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Arma 3

Arma 3


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Arma 3's new free-to-play title has some old school coop you might enjoy. Here is some gameplay of the spin off as well as the intro cinematic.


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Arma 3 - Laws of War DLC Reveal Trailer

COMING SOON - Explore a different perspective on the battlefield with the addition of a humanitarian faction, van, drone, mini-campaign, and much more, in the Arma 3 Laws of War DLC https://arma3.com/dlc/lawsofwar

Previously referred to under its codename "Orange DLC", the Arma 3 Laws of War DLC adds a new faction called IDAP (humanitarian aid organization), mini-campaign ("Remnants of War"), Van (multiple variants with over 20 liveries), Utility & Demining Drone (multiple variants), APERS Mine Dispenser, clothing and gear, time trial challenges, and more. The package will be supported by a free Arma 3 platform update, which highlights include: refined cluster strikes, the simulation of Unexploded Ordnance, the ability to drop (custom) leaflets from the sky, two new Showcase scenarios, emergency and medical supplies, decorative objects, and extra Steam Achievements.

The Arma 3 Laws of War DLC is scheduled for release in the beginning of September, and is available for pre-order on the Bohemia Store and Steam with a 10% pre-order discount. A portion of the proceeds from the direct sales of the Laws of War DLC in 2017 will be donated to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The total amount raised will be announced on http://www.bistudio.com in 2018

zigaliro ::

Ce je kdo za da bi sli malo co-op misije mi naj napise sporocilo.

Seljak ::

Če se ti res igra ARMA III se pridruži tej skupini in boš zelo užival https://www.facebook.com/groups/sbpteam... (upam, da imaš FB). So pa tudi na Discord-u.

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Machete ::

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Zakon. To je pa en redkih špilov, katere si res močno želim SP, ker se mi mpja ne da bluzit.
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new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

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Arma 3 Creator DLC: Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany Trailer

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Arma 3 Contact - Announcement Trailer

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'ArmA III' Creator DLC: S.O.G. Prairie Fire Brings Will Bring You Back To Vietnam


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Izšel DLC Western Sahara za ARMA III

Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara Trailer

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Bohemia Interactive predstavila nov pogon - Enfusion Engine

Pogon, ki bo po vsej verjentosti poganjal tudi igro ARMA IV

Enfusion Engine - Powering the future of Bohemia's games

predi ::

Izdali so Early release "plačljive demonstracije" nove platforme, predhodnika Arme 4, kjer naj bi se ljudstvo izjasnilo o tem kaj hoče, razvijalcem modov pa naj bi olajšala prehod.


Deploying on both Xbox and PC for the very first time in the Arma series

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Arma Reforger Enfusion Showcase Trailer

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Arma Reforger: 1.0 Release

The latest installment in the Arma franchise returns you to authentic Cold War combat in a flexible military sandbox. Arma Reforger has been built from the ground up on the all-new Enfusion Engine, bringing additional functionality and more immersive in-game environments to the renowned military simulator.

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Bohemia Interactive studio je praznoval 25 let. Rekli so, da planirajo igro ARMA 4 za leto 2027.

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