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333 DDR ram in Bus Speed v Sandri, Cpu-Z

333 DDR ram in Bus Speed v Sandri, Cpu-Z

aambro ::

Imam 333 DDR ram, ki se zgleduje po FSB frekvenci. FSB imam na 193Mhz, V Sandri pa mi v Memory bandwidth benchmark napise: Memory Bus Speed: 1x 193 (193Mhz Data Rate).

Prav tako mi Cpu-Z napise frekvenco 193Mhz.

Ker imajo ostali, ki imajo DDR ram vsi frekvenco pomnoženo z 2 (npr. 2x193) ali 386, me zanima, ali imam kaj narobe nastavljeno?

Bios mi prepozna DDR 333 ram.

Sandra mi temu primerno javi Tip:

Notice N5406 - System bandwidth appears to be memory limited. Generally this means that memory bandwidth is < 50% FSB bandwidth, thus CPU is starved. This generally indicates a mismatch between memory and system. Note that this does not indicate that memory timings are wrong, but the memory itself is slow.
Fix: Use higher performance memory (e.g. DDR or RDRAM) or use any additional memory channels (if present) to increase memory bandwidth performance.

- ki se mi zdi malo cuden :)

boštjan ::

don'z belive everything she sais;)

Golden eye ::

Povej kakšne razultate dobiš v Sandri v memory benchmark?! Pa si probal najnovejšo verzijo sisioftsandre?? :\

BTW:poglej moj podpis(moj proc) :D

rfmw ::


ej a mas samsung C-TCB3 ali D-TCB3?

Legendary 8RDA+ (reCAPed ;), XP1700+ 2108 @ 1.84 V, SLK900A AS3 @ 2500 rpm
1,5GB Samsung DDR333+Geil DDR400+SuperTalent DDR400 @ DC 200 MHz @ 6-3-3-2.5

Golden eye ::

imam C-TCB3 in mi dela stabilno na 185 mhz (fastest setings 2,3,6,3,2):D

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