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Athlon ii x3 425 - ali ima po odklepu 4. jedra tudi L3

Athlon ii x3 425 - ali ima po odklepu 4. jedra tudi L3

Sc0ut ::

Po odklepu cpuz pokaže spodnje:

Pomeni to, da imam dejansko delujoč L3?

Frekvenca je nizka, ker imam vkloplen cool quiet. Nisem še probal drugega, kot unlock.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850
  • spremenil: Sc0ut ()

jest10 ::

Če ti kaže, potem najverjetneje ima(možnost tudi napake cpu-zja)

Vglavnem dobro pretestiraj sistem, da te kasneje ne preseneti z napakami.

Sc0ut ::

Se ravno spravljam zraven:) Prime!
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

Sc0ut ::

Hm, sranje je, ker ne vidim več core temp.

Vidim samo neko temperaturo, ki pa je okrog 10 stopinj višja od core temp.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

jest10 ::

Cote temp itak ni prava temperatura pri Phenomih/Athlonih 2. Tale višja bo bolj pravilna.

Sc0ut ::

da bi imel proc v idle in na 1500 mhz 45 stopinj?
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

jest10 ::

Ob box hlajenju in po možnosti še slabi pritrditvi hladilnika komot.

opeter ::

S katerim program se lahko pogleda temperatura?

EDIT: CoreTemp je uporaben?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: opeter ()

jest10 ::

opeter je izjavil:

S katerim program se lahko pogleda temperatura?

EDIT: CoreTemp je uporaben?

Za Intele in starejše AMDje je uporaben. Za Phenome in derivate ni.

opeter ::

Kaj pa najnovejša verzija?
Core Temp 0.99.5


V mislih imam x64 različico.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

jest10 ::

Dokler mi v sobi z 22 stopinjami kaže idle temperaturo 24 stopinj, to ne bo glih pravilno ane:P
Asusov programček, ki je bil zraven plate kaže 36 stopinj, kar je nekako prav

Sc0ut ::

Meni v sobi z 22 stopinjami kaže na athlon ii x3 na stock 34 stopinj idle core temperatura. Ampak potem je še ena temperatura, ki je okrog 7-10 stopinjj višja in se viša ter niža hkrati s core temperaturo, kaj mi je malo sumljivo in ne vem, kaj ta temperatura je.

Consequences of Unlocking

For those who can unlock and pass any stability test you can throw at the computer, congratulations. However, you may have already noticed that you can no longer monitor your cpu core temperatures. Fortunately, most motherboards have a cpu temperature sensor located in the cpu socket area. It is up to you to find out how closely this temperature reading relates to the actual cpu core temperatures.

To do so, revert back to a locked X2/X3 state and download HWMonitor. Depending on your motherboard, the cpu socket temperature sensor can be TMPIN0, TMPIN1, or TMPIN2. Next, observe how closely TMPIN0 or TMPIN1 or TMPIN2 relates to core temperatures at 100% load. This will tell you your approximate temperatures when unlocked. You can use this reading as a rough estimate of your core temperatures.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Sc0ut ()

Sc0ut ::

- sirmonkey, check this screenshot. This is someones i7 temp monitoring. You explained about socket temp being higher, but how come his core temp is higher than his socket temp?
- Its an AMD thing.. they have always been offset by about 10C.. even my socket 754 system the socket temp is 10C higher then the core temp..
- because the socket temp is always higher then the core temp... its reading the temp of the cpu under the processor.. and they offset the temp by 10-15C depending on the manufacture of the motherboard.. the actual sensor has had no use since the old socket A days when there was no core sensors.. but its still there for the cpu protection part of the bios since the bios cant read the core sensors..

Sedaj mi je vse jasno, zakaj je socket temp lahko "višja" od core temp.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

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