Forum » Navijanje » Do koliko grem lahko pri GeForcu X 5600 ?
Do koliko grem lahko pri GeForcu X 5600 ?

Cranchi ::
Zdravo torej zanima me do kje imate kej navite te karte oz ce imate kake podatke do priblizno do kje je pametno iti brez tveganja..
trenutno laufa na 325/500
ib sicer je sledeca karta
trenutno laufa na 325/500
ib sicer je sledeca karta
- zavarovalo slike: OwcA ()

Grimlord ::
Probaš, in testiraš
...greš po korakih, npr. 5, 10 MHz... pa testiraš v npr. 3DMarku2001SE Nature test, tam se najboljše vidijo artefakti....

Iz malenkosti nastane popolnost in popolnost ni malenkost.

The B ::
Ena stvar k jo dobis zraven omeginih gonilnikov je tud kul. Testirala nej bi artefakte ki nastanejo zarad prevec navitga rama. Drgac pa preden unics vids da je zlo narobe
: "sneg", "kri" in ostale stvari ki jih prej ni blo. Sam pocas pa bo! B

The End Is The Beginning Is The End...

HiNaVeC ::
Jaz jo navijam preko WinFoxa in trenutno tece 341/529
Dalje se pa nisem sprobaval- me pa tudi zanima kolk bi slo!!!
Dalje se pa nisem sprobaval- me pa tudi zanima kolk bi slo!!!

BoLhCa ::
f... no! noben ti ne more povedat do kolk se lohk navije! probej, testiraj pa bos videl. k bojo artifakti znizej na zadnjo delujočo frekvenco in to je to! NOBEN "isti" izdelek se ne navije enako, torej mas dve grafi in en jo navije na 315, enmu pa joka ze pri 280!

Tic ::
Ja0.... d0h :)
Sam resnu. Dej do konca pa je. Lahko je konc pri 1 al pa pri 2 mhz.
Be optimistic
Sam resnu. Dej do konca pa je. Lahko je konc pri 1 al pa pri 2 mhz.
Be optimistic

persona civitas ;>

freejack ::
Če bi vedel kolk ns so rami, bi ti še znal teoretično povedat, kaj je možno, tko pa ti kr prlepim kr en post, ki sn ga glih pred pol urami (že 100tič pisal)
That is one thing nobody can tell you. Because even if you have identical cards, there still is no guarantee that they would both o´clock identical.
Like said, with 2.8ns rams, speed should go up to 714mhz, still there is no guarantee, blaim it on bios?
In my opinion, when o´clocking a video card, the best thing to do, is; make sure your card has proper cooling, overclock (FIRST) your RAM [as far as it will go], then (SECOND) your core, both in steps 3-4MHz, checking for instabilities, with programs such as 3DMark 2001SE, Artifact Tester, and so on (you really should read cooling for newbs (sticky))... Speeds need time to burn in, so don´t go setting vcore to 800 just yet . Set a speed, do some tests, play some games (cause artifacts and instabilities can sometimes only be seen later, after a couple of gaming hours)... Hell, take a week to overclock you card, do it nice and slow, thoroughly. You might want to flash your card with another bios, raise the voltage...
How far will you be able to push your card?
When you see artifacts or instabilities, increase voltage, if voltage already raised, set up a proper cooling, if proper cooling is already set up, back off, lower frequency untill it becomes stable again, and THAT is your limit.
Za več info čekiraj rage3d
That is one thing nobody can tell you. Because even if you have identical cards, there still is no guarantee that they would both o´clock identical.
Like said, with 2.8ns rams, speed should go up to 714mhz, still there is no guarantee, blaim it on bios?
In my opinion, when o´clocking a video card, the best thing to do, is; make sure your card has proper cooling, overclock (FIRST) your RAM [as far as it will go], then (SECOND) your core, both in steps 3-4MHz, checking for instabilities, with programs such as 3DMark 2001SE, Artifact Tester, and so on (you really should read cooling for newbs (sticky))... Speeds need time to burn in, so don´t go setting vcore to 800 just yet . Set a speed, do some tests, play some games (cause artifacts and instabilities can sometimes only be seen later, after a couple of gaming hours)... Hell, take a week to overclock you card, do it nice and slow, thoroughly. You might want to flash your card with another bios, raise the voltage...
How far will you be able to push your card?
When you see artifacts or instabilities, increase voltage, if voltage already raised, set up a proper cooling, if proper cooling is already set up, back off, lower frequency untill it becomes stable again, and THAT is your limit.
Za več info čekiraj rage3d

Cranchi ::
Ok ze od 7 zjutraj se igram z navijanjem in najnovejsi podatki so da sm spavil GeForc FX 5600 na premoznih 631/398 mhz.. kar mislim da je zlo dober rezultat.. su sm do 700/450 vendar so se ze pojavljali artefakti, vendar vseeno je med 631/398 in 631/398 se kar nekaj razlike tko da je se nekaj malega v rezervi.. se podatek da se je jedo karte grelo na 59°C..
Lep pozdrav
Lep pozdrav

Mobidick ::
Jaz imam Albatrona FX5600P navitega trenutno iz privzetih 325/500 na 400/650. Če dam Autodetect, mi pokaže 407/667 sam še nisem probal.
Pa še 3DMark03:
Pa še 3DMark03:
The future is digital!
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