Slo-Tech - Nad Muskovim skorajšnjim prevzemom Twitterja ni univerzalnega navdušenja, temveč odzivi segajo od velikanskega odobravanja do pozivov uporabnikom k alternativam. Musk je za veliko prahu poskrbel sam s svojimi ekscentričnimi komentarji in vztrajnim ponavljanjem, da se zavzema za svobodo govora v najbolj dobesednem pomenu besede. Medtem ko se Twitter trenutno vsaj na načelni ravni bori proti dezinformacijam, sovražnemu govoru, nadlegovanju in nezakonitim vsebinam, bi bil Musk precej bolj popustljiv, če gre soditi po njegovih izjavah; sebe imenuje absolutist svobode govore (free speech absolutist).
Precej manj pa je Musk toleranten do drugačnih mnenj pri svojih zaposlenih. Ko je Tesla odpuščala, so odslovljeni podpisovali sporazume, ki so vsebovale klavzule s prepovedjo blatenja podjetja (non-disparagement clause). To v industriji ni nič nenavadnega, vsekakor pa ni ravno v slogu absolutne svobode govora. Musk ima na Twitterju blokiranih precej ljudi in organizacij, ki mu sedaj - utemeljeno ali ne - očitajo, da niti to ni v tem duhu. Musk je bil tudi večkrat nezadovoljen s pisanjem novinarjem o njegovem delu in podjetjih ter želel avtorizirati članke (ne intervjujev) o podjetju. Še posebej zabavno pa je bilo Muskovo nezadovoljstvo z računom na Twitterju, kjer so se redno objavljali podatki o poteh njegovega zasebnega letala.
Na prevzem se je odzvala tudi Evropska komisija. Komisar Thierry Breton je Muska opozoril, da mora Twitter v EU spoštovati nova pravila o digitalnih trgih in storitvah, sicer se obetajo visoke globe ali celo prepoved delovanja v EU. Pri tem je meril na pravila o moderiranju nezakonitih in škodljivih vsebin, ki se morajo tudi v liberalni Evropi odstranjevati z globalnih platform. Ne zgodi se pogosto, da komisarji tako strogo opozorijo novega lastnika podjetja, saj v tem primeru ni šlo za združitev oziroma nakup podjetja od podjetja v sorodni branži, temveč bo obstoječe podjetje zgolj dobilo novega lastnika. Twitter je Breton opozoril še, da so zagrožene globe do šest odstotkov letnih prihodkov.
Musk je že pred tem dejal, da je svoboda govora osnova delujoče demokracije, Twitter pa je digitalni mestni trg, kjer potekajo debate o ključnih stvareh za prihodnost človeštva. V nasprotju z Muskovim mnenjem javna debata ne predstavlja prizorišča, kjer lahko vsakdo kriči, kar mu pade na pamet, temveč tudi zanjo veljajo pravila in mora biti kulturna. Amnesty International se je zato odzval z zadržano izjavo, v kateri opozarjajo, da se Twitter ne sme spremeniti v platformo za širjenje sovražnega govora in napadov na uporabnike, zlasti ranljive družbene skupine. Twitter ima že sedaj probleme s tem, kaže zadnje poročilo Amnesty International.
Novice » Tožbe » Evropska komisija preventivno opozarja bodočega Twitterjevega lastnika
mtosev ::
Jaz se tukaj strinjam z EU komisijo. Musk bo pač rabil upoštevati naše (EU) zakone ali pa sledijo kazni.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
lynxslo5 ::
Amnesty international finacira Soroš tako kot polovico EU parlamenta. Če bi Soroš kupil Twitter, bi v EU komisiji ploskali.
Lonsarg ::
Nujno potrebujemo porast P2P messaging/social platform, ki so brez lastnika. Pa naj EU regulira to če jim rata ;)
Furbo ::
Kaj kvasijo oslarije, kdo so bili pa prej lastniki, sami angeli?
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
pegasus ::
Nujno potrebujemo porast P2P messaging/social platform, ki so brez lastnika. Pa naj EU regulira to če jim rata ;)Pa saj to imamo že 20+ let? Ubistvu 40+ let, če prav pomislim ... In na srečo nič ne blinkajo, piskajo in skačejo, zato jih današnja mladina ne samo ne uporablja, pač pa sploh ne pozna. In naj tako ostane.
mtosev ::
Jaz (M)irc seveda poznam samo ga nisem nikoli uporabljal.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Absolutna svoboda govora khm khm...po kriterijih anarhista.
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!
Forza ragazzi!
endelin ::
Evropska komisija je smeh.
Preventivno opozarjajo haha.
A si jim financerji iz Open Society naročili preventivno opozorilo?
Preventivno opozarjajo haha.
A si jim financerji iz Open Society naročili preventivno opozorilo?
MKrmec ::
Svaka mu čast! Če bi jest mel tut tolk dnarja, bi kupu vse te GNILE socialne medije in jih ali zbrisal ali pa nehal z ABSOLUTNO cenzuro, ki jo izvajajo ti mediji zdaj.
Trenuten problem je samo, da se pokvarjena podjetja bojijo, da se bo platforma nucala za resnico in ne samo njihovo propagando.
Trenuten problem je samo, da se pokvarjena podjetja bojijo, da se bo platforma nucala za resnico in ne samo njihovo propagando.
Lonsarg ::
Nisem rekel da rabimo implementirat, itak da obstaja to že od vedno, potrebujemo porast uporabe.Nujno potrebujemo porast P2P messaging/social platform, ki so brez lastnika. Pa naj EU regulira to če jim rata ;)Pa saj to imamo že 20+ let? Ubistvu 40+ let, če prav pomislim ... In na srečo nič ne blinkajo, piskajo in skačejo, zato jih današnja mladina ne samo ne uporablja, pač pa sploh ne pozna. In naj tako ostane.
In to "blinkanje in piskanje" je lahko naprimer en minimaliziran App Layer on top of P2P network, da zadostimo razvajeni mladini.
Zadeva sicer rabi hudi marketing, če bi napšrimer Musk 44 miljard vrgel v kaj takega je uspeh zagotovljen. Samo on je tekač na kratke proge ne na dolge in hoče hitrejše zmage, tak da se najbrž ne bo nikoli kaj takega lotil. Pa tudi gleda seveda precej na dobiček, firmi se pa ne splača svojih vrednih podatkov dajati na P2P network vsem v potencialno uporabo, če pa raje to tržijo zase, logično -> kar je tudi direktni razlog zakaj trenutno P2P šepa, manj profita je v tem.
tilen03 ::
Ja, najbogatejši Zemljan bo prinesel lep svet. In obenem zaslužil ![:))](
Ta človek bo rešil svet... Criticism of Tesla @ Wikipedia
Ta človek bo rešil svet... Criticism of Tesla @ Wikipedia
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: tilen03 ()
Polda ::
Ja, najbogatejši Zemljan bo prinesel lep svet. In obenem zaslužil
Ta človek bo rešil svet... Criticism of Tesla @ Wikipedia
Prej bo on rešil svet kot tvoj Golobnjak Slovenijo.
Pa zanimivo, da si tako proti svobodi govora. A pri vaši stranki je samo gibanje svobodno ? Se pravi Golobnjak vam bo pustil hodit ampak morali boste bit pa tiho ?
Phantomeye ::
Oberyn ::
Se pravi, na Twitterju se obeta absolutna svoboda izražanja v okviru tistega, kar bo Musk odobril. Kul. Torej nobene bistvene razlike glede na obstoječe stanje, le okvir absolutne svobode izražanja bo odrejal nov lik v igri.
nirburu ::
Elysium ::
Censorship equals Fascism.
The trouble with Socialism is that eventually
you run out of other people's money.
The trouble with Socialism is that eventually
you run out of other people's money.
MrStein ::
IRC ni p2p
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
mr_chai ::
Jaz pravim, da naj vrne Twitterju nazaj svobodo govora. Pa četudi bo spet gor Trump ali ekstremna desnica, ki bo pozivala k vnovičnemu holokavstu. Dokler bomo take skrajneže tiščali dol, jim dajemo samo še dodaten zagon in prepoznavnost.
Preprosto se mora vzpostaviti popolnoma ideološko odprta družba, ker samo na ta način lahko pridemo do točke, kjer bodo pozivi skrajnežev samo še pomilovanja in posmehovanja vredna. Tako pa ustvarjamo napetosti, kjer ti skrajneži dobivajo nov zagon na alternativnih medijih.
Preprosto se mora vzpostaviti popolnoma ideološko odprta družba, ker samo na ta način lahko pridemo do točke, kjer bodo pozivi skrajnežev samo še pomilovanja in posmehovanja vredna. Tako pa ustvarjamo napetosti, kjer ti skrajneži dobivajo nov zagon na alternativnih medijih.
Lonsarg ::
Tako je, namesto brisanja se naj take poste označi na način, da se jih čim bolj osmeši in je to to. Brisanje ima kontra učinek.
Tudi analogni svet pozna anologijo tega, bedaki lahko gredo marsikaj se dret na ulico pa se jim bo večina smejala.
Tudi analogni svet pozna anologijo tega, bedaki lahko gredo marsikaj se dret na ulico pa se jim bo večina smejala.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lonsarg ()
anoq ::
Saj zato se Muska ni odstranilo. Ima preveliko medijsko moc, take imbecile je treba sami drzat na kratki ketni. Ker je folk preveč neumen.
Prodaja twitterja je manjše zlo, kot blokada slednjega.
Prodaja twitterja je manjše zlo, kot blokada slednjega.
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!
Forza ragazzi!
endelin ::
Levi so privatizirali misli na redditu. Močni modi
Naj twitter pokaže da še vedno obstaja moźnost svobode govora.
Ni čudno da snezinkice tako sovražijo twitter
Naj twitter pokaže da še vedno obstaja moźnost svobode govora.
Ni čudno da snezinkice tako sovražijo twitter
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
tilen03 ::
Desni: facts dont care about your feelings. In fact je, da so bannani desnaki z razlogom bannani.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: tilen03 ()
zee ::
Twitter je dober, Facebook je slab ... najboljse je pa hladno pivo. ![:))](
Sam povem.
Sam povem.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
HotBurek ::
Sej tudi torrenti niso čisto p2p.
Ta del, discovery, mora bit p2p. Ker v nasprotnem primeru ugasneš domeno, in gre vse dol.
Verjetno bi si morali pošilja datoteke z pointerji, nekak direktno...
Ta del, discovery, mora bit p2p. Ker v nasprotnem primeru ugasneš domeno, in gre vse dol.
Verjetno bi si morali pošilja datoteke z pointerji, nekak direktno...
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window
endelin ::
Sam resno. Po katerem namigu Evropska komisija preventivno opozori? Zakaj je za njih Musk sporen, da je treba preventivno opozarjati? Spet na delu histerija v Bruslju, ker Musku ni treba klačeplaziti pred nikomer?![:D](
Evropska ljudska stranka kao vlada evropi dolga leta. A obnašajo se kot da bi bili pudlji nekaterih "organizacij".
Musk, ti samo odblokiraj, saj veš koga. Že zaradi prvega comeback tvita bo vredno
Evropska ljudska stranka kao vlada evropi dolga leta. A obnašajo se kot da bi bili pudlji nekaterih "organizacij".
Musk, ti samo odblokiraj, saj veš koga. Že zaradi prvega comeback tvita bo vredno
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
gus5 ::
poweroff ::
Alternativna tehnologija že obstaja:
Infosec strokovnjaki se zadnje dni pospešeno selijo na Mastodon.
Infosec strokovnjaki se zadnje dni pospešeno selijo na Mastodon.
sudo poweroff
mtosev ::
Alternativna tehnologija že obstaja:
Infosec strokovnjaki se zadnje dni pospešeno selijo na Mastodon.
Super. Povej ko pride mainstream folk gor. Dvomim, da bo to kmalu.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()
kuall ::
CoolBits ::
HOLY SHIT! The EU Commissioner, Thierry Breton, warns Elon "There are rules", and he must follow them and listen to the EU about moderating content online. This is EXTREMELY telling.
First of all, what business does the EU have telling a private citizen of a non-European country, what he can and cannot do with his privately owned company? The EU can fuck right off. If they want to ban Twitter from individual countries, be my guest, but Elon doesn't have to do shit. And he's not concerned about your 6% fine for not listening to your bullshit rules. We have "fuck-you money" on our side now.
But why is this so significant? It proves the FEAR of free speech introduced to Twitter, from GLOBAL AND FOREIGN oligarchs and establishment. As now, someone they do not control, now controls what their sheep will be exposed to on the internet. Which they can't have happen if they want to remain in power. Mass awakening ends their reign.
This also proves that the ongoing attack on conservatism and free speech is GLOBAL. And the control over US elections and public relations is part a GLOBAL agenda. A GLOBAL entity is at work to keep people across the planet blind to the truth of what's happening to this world.
Not that we needed it, but it's just more proof that the deep state/Illuminati/globalists exist, and they are at war with Freedom of Speech. And they are very very concerned about the introduction of Free Speech, almost as if they have something to hide that they don't want us talking about...
Well they don't want us talking about anything at all, but the biggest secret they are aiming to keep, is everything pertaining to C19. They can't let people like me command the airwaves, spreading the truth that world governments conspired to create biological weapons and released it on the populace to generate government emergency powers, implement a one world global government and complete totalitarian control of all aspects of human life, under the guise of "public safety".
THATS why the EU are freaking out and issuing these statements. Because Free Speech poses an impassable obstacle to their operation. As soon as the public knows that C19 was man-made, and that factions within many world governments are coordinating the creation of more biological weapons and can create "pandemics" on command... it's over. Even the most brainwashed of sheep won't be able to rationalize that. They will all wake up.
And think about how Free speech on the internet ties into the Russian military operation in Ukraine, and how the EU and NATO are represented by the same countries. How it behooves the countries of the EU and NATO to maintain their control of what information people are allowed to see, as both Russia and China are still accusing NATO and the US of creating biological weapons.
It all ties together and they are telling you with their actions how important control of information is to their operation of keeping the world populace brainwashed.
You best start believing in Orwellian Dystopias... you're in one.
First of all, what business does the EU have telling a private citizen of a non-European country, what he can and cannot do with his privately owned company? The EU can fuck right off. If they want to ban Twitter from individual countries, be my guest, but Elon doesn't have to do shit. And he's not concerned about your 6% fine for not listening to your bullshit rules. We have "fuck-you money" on our side now.
But why is this so significant? It proves the FEAR of free speech introduced to Twitter, from GLOBAL AND FOREIGN oligarchs and establishment. As now, someone they do not control, now controls what their sheep will be exposed to on the internet. Which they can't have happen if they want to remain in power. Mass awakening ends their reign.
This also proves that the ongoing attack on conservatism and free speech is GLOBAL. And the control over US elections and public relations is part a GLOBAL agenda. A GLOBAL entity is at work to keep people across the planet blind to the truth of what's happening to this world.
Not that we needed it, but it's just more proof that the deep state/Illuminati/globalists exist, and they are at war with Freedom of Speech. And they are very very concerned about the introduction of Free Speech, almost as if they have something to hide that they don't want us talking about...
Well they don't want us talking about anything at all, but the biggest secret they are aiming to keep, is everything pertaining to C19. They can't let people like me command the airwaves, spreading the truth that world governments conspired to create biological weapons and released it on the populace to generate government emergency powers, implement a one world global government and complete totalitarian control of all aspects of human life, under the guise of "public safety".
THATS why the EU are freaking out and issuing these statements. Because Free Speech poses an impassable obstacle to their operation. As soon as the public knows that C19 was man-made, and that factions within many world governments are coordinating the creation of more biological weapons and can create "pandemics" on command... it's over. Even the most brainwashed of sheep won't be able to rationalize that. They will all wake up.
And think about how Free speech on the internet ties into the Russian military operation in Ukraine, and how the EU and NATO are represented by the same countries. How it behooves the countries of the EU and NATO to maintain their control of what information people are allowed to see, as both Russia and China are still accusing NATO and the US of creating biological weapons.
It all ties together and they are telling you with their actions how important control of information is to their operation of keeping the world populace brainwashed.
You best start believing in Orwellian Dystopias... you're in one.
mtosev ::
You best start believing in Orwellian Dystopias... you're in one.
I won't. I would like to thank you for your concern.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
CoolBits ::
These entities purposely amplify the voices of the insane.
It doesn't matter that they are outnumbered 20 to 1.
The algorithms and the network heads make damn sure that all Americans see day after day is how degenerated our society has become and how much "support" there is for CRT, LGBTQ, Black lives matter, Green energy, Ukraine, etc.
Smoke and mirrors.
Divide and conquer.
The Biden admin is a perfect example of this.
The man has had a 30% approval rating since last year, battles severe dementia, the Military ignores him and he doesn't have access to the White House.
Yet the MSM and Big Tech have been able to convince the majority of this country that Joe is in control and still has plenty of support from his "base".
A MASSIVE part of this entire scheme to fool Americans has been the progressive echo chamber known as Twitter.
Twitter has quite literally been a site mainly comprised of bots, algorithms and celebrities that are used to plant mental seeds and then reinforce those ideas with boatloads of fake support.
The average person sees that a thought from someone they admire has exploded with likes and will therefore be likely to adapt that line of thinking regardless of their true beliefs on the subject.
For many people it feels good to be part of the "majority".
For others it's important to support anything that goes against Conservative values or Donald Trump.
The election steal being nonsense, the J6 insurrection, Russiagate, Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation...
All of these false narratives were spread like wildfire on Twitter. Any dissenting opinion was banned.
For the past year, Twitter has essentially become a place for progressives to receive their daily marching orders on what to think and who to hate.
It's a gigantic brainwashing mechanism that propagates the liberal agenda and produces a mirage of equalness between the two political parties that simply doesn't exist.
The soul of America has not changed.
The United States has ALWAYS been overwhelmingly Conservative.
Cali is RED.
Democrats don't "win" elections.
However, the weapons these vile creatures use to stay in power are dropping left and right...
Left wing media outlets are dead.
Election rigging is exposed.
VOTER ID laws are being established.
People no longer follow the stars.
The liberal agenda is exposed.
We The People are rediscovering our true power.
Twitter truly was their last hope.
And now it's gone...
The TRUTH is truly a force of nature.
These entities purposely amplify the voices of the insane.
It doesn't matter that they are outnumbered 20 to 1.
The algorithms and the network heads make damn sure that all Americans see day after day is how degenerated our society has become and how much "support" there is for CRT, LGBTQ, Black lives matter, Green energy, Ukraine, etc.
Smoke and mirrors.
Divide and conquer.
The Biden admin is a perfect example of this.
The man has had a 30% approval rating since last year, battles severe dementia, the Military ignores him and he doesn't have access to the White House.
Yet the MSM and Big Tech have been able to convince the majority of this country that Joe is in control and still has plenty of support from his "base".
A MASSIVE part of this entire scheme to fool Americans has been the progressive echo chamber known as Twitter.
Twitter has quite literally been a site mainly comprised of bots, algorithms and celebrities that are used to plant mental seeds and then reinforce those ideas with boatloads of fake support.
The average person sees that a thought from someone they admire has exploded with likes and will therefore be likely to adapt that line of thinking regardless of their true beliefs on the subject.
For many people it feels good to be part of the "majority".
For others it's important to support anything that goes against Conservative values or Donald Trump.
The election steal being nonsense, the J6 insurrection, Russiagate, Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation...
All of these false narratives were spread like wildfire on Twitter. Any dissenting opinion was banned.
For the past year, Twitter has essentially become a place for progressives to receive their daily marching orders on what to think and who to hate.
It's a gigantic brainwashing mechanism that propagates the liberal agenda and produces a mirage of equalness between the two political parties that simply doesn't exist.
The soul of America has not changed.
The United States has ALWAYS been overwhelmingly Conservative.
Cali is RED.
Democrats don't "win" elections.
However, the weapons these vile creatures use to stay in power are dropping left and right...
Left wing media outlets are dead.
Election rigging is exposed.
VOTER ID laws are being established.
People no longer follow the stars.
The liberal agenda is exposed.
We The People are rediscovering our true power.
Twitter truly was their last hope.
And now it's gone...
The TRUTH is truly a force of nature.
hamez66 ::
BigWhale ::
Musk je dalec od tega, da bi bil absolutist v smislu svobode govora. V bistvu se glede tega dejansko grdo laze. Folk mu pa iz nekega razloga verjame. Folk je naceloma glup.
In na koncu dneva Twitter zaradi Muska ne bo nic boljsi.
In na koncu dneva Twitter zaradi Muska ne bo nic boljsi.
belo mleko ::
Prve spremembe se že poznajo, brisani profili se vračajo. Če bo naredil logaritme še javne, pa bo sploh super. Upam da tudi za nazaj, da vidimo kakšne svinjarije so počeli s shadow bani ipd. Bo pa zato mnogo penastih, to je že jasno, sploh med woke klientelo.
Avenger ::
Seveda svetovni vladi ni všeč, ko je nekdo kupil njihovo orodje, zdaj v paniki vlečejo agresivne poteze. Opozorili so ga, da mora spoštovati nova pravila - ki so bila sprejeta kot direkten odgovor na nakup twitterja. Pokvarjeno do konca. Ampak se pa dobro vidi kje kdo stoji. EU je del svetovne vlade, twitter je bil orodje in zdaj ko ni več njihov, poskušajo levu izbiti zobe.
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.
Mike_Rotch ::
Desni: facts dont care about your feelings. In fact je, da so bannani desnaki z razlogom bannani.
Daleč od fakta je to.
Banani niso samo desničarji. Razlogi za ban so precej različni in v nekaterih stojijo na precej trhlih temeljih.
Še bolj očitna postane agenda tviterja, ko pogledaš kdo vse NI banan.
Prospekt ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
Prve spremembe se že poznajo, brisani profili se vračajo. Če bo naredil logaritme še javne, pa bo sploh super. Upam da tudi za nazaj, da vidimo kakšne svinjarije so počeli s shadow bani ipd. Bo pa zato mnogo penastih, to je že jasno, sploh med woke klientelo.
Kako pa se boriš proti spam boti, če imaš vse odprto, zastonj in javno?
AlienRR ::
Nujno potrebujemo porast P2P messaging/social platform, ki so brez lastnika. Pa naj EU regulira to če jim rata ;)Pa saj to imamo že 20+ let? Ubistvu 40+ let, če prav pomislim ... In na srečo nič ne blinkajo, piskajo in skačejo, zato jih današnja mladina ne samo ne uporablja, pač pa sploh ne pozna. In naj tako ostane.
Sone na Freenetu?
You can override the laws of thermodynamics with sufficient sudo access.
Poldy ::
Pravilno, naj se malo premeša. Je res da pri konstruktivni debati ne moreš kričati kar vsepovprek, ampak sovražni govor je danes itak vse, kar nočemo slišati.
Glugy ::
Musk je že večkrat jasno pokazal da ni absolutist svobode govore v praksi in da se njegove besede večkrat izkažejo za neresnične.
Je pa fenomenalni tržnik in je izjemno dobr izurjen v marketingu. To kar je rekel je rekel zato da že vnaprej pritegne podporo da spodbije dvome ker bi te lahko pripeljali do odtekanja uporabnikov.
Je pa fenomenalni tržnik in je izjemno dobr izurjen v marketingu. To kar je rekel je rekel zato da že vnaprej pritegne podporo da spodbije dvome ker bi te lahko pripeljali do odtekanja uporabnikov.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Elon Musk želi prevzeti Twitter (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Novice / Nakupi / združitve / propadi | 19303 (7452) | 111111111111 |
» | Musk kupil skoraj desetino TwitterjaOddelek: Novice / Nakupi / združitve / propadi | 6640 (1630) | BigWhale |
» | Evropska komisija preventivno opozarja bodočega Twitterjevega lastnika (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Tožbe | 12337 (8512) | Bela_Krajina |
» | Twitterjev odbor naj bi motril Muskovo prevzemno ponudbo - in jo sprejel (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Novice / Nakupi / združitve / propadi | 18834 (14512) | endelin |
» | Musk zaradi afere s tvitom oglobljen z 20 milijoni dolarjev, odstopa kot prvi mož upr (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Tožbe | 23690 (19107) | Truga |