Forum » Loža » Nezemljani in območje 51
Nezemljani in območje 51

figula ::
Če bi jaz skrival vesoljčke in bi se razvedelo kje jih imam... bi jih še isto minuto probal preselit drugam.
Povsem po nepotrebnem bi si delal stroške logistike in opremljanja novega skrivališča. Te stvari so svinjsko drage in brezvezne, ko vendar obstaja briljantno preprosta formula za obvladovanje človeških množic.
Najprej rečeš, da nekaj imaš. Potem rečeš, da tega nimaš. In so zadovoljni verniki, ker oni že vedo kako je s teorijami zarot in so zadovoljni neverniki, ker oni tudi že vedo, kako je s teorijami zarot.
win-win in lahko vsem pred nosom serješ in nikomu ništa. Tako preprosto, da je kar genialno.

JanOlMajti ::
Zanimiva tema.
-Pred cca tremi leti je soseda povedala, da je njena prijateljica prišla zvečer do neke hiše na vrhu hriba na poti domov, in je videla močan snop svetlobe. Ustavila se je in šla pogledat. Ko je odprla vrata, je svetloba skozi vrata posijala v njo in zelo hitro zbežala, tako kot njena prijateljica. Prestrašena je doma povedala, da je videla premočno svetlobo za ročno baterijo...
Tu vsi lahko pomislimo da gre najverjetneje za otroke, ki so se igrali z lučjo, in se je prestrašila, tako kot oni, in panično zbežala.
-Druga zgodba, ki mi je dala mislit je cca 20 let nazaj. Takrat so govorili o številnih videnjih nlp-jev v sloveniji. Moja prijateljica je takrat imela 18-20 let in je bila v gostilni na kavi, ko je njena prilateljica priletela v gostilno, panična, da je videla vesoljce. Ti bi naj pristali na travniku ob gozdu, izstopili iz nlp-ja in si nekaj ogledovali. Nato je en zagledal je zbežala. Prijateljica je rekla, da se je cela tresla in celo situacijo zelo natančno opisala, tudi vesoljce (ona ji verjame). Ob mojih vprašanjih, zakaj niso potem skupaj šle tja pogledat ni bilo zadovoljivega odgovora (strah).
-Tretja zgodba, nekje v 70-ih. Mama mi je rekla, da ko so študirali v Ljubljani, so ljudje opazili dve kroglji na nebu. Izgledali sta kot da bi bili iz živega srebra. Na nebu sta stali čisto pri miru, velikost pa približno za dve letali. Mama ju je gledala 15 minut nato odšla (seveda me jezi, ker ni gledala do konca :) ).
Takšna videnja so zanimiva, nam neverjetna (verjetno ker sami tega nismo doživeli). Kaj mislite glede takšnih zgodb? Je imel kdo od vas podobno izkušnjo?
-Pred cca tremi leti je soseda povedala, da je njena prijateljica prišla zvečer do neke hiše na vrhu hriba na poti domov, in je videla močan snop svetlobe. Ustavila se je in šla pogledat. Ko je odprla vrata, je svetloba skozi vrata posijala v njo in zelo hitro zbežala, tako kot njena prijateljica. Prestrašena je doma povedala, da je videla premočno svetlobo za ročno baterijo...
Tu vsi lahko pomislimo da gre najverjetneje za otroke, ki so se igrali z lučjo, in se je prestrašila, tako kot oni, in panično zbežala.
-Druga zgodba, ki mi je dala mislit je cca 20 let nazaj. Takrat so govorili o številnih videnjih nlp-jev v sloveniji. Moja prijateljica je takrat imela 18-20 let in je bila v gostilni na kavi, ko je njena prilateljica priletela v gostilno, panična, da je videla vesoljce. Ti bi naj pristali na travniku ob gozdu, izstopili iz nlp-ja in si nekaj ogledovali. Nato je en zagledal je zbežala. Prijateljica je rekla, da se je cela tresla in celo situacijo zelo natančno opisala, tudi vesoljce (ona ji verjame). Ob mojih vprašanjih, zakaj niso potem skupaj šle tja pogledat ni bilo zadovoljivega odgovora (strah).
-Tretja zgodba, nekje v 70-ih. Mama mi je rekla, da ko so študirali v Ljubljani, so ljudje opazili dve kroglji na nebu. Izgledali sta kot da bi bili iz živega srebra. Na nebu sta stali čisto pri miru, velikost pa približno za dve letali. Mama ju je gledala 15 minut nato odšla (seveda me jezi, ker ni gledala do konca :) ).
Takšna videnja so zanimiva, nam neverjetna (verjetno ker sami tega nismo doživeli). Kaj mislite glede takšnih zgodb? Je imel kdo od vas podobno izkušnjo?

Manu ::
Štoparski vodnik je ZF biblija, pa to še ne pomeni, da dejansko verjamemo v Vogone in gradnjo vesoljske obvoznice... Težko je verjeti možakarju, ki trdi, da so ga ograbili vesoljci temne polti, svetlih dolgih las, obuti v rdeče čeveljce s katerimi hodijo po Veneri. Ne bom pa trdil, da njegove knjige ne vsebujejo tudi kakšne svetle točke, ki lahko nekaterim razširijo obzorje, na podoben način kot Štoparski vodnik npr.
Ne, Adamski ni rekel, da so ga ugrabili. Nič kaj takega. Preden podaš sodbo Adamskemu, potem si preberi njegove knjige. Ali pa vsaj od Gerarda Aartsena, ki piše o njem. Jaz sem prebral recenzijo njegove knjige.
Sredi spečih in nepazljivih je modrec buden in pazljiv -
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.

Vajenc ::
Nič kaj takega.
Na wiki piše, da je vedel, da ga vesoljci iščejo in tako jim je šel sam naproti, nakar ga je poskralo vesoljsko plovilo blond dolgolasca iz Venere ...
Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Woody Allen
Woody Allen

Manu ::
Zanimivo, kako si vse to napačno interpretiral. Površno bereš.
To je nekako tako, kot bi človeška ribica, ki je vedno v temi, nekoč priplavala do odprtine in bi jo presvetlila dnevna svetloba in potem bi Vajenc (
) rekel, da je bila človeška ribica ugrabljena s strani svetlega prostora.
Ali pa ko bi mama poklicala otroka naj pride v kuhinjo jest in bi otrok rekel: "mama me je iskala in sem šel nasproti nje v kuhinjo, potem me je vonj pomfrija ugrabil in znašel sem se ugrabljen na kuhinjskem stolu za mizo."
Razumem, če si skeptičen (tudi sam sem), ampak ni treba biti za nalašč negativističen in posmehljiv. To samo dokazuje, da sodiš brez da bi knjigo dejansko prebral.
Jaz spoštujem tudi tiste, ki verjamejo v boga. V bistvu še bolj, kot tiste, ki so ultra skeptiki. Verujoči so vsaj dobronamerni za razliko od preveč skeptično naravnanih. Ti slednji prav nagnusno sovražijo soljudi - so brez kančka sočutja. Samo moje izkušnje.
To je nekako tako, kot bi človeška ribica, ki je vedno v temi, nekoč priplavala do odprtine in bi jo presvetlila dnevna svetloba in potem bi Vajenc (

Ali pa ko bi mama poklicala otroka naj pride v kuhinjo jest in bi otrok rekel: "mama me je iskala in sem šel nasproti nje v kuhinjo, potem me je vonj pomfrija ugrabil in znašel sem se ugrabljen na kuhinjskem stolu za mizo."
Razumem, če si skeptičen (tudi sam sem), ampak ni treba biti za nalašč negativističen in posmehljiv. To samo dokazuje, da sodiš brez da bi knjigo dejansko prebral.
Jaz spoštujem tudi tiste, ki verjamejo v boga. V bistvu še bolj, kot tiste, ki so ultra skeptiki. Verujoči so vsaj dobronamerni za razliko od preveč skeptično naravnanih. Ti slednji prav nagnusno sovražijo soljudi - so brez kančka sočutja. Samo moje izkušnje.
Sredi spečih in nepazljivih je modrec buden in pazljiv -
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.

Bananovec ::
Dokler si delaš korist, je fajn (ne)verovat. Ko pa samo še misliš, da si jo delaš, pa boljše iti na rehab.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Vajenc ::
Manu> Zanimivo, kako si vse to napačno interpretiral. Površno bereš.
Takole piše na wiki.
Believing that the ship was looking for him, Adamski is said to have left his friends and to have headed away from the main road. Shortly afterwards, according to Adamski's accounts, a scout ship made of a type of translucent metal landed close to him, and its pilot, a Venusian called Orthon, disembarked and sought him out. Adamski described Orthon as being a medium-height humanoid with long blond hair and tanned skin wearing reddish-brown shoes...
Moj skrajšani prevod je bil:
Na wiki piše, da je vedel, da ga vesoljci iščejo in tako jim je šel sam naproti, nakar ga je poskralo vesoljsko plovilo blond dolgolasca iz Venere ...
Sem si napačno interpretiral al je bil Adamski res malo smešno prismuknjen?
Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Woody Allen
Woody Allen

Manu ::
Ja, rekel si, da je bil ugrabljen.
Sredi spečih in nepazljivih je modrec buden in pazljiv -
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.

globalna80 ::
Večina nlp-jev, ki niso fake in so jih ljudje dejansko videvali so zemeljskega izvora, man-made. Poudarjam večina.
Drugače pa nezemeljska plovila so tehnološko daleč pred nami in so skrita našim očem, ker obvladajo frekvence in omogočijo, da so za naše oko nevidni in se prikažejo samo če oni tako želijo. Drugače pa so ta plovila ogromna, velikost približno kot območje mesta Zagreb.
Drugače pa nezemeljska plovila so tehnološko daleč pred nami in so skrita našim očem, ker obvladajo frekvence in omogočijo, da so za naše oko nevidni in se prikažejo samo če oni tako želijo. Drugače pa so ta plovila ogromna, velikost približno kot območje mesta Zagreb.
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

globalna80 ::
Če bi prakticiral izventelesne izkušnje, bi sčasoma lahko potoval daleč in spoznal, da vesolje vrvi od življenja. Je potem zelo smešno, ko poslušaš te novice, da kako iščejo življenje na drugih planetih in zaenkrat še ni dokazov, lol, kakšna cenzura!
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

jype ::
globalna80> Če bi prakticiral izventelesne izkušnje
To mi nič ne pomaga. Tudi če bi si v koleno zavrtal, bi morda spoznal kaj podobnega, pa tega ne storim.
globalna80> Je potem zelo smešno, ko poslušaš te novice, da kako iščejo življenje na drugih planetih in zaenkrat še ni dokazov, lol, kakšna cenzura!
Poznaš kakšno preverljivo dejstvo, ali se moram tudi pri tem najprej odpovedati razumu, da lahko potem uživam v izkušnji življenja na drugih planetih?
To mi nič ne pomaga. Tudi če bi si v koleno zavrtal, bi morda spoznal kaj podobnega, pa tega ne storim.
globalna80> Je potem zelo smešno, ko poslušaš te novice, da kako iščejo življenje na drugih planetih in zaenkrat še ni dokazov, lol, kakšna cenzura!
Poznaš kakšno preverljivo dejstvo, ali se moram tudi pri tem najprej odpovedati razumu, da lahko potem uživam v izkušnji življenja na drugih planetih?

globalna80 ::
Kot sem že povedal, ni dobro biti vernik, sam lahko preveriš marsikaj. Sem že dal link o izventelesnih potovanjih. Drugače pa ob taki cenzuri boš težko kaj na internetu dobil, da ni fake, dezinformacija ali pa resnica pomešana z lažjo.
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

jype ::
Izventelesna potovanja so zgolj halucinacija, tako da to ni ustrezna metoda za širjenje obzorij.

globalna80 ::
Model, ti še probal nisi pa trdiš da je halucinacija. Se pravi da v naprej imaš programirano mišljenje, kaj naj bi bilo prav in kaj ne. To pa jaz pravim temu sistem verovanja. Kdo je za to kriv da razmišljaš na tak način pa je drug problem.
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

Aston_11 ::
Dokler ne bodo sposobni povedati, kaj je v sosednji sobi v sosednjem bloku, so to halucinacije. Oz. po domače obične blodnje.

Manu ::
Poleg Adamskega so bili še drugi, ki so trdili, da so imeli srečanje z nezemljani. Eden takih je bil tudi brazilec Dino Kraspedon.
Če koga zanima: njegova knjiga My Contact with UFO's. Zanimivo branje.
Če koga zanima: njegova knjiga My Contact with UFO's. Zanimivo branje.
Sredi spečih in nepazljivih je modrec buden in pazljiv -
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.

Daliborg ::
bog, nezemljani pač nekaj kar si ne znamo razložiti in težko dokazujemo tako za obstoj kot za neobstoj. Me pa tudi firbec matra kdo ima tak smisel za humor.
Format life:
Warning all life will be erased!
Do you want to continue?(y/n) Y_
Warning all life will be erased!
Do you want to continue?(y/n) Y_

innerspace ::
Kar je zanimivo, je casovno sovpadanje pionirskih pricevanj in odkritje LSDja.
Hallucinated much?
Hallucinated much?
Donate BTC here: 35KR84u3rXN3in1kCw9YHRz4WF3r5kfFF4
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: innerspace ()

Manu ::
Mislim, da ne gre za posledice uporabe LSD-ja.
Preberi si knjigo. Je zelo zanimivo branje na nivoju.
Če piše take misli:
in pa:
... potem gre za eno premišljeno intelektualno delo (resnično ali ne).
Preberi si knjigo. Je zelo zanimivo branje na nivoju.
Če piše take misli:
I maintain that a hungry father with a virtuous son would be happier than a rich father with a thieving or murderous son.
in pa:
... It saddens me, however, to see that wars take place against the wishes of most people, because poor people do not fight easily. Carnage has become the perquisite of the rich and powerful, of those who need no help and who even renounce God, seeing no necessity for the Divine Presence in their lives. Abundance blinded them, gluttony clouded their vision. Strife is the product of egoism. It cannot be said that they fight for principles, for a man of principles does not fight. The great principles that have guided the life of many men on Earth, and which also guide life on other worlds, are love of God and of one's neighbour.
... potem gre za eno premišljeno intelektualno delo (resnično ali ne).
Sredi spečih in nepazljivih je modrec buden in pazljiv -
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.

innerspace ::
Mislim, da ne gre za posledice uporabe LSD-ja.
Jaz mislim, da obstaja precejsnja moznost, da gre za LSD.
Citati ne delujejo prevec intelektualno, pravzaprav se berejo zelo podobno new agersko usmerjenim miselnim tokovom. Za new age pa vemo, da je bil med drugim krepko stimuliran s kemicnimi "mind boosterji".
I don't believe in abduction stories.
Donate BTC here: 35KR84u3rXN3in1kCw9YHRz4WF3r5kfFF4

Manu ::
Tud jaz ne verjamem v ugrabitve. Te knjige o ugrabitvah sploh ne govorijo. Zgornji citati govorijo o etiki, to pa v tem času po mojem mnenju zelo potrebujemo.
Moram pa sem prilepit del besedila iz te knjige. Moram priznat, da sem presenečen nad racionalnostjo napisanega.
Je dolgo, ampak se splača prebrat. To je bilo izdano leta 1957. Omenja tudi samovozeče avtomobile in uporabo robotike:
Nobody can divorce progress from its moral aspect. But since you wish to know of the effects, and not the cause, I will outline them to you:
Humanity's great failing is never being able to walk without its eyes glued to the road it has already covered; it has thus become a pillar of salt like Lot's wife. Man is basically conservative and prefers to live in the memory of times that can never return rather than in the hope of a radiant future.
He fears the day to come instead of helping the future and preparing its way. He expends an enormous amount of energy on things that cannot help him, and wastes precious time on futile things; for instance, he wastes money, teachers' and pupils' time, maintains buildings, uses up brainpower, all to teach dead languages which should have been buried long ago.
Paper, ink, books, chalk and a thousand other things that could be put to a better use are used in teaching useless things. Instead of a dead language, why not teach the functioning of photosynthesis. It would be more worth while to know the meaning of potential gradient, or the functions of the body, rather than the declension of an ancient language. Rather than look into a most promising future, they prefer to live among the mummies of history, and try to resuscitate the past.
There is a multitude of things which children never hear about, and which they may never come to hear about. Rather than teaching recitation, it would be better to show them how to grow onions and celery, or teach them that wheat, besides providing good food, can also be used for making vegetable oil, viscose, xylose, acetic acid, soap, alcohol, cellulose, syrup, textiles, fuel, etc., and that the stalks and leaves from which all these things are made should never be buried because they are unsuitable as fertiliser and are carriers of crop diseases.
Teach them rather the meaning of the hydrogenous potential of the soil, how to correct acidity, what soil requires in the way of nitrogen, caesium, cobalt, sulphur, manganese and phosphorus. Show them that vegetable hormones can produce cabbage leaves ten feet high, and apples weighing several pounds.
Children can forget the names of those who brought devastation to humanity, but they should never forget that it is possible to transform the light of the Sun, virtually without loss, into usable energy by passing it though a coal gas which unites with water to form formaldehyde; and that the oxidised aldehyde can turn sunlight into electric current.
There is far greater beauty to be found in the saturation point of a solution than there is in the story of the destruction of Carthage.
Millions of individuals die of cancer, whereas schools teach children the colours of national flags, offending the innate gregarious instinct of man which intuitively abhors the artificial barriers which economic power has erected in the world.
Rather than dwell upon the word "China," they should learn more about caesium; instead of France, Brazil, U.S.A., U.S.S.R. they should learn more about the functions of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and iron, teaching them that these elements, among others, produce proteins, and that they, in turn, linked to caesium molecules, make up the anti-cancerous elements normally contained in the liver. Tell them that these same proteins, when linked to cobalt molecules, combat anaemia and are known as vitamin B12.
Instead of sounding praises to the destructive power of an invader show them that heavy hydrogen is one of the main causes of cancer when it gets into a cell, and that caesium has the ability to strip it of an electron making it into ordinary innocuous hydrogen. Show them, statistically, that cancer generally affects children who have not yet reached fertility, or old people who have passed it, that sex is thus a defence mechanism of the body, and that these hormones should not be wasted for the mere satisfaction of instincts.
Teach them that instead of drinks it would be preferable to take an extract of liver with enzymes, since these elements cause cancer to recede.
It surprises me that humanity, not having discovered a cure for tuberculosis, should learn rhetoric and dissertation at school. These things should be pastimes for people who do not have diseases to worry about that bring misery to millions of people. It is as though 'someone in mortal agony should begin to study the metre of Alexandrine verses..
But all the above put together are not as serious as humanity's main fault: the dispersal of his forces to an alarming degree. I cannot quote the exact statistics for the world, or even for your country, but we can make an approximation.
There are about 50 million people in Brazil. About 30 million of these are children too young to take part in the productive life of the country, another 10 million are women, which leaves 10 million men.
In the latter figure one must include the retired and the unproductive, beggars, lepers, consumptives, lunatics, invalids, the blind, thieves, prisoners and the unemployed.
A large proportion of work is in unproductive, speculative undertakings, such as wholesalers, retailers, advertising men, estate agents, stockbrokers, lawyers, bankers. Others are employed in the police, army, navy, air force, magistrature, diplomatic and civil service, etc.
This leaves barely a million productive men employed in agriculture and industry. We would also have to be sure that this agriculture is productive in the true sense of the word, and that the industries are the ones that the country really needs.
In any case, even supposing that all the men were productive, we would still only have 2 million out of a total of 50 million, that is to say, one man working for every twenty-five people, which is absurd when we consider that this individual who does the work for the other twenty-five generally does so without mechanical aids, by the sweat of his brow, so that the others can maintain their standard of living.
Of the million or so who take part in agriculture, many work against the better interests of society, growing tobacco and stimulants, or are engaged in the fattening up of animals which impoverish the land and subsequently poison man with their meat.
We could say almost the same for those employed in industry. There is nothing wrong with factories, their chimneys are, in a sense, lungs getting rid of carbon dioxide from the central organism.
But man does little to put them to proper use. Factories are by no means always built to solve fundamental problems. The great majority are engaged in making cosmetics, jewels, useless trinkets for women, endless handbags, ridiculous hats, novelties, nail varnish, shoes which hurt the feet and ruin the carriage, stockings which offer no protection, cigars to poison the body, chewing gum, footballs, pistols and sporting guns, munitions, alcoholic drinks and other stimulants; yet there are countless useful and necessary things which could be mass produced, such as building material, medicaments, synthetic vegetable hormones, machines for producing energy, electronic stoves, concentrated foodstuffs for distressed populations, philosophical and scientific books, plastic shoes, surgical and orthopaedic instruments, fertilisers, mechanical harvesters and sowers, insecticides, prefabricated houses, indestructible furniture, prospecting instruments, nitrogen plant, etc.
But let us leave aside all this wasted effort and see how you make use of the work of these 2 million men who are at least doing something. The annual budget estimates for your country must be somewhere about 6.5 billion cruzeiros. Of this sum, about 4.25 billion are spent on the armed forces, and about 1.25 billion on civil service, the judiciary, state loans, government expenditure, foreign ministry, electoral machinery, official journeys, banquets, etc.
The small remainder is used for beneficial purposes, such as education, public health and agriculture.
Imagine if all this money were ploughed into the construction of roads, schools, hospitals, churches, research institutes, sanitation, new industries, housing schemes, shelter, medicaments, transportation, etc. Imagine if this vast number of non-productive people were to be diverted into new productive enterprises.
Even then everything is not covered by the federal budget. What about State expenditure? Have you checked the amount of money spent on local governments, public service, police, etc? How many police are there in your State alone?
The expenditure on horses alone which are kept for parades would go a long way to feeding and sheltering the hungry who walk the streets in the heat and in the rain. It is ironical that in a society in which its people can suffer from hunger and cold, horses should be given balanced rations and covered with good woollen blankets.
Is a police force necessary? Yes, it is necessary. It is the necessity of having a policed state that Rousseau spoke of. But if it is necessary, it is only because men have made it indispensable. If a people waste their productivity on bad things, misery results from their irresponsibility. If there were an abundance, no one would think of killing or robbing. Human passions are stirred up by money because money gives rise to arguments, to profit, the voracity of financiers, and to ruthlessness. If there is a robbery, it is not, with certain exceptions, because the thief enjoys the crime, but because he feels robbed by society which denied him the right to have his own house,to till the land without paying rent, and to fully enjoy the liberty which Nature gives instinctingly.
The waste of fuel under the present system is alarming. Cars, which could carry several people, are usually driven by one person who, in the majority of cases, is merely amusing himself, whereas the person who is working has no means of transport. The avid desire for profit and business create a demand for petrol, oil, tyres, etc. If the structure of society were changed, the traffic that now blocks the roads in the rush hour would disappear, leading to economy in both fuel and vehicles.
Man could work less than a year in his whole life, and yet live better than the richest man on Earth. But for human society, even progress is dangerous. If automation is developed, men will die of hunger owing to unemployment. Yet even the manual labour that men do today could be done by obedient and indefatigable electronic brains.
These "robots" could plough, sow, spread insecticide and fertilisers, prune and reap. If they sensed an ailing plant, they would be able to judge whether it should be treated or whether it constituted a danger for other plants and should be uprooted. These "robots' could be developed to a point where they would be able to drive vehicles automatically without danger of collision or accident, they could pilot planes with safety, informing base about any possible defects, and taking steps to repair them in full flight.
They could be used to measure metabolism and act as doctors supplying restorative energy.
For less than the amount of money that is spent. on smoking every year, you could do away with cancer; for a tenth of the money spent on drinks you can banish leprosy from the face of the Earth, and tuberculosis would no longer be a subject for statistics.
Control of the atmosphere could regulate the climate avoiding natural catastrophes, and saving crops.
Electric cells could be placed in streets to absorb all irritating noises.
Education could be changed. Naturally, any radical change would involve the dismissal of teachers which in the present world situation would mean that they would suffer serious privation.
Today most people spend the best part of their lives, from the age of seven until about thirty, poring over books, and at the end of this, they are chagrined to find that they have learned nothing, and still have a long way to go. A lifetime is too short to learn everything.
However, using hypnosis in a truly scientific spirit, the whole scope of education could be changed. In a few hours a child could master a whole subject which at present takes the better part of its youth to master.
Further, he would do so with great accuracy. It would be sufficient to put a child into a controlled hypnotic sleep, with the help of a drug such as canabissativa, or a combination of chloroform and morphia, administered at intervals with a psychologist at hand to dictate all the material to be learned.
This could be carried out on a large scale with thousands of pupils at once, making use of headphones. It would be easier, more convenient, and cheaper, and it would not bore a child with long lectures, it would not be subject to the shortcomings of the teachers, and other disadvantages of the present system.
Pupils could go to college early, sleep and come back with a scientific degree in their pockets. Do you think this is too short a time to learn so much? Surely a teacher would not be able to dictate enough in that time. The spirit pays no heed to the concepts of time and space, an eternity can be condensed into a second, or a second can be made into an eternity. One could create the system of rapid transmission. Human thought waves work on a band of about 5mm wavelength. If electrical messages were sent within this band in successive waves, the whole of human knowledge could be transmitted in a very short time.
The same method could be used to do away with atavistic tendencies and criminal tendencies. In hypnotic sleep the mind becomes receptive and ready to learn and profit by sound teaching. One could go further and break down the barrier between the conscious and the subconscious. However, this would require considerable technique which could only be mastered in time, as there is a risk of the concept of time disappearing from the mind altogether.
Prisons could be emptied, in the first place by deleting criminal tendencies from the human mind so that no further malefactors would come into being, and in the second because those with criminal tendencies already would be re-educated. by the hypnotic process and reintegrated into society.
With its framework changed, society would overcome the moral prejudices which dog its steps. Man would overcome death and old age would no longer exist on Earth.
Moram pa sem prilepit del besedila iz te knjige. Moram priznat, da sem presenečen nad racionalnostjo napisanega.
Je dolgo, ampak se splača prebrat. To je bilo izdano leta 1957. Omenja tudi samovozeče avtomobile in uporabo robotike:
Nobody can divorce progress from its moral aspect. But since you wish to know of the effects, and not the cause, I will outline them to you:
Humanity's great failing is never being able to walk without its eyes glued to the road it has already covered; it has thus become a pillar of salt like Lot's wife. Man is basically conservative and prefers to live in the memory of times that can never return rather than in the hope of a radiant future.
He fears the day to come instead of helping the future and preparing its way. He expends an enormous amount of energy on things that cannot help him, and wastes precious time on futile things; for instance, he wastes money, teachers' and pupils' time, maintains buildings, uses up brainpower, all to teach dead languages which should have been buried long ago.
Paper, ink, books, chalk and a thousand other things that could be put to a better use are used in teaching useless things. Instead of a dead language, why not teach the functioning of photosynthesis. It would be more worth while to know the meaning of potential gradient, or the functions of the body, rather than the declension of an ancient language. Rather than look into a most promising future, they prefer to live among the mummies of history, and try to resuscitate the past.
There is a multitude of things which children never hear about, and which they may never come to hear about. Rather than teaching recitation, it would be better to show them how to grow onions and celery, or teach them that wheat, besides providing good food, can also be used for making vegetable oil, viscose, xylose, acetic acid, soap, alcohol, cellulose, syrup, textiles, fuel, etc., and that the stalks and leaves from which all these things are made should never be buried because they are unsuitable as fertiliser and are carriers of crop diseases.
Teach them rather the meaning of the hydrogenous potential of the soil, how to correct acidity, what soil requires in the way of nitrogen, caesium, cobalt, sulphur, manganese and phosphorus. Show them that vegetable hormones can produce cabbage leaves ten feet high, and apples weighing several pounds.
Children can forget the names of those who brought devastation to humanity, but they should never forget that it is possible to transform the light of the Sun, virtually without loss, into usable energy by passing it though a coal gas which unites with water to form formaldehyde; and that the oxidised aldehyde can turn sunlight into electric current.
There is far greater beauty to be found in the saturation point of a solution than there is in the story of the destruction of Carthage.
Millions of individuals die of cancer, whereas schools teach children the colours of national flags, offending the innate gregarious instinct of man which intuitively abhors the artificial barriers which economic power has erected in the world.
Rather than dwell upon the word "China," they should learn more about caesium; instead of France, Brazil, U.S.A., U.S.S.R. they should learn more about the functions of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and iron, teaching them that these elements, among others, produce proteins, and that they, in turn, linked to caesium molecules, make up the anti-cancerous elements normally contained in the liver. Tell them that these same proteins, when linked to cobalt molecules, combat anaemia and are known as vitamin B12.
Instead of sounding praises to the destructive power of an invader show them that heavy hydrogen is one of the main causes of cancer when it gets into a cell, and that caesium has the ability to strip it of an electron making it into ordinary innocuous hydrogen. Show them, statistically, that cancer generally affects children who have not yet reached fertility, or old people who have passed it, that sex is thus a defence mechanism of the body, and that these hormones should not be wasted for the mere satisfaction of instincts.
Teach them that instead of drinks it would be preferable to take an extract of liver with enzymes, since these elements cause cancer to recede.
It surprises me that humanity, not having discovered a cure for tuberculosis, should learn rhetoric and dissertation at school. These things should be pastimes for people who do not have diseases to worry about that bring misery to millions of people. It is as though 'someone in mortal agony should begin to study the metre of Alexandrine verses..
But all the above put together are not as serious as humanity's main fault: the dispersal of his forces to an alarming degree. I cannot quote the exact statistics for the world, or even for your country, but we can make an approximation.
There are about 50 million people in Brazil. About 30 million of these are children too young to take part in the productive life of the country, another 10 million are women, which leaves 10 million men.
In the latter figure one must include the retired and the unproductive, beggars, lepers, consumptives, lunatics, invalids, the blind, thieves, prisoners and the unemployed.
A large proportion of work is in unproductive, speculative undertakings, such as wholesalers, retailers, advertising men, estate agents, stockbrokers, lawyers, bankers. Others are employed in the police, army, navy, air force, magistrature, diplomatic and civil service, etc.
This leaves barely a million productive men employed in agriculture and industry. We would also have to be sure that this agriculture is productive in the true sense of the word, and that the industries are the ones that the country really needs.
In any case, even supposing that all the men were productive, we would still only have 2 million out of a total of 50 million, that is to say, one man working for every twenty-five people, which is absurd when we consider that this individual who does the work for the other twenty-five generally does so without mechanical aids, by the sweat of his brow, so that the others can maintain their standard of living.
Of the million or so who take part in agriculture, many work against the better interests of society, growing tobacco and stimulants, or are engaged in the fattening up of animals which impoverish the land and subsequently poison man with their meat.
We could say almost the same for those employed in industry. There is nothing wrong with factories, their chimneys are, in a sense, lungs getting rid of carbon dioxide from the central organism.
But man does little to put them to proper use. Factories are by no means always built to solve fundamental problems. The great majority are engaged in making cosmetics, jewels, useless trinkets for women, endless handbags, ridiculous hats, novelties, nail varnish, shoes which hurt the feet and ruin the carriage, stockings which offer no protection, cigars to poison the body, chewing gum, footballs, pistols and sporting guns, munitions, alcoholic drinks and other stimulants; yet there are countless useful and necessary things which could be mass produced, such as building material, medicaments, synthetic vegetable hormones, machines for producing energy, electronic stoves, concentrated foodstuffs for distressed populations, philosophical and scientific books, plastic shoes, surgical and orthopaedic instruments, fertilisers, mechanical harvesters and sowers, insecticides, prefabricated houses, indestructible furniture, prospecting instruments, nitrogen plant, etc.
But let us leave aside all this wasted effort and see how you make use of the work of these 2 million men who are at least doing something. The annual budget estimates for your country must be somewhere about 6.5 billion cruzeiros. Of this sum, about 4.25 billion are spent on the armed forces, and about 1.25 billion on civil service, the judiciary, state loans, government expenditure, foreign ministry, electoral machinery, official journeys, banquets, etc.
The small remainder is used for beneficial purposes, such as education, public health and agriculture.
Imagine if all this money were ploughed into the construction of roads, schools, hospitals, churches, research institutes, sanitation, new industries, housing schemes, shelter, medicaments, transportation, etc. Imagine if this vast number of non-productive people were to be diverted into new productive enterprises.
Even then everything is not covered by the federal budget. What about State expenditure? Have you checked the amount of money spent on local governments, public service, police, etc? How many police are there in your State alone?
The expenditure on horses alone which are kept for parades would go a long way to feeding and sheltering the hungry who walk the streets in the heat and in the rain. It is ironical that in a society in which its people can suffer from hunger and cold, horses should be given balanced rations and covered with good woollen blankets.
Is a police force necessary? Yes, it is necessary. It is the necessity of having a policed state that Rousseau spoke of. But if it is necessary, it is only because men have made it indispensable. If a people waste their productivity on bad things, misery results from their irresponsibility. If there were an abundance, no one would think of killing or robbing. Human passions are stirred up by money because money gives rise to arguments, to profit, the voracity of financiers, and to ruthlessness. If there is a robbery, it is not, with certain exceptions, because the thief enjoys the crime, but because he feels robbed by society which denied him the right to have his own house,to till the land without paying rent, and to fully enjoy the liberty which Nature gives instinctingly.
The waste of fuel under the present system is alarming. Cars, which could carry several people, are usually driven by one person who, in the majority of cases, is merely amusing himself, whereas the person who is working has no means of transport. The avid desire for profit and business create a demand for petrol, oil, tyres, etc. If the structure of society were changed, the traffic that now blocks the roads in the rush hour would disappear, leading to economy in both fuel and vehicles.
Man could work less than a year in his whole life, and yet live better than the richest man on Earth. But for human society, even progress is dangerous. If automation is developed, men will die of hunger owing to unemployment. Yet even the manual labour that men do today could be done by obedient and indefatigable electronic brains.
These "robots" could plough, sow, spread insecticide and fertilisers, prune and reap. If they sensed an ailing plant, they would be able to judge whether it should be treated or whether it constituted a danger for other plants and should be uprooted. These "robots' could be developed to a point where they would be able to drive vehicles automatically without danger of collision or accident, they could pilot planes with safety, informing base about any possible defects, and taking steps to repair them in full flight.
They could be used to measure metabolism and act as doctors supplying restorative energy.
For less than the amount of money that is spent. on smoking every year, you could do away with cancer; for a tenth of the money spent on drinks you can banish leprosy from the face of the Earth, and tuberculosis would no longer be a subject for statistics.
Control of the atmosphere could regulate the climate avoiding natural catastrophes, and saving crops.
Electric cells could be placed in streets to absorb all irritating noises.
Education could be changed. Naturally, any radical change would involve the dismissal of teachers which in the present world situation would mean that they would suffer serious privation.
Today most people spend the best part of their lives, from the age of seven until about thirty, poring over books, and at the end of this, they are chagrined to find that they have learned nothing, and still have a long way to go. A lifetime is too short to learn everything.
However, using hypnosis in a truly scientific spirit, the whole scope of education could be changed. In a few hours a child could master a whole subject which at present takes the better part of its youth to master.
Further, he would do so with great accuracy. It would be sufficient to put a child into a controlled hypnotic sleep, with the help of a drug such as canabissativa, or a combination of chloroform and morphia, administered at intervals with a psychologist at hand to dictate all the material to be learned.
This could be carried out on a large scale with thousands of pupils at once, making use of headphones. It would be easier, more convenient, and cheaper, and it would not bore a child with long lectures, it would not be subject to the shortcomings of the teachers, and other disadvantages of the present system.
Pupils could go to college early, sleep and come back with a scientific degree in their pockets. Do you think this is too short a time to learn so much? Surely a teacher would not be able to dictate enough in that time. The spirit pays no heed to the concepts of time and space, an eternity can be condensed into a second, or a second can be made into an eternity. One could create the system of rapid transmission. Human thought waves work on a band of about 5mm wavelength. If electrical messages were sent within this band in successive waves, the whole of human knowledge could be transmitted in a very short time.
The same method could be used to do away with atavistic tendencies and criminal tendencies. In hypnotic sleep the mind becomes receptive and ready to learn and profit by sound teaching. One could go further and break down the barrier between the conscious and the subconscious. However, this would require considerable technique which could only be mastered in time, as there is a risk of the concept of time disappearing from the mind altogether.
Prisons could be emptied, in the first place by deleting criminal tendencies from the human mind so that no further malefactors would come into being, and in the second because those with criminal tendencies already would be re-educated. by the hypnotic process and reintegrated into society.
With its framework changed, society would overcome the moral prejudices which dog its steps. Man would overcome death and old age would no longer exist on Earth.
Sredi spečih in nepazljivih je modrec buden in pazljiv -
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.

Vajenc ::
Zanimivo branje. To je napisal nekdo, ki je moral, v letih brez interneta, posvetiti veliko časa za učenje in razmišljanje o teh stvareh. Ne vidim pa povezave z nezemljani. Če je to mišljeno kot narek bjondota iz Venere, pa je intelektualec vendarle haluciniral. Med drugim tudi predlaga, da bi otroke učili pod hipnozo, katero bi najlažje dosegli z marihuano in morfijem. Se pravi mu droge niso bile tuje ;)
Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Woody Allen
Woody Allen

Manu ::
To ni knjiga Adamskega, to je knjiga brazilca Dina Kraspedona. Link do online knjige je zgoraj.
Saj pravim, da gre za zanimivo in inteligentno razmišljanje. Oba avtorja sta pisala v takem slogu. Povezava z nezemljani pa je ta, da je ta zapis, ki sem ga prilepil odgovor nezemljana (tokrat iz enega izmed Jupitrovega satelita) na vprašanje kako oni gledajo na nas.
Razpravljata tudi o znanstvenih temah (tega je največ) in o ostalih prebivalcih drugih planetov.
Takšno inteligentno razmišljanje ne more bit produkt uživanja drog. Če bi to bilo tako, potem ne bi imeli takšnih problemov z narkomani v družbi ;)
Saj pravim, da gre za zanimivo in inteligentno razmišljanje. Oba avtorja sta pisala v takem slogu. Povezava z nezemljani pa je ta, da je ta zapis, ki sem ga prilepil odgovor nezemljana (tokrat iz enega izmed Jupitrovega satelita) na vprašanje kako oni gledajo na nas.
Razpravljata tudi o znanstvenih temah (tega je največ) in o ostalih prebivalcih drugih planetov.
Takšno inteligentno razmišljanje ne more bit produkt uživanja drog. Če bi to bilo tako, potem ne bi imeli takšnih problemov z narkomani v družbi ;)
Sredi spečih in nepazljivih je modrec buden in pazljiv -
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.

opeter ::
Priporočam igranje te igre pa bo vse takoj jasno:
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

jype ::
Manu> Takšno inteligentno razmišljanje ne more bit produkt uživanja drog.
Zakaj ne? Če inteligentni ljudje (z odgovornim doziranjem) uživajo LSD, potem komot nastanejo zelo koherentna in pronicljiva besedila.
Manu> Če bi to bilo tako, potem ne bi imeli takšnih problemov z narkomani v družbi ;)
Saj jih nimamo. Probleme imamo z vojno proti drogam, ne z narkomani.
Zakaj ne? Če inteligentni ljudje (z odgovornim doziranjem) uživajo LSD, potem komot nastanejo zelo koherentna in pronicljiva besedila.
Manu> Če bi to bilo tako, potem ne bi imeli takšnih problemov z narkomani v družbi ;)
Saj jih nimamo. Probleme imamo z vojno proti drogam, ne z narkomani.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

Vajenc ::
jype> Saj jih nimamo. Probleme imamo z vojno proti drogam, ne z narkomani.
No ja, kakšen starš od narkomana (ali obratno) ima drugačne in bolj zanesljive podatke o tem.
manu> Takšno inteligentno razmišljanje ne more bit produkt uživanja drog.
Samo od drog do takšnega razmišljanja zagotovo ne prideš, to drži. Ampak nekaj halucinogenega je moralo biti vmes, da se je pogovarjal s prebivalcem Jupitrovega satelita.
Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Woody Allen
Woody Allen

jype ::
Vajenc> No ja, kakšen starš od narkomana (ali obratno) ima drugačne in bolj zanesljive podatke o tem.
Ker imajo mnogi odvisniki zaradi geopolitične situacije z drogami trenutno izbiro med kriminalom in zelo bolečim odtegnitvenim sindromom, namesto da bi lahko drogo kupili v lekarni in normalno funkcionirali in morda celo zbrali sredstva in pogum za izhod iz tega pekla.
Vajenc> Ampak nekaj halucinogenega je moralo biti vmes, da se je pogovarjal s prebivalcem Jupitrovega satelita.
To sicer ne drži nujno, je pa vsekakor možno.
Ker imajo mnogi odvisniki zaradi geopolitične situacije z drogami trenutno izbiro med kriminalom in zelo bolečim odtegnitvenim sindromom, namesto da bi lahko drogo kupili v lekarni in normalno funkcionirali in morda celo zbrali sredstva in pogum za izhod iz tega pekla.
Vajenc> Ampak nekaj halucinogenega je moralo biti vmes, da se je pogovarjal s prebivalcem Jupitrovega satelita.
To sicer ne drži nujno, je pa vsekakor možno.

Vajenc ::
namesto da bi lahko drogo kupili v lekarni in normalno funkcionirali in morda celo zbrali sredstva in pogum za izhod iz tega pekla.
Sedaj jo dobi na zdravsteno zavarovanje, pa ne našpara za izhod iz tega. Nekdo pač.
To sicer ne drži nujno, je pa vsekakor možno.
Kaj to? Da se je pogovarjal z možakarjem iz Jupitrove lune? Da je haluciniral? Ali da je bil le inteligenten in moten kar tako?
Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Woody Allen
Woody Allen

Yosh ::
Ja zanimivo je, da vsi ti abduction scenariji potekajo na enak način, vsi doživijo, no velika večina, doživi le to, v spanju. Pač verjetno gre za neko lucidno sanjanje povezano z močno vero v nezemljska bitja. Psihološko gledano, je to zanimiv pojav, zakaj nastaja, nimam pojma.
Ampak predpostavimo da je to res. Da prihajajo neka nezmeljska bitja in nas proučujejo. Pa zakaj ne, ko spimo.
Recimo, na podoben način kot mi uspavamo neko dvijo žival, zato da bi jo pregledali, vzeli mogoče kri, ali celo ugotovili njene reproduktivne sposobnosti, vzeli vzorce semena, naredili kakšni pregled tkiva ipd, tako bi lahko hipotetično ta bitja vzeli določene osebke in ta oseba sprva se ne bi niti zavedal. Po nekih n-vzetjih pa bi npr preko podzavesti začel dobivati flashes of memories da je nekaj čudnega, dokler ne bi v nekem momentu začel jasno doživljati tipičen abduction phenomenon, npr,.. nezmnožnost premikanja, velika bela svetloba, ali celo ekstremne primeri, portal v prostoru, in bitja v ozadju ki v beli svetlobi bleščijo.. in se ga dotikajo... oseba bi zaznaval čutne, vizualne občutke, kot v realnosti in bil zavesten, ter se konstantno spraševal če sanja ali doživlja resnično... no seveda, potem pa bi se zbudil prestrašen in z nekim fizičnimi brazgotinami ali pa tudi ne..
Zakaj potem drugi tega ne doživljajo, in zakaj samo specifični. Lahko bi rekli da imajo nek fizični problem; nevrološki ali pa samo veliko domišljijo. Ampak te zadeva močno vplivajo na kvaliteto življenja posameznikov in spremeni njihov celotni pogled na obstoj kot tak. Mogoče pa je to nek biološki mehanizem, ki nas varuje pred stresnim svetom in je odvisen od naših napredkov v znanosti. Npr, preden se je začela atomska doba, polet na luno, je teh primerov bilo znantno manj zabelezeno, ceprav so neki podatki, nevem koliko resnični; o svetlečih kroglah ene cca 200 let nazaj, ki pa bi lahko bili meteorji ali drugi sorodni pojavi, čeprav naj bi bili opisani da so "plesali po nebu" in nato izginili.
Iz stališča njegovega doživljanja je vse to bilo resnično. Kako ugotovi da ni?
Obstaja dosti balasta, je pa nekaj zgodb, ki naj bi bile dokaj nepojasnjene. Vem da sem v mlajših letih bral knjigo največje skrivnosti UFO kjer so opisane te zgobice posameznikov, ki pa morate priznati so res zanimive se posebi za Star Trek fane:)
Hvala Manu( kreator človeštva :) za link, bom prebral.
Ampak predpostavimo da je to res. Da prihajajo neka nezmeljska bitja in nas proučujejo. Pa zakaj ne, ko spimo.
Recimo, na podoben način kot mi uspavamo neko dvijo žival, zato da bi jo pregledali, vzeli mogoče kri, ali celo ugotovili njene reproduktivne sposobnosti, vzeli vzorce semena, naredili kakšni pregled tkiva ipd, tako bi lahko hipotetično ta bitja vzeli določene osebke in ta oseba sprva se ne bi niti zavedal. Po nekih n-vzetjih pa bi npr preko podzavesti začel dobivati flashes of memories da je nekaj čudnega, dokler ne bi v nekem momentu začel jasno doživljati tipičen abduction phenomenon, npr,.. nezmnožnost premikanja, velika bela svetloba, ali celo ekstremne primeri, portal v prostoru, in bitja v ozadju ki v beli svetlobi bleščijo.. in se ga dotikajo... oseba bi zaznaval čutne, vizualne občutke, kot v realnosti in bil zavesten, ter se konstantno spraševal če sanja ali doživlja resnično... no seveda, potem pa bi se zbudil prestrašen in z nekim fizičnimi brazgotinami ali pa tudi ne..
Zakaj potem drugi tega ne doživljajo, in zakaj samo specifični. Lahko bi rekli da imajo nek fizični problem; nevrološki ali pa samo veliko domišljijo. Ampak te zadeva močno vplivajo na kvaliteto življenja posameznikov in spremeni njihov celotni pogled na obstoj kot tak. Mogoče pa je to nek biološki mehanizem, ki nas varuje pred stresnim svetom in je odvisen od naših napredkov v znanosti. Npr, preden se je začela atomska doba, polet na luno, je teh primerov bilo znantno manj zabelezeno, ceprav so neki podatki, nevem koliko resnični; o svetlečih kroglah ene cca 200 let nazaj, ki pa bi lahko bili meteorji ali drugi sorodni pojavi, čeprav naj bi bili opisani da so "plesali po nebu" in nato izginili.
Iz stališča njegovega doživljanja je vse to bilo resnično. Kako ugotovi da ni?
Obstaja dosti balasta, je pa nekaj zgodb, ki naj bi bile dokaj nepojasnjene. Vem da sem v mlajših letih bral knjigo največje skrivnosti UFO kjer so opisane te zgobice posameznikov, ki pa morate priznati so res zanimive se posebi za Star Trek fane:)
Hvala Manu( kreator človeštva :) za link, bom prebral.
Share with others, your inner joy, goodness and beauty , and dont hurt them.

jype ::
Vajenc> Kaj to? Da se je pogovarjal z možakarjem iz Jupitrove lune? Da je haluciniral? Ali da je bil le inteligenten in moten kar tako?
Literarno delo ni nujno dobesedno doživetje avtorja.
Literarno delo ni nujno dobesedno doživetje avtorja.

einstein :P ::
Bom kar takole rekel: na zemlji verjetno (ni nujno) ni nobenih NLP-jev... V vesolju je pa velika verjetnost, da so kakšni vesoljci, ker je pač vesolje tako veliko in jaz osebno verjamem, da so kje kakšni vesoljci. Namreč, malo čudno se mi zdi, da bi bili v tako velikem prostoru sami.

jype ::
Sam verjetno niso humanoidi.
Komot je tudi planet, pokrit z velikim oceanom dom samozavedajoči se koloniji nekakšnih replikatorskih molekul, pa tega najbrž nikoli ne bomo izvedeli.
Komot je tudi planet, pokrit z velikim oceanom dom samozavedajoči se koloniji nekakšnih replikatorskih molekul, pa tega najbrž nikoli ne bomo izvedeli.

Yosh ::
Sam verjetno niso humanoidi.
najbrž nikoli ne bomo izvedeli
Share with others, your inner joy, goodness and beauty , and dont hurt them.

Venomus ::
Splošno znano je, da je Area 51 samo ''past'', kamor ljudje in zagovorniki teorij zarot usmerjajo svojo pozornost in razmišljajo kaj je tam.
V resnici ima pa USA skrivališče in skladišče vesoljcev čisto nekje drugje, na skritem, kjer v miru opravljajo poizkuse na zelencih
V resnici ima pa USA skrivališče in skladišče vesoljcev čisto nekje drugje, na skritem, kjer v miru opravljajo poizkuse na zelencih


Yosh ::
Manu, ni mi všeč, ker govori čisto človeško; God pa te zadeve.
Imho, nezemeljska bitja, bi bila najbolj sebična kar bi lahko bila. Ravnanje z nami bi bilo podobno kot mi ravnamo z živalmi, samo da mogoče bi oni malo bolj humano, pa še to ni nujno. Naredili bi kar bi hoteli, vzeli kar bi hoteli, kar nato daje dvom, zakaj niso tukaj. Če so toliko superiorni, potem bi lahko enostavno prišli in zavzeli zemljo.
Ok, mogoče pa ni nujno da jim je to interes, zgolj da nas proučijo ali pa uporabijo za svoj nek namen, npr, v teh zgodbicah je izpostavljeno da ti sivi t.i. Greys, vzemajo DNK ker se popravljajo. Njihova genetski material je toliko slab, ker so se že tolikokrat skopirali, zato si z našim pomagajo oziroma delajo neke hibride med njihovo in našo vrsto. Torej striktno ekzistencialni problem.
Če obstajajo, pa si lahko zamislimo hierarhijo, mi nad živalmi, oni nad nami.
Zgleda da Bogovi Olimpa, nikoli niso umrli :)
Imho, nezemeljska bitja, bi bila najbolj sebična kar bi lahko bila. Ravnanje z nami bi bilo podobno kot mi ravnamo z živalmi, samo da mogoče bi oni malo bolj humano, pa še to ni nujno. Naredili bi kar bi hoteli, vzeli kar bi hoteli, kar nato daje dvom, zakaj niso tukaj. Če so toliko superiorni, potem bi lahko enostavno prišli in zavzeli zemljo.
Ok, mogoče pa ni nujno da jim je to interes, zgolj da nas proučijo ali pa uporabijo za svoj nek namen, npr, v teh zgodbicah je izpostavljeno da ti sivi t.i. Greys, vzemajo DNK ker se popravljajo. Njihova genetski material je toliko slab, ker so se že tolikokrat skopirali, zato si z našim pomagajo oziroma delajo neke hibride med njihovo in našo vrsto. Torej striktno ekzistencialni problem.
Če obstajajo, pa si lahko zamislimo hierarhijo, mi nad živalmi, oni nad nami.
Zgleda da Bogovi Olimpa, nikoli niso umrli :)
Share with others, your inner joy, goodness and beauty , and dont hurt them.

Kamran ::
Ok, mogoče pa ni nujno da jim je to interes, zgolj da nas proučijo ali pa uporabijo za svoj nek namen, npr, v teh zgodbicah je izpostavljeno da ti sivi t.i. Greys, vzemajo DNK ker se popravljajo. Njihova genetski material je toliko slab, ker so se že tolikokrat skopirali, zato si z našim pomagajo oziroma delajo neke hibride med njihovo in našo vrsto. Torej striktno ekzistencialni problem.
Izdelujejo demonske hibride, ki bi preko svojih eteričnih gospodarjev, imeli tudi duhovno povezavo preko 3D avatarjev, torej človeških teles, v to dimenzijo. Skratka NWO-jevski uradniki. Ker sami v svoji sferi ne morejo obstajati v naši zaradi določenih omejitev.
Zgleda da Bogovi Olimpa, nikoli niso umrli :)
Niso, niso, genetska linija se nadaljuje, samo v manj opaznih zunanjih lastnosti (Google -> Halle Berry 6th toe nephilim).


Yosh ::
Omg, they are among us¨!
Sam moraš priznat, Halle Berry je hot lizard nephilim.

Sam moraš priznat, Halle Berry je hot lizard nephilim.
Share with others, your inner joy, goodness and beauty , and dont hurt them.

jype ::
Okapi> Prave skrivnosti namreč skrivajo v Warehouse 13.
Jsm vidu prevozni nalog za vse to prestavt na Pier 57, od tam je šlo pa verjetn na Kitajsko.
Jsm vidu prevozni nalog za vse to prestavt na Pier 57, od tam je šlo pa verjetn na Kitajsko.

Manu ::
Manu, ni mi všeč, ker govori čisto človeško; God pa te zadeve.
Beri naprej. Boš videl, da uporablja določeno terminologijo, da se približa sogovorniku. Poleg tega je ta knjiga napisana v 50 letih v Braziliji, ki je precej krščansko usmerjena.
Gre pa tudi za to, da smo mi na zemlji precej intelektualno usmerjeni in pozabljamo na življenje samo. Ker življenje ni samo znanost, ampak tudi in predvsem ŽIVLJENJE. Celo vesolje namreč živi in se v njem konstantno nekaj dogaja. Enako tako poleg znanosti obstaja tudi estetika in lepota, ki nima z razmišljanjem neke povezave. Če obstaja samo matematika, od kod potem pride čut za lepoto? Pa za zabavo? Življenje je veliko več, kot samo razumevanje.
To se vidi v politiki, gospodarstvu in v vseh področjih življenja. Zelo se trudimo biti racionalni (čeprav nismo), pozabljamo pa na etiko. Zato imamo probleme. Primanjkuje etika ... spoštovanje in dostojanstvo v odnosu do sočloveka.
Sredi spečih in nepazljivih je modrec buden in pazljiv -
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.

Yosh ::
Beri naprej. Boš videl, da uporablja določeno terminologijo, da se približa sogovorniku.
Ma hitro sem preletel, tega je veliko, zdaj nimam časa, ampak vidi se da pač govori o stvareh ki so nam znane, te razlage so čisto matematične, saj dejansko povzema po znanih dejstvih, npr, newtonov zakon, lastnosti snov, naravo delca, heisenbergov prinicp nedoločljvosti...
Poleg tega je ta knjiga napisana v 50 letih v Braziliji, ki je precej krščansko usmerjena.
To nima nobene veze.
Gre pa tudi za to, da smo mi na zemlji precej intelektualno usmerjeni in pozabljamo na življenje samo. Ker življenje ni samo znanost, ampak tudi in predvsem ŽIVLJENJE.
Intelektualno usmerjen pomeni prav to, razumeti življenje, skušati doumeti mehanizem in zakonitosti le tega.
Čut za lepoto in estetiko, je striktno matematika. Ti povem iz prve roke, namreč ko slikam kakšno sliko, vedno uporabljam "odvode", tako da s svinčnikom merim kote neke krivulje in polagam merilo( svinčnik) na krivuljo, v resnici moj svinčnik deluje kot tangenta na krivuljo, s tem popisem krivulju do skoraj ekzaktne oblike in tako pričaram lepoto, skladnost, razmerja..itd..
Radost ki jo čutiš in lepoto pride prav iz razumevanja naravnih zakonitosti.
Spoštovanje, dostojanstvo v odnosu do sočloveka je tudi lahko matematika.
Ne primanjkuje nam etika, zgolj znanje in inteligenca v večjem obsegu.
Share with others, your inner joy, goodness and beauty , and dont hurt them.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Yosh ()

Yosh ::
-Druga zgodba, ki mi je dala mislit je cca 20 let nazaj. Takrat so govorili o številnih videnjih nlp-jev v sloveniji. Moja prijateljica je takrat imela 18-20 let in je bila v gostilni na kavi, ko je njena prilateljica priletela v gostilno, panična, da je videla vesoljce. Ti bi naj pristali na travniku ob gozdu, izstopili iz nlp-ja in si nekaj ogledovali. Nato je en zagledal je zbežala. Prijateljica je rekla, da se je cela tresla in celo situacijo zelo natančno opisala, tudi vesoljce (ona ji verjame). Ob mojih vprašanjih, zakaj niso potem skupaj šle tja pogledat ni bilo zadovoljivega odgovora (strah).
Si v kontaktu s to prijateljico? Če je res videla, potem daj nam detaljni opis tega kar je videla. Mislim, za neko tako videnje, in glede na strah, bi si moral vse zapomniti. Vsa jaz vem da bi si, mislim da vidiš nekaj takega, sigurno. Kakšni s zgledali, kakšno je bilo plovilo?
Takšna videnja so zanimiva, nam neverjetna (verjetno ker sami tega nismo doživeli). Kaj mislite glede takšnih zgodb? Je imel kdo od vas podobno izkušnjo?
Ne,če vidim plovilo na 100 m, potem verjamem, pa še to ko vržem kamen v njega.
Share with others, your inner joy, goodness and beauty , and dont hurt them.

Manu ::
Radost pride tudi brez razumevanja.
Nič ni ločeno. Tako tudi estetika in matematika ne. Ampak tudi neuki ljudje vidijo lepoto in čutijo veselje.
O tem govorim. To sta dve različni stvari, čeprav med sabo povezani.
Bolj kot inteligenco, potrebujemo etiko. Imamo že skoraj vse. Znanost je močna. A še vedno dajemo preveč denarja za orožje namesto za zdravstvo in šolanje. Ta problem se reši z etiko. Če postanemo močni v etiki, potem se bo inteligenca razširila še bolj. Namesto, da investiramo v nesmiselne projekte (vojne, nafto, ohranjanje ekonomske neenakosti...) raje investiramo v izobraževanje, zdravstvo, znanost. Za še več inteligence je potrebna pravilna etična odločitev. Zelo preprosto.
Nič ni ločeno. Tako tudi estetika in matematika ne. Ampak tudi neuki ljudje vidijo lepoto in čutijo veselje.
O tem govorim. To sta dve različni stvari, čeprav med sabo povezani.
Bolj kot inteligenco, potrebujemo etiko. Imamo že skoraj vse. Znanost je močna. A še vedno dajemo preveč denarja za orožje namesto za zdravstvo in šolanje. Ta problem se reši z etiko. Če postanemo močni v etiki, potem se bo inteligenca razširila še bolj. Namesto, da investiramo v nesmiselne projekte (vojne, nafto, ohranjanje ekonomske neenakosti...) raje investiramo v izobraževanje, zdravstvo, znanost. Za še več inteligence je potrebna pravilna etična odločitev. Zelo preprosto.
Sredi spečih in nepazljivih je modrec buden in pazljiv -
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.
po poti gre kot hiter konj, ki je prehitel šibko kljuse.

nurmaln ::
globalna80 je izjavil:
Model, ti še probal nisi pa trdiš da je halucinacija. Se pravi da v naprej imaš programirano mišljenje, kaj naj bi bilo prav in kaj ne. To pa jaz pravim temu sistem verovanja. Kdo je za to kriv da razmišljaš na tak način pa je drug problem.
Še vedno velja ponudba da dobiš 5.000€ od mene če dokažeš da si sposoben "izventelesne izkušnje" kakršno opisuješ.
Bo kej al si navaden troll?
"I will be quoted in someone's signature,
even if I have to do it myself!" - nurmaln
even if I have to do it myself!" - nurmaln

Kamran ::
Omg, they are among us¨!
Sam moraš priznat, Halle Berry je hot lizard nephilim.
Yes they R !

No ja...

Aja pa Marilyn Monroe je imela tudi eden prst na nogi odveč, pa Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Love Hewitt naj bi tudi imela,...
Tole je tudi zanimivo. Namreč ti "nezemljani" oz. njihovi hibridi, pa tisti, ki lahko (kao) spreminjajo obliko (shapeshifting) naj bi te človeška žrtvovanja (črne maše, klanje otrok, itn.) uporabljali zato, da bi lahko neopazno hodili med ljudi, da ne bi bili opaženi. Finta naj bi bila, da bi tako prevzemali "ustrezne frekvence", ki bi jim služile kot neko pokrivalo (like The Predator & his cloaking device). Nekatere (naravne) droge pa naj bi ti pomagale prebiti ta tvoj DNK frekvenčni zid, zaradi česa potem lahko tudi vidiš "reptile" (in še kaj drugega) in zato so tudi marsikatere droge prepovedane - ker bi lahko preveč videli. Hunter S. Thompson z "Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas" opisuje ravno nekako to.
Mogoče se bo z višanjem Schumannove resonance oz. zemeljske frekvence marsikaj razkrilo...


Yosh ::
Aja pa Marilyn Monroe je imela tudi eden prst na nogi odveč, pa Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Love Hewitt naj bi tudi imela,...
Ja pa kaj če so imeli, kaj pa ljudi ko so se rodili brez rok, nog ali večimi udi?
To ti krneki pribijaš.
Tole je tudi zanimivo. Namreč ti "nezemljani" oz. njihovi hibridi, pa tisti, ki lahko (kao) spreminjajo obliko (shapeshifting) naj bi te človeška žrtvovanja (črne maše, klanje otrok, itn.) uporabljali zato, da bi lahko neopazno hodili med ljudi, da ne bi bili opaženi. Finta naj bi bila, da bi tako prevzemali "ustrezne frekvence", ki bi jim služile kot neko pokrivalo (like The Predator & his cloaking device). Nekatere (naravne) droge pa naj bi ti pomagale prebiti ta tvoj DNK frekvenčni zid, zaradi česa potem lahko tudi vidiš "reptile" (in še kaj drugega) in zato so tudi marsikatere droge prepovedane - ker bi lahko preveč videli. Hunter S. Thompson z "Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas" opisuje ravno nekako to.
Meni tvoje pisanje diši na tistga shizofrenika David Icke in na ostali balast teorije zarot, ki jih ne maram.
Mogoče se bo z višanjem Schumannove resonance oz. zemeljske frekvence marsikaj razkrilo...
Schumman Res, na kaksen nacin?
Share with others, your inner joy, goodness and beauty , and dont hurt them.
Vredno ogleda ...
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