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Tesla's Dynamic theory of gravity

Tesla's Dynamic theory of gravity

Yosh ::


Mogoče kdo ve kaj je s tem?

Zanima me ali je trditev ali je ta trditev ; the "curving" of space to be absurd (putting it in gentle terms) saying that if a moving body curved space the "equal and opposite" reaction of space on the body would "straighten space back out", napačna.

Zanima me, vaše mnenje, če kdo ve kaj o tem, koliko so te Teslove ideje napačne, pravilne?

Ali je res gravitacija posledica ukrivljenega prostora zaradi velike mase?

As an alternative to Einstein's general relativity (the original relativity theory came from R. Boscovich, [1711-1787]), the Dynamic Theory of Gravity explained the fields of gravity through electrodynamics. Tesla stated that there was no energy in matter other than that received from its environment: he did not accept the mass-energy equivalence as delineated by special relativity. Tesla rejected this concept from Einstein, as the special relativity theory's principles ignored gravitional effects.

Glavna predpostavka Tesle, v kolikor sem razumel je, da je vse prihajalo iz finega media, t.i. etra, ali life giving energy, ki je kot posledica dajala momentum, gibanje in druge nam znane pojave, kot so masa( inertia), električni pojavi, itd..

Tesla's theory put him in direct contrast with the re-emerging Relativity theory, which is that energy does not directly originate from matter or vice versa, but that matter behaves as a medium for forces to act upon or to act through, and that without matter there is no Energy (nor Force) and vice versa (he said a body without force is like a body without a mind).

All this energy (sometimes viewed as "Zero Point Energy") comes from the environment (through aether or the "medium") and reverts back to the environment giving life to matter, forming a "closed circuit" through one way or the other (being "accessed" more efficiently or less based on the methodology). It is omnipresent, day or night, and is "re-emitted" by every star in our universe naturally including our sun. Tesla knew every "ponderable body" had an electrical content, and as such, proportionally interacted with the surrounding aether. The earth is like a charged sphere hurling through space (thus a current, hence magnetic field), around the sun powered by it's primary rays (and giant electric currents along "frozen magnetic lines of force", according to the works of Hannes Alfven mentioned in Lehrner's "The Big Bang Never Happened" ISBN 067974049X ).

Kaj mislite o tem?
Share with others, your inner joy, goodness and beauty , and dont hurt them.

AtaStrudl ::


Svaka cast Tesli za trifaznega asinhronca, (pa v delu anglofonske literature mu tudi tega cisto ne priznavajo), ampak na stara leta je pac zabljuzil, tako kot Newton pa se kdo...

Poleg tega po netu (in se kje) krozi kup crapa, ki ga je kao napisal Tesla, v resnici pa je produkt raznih new age junkyjev...

Vredno ogleda ...

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