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Half-life of 24000 years

Half-life of 24000 years

guest #44 ::

How much radiation was released? What percentage of which isotopes were thrown into the atmosphere. Was it mostly iodine-131? How much of the total was made up of the far more dangerous cesium-137, strontium-90 and plutonium?

Piecing together the truth is a dizzying job of ferreting out bias and vested interest. The pro-nuclear Time magazine reported in 1989 that perhaps "one billion or more" curies were released, rather than the 50 to 80 million estimated by Russian authorities.[5] One curie is the amount of radiation equal to the disintegration of 37 billion atoms -- 37 billion becquerels -- per second. It is a very large amount of radiation.

The U.S. government's Argonne National Lab has said that 30 percent of the reactor's total radioactivity -- 3 billion of an estimated 9 billion curies -- was released.[6] And scientists at the U.S. Lawrence Livermore National Lab suggested that one-half of the core's radioactivity was spewed -- 4.5 billion curies, according the World Information Service on Energy, quoting Science, 6-13-86.

Vladimir Chernousenko, the chief scientific supervisor of the "clean up" team responsible for a 10-kilometer zone around the exploded reactor, says that 80 percent of the reactor's radioactivity escaped, something like seven billion curies.[7] At the Union of Concerned Scientists, senior energy analyst Kennedy Maize, concluded that "the core vaporized" -- all 190 tons of fuel, and all 9 billion curies.[8]

Former Chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Joseph Hendrie, concluded likewise, saying "They have dumped the full inventory of volatile fission products from a large power reactor into the environment. You can't do any worse than that."[9]

The Russians and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) claimed in a 1986 report, that 50 million curies of radioactive debris, plus another 50 million curies of rare and inert gasses were discharged. However, the rocketing incidence of cancers, leukemias and other radiation-induced illnesses, leads scientists to suspect that the higher radioactive fallout estimates are likely. Pandemic numbers of thyroid cancers led even the cautious Dr. Alexander Sich, in his Chernobyl cover story for the May 1996 Bulletin of Atomic Scientists to conclude that the "higher [radiation] release estimates support the conclusions drawn by medical experts."

Geneticist Valery N. Soyfer, founder of the former Soviet Union's first molecular biology laboratory, analyzed the 1986 report to the IAEA, which has since been condemned as a cover-up. Dr. Soyfer says that if only 100 million curies were vented, then world "background radiation doubled at once."[10] This claim was unsupported by accompanying evidence, but if "background" was doubled by 100 million curies, then it was multiplied 180 times by the release of Chernobyl's "full inventory." Nineteen months after the disaster, in Nov. 1987, the U.S. government officially doubled its estimate of the "background" radiation to which we are exposed every year.[11]

Cesium-137 contamination is probably Chernobyl's most devastating and ominous consequence. The body can't distinguish cesium from potassium, so it's taken up by our cells and becomes an internal source of radiation. Cesium-137 is a gamma emitter and its half-life of 30 years means that it stays in the soil, to concentrate in the food chain, for over 300 years. While iodine-131 remains radioactive for six weeks, cesium-137 stays in the body for decades, concentrating in muscle where it irradiates muscle cells and nearby organs.[16]

Strontium-90 is also long-lived and, because it resembles calcium, is permanently incorporated into bone tissue where it may lead to leukemia.

The Soviets acknowledged in 1986 that the influence of cesium-137 on cancer death rates would be nine times that of iodine-131. They said that the effects of strontium-90 would "perhaps have, along with cesium-137, the most important meaning."[17]


Radioactive caesium, with a half-life of 30 years, is still the most widely dispersed isotope. Between 125 000 and 146 000 km2 are contaminated with caesium. There is also concern over long-term contamination with strontium (Sr-90), which has a half-life of 29 years, and plutonium (Pu-241) and its various decay products: some of these have a half-life of 24 000 years.


Due to southeasterly wind and rainfall during the critical days after the Chernobyl accident, Norway received a substantial part of the cesium isotopes released. The radioactive fallout closely followed the rainfall and was mainly concentrated to some thinly populated areas in the central parts of the country. The total fallout of the cesium isotopes was approximately 2300 TBq (137Cs) and 1200 TBq (137Cs). The average for the country was 11 kBq/m2 with a variation from 1.5 to 40 kBq/m2 for the 19 different counties of the country. The fallout resulted in contamination of food products from some areas, mainly meat from reindeer and sheep, as well as “wild” freshwater fish. A small fraction of the food production in 1986 was not sold due to the regulations enforced. The average radiation dose to Norwegians during the first year after the accident was approximately 0.3 mSv (0.1 mSv from external radiation and about 0.2 mSv from the foodstuffs). This first year extra dose is approximately 5% of the average normal background dose in Norway (estimated to about 6 mSv/year, including medical and industrial use of radiation sources).


 Fallout map

Fallout map

Predlagam, da se vse politike in znanstvenike z majhnemi luleki in/ali narcisističnim komplesom, preventivno lobotomizira. ;)

WarpedGone ::

And your point is what exactly?
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

guest #44 ::

Pa ni nekega bistvenega originalnega pointa. Pač bolj informacija, koliko radioaktivne snovi je ušlo in kje, če koga slučajno zanima.

Slovenija zgleda da je dobila pošteno dozo. Pa nasploh je precej grozno, da koliko časa bo še radioaktivno. Preberi si tiste članke, kar nekaj zanimivosti.

Jst ::

What is the purpose of your posting?

Kaj si hotel izpostaviti? To bi bilo lepo, če bi opisal takoj na začetku prvega posta, da se bralci lahko odločimo, če je tema za nas zanimiva - če bomo brali naprej.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Pyr0Beast ::

We are still alive :)
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Starodavni ::


Verjetno zato, ker je dejanska škoda eksplozije černobila večja kot se zdi. Sploh kontaminacija zemlje in posledice na človeški genom, ki bodo trajale še tisočletja zaradi razpolovne dobe radioaktivnega materiala.

keworkian ::

Zanimivo je koliko skode je dejansko cernobil res naredu, ampak na napakah se ucimo. Aja se to drugic napisi naslov v "SLOVENŠČINI".
Obscenities in B-Flat

Pyr0Beast ::

Černobil je pravzaprav lahko tudi rešil svet pred nuklearno zimo, ko je človeštvo doumelo kakšna jeba lahko hitro rata z jedrskim orožjem.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

guest #44 ::

Sklepam, da razumete tudi angleško.

Ja pač ena velika svinjarija, ki pa je ševedno pancakes proti megatonskim bombam.

Sprašujem se ali je jedrsko orožje pravzaprav obdržalo globalni mir vs ta čas. Sprašujem se tudi, kaj roji po glavi tistemu, ki se mu zdi uporaba jedrskega orožja opravičljiva...zelo vrjetno, da trpi za kako psihično boleznijo.

Pyr0Beast ::

Patriotizem se imenuje ta bolezen.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

bluefish ::

Sprašujem se ali je jedrsko orožje pravzaprav obdržalo globalni mir vs ta čas.
Jedrsko orožje kot tako najbrž ne. Je pa vsekakor bilo prisotno zavedanje, da bo nasprotnik po tebi udaril z vsaj enako močjo, če preveč fanatično in brez premisleka pritisneš na knof.

Pyr0Beast ::

Zavedanja ? Koga, Ljudstva ali tistih trigger-happy fanatikov ki komaj čakajo da stisnejo knof.

sorry, ampak meni se ne zdi da so ljudje vedeli kakšna usoda jih čaka ob takšnem spopadu, ob černobilu jih je malo pamet srečala in prsti so se iz magičnega knofa preselili na lopato.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

guest #44 ::

Za vse zanimajoče, toplo priporočam ogled filma Threads. Sicer osebno menim, da je film še preblag napram kaj bi bilo v resnici.
Life would be living hell, precej huje kot v konvencionalnem povojnem območju. Mnogo območji bi bilo smrtonosnih za nekaj let, negostoljubnih za nekaj desetletji, direktno zdravju škodljivih za kako stoletje, potencialno škodljivih pa za več časa kot obstaja celotna človeška civilizacija.

Way to go humanity...fucking dumbasses!

Pyr0Beast ::

Living hell ?
Čemu ?
Visoki radiaciji ? Eh. Dokler bo rastla trava ne bo problema.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

WarpedGone ::

jverne: vidim da razpolagaš z veliko podatki. Prosim te za naslednje:
- ocenjeno število žrtev chernobilske nesreče
- stroški sanacije
- ocenjeni stroški zdravljenja obolelih
- ocenjeni stroški gospodarske škode


- ocena stroškov, če v zadnjih 50 letih svet nebi imel jedrske energije. Te stroške seveda ne morš ocenit direkt, oceniš jih pa posredno preko ocene nižje rasti ustvarjenega bogastva, ker bi imeli manj energije, ki bi bila posledično dražja. Dražja energija pomeni dražje vse ostalo in manj ostalega. To pomeni tudi nižji standard bivanja, nižjo raven zdravstvene in prehrambene oskrbe. Vse to rezultira v nujno več bolezni in krajši življenski dobi.

Potem pa seštej število izgubljenih človek-let življenja zarad nesreče in koliko človek-let življenabi izgubili, če jedrske energije sploh nebi imel.

Na podlagi česa si prepričan, da je JE prinesla več škode kot koristi?
Na podlagi česa si prepričan, da bi vsi živeli enako fajn (oz. še bolje) brez JE?

En zanimiv paradoks mamo: baje da je hrana in svet vse bol zastrupljena, menda je vedno več hudih bolezni, ljudi pa je hrkati čezdalje več in vse dlje živimo. Kako za vraga naj gre to skupaj? Simpl, ne gre.

Kdor bi rad jedel zdravo hrano in pri 40ih umrl zaradi podhranjenosti in posledičnih bolezni naj dvigne roko.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

guest #44 ::

Pyr0Beast je izjavil:

Living hell ?
Čemu ?
Visoki radiaciji ? Eh. Dokler bo rastla trava ne bo problema.

Hmalu po vojni, bo pizdarija. Velika!

Počas se bo seveda mal stabiliziralo, vendar bodo hude posledice. Tehnološko bomo štartali ponovno tam od nekje 18/19 st. naprej (plus to kar bo še delovalo iz predvojne), vendar z manjšo produktivnostjo okolja, ker veliko smo že iztrošili in to kar bomo zastrupili.
Pa da ne govorimo o družbeni reformaciji, ponovno vračanje v čas fevdalizma, warlordov, diktatorjev,...
Yeah, it would suck...big time.

WarpedGone je izjavil:

jverne: vidim da razpolagaš z veliko podatki. Prosim te za naslednje:
- ocenjeno število žrtev chernobilske nesreče
- stroški sanacije
- ocenjeni stroški zdravljenja obolelih
- ocenjeni stroški gospodarske škode


- ocena stroškov, če v zadnjih 50 letih svet nebi imel jedrske energije. Te stroške seveda ne morš ocenit direkt, oceniš jih pa posredno preko ocene nižje rasti ustvarjenega bogastva, ker bi imeli manj energije, ki bi bila posledično dražja. Dražja energija pomeni dražje vse ostalo in manj ostalega. To pomeni tudi nižji standard bivanja, nižjo raven zdravstvene in prehrambene oskrbe. Vse to rezultira v nujno več bolezni in krajši življenski dobi.

Potem pa seštej število izgubljenih človek-let življenja zarad nesreče in koliko človek-let življenabi izgubili, če jedrske energije sploh nebi imel.

Na podlagi česa si prepričan, da je JE prinesla več škode kot koristi?
Na podlagi česa si prepričan, da bi vsi živeli enako fajn (oz. še bolje) brez JE?

En zanimiv paradoks mamo: baje da je hrana in svet vse bol zastrupljena, menda je vedno več hudih bolezni, ljudi pa je hrkati čezdalje več in vse dlje živimo. Kako za vraga naj gre to skupaj? Simpl, ne gre.

Kdor bi rad jedel zdravo hrano in pri 40ih umrl zaradi podhranjenosti in posledičnih bolezni naj dvigne roko.

Sploh nisem proti jederski energiji. Sem proti jederskemu orožju oz. ljudjeh, ki jih uporabljajo kot podaljšek svojega egota.
Černobil je bil tipičen primer šalabajzanja in merjenja moških udov.

Cifre pa kr sam najdi. Lahko pa povem, da niso tok grozne kot sicer ljudje mislijo, vendar grozne glede na to kako zlahka bi se dalo nesrečo preprečit.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: guest #44 ()

guest #44 ::

Še najbolj srhljivo se mi zdi dejstvo, da je radiacija poškodovala genski zapis in "okuženi" posamezniki, bodo to prenašali s seboj na druge rodove. Seveda gre za manjši obseg...a vseen grozno, če pomisliš kako bo zdaj ta gen vstrajal še veliko časa v obtoku...in res bedno tistemu, ki bo imel to nesrečo, da se mu bo izrazil.
Vse zaradi ker par znanstvenikov in politikov ni znalo malce bolj trezno razmišljat.

_marko ::

jverne, s temi geni si precej mimo... daj nek link, da vidimo od kje ti te informacije.
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science
gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.

Pyr0Beast ::

Nope. Radiacija je kvečjemu spremenila genetski zapis.
Kar se je pokvarilo je umrlo.
Kar je bilo spremenjeno a je preživelo živi dalje. Seveda da mutacije so, samo tam nima vsaka srna 2h glav in krava 3h repov. Še ljudje so v okoliških vaseh prisotni.

(Prave statistike niti ni, ker se ne beležijo primeri, katerih vzrok je svinjsko velika doza sevanja)

Jedrska energija je super dokler je ne primejo v roke napačni.

A ne sekiraj se. Baterijam v večini jedrskih konic je že zdavnaj potekel rok trajanja in so tako praktično neuporabne ter samo še za odmet.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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