Forum » Igre » Igre 2009
Igre 2009
strictom ::
OFP2 bo total ownage! Sploh razni clan wari. 40vs40
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin
metek ::
vbs ma proti armi samo čistejšo sliko kar se pa špila tiče nebi reku da ma dx10 vsaj to kar sm jest vidu ni temu podobno
metek ::
Alan Wake mogoče bo pa res letos
to sm tut jest govoru že od leta 2002 ga delajo kao max payne 3
zakaj ne izbojšajo enemy territory
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: metek ()
Berserker ::
VBS se od arme razlikje nasplošno po tem da je starejši pa ni za folk. Pride okoli 500 dolarjev in je bolj izpopoljen.
legice ::
je že kdo kaj slišal glede Disciples 3?
že kake 2 leti nazaj je bila najvavljena pa je še zmeraj ni...
kaj pa evil genius 2?je v izdelavi,sam pa nism nč info našu o njej
že kake 2 leti nazaj je bila najvavljena pa je še zmeraj ni...
kaj pa evil genius 2?je v izdelavi,sam pa nism nč info našu o njej
Prekopu vrt in našu Bin Ladna
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: legice ()
destroyer2k ::
Dvomim da bomo še kdaj videli evil genius, ker kolikor se spominjam enka se zelo slabo prodajala.
Dvomim da bomo še kdaj videli evil genius, ker kolikor se spominjam enka se zelo slabo prodajala.
Berserker ::
Mene zanima kdaj pride igra iron grip warlord, sprva je baje bil to mod za halflife 2 kasneje so se lotili samostojne igre , igral sem demo sem bil kr vandušen , grafika je pač grda ampak igra me krt potegne ko pride 200 soveažnikov na bojišče pa jih čaka pripravljen MG. Sploh užitek je it to prek multiplayerja ko z prijatelji zadržujete prodor sovražnikov.
Berserker ::
Včeraj sem probal demo za hawx pa morem rečt da e bolj to tak, sej mesto dobro zgleda od zraka, ampak ko si tik nad tlemi pa je čisto grdo, ker se tanki ker če navidezne hiše vozijo, oz očitno je vse posneto z google earth pol pa malo hiš postavijo pa je toto, pri ubisoftovih igrah si vedno lahko pričakoval dobro zmodelirano okolico predvsem mesta v 3D kjub temu da ponekod nisi hodil.. Drugače so pa efekti kr cool tisto način ko klikneš ctrl je mal tečn se ga moreš navadit, drugače pa brez tega načina in manevriranja se sploh nemoreš otresti sovražnega letala, najboljša je taktika da z S jem popustiš afterburn narediš 360 obrat pol vključiš afterburn in si ti za njim. Igri bi dal oceno 70 pač zaradi efektov pa ker že dolgo nisem igral letalščin, nazadnje sem igral le top gun(kr dobra igra z raznolikimi misijami). No drug demo kar sem ga igral je pa bil codename panzers cold wars pa strategija podobna wordl in conflict , v demu sem opazil nekaj rušenja škoda da upepeljeni tanki izginejo čez čas, sicer pa pa me poleg WIC spominja ful na red alert 2.
bluefish ::
Jay: "Massgate has been taken down in preparation for the launch of World in Conflict: Soviet Assault. The process is estimated to be complete by 1700 GMT, March 10th. We apologise for any inconvenience caused!"
Upam, da bo v doglednem času SP tudi pri nas v trgovinah, (drugje) v EU menda 12ega.
MP mape pa bodo itak na voljo za brezplačen prenos.
Upam, da bo v doglednem času SP tudi pri nas v trgovinah, (drugje) v EU menda 12ega.
MP mape pa bodo itak na voljo za brezplačen prenos.
bluefish ::
najbrž ne. Dejansko se gre le za razširitveni dodatek z novo kampanjo. Morda so dodali kaj malega h samemu okolju, vendar dvomim.
edit: sem ravno zagnal igro in me je že opozorilo na nov popravek, ki pa vključuje predvsem fixe in nekaj malega sprememb pri samem vmesniku. Ob hitrem pregledu nekih bistvenih sprememb glede okolja ni.
edit: da bo natančneje:
World in Conflict Update
Update #010
This tenth update for "World in Conflict" makes the original version compatible for multiplayer games with the upcoming March release of "World in Conflict Complete" and "Soviet Assault". It also includes several new features and bug fixes. The missing maps issue preventing players from joining certain servers has been addressed, a new difficulty level has been added for bots, helicopters can now fire at targets directly beneath them, single-player missions have been balanced and tweaked in several ways, admin spectators can now chat to both teams and much more. For additional details on this update, "World in Conflict Complete" or "Soviet Assault" please visit
New features:
- Securom protection has been removed, the DVD disc is no longer required in the drive during Single Player play.
- WIC now has a launcher application that shows the latest news from Massgate.
--- A -playonline command line option has been added. When used, the game starts at the Massgate login window.
--- Command line options will function as previously after pressing the Start Game-button.
- Added option to set bot difficulty level. Add bots to a multiplayer game (LAN or Massgate) to create a skirmish game.
- Multiplayer servers with outdated maps or maps the user is missing are highlighted in red in the server browser.
--- The names of the missing maps are shown in red in the Info-pane.
--- User will be warned when joining servers with maps they are missing.
--- When server cycles to a map the user is missing, the user will be kicked from the server.
- Admin spectators can now chat to both teams.
- The units and names of your friends on Massgate will now be colored green (same as names in the friends-list).
- Improved feedback to the clients when the host quits the game.
- Rank balance has been disabled for servers with bots on.
- In-game links that previously pointed to Massgate, e.g. the user profile picture, will now open a web browser window to the corresponding page on
- Benchmark run now supports ghost runs and additional statistics.
- Improved compatibility with TV screens: Game now defaults to desktop resolution properly in 16:9 aspect ratios.
- Ad Hoc connectivity for wireless network cards. Windows XP users will need an update from Microsoft to run this.
- High resolution Line of Sight rendering on mini map and mega map (enable in Advanced Graphics options).
- Extra debris on explosions (enable in Advanced Graphics options).
Units and balancing:
- When an attack order is given while a unit is moving, the unit no longer stops before starting off towards the target.
- Increased visibility of TA markers.
- Max range and accuracy of Anti-Air Fortification has been increased.
- Armor piercing and blast radius of Carpet Bombing TA has been increased.
- Medium helicopters can now fire on targets directly beneath them.
- Demolition Engineers' "Demolition Charge" special ability now gives TA points and unit experience.
- Several balance changes and tweaks on Single Player missions.
Bug fixes:
- Improved the napalm and incendiary forest clearing code. Creating new paths to Command Points (on for instance Countryside) should now be a viable option.
- "Mute All" button should now always work.
- Fixed a bug where custom colors would sometimes carry over to other players.
- Fixed a bug where you could not vote via the buttons in the scoresheet.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes buildings would become untargettable for helicopters.
- Fixed a bug where helicopters could become impossible to attack during certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug where "Enter nearest transport" would stop working.
- Fixed a bug where a request icon would catch clicks when it shouldn't.
- Fixed a bug where a unit icon wouldn't catch clicks the way it should.
- Fixed a bug where the "Waiting for players" screen would show an incorrect number of players.
- Fixed a bug with line of sight rendering issues on some graphic cards.
- Fixed a bug where game crashed when using heat haze without water reflection.
- Fixed a bug in road rendering when switching between high and low shader settings
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong soundtrack to play on multiplayer end screens.
- Fixed various bugs on the do_Quarry map.
- Single Player missions now start automatically after the pre-mission prelude has finished.
- Seattle level has been optimized for better performance.
- Various stability issues have been solved.
- Several bug fixes and tweaks on Single Player missions.
edit: sem ravno zagnal igro in me je že opozorilo na nov popravek, ki pa vključuje predvsem fixe in nekaj malega sprememb pri samem vmesniku. Ob hitrem pregledu nekih bistvenih sprememb glede okolja ni.
edit: da bo natančneje:
World in Conflict Update
Update #010
This tenth update for "World in Conflict" makes the original version compatible for multiplayer games with the upcoming March release of "World in Conflict Complete" and "Soviet Assault". It also includes several new features and bug fixes. The missing maps issue preventing players from joining certain servers has been addressed, a new difficulty level has been added for bots, helicopters can now fire at targets directly beneath them, single-player missions have been balanced and tweaked in several ways, admin spectators can now chat to both teams and much more. For additional details on this update, "World in Conflict Complete" or "Soviet Assault" please visit
New features:
- Securom protection has been removed, the DVD disc is no longer required in the drive during Single Player play.
- WIC now has a launcher application that shows the latest news from Massgate.
--- A -playonline command line option has been added. When used, the game starts at the Massgate login window.
--- Command line options will function as previously after pressing the Start Game-button.
- Added option to set bot difficulty level. Add bots to a multiplayer game (LAN or Massgate) to create a skirmish game.
- Multiplayer servers with outdated maps or maps the user is missing are highlighted in red in the server browser.
--- The names of the missing maps are shown in red in the Info-pane.
--- User will be warned when joining servers with maps they are missing.
--- When server cycles to a map the user is missing, the user will be kicked from the server.
- Admin spectators can now chat to both teams.
- The units and names of your friends on Massgate will now be colored green (same as names in the friends-list).
- Improved feedback to the clients when the host quits the game.
- Rank balance has been disabled for servers with bots on.
- In-game links that previously pointed to Massgate, e.g. the user profile picture, will now open a web browser window to the corresponding page on
- Benchmark run now supports ghost runs and additional statistics.
- Improved compatibility with TV screens: Game now defaults to desktop resolution properly in 16:9 aspect ratios.
- Ad Hoc connectivity for wireless network cards. Windows XP users will need an update from Microsoft to run this.
- High resolution Line of Sight rendering on mini map and mega map (enable in Advanced Graphics options).
- Extra debris on explosions (enable in Advanced Graphics options).
Units and balancing:
- When an attack order is given while a unit is moving, the unit no longer stops before starting off towards the target.
- Increased visibility of TA markers.
- Max range and accuracy of Anti-Air Fortification has been increased.
- Armor piercing and blast radius of Carpet Bombing TA has been increased.
- Medium helicopters can now fire on targets directly beneath them.
- Demolition Engineers' "Demolition Charge" special ability now gives TA points and unit experience.
- Several balance changes and tweaks on Single Player missions.
Bug fixes:
- Improved the napalm and incendiary forest clearing code. Creating new paths to Command Points (on for instance Countryside) should now be a viable option.
- "Mute All" button should now always work.
- Fixed a bug where custom colors would sometimes carry over to other players.
- Fixed a bug where you could not vote via the buttons in the scoresheet.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes buildings would become untargettable for helicopters.
- Fixed a bug where helicopters could become impossible to attack during certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug where "Enter nearest transport" would stop working.
- Fixed a bug where a request icon would catch clicks when it shouldn't.
- Fixed a bug where a unit icon wouldn't catch clicks the way it should.
- Fixed a bug where the "Waiting for players" screen would show an incorrect number of players.
- Fixed a bug with line of sight rendering issues on some graphic cards.
- Fixed a bug where game crashed when using heat haze without water reflection.
- Fixed a bug in road rendering when switching between high and low shader settings
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong soundtrack to play on multiplayer end screens.
- Fixed various bugs on the do_Quarry map.
- Single Player missions now start automatically after the pre-mission prelude has finished.
- Seattle level has been optimized for better performance.
- Various stability issues have been solved.
- Several bug fixes and tweaks on Single Player missions.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bluefish ()
bluefish ::
Stvar pa tehta zajetnih 971MB.
Kolikor sem razumel na Massgate strani bo nov samostojen SP paket na voljo le v obeh Amerikah, drugje pa bo možno kupiti le Complete verzijo, ki je okoli 10€ dražja in je skupaj 25€ - še zmeraj precej poceni.
Me pa res zanima, kdaj se bodo trgovci pri nas zbudili.
Kolikor sem razumel na Massgate strani bo nov samostojen SP paket na voljo le v obeh Amerikah, drugje pa bo možno kupiti le Complete verzijo, ki je okoli 10€ dražja in je skupaj 25€ - še zmeraj precej poceni.
Me pa res zanima, kdaj se bodo trgovci pri nas zbudili.
Berserker ::
Tu je še en trailer sicer ne kaže gameplaya ampa knekaj pravi o zgodbi za singulary.
Tu je še en trailer sicer ne kaže gameplaya ampa knekaj pravi o zgodbi za singulary.
shark_nm ::
Da ne bom odpiral teme bom kar tukaj malo povprašal. Kaka vam je kaj fifa 09 ? Se že da delat kake trike pa to ali je use skupaj še vedno konzolaško
Rotaidal ::
Imaš temo za fifo 09
Fifa 09
Fifa na PCju je že eno 6 let tako zanič, da se gusarske nima smisla nalagat.
Če bi videl kakšna je Fifa na konzolah...Na pcju verjetno takšnega fuzbala nebo nikoli.
Fifa 09
Fifa na PCju je že eno 6 let tako zanič, da se gusarske nima smisla nalagat.
ali je use skupaj še vedno konzolaško
Če bi videl kakšna je Fifa na konzolah...Na pcju verjetno takšnega fuzbala nebo nikoli.
bluefish ::
za wic: sa bi z veseljem podprl ustvarjalce, vendar igre žal še ni pri nas in bo tako pač treba poseči po travniku.
Berserker ::
Heh a je ni? No to sem si vedno rekel tudi jaz , recimo za empire tw ker ga še nimajo v BB ga pač nebom kupil če mi je onemogočeno bom pač vlekel travniško, oz jutre bom še enrat šel pogledat zadnjič.
ahac ::
Heh a je ni? No to sem si vedno rekel tudi jaz , recimo za empire tw ker ga še nimajo v BB ga pač nebom kupil če mi je onemogočeno bom pač vlekel travniško, oz jutre bom še enrat šel pogledat zadnjič.
Če bi špil naroču preko neta bi ga že imel...
Slo-Tech Discord -
Berserker ::
Heh a je ni? No to sem si vedno rekel tudi jaz , recimo za empire tw ker ga še nimajo v BB ga pač nebom kupil če mi je onemogočeno bom pač vlekel travniško, oz jutre bom še enrat šel pogledat zadnjič.
Če bi špil naroču preko neta bi ga že imel...
Lol ker nisem len in ne kupujem nikoli prek neta ga pač nimam a prav ? Za mene obstaja samo trgovina nič drugačen način kupovanja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Berserker ()
Berserker ::
Ja je ampak sej sem povedal da prek neta ne kupujem nekaj je kriv poštar nekaj zamuda same slabe izkušnje zato raje grem sam v trgovino .
ahac ::
...kjer pa igre nimajo.
Čudno, da nisi šel v Mercator nakupovat špile...
Sicer maš pa E:TW tud na Steamu, kjer plačaš, downloadaš, igraš...
Lahko greš pa seveda tudi v resno trgovino z igrami (Mantis, ...).
Čudno, da nisi šel v Mercator nakupovat špile...
Sicer maš pa E:TW tud na Steamu, kjer plačaš, downloadaš, igraš...
Lahko greš pa seveda tudi v resno trgovino z igrami (Mantis, ...).
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()
Berserker ::
Tale možnost tazadnja se mi najbolj dopade, kakšni steam to odpade ker ne mislim nič preko kartice nakupovat, lenobe bodo pač prek neta naročale,a ti ahac hrano tudi prek neta naročuješ al kaj ?
ahac ::
Tale možnost tazadnja se mi najbolj dopade, kakšni steam to odpade ker ne mislim nič preko kartice nakupovat, lenobe bodo pač prek neta naročale,a ti ahac hrano tudi prek neta naročuješ al kaj ?
Nas itak ne briga, ampak je pa rahlo butasto, da sam sebi iščeš izgovore zakaj piratizirat.
a ti ahac hrano tudi prek neta naročuješ al kaj ?
Ne (še). Bi pa sigurno to naredil, če bi rabil točno določen izdelek, ki ga v lokalni trgovini ne bi dobil.
Slo-Tech Discord -
Berserker ::
Še ena igra od Creative Assembly strategija podobna end of wars upam da nebo isti krep.
Še ena igra od Creative Assembly strategija podobna end of wars upam da nebo isti krep.
laught ::
Zgleda bolj bogo,pa tut igralo se bo bolj bogo,vsaj na x360 pa ps3.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: laught ()
bluefish ::
tudi od te reči ne bi pričakoval preveč. Očitno še najbolj cilja na konzole iz porti iz njih so v večini primerov obupni.
Berserker ::
Ja ampak če delajo stvaritelji total war serije to ni kar tako poleg tega imam sam dober filing kako bi igral na konzoli nič twžkwga posebaj, težko je le to da ponavadi razvijalci dodatno otežijo gameplay, recimo total war serija bi se komot igrala lahko na konzoli sej ni nič drugače kot end of war ali LOTR BFME2 isto imaš skupek enot, celo lažje bi šlo saj je bojišče povečini travnato in ne urbano kot v EOW. Sej je prav če razvijajo za vse platforme, očitno imate pomisleke ali takoj črn scenarij ko se spomnite EOW.
laught ::
Zajle pride še godfather 2 nek napredek se vidi,glede na to da bojo avti meli prozorne šipe.
Berserker ::
Mene zanima če že kdo igra stormrise na pc, pa kakšno je kaj mnenje se splača igrat pa mogoče kupit, glede na to da so razvijalci creative asembly ? Igra je baje kr zahtevna za minimum zahteva dvojederni procesor, 1gb rama pa solidno grafo.
laught ::
Za noviga max payna so na povedli za konc leta letos(zimo),zadevo bo verjetno časovna ekskluziva za xbox 360 pa ps3,glede na to da na uradni strani kaže sam ps3 pa xbox
laught ::
Ja kot da jih je 50 iger z njim v glavni vlogi,wheelman res zgleda polom,sam riddick pa vemo da bo zakon če bo podobn kot prvi del.
Rotaidal ::
Eh meni se zdijo vse igre z vin dislom polomija.
Prvi del igre Riddick je bil odličen, tako grafika,kot gameplay.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Rotaidal ()
Berserker ::
Pa nevem no razen dobrega borilnega sistema in zgorelega vin dislovega glasa jaz nisem opazil nič kaj posebnega v tej igri, upam da se motim pa me zna igra presenetit.
Nekaj o CryENGINE 3
Nekaj o CryENGINE 3
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Berserker ()
laught ::
Ja saj že tut zgleda nena kaj preveč kaj tale cryengine 3 to bo mel crysis 2 al kaj?
destroyer2k ::
Ne cryengine 3 prirejena cryengine 2, ki je samo za konzole namenjena in podpira mmo igre za konzolo, kar cryengine 2 konzolska verzija ni to omogočala.
Ne cryengine 3 prirejena cryengine 2, ki je samo za konzole namenjena in podpira mmo igre za konzolo, kar cryengine 2 konzolska verzija ni to omogočala.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Dead space (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Igre | 4046 (1376) | dronyx |
» | Najbolj pričakovane igre (strani: 1 2 3 4 )Oddelek: Igre | 16165 (5825) | oo7 |
» | E3 se začenja ...Oddelek: Konzole | 1847 (741) | tiborrr |
» | Mirror's Edge (strani: 1 2 3 4 )Oddelek: Igre | 14177 (6205) | Tomozuki |
» | Chronicles of riddick: assault on dark athena (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Igre | 6541 (4766) | opeter |