več strani - Lastniki omrežja -- "Sovrstnik do sovrstnika" oz. Peer to Peer -- KaZaA so vložili tožbo proti filmskim in glasbenim založbam. KaZaA namreč trdi, da založbe enostavno ne razumejo digitalne dobe in da držijo monopol čez zabavo.
Celotne članke lahko najdete na straneh:
Novice » Tožbe » KaZaA udari nazaj
ragnarock ::
peer 1 /pI@r/ noun [C]
1 EQUAL someone who is the same age, or who has the same social position or abilities as other members of a group
pier /pI@r/ noun [C]
a long structure that is built from the land out over the sea and sometimes has entertainments, restaurants, etc on it
1 EQUAL someone who is the same age, or who has the same social position or abilities as other members of a group
pier /pI@r/ noun [C]
a long structure that is built from the land out over the sea and sometimes has entertainments, restaurants, etc on it
FlipeR ::
Do it to me baby!!!
#Paranoja #Kučanjekriv #Putinjekriv #Prekletirdečkarji :)
#Paranoja #Kučanjekriv #Putinjekriv #Prekletirdečkarji :)
daking ::
Koncno se je en mal za nas zavzel...
Your only possession is time...and you are wasting it!
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Programski patenti proti P2POddelek: Novice / Industrijska lastnina | 4338 (3394) | Microsoft |
» | KaZaA je legalna (vsaj na Nizozemskem)Oddelek: Novice / Avtorsko pravo | 3022 (3022) | Mr.B |
» | Konec KaZaA LiteOddelek: Novice / Ostala programska oprema | 3023 (3023) | blank3 |
» | kateri P2POddelek: Omrežja in internet | 1661 (1402) | gumby |
» | Morpheus ??Oddelek: Pomoč in nasveti | 1436 (1175) | pivmik |