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Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat - Half Life 2 Mod

Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat - Half Life 2 Mod

sparklyslo ::

Če koga zanima zastonjski mod za Half Life 2. Dovolj je le, da imate steam account + HL2 based game (CSS). Trenutno je beta, samo zadeva je kar igrabilna.

"Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat, or INS for short, is a realism-based Half-Life 2 modification, powered by the Source Engine. A public beta was released on July 2nd, 2007 and a patch to beta 1.1 was released 6 days later on July 8th. Soon after it was released, Insurgency became the most-played third-party mod on Steam.[1]"

"Insurgency is a modern, realistic, squad-based total conversion of Half-Life 2. Two forces, the Iraqi insurgency and the United States Marine Corps, battle for control over the various maps included with the mod. Each side is balanced in terms of gameplay, from the USMC having strong armor but low reinforcement rates, while the Insurgents have weak armor and high reinforcement rates."

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ivanuscha ::

Sem sprobal, je zakon. Precej je zvdušje kot v CoD.

Klemzz ::

mega je tale mod ja, sicr po 1/2h igranju sm ubil enega samega možicla :)

sparklyslo ::

I like the sound of M249

Ja res se hitro umira, ko slišiš ALAH AKHBAR je lahko že prepozno >:D

Vsepovsod je polno oken, vrat, zidov in raznih luken iz kjer lahko prileti metek

Klemzz ::

daj IP serverja & nick pa se ti joinam...drgače sm jst bol na DODS :)

Pesimist ::

V kaksnem smislu je realisticni? Damage pa to? Nimam prevec rad Quaka :D

LitralSM ::

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