Forum » Igre » S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Na Steamu izboljšan demo za igro Road to Vostok - finski Stalker.
Public Demo 1 v2 | Road to Vostok
Finski Stalker Road to Vostok je dobil tretji DEMO.
Razvijalec je zamenjal pogon igre. Prva dva DEMA sta bila v Unity pogonu tretji demo pa ima open-source Godot engine.
Če bi kdo ras sprobal ima DEMO na Steamu.
Public Demo 1 v3 (Godot) | Road to Vostok

oo7 ::
Another year that forged us. Another year that we spent nearing two highly anticipated events for both our team and those dear to us.
We believe and wish to all of us that the coming year exceeds all expectations. And we pledge to dedicate ourselves to turning your dreams about the journey into the Zone into a reality.
Peace and good hunting in 2024, stalkers. Upajmo :)
We believe and wish to all of us that the coming year exceeds all expectations. And we pledge to dedicate ourselves to turning your dreams about the journey into the Zone into a reality.
Peace and good hunting in 2024, stalkers. Upajmo :)

oo7 ::
Xbox leaker trdi, da bo Stalker 2 izšel letos Q1.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 will release Q1 THIS YEAR!
Single Player Open World
At least 2 Story Expansions
Multiplayer Mode
Unreal Engine 5 Open World
Day One in Xbox Game Pass.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 will release Q1 THIS YEAR!
Single Player Open World
At least 2 Story Expansions
Multiplayer Mode
Unreal Engine 5 Open World
Day One in Xbox Game Pass.

matobeli ::
Adapter za "čutaro". Da se slučajno ne dehidrira med stalkanjem 
Oziroma, uradno ime je verjetno zasilni dispenzor protiradiacijskega sredstva.

Oziroma, uradno ime je verjetno zasilni dispenzor protiradiacijskega sredstva.

Gagatronix ::

oo7 ::
Pre-Order Bonusi za igro S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl so bili dodani na Xbox App. Kot kaže bi res znala igra iziti letos Q1 :)

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Glasovni igralec STALKER 2 je namignil, da je igra skoraj pripravljena za izdajo
Glasovno igranje je ena od zadnjih stopenj razvoja igre, zato je igralec Kevin Michael Clarke oboževalcem Stalkerja močno namignil, da bo izdaja STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl kmalu.
Glasovno igranje je ena od zadnjih stopenj razvoja igre, zato je igralec Kevin Michael Clarke oboževalcem Stalkerja močno namignil, da bo izdaja STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl kmalu.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Uradni profil Stalker na X
Dear stalkers,
Last year, during Gamescom 2023, we finally had the chance to meet in person. We gathered around the campfire with you to share something valuable that we have been creating for you for all these years — a small part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Publicly, for the first time ever.
Our one-time initiative then transformed into a journey from campfire to campfire across France, Brazil, Singapore and other countries. Thousands of players were able to play the game themselves and give us the much-needed feedback afterwards.
And as true friends always do, you shared your honest thoughts about the game. Both positive and negative, and we are thankful for that. From your insights, we figured out two key points: the one to celebrate and the one to consider seriously.
The first one: the Zone remains the Zone. In its true beauty and after our likeness. The game absolutely feels and plays like S.T.A.L.K.E.R, the atmosphere, hardcore style, harsh and unwelcoming environment are ready to cook, and we can’t be more grateful for these words, as they basically sum up both the key intention and the main inspiration for the project from the very beginning at the same time.
The second one was: the gear in the backpack should be checked one more time to be completely sure it will not fail us in the most needed moment. On the technical side of things — the game needs more time.
Throughout the frankly challenging development process, we understood the time was of the team's main essence. Seeing the scope of polishing and understanding that we can’t push your patience too much, we were absolutely dedicated to releasing the game in Q1 2024, and we worked extra hard to meet the release window.
That, however, doesn’t change the fact that at the beginning of this year, we still witnessed the certain amount of technical imperfections that hold S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 below the expected standards for the final experience our fans are waiting for.
While there is absolutely no way to make another delay sound less dim, we decided to be clear about our reasons to postpone the game for the sake of yet another wave of polishing.
The final release date for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is now September 5, 2024.
We know that you are waiting for this moment, as well as we do. But the preparation needs to be done so that the journey into the Zone goes smoothly and as planned. Thanks for your patience and continuous support, and be ready to see a lot of info about the game further this year.
Dear stalkers,
Last year, during Gamescom 2023, we finally had the chance to meet in person. We gathered around the campfire with you to share something valuable that we have been creating for you for all these years — a small part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Publicly, for the first time ever.
Our one-time initiative then transformed into a journey from campfire to campfire across France, Brazil, Singapore and other countries. Thousands of players were able to play the game themselves and give us the much-needed feedback afterwards.
And as true friends always do, you shared your honest thoughts about the game. Both positive and negative, and we are thankful for that. From your insights, we figured out two key points: the one to celebrate and the one to consider seriously.
The first one: the Zone remains the Zone. In its true beauty and after our likeness. The game absolutely feels and plays like S.T.A.L.K.E.R, the atmosphere, hardcore style, harsh and unwelcoming environment are ready to cook, and we can’t be more grateful for these words, as they basically sum up both the key intention and the main inspiration for the project from the very beginning at the same time.
The second one was: the gear in the backpack should be checked one more time to be completely sure it will not fail us in the most needed moment. On the technical side of things — the game needs more time.
Throughout the frankly challenging development process, we understood the time was of the team's main essence. Seeing the scope of polishing and understanding that we can’t push your patience too much, we were absolutely dedicated to releasing the game in Q1 2024, and we worked extra hard to meet the release window.
That, however, doesn’t change the fact that at the beginning of this year, we still witnessed the certain amount of technical imperfections that hold S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 below the expected standards for the final experience our fans are waiting for.
While there is absolutely no way to make another delay sound less dim, we decided to be clear about our reasons to postpone the game for the sake of yet another wave of polishing.
The final release date for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is now September 5, 2024.
We know that you are waiting for this moment, as well as we do. But the preparation needs to be done so that the journey into the Zone goes smoothly and as planned. Thanks for your patience and continuous support, and be ready to see a lot of info about the game further this year.

Kayzon ::
Res se pustim presenetiti ampak mam slab obcutek glede vsega,prva igra je se vedno nekaj posebnega po 17 letih izida,tole pa zna bit casualised zaradi konzol in adhd brokoli zoomerjov.

WizzardOfOZ ::
torej Q1 2025, če.
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!

Izi ::
Po moje pa ne bo slabo. Testiranja so se lotili zelo na veliko. Igro je v preigralo in testiralo že več tisoč ljudi.
Odzivi so da je atmosfera odlična in točno taka kot se za STALKER spodobi in pričakuje.
Hkrati pa so vsi testni igralci omenili, da igra potrebuje še kar nekaj poliranja. Predvsem naša oprema je bila deležna največ kritik in jo bodo v celoti še enkrat temeljito pregledali in popravili.
Mislim, da ni prav nobenega razloga da letošnjo jesen ne bi izdali igre.
Odzivi so da je atmosfera odlična in točno taka kot se za STALKER spodobi in pričakuje.
Hkrati pa so vsi testni igralci omenili, da igra potrebuje še kar nekaj poliranja. Predvsem naša oprema je bila deležna največ kritik in jo bodo v celoti še enkrat temeljito pregledali in popravili.
Mislim, da ni prav nobenega razloga da letošnjo jesen ne bi izdali igre.

Meizu ::
Res je. Ko načeloma težko pričakuješ neko igro, ki je bila nekajkrat preložena, počasi začne zdrav razum rasti v afekt. Treba ostat prizemljen in če je developer mnenja, da je treba še nekaj stvari porešit, naj jih porešijo. Konec koncev si delajo medvedjo uslugo, ker je pritisk še toliko večji, namreč po večkratnem delayu izida publika pričakuje res spolirano igro.

oo7 ::
Stalker 2 bo že prvi dan na Gamepass.
Ali se vsem igram splača finančno biti na gamepassu ? Verjetno indie igram ja AA in AAA igram pa verjetno ne preveč ali pač ?
Ali se vsem igram splača finančno biti na gamepassu ? Verjetno indie igram ja AA in AAA igram pa verjetno ne preveč ali pač ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Gagatronix ::
Z ozirom na to, koliko casa je bil prvi STALKER v razvoju ... me tak kratek zamik ne moti.

oo7 ::
Ma saj zamuda je razumljiva prvo vojna in so morali seliti studio v drugo državo, potem so jim s hekerskim napadom ukradli veliko datotek nato pa jim je zgorel še del studija...

yayo ::
jaz tudi, me je začudilo, ko je odprla onlyfans ali kaj že ampak 'merika je pač 'merika in razumem, da raje služi z igranjem igric na socialnih medijih, kot pa, da bi kje kelnarila ali kaj podobnega.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()

Gagatronix ::

oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Verjetno bi imela več prometa na You tube če bi igrala še kaj drugega kot samo Stalkerja.
Stalker je njen trademark ze ohoho let.
Ja in kot kaže je povsem zadovolnja samo s Stalkerjem in prav je tako če ji tako paše :)
Samo hočem rečti če bi igrala še kaj drugega bi verjetno imela več sledilcev in ogledov.

Gagatronix ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Verjetno bi imela več prometa na You tube če bi igrala še kaj drugega kot samo Stalkerja.
Stalker je njen trademark ze ohoho let.
Ja in kot kaže je povsem zadovolnja samo s Stalkerjem in prav je tako če ji tako paše :)
Samo hočem rečti če bi igrala še kaj drugega bi verjetno imela več sledilcev in ogledov.
Ne gre se vsem na YT samo za klike in followerje, nekateri preprosto delijo svoj passion s svetom.

oo7 ::
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl
o 40h+ Non-Linear Story, multiple endings
o Benchmark-setting graphics
o A-Life 2.0 - A-Life 2.0 is a simulation system for life in the Zone.
o Tens of new characters & factions
o New Equipment
o New Anomalies & Arch-Anomalies
o New Mutants
o Official Mod Support
o Multiplayer Post Launch
4 različni konci kar pomeni, da se bo dalo večkrat preigrati + nelinearna 40 ur dolga glavna zgodba in okoli 100 ur če boš hotel raziskati celotno mapo.
o 40h+ Non-Linear Story, multiple endings
o Benchmark-setting graphics
o A-Life 2.0 - A-Life 2.0 is a simulation system for life in the Zone.
o Tens of new characters & factions
o New Equipment
o New Anomalies & Arch-Anomalies
o New Mutants
o Official Mod Support
o Multiplayer Post Launch
4 različni konci kar pomeni, da se bo dalo večkrat preigrati + nelinearna 40 ur dolga glavna zgodba in okoli 100 ur če boš hotel raziskati celotno mapo.

oo7 ::
Kolikor se spomnim prvič, ko sem preigral Stalker SOC sem dobil konec kjer začnejo padati kovanci nato se zruši streha :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Gagatronix ::
Ja, vseh sest koncev, ki se dogajajo v stavbi elektrarne so 'lazni' oziroma slabi konci.

Meizu ::
Ampak ti "konci" v original SoC stalkerju niso ubistvu kompleksni konci, razen tega, da se za različen treshold v statistiki karakterja prikaže drugi false ending cutscene - razen če greš naprej razjajcat c-con.
Če bodo v novem stalkerju dejansko fizično različni konci (oziroma celo razplet zgodbe in misij), potem bo to velik step-up napram originalu.
Če bodo v novem stalkerju dejansko fizično različni konci (oziroma celo razplet zgodbe in misij), potem bo to velik step-up napram originalu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Meizu ()

Gagatronix ::

Gagatronix ::

oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
V Stalker SOC mi je bilo edino škoda, ker Pripyat ni bil bolj izkoriščena lokacija.
Saj zato pa imas Call of Pripyat![]()
Res je ampak škoda, ker ni bilo že v SOC ;)

oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Ze res, ampak Shadow of Chernobyl je bil skoncentriran na vecji del Zone.
Ja vse lokacije do Pripyata in Chernobila so bile bolj zanimive vsaj meni. Najboljša lokacija v SOC mi je Red forest :)