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Nov test

Nov test

Slo-Tech - Naš najnasmejanejši™ admin alien-w je za vas pod drobnogled vzel zunanjo zvočno kartico singapurskega podjetja Creative, Sound Blaster Extigy. Ali zunanje zvočne kartice lahko proizvedejo kvaliteten zvok? Kaj vse je v paketu? Pa cena? Berite!

11 komentarjev

Jux ::

Opozoril bi samo na napako.
Extigy (kot tudi Audigy) ne obdelujeta zvoka 24bit/96khz ampak zgolj 16/48.
Pa da mi ne boste tezil: vir.
web&blog&etc: http://lukabirsa.com

Jux ::

ups.. pa tud 100db šum/signal razmerje ne velja... Beri zgoraj!
web&blog&etc: http://lukabirsa.com

alien-w ::

Na digit-life so zapisali:
All those Creative products marked with "100 dB SNR" and "24 bit 96 kHz" suit for computer acoustic systems, including even the most expensive Creative MegaWorks 510D computer speakers at $400.

Jux ::

your point Alien-W?
web&blog&etc: http://lukabirsa.com

Jux ::

Before going any further, however, we'd like to make a couple of small things clear. In fact, ever since Creative Labs first rolled out the Audigy, they have been making claims about their communications card, which is questionable, to say the least. First of all, they claim that it is capable of 24-bit sound sampling at 96 kHz. The 24-bit logo appears all over the place - on the box, on the installation CD, even on the product itself. Yet it has been confirmed, even by Creative Labs' own technicians, that neither the Audigy nor the Extigy are capable of recording or playing 24-bit sound at 96 kHz. There is actually entry-level support that the card automatically downmixes to 16 bits / 48 kHz to process the sound. So why is the 24-bit logo featured on packaging for products such as the Extigy or the Audigy cards? Then there is the fact that this same logo indicates a signal-to-noise ratio of 100 dB, where our tests have shown that neither the Audigy nor the Extigy are capable of levels above 90 dB -- and even this is less than optimal, for both analog and digital.
web&blog&etc: http://lukabirsa.com

alien-w ::

Sem se sedaj ša malo bolj poglobil sem notr, in spet navajam nekaj iz digit-lifea, kjer so izvedli teste:
Also note that 106 dB A and 103 dB A is A-weighted noise power with no signal. Creative in its Extigy FAQ gives a wrong definition of SNR: "less noise at any given signal level". With signal this parameter falls to -95 dB for the front channel and -90 dB for others (THD+N).
Nekako so izgleda vzeli povprečje... signal in brez signala, čeprav se strinjam, da je to zavajanje kupcev, saj je to signal/šum in ne brez signala.

Je pa res tole:
It seems that the recording is implemented in the 8bit/22kHz mode and then calculated into 24bit/96kHz.
in tole:
At last, we have the 24bit/96kHz mode which is currently working incorrectly.
, toda funkcija 24bit/96kHz ostaja, čeprav trenutno še ne dela najbolje.

Sergio ::

tle je fora samo v tem, al verjet tehničnim specifikacijam, ki jih navaja Creative, al verjet Digit-Lifeovi "pravi audiofilski resnici".

v vsakem primeru to ne deteriorira bistva testa, ki ostaja: Audigy in Extigy imata zelo zelo podobno kakovost zvoka. Okej? :D
Tako grem jaz, tako gre vsak, kdor čuti cilj v daljavi:
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.

Jux ::

Ne se jezit, sam hotu sem vas opomnit na napake, ker je zaradi doticnih lastnosti (torej razmerje suma in kvaliteta vzorcenja) kartica malo slabsi nakup za koga ki se profesionalno ukvarja z glasbo - tudi mojega kolega je to zavedlo in se se zdaj tepe po glavi da si ni kupil terratecove karte, ki stane priblizno isto, vendar res podpira 24/96.

Pa brez zamere sergio, ta objava je bila tu samo zato da je opis boljsi in bolj popoln.
web&blog&etc: http://lukabirsa.com

Jux ::

glede tehnicnih specifikacij pa tole:

Yet it has been confirmed, even by Creative Labs' own technicians, that neither the Audigy nor the Extigy are capable of recording or playing 24-bit sound at 96 kHz.
web&blog&etc: http://lukabirsa.com

alien-w ::

Jux: zamere ni nikakrsne in sem prav zadovoljen, da si argumentirano povedal tole... samo jest se vedno pravim, da podpora JE, samo izkoriščena pač še ni... (ker drugače verjetno tega ne bi napisali) drugače pa je res, da je to bolj kartica za igračarje in poslušanje glasbe... samo v tem pogledu je pa vseeno odlična! :D

Sergio ::

Jux: nikjer nobene zamere! Glede tvojega aspekta ti dam popolnoma prav in bom rekel alienu, naj za opozorilo bralcem za zaključkom doda še en odstavek, ki tvoje videnje opiše.

hvala :D
Tako grem jaz, tako gre vsak, kdor čuti cilj v daljavi:
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.

Vredno ogleda ...

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