Sem se sedaj ša malo bolj poglobil sem notr, in spet navajam nekaj iz digit-lifea, kjer so izvedli teste:
Also note that 106 dB A and 103 dB A is A-weighted noise power with no signal. Creative in its Extigy FAQ gives a wrong definition of SNR: "less noise at any given signal level". With signal this parameter falls to -95 dB for the front channel and -90 dB for others (THD+N).
Nekako so izgleda vzeli povprečje... signal in brez signala, čeprav se strinjam, da je to zavajanje kupcev, saj je to signal/šum in ne brez signala.
Je pa res tole:
It seems that the recording is implemented in the 8bit/22kHz mode and then calculated into 24bit/96kHz.
in tole:
At last, we have the 24bit/96kHz mode which is currently working incorrectly.
, toda funkcija 24bit/96kHz ostaja, čeprav trenutno še ne dela najbolje.