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Command & Conquer: Generals 2
Končno so se pri EA uskladili na en engine, zato pričakujem tudi oblikovno in vizualno dodelanost.
Za zvok in vsebino pa lahko rečem da pri Bioware tudi niso od muh.
Že pišem most wanted list poleg SC2 dodatkov in Company of Heroes 2.
Za zvok in vsebino pa lahko rečem da pri Bioware tudi niso od muh.
Že pišem most wanted list poleg SC2 dodatkov in Company of Heroes 2.
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."
ahac ::
V bistvu je to nov EA studio pod Bioware imenom, ampak če pravi Bioware pomaga pri razvoju, verjetno ne bo slabo.
Pred par tedni so dal ven trailer, kjer so rekl, da bodo napovedal nov špil in zraven je bil 2 sec posnetek iz igre. Že takrat sem najprej pomislu na to, da gre za Generals 2 (čeprav zakaj bi Bioware delal to?) ker je ima prepoznavni C&C izgled.
Za zvok in vsebino pa lahko rečem da pri Bioware tudi niso od muh.
V bistvu je to nov EA studio pod Bioware imenom, ampak če pravi Bioware pomaga pri razvoju, verjetno ne bo slabo.
Pred par tedni so dal ven trailer, kjer so rekl, da bodo napovedal nov špil in zraven je bil 2 sec posnetek iz igre. Že takrat sem najprej pomislu na to, da gre za Generals 2 (čeprav zakaj bi Bioware delal to?) ker je ima prepoznavni C&C izgled.
Slo-Tech Discord -
RejZoR ::
Glede na to da so zdej vse začel delat na Frostbitu (BF3, NFS The Run, Generals 2), bi pričakoval, da bojo sedaj usmerili več moči v gameplay, pa ne kaže nič v to smer kar je dost žalostno...
Angry Sheep Blog @
Relanium ::
Trailer zgleda impresiven, ampak IMHO tazadnji vredu C&C je bil iz časov Westwooda.
Ampak tole bo tak nekaj čist drugega
Ampak tole bo tak nekaj čist drugega
def0r ::
Nejc1994 ::
Trailer zgleda impresiven, ampak IMHO tazadnji vredu C&C je bil iz časov Westwooda.
Ampak tole bo tak nekaj čist drugega
Nekaj izjemno slabega
Dej pejt svojo slabo voljo širt km drgm ^^
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Nejc1994 ()
def0r ::
Ni ravno slaba volja. Poglej si zadnji del CnCja in kaj so z njim naredili. Poskusali so spremeniti gameplay cisto in tudi to vpeljati v MP ki je bil ze po logik unbalanced zaradi tega ker si spotoma unlockal enote tudi za MP.
ahac ::
Poglej si zadnji del CnCja in kaj so z njim naredili.
Mogoče so pa ravno zato ustanovil nov studio in ga dal pod Bioware.
Slo-Tech Discord -
def0r ::
RuskiSnajper ::
samo .... kje je modding
jebeš ti DLC
samo .... kje je modding
jebeš ti DLC
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: RuskiSnajper ()
RuskiSnajper ::
Za zvok in vsebino pa lahko rečem da pri Bioware tudi niso od muh.
Kot večina si pihno daleč mimo.
Toti developerji nimajo totalno nič z BIOWARE ki dela RPGje.
ahac ::
Kot večina si pihno daleč mimo.
Torej meniš, da originalni Bioware sploh ne nadzoruje in pomaga Bioware Victory?
Slo-Tech Discord -
RuskiSnajper ::
Kot večina si pihno daleč mimo.
Torej meniš, da originalni Bioware sploh ne nadzoruje in pomaga Bioware Victory?
nebi reko , zakaj pa bi če so totalno različne igre. Kaj bojo sploh sej pa ni enak engine kot na RPG igrah, in kaki input bi imeli pa tudi nevem.
vsaki so zasebe imo, to je EA zacel preimenovati ze kar nekaj časa nazaj, ne samo bioware victory ampak še druge studie, orginalni bioware sploh nima nič besede pri tem.
V resnici so se zmotli in bi mogli napisat Bioware Victory na trailer.
EA deluje cist drugače kot Bethesda ali Activision Blizzard kjer je vse ločeno in vsak skrbi samo sa svoj branč/subsidary.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: RuskiSnajper ()
fireX88 ::
CoH 2 je zaenkrat samo ugibanje da pride leta 2012. Pa tudi sledi "beta testerjev" se že najde po spletu.
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."
def0r ::
Berserker ::
ahac ::
Očitno bo "free 2 play":
Kar verjetno pomeni, da bo C&C samo še po imenu.
Kar verjetno pomeni, da bo C&C samo še po imenu.
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()
vorantz ::
dafuq :|
upam da dobro izvedejo zadevo
čeprav glede na to, da je pod okriljem EA pomeni free to play buttrape
upam da dobro izvedejo zadevo
čeprav glede na to, da je pod okriljem EA pomeni free to play buttrape
ahac ::
Kot je bilo pričakovano, ko so napovedal, da bo f2p: single player kampanije ne bo.
Red Alert: C&C Generals 2 Has No Single-Player
Red Alert: C&C Generals 2 Has No Single-Player
Slo-Tech Discord -
koyotee ::
edino pravilno. ai v generalsih je bla porazna
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
def0r ::
free 2 play modeli od EA niso ravno najboljsi :P Tako da se na tvojem mestu nebi ravno veselil.
koyotee ::
torej bi rad še plačeval, za napol narejen špil? no thanks :)
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
def0r ::
Po resnici povedan nebi kupil tudi ce bi bil full release. Generalsi mi nikoli niso bili vsec:)
koyotee ::
so bli ok, dokler ni folk zaceu uporabljat raznih scud bugov...
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
RC14 ::
A prav vidim, da ne bo izšla ta igra generals 2 ??![:O](
To je bila zame najbolj pričakovana igra, ker sem enko dosti preigral.
To je bila zame najbolj pričakovana igra, ker sem enko dosti preigral.
:4770K@4.5GHz @ BeQuiet!Dark Rock Pro2; MSI Z87 GD65 Gaming; 16GB RAM:
::GTX 1060 6GB; SSD Samsung 840 EVO 250GB; SEAGATE 3TB+3TB+1TB; LG 27"IPS::
:::: XFX 850W Black Edition; X-Fi Titanium; Fractal Design ARC R2 ::::
::GTX 1060 6GB; SSD Samsung 840 EVO 250GB; SEAGATE 3TB+3TB+1TB; LG 27"IPS::
:::: XFX 850W Black Edition; X-Fi Titanium; Fractal Design ARC R2 ::::
deadzone ::
Meh ta EA je neverjeten. Niso sposobni narediti igre na nivoju SC2 COH ipd. pa raje zaprejo štalo.
Thank you for your participation over the last few months in the Command & Conquer closed alpha test. It’s been much appreciated, and you’ve been instrumental in helping define what a new Command & Conquer experience should and shouldn’t be.
Part of being in a creative team is the understanding that not all of your choices are going to work out. In this case, we shifted the game away from campaign mode and built an economy-based, multiplayer experience. Your feedback from the alpha trial is clear: We are not making the game you want to play. That is why, after much difficult deliberation, we have decided to cease production of this version of the game. Although we deeply respect the great work done by our talented team, ultimately it’s about getting you the game you expect and deserve.
Over the next 10 days we will be refunding any and all money spent in the alpha. If you have a question about your refund, please contact
We believe that Command & Conquer is a powerful franchise with huge potential and a great history, and we are determined to get the best game made as soon as possible. To that end, we have already begun looking at a number of alternatives to get the game back on track. We look forward to sharing more news about the franchise as it develops. Thank you again for your participation and support.
- Victory Studios
Thank you for your participation over the last few months in the Command & Conquer closed alpha test. It’s been much appreciated, and you’ve been instrumental in helping define what a new Command & Conquer experience should and shouldn’t be.
Part of being in a creative team is the understanding that not all of your choices are going to work out. In this case, we shifted the game away from campaign mode and built an economy-based, multiplayer experience. Your feedback from the alpha trial is clear: We are not making the game you want to play. That is why, after much difficult deliberation, we have decided to cease production of this version of the game. Although we deeply respect the great work done by our talented team, ultimately it’s about getting you the game you expect and deserve.
Over the next 10 days we will be refunding any and all money spent in the alpha. If you have a question about your refund, please contact
We believe that Command & Conquer is a powerful franchise with huge potential and a great history, and we are determined to get the best game made as soon as possible. To that end, we have already begun looking at a number of alternatives to get the game back on track. We look forward to sharing more news about the franchise as it develops. Thank you again for your participation and support.
- Victory Studios
AMD Fx-8120 4.5GHz, XFX 7870 2GB, TGX 4Gb 1600MHz, GIGABYTE 990XA-UD3
Xbox 360 Slim 500GB JTAGd Origin:Matija2209 Xfire:matijaz
Xbox 360 Slim 500GB JTAGd Origin:Matija2209 Xfire:matijaz
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: deadzone ()
opeter ::
Pravilna poteza.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
oo7 ::
Reasons Why EA Might Silently Be Working on a new Command and Conquer Title
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