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Google pixel 7 pro kupil pokvarjen

Google pixel 7 pro kupil pokvarjen

mangoslo ::

od enga nemca sem kupil pixel pro in po 5 minutah začne se zvok ko se pogovarjaš pačit...vedno po 5 minutah govora....postane zvok robotski in začne prekinjat...
so rekli na googlu naj uveljavim garancijo, ki je še...ampak telefon je očitno kupljen v GB ne ebayu in moraš iti fizično v GB in tam dat popravti telefon...saj ne moreš verjeti kako google jebe folk...tako da sem zdaj ostal s pokvarjenim telefonom s katerim ne morem komunicirat več kot 5 minut
  • predlagal izbris: ALT ()

Legon ::

In kaj tocno ima google s tem, da te je nek nemc nategnil kot elastiko?

Odogovornost za napake je praviloma stvar trgovine, ce je ta v GB toliko slabse zate.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Legon ()

japapajade ::

Mogoče rešitev iz interneta:

I was going to post an update and here I am. Here's my finding and possible workaround.

I have gone through 3 brand new Pixel 7 phones. The store I bought send a 3rd and all three phones had the same issues. All of them were new and completely sealed. I also had a colleague tested on his phone and same issue did indeed occur. Around 8-10 minutes EVERYTIME is where the distortion/crackle happens on all 3 phones.

We tested with both sim cards and both had it.

Here's where the interesting part starts. One of the Dutch providers (50 PLUS) as of 2023 does not support VOLTE and still requires you to have 2G calling enabled otherwise you will not be able to make any calls. Second provider which is a pretty big provider (KPN) in the Netherlands had the same issue. KPN does have VOLTE on by default you do not have to enable manually. However KPN has the same issue, at 8-10 minutes sounds become distorted/crackled. This happens every time.

Then what is the solution? After I turned off 2g calling the issue was gone. No crackle, no distorted sounds. Called for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hourrs. No issues at all. So the issue lies with 2G calling feature. Somehow Pixel 7 has support issues with this old tech.

People have been reporting crackle issues since the 2022 release. My guess is Google has not bothered fixing it or dedicate resources to it because its an old tech. Not enough people have this issues. 2G should be phased out completely soon in most countries. Sadly my main phone plan with 50 PLUS is one of the very few that do not support VOLTE and requires you to enable 2G. Unfortunately I'm out of luck until they support VOLTE :(

Then what about if you need to have 2g enabled? No VOLTE support from your provider? Then you are sadly out of luck and most likely this issue won't be fixed. I also downloaded Android 14 BETA which is currently in phase 4. This issue still persists in Android 14 BETA.

Hopefully this helps. If you have a provider that supports VOLTE then turn off 2G calling.

Še reddit thread:


Zgodovina sprememb…

mangoslo ::

ja vem za 2g is sem že izklopil ampak ko izklopim me ne more nihče več klicat? Ne vem v čej je finta? Saj mi kaže da je 4g signal...in če 2G izklopim je telefon nedosegljiv

klical sem ponudnika in pravi da 2G mora biti vklopljen kajti za klicanje in sprejemanje klicev uporabljajo 2g...in ne 4g...ne morem verjet kako stara tehnologija je še v slo

folk ne kupujte šrota od googla

Zgodovina sprememb…

tikitoki ::

Reklamacija pri ebayu. Ce nisi zamudil roka, in napaka bi bila omenjena pri prodaji, je to verjetno najlazja resitev.

Druagce pa poslji v VB na popravilo.

mangoslo ::

NE moreš poslat telefona na popravilo v VB.....moraš fizično tja it...google je prfukjen totalno

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Google Pixel (strani: 1 2 3 471 72 73 74 )

Oddelek: Mobilne tehnologije
3650762100 (1001) hunter01

Prispel je iPhone 4 (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 )

Oddelek: Novice / Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod
34788656 (77845) Bor H

Nov članek: "All your firmware are belong to us" (strani: 1 2 3 )

Oddelek: Novice / Nova vsebina
13816493 (13333) arrigo


Oddelek: Programska oprema
168022 (7507) freejack

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