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setup.exe se ne zažene

setup.exe se ne zažene

lommmp ::

Na Windows 7 se mi setup.exe od igre Rayman 2 (iz 1999) ne zažene, poskušal sem kot administrator ampak ko kliknem se ne zgodi nič. Na run as windows xp mode ne morem dati ker je datoteka v CD pogonu. Kaj lahko naredim da se bo igra pravilno namestila?

  • spremenil: lommmp ()

Hayabusa ::

Imaš x64 win7 ?

Cold1 ::

Namesti si navidezni stroj (Wmvare, VirtualBox), vanj namesti XP-je in nato opravi namestitev, ko bo končana, kopiraj namestitev in njene datoteke in registrske podatke ven iz navideznega stroja.

Najprej pa na spletu preveri če bo igra sploh delovala na Sedmici.

Mr.B ::

Verjetno enostavneje Dosbox.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Cold1 ::

Rayman 2, iz leta 1999, je dosovska igra, res?

Sicer pa, Wikipedia pravi tole:

The Nintendo 64 version of Rayman 2: The Great Escape was released first, followed by a PC release later that year, with slight improvements to the PC version (including graphics and music). The PC version is compatible with computers ranging from around the year of 1999 to the present day, although it can sometimes be difficult to get an original retail copy of the game to run on Windows XP or Vista. Fan-made patches have been released to correct some of the problems that occur on more recent configurations. The game cannot be installed on 64-bit computers, because the DRM in the installation disc is 16-bit. However this seems to be fixed in Windows 8 x64 operating systems.

On 26 May 2011, GOG.com re-released Rayman 2: The Great Escape, alongside Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc and Rayman Forever, made to be compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, along with a digital version of the game's soundtrack as bonus content. On 26 January 2012 Ubisoft announced that Rayman 2 will be added as a bonus for preordering the PC version of Rayman Origins.

Zdi se, da bo GOG še najprimernejši naslov za rešitev te težave.

lommmp ::

sem zrihtal hvala :)

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