Slashdot - Nekateri tuji bloggerji, ki so pogosto pisali o Microsoftu, so ta božič dobili zanimiva presenečenja. Softverski gigant jih je namreč obdaril z dragimi Acerjevimi laptopi (serija Ferrari), opremljenimi s procesorji AMD Turion 64 X2 2 GHz, dvema gigabajtoma pomnilnika ter ATi-jevim Moblity Radeonom x1600. Darila so dobili popolnoma brezplačno, brez kakršnihkoli obvez in opomb v drobnem tisku, vprašanje pri celi zadevi pa je, če gre le za dobro voljo Microsofta ali za manj etično dejanje podkupovanja.
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Novice » Grafične kartice » Microsoft obdaril naklonjene bloggerje

Pyr0Beast ::
Se nebi čudil, če bi se vžigali >:)
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Pyr0Beast ::
... mogoče XD
Vidim, da bo za novo leto res -pokalo- xP
Vidim, da bo za novo leto res -pokalo- xP
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

lambda ::
haha, Microsoft
Čas zadnjega sporočila: 03.07.2006 22:30:18
Uporablja alter/vrgel računalnik skozi okno/ga je ugrabil MS?
mystery ...
Čas zadnjega sporočila: 03.07.2006 22:30:18
Uporablja alter/vrgel računalnik skozi okno/ga je ugrabil MS?
mystery ...

MrStein ::
Smrtna kazen za omembo lin**
Tokrat brez milosti
Tokrat brez milosti

Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

Matevžk ::
Nekateri tuji bloggerji, ki so pogosto pisali o Microsoftu, ...
A pa je blo treba sam lepe stvari pisat? Tko, da za naslednje leto vem ...

lp, Matevžk

borchi ::
microsoft zdej pravi, da so jim notebooke sam posodli. za review.
tem tipom se pa zadnje čase res nič več ne posreči.
tem tipom se pa zadnje čase res nič več ne posreči.

Matevžk ::
Pa smo spet offtopic
Sem sicer hotel podati odgovor na naslednjo trditev, ki se bo v kratkem pojavila (we shall see), pa bom zaenkrat tiho ...
Enivej, meni se to ne zdi tako zelo sporna poteza Microsofta. Vse do tiste točke, ko so se začeli sprenevedati in darila preimenovali v 'review' robo ...

Sem sicer hotel podati odgovor na naslednjo trditev, ki se bo v kratkem pojavila (we shall see), pa bom zaenkrat tiho ...
Enivej, meni se to ne zdi tako zelo sporna poteza Microsofta. Vse do tiste točke, ko so se začeli sprenevedati in darila preimenovali v 'review' robo ...
lp, Matevžk

gzibret ::
> Pa smo spet offtopic
Ne ne, nismo več
Offtopic posti (ki se nanašajo na mentalno stanje piscev novic na Slashdotu) so postali rdeči.

Ne ne, nismo več

Vse je za neki dobr!

Daedalus ::
So na Arstechnici lepo razložli, kaka je sitacija - Sex, lies, and the Microsoft blogger laptop scandal.
This practice is not uncommon. Product developers and manufacturers are often itching to give out freebies to tech influencers because it's smart marketing. Do you really think Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal goes to some secret underground Apple Store to buy his hot new iPod to review a month before it's even announced? Do you think hardware review sites sneak into processor fabs late at night to gain access to hardware samples that won't be on retail shelves for months? Do you really think they're sending all of that stuff back? Some are, some aren't, and to be honest, I have no idea if Mossberg keeps the top-secret stuff he's sent or not. For someone like Mossberg or someone like me, keeping the stuff isn't one-fifth as important as just having access to it in a timely fashion. That whole angle has been largely lost in this discussion, and it's a shame.
This practice is not uncommon. Product developers and manufacturers are often itching to give out freebies to tech influencers because it's smart marketing. Do you really think Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal goes to some secret underground Apple Store to buy his hot new iPod to review a month before it's even announced? Do you think hardware review sites sneak into processor fabs late at night to gain access to hardware samples that won't be on retail shelves for months? Do you really think they're sending all of that stuff back? Some are, some aren't, and to be honest, I have no idea if Mossberg keeps the top-secret stuff he's sent or not. For someone like Mossberg or someone like me, keeping the stuff isn't one-fifth as important as just having access to it in a timely fashion. That whole angle has been largely lost in this discussion, and it's a shame.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.
he is responsible for everything he does.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Daedalus ()
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