trader, or be ready to fork out bigger amounts of Koupons if you happen to find some in their stock.
Supply and demand could potentially be useful, if you want to risk getting some items at safer places and delivering them to those that are in dire need of them.
Artifacts are now your universal go-to currency when looking for something that everyone and their mother will fork out Koupons for, no matter the location, unlike more specific equipment.
Trader restock time is changed, also based on the logic of how far away they are from the nearest supply line and how specific their goods are.
Mechanics are now also able to buy up your busted gear, though your ordinary technician won't pay a lot, much less then you were to find someone who just buys junk in bulk, infact.
New Gear, Items and Gear Mechanics
New sleeping bags with varying quality, properties and benefits provided after sleep.
New outfits, headwear are now available to aquire from looting or vendor stock. These are designed to fit into the game world visualy and logically.
Weapon and armor field repair system is added. It features new pistol, rifle and armor repair kits, as well as smaller versatile items to patch up the damage.
More than 200 new and unique items to loot from npcs, buy from traders and find in stashes. Some are just for selling and flavour, others are useable with their own mechanics.
Mutant Looting Overhaul
Mutant looting system has been added back in, with a lot of new parts you can take as trophies from the fallen monstrosities, including mutant-specific meats, general trophies and hard to come by very expensive samples.
Stash Loot Overhaul
The stashes are now much more diverse, offering a lot of potential spoils to those lucky enough to get to them.
The stashes are designed in a way to offer a rollercoaster of reward and dissapointment range, which is intentional. Though you still can stumble upon a stash with half a bread, a bottle of water or even less, there are good odds of finding yourself some nice gear from these, including artifacts stashed away by their paranoid owners.
Sometimes, apart from good condition gear, you'll stumble upon some little inventory-storytelling, based on the items you find in one of the chests.
Mod Compatability
Desolation comes prepackaged with a Mod Loader ini that it also uses, configured to support all the mods that require it to my knowledge. This only includes the Mod Loader support and will not patch the mods between themselves on its own!
Desolation will include the latest available Community Localization Project content integrated into its localization files. This only includes localization files and will do nothing on its own!
Both of these files will keep getting updated with relevant versions and tweaks along with the main mod update.
The only directly overwritten file in Desolation that may cause conflicts is CombatSynchronization.cfg
General Changes
The ammo should now be more scarce than in the base game.
Sleep is now a much more prominent player in the overall gameplay loop, though with the scarcity of beds available, some ways to combat it in the field still remain, while new ones were added.
yayo ::
Sem šel na izlet v Dugo, ker sem jo pri prvem obisku površno preiskal. Loota je tam ogromno, tako da sem se te??ko obtežen vrnil v Malachite ampak moram še eno turo narediti, ker je pol lokacije neraziskane. Žal sedaj gledam interaktivno mapo igre, ker bi drugače potreboval pol leta za razuskovanje. Tista dva pseudogianta v tandemu sta bila cel pornič.
Meizu ::
Se strinjam, nek fast travel bi lahko obstajal, pa še glede na to, da ima Stalker artefakt sistem bi komot lahko dodali kak težko dobavljiv artefakt ki lahko omogoči teleportacijo na določena območja, ala to kar ima Strelok.
Sej raziskovanje je kul in vse ampak ko greš že 30ič na isto pot, ki je po vrhu vsega zelo dolga v nekaterih primerih, je to že malo tečno.
Sej raziskovanje je kul in vse ampak ko greš že 30ič na isto pot, ki je po vrhu vsega zelo dolga v nekaterih primerih, je to že malo tečno.
Gregor459 ::
A se je Strelok lahko teleportiral zaradi njegovega artefakta HOC ?
Lahko bi bilo tudi več tistih velikih mehurjev kateri te teleportirajo na drugo lokacijo kot je tisti v Rostoku.
Lahko bi bilo tudi več tistih velikih mehurjev kateri te teleportirajo na drugo lokacijo kot je tisti v Rostoku.
GoodGuy ::
Na Redditu sem zasledil, ko je odgovarjal eden od Gsc, da ta mesec hotfix drug mesec pa nov večji patch.
Stalker 2 me zmeraj bolj spominja na stalker 1 serijo (brez modov).. bug fest brez premiere
BTW še komu Rostok sesuje igro ko imaš odprt inventorij, mapo ali pa ko imaš odprt trading inventory s prodajalci?
Očitno je nek memory leak, ker igra zmrzne ram pa nabije na 26 giga
Trenutno na 77 urah, malo sem načel red forest, morm nazaj v Dugo... Inventory weight je pa skoz problem
yayo ::
enake probleme imam. Izy je v zadnjih par straneha dal koristne nasvete. Si pobral weird water artifact v Zatonu?
Jaz nosim 140 kil ampak sem stalno pijan.
Jaz nosim 140 kil ampak sem stalno pijan.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()
yayo ::
govorim o nasvetih glede krešanja igre v Rostoku.
Glede weird water pa boš zeloooooo težko rešil z nabiranjem izkušenj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()