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EVE Online

nosferatoo ::
No, pri nas pa corp ni sponzor članom, saj imamo samo 10% davka - opremo, ammo, ladje in skille si priskrbiš sam, corp skrbi za brezplačne empire v 0.0 in 0.0 v empire dostave z lastnim carrierjem.
Kot je rekel Elvoo, je PvPja toliko, kot ga hočeš sam, so pa tudi vsaj 1x na dan organizirane PvP patrole.
Lahko pa greš tudi sam lovit piratke, ki nam bolj ali manj dnevno uletavajo (ker smo jih nagnali iz sosednjega sistema in jim vzeli station
Kot je rekel Elvoo, je PvPja toliko, kot ga hočeš sam, so pa tudi vsaj 1x na dan organizirane PvP patrole.
Lahko pa greš tudi sam lovit piratke, ki nam bolj ali manj dnevno uletavajo (ker smo jih nagnali iz sosednjega sistema in jim vzeli station


BluPhenix ::
Pri nas itak sploh ni piratov, v bistvu so samo nevtralci ali pa rdeči minusi. So pa to navadno iz drugih alians, ki pridejo "na obisk". Ljudi, ki bi iskali priložnostne kille praktično ni.
Tako kot pravi BigW, pri nas je malo "piratov", tudi kakšnim rdečim minusom se večinoma izognemo, ker grejo v drugo smer, kjer je outpost, tako da če hočeš mir ga imaš, če hočeš kaj drugega se moraš malo zapeljat. Je pa zadnje čase precej veliko drugega.
Tako kot pravi BigW, pri nas je malo "piratov", tudi kakšnim rdečim minusom se večinoma izognemo, ker grejo v drugo smer, kjer je outpost, tako da če hočeš mir ga imaš, če hočeš kaj drugega se moraš malo zapeljat. Je pa zadnje čase precej veliko drugega.
Podpisa ni več, ker so me poskušali asimilirati.

BigWhale ::
Tehnicno gledano imamo pri nas tudi samo 10% davka. :P Vendar je stvar v tem, da direktnega denarja od pobijanja NPCjev ni. Ves denar pride od miniranja in predelave alloys & compounds v minerale in prodajo le teh. Produkcijo imamo postimano in mimamo prakticno za vse T1 stvari, ki jih nucamo BPOje. BPOji nam manjkajo predvsem za BSje, BC in C ladje, vendar z BPCji ni problem in se jih da dobiti. Imamo small in med ship assembly array, ter tovarne za vso ostalo opremo, tako, da je dovolj, da clovek napise mail kaj nuca in se mu to naredi. :)

Snegec ::
Kolk svetlobnih let pa je do vas? Pa kam moram jest stvari odpelat za contracte nareit, da mi pretovorte zadeve?
Snegec & Snežinka, mala potepinka.

BigWhale ::
Stvari je treba odvlect v Odebeinn, od tam je potem do nas cca 35 jumpov, give or take a few. Oziroma tri carrier jumpe.
Preden bos karkoli vlacil, daj spisek stvari, ki bi jih rad pretovoril, da ti povemo kaj se dejansko splaca sem vlacit in kaj ne. Pa da prej skoordiniramo stvari z enim carrier pilotom, da bo prepeljal stvari.
Preden bos karkoli vlacil, daj spisek stvari, ki bi jih rad pretovoril, da ti povemo kaj se dejansko splaca sem vlacit in kaj ne. Pa da prej skoordiniramo stvari z enim carrier pilotom, da bo prepeljal stvari.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BigWhale ()

bozjak ::
hvala za ponudbe, ampak v casu ko me ni bilo je moj corp dobil 0.0 access kjer je veliko pvp-ja, tako da bom ostal kar v mojem trenutnem corpu.

bozjak ::
Je komu ze uspelo naloziti revelations II? Men ze celo jutro ne dela stran, tako da ne morem downloadat patcha :S CE ostalim dela, a lahko naredite kaksen miror link?
Hvala, LP
EDIT: Sej zdej dela, sm ze v igri ;)
Je komu ze uspelo naloziti revelations II? Men ze celo jutro ne dela stran, tako da ne morem downloadat patcha :S CE ostalim dela, a lahko naredite kaksen miror link?
Hvala, LP
EDIT: Sej zdej dela, sm ze v igri ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bozjak ()

Snegec ::
Meni se je z vsemi 3mi karakterji uspelo skonektat včeraj ob 11h.. potem je pa nekako čudno nastala 200+ kolona podov, ki so čakali na connect. Imel sem srečo.
Snegec & Snežinka, mala potepinka.

rh^ ::
Dela. Jaz sem pač avtomatično updejtal, ko zaženeš igro in te to vpraša. Deluje vse brez problema. Kar pa je ful annoying pa je to, da moram na vsakem charu spet overview naštimat, grrr.

bozjak ::
ja pa bookmarkov ni vec :(
drugac pa je tale built-in-ship-scaner kr ruedu. Sm v domacmu sistemu najdu en pocket, sm biu kr veseu ;) Koncno exploration tud za nas, ki nimamo skillov...
drugac pa je tale built-in-ship-scaner kr ruedu. Sm v domacmu sistemu najdu en pocket, sm biu kr veseu ;) Koncno exploration tud za nas, ki nimamo skillov...

antonija ::
A ni zdej tko da na overview ne bo vec "common" plexov (ki se jih je prej videlo), ampak so namesto tega uvedli nov del scannerja? Recimo Rogue Drone infestation je bil prej viden na overview, zdaj naj bi ga nasel s scannerjem.... Se vedno pa rabis skille in probe za bolj high-level plexe
Statistically 3 out of 4 involved usually enjoy gang-bang experience.

destiny ::
To že, ampak z overviewa so zginle tud vse ostale stvari ala Ship Assembly Array itd. Bookmarkov pa še odprl nisem. Upam da jih bodo vrnil, če so res zginl.

antonija ::
ce si imel kje instalirano testno verzijo clienta pol se ti ni bo vrnilo. Zadeve spadajo pod cache ki se je prenesel v nov direktorij. Malo preberi na uradni strani kje je stari in kje novi direktorij in sam skopiraj (in upaj da bo delalo

Statistically 3 out of 4 involved usually enjoy gang-bang experience.

Snegec ::
Jaz pri sebi v novem Cache direktoriju najdem samo screenshote in loge. Vsi trije karakterji še vedno imajo vsak svoj Cache direktorij (3je separirani EVE folderji), pa tudi prefs so od vsakega v onem,. Bom pa popizdil, če bo treba za vsakega posebej vsakič štimat stvari.
Mi je pa všeč to, da je veliko manj laga, oz je loadanje precej krajše.
Mi je pa všeč to, da je veliko manj laga, oz je loadanje precej krajše.
Snegec & Snežinka, mala potepinka.

BigWhale ::
Hehe drone regije so postale precej bolj zanimive... ;) Ljudje sicer nekaj jamrajo ampak ce te napade 9x BS spawn, ki se kar respawna znova in znova je kr groovie.
En corp v nasi blizni je spucal en complex in vsega skupaj pridelal 2.5bil ISK. Kar je precej lepo.. hehe :)
Sicer je pa mene najbolj razjezilo to, da sta PG in CPU indikator izginla :( moras vedno odpirat fitting window, ce refitas ship... Drugace pa precej dobrodoslih sprememb. Corp wallet ima koncno transactions view, remote management hangarjev, moznost, da nastavis standing za cel alliance. :)
Kar se pa heata tice, pa ne vem. Moram stestirat, sem eden izmed srecnezev, ki ima prerequsites. :))
En corp v nasi blizni je spucal en complex in vsega skupaj pridelal 2.5bil ISK. Kar je precej lepo.. hehe :)
Sicer je pa mene najbolj razjezilo to, da sta PG in CPU indikator izginla :( moras vedno odpirat fitting window, ce refitas ship... Drugace pa precej dobrodoslih sprememb. Corp wallet ima koncno transactions view, remote management hangarjev, moznost, da nastavis standing za cel alliance. :)
Kar se pa heata tice, pa ne vem. Moram stestirat, sem eden izmed srecnezev, ki ima prerequsites. :))
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BigWhale ()

BluPhenix ::
A ja? Povej kaj več, pa tudi kakšno sliko bi lahko prilimal

Podpisa ni več, ker so me poskušali asimilirati.

BluPhenix ::
Ja problem je edino to, ker so nam zaplombirali vrata v rudnik ... damn CCP
Vsak patch popravi tisto kar je bilo uredu in pokvari tisto kar je bilo pokvarjeno
/me gre po tavelike klešče ... odtrgamo plombo in gremo v penzijo

Vsak patch popravi tisto kar je bilo uredu in pokvari tisto kar je bilo pokvarjeno

/me gre po tavelike klešče ... odtrgamo plombo in gremo v penzijo
Podpisa ni več, ker so me poskušali asimilirati.

BluPhenix ::
Hehe sem ravno prebral. Prvi pravi legit kill titana. Super. Čeprav si po killmailu pohvale zasluži bolj RA kot pa goon, ampak si oboji zaslužijo.
Killmail je zanimiv dread, dread, dread, carrier, dread, carrier ...
Aja tip, ki ga je vozil je po eve-o forumu leader BoB-a, to je en izmed njegovih altov. Ponižjujoče
Killmail je zanimiv dread, dread, dread, carrier, dread, carrier ...

Aja tip, ki ga je vozil je po eve-o forumu leader BoB-a, to je en izmed njegovih altov. Ponižjujoče

Podpisa ni več, ker so me poskušali asimilirati.

Tilen ::
Uporabja pa univerzalen izgovor - lag. 
Za tiste, ki slučajno berete to temo in ne veste kaj je titan [skupaj z mano]]:)
Titans are the largest ship type in EVE, rivaling major cities in size. They can perform the same fleet functions and support roles as the Mothership (Cloning, Ship maintenance arrays, Ship/Items hangars), and are the only capital ships which can create jump portals through use of the 'Jump Bridge Array', which enables escort and support ships to move from system to system without the aid of a stargate. Even though a Titan is a massive logistical advantage for the individual or corporation who possesses one, using a Titan in a combat role is often seen as undesirable. While large, their defensive and offensive capabilities are still overshadowed by the Dreadnought and Mothership class capital ships. They do, however, have the capacity to provide more logistical support to a fleet from behind the front lines than any other capital ship, especially when it concerns the Jump Bridge Array. The only real offensive capability of a Titan aside from Capital Sized Weapons is a huge omni-directional Superweapon capable of destroying whole fleets of battleships in a single shot - although taking an hour to recharge after a single blast as well being prevented from jumping for 10 minutes. Superweapons used to be able to fire at Cynosural fields in the same system, allowing a Titan to remotely destroy fleets from a safe position, though this was removed in the Revelations II patch.
Successful construction of a Titan requires high levels of secrecy, as well as months of skill training and research. This need was demonstrated when Lotka Volterra's second, under construction Titan was destroyed by a combined Curse Alliance, Goonswarm, Red Alliance, and other Coalition member fleet. Currently, a Titan takes approximately eight weeks to build (in real time), not including its primary components which are required for construction. One Titan class exists for each major faction.
On September 25 2006, ASCN (Ascendant Frontier) unveiled their Titan (an Amarr Avatar), which was later confirmed by EVE community manager Kieron to be the first player built Titan on Tranquility. On that day, video footage of the titan was released by ASCN. Since then, Band of Brothers has unveiled their own Titan (also an Avatar), and both ASCN and Band Of Brothers have made extensive use of their Titans on the battlefield. On December 8 2006, Lotka Volterra inaugurated the third known Titan (a third Avatar) with a surprise attack that destroyed 215 enemy ships with a single shot.[7] Shortly afterwards, Dusk and Dawn alliance (D2) unveiled their own Erebus Titan, a Gallente design with bonuses to the armor of its fleet. This is the first Erebus to be built in the game.
The Avatar remains the most common type of Titan, with three having been built before any other faction Titan was completed. To date, Eight Titans have been confirmed; three of the Avatar class, three of the Erebus class, one Ragnarok class, and one Leviathan class Titan as of April 2007.
Eve's first Titan destruction occurred on the 11th of December 2006. The Band Of Brothers alliance caught the Ascendent Frontier (Avatar class) titan in a deep safe spot in the C9N-CC system.[8] They destroyed her with a large force of battle and capital ships while the ASCN pilot was apparently offline.[9] The second demise of a Titan, also at the hands of Band of Brothers, occurred in the YZ-LQL system by capitalizing upon intelligence provided by a spy within Dusk and Dawn's alliance. The Titan's pilot was covertly aggressed a few seconds before he logged out of the game. Because he had been aggressed, however, the Titan was not removed from the game universe and remained in space, unmanned. The vessel was summarily attacked and destroyed.[citation needed]
The first mid-combat Titan Kill was in June of 2007 when The Goonswarm Allience killed a Band of Brothers Avatar. As it was mid combat many belive that this was the first legitimate titan kill.
Due to the special status of these ships, represented by their size, cost, and firepower, all wreckage from destroyed Titans remains in space.

Za tiste, ki slučajno berete to temo in ne veste kaj je titan [skupaj z mano]]:)
Titans are the largest ship type in EVE, rivaling major cities in size. They can perform the same fleet functions and support roles as the Mothership (Cloning, Ship maintenance arrays, Ship/Items hangars), and are the only capital ships which can create jump portals through use of the 'Jump Bridge Array', which enables escort and support ships to move from system to system without the aid of a stargate. Even though a Titan is a massive logistical advantage for the individual or corporation who possesses one, using a Titan in a combat role is often seen as undesirable. While large, their defensive and offensive capabilities are still overshadowed by the Dreadnought and Mothership class capital ships. They do, however, have the capacity to provide more logistical support to a fleet from behind the front lines than any other capital ship, especially when it concerns the Jump Bridge Array. The only real offensive capability of a Titan aside from Capital Sized Weapons is a huge omni-directional Superweapon capable of destroying whole fleets of battleships in a single shot - although taking an hour to recharge after a single blast as well being prevented from jumping for 10 minutes. Superweapons used to be able to fire at Cynosural fields in the same system, allowing a Titan to remotely destroy fleets from a safe position, though this was removed in the Revelations II patch.
Successful construction of a Titan requires high levels of secrecy, as well as months of skill training and research. This need was demonstrated when Lotka Volterra's second, under construction Titan was destroyed by a combined Curse Alliance, Goonswarm, Red Alliance, and other Coalition member fleet. Currently, a Titan takes approximately eight weeks to build (in real time), not including its primary components which are required for construction. One Titan class exists for each major faction.
On September 25 2006, ASCN (Ascendant Frontier) unveiled their Titan (an Amarr Avatar), which was later confirmed by EVE community manager Kieron to be the first player built Titan on Tranquility. On that day, video footage of the titan was released by ASCN. Since then, Band of Brothers has unveiled their own Titan (also an Avatar), and both ASCN and Band Of Brothers have made extensive use of their Titans on the battlefield. On December 8 2006, Lotka Volterra inaugurated the third known Titan (a third Avatar) with a surprise attack that destroyed 215 enemy ships with a single shot.[7] Shortly afterwards, Dusk and Dawn alliance (D2) unveiled their own Erebus Titan, a Gallente design with bonuses to the armor of its fleet. This is the first Erebus to be built in the game.
The Avatar remains the most common type of Titan, with three having been built before any other faction Titan was completed. To date, Eight Titans have been confirmed; three of the Avatar class, three of the Erebus class, one Ragnarok class, and one Leviathan class Titan as of April 2007.
Eve's first Titan destruction occurred on the 11th of December 2006. The Band Of Brothers alliance caught the Ascendent Frontier (Avatar class) titan in a deep safe spot in the C9N-CC system.[8] They destroyed her with a large force of battle and capital ships while the ASCN pilot was apparently offline.[9] The second demise of a Titan, also at the hands of Band of Brothers, occurred in the YZ-LQL system by capitalizing upon intelligence provided by a spy within Dusk and Dawn's alliance. The Titan's pilot was covertly aggressed a few seconds before he logged out of the game. Because he had been aggressed, however, the Titan was not removed from the game universe and remained in space, unmanned. The vessel was summarily attacked and destroyed.[citation needed]
The first mid-combat Titan Kill was in June of 2007 when The Goonswarm Allience killed a Band of Brothers Avatar. As it was mid combat many belive that this was the first legitimate titan kill.
Due to the special status of these ships, represented by their size, cost, and firepower, all wreckage from destroyed Titans remains in space.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Tilen ()

rh^ ::
Ja Shrike je od SirMolleja alt. Molle pa je CEO od BoBa.
Tako je zgledalo na Ra/Goon TS, ko je Titan bil down.
Tako je zgledalo na Ra/Goon TS, ko je Titan bil down.

BluPhenix ::
Hm če se ne motim so gooni nalašč zalagali server, da titan ni mogel dobit kaj dosti okrepitev.
No vsaj nekdo da enkrat BoB po glavi. Končno titani niso več tako neuničljivi kot prej, zdej bo še zanimivo
No vsaj nekdo da enkrat BoB po glavi. Končno titani niso več tako neuničljivi kot prej, zdej bo še zanimivo

Podpisa ni več, ker so me poskušali asimilirati.

rh^ ::
Buy orderji so po 2400 v empire trenutno. Nazadnje pred patchom ko sem pogledal je bilo okoli 2000. Nimam pojma kako je v Jiti, ker se probam izogibat tistega sistema ;).

Mavrik ::
Your account has been re-activated
Včasih prav sovražim svojo šibkost

The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

BluPhenix ::
Torej, kdaj nam prideš delat družbo v 0.0 ?

Podpisa ni več, ker so me poskušali asimilirati.

BigWhale ::
Ja, Mavrik, ce si upas pridi k nam. ;) Samo, pri nas zdrzijo samo najmocnejsi... No al pa najbolj vztrajni... :P
Jaz sem sicer zadnje dva dni off-line, ker cakam preklop linije ampak so tle drugi, ki te lahko uvedejo... ;>
Jaz sem sicer zadnje dva dni off-line, ker cakam preklop linije ampak so tle drugi, ki te lahko uvedejo... ;>

Snegec ::
3 easy steps of starting in EVE again.
Step1: Transfer all your ISK to Sylphy.
Step2: Contract all your items+ships to Sylphy at 0 ISK cost
Step3: Be a noob again.
Step1: Transfer all your ISK to Sylphy.
Step2: Contract all your items+ships to Sylphy at 0 ISK cost
Step3: Be a noob again.
Snegec & Snežinka, mala potepinka.

antonija ::
In zakaj bi kdorkoli nakazel ves dnar in vse ladje dal neki allianci?? Me no get it...

Statistically 3 out of 4 involved usually enjoy gang-bang experience.

rh^ ::
Jah zato da štartaš ponovno iz nule. V tem je poanta te "fore" :).
Sicer pa čez 24 ur začnem z invention HACov. Manjka mi samo še en skill na lvl 4 in se podam v nevarne vode. Upajmo, da bo kej sreče ;).
Sicer pa čez 24 ur začnem z invention HACov. Manjka mi samo še en skill na lvl 4 in se podam v nevarne vode. Upajmo, da bo kej sreče ;).

rh^ ::
Zaenkra timam skille za caldari (torej vse caldari t2 ship). Če bo vse skupaj uspešno bom začel še druge race.

BigWhale ::
Pri nas pa pocasi zacenjamo z nekaj osnovne T2 opreme (datacorom je cena padla, hehe).
Mislim, 'zacenjamo', en clan bo to pocel. Pa ce bomo dobili vsaj nekaj opreme, ki jo bomo lahko naredili sami, bo ze to dovolj.
Mislim, 'zacenjamo', en clan bo to pocel. Pa ce bomo dobili vsaj nekaj opreme, ki jo bomo lahko naredili sami, bo ze to dovolj.

BigWhale ::
Zaenkrat se nic ne proizvajamo. Bomo pa. Kaj tocno pa se ne vem. EAN II in DCU II sigurno. :)

Mavrik ::
Ja, Mavrik, ce si upas pridi k nam. ;) Samo, pri nas zdrzijo samo najmocnejsi... No al pa najbolj vztrajni... :P
Jaz pa sem mislo da nas, grde kapitaliste, pri vas nimate radi, pa se raje tam naganjate okoli z dronei

The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

Blazzz ::
Ali ima kdo mogoce naskillan Cruiser Construction lvl5, bi rabu ene par CSjev zbildanih. Seveda se zmenmo za neko provizijo


Mavrik ::
Mi smo sicer kapitalisti navzven, samo notranja ureditev je komunisticna... ;)
Kaj pa zahteve? Imate kaj določenega, kar zahtevate od nadebudnih rekrutov?

The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

rh^ ::
Jaz imam (moj alt) lvl 4, production efficency pa je na lvl 5 tako, da če mi prineseš vse materiale oz. nekje pripraviš lahko komot kak HAC naredim.
Jaz imam (moj alt) lvl 4, production efficency pa je na lvl 5 tako, da če mi prineseš vse materiale oz. nekje pripraviš lahko komot kak HAC naredim.

Snegec ::
Hmm.. kak viidm, če lahko v NPC stationu bildam Capital shipe? ;)
Edit: Empire space jasno. 0.5 or above.
Edit: Empire space jasno. 0.5 or above.
Snegec & Snežinka, mala potepinka.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Snegec ()
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