Forum » Igre » Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Dua'L ::
Kakšne mape pa bi radi videli v naslednjem DLC map packu?![:)](
Jaz bi rad videl kakšno mapo v podmornici da bi lahko prišle bolj v upoštev shotguni ali pa kaksno mapo na letalonosilki.
Jaz bi rad videl kakšno mapo v podmornici da bi lahko prišle bolj v upoštev shotguni ali pa kaksno mapo na letalonosilki.
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3
def0r ::
To je battlefield serija ne Call of Duty:) Rabis velike mape zato je tudi popularna BF serija:)
IvoJan ::
sej bi lahko tko k v just cause 2 iz ene podmornce v drugo skaku pa bi bla kr velka mapa :)
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
Meizu ::
sej bi lahko tko k v just cause 2 iz ene podmornce v drugo skaku pa bi bla kr velka mapa :)
Ne, ni to BF potem. V battlefield morajo biti vključena še vozila, zračne sile itd. Ker drugače smo takoj na COD varianti, ki je meni osebno bolj zanič kot tole. Vedno sm mel raje BF serije kot COD serije, ravno zaradi vključenih vozil. Koliko bolj takšna zadeva popestri igro :)
legice ::
ja karkland pa doad to bala al neki...že dovg nism špilu bf2=)
sam ob enmu od updejtov k so daltisto mejhno mestece med conquest mape,so usaj osebno se mi zdi,nardil ful velko napako.snajperji na hrbu,preozki prostori pa teško ostaneš živ.....pač premejhna mapa
sam ob enmu od updejtov k so daltisto mejhno mestece med conquest mape,so usaj osebno se mi zdi,nardil ful velko napako.snajperji na hrbu,preozki prostori pa teško ostaneš živ.....pač premejhna mapa
Prekopu vrt in našu Bin Ladna
IvoJan ::
sej bi lahko tko k v just cause 2 iz ene podmornce v drugo skaku pa bi bla kr velka mapa :)
Ne, ni to BF potem. V battlefield morajo biti vključena še vozila, zračne sile itd. Ker drugače smo takoj na COD varianti, ki je meni osebno bolj zanič kot tole. Vedno sm mel raje BF serije kot COD serije, ravno zaradi vključenih vozil. Koliko bolj takšna zadeva popestri igro :)
sej drgač je bla zajebancija sam whatever xD
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
e-marko ::
Ste me prepričali, da bi znal biti dober nakup.
Kje dobiti najceneje tale špil? PS3 verzija. Hvala.
Najceneje sem našel za ?37.99 ali EUR45.95 kar se mi zdi precej divja cena...
Kje dobiti najceneje tale špil? PS3 verzija. Hvala.
Najceneje sem našel za ?37.99 ali EUR45.95 kar se mi zdi precej divja cena...
...somebody, somewhere...
Bananovec ::
Samo rabljeno ne kupi, ker zraven dobiš VIP kodo za DLCje in če je le ta že bila uporabljena, je ti verjetno neboš mogel aktivirati. Razen če jo dokupiš. VIP koda pa te stane okrog 12 EUR.
Dua'L ::
Novi popravki na obzorju:
Client R8 / Server R12 are in QA
The next release of the game client is currently in QA.
We will perform another synchronized client/server update. It is expected to take place early next week.
The client update will be roughly 500MB in size.
Server - Some potential sources for lag/rubberbanding have been eliminated
Server - The old reserved slots has been replaced by a kick-on-demand system like in BF2
Server - Log file for server admins: all remote admin interface commands/events are logged
Server - Log file for server admins: major server events + all chat messages are logged
Server - Idle kick is controllable
Server - Profanity filter can be disabled
Server - Teamkill-kick system is controllable
Server - Ticket counts and bleed rate are controllable per-level
Server - Infantry only mode available per-level
Server - Initial spawn delay and respawn delay are adjustable
Server - Server description can be up to 400 characters, and use "|" for line breaks
Server - Banlist can contain up to 10.000 entries
Server - reduced latency in packet handling
Admin Interface - fixed the player.onKill spam that occasionally happened
Admin Interface - ensured that player.onJoin events always report the player name
Admin Interface - events triggered when people spawn
Admin Interface - much more info on kills
Admin Interface - detailed stats are reported at end-of-round
Gameplay - Various minor level bugfixes
Gameplay - Helicopter handling has been tweaked
Gameplay - Weapon tweaks have been implemented based on PC public feedback
Gameplay - Fixed technical hang when a crate was armed outside of the combat area
Gameplay - "Victory is near" message was shown for the wrong team on Valpara?so, this has been fixed
Gameplay - Countermeasures can be fired when driving a helicopter
Gameplay - The brightness of the pilot view in the Russian helicopter has been reduced
Gameplay - Advanced Spotting scope works better
Gameplay - Knifing people in the back works again (we backed out the change that we had done for Server R11)
Server Browser - Servers are sorted into 3 categories: Normal, Modified, Hardcore depending on their settings
Server Browser ? Added support for retrieving update progress
Server Browser - Now refreshes information
Server Browser - Join queue system when attempting to join a full server
Server Browser - all settings are automatically saved between sessions
Server Browser - Pings are sent via an alternate mechanism, which should work for non-Administrator users as well
Client - Fixed DX9 issue, which likely caused graphics glitches and perhaps crashes
Client - Fixed some crashes
Client - Toggle/hold crouch is user controllable
Client - Toggle/hold zoom is user controllable
Client - Vsync bugfixed for DX10/DX11
Client - Rewritten how settings are written to disk; this should reduce/eliminate the spawn lag
Client - Fixed bug where a player could join a server before the stats has been downloaded causing faulty stats in "EOR- unlock progression"-screen
Client - New chat system allows chatting when dead (but not during end of round) and keeps a 100 lines log
Client - Improved Play Now functionality
Client - Removed K/D ratio and Skill Level filters in the leaderboards
Client - Any points you get while being dead will be added to your score
Client - Reduced negative mouse acceleration
Client - More informative disconnection/kick reasons
Client R8 / Server R12 are in QA
The next release of the game client is currently in QA.
We will perform another synchronized client/server update. It is expected to take place early next week.
The client update will be roughly 500MB in size.
Server - Some potential sources for lag/rubberbanding have been eliminated
Server - The old reserved slots has been replaced by a kick-on-demand system like in BF2
Server - Log file for server admins: all remote admin interface commands/events are logged
Server - Log file for server admins: major server events + all chat messages are logged
Server - Idle kick is controllable
Server - Profanity filter can be disabled
Server - Teamkill-kick system is controllable
Server - Ticket counts and bleed rate are controllable per-level
Server - Infantry only mode available per-level
Server - Initial spawn delay and respawn delay are adjustable
Server - Server description can be up to 400 characters, and use "|" for line breaks
Server - Banlist can contain up to 10.000 entries
Server - reduced latency in packet handling
Admin Interface - fixed the player.onKill spam that occasionally happened
Admin Interface - ensured that player.onJoin events always report the player name
Admin Interface - events triggered when people spawn
Admin Interface - much more info on kills
Admin Interface - detailed stats are reported at end-of-round
Gameplay - Various minor level bugfixes
Gameplay - Helicopter handling has been tweaked
Gameplay - Weapon tweaks have been implemented based on PC public feedback
Gameplay - Fixed technical hang when a crate was armed outside of the combat area
Gameplay - "Victory is near" message was shown for the wrong team on Valpara?so, this has been fixed
Gameplay - Countermeasures can be fired when driving a helicopter
Gameplay - The brightness of the pilot view in the Russian helicopter has been reduced
Gameplay - Advanced Spotting scope works better
Gameplay - Knifing people in the back works again (we backed out the change that we had done for Server R11)
Server Browser - Servers are sorted into 3 categories: Normal, Modified, Hardcore depending on their settings
Server Browser ? Added support for retrieving update progress
Server Browser - Now refreshes information
Server Browser - Join queue system when attempting to join a full server
Server Browser - all settings are automatically saved between sessions
Server Browser - Pings are sent via an alternate mechanism, which should work for non-Administrator users as well
Client - Fixed DX9 issue, which likely caused graphics glitches and perhaps crashes
Client - Fixed some crashes
Client - Toggle/hold crouch is user controllable
Client - Toggle/hold zoom is user controllable
Client - Vsync bugfixed for DX10/DX11
Client - Rewritten how settings are written to disk; this should reduce/eliminate the spawn lag
Client - Fixed bug where a player could join a server before the stats has been downloaded causing faulty stats in "EOR- unlock progression"-screen
Client - New chat system allows chatting when dead (but not during end of round) and keeps a 100 lines log
Client - Improved Play Now functionality
Client - Removed K/D ratio and Skill Level filters in the leaderboards
Client - Any points you get while being dead will be added to your score
Client - Reduced negative mouse acceleration
Client - More informative disconnection/kick reasons
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3
rdecaluc ::
Gameplay - Knifing people in the back works again
Ker fail če tole ni delalo xD
Ker fail če tole ni delalo xD
Est modus in rebus. ,typos
Good Guy ::
Gameplay - Knifing people in the back works again
Ker fail če tole ni delalo xD
včasih res ne prime.. ga zarežeš sam ga ne ubiješ tko k ponavad k ga v glavo z nožem
sam še neki se manka v tem špilu.. omejitev snajperjev/peer team
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
def0r ::
Saj sniperji niso problem, razen na serverjih z hardcore modom :) Tudi medice bi omejil da nebi povsod tekali s tistimi MGji :)
rdecaluc ::
No ja.. če je kdo kdaj špilal aWe mod na COD2.. potem je to točno to kar bi vi želeli. Morda pa obstaja tud kaj za to..
Aja.. a sploh obstajajo modi? Ne vem, ker še nisem imel priložnosti igrat.
Aja.. a sploh obstajajo modi? Ne vem, ker še nisem imel priložnosti igrat.
Est modus in rebus. ,typos
legice ::
No ja.. če je kdo kdaj špilal aWe mod na COD2.. potem je to točno to kar bi vi želeli. Morda pa obstaja tud kaj za to..
Aja.. a sploh obstajajo modi? Ne vem, ker še nisem imel priložnosti igrat.
za mode nisem siguren...slišal sem baje, da je preteško narediti mod za to igro,ampak mogoče se motim. je pa res, da tudi sam nisem uspel sprobat kakšni mod...še
Prekopu vrt in našu Bin Ladna
IvoJan ::
modov niso omogocili ker je frostbite engine prezahteven.
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
Bor H ::
Narejen je primarno za PS3 iz česar izhaja zakompliciran razvoj in boljša podpira večjedrnim procom.
globoko grlo ::
oj soborci :)
kaj pomen SPECACT pri vseh zadnjih pušketinah
gledam namreč klele in vidim, da nimam unlockanih teh gunov
kaj pomen SPECACT pri vseh zadnjih pušketinah
gledam namreč klele in vidim, da nimam unlockanih teh gunov
Good Guy ::
globoko grlo je izjavil:
oj soborci :)
kaj pomen SPECACT pri vseh zadnjih pušketinah
gledam namreč klele in vidim, da nimam unlockanih teh gunov
pomoje to pride s prvim dodatkom
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
matija14 ::
Končno imamo slovenski server! Najdete ga v igri pod imenom slovenian server - najdete ga pod Europe če tako iščete. Igra se game mode Rush, ostalo standradno. Upam, da se streljamo v čim večjem številu!
IvoJan ::
bo hardcore?? PROSIIIIIM???
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
IvoJan ::
super :) ce bo HC imam veliko frendov ki bi igrali xD
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
Berserker ::
Kaj je sploh fora HC ? Da hitreje umiraš pod streli snajperjev ? Nevem no jaz bi te preprosto iz igre izključil. Pač tam pod perk izbereš magnumm ammo pa ga dovolj hitro ubiješ. Z stery aug a3 komot rulam na tak način.
IvoJan ::
mene boli k**** za sniperje.. ne mislim pa celega magazina spustit v enega šiptarja ki me 3 sekunde kasneje štihne v betico. zato igram HC
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
legice ::
HC je zanimiv,ampak mi ni ravno izziv npr.,da rafal spustim in ubijm človeka brez, da se potrudm....
pe še veči užitk mi je da enga filam s svincem
pe še veči užitk mi je da enga filam s svincem
Prekopu vrt in našu Bin Ladna
IvoJan ::
jup! just like in real life!! use moraš 20x zadet v glavo da riknejo
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
legice ::
jup! just like in real life!! use moraš 20x zadet v glavo da riknejo![]()
kaj ti tega nisi vedu?
Prekopu vrt in našu Bin Ladna
e-marko ::
Cena za PS3 padla na 28,95 eur.
pa pc?
17.95 eur je za PC.
...somebody, somewhere...
Malkec ::
/* Xaser 3 * 939 dual sata 2 * Opti165 (ccb1e0608mpmw) @2933 MHZ*/
/*TT 120 * X800 XL *1GB Transcend pc 3200 * MAxtor 160 GB SATA II /
/*TT 120 * X800 XL *1GB Transcend pc 3200 * MAxtor 160 GB SATA II /
IvoJan ::
kje je 18eur?? grem prec po 4 kose :)
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
e-marko ::
Redno naročam, nobenih težav do sedaj.
P.S.: Opazil sedaj; Availability: Temporarily out of stock. This item will be dispatched as soon as it arrives
Redno naročam, nobenih težav do sedaj.
P.S.: Opazil sedaj; Availability: Temporarily out of stock. This item will be dispatched as soon as it arrives
...somebody, somewhere...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: e-marko ()
ManDriver ::
A kdo ve, kaj vsebuje današnji update (Xbox 360)?
If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?
If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?
Berserker ::
Kdaj pa pridejo DLC-ji in nek nov modus ?
Nek frajer se je lotil celo moda ampak stavim da bo vse v vodo padlo. Bi pa pa močno upal na kakšna orodija za izdelavo map, potem bi takoj kupil pc verzijo.
Nek frajer se je lotil celo moda ampak stavim da bo vse v vodo padlo. Bi pa pa močno upal na kakšna orodija za izdelavo map, potem bi takoj kupil pc verzijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Berserker ()
tarooo1 ::
a ima kdo orginal? jaz sem danes dobil in ko se prijavim mi napiše Unable to log in. Please try again. ampak ne gre..
pomoč prosiiiiiiiiiiim!!
pomoč prosiiiiiiiiiiim!!
globoko grlo ::
baje majo en maintance, mal potrp al pa ju3 probej
če pa nimaš originala, pa itak ne bo šlo, hehe
če pa nimaš originala, pa itak ne bo šlo, hehe
Bananovec ::
Ko igro dobim nazaj, jo bom spet nabijal na polno. Bom probal kar se da daleč priti. Za zdaj pa igra pač sameva pri prijatelju.
Vredno ogleda ...
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