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power12 ::
Mene pa zanima nekaj glede teka ?
Velik sem 176 cm težak pa 71 kg ( vem, da je teža čist vredu, sam imam tako konstrukcijo telesa da zgledam ful suh imam ful žilaste roke, ter tudi ful izrazito ključnico ).
Ker je moja kondicija na nuli
, in me tek sprošča sem razmišljal da bi spet začel teči.
Problem pa nastane, tukaj da jst sm si zadal cilj da povečam težo, ampak se bojim da bom s tekom težo še bolj znižal ?
Sem že bral, da se veliko tekačev pritežuje, da so se zredili ko so začeli teči ( kot posledica rasti mišic na nogi, povečanje apetita itd... )
Sedaj me pa na splošno zanima vaše mnenje, ali naj tečem ali ne, glede na to da se hočem zrediti ?
Velik sem 176 cm težak pa 71 kg ( vem, da je teža čist vredu, sam imam tako konstrukcijo telesa da zgledam ful suh imam ful žilaste roke, ter tudi ful izrazito ključnico ).
Ker je moja kondicija na nuli
Problem pa nastane, tukaj da jst sm si zadal cilj da povečam težo, ampak se bojim da bom s tekom težo še bolj znižal ?
Sem že bral, da se veliko tekačev pritežuje, da so se zredili ko so začeli teči ( kot posledica rasti mišic na nogi, povečanje apetita itd... )
Sedaj me pa na splošno zanima vaše mnenje, ali naj tečem ali ne, glede na to da se hočem zrediti ?
harvey ::
Enačba je enostavna, večji vnos od porabe = povečana teža. Sedaj pa je na tebi ali ti to pri teku tudi koristi. Po mojen ne, ker večja kot je teža bolj obremenjuješ gibala.
Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.
panteist ::
jaz sem s tekom izgubil 25kg in tudi pridobil 10kg (mišic). Prehrana je pa res, da je tudi od vrste teka odvisno...recimo jaz tečem gorski tek in so noge opazno pridobile na širini in veličini :D :D
kkk7 ::
Od teka se ne boš zredil. Če boš tekel 4-5 na teden (redno) več mesecev boš malo shujšal, nato pa prišel na normalno težo, ko se bo vnos in poraba stabilizirala in se ti bodo zgradile mišice. Zdredil bi se recimo, če bi hodil mesec ali dva v fitnes in tam delal po kakšenm resnem programu, nato pa kar naenkrat prenehal. Telo pač potrebuje nekaj mesecev, da se v njem vzpostavi ravnovesje.
Tek lahko tudi zelo lepo kombiniraš še z drugimi vadbami (sklece, trebušnjaki, dvigovanje uteži) in tako enakomerno gradiš mišice. S tekom se ogreješ, potem pa druge vaje. Lahko greš pa v fitnes pa tam vprašaš za nasvet, če bi rad imel bolj razvit gornji del. Vse se da :)
Pa še nekaj si zapomni, kar mnogo ljudi ne ve: 1kg mišičnega tkiva = 1kg maščobnega tkiva. Specifična teža maščobnega tkiva pa je precej manjša, kot spec. teža mišic.
Tek lahko tudi zelo lepo kombiniraš še z drugimi vadbami (sklece, trebušnjaki, dvigovanje uteži) in tako enakomerno gradiš mišice. S tekom se ogreješ, potem pa druge vaje. Lahko greš pa v fitnes pa tam vprašaš za nasvet, če bi rad imel bolj razvit gornji del. Vse se da :)
Pa še nekaj si zapomni, kar mnogo ljudi ne ve: 1kg mišičnega tkiva = 1kg maščobnega tkiva. Specifična teža maščobnega tkiva pa je precej manjša, kot spec. teža mišic.
Avenger ::
jaz sem s tekom izgubil 25kg in tudi pridobil 10kg (mišic). Prehrana je pa res, da je tudi od vrste teka odvisno...recimo jaz tečem gorski tek in so noge opazno pridobile na širini in veličini :D :D
To je že na pol anaerobna vadba... da pridobiš 10kg mišic na nogah od teka, moraš bit pa priden ko kitajček, torej za večino folka, čist nerealno. Z običajnim tekom po ravnem, na dolge proge, ne pridobiš prav veliko, ker treniraš počasna vlakna, ki se ne napihnejo tako kot hitra.
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.
panteist ::
To vsekakor, ampak je vsaj po mojem mnenju vredno, ko imaš enkrat to moč. Nikoli nisem zdržal dolgo v fitnesu, ker nisem videl ravno smisla v temu oz. se mi je vse tisto zdelo bolj pretegovanje na napraveh. Jaz sem izbral sicer počasnejši način za gradnjo celega telesa -> sklece in trebušnjaki nekje zunaj, tek po gorah, plezanje, kolesarjenje, pa še kaj. Je pa neprecenljiv občutek tiste prvinske moči, ko ti vse dejavnosti v naravi ne predstavljajo več nekega hudega napora.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: panteist ()
Mesar ::
To vsekakor, ampak je vsaj po mojem mnenju vredno, ko imaš enkrat to moč. Nikoli nisem zdržal dolgo v fitnesu, ker nisem videl ravno smisla v temu oz. se mi je vse tisto zdelo bolj pretegovanje na napraveh. Jaz sem izbral sicer počasnejši način za gradnjo celega telesa -> sklece in trebušnjaki nekje zunaj, tek po gorah, plezanje, kolesarjenje, pa še kaj. Je pa neprecenljiv občutek tiste prvinske moči, ko ti vse dejavnosti v naravi ne predstavljajo več nekega hudega napora.
Parkour @ Wikipedia mmmmmmmm
Your turn to burn!
bajsibajsi ::
power12 ::
Fantje dejte se držat teme ! Tukaj imate, kako nekateri sprašujejo glede teže ? ( upam da znate angleško )
Question: Why Am I Gaining Weight During Marathon Training?
I thought I would lose weight when training for a marathon, but I actually have gained weight! Why is that?
Answer: You're not alone. Some marathoners-in-training hope to lose weight during their training, but they're surprised when they actually gain a few pounds or hit a weight loss plateau. One explanation is that as you're training, you're building more muscle mass, which is denser than fat. So while that may translate to an overall weight gain, your body fat percentage has decreased and you're more toned than you were before.
Another explanation is that your body is learning to store carbohydrates as fuel (glycogen) for your long runs. Those glycogen stores are important to completing your long runs and marathon without "hitting the wall", but you may see a couple extra pounds on the scale on certain days. Your body also requires additional water to break down and store the glycogen, so that will also add extra weight.
Also, you may have been increasing your calorie intake without realizing it. Keep in mind that running a lot does not give you carte blanche to eat whatever you want. The basic principle for weight loss still applies: You must burn more calories than you consume. To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3600 calories.
With all the calories you burn by running, some people are surprised when they don't lose weight during marathon training, but they forget that they're inhaling a quart of ice cream and a dozen Oreos for a snack after their run. Make sure you stock your kitchen with healthy foods, so when the "post-run hungries" hit, you'll be prepared with nutritious foods, not empty calories. It's normal to feel hungry when training for a marathon. Just try to avoid mindless eating stick to healthy foods and snacks.
It's also helpful to track your food intake in a training journal. It will make you think twice about the foods you're putting in your mouth and also help you figure out what foods work best for you.
Another area where long distance runners get into trouble is drinking too many calories. Just because you're training for a marathon doesn't mean that you need to constantly drink sugary sports drinks. While it's important that you replace electrolytes during your long runs, you don't need to constantly have a sports drink at your fingertips the rest of the time. Stay away from fruit juices and regular soda since they also add a lot of calories to your diet, but don't make you feel full. Plain water is fine for staying hydrated during the week.
If you've been eating a nutritious diet and you still find that you're gaining weight, try not to focus too much on that number on the scale. It could be inaccurate since our weight does fluctuate depending on what time of the day or month we weigh ourselves. Pay attention to other measurements such how your clothes are fitting, how toned you feel, body fat percentage, or inches lost. And if you really want to lose weight, remember that healthy weight loss takes time. Even with all the running that you're doing, you should not aim to lose more than a pound a week. So, try to be patient.
Kaj menite glede tega, je res ali ni ? Če je res grem laufat
Question: Why Am I Gaining Weight During Marathon Training?
I thought I would lose weight when training for a marathon, but I actually have gained weight! Why is that?
Answer: You're not alone. Some marathoners-in-training hope to lose weight during their training, but they're surprised when they actually gain a few pounds or hit a weight loss plateau. One explanation is that as you're training, you're building more muscle mass, which is denser than fat. So while that may translate to an overall weight gain, your body fat percentage has decreased and you're more toned than you were before.
Another explanation is that your body is learning to store carbohydrates as fuel (glycogen) for your long runs. Those glycogen stores are important to completing your long runs and marathon without "hitting the wall", but you may see a couple extra pounds on the scale on certain days. Your body also requires additional water to break down and store the glycogen, so that will also add extra weight.
Also, you may have been increasing your calorie intake without realizing it. Keep in mind that running a lot does not give you carte blanche to eat whatever you want. The basic principle for weight loss still applies: You must burn more calories than you consume. To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3600 calories.
With all the calories you burn by running, some people are surprised when they don't lose weight during marathon training, but they forget that they're inhaling a quart of ice cream and a dozen Oreos for a snack after their run. Make sure you stock your kitchen with healthy foods, so when the "post-run hungries" hit, you'll be prepared with nutritious foods, not empty calories. It's normal to feel hungry when training for a marathon. Just try to avoid mindless eating stick to healthy foods and snacks.
It's also helpful to track your food intake in a training journal. It will make you think twice about the foods you're putting in your mouth and also help you figure out what foods work best for you.
Another area where long distance runners get into trouble is drinking too many calories. Just because you're training for a marathon doesn't mean that you need to constantly drink sugary sports drinks. While it's important that you replace electrolytes during your long runs, you don't need to constantly have a sports drink at your fingertips the rest of the time. Stay away from fruit juices and regular soda since they also add a lot of calories to your diet, but don't make you feel full. Plain water is fine for staying hydrated during the week.
If you've been eating a nutritious diet and you still find that you're gaining weight, try not to focus too much on that number on the scale. It could be inaccurate since our weight does fluctuate depending on what time of the day or month we weigh ourselves. Pay attention to other measurements such how your clothes are fitting, how toned you feel, body fat percentage, or inches lost. And if you really want to lose weight, remember that healthy weight loss takes time. Even with all the running that you're doing, you should not aim to lose more than a pound a week. So, try to be patient.
Kaj menite glede tega, je res ali ni ? Če je res grem laufat
Duhec ::
Pa saj ti je @k4harvey čisto prav povedal z enačbo, nenazadnje jo imaš v tretjem odstavku pripopanega teksta. Kontroliraj vnos glede na to kaj želiš, ne glede na to kak šport zganjaš, bolj važno je da športaš, ne pa da ješ, zato da bi se zredil. :) Še prehitro se boš.
Sam s tekom nisem niti pridobil niti izgubil, že peto leto kontrolirano niham +/- 2kg, 175cm/88kg/50 let. :P
Če si začetnik v teku potem kombiniraj postopoma tek in hojo, naj ne bo tvoj gospodar hitrost ampak čas, torej ne glej kako hitro boš pretekel recimo 3,5,10 km ampak teci raje 15 min, 30 min, uro v kombinaciji s počasno/hitro hojo itd. kot začetnih ne postavljaj osebnih rekordov.
Postopoma, v dobri obutvi in ustrezno tehniko teka, ki ti odgovarja, boš tek doživel kot užitek in ne kot jebanje s poškodbami kolen in vezi.
Sam s tekom nisem niti pridobil niti izgubil, že peto leto kontrolirano niham +/- 2kg, 175cm/88kg/50 let. :P
Če si začetnik v teku potem kombiniraj postopoma tek in hojo, naj ne bo tvoj gospodar hitrost ampak čas, torej ne glej kako hitro boš pretekel recimo 3,5,10 km ampak teci raje 15 min, 30 min, uro v kombinaciji s počasno/hitro hojo itd. kot začetnih ne postavljaj osebnih rekordov.
Postopoma, v dobri obutvi in ustrezno tehniko teka, ki ti odgovarja, boš tek doživel kot užitek in ne kot jebanje s poškodbami kolen in vezi.
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