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Windows Store (Microsoft) in davki

Windows Store (Microsoft) in davki

Lightning17 ::

Zdravo, izpolniti moram US Tax Form za Microsoft, pa me zanima če ima kdo s tem izkušnje... Tale tekst spodaj mi ni čisto razumljiv... Ali bo Microsoft na kakršen koli način pošiljal dursu podatke o izplačilih??? Nekje sem celo zasledil da Microsoft zadrži davke... Torej od zaslužka si vzame 30%, od preostalih 70% pa še 22% za davke, preostanek nakaže na račun??? Spodaj je slika z Microsoftove strani... Če sem jaz to prav razumel, bo Microsoft kar sam pobral davke pa jih dursu nakazal - ta opcija mi ni preveč všeč??? Raje vidim da jaz vsak drugi mesec grem na durs pa prijavim nek simbolični prihodek, glede na to da ta denar nima čisto nobene veze z Slovenijo in ne vem zakaj bi imeli pravico pobirat davke od tega...

Taxes on App Transactions. If you choose to have Microsoft make your app available for customers in the United States, any current member country of the European Union, Canada, Norway, Switzerland, Taiwan or Liechtenstein (Remittance Countries), Microsoft (or its billing service provider) will collect and remit sales, use, goods and services, value added or similar taxes, if any, applicable to your app as made available in such country(s) through the Windows Store. In any country other than the Remittance Countries, Microsoft will not remit any sales, use, goods and services, value added or other similar tax. You are responsible for determining whether you have an obligation to register, collect, and remit taxes in any country other than the Remittance Countries, and you must designate the sales price of your app to include any applicable taxes that you are obligated to collect and pay in those countries. For additional tax information and requirements please see MSDN.

Taxes on Payments. You are responsible for your own taxes, including taxes unique to where you reside, that are related to payments you may receive under this agreement. You are also responsible for paying any sales, use, or value-added taxes (if any) in connection with the Store Fee that Microsoft collects from you. If taxes are required to be withheld on any amounts to be paid by Microsoft to you, Microsoft will deduct such taxes from the amount owed and pay them to the appropriate taxing authority and will secure and deliver to you an official receipt for any such taxes withheld. Microsoft will use reasonable efforts to minimize such taxes to the extent permissible under applicable law, and each party will reasonably cooperate with the other to obtain the lowest tax rates or elimination of such taxes pursuant to the applicable income tax treaties.



Lonsarg ::

V grobem je mednarodna praksa taka, da ti zaračuna davek država, v kateri imaš podjetje. Torej če imaš poštimano podjetje ali s.p. se da zmenit z Microsoftom da dobiš nakazano na podjetje, pojma pa nimam kako se to zmeniš, odvisno od Microsofta in davčnega dogovora Slovenija-Amerika.

Druga zadeva je pa to, kar hočeš ti, ko boš keš dobil direkt brez buisenessTObuiseness v tem primeru pa ima Ameriška država nek pavšalni davek na dohodek za nerezidente. Basicly edina možnost, da ti microsoft ne zaračuna že direkt davka je ta, da Microsoftu/Ameriki dokažeš, da si/boš plačal davek v Sloveniji, pa še to mora obstajati tak dogovor Slovenija-Amerika, da to štima(ki kolikor vem obstaja).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Lonsarg ()

Invictus ::

Je bila nekje tukaj tema. Malo pobrskaj
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


Lonsarg ::

Hm, obstoječa tema je o davku pri Amazonu, podobnost je sicer velika in lahko marsikaj tam ugotoviš o davkih, nič pa specifičnega za Microsoft, kako to oni hendlajo, tako da se mi zdi smiselno imeti posebej temo za prodajanje na Microsoft Store.

Invictus ::

Oni se prilagajajo IRS. Zato je tisto čisto veljavno.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


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